xt72804xh75m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72804xh75m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1967 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 38, 1967 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 38, 1967 1967 1967 2012 true xt72804xh75m section xt72804xh75m J ,   , I J
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 l l
. A mbition, in any area, is too often regarded disparagingly———  l
as a poor trait; an unworthy characteristic. ·
i But had it been lacking in our founders we would not have
N  a nation, a Commonwealth or a University. l
i "He's too ambitious" is said of many. But many of these -
  achieve and contribute much to the whole society.
  Among our alumni, the ambitious have been the most suc-
 i cessful———and many have helped make possible the progressive i
l growth and value of their Alma Mater.
, Over the years, University of Kentucky administrations E
` have been ambitious for UK to become one of the nation's V
greatest institutions of higher learning. Their efforts have too .
often drawn unjust criticism. i  
g A nd now, because a forward-looking Administration seeks A
5 additional farm acreage to meet the vital research needs of an A
z expanding College of Agriculture, the cry of "too ambitious" is A
  heard once more. ig
fg A 5l—year—old oration appearing in this issue gives an .
  example of a driving ambition——0ne generated perhaps by envy
il ——but one which saved Greek culture for the world. C
i A
  nd so we alumni———motivated by loyalty, pride, and grati— A
t tude for the education we received—are ambitious for our Uni-
i versity to preserve and enhance its culture and to achieve a 5
. level of excellence that will shine among our sister institutions
‘ . over all the nation. Only thus can the University offer the grow- i
. ing numbers of future students even greater benefits than those i
l we ourselves received.

/ as  
", i
t '° K 2
F all 1967 V 0lume.X%(I Issue 4  
The Kentucky Alumnus is published quarterly, by the University of Kentucky  
Alumni Association and is issued to all alumni and friends who are active members of I
the Association.
Editor C ontents
\V. B. Aiuirtnr Educational TY for Kentuclcians .................................................... 2 .
_\[gnggin;; Editor ·'\llll)lllOllZ How It Saved Creek Culture .....................,...,....,.,,...... 6
].u‘ BI\L'B[FIEI.l) The Business Stake in Higher Education .................................... 11  
° Alumni News Editor UK Dehaters and Their Tro hies ...i................................................ 16
·"‘D·°‘ D' REFBORD New Techniques in Medical Diagnosis ........................................ 18
    Tll(‘ :XI“tlStI`}` of RH}`]]]Ol1(l BHI`I1l]3l'lf C€l1t€I`p1EC€  
E ·x . Ncrrizn . . . . . , 2
mlprigidmt C,()ll]lllllDli}` Medicine Raises kentucky Health Level ................ 23 2
C O L Basketball; Prospects for the Season ............................................ 27 i
. imiuzs . sxnizusi
Vice Prcsidmt .·\luinni Going Forward ............................,....................................... 28
  MRS. JOE F. MORRIS (ilass Notes ........................................................................................ 38
Treasurer ‘
Miss Hmsex C. Kixc l
DiI`(’(`l‘OT of Edited hy the Department of Public Relations and printed under its direction. Sec-
Alunzni Aga"? ond class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky 40506.
C(l\`1jl{: The c/em:. clear .S'llH.S']liIl(‘
of (§i·em·<· fu/Is- .s!iH upon I/ie .—\crop0]is
' —.sym/2oI of Greek cul/urc .S'(Il`(’(I for
the u·orIrI by the ambition and dw
Irwnziiuzlion of 'l`/1cnzi.sfocie.s·.

   t i
2     it exists and, with the aid of architect`s models, (lI`t[\\‘.
    ' ings, animated film tllltl a narrative (lCS()l`ll)tl()ll ln
»       Pineville`s Tom Prather, president of the 7()()-111e1nlit·'[
g; Little Shepherd Trail Associatioii, you take a trip in.
·   l to the future to see how the trail is going to look.
  . For yo11 its perhaps tl1e first ti1ne tll(‘ wraps llil\`t·
g   been taken off the greatly intriguing story of th,.
