xt72804xh59v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72804xh59v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1945-toc. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1945-toc. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1945-toc. 1945 1945-toc. 2011 true xt72804xh59v section xt72804xh59v 


               Meeting of the Executive Committee
                          January 5, 1945

A.     Approval of the Minutes...................        1
B.     Report of the Comptroller.................        1
C.     Mawen Motor Corporation Contract Approved
             by Attorney General.                         1
D.     University of Kentucky CouDon Bonds to
             be Registered.......................        1
    1.  Action of the Committee .................        1
K.     Contract with the Municipal League .........       2
    2.   Action of the Committee .............           5
F.     Agreement for Extension Work in Farm Lsbor
              Supply and Distribution .............       5
    3.   Actdon of the Committee .................       7
G.     Authority to Dean Cooper to Sign Papers
              With American Jersey Cattle Club            7
    4.    Action of the Committee.................       7
H.     Recess for Luncheon.......S................       8
I.     Adjustment in Room Rents, Hn s Dormitories         B
    5.    Action of the Committee...........             9
J.     National Research Fund Overdrawn ...........       9
    6.   Action if the Committee .................      11
K.     Resolutions on Deaths of Dr. F. Carleton
             Thomas, Mrs. Shirley Beeler, Mr.
             Tollie Ridell, Mr. Raleigh V. Trosper,
             Mr. Ralph Cundiff ....................     11
    7.    Action of the Committee .................     15
L.     Appointments and Other Staff Changes .......     15
    8.    Action of the Committee .................     20
M(     Adjournment................................      20
    9.    Action of the Committee .................     20

               Meeting of the Boatd of Trustees
                     January 19, 1945

A.     Approval of the Minutes....................      21
B.     Report of the Comptroller .21
    1.     Action of the Board .52
C.     Report of the President .52
B.     General Dummit's Recommendation Regarding
              Declaratory Judgment Suit on Gifts,
              Bequests, eti .......................     52
    2.    Action of the Board.....................      53
E,     Food Service Unit for Women's Residence Halls     53
    3,    Action of the Board .....................     54
F.     Selection of Architects for Memorial Field
              House, Residence Halls for Men and
              Women and Food Service Unit .     .       54
    4.    Action of the Board...... ...............     54
Fa.    Gifts from General Education Board, Ashland
              Oil & Refining Comoany, Thomas Roland


               Dean, Southeastern Greyhound Company
               and Julius G. Clark ................     56
     6.  Action of the Board .....................     62
 G,    Tennessee Valley Authority Agreement with
               University of Kentucky for Advisory
               Assistance to Western Kentucky Co-
               operative Organization .............     63
     6.  Action of the Board .........I . ..........   65
 H.    Sale of Government Treasury Coupon Bonds
               Held for Student Loan Fund and Pea-
               body Fund ..........................     66
     7.   Action of the Board .....................     67
 I.   Release of Bonds Held for Alumni Association     67
     8.  Action of the Board .....................     68
 J.    Recommendation for Election of "Distinguished
               Profet8or' .........................     68
     9.  Action of the Board .....................     69
 K.    Letter of Dr. Laurence L. Quill to the
               Board of Trustees ..................     70
 L.    Honorary Degree Conferred on Mrs. Haggin...       70
    10.  Action of the Board .....................     72
 M.    Power of Attorney delegated to Professor Ely     72
    11.   Action of the Board .....................     73
 N.    Mr. B. B. Farris Authorized to Appraise
               State Property for Division of In-
               surance,                                 73
    12. Action of the Board.74
 C.    Appointments od Other Staff Changes ...           75
    13.   Action of the Board .....................     78
 P.    Dr. Meece to Work on Survey of Lincoln In-
                stitute                                  79
 Q. Adjournment.. 79
    14. Action of the Board .79

