xt72804xh588 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72804xh588/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1944-09-jul21-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-09-jul21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-09-jul21-ec. 1944 1944-09-jul21-ec. 2011 true xt72804xh588 section xt72804xh588 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, July 21, 1944.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Universi-
ty of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:30 a.m., Friday,
July 21, 1944. The fallowing members were present: Judge Richard
C. Stoll, Chairman; H. D. Palmore, J.C. Everett, and R. P. Hobson.
President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank D. Peterson were also

     A. Approval of Minutes.

            1. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
               the minutes of June 6 and June 13, 1944, were
               approved as published.
                         * * * * * * * i* * *

     B. A. S. T. P. Contract with War Department.

     The President submitted a renegotiated contract with the War
Department for the termination of theA.ST.P. program for the period
ending April 30, 1944, stating that a new contract had been negotiat-
ed for May, June and July. It was also explained that the records
and accounts as kept by the Comptroller's Office had been audited
by accountants sent to the University by the War Department$ and uponf
the basis of the audit, a settlement had been agreed to by the Uni-
versity and the contracting officer of the Fifth Service Command,
representing the War Department. He stated that the records show
that the War Department had overpaid the University a total of
$40,062.80, which amoun`r the contracting officer of the Fifth Ser-
vice Command requested be refunded to the Government. The Adminis-
tration of the University agreed to this amount and it was recommend-
ed that the renegotiated contract be entered into and that the
Comptroller be authorized to refund $40,062,80 to the Government as
a full and complete settlement of all obligations and liabilities
of the contracting parties under the contract Involved. It was
further explained that the contracts made for various services con-
sidered the Maximum number of trainees who might be stationed at the
University and that we often served fewer than the number provided
for in the contract, and that, since payment for the use of facili-
ties, instruction, medical services, subsistence, maintenance and
operations was based upon a monthly stipend, over-pajments necessari-
ly resulted.   To illustrates the government auditor s report indi-
cated an over-payment of $105.349.81, but, through renegotiations a
settlement was agreed to, subject to approval of the Executive Com-
mittee of the Board of Trustees, in the amount above stated.



    Members of the Executive Committee further discussed the ASTP
contract Nol W-55 (SCV).ll and made othe~r examination of the auditor's
report and the settlement as renegotiated by University officials,
and took the following action:
                         * * * i* * * * * * *

            2. On motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
               carried, the contract as submitted with the
               War Department is approved and the President is
               authorized to execute same, and the Comptroller
               is authorized to refund to the Federal Govern-
               ment the amount of $40,062.80 as a full and
               complete settlement of all obligations and
               liabilities of the University under the con-
               tract involved.
               * ~~* ** * i,* * * * * *

     C. Contract with A. J. Meyer.

     The President brought to the attention of the members of the
Executive Committee the fact that he had with the approval of the
Attorney General (as authorized by the Executive Committee at its
last meeting) entered into a contract with Professor A. J. Meyer as
dirctor of the Aeronautical Research Laboratory, whereupon the Execu-
tive Committee approved the action of the President and directed that
the contract be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees*
and that payments be made in accordance with the contract.

     D. T. V. A. Contract.

     2resident Donovan submitted Contract Project No. 2 (1945) under
the Contract TV-1537, between Tennessee Valley Authority and Univer-
sity of Kentucky relating to fertilizer experiments.

                   CONTRACT PROJECT N0. 2 (1945)
                      UNDER CONTRACT TV-1537
                      UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
                           Relatin- to
                      FERTILIZER EXPERIMENTS

          THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into the first day
     of July, 1944, between the TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY (herein-
     after called "Authority") and the UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
     (hereinafter called "Kentucky") under Contract TV-1537 be-
     tween Authority and Kentucky, entered into on July 1, 1935.



                   W I T N E S S E T H

      IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants, agreements
 and undertakings, the parties hereto agree as follows:

      1. The purpose of this project is to study the value,
effect and best methods for the use of fertilizers, fertilizer
constituents and/or by-products from the manufacture of fer-
tilizers which are now manufactured, or may be manufactured
by Authority, for agricultural purposes on major soil types
of the state under controlled experimental conditions

     2. The term of this project shall be for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1945, and thereafter from year to year until
terminated by notice in writing by either party to the other
not less than thirty (30) days before the effective date of
such termination.