    . development of the 100-pl11s—111ile scenic trail l)ltlllll('ll
Z   l   for the top of Pine Mountain between Pineville ant]
‘ §i‘ \Vhitesburg. \Vhich shape will it take—a lll()llIIllllll
1   , top Coney Island or a [)l`iStlllL‘l}'-[)l`(‘S(‘I`\'(‘(l wiltleriiett
{     BU Robert M' Hendw.Sm, area? \Vhat’s it going to be like, how will it get that
I   · 1 __\·S_SiStant to the Executive Director way} when, land most nnportantly, what will 1t lll('Qlli
g   l Kentuckl Author"! for Educational Television to Kentucky. The Little bhephertl frail group hopet
. . J J
{ ’ to develop answers to these questions.
{     mln n thdnsnnd f€€t nP th€ Ynhdw Fibhnn which Educational Tcfevi.s·ion—KI£NTUCl()` ('(fll(`(lHt)]|(;[
?   1 F traces the outline of the razor—backed mountain teIei;ision—couIrl ])I'(’.S'(’}lf those (lIl.S'll`(’I'.S'.
I     tOp below is only b2lI`€lY diSC€f11ibl€ HS fi 1'08d- According to (). Leonard Press, executive director The
T     Th€U, F15 Y0U begin to descend, th€ f0Pr€l’S focus b€‘giU5 of the Kentucky .·\uthority for Etlucatioiial Television gntunzn
.     to sharpen, Cars are visible in turn Off spots Hlld tents this is only o11e of many ambitious ideas that hit
Q     squat like mushrooms on campground sites. Near ll been discussed by his stall as possible inaterial ".n1·- .
;   , . . . ,, _ Countiai
,   i small lake kids are playing around a fleet of trailers home m ;mtimm_ 196S_
    L and campers. Smoke rises ifOlU tl1€ Chi1UU€Y of H There are any number of exciting TV possibilities refufsen
;   rustic picnic shelter. the new network can do about tll(‘ state of K(‘lllllL`l<}`. Tllssgmi
Q   . NOW YOU’f€ Uéilfly 011 the gl'OUU€l imd YOU CHU S6? But even more exciting. Press says, will be those pro- t c_ ga
    two men standing in the middle of the dirt road grams that emerge from the "state of being Ken- mh F
  L g€$nn“in‘g 0V€T what l00l<$ lil<€ H blueprint. Y0U,Y€‘ tucky"—those intrinsically Kentucky tl1i11gs. events u_S€' “}
`     close 6110Ugh to hear tl1€m HOW, 311Cl the YOUUg€f Oi and ideas that are both historically Llll(l eiirrently Mlituclc
T     the two men points off to a knoll a short distance away unique {O the (j0mmOn“·(»nlth_ m1OnS'
  i and tells his companion: “The lodge will sit right 011 bers Of
I     the crest of that rise, Cloyd.” He waves his hand to mm? af
    the left. “The dining room will be on that end, look- he Little Shepherd Trail, for example. is a ET` wi]
K     illg Oui tOW3rd Black Ni‘0L1¤tHin.”·Tl1€ older man T“Kentucky only,” idea. In no other place in the iihefou
  i rubs his ]aW refiectively. You ve given up the lCl€21 country are local people planning and tleyelop- gp  
gi   of putting it down by tlhe lake, ;hen`?” h b ing an outdoor recreation area as coinpreheiisively therimfr
_     “From a view stan point, t is is t e etter sited unique as this one.  
