xt72542j9h57 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72542j9h57/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-11-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1998 1998 1998-11-11 2020 true xt72542j9h57 section xt72542j9h57  





A joke for today

The mean

Two storks are
sitting in their nest: a
father stork and baby





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Cats fiending
for their next
match | 4





The baby stork is
crying and crying, and
father stork is trying to
calm him.

”Don't worry, son.
Your mother will come
back. She's only
bringing people babies
and making them

The next night, it's
father’s turn to do the

Mother and son are
sitting in the nest, the
baby stork is crying,
and mother is saying.
"Son, your father will
be back as soon as
possible, but now he's
bringing joy to new
mommies and daddies."

A few days later, the
stork's parents are
desperate: Their son is
absent from the nest all

Shortly before dawn,
he returns and the
parents ask him where
he's been all night.

The baby stork says,
"Nowhere. Just having
some fun scaring the
hell out of the college



The average woman
would rather have
beauty than brains,
because the average
man can see better
than he can think.

Money can't buy
happiness - but it sure
makes misery easier to
live without.

If at first you don't
succeed, skydiving is
not for you.

Deja M00: The
feeling that you’ve
heard this bullcrap

- Source:


Can't use

i. A pedal-powered

Z. A black highlighter.
3. Glow-in-thedark

4. Non-stick Ceilotape
5. Solar-powered flash-

6. Waterproof sponge
7. Waterproof teabags
B. Inflatable anchor

9. inflatable dartboard
iO. Seatbelts for motor-

ii. Silent alarm clock
12. Double-sided playing

13. Fireproof cigarettes
14. Hand-powered chain-

- Ron Norton


5.5 3.2

The rain will go away
and the you might just
see the sun on Thursday.


VOL. ”04 ISSUE N55


News tips?
Call: 257-1915 or write:


ord donates papers

Senator hands over more than 1,000 documents
collected from lengthy career in U.S. government

By Matthew T. Patton

It’s the story of how one


man‘s junk is another man's trea- it.


because I'm donating
these papers." Ford said. “But the
people who helped me do these
things are not given enough cred-


The Ford collection joins those
of other Kentucky politicians, in-
cluding Alben W. Barkley. A.B.
“Happy" Chandler and Stanley F.


King South building as part of the
Modern Political Archives collec-

Jeff Suchanek. who will
oversee the collection. said the

Or in this case. how Senate pa-

nity to serve." said Ford. who re-

“l‘m grateful for the opportu-



pers will serve as an important re-
search tool for historians and


In front of an audience of
more than 50 journalists. family.
staff and friends in the auditori-
um of William T. Young Library
yesterday morning. retiring U.S.
Sen. Wendell Ford donated about
1.500 boxes of documents and ma-
terials from his 24-year Senate ca»

reer to UK libraries.

“I‘m being honored in some


pleted four six-year terms.

tires from the Senate in January.
“When we ban together to do
things. there is a love relationship.
This is a very precious office I‘m
leaving. It is, I believe. the most
precious office a person can be giv-

Ford is Kentucky's longest-
serving U.S. senator, having com-

The papers will be maintained
in the UK Libraries‘ Special Col~
lections unit in the Margaret 1.



he said.

papers “cover all aspects of Sen.
Ford's Senate career. including
newspaper clippings. press re»
leases. speeches. photos, daily
schedule books and material
from Ford‘s district offices in

“It‘s such a large collection. it
will take several years to process.“

See FORD on 5 >>>






Outgoing U.S. Sen. Wendell Ford will be the only one to grant access to

his papers when they are sent to the University.









Braving the elements

Matthew Haughton, an English education junior. and Jeremy Grizzle, an art education senior, struggled through monsoon-like weather as
they walked by the Administration Building in Central Campus yesterday.



JOHNNY tennis | KtRNthurr







Students put careers first

Online survey shows finding the ideal mate
isn't always the goal of every young person

By Author Scott
surr whim '

A recent online survey re
vealed that students are more
compelled to achieve out»
standing success in their ca-
reers. achieve financial stabil-
ity and find job fulfillment
than they are interested in
finding a mate.

“In some ways. it‘s not
shocking because we have
seen a trend of people going on
in school and postponing mar-
riage," said Stephan Wilson.
director of UK's Research Cen
ter of Families and Children.
“We need to be careful be-
cause we don‘t really know if
the study is accurate."

The fact that students
were answering the question
of “what‘s your most com-
pelling long-term need in life."
with a multiple choice answer
probably did not give the
whole picture. Wilson said.

“The age of marriages has
increased more than half a

Wilson said women are
marrying around 26 and men
around 27. People in this age
group are focusing on marry»
ing. because they have complet
ed their life as college students.