     3. Kentucky, through its Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tion, shall perform direct and supervisory services in con-
nection with the studies provided for herein in conformity
with the procedures hereafter outlined. It shall be the
responsibility of Kentucky to

          (a) administer this project in accordance with the
terms as set forth herein and, in cooperation with its Agri-
cultural Extension Service, recommend procedures for the
application of useful information which may be obtained;

          (b) provide direct, supervisory and consulting ser-
vices, office and laboratory space and equipment, supple-
mentary fertilizers, liming materials machinery, tools, work
stocks land of Kentucky, privately-owned land required to be
under control of Kentucky, and other supplies and materials
necessary for the conduct of this project; Drovided, however;
that the fertilizerB, fertilizer constituents and/or byproducts
from the manufacture of fertilizers shall be supplied by
Authority to the extent hereinafter provided;

          (c) deliver to Authority not more than thirty (30)
days after the end of each calendar year

               (1) a progress report indicating the extent
to which the various items of the approved work plan for the
preceding year were completed;



               (2) a detailed work plan which shall contain
a statement of the nature.and scope of the experiments planned
for the current calendar year, including the kind and number
of tests contemplated and all additional pertinent informa-
tion. The work plan adopted in the performance of this
projmt shall be approved in advance by authorized representa-
tives of the parties and may be changed at any time by the
agreement of such representatives;

               (3) an estimste of the amount of fertilizers,
fertilizer constituents and or byproducts from the manufacture
of fertilizers which may be Supplied by the Authority during
the current calendar year; and

               (4) an estimate of expenditures required for
the performance of this project during the current calendar

          (d) deliver to Authority not less than thirty (30)
days before the end of each fiscal year an estimate of ex-
penditures required for the performance of this project during
the next fiscal year; and

          (e) deliver to Authority a report of each specific
studyt together with the statistical analysis thereof, within
a reasonable time after the conclusion of each such study
proper, and deliver to Authority a final report within a reason-
able time after the completion of the entire project.

     4, Authority, through its Department of Agricultural Rela-
tions, agrees to:

          (a) examine, for approval, the work plan and esti-
mate mf expenditures for any current calendar year and the
estimate of expenditures for any succeeding fleoglyear; and

          (b) supply the fertilizers, fertilizer constituents
and/or by-products of the manufacture of fertilizers in so far
as they may be available from the operations of Authority.

     5. Kentucky shall keep its books, records and accounts per-
taining to the condut of this project in a form satisfactory to.
Authirity, and Authority shall, at all times during the usual
hours of business, have access to and be permitted to examine
all files, books, records and accounts of Kentucky pertaining
to the conduct of such project for the purpose of verifying
the statements of expenditures of Kentucky in connection there-
with, and evaluating the work performed.

     6. Authority shall reimburse Kentucky for expenditures for
direct, supervisory and consulting services, telephone and tele-
graph expenses travel expenses   subsistence or per diem in
lieu of subsistence, shipping expenses, supplies and materials,
and rentals for privately-owned land chargeable to the conduct
of this project; Provided, however, that the Authority shall not,
in any event, be obligated to reimburse Kentucky for any such



    expenditures on account of expenses incurred during the fis-
    cal year ending June 30, 1945, in excess of the aggregate
    amount of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7500); provided,
    further, that the Authority shall not, in any event, be obligat-
    ed to reimburse Kentucky on account of expenses incurred during
    any subsequent fiscal year in excess of the aggregate amount
    hereafter agreed to by the authorized representatives of the
    parties; provided, however, that Authority shall not in any
    event be obligated to reimburse Kentucky for expenditures on
    account of travel expenses on any single trip in excess of the
    amount which would be allowable under travel regulations of

         In order to effectuate the provisions of this agreement,
    Kentucky shall, not later than the fifteenth day of each
    calendar month, submit to Authority a properly certified state-
    ment of expenditures, in triplicate, in form approved by Au-
    thority9 showing such expenditures made during the preceding
    calendar months together with approved bills in support there-
    of.   Subject to the limitations of this section, Authority
    shall reimburse Kentucky for such expenditures upon the receipt
    of such statements.