E     COm€S the reply. “Besides, Weire dickerillg with 21 Charles B. Klasek, the network education directoii telelllslo
.   private firm to put a string of cabins down there." believes education is where you find it and that in xml tr
—   You move up and away from the pair and begin Kentucky the “{inding` is pretty good. I11 addition to ?lS_b€C(
  zooming along the length of the m0UUt21iU top U€ftflY regular daytime, public school instructional television Slmllarll
_   clipping the tops of trees, dodging spectacular rock programming. Klasek feels the i`Oll()\\'iIlQ have merit Seoplek
p     faces and formations and seeing everywhere the as ETV "possihles;" img S 1
1     1 beautiful remoteness of Southeastern Kentucky. Music Historical-American History is tightly tied to Illillli incomes
E`     COm€S up and 21 title flashes on your TV SCr€en— things and incidents of Kentucky origin--the (l<‘\‘<‘lOD· Tune
  ;,     “FI`Om Here To Kingdom Come.” ment of that uniquely Ainerican weapon. tl1<‘ Keir across tl
    YOU Spend thi? n€Xt half h0UT $€€ing Find h€21fiUg the tucky long rifle, the pre-Bessemer developinent of the (lf prog]
  i l exciting 0n~g0ing story of the development of the steel-making process, and the story of the :\l`l'Oll lhnl   On
    Little Shepherd Trail. You hear the history of the cons irac . ,mS (
·     development of the scenic trail, watching as its found- CIFITGII;/—\Vl]Ht now is commonly 1·eferregr¤_mmi¤e done by the ·KAET- Arseven-yezr HCV i
hdl in retail trade establishments all over the country and Zi§;r;';iu;:;;;k gggzaiof;°"£'§kga;;;'l]Ag;Iggia   li
. has become a front-line spur to the nation’s economy. . , . . - .` ‘_
ron to native l\ebrasl.an, he was a high school teacher, and the eaecu
xyigiwu Slmni=n`lY1 educational t€l€Vl$lOn is beginning to mov'? tive director for that state’s Educational Television Council. He
mom people toward individual professional and leisure- holds a BS degree in education and a Master of Arts degree in
lime skill-building and enjoyment and toward higher hiavrv and l"l”Cl7’l€’$ ef €’d"C”n°" l°'O’” the U"l”"”ltU ef
mum. incomes and better living. Nebmskm
\.(,i(,1{_ Tune in now to any one of the 127 ETV stations
_ KUL fwross the country and you’ll get a mixed-bag offering grams are on the air, featuring modern and classical
or UK. Ol programs varying from lessons in classical guitar to music and art.
I Bm,. lips on better business management. Y0u’ll see pro-
grams on personal money management. E1n1ny-win- 1
to in lling lulia Childs will show you the intricacies of ut largely untouched is the potential ETV has
i(r,n_" making a soufllé on her program “French Chef,” and B for COMMUNTY betterment and development. ,
m rrp. Y€liudi Menuhin will give violin instr11cti0ns. V0ca— Educational radio, however, has already experi-
I Km. tional programs will feature how-tos of welding and mented in this area, drawing together thousands of
r>(,“·i~1t Mounting. A number of "cultural improvement” pro- people to discuss community problems that otherwise
3 V .

   _e_____e now, Stewart has worked lirst as consultant then as The ;-
i _ ’;_7  _, employee to design a hroadcast systcin that wonlil ._ new
i   I  fgéi  reach every television l`(‘('l‘l\'t'l` in Kentucky. 'I`w<·lxt   _(_ I
I »»'»   l   lf   transniitt¢·rs, to he located in or near Xladisonvilli- K:_::h;el_
  ~  ` Bowling Crcvii, Elizaht-thtown, Sonu·rst·t_ liiclnnonil __l S]
l   l A s Q lee,-/°’ Covington. hl()l`(‘llt‘il(l, llaxartl, l’ikt·vill¤·_ ()wi·ntoi.  \_ _ ibie
` le »;·`   — ·‘  l . QJ `   . ..     ey Murray and .·\shland, will, with the- help oli tt~lt~x·isiot, lxxlile I
if .· _t , i`  f , IA _ xl     l i translators at llopkinsvillv, ()w<·nshoro and otlit-i tmumm
{     ···.—   ‘ points. roach t‘\'t‘l`}' corner ol tht- state. Xlost proqr,ni. uml lm
    production will ht- handled hy a central prodnt·tu·z wrielml
i ` li A facility in l.t·xington; regional protlntlion t·t·ntt·is ,.· `iiauel I
each ot the five state nnix·t~rsitii-s» inclndint; the ont Mel (lll
i . ( at UK—aud at Kentucky State (Iolh-at- will ht- ahlt· t· UML in
I   provide programs tor their own t·losi·il-t—irt·nit nw a Mlwme
: well as for network airing. Str-wart says to date it Hmlme
other state has an lC'l`\' systvni as tt·t·hnit~ally nuttin. l_lhIem(
lictisixv as K(‘lli\l(`l<}"S will hw. Then
Dr. Roy II. Owslcy, ol l.onisx*illt·. chairinan ot ti. werk U
nine-man Authority that nialws the states lC'l`\` polii ·. It-X (line
, · _ e points out total covt·raqt~ has always het-n a goal V mlked 2
R°"”ld B‘ Sw'””"‘ the "‘"'”"”l” d"“"l' Ol ”'l"""”""‘“‘ Keiiuickt educational u~1t·\·a»i(»n iilitiiiitis. "\\u- i..-in .