           Meeting of the Executive Committee
                  February 17, 1945

A.     Temporary Chairman Anpointed...............       80
    1.    Action of the Committee .................     80
B.     Report of the Comptroller .80
    2.    Action of the Committee................        80
C.     A. D. Kirwan Transferred ...................     80
    3.    Action of the Committee ........ I ........   81
D.     B. A. Shively Made Head Fuotball Coach, ....      81
    4.    Action of the Committee .................     82
E.     Contracts with Architects ..................     82
    5.    Action of the Committee .................     82
g.     Recess for Luncheon ........................     82
G.     DeclaratoryJudgment Suit ..................     82
H.     Agreement with the War Manpower Commission.       83
    6.    Action of the Committee .................     90


I.    Registered Bonds...........................       91
J.    Sale of Government Bonds......... .... I.....     91
   7.     Action of the Committee.92
K.    Gifts:
             General Education Board ..............        92
             Kentucky Federation of Women's Clubs.      93
   8.     Action of the Committee.94
L.    Death of Dr. Hume Bedford...................      94
   9.     Action of the Committee.95
M.    Change of Occupation for Mr. George Duncan        95
  10.     Action of the Committee .96
N.    Appointments and Other Staff Changes ........     96
  11.     Action of the Committee.................     101
C.    AdJournment.................................     101
  12.     Action of the Committee.................     101

             Meeting of the Executive Committee
                        March 23, 1945

A.    Approval of the Minutes ......................      102
B.    Report of the Comptroller.,     .   .   .......  102
   1.      Action of the Committee.   .   ...............105
C.    Agreement with T.V.A. and State Universities
                in the Tennessee Valley ............      105
   2.      Action of the Committee.    .   ...............105
D.    Fees for Veterans of World War II ............   105
   3.      Action of the Committee.    .   ............... 106
E.    Attorney Fee of Honorable Samuel M. Wilson...     106
   4.      Action of the Committee .   .   ...............106
F.    R. P. Hobson Appointed Temporary Chairman ....    106
G.    Cooperative Agreement, Agricultural Exten-
                sion Service- Farm Labor Program..        106
   5.      Action of the Committee .   .   .11..............  i
H.    Investment of Peabody and Student Loan Funds.     111
I.    Report on Contract and Release Agreement with
                Mawen Motor Corporation...........        112
J.    Request of Student Loan Fund Committee..i    .    ll
   6.      Action of the Committee .   .   ........    114
K.    Gifts: From-
           (a) General Education Board .114
           (b) C. T. Dunn, Class of 1902 .115
           (c) S. D. Averitt .......................      116
    7.      Action of the Committee...... .   .........117
 L.    Contract with Miss Billy Jackson............     117
    8.     Action of the Committee ......              118
M.     Change-of-Work Status of J. D. Turner Deferred 119
    9.     Action of the Committee     .   .   .       120
N.     Salary Adjustments for County Agricultural
                and Home Demonstration Agents .        120
   10.     Action of the Committee .   .   ........ I...... 123


0. Authorization for Dr. Lyle R. Dawson to
                Sign for Alcbhol................       123
   11,    Action of the Committee.     .               124
P. Payment of Bill for Doctor'm Services for
                Clarence Collins ................      124
   12.    Action of the Committee    .     ........    125
Q  . Budget Changes .    .    ..........................125
   13.    Action of the Committee.     ............    127
R.    Liability Insurance for Geology Trucks.           128
S.    Work Status of Mr. Pat Hale ,    ..  .            128
   14.    Action of the Committee.                      128
T.    Injury to Paul Eades........                      128
   15.    Action of the Committee    .     .129
U.    Death of Dr. Jesse E. Adams..                     129
   16.    Action of the Committee- Resolution..         130
V.    Appointments and Other Staff Changes .130
   17.    Action of the Committee ........     .       135
W. Adjournment .135
   18.    Action of the Committee ................      135

               Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                        April 3, 1945