         7. Any publication of the results obtained in the perform-
    ance of' this contract by Authority or Kentucky shall recognize
    in the text the cooperation of the other party.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this
    instrument to be executed by their representatives thereunder
    duly authorized as of the day and year first above written.

                                      TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY

                       (Signed)       By
                                         Director, Department of
                                         Agricultural Relations

                                      UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

                                         Director, Kentucky Agri-
                                         cultural Experiment

Whereupon the Executive Committee, after examination of the contract,
took the following action:

            3. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
               carried, Dean Thomas Cooper was authorized to
               execute the contract on behalf of the University
               of Kentucky.



     E. Contract with War Department for Correspondence Courses.

     President Donovan presented Contract No. W 47-043-MS-68 with the
United States of America War Department for offering correspondence
instruction to military personnel through the United States Armed
Forces Institute.   President Donovan further explained that this is
a renewal of an existing contract with the War Department for cor-
respondence instruction.   Whereupon the Executive Committee took
the following action:

            4. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried;
               the Contract No. W 47-043-Ms-68 is authorized
               and the action of the Comptroller in signing
               said contract is approved, and contract ordered
               filed with the Secretary of the Board of Trus-

     F. Purchase of Property Adjoining Robinson Forest'

     President Donovan presented a letter from Dean Cooper recommend-
ing the purchase of approximately 100 acres adjoining the Robinson
Forest, which is a part of the Robinson Sub-Experiment Stations

                                             July 7, 1944

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

     Mr. R.W. Jones, Superintendent of the Robinson Substation,
     has, for some years, pointed out the necessity of obtaining
     certain land adjoining the Robinson Torest.   This land has
     been a source of hazard, fires, etc., to our property,    Its
     purchase is strongly recommended by our forester as necessary
     for the conduct and care of the University forest property.
     Mr. Jones has learned that it is now possible to purchase
     this property for $500.   It contains approximately 100
     acres.   The property has little real value, but a high value
     from the standpoint of eliminating hazards to our property.
     The tract contains no timber of value and likewise the
     buildings have little if any values   The property lies on
     the Laurel Fork of Buckhorn Creeks adjoining the foist property
     of the University of Kentucky.

     In view of these circumstances, I wish to recommend the pur-
     chase of this property for the sum of $500, payment to be
     made at such time as proper deed can be delivered, the purchasE
     price to be charged to income of the Robinson Substation,



    which, under the original agreement, was to be set up as a
    tnst fund for the purchase of property and for carrying
    on work in the mountain area. This matter is urgent and I
    shall appreciate your 'authorization to proceed in the acquire-
    ment of the property, as soon as possible.

                                      Sincerely yours,

                                      (Signed)  Thomas Cooper
                                               Dean and Director.

            5. Upon motion duly made; seconded and carried,
               the Executive Committee authorized the purchase
               of approximately 100 acres for the amount of
               $500 as recommended, this sum to be paid out of
               fund of Robinson Trust.

     G. Purchase of Elliott Property at South Limestone Street and
Graham Avenue.

     President Donovan related to the Executive Committee that the
President and Comptroller were authorized informally at the meeting
of June 13 to negotiate for the purchase of property located at 628
South Limestone Street.   He read the following letter from the

                                         July 180 1944

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

          The Executive Committee previously discussed, informal-
     ly, the question of purchasing property located at 628 S.
     Limestone Street and two small residences on Graham Avenue,
     which are located on the lot facing Limestone Street and
     designated as 628 S. Limestone.   This property belongs to
     Mrs. Lavina Elliott Graves and Mrs. Wilyah Elliott Barron
     and was inherited by Will probated February, 1930, from
     Mrs. Sally Boen Elliott.