is the man chiefly responsible for the technical design of the _ ‘ _ _ , _ “t‘ Vim
12-transmitter, S10 million broadcasting operation. He came to ¤¤ts¤¤l~<* to go ill It (lll u ("“"$l"l'""`"l`*"ll""' l""l`
the Authority in 1968 from UK’s Department of Radio. Tele- O\\‘$lC}‘ S;l}'S. "\\l¢* starivtl out ill lllt‘ ll*`LYllll|ll|LZ \\iTl
vision and Films where he was chief engineer. He graduated a state-wide, inulti—transniitter systvin itliut ainl i},_i·.
lrmii th? University in 1960 with U BS dcgrge l" "l“`"l""l what we arC Qoin! tol1a\‘<·."(il1it·l` rt~as;>n hchind tlrs
engmeenng he says. was tht- idea that no l{t·ntut·kian should h.t·.·
to wait for ETY while others t-njoyvd its l)t'IIt‘ill\
might never have been known. to the listeners. Much
of this has been done in foreign countries in programs i   \_.ri‘ él i_;_ ` I A     ‘·_s ic t "  
that air “felt need’ community problems, then ask   _.~ " ’* " 2  3  
residents to respond by phone, mail or contact with       ·  
field workers and give their ideas and suggestions as     ` ·  
to how the problems might be solved. Add a visual     »  
side to these programs and their impact would ob-   _l»ll     ;-gi =.V 2:1* 
viously be greatly increased. i   A   A  A .  
This then, might be a way to reach people as citi—     [
zens, to involve them actively in the solutions of prob- '     i Q   ·
lems that directly affect them. A mobile television unit V  —   ;
can bring a public meeting to thousands of people  I r I \ V   _  
miles distant from it. In Kentucky, educational tele-     ’ i »- ” ` A i
vision may help build a “sense of community" never ' y`
before shared by people in this state, or in any other.  
Cultural—Kentucky, with the other Appalachian (
states, is the birth-place of American folk music. How ` ·
did this art form get its start? \Vhat does it sound _,
like? How does it feel? Klasek thinks the answers are ·  
here in Kentucky, answers that would be of interest `
not Only to Kentucklaus but to   music 0ll€l0’lutirt· vice prt·sith·nt of Kt'lllUtl~'·
all OV€I‘ the COLlI1t1‘y. Life lnsurarurc Company, has linen cliairnum of the iiiini-nina O. L
K€Dtucky’S ETV network hopes to do unique thmgS_ Kentucky Authority for lftlututional 'I`t·lt·ri.s·ion siinw tlu’ ~lii” l»_`m])HS]`
Perhaps thet»S because, when eempleted’ it will be iegislaturc atitliorizml the group in lfiti-‘3. l)Lr, (ln‘sl1’y·ln1i~ lvitws umdmm
, _'_ ` ` ,` }('Cll ]ll'(}f('-\`Sl(Hl(I”l/ lllI`l}lll(.’ll lll ])lIl)ll(` tlff(IlTS Il|(`[U(llll»,Ll U l-V [lf Rude
3   t€1€v1S1On         l/Ullr Sllllt (IS [4(llllSlZlllL’,.S' (`lll/ t`Ull.YlllltIlll. ]](’ tll)l(llll(’ll lil‘ HH. (I,
head €DgiH€€I`, designed it that Wély. FOI` (iight y€£1T$ doctorate in political srrieiirw from UK in 1935}. IM,  

 lm} Us n The 35,000 square-foot network production center
Ijlmlllll I is now under construction on l,exington’s Cooper ·
wlflw - Drive. Built on ground donated by the University of Q i .