“You have people 18-22 an~
swering questions from the
perspective of a student." he
said. ”Do you think that 26-and
27-year-olds would rank mar-
riage higher than success?"

But just because it‘s not
ranked. doesn't mean it‘s not
on the students' agenda.

“Well over 80 percent of
people expect to get married.“
Gregory Brock. chairman of
the family studies department.

Brock has conducted stud—
ies oti a students‘ most pre-
ferred characteristics of their
potential mates in China and
in the United States.

Because its expected to

happen. he said. students do
not really feel compelled to try
to find a mate.

“Choosing a mate is one of
the most profound decisions of
our life. but mostly. we don't
think about it." Wilson said.
“We feel it will fall into place."

Accounting sophomore
.Jennifer Miller said having a
relationship when she gradue
ates might influence her mar»
riage decisions. but the absence
of one will not cause her to
“forego any energies directed to
career success to find a mate."

Many students say they
see themselves married iii the
future. but do not see them
selves working at finding a
lifelong mate.

“I guess I assume that ro-
mance will come. but you‘ve
got to concentrate on a ca-
reer," said (‘hip Beglcy. a po-
litical science senior. “I am
confident I am going to have a
mate. but I do want a success-
ful career."

Many students said get-
ting married is one of their
most important goals for the

“I would choose to have
moderate success and a mate
because those two components
would make for a happier life
than all of one and none of the
other." Miller said.

“I'm not sure if people are
any less enchanted with mac
riage than they were in the
1900s." Brock said. “I think
people want both (success and
a mate). but if they were forced
to choose. they will tend to
seek family and marriage."

Stacey Herriagc. an art cd
ucation junior. said she plans
on getting married. “If it's the
right person. you'll have some
sort of support and compaii

“Family and marriage is
where most of our resources
and support in our lives come
from." Brock said. “Over-
whelmingly. family is the
most important factor in pro
ple's lives.“

A trend away from rela-
tionships toward personal
success is suggested by the re-
sults ofthe poll. which can be
found at http: wwwkpmg


looking at
soft money

National project on campaign
contributions in early stages

By Mark Vanderhoff
garment?“ Ad“-

l,'K political science professors Penny
Miller and Donald Gross are participating in
a national research project on soft money.

Miller and Gross are gathering informa»
tion on the Bunning Baesler Senate race and
the Scorsone Fletcher House race to “ascorr
taiii how money is being spent that isn‘t (il‘
rectly accounted for looking at the campaign
expenditures ofthe candidates." Gross said.

The study. titled “l'ndisclosod and [Tn-
regulated Money in Congressional Elec-
tions." will examine soft-money contribu»
tions in 1.3 states.

The races being studied were chosen be-
cause they were expected to be close and to
involve significant amounts of soft money.
(‘yross said.

"In a high-spending race like Ken
tucky. wht-n you get near the race it‘s al-
most impossible to find radio and TV ads
because w~entiaTIy all the time is bought
up.” he said.

"These outside funding sources are
coming in with a lot of money and trying
to buy. for example. maybe 350.000 worth
of TV time they might only get 83.000
worth in one market. so then they go and
put money into another market.” he said.

Soft money would be spent “by the po
litical parties. both the state and national

Le SOFT on 7'22;

3 positions
need filling
for Senate

Senator spots demand time
commitment, hard work ethic

By Dave German


Three senator positions for the colleges
of Allied Health. Medicine and Education
the Student Government Association are
open. and SGA is looking to fill them.

“Those organizations won‘t have any-
one there to address issues and concerns of
their colleges." said SGA Vice President
Ernesto Mansilla. “We need people to apply
now. so they can get their college involved
and become better represented."

Mansilla said no applications have
been turned in. but SGA is taking the mea-
sures to get people interested through ad»

See POSITIONS on 2»)



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Matt May, Aaron Sanderford
Sportsliaily Editors


Phone: 251-1915 I E-mail: mimayOOpopoliyedu. sanderiordehotmailrom





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"K's Sara "out. is
part of a man's
winning and div-
ing to. that
should be very
strong for the Cats
in 1998-99.

WV mm: |
mun surr


Swimming off to fast start




UK women split first two meets with Indiana
and Tennessee, men look to regain stroke

By Michael Heppermann

Come on in. the water‘s
nice and warm.

At least it will be by the end
of the season. if things go ac-
cording to how UK swim coach
Gary Conelly sees them.

The UK swimming and div-
ing teams have a long season
ahead. but two meets last
month gave Conelly a glimpse
of what's to come.