          The owners of this property have agreed to sell for
     a purchase price of $16,000.00, on or before June 30, 1945,-
     possession to be given June 30, 1945.   They are willing
     for the 1945 taxes to be prorated as of the date of transfer.
     Insurance well be carried by the owners until June 30, 1945,
     or date of transfer.   In case of loss of the property by



    fire, the amount collected from insurance due to such
    loss will be deducted from the purchase price.  There is
    at the present time insurance coverage on the large house
    (fire) }6,000.00 (windstorm)1$2,000.00*  Each of the small
    houses are insured (fire) $2,000.00 (windstorm) $1,000.00.
    The present owners agree to make a contract at this time to
    give possession as of June 30, 1945.   They further agree to
    keep the property in a state of good repairt ordinary wear
    and tear excepted.

                                       Yours very truly,

                                    (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     The Executive Committee discussed the purchase price of this
property and expressed the opinion that the University should accept
the offer, and took the following action:

            6. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
               carried, the Chairman of the Executive Committee
               is authorized to enter into a contract with the
               owners of the property, Mrs. Lavina Elliott
               Graves and Mrs. Wilyah Elliott Barron, for the
               purchase of the property at a purchase price of
               316,000, possession to be given June 30, 1945.

     H. Bond of Treasurer.

     President Donovan related to the Executive Committee that the
Executive Committee had appointed thmwComptroller of the University
as Treasurer of the University, and directed that the bond of the
Comptroller be rewritten to cover the Comptroller as Treasurer also.
He submitted the following correspondence to indicate that the bond
now tarried by the Comptroller was sufficient to cover him as

                                            July 11, 1944

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

          Recently, the Board of Trustees requested that the
     bond of the Comptroller be rewritten to include the
     Comptroller and Treasurer in the sum of $50,000,00.



     I have taken this matter up with the American Surety
Company, which company wrote the original bond, and have
talked with Mr. L. Y. Johnson, Manager of the Louisville
Office.   He has written the attached letter which states
that the bond which I now have covers me in any capacity
which theBoard has elected me, or may choose to elect in
the future.   I have examined the bond and it so covers
the principal so that I am of the opinion that the present
bond is ample.   I am, however, passing this information
along that it may be submitted to the Board.

                                  Yours very truly,

                                  Frank D. Peterson

                                  July 14, 1944

Mr. Frank D. Peterson
University of Kentucky

My dear Mr. Peterson:

     This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter in
which you state the representative of American Surety
Company has written you that your present bond covers your
work as treasurer, as well as that of comptroller.   I
will report this to the Executive Committee at its meeting
on July 21.

                                  Cordially yours,

                                  (Signed) H. L. Donovan

                         of New York

                                      Louisville, Ky. July 6s1944

Mr. Frank D. Peterson,
University of Kentucky,
Lexington, 29, Kentucky.

Dear Mr. Peterson:

               In re: 619194K-Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller of
                              the University of Kentucky.



                  I have your letter of June 28 requesting can-
   cellation of your bond as Comptroller of the University and
   the execution of a new bond for you as Comptroller and
   Treasurer in the sum of $50,000.  As I explained to you
   when I was in Lexington yesterday it was not necessary to
   have a new bond as your present bond does not designate you
   as Comptroller but simply says you are bonded as an employe
   in any position.  This of course would cover you as Comptroller
   and Treasurer just the same as it does as Comptroller only
   and the University Is fully protected from any loss as named
   in the bond.

                  I trust this will be satisfactory to the
   Board as changing the bond would involve the question of
   continuity and other matters are fully eliminated when the
   present bond is allowed to remain in full force and effect.

                                 Yours very truly,

                                   (Signed) Lewis Y. Johnson

          7. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
             the Executive Committee authorized the ac-
             ceptance of the present bond as being sufficient
             to cover the acts of the Comptroller as Treasurer
             and directed that all papers be filed.