mm l°~ Kentucky, the $1.2 million structure will be completed I ;
mllmlk next Spring. More than $2 million in Federal funds  
`m_ll$)"· lrrrve been obtained and $8.5 million in state revenue   »
°\l*;°l‘ bonds have been issued—enough to build all twelve  
et ml t transmitters, put equipment in the production center j
Tgltllll riritl provide money toward the construction of the   i
iuclmll regional production centers. Contracts have been   ·
lllms lll Signed for the systems complex electronic equipment  
it one rind the K.·\E'I"s seven-person staff is making plans  
il llll ll' that, in the next two years, will scc more than 75  
uw ‘l` r-rlucators, production and electronic specialists, ad-   ` S
- . , .. . ¤
km ml ministrators and technicians working to produce t
lllllllw r·tlucational television programs for Kentucky. t
_ There’s much work yet to be done before the net- g  
et ll"' work can go on the air. But, according to Len Press,  
llnlllfl its different from what it was ten years ago. "Then, we “
gm l ., . , · · · ~ . , ·· , . .. .. ., E »
~ ( `° talked about getting lt (ETV) built, he says. Now. Above rs the Ottreret trade mark Ot the Kentucky .
.· neve ._ . . . . · · Y   . . . .
I _   at can talk about putting it to xs ork. Autlwrzty ter Educ-atronal Teteemen
ig xvitli
il thru" PRICE CHANGE '
n l tli . . . . . . . - ·
I E l I ` Pr1ces of the University of Kentucky chairs l1sted 1n , ;
(rl ml the Spring Alumnus have been increased, effective {
` I S' · ‘ t if ]anuary 1, to the following:
»     .» %é~_. Q
      · Arm chair, black arms $39.25 t
 "ge;Z;— ‘  1     r
    `    ._&'•‘M’é° Side chair 24.50 _i
.r-v. r~.·   .. = * · ‘ wh · ‘ ·
gg; .  rt  sr .   - Z
     ="` . i Boston rocker 32.:20 i
 iii gf*i`?*i#`ti* ‘ x Y Yi S I ,. . i
  _   ’   ,> ° ‘ *‘ Orders may be sent to the Helen C. Ising Alumni
   ;m$;it·;ts ` XI ev,. - ;}   V _ _ t
      ,·r;·;ti#¤ ·?    ·f House and Kentucky res1dents should add 3% for
 r.   -‘—·  . —_ rgfi  ¤  r  . . .
   _     ,  sales tax. .
,,;-tg;. t     —   r
r;‘*·—* v ~   * 1  -.. .»_ . 4 . . r i . ·
ei ·rr» ` c · * ~s -    sw} f
  . ·   jeg j V · Tip-? ' hr
      ·' qi"?   __ Q tt
     t Z   · l ' J
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l{et1tut‘lUl'(’ l11
I 1l11· s[)(‘ill
l l1.111 ¤·..1~ »1·1~1
. ]ulius lVolf to his own University of Kentucky gradu- titer llli
,_ "  ating class 51 years ago. ·?11~ \ll`L1l
1 I The theme of the oration centers on the fruits oi “Tl11· tru
·»11   _ I   ambition and was suggested to Mr. Wolf by jamrs i»—i~i;111
"     Kennedy Patterson, first president of the Unicers·i111 ;`>[`(}llll§{’(
 L,    .   .__ who was himself ambitious for the success of his i·`111·t·i11q
  1 _ »‘   ki _» institution. *1. lll1' s
Q I  / =   W   Mr. lVolf, who shared the commencement platfor111 ppositii
  · ig} _ with the late great A. O. Stanley, former Governor tl11· ll;l\'l
  1,_ z     ‘_·V _ and Senator, is a retired General Dynamics Corpora- `1\`l1o ca
Q    tion executive now residing in Chicago. `-\'11lll(l l1
 [ He writes; `ilf my phrases seem to lean toward thc .1·ix·e xx·
f ‘fl0wery’ side please remember that ‘spread-eagle` ora-   the l
tory was quite the thing 50 years ago.” .11tF (111
“Spread-eagle" or not, some of the verities in this l11'(’1l gu
. address give it timeliness still. that om