A.    Petition of Students Submitted to Governor
                 Willis.. ............   . ...... .     136
B.    Architects' Plans-- Men's Dormitory, Women's
                 Dormitory, and Auditorium-Field
                 House............................      136
     1.    Action of the Board- a, b, and c .......      137
 C.    Approval of Minutes........................       138
 D.    Recesorfdr Luncheon.                              138
 a    Tennessee Valley Authdrity Contract Relating
                to Coal Carbonization.............      138
    2.     Action of the Committe ..................     142
 F.    Resolution of Kentucky Press Association ...      142
 G.    Gifts:
            From Mr. Walter J. Salmon .............      145
            From Mrs. Annie C. Neely.............        145
    3.     Action of the Committee ................      149
 H.    Honorary Degrees   ........................       149
 I.    Establishment of an Award to the University
                  Staff for Meritorious Service....      149
    4.     Action of the Committee .......               148
 J.    Recommendation of the University Faculty for
                  Meritorious Service Award .      ,      149
    5.     Action of the Board ....................      149
 K.    Army Contract for February-March-April
                  Quarter.                                149
    6.     Action of the Board ....................      149
 L.    Modification "A", Supplemental Agreement,
                  Contract No. 33-088 (So V)c  9....v    150
    7,     Action of the Committee ........ I.......     150


M.    Liability Insurance on Trucks ...............    150
    8.     Action of the Board....................     150
N.    Fees for Veterans under Section 164.480,
                Ky. Rev. Stat .151
    9.     Action of the Board.152
0.    Adjournment................................      152
   10.     Action of the Bord....................      152

                Meeting of the Executive Committee
                         May 3. 1945

A.    Report of the Comptroller         .      .        163
   1.      Action of the Committee .................    156
B.    Resignation of Judge Stoll from Council on
              Higher Education .....................      157
   2.      Action of the Committee.................    157
C.    Harper Gatton Appointed to Council on Higher
              Public Education .157
   3.      Action of the Committee.1?................    i
D.    Purchases Made by the Comptroller's Office ...    157
   4.      Action of the Committee .................    159
E.    Increase in Room and Board Fees, Women's
              Residence Halls .159
   5.      Action of the Committee ........  ........    160
F.    Remission of Fees for Instruction in Nurses
              Courses Paid for by U. S. Health Service 160
   6.      Action of the Committee .164
G.    Payment of Architect Fees .164
   7.      Action of the Committee .165
H.    Injury to Ben F. Gray.......................      166
   8.      Action of the Committee .167
I.    Fellowships- Participants in Southern Region-
                al Training Program .167
   9.      Action of the Committe     .167
J.    Report of the State Fire Marshal.168
  10.      Action of the Committee .    ................168
K.    Remodeling of Old Veterinary Science Building     168
  11.      Action of the Committee .................    170
L.    Gift- Mrs. Charles Bowyer ..............,.        170
  12.      Action of the Committee .................    172
M.    Gift- Mr. Herschel Weil......................     172
  13.      Action of the Committee .   .   ......       173
N.    Gifts. Anti-Defamation League, Chicago, Ill.1
              B'nai B'rith Lodge #289, Adath Israel
              Temple, Lexington, Kentucky .              173
  14.      Action of the Committee .                    174
C.    Gift- Mr. A. L. Stone, Ashland, Kentucky.....     175
  15.      Action of the Committee .................    175
P.    Gift- Mrs. John C. Taylor ....................    175
   16.      Action of the Committee .................    176


Q. Loan of Bull to Experiment Station by
              C. V. Whitney Farm .....,..........    176
   17.   Action of the Committee                     178
R.    Communication from Phi Upsilon Omicron and
              the Home Economics Club............    178
   18.   Action of the Committee.................     178
S.   "Kentucky: Designs for Her Future"..........     178
T.    Recess for Luncheon.          ...               178
U.    Resolution on the Death of Professor West..     179
V.    Appointments and Other Staff Changes ....       179
   19.  Action of the Committee.................     186
W.    Adjournment....    .    .............e.......   186
   20.   Action of the Committee.................     186

            Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                     May 28, 1945