   I. Check of Securities Held by the Comptroller.

   The President called attention of the Executive Committee to the
fact that the Comptroller of the University was also the Custodian
of Securities, and read the following letter:

                                         July 18, 1944

    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

          As Custodian of Securities, I respectfully request
     that a committee be appointed by the Executive Committee
     to check securities held by me, as evidenced by the
     Securities Ledger, and a report made to the Executive
     Committee.                    Ypurskvtry
                        (Signed)    raY1 k BPetluely, Comptroller%


          8. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
              carried, the Chairman was authorized to appoint
              a committee to check securities held by the
              Comptroller-Treasurer; whereupon the Chairman
              did appoint Mr. J. C. Everett, member of the
              Board of Trustees, and Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain,
              Dean of the University, as a committee to check
              the securities held by the Comptroller-Treasurer
              and make a report to the Executive Committee or
              the BQard of Trustees at the next meeting.

   J. Purchase of Government Bonds.

   President Donovan stated to the Executive Committee that he and
the Comptroller had conferred concerning the purchawe of government
bonds in the Fifth War Loan Drive and that he had communicated by
telephone with each member of the Executive Committee relative to
the purchase of bonds and that, after receiving approval from each
by telephones the Comptroller had purchased a number of bonds which
are set forth in the following letter:

                                       July 18, 1944

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

          I have purchased, subject to the approval of
     the Executive Committee, of the Board of Trustees,
     the following Government bonds with the Fifth War
     Loan drive:

4    $1t000.00 2* Treasury Bonds of 1965-70
1     5,000.00 2* Treasury Bonds of 1965-70
  In the name of the University of Kentucky
     Student Loan Fund.

     $ 5,000.00 2      _TreasuryBondsof 1965-70
1     10,000.00 2* Treasury Bonds of 1965-70
  In the name of the University of Kentucky -
     Haggin Fund.

5. 000.00





3    $ 5,000.00
25     10,000.00

  Treasury Bonds of 1965-70
21 Treasury Bonds of 1965-70

In the name of the University of Kentucky.

$ 15,000.00

         All of these bonds are registered.

         I recommend that approval be given to the purchase of
    two $1,000.00 2s Treasury Bonds due 1965-70 tote purchased
    in the name of the University of Kentucky - Student Loan
    Fund.   These will be in addition to those already pur-
                                        Yours very truly,

                                      (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

           9. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
              carried, the purchase of government bonds as
              made by the Comptroller and set forth in the
              above letter is approved and authorized, and
              the Comptroller is further authorized to invest
              an additional amount of$2,000.00, or approximate
              amount, belonging to the Student Loan Fund, in
              government bonds.

     K. Purchase of Supplies and Raw.Materials from Mawen Motor

     President Donovan submitted to the Executive Committee a state-
ment and a detailed list of raw materials and office supplies on
hand in the Aeronautical Research Laboratory as of July 1, 1944,
belonging to the Mawen Motor Corporation.    He stated that these
materials and supplies are greatly needed in the operation of the
Laboratory by the University of Kentucky, and recommended that the
University purchase all -Materials and supplies at cost prices.
The list follows:

     Suiplele A Raw Materials as per attached list:

     Raw Materials at Aeronautical Research Laboratory    $  278.13
     Raw Materials at Machinte Shop (College of Engineering) 153963
     Drafting Supplies at Aeronautical Research Laboratory    42.92
     Office Supplies at Aeronautical Research Laboratory     172.80
     91 octane Gasoline at Aeronautical Research Lab-
                                   oratory                   944.70
                                       TOTAL              61,592*18









1/2 - Pound  - 16-W Valve Grinding Compound
1t2 -   "    _ 16-0   "1     it1
10 -    "    - Hi-Lead Bearing Bronze
4 - Boxes   - 3/8" Wraplock
1/2 - Can    - "Oil-Dag"
25 - Pound   - Welding Rod
L00 -  "    - Steel: Sheet,AngleiChannel,Bar
20 -         -Aluminum Sheet
50 -         - Steel Tubing
500 -  "    - Pipe:Black & Galvanized
50 -            "   Fittings: EllspTees,Couplingsp
                           Nipples' etc.
L00  - Pound  - Electrical Conduit
12 _         - V-Belts
6 -         - Pulleys
6 - Dozen   - Glass Jazrs for Partsi Etc.
.00 -        - AN Nuts
500 -        - AN Washers
'00 -          AN Lock Washers
1 - Sheet   - VelluMl
2 -           Oil Pressure Gages
1 -           Fuel   n    
00 -         - AN Bolts
50 -         - Cap Screws (Heat Treated)
50 -           Hex.Nuts
200 -          Elastic Stop Nuts
200 -          Plugs (Red & Black)
200 -            acks   "  
25 -           Flush Shells                       3
25 -           10-32 Machine Screws
25 -           10-32 Nuts
.00 -          Thermocouple Connectors
200 -         Copper Tube F-Ittings
25 A Feet -    Copper Tubing