Knowledge comes and goes but wisdom. lingers. 1-llllll
Q Knowledge while an achievement in itself is only kl I11 *111
means; wisdom is the end. The one is a rude 1111- il1*` $1*1
profitable mass, a mere material out of which tht ~1'1*“`1‘1
other rears its magnificent structure. Dogmas Llllll p\lvl11111
creeds may rise and fall on the wheel of fortune but i111<‘ l1#11
a fundamental truth is everlasting. Each passini -1111l F11]
generation leaves as its richest heritage some hit 111 1l1’ll$ 1111
wisdom, some lofty principle, to point out the path oi l‘<‘ <`1111l
y progress to all posterity. Such wisdom, hoxvcxivr 1111. ll<‘
I th  ancient it may be, will never, and can never 111111* “`i11`l1· l
xs' A V '       lll(` CUI]
Twenty-four centuries have passed since the l11Sl **11 11111l
juliug Wolf Persian war-cloud darkened the sunny fields of Greens- °`*11111‘111

TwiCC bCf0I`C the mighty Darius had hurled his bar-   AA ·
barian vassals against the cities of Hellas and twice ue 7 A . · A
hefore he had seen them hurled back into the sea by !   ,
the spears of their defenders. If the desire for treasure ` i M y ..   A
had been his only motive, he would have given up   _ ’ A  A     A  
then, but there smouldered in his heart the memory _ R ·» P _ - E I  
of Sardis and the hope for revenge. Death halted his if v _t_  _j '    y T ·—     
plans but fate appointed an immediate successor in   `      i  
the person of a son—Xerxes. Draining the resources · 5   A
and riches of the vast Persian Empire to its very dregs   __ _j A_   wi   .
the new king gathered together the mightiest army   _   i  
` and the greatest fleet that the world had ever seen. 5. A hl J  
J The news of this impending peril caused the deep- { - - . V  
est alarm and fear in Greece, Ever since the crushing — i · ‘
victory at Marathon, where Niiltiadcs and his handful -i;~i     T   4
of followers had stemmed the fierce tide of barbarian A f °` . ‘  
attack. Greece dreamed that she was secure forever. "*», .-   A A. _, 1, Z
There lived at this time in Athens an Qbseetire states-   V " gr r' `_ V   I
man whose name was Themistocles. The story goes A   _"* :` ` A'   A
ssor iii that in the days of Nlarathon, when the praises of         L A 
drawn Xlilitiades were on every lip, this Athenian statesman _·  Ag  _»_   _ A · A ;. ii   ‘
red by was seen to pace back and forth in his room, night V ji ___·   ‘ _A._¥" _ d __ _ n
gradu- after night. His friends, in alarm, asked the cause of   J    kr '       ` ·
this strange conduct. Turning upon them he answered · _ ‘ ·   A  Y r F
·uits of "The trophy of Xlilitiades will not let me sleep.” The _ * A ‘     Q, p . ;
]ames Persian peril was the long awaited opportunity that ‘ " ' .;~ A _ }»¥?**AA_;‘i`   ` ' i f A.
iuersity promised a realization of his burning ambitions. *·‘?* fi ... E . ’   1, 22-  i
of his Forcing himself to the pinnacle of Grecian leadership A _ —» *3   A
bythe shrewdest diplomacy, and against the bitterest     Q, . ,  z; `  _.     
latform opposition. Themistocles was the man who directed L T   *"` ;;  
>vern0r the naval battle of Salamis and the doom of Xerxes. “" §  Q"   V
orpora- Who can picture the halt in the world’s progress that -—,+·- ,2*  
A would have followed a Persian victory? \Vho can con· _-'th A  Aa- l .