A.    Approval of the minutes      .    .    .        187
B.    Report of the Comptroller.,     ..     .......  187
    1. Action of the Board .216
C.    Funds invested         .     .      .216
    2. Action of the Board .216
D.    Sons of Mr. R. C. Tway and Dr. Lee Kirk-
               patric released.... 216
E.    Adoption of the 1945-46 Budget..............    216
    3. Action of the Bard .220
F.    Recess for Luncheon .220
G.    Room rent for Kentucky veterans under
               Section 164.480 K.R.S..............   221
    4.   Resolution of the Board .221
H.    Budget amended         .      .     .222
    5.   Action of the Board..........23...........   223
I.    Architect for Refrigeration for Meat
               Laboratory .223
    6. Action of the Board .,,, 223
J.    Wrecking of Old Meat Laboratory.............    223
    7. Action of the Board .224
K.    Request for funds for Dairy Barn .........I     224
    8. Action of the Board .225
L.    Training program for farm workers   ...         226
    9.   Action of the Board......................    227
M.    Frankel & Curtis, architect fees    .  .  .     227
   10.   Action of the Board................... ...   228
N.    Contract for Sigma Nu House .   . ...............228
   11.   Action of the Board......................    228
0.    Outside employment fy staff members.......      229
P.    Report on Aeronautical Research Laboratory
              authorized ..........................        231
   12.   Action of the Board.......................   231


Q.     Resolution on the Death of Dr. T. P. Polk. .     232
     13.   Action of the Board ..................       233
R.     Power of Attorney given Frank D. Peterson..      233
     14.   Action of the Board....................      233
S.     Personnel under the Supervision of the Dean
              of the University given academic rank     234
     15.   Action of the Board .....................       236
T.     Degrees authorized             .       .         236
     16.   Action of the Board .....................    241
U.     Appointments of other staff changes .    .....   242
     17.   Action of the Board .....................    257
V.     Adjournment.................................     258
     18.   Action of the Board .....................    258

            Meeting of the Executive Committee
                      June 29, 1945

A.     Report of the Comptroller         .259
     1.    Action of the Committee .259
B.     Room Shortage for Student Women Reported        259
C.     Opinion of the Attorney General on Law Con-
               cerning Veterans of World War II..,.     260
     2.    Action of the Committee.(Suit .270
D.     Agreement between Liggett and Meyers Tobacco
               Company and U. of K. (Railroad spur)     271
     3.    Action of the Committee.                     271
B.     Agreement with U. S. Forest Service..,,,.       271
  . 4.     Action of the Committee.................     273
F.     Offer of Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church
              to purchase Smith Hall ...............    273
     7 Action of the Committee ....I ............       274
 G.     Contract W 33-38 as 9836 (14193) with Army
              Air Forces................2.......        274
     5.    Action of the Committee................      275
 H.     University Policy on Patents Authorized.....    275
     6.    Action of the Committee..... ............    275
 I.     Allocation of Student Fees.................     2 75
           Resolution of the Committee .............       276
 I.     Luncheon
 K.     Outside employment for Dr. Henry Beaumont..      276
     7,    Action of the Committee.................     2 79
 L.     Student notes to be returned to University.      279
     8.    Action of the Committee.................     281
 M.     Gifts:
               (a) Chilean Nitrate Educational Bureau       281
     9.    Action of the Committee .................     282
               (b) Middle West Soil Improvement Com-
                      mittee.......,.     ..........     282
    10.    Action of the Committee .................     284
 N.     Funds paid to Professor Pittmen for Lam
                Annotation work .   . ..............--.-.  285
    11.    Action of the Committee .............         286


0.     Resolution on death of Dr. W. F. Gallaway ..      286
P.     Resolution of the death of Mrs. Frances
             Jewell McVey ..........................       287
O.     Report on Work of the Emeriti.    .   .............288
R.     Payment of Keeneland Fund.    . ................. 288
    12.   Action of the Committee ..................     288
S.     Appointments and other staff changes .........    289
    13.   Action of the Committee.............           297
T.     Motion to Adjourn.      ..........................297
    14.   Action of the Committee .297


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