5,00/ shee




             Hot Rolled Steel
2  - Rings - 3/8" thick x 151/2" ID x 19 1/4" OD
4  - Plates - 3/4"  "   x 15 1/2" Dia.
2 _    1      3/8111    x 1 5 l 4Itz I
2 -    "    -3l/211 "   x 15 1/4"1 I
   1 -  n  _ 1/411 11  x 15 1 /211 t
1      "l   - 3 1/211 x 21" x 241"
3           - 1" Dia. x 2'-0"   #1025
1.          - 5 3/4" Dia. x 31-01
1           - 2 3/4"   "  x 5'-4"
1           - 2/!3/4" "1  x 5'-10"
1.          _3 1/2"    "  x 41-91
1.          - 3 3/4"   "  x 11-61
1.            4 _f    I   x 31-0X1
1           - 4 1/211 "   x 1l0'-


t   5400



      4 5/8"
      5 1/2"

ACRIINE SHOP (Continued)
Dia. x 1-2"1
  20 x1-
  I.  X 1 - 3n
  it  x  31-611
  To  x 2P-61l
Total Pounds of Hot Rolled Steel

1  3/4" Hex.
1  1"   n
1  5/16"1 Dia
  1_3/411 n-I
1 - 1 1/2"l P
1 -2 1/4" 1 
1 - 2 3/4" 'I

2   4 5/83" "1
2  4 1/211 "
1   3 1/2" "
1 - 6 1/21" I
1 - 1 5/811 11
1  1 5/81 t
1 - 5/16"1 tH

   1/2 11  11
15 -1"'     'I
1 - 1 1/4" tn
1  1 1/2 'In  
1  1 1 /2 2
2 - 1 3/8

aloy Steel
x 5l On
x 41-.6"
.x 41-6"1 #3140
x 11-91" #4615
x 21-011 #3140
x 10"1  #3140
x 2"    #3140
x 21-O" #1137
x 8"    #3140
x 8"l   #3140
x 8l"   #3140
x 8"    #3140
x 31-8"  #2317
x 51-8"1 #4615
x 4'-6"1 #3140
x 4"    #1112
x 8"1   #1112
x 21-O" #1112
x 1l-4" #1112
x 10ll  #1112
x 1'.-8" #1137
x 11-10"1 #1137
  Total Pounds

                            13. 25
Alloy Steel                509.89#

2 - 1/2"
2 - 3/4"
2 - 1"1

Dia x 61-0" Gray Fibre Rod
" x 61-01  It         It

1,919.87 Lbs, Hot Rolled Steel
  509.89  1  Alloy Steel


  40 - #336 Polar Coordinate Sheets    .02/sheet
  7 - Pads #169A Vellum Sketching Pads ,15/pad
  1 - Pint India Ink                 2.75/pt.
  1 - Roll #177 Velour Paper-54" Wide 5.00/roll
  1/3 -  "   38" Verdex    "           4.50/roll
  8 - #372 Dixon Orange Pencils       .10/ea.
  10 - #865 Eberhard-Faber Blue Pencils .10/ea.
  100 - Log Paper                       I.13/ C
  100 - Graph "                        1.13/C
  480 - Leads for Drafting Pencils      .045/ea.
  1 - B.qttle Liqui-Stick              .40/bottle
1000 - Chesel Point Staples             .30/M
70VQ - Neva-Clog      "                 .30/M



1j,919. 87,$

$ 2,42





  2 - Pkgs. Yellow Paper
  7 _ Art Gum Erasers
1 1/2-Rolls Coordinate Paper


. 25/pkg.

100 - Pads, General Stores Requisitions     .115/pad
2000 - Cards, Time