ard the ceive what mankind would have lost in the downfall    ~ ` `
{le, ora- 0f the budding Grecian civilization and culture and i
art? Over two thousand years of human destiny have  
in this been swayed by the ambition of one lone man, by Growth and improvement cannot exist without i
that one restless thought that echoed and re-echoed orderly change and contentment never fostered any
through the inmost recesses of his soul—“the trophy change. Discontent created the first genius. \Ve will
lingers. at Xliiitiades will not let me steep),. never know how many centuries our primeval an-
only a ln our practical day. philosophy may be defined as cestors were content to {iight off the beasts of the
de tm. the search for happiness. Every age has tried to forest with no weapon save their bare hands. But there
ich the answer in its own peculiar way the eternal question, was one lone man in all that savage group who was
as and “What is the life worth living?" The popular notion of not satisfied. As his companions gorged themselves
me but true happiness is a Utopia of satisfied desires. of rest into blissful slumber he paced up and down in the
passing and calm. a fairyland of babbling brooks, and shady darkness. The desire for something better than the
i bit of tlells and sighing zephyrs. The soul of happiness must common lot had seized his soul. The thrill of discovery .
path of be contentment. Man should be contented with his quivered in his veins. He was the first mortal who felt
iowever lot. He should not yearn for the things beyond his that indescribable yearning which comes only to him
ir grow reach. It is far better. they say. to sleep in peace on whose reach exceeds his grasp. Slowly his dawning A
the complacent Isles than to be tossed back and forth intelligence shaped itself into an idea. He impulsively
;he last on ambitions restless sea. Such is the philosophy of seized in his hands a fallen bough, and behold. he
Greece. contentment. a beautiful but empty dreaml had invented the world’s first weaponl
7 A .

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    I   It is to him and his kind that we owe our magni- from prairie to desert and from desert to mountain the hl. is an
    l I ficent civilization. Worthy discontent is the motive- unending procession grimly pushed its way to the mms to
_     l t power of progress. It is the soul of improvement and west. Not contented with crossing the Rockies they mlm Oy ·
—       growth. It is the forerunner of every noble aspiration only stopped when they stood on the shores of the ],(rgg}]tS (
  g 1   and the motive behind every step in the advancement blue Pacific. The same dissatisfaction, the same am- Thy P
‘     I   of mankind. He who is contented has long since ceased bitions, the same ;€rm resolve, have characterized thc with thc
Q   ji {   to grow, he has stopped dead in his tracks. If he ever success of the American in every phase of human why it t
= EQ 3 Q   moves again, it will be backward. Such is the inex- activity. His country is the trophy which will not let munity ·
  rg E   orable law of evolution. Individual and nation must the other nations sleep. The world respects and ad- every cn
  a   pay alike the penalty of self—satisfaction and that is mires him. He is growing, he is expanding, he is alive. tlittum (
  3   decay. Where are the mighty empires of yesterday- It might seem that Salamis is an episode of the him. tha
g git gl   Egypt, Arabia, Macedonia? They grew and Hour- forgotten past, yet, the emotions that stir thc human not mad
I         ished up to that fatal hour when their men and breast have never changed since time began. Alas for stratigr-
·     5   women became complacent and satisfied and bowed him who does not feel in his heart the desire tri which n
_.   { y i_- themselves down to the false idol of supine content- emulate another’s achievement or to eclipse his it is a nt
_       ment. Today we search in vain for their dust .... trophy! Call it discontent if you will, but it is a noble of an cr
T   { i   Discontent drove the founders of this republic to discontent! Call it envy, if you must, but it is a noble atlvocatt
      seek a doubtful home across the stormy Atlantic. It was envy! The gnawing envy that will not let a man sleep is hom
      never in their blood to be satisfied as long as there until he has surpassed his neighbor is far grander that gc
.       was a hope for betterment. The limited boundaries of than the tame willingness to admit that he can never fortune
,       the narrow seacoast were all too small to confine their be his equal. The discontent that makes one strive fOr Sisfant 4
·* . 3 · . . . . . .
T it i I, growth. Neither beast nor savage could retard their better and for higher things is far more sublime than rulnnna
.3 3 it . . . . .
yr tg   progress across the wilderness. From plain to prairie, that mdolent contentment that makes one stay where ln ou
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