“We look real good.“ he
said. “I‘m real pleased with the

played host to Tennessee (Oct.
23) and Indiana (Oct. 31). The
women came away with the


split by sinking Indiana. but
the men came up shallow in
both meets.

“On the women‘s side. we
have a real strong team." he
said. “I‘d be surprised if they
lose another meet all year."

If it didn't lose another
meet all year. it would match
its 8-1 dual meet record from
last year. just one of many lofty
goals to match from last season.

The others? Ten UK women
in the NCAA Championships.
13 All-American Awards. a top-
25 finish and the fall of 13

Seven of the 10 women
from last year's championship
meet return. though. and senior
All-American Rachel Komisarz
likes UK's chances.

I swims from the men's and school records.
1 women‘s side."
Last month. the Cats

“I think we have a better
team than last year." she said.
“I think we can get more people
qualified for the NCAAs."

Despite the team's positive
outlook. holes were left on all
sides thanks to departures.

The women lost distance
swimmer Leigh Dalton and div-
er Beth Leake to graduation. but
the biggest holes were left on the
men's side by Nat Lewis‘ trans-
fer to Arizona and Southeastern
Conference diving champion
Paco Rivera graduating.

The women’s diving team
retained enough experience to
make up for Leake‘s absence.
Sophomore divers Carrie Knoe
ber and Sarah Fields return
with senior (‘hristy Soulakis.
1997 SEC Diver of the Year.

Diving coach Mike Lyden is
left with youth on the men's
side - freshmen Nick Hopkins
and Aaron Kirkpatrick. and
sophomore transfer Kyle Mc-

Duffie ~ but expects all ofthem
to be “real good by the second

So with the men‘s top dis
tance swimmer gone (Lewis).
what will carry the men‘s swim
team this year?


A powerful sophomore
freestyle class and the return of
junior freestyle swimmer Ben
Fowler should propel the men’s

Fowler sat out last year as
a medical redshirt and could
only watch in anticipation.

“I was really looking for-
ward to last year." Fowler said.
"But I trained really hard this

Fowler is wary of trying too
hard too fast at the start of the

"i get broken down a lot."
he said. “But if you're not hurt-
ing at the end you did some-
thing wrong."

Pride, character define Cats


, 3







: Soccer is a littleun-

L derstood sport in this

:. country.
. I. American sports
1 : fans don‘t under-
. ; stand the over-
: ; whelming excite-
( '.‘.‘ RICh C0011 merit of the players
i when a goal is

11mm COLUMN“ scored. or the crush-

ing disappointment
when a blast from outside the penalty box is
tipped over the crossbar by a leaping goal-
~ keeper. They don't understand the emotion.
the fire that burns in the hearts of the fans.
l have been one of those fans. rabidly
loyal to the sport I grew up knowing as
football ., phonetically fiitball. It‘s a sport.
for me. that goes beyond the simple scoring
of goals or fancy footwork of Pele or Ronal-
do. Soccer is a religion followed faithfully.
its players are worshipped. Goals are the
ultimate nirvana.

covering the UK men's soccer team. i
watched them play hard through easy wins
and painful losses. I watched the games
from the press box not only as a sports
writer on a beat. but also as a fan. a true fan.

The team struggled early in the season.


This season. I had the good fortune of

The UK men's soccer team ended its season last weekend
with a 12-9 overall record, but came up short in MAC tourney

losing its first five games. They came back
to record a seven-game winning streak and
seemed to have put the early losses behind
them. Then came Akron and a crushing de-
feat. The loss killed the spirit of the team.
driving them into a depression that handed
them a second defeat in a match that
should have been a 5—0 win in UK's favor.

Sports writers scoffed and wrote off the
Cats" NCAA Tournament dream.

“Impossible." the critics said. “Just
look at their record."

But the record didn't indicate how the
team played. The record didn‘t show the
spirit in the players hearts. even when they
lost to teams they could have and should
have annihilated.

“They showed a lot of character." I'K
head coach Ian (‘ollins said. “A lot of teams
would have packed it in. The team kept
coming back."

Forward Ryan Grady called it pride.
But it was tnore than just pride in a team.
it was the love of the game. the desire to
play the game and play it hard. no matter
the outcome.

Several fans. asking for anonymity for
fear of retaliation by Collins against the
players. were angry with the strategy the
team adopted. They questioned (‘ollins' in»





in the mid '805 l was dreaming

‘805. the pro-

sistence that the team a play defensive game.

"Why put one man up front?" was the
dominating question.

Collins put Ryan Grady or Michael
Stickler. both hard—working players up
front alone during the IU game. There were
six defenders and a goalkeeper. When of-
fensive chances were created. the forward
(singular) had no support. No wonder UK
was shut out :30.

I asked Collins why he played this way.
i asked what comments he had on the fans‘
questions. His reply was insulting at best.

"I am not going to discuss how we play
for the fans. That’s why they are lit the

He was indignant at the thought that
anyone. including me. questioned his
methods or his strategies.

I might not have the experience Collins
has in coaching soccer or even playing the
game. But I have. along with other fans. fol.
lowed it all my life. I watched the team
practice. i saw what these guys could do.

But the season is over. The players
have left the field. The stands are empty.
The cheers have drifted off into the night.
And all the secondguessing the fans.
coaches. players or l do amounts to nothv

All any of us have is the memories of a
great season full of gutwrenching games
and tough players who gave it everything
they could and faced defeat the only way
they could. with pride.

Gottfried comes home to coach

into his first head coaching job,
where he turned a mediocre


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The Campus Calendar is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings In the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and UK
Departments. Information can be submitted In Rm. 203. Student Center or by
completing a request form on line at hnn'fiwwwgkym n .
Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information Is to
appear In the calendar. For more Information call 257-8867.



Internship and Shadowing Orientation. 1-3pm. Rm II I Student Center
Aflifi Mill/LES

Movie: Donnie Brasco. 7pm. Worsham Theatre. Free ,« L
SAB Indoor Activities Committee meeting. 6:15pm. 203 Stud. Ctr.
SAB Spotlight Jazz Committee meeting. 7:30pm. 203 Stud. Ctr.
SAB Visual Arts Committee meeting. 11am. Rm. 203 Stud. Ctr.
SAB Multicultural Committee meeting. 5pm. 203 Stud. Ctr. .-
Fellowshlp of Christian Athletes meeting. 9:00pm. CSF Building (corner of ‘ '
Woodland & Columbia Ave.) '
Cats For Christ meeting. 7:00pm. Rm 230 Student Center

New Student Dinner and Fellowship. Newman Center-320 Rose Lane. Room 88.

Jewish Student Organization Hillel Foundation Weekly Dinner.

6pm. Commons Market .

Catholic Mass. Newman Center. 12:10pm “ fl
UK Black Voices Rehearsal. 6230-9 pm. Did Stud. Ctr. fheatre QQ] .‘
UK Aikldo Club meeting 6:30-8pm. Alumni Gym Loft. for more Info contact Chris

Sweat at 245-5887


UK Men's Basketball vs. Croatian Ntnl. Team. 8pm. Rupp Arena

UK Women‘s Volleyball @ Louisville. 7pm


Kareoke Night. Student Center Gameroom. 8pm

Guest Speaker: Ken Walker. Assistant Vice President In Business Banking at Bank
One. 60m. Room 248 B&E

MKing Cate Faculty Night at Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural Center. 7pm. Rm. 124

' THURSDAY 11/12

Nanci Kincaid— A Fiction Reading From Her Novel. Balls. sponsored by the UK '
English Dept.‘s Visiting Writers Committee: 4pm. Peal Gallery of King Library.

Free Math Tutoring for Math 109 81 123. Room 201 Frazee Hall. call 257-8703 for


Campus Crusade For Christ weekly meeting. 7:30pm. Worsham Theatre

SAB Contemporarv Affairs Committee meeting. 4pm. King Culture

SAB Next Stage Committee meeting. 3:309m. 203 Stud. Ctr. 75' ' *
Amnesty International meeting. 7:00pm. Room 113 Student Centt %; _, - ~v
UK Lambda meeting for Lesblgaytrans people. 7:30pm. Room 231; nt ter ‘
Wesley Foundation Dinner and Prayer. 6pm. Wesley Foundation

Thursday Night Live sponsored by Christian Student Fellowship. 7pm. 502
Columbia Ave.

Catholic Mass. Newman Center. 12:10pm .
Family Studies Student Assoc. meeting. 6:30pm. Room 316. Funkhouser Bldg. ‘—
Natiorstal Student Speech Language and Hearing Assoc. meeting. 5:150m. Room
115 H LC ' '. '
ms ~ '
UK Cross Country @ NCAA Regionals. Greenviile SC

Devotion ‘n' Lunch. 12:15pm. BSU .;
Coffeehouse at Student Center Gameroom. 8- 10pm ~
"Proud Valley. Part of the Paul Robeson Film Festival. 7:30pm. UK Student
Center Theatre





Catholic Mass. Newman Center. 12:10pm


UK Women's Basketball vs. Mississippi AAU. 7pm. Memorial Coliseum. Free with
Student ID

Slide Presentation on Gambia. 5—6t30pm. French Residence. Blandlng l. base—

SATURDAY 11/14 ‘ .



Catholic Mass. Newman Cent