xt72542j9g91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72542j9g91/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-11-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1993 1993 1993-11-30 2020 true xt72542j9g91 section xt72542j9g91  



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Kentucky Kernel

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By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


Chancellor for the Lexington
Campus Robert Hemenway will
keep that title for at least a little
while longer.

The Florida State University Sys-
tem board of regents yesterday se-
lected one of its own. law professor
Talbot “Sandy" D'Alemberte, to be
the next president of FSU. Hemen-
way was one of five finalists for the

"lhis is probably the hardest de-
cision I've had to make in nine
years." FSU chancellor Charles
Reed said in recommending
D‘Alemberte to the job. “Each of
the czmdidates brought a different
set of strengths with them."

In the end. Reed said he thought
D‘Alembcrte would be the best at
building Florida State into “a
world-class university.” The regents
unanimously accepted Reed‘s rec-

And so ended
third search in
four years for a
university top

“I'm not dis-
appointed,“ said
' . llemenway. a

.1 i UK chancellor
HEMENWAY since 1989.
“l have mixed
feelings about the whole matter.

"Florida State is a strong univer-
sity; it has a lot going for it. But I'm
not willing to leave Kentucky for
anything but just the right situation.
We have a lot of good things go
ing for us here with a chance of
even better things in the future.“

D‘Alemberte. 60, is a former
dean of the FSU college of law and
also former president of both the
American Bar Association and the
American Judicature Society.

The Tallahassee native earned his
law degree from the University of
Florida and served seven years in









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We’re not looking at it as an opportunity to knock
the bully off the block. We took at it as an
opportunity to play against one of the best

programs in the country.

—Tennessee Tech coach

Frank Harrell


fire, Harrell said.

“When you run. you're getting
Kentucky into the things they do
best." the seventh-year coach said.
“It‘s much easier for one of Ken—
tucky's great players to have a great
night when they have 100 posses-
sions rather than 50 if we just
walked the ball up the court."

dominated by sophomores. But the
lone two seniors are being counted
on to lead the team.

Guards Maurice Houston and
Robert West combined to average
more than 30 points per game last
season, or about twice as much as
the rest of the team‘s combined
scoring average.

Also like UK. 'I‘ech's roster is

Clemson replaces
Hatfield with West

Associated Press

“They're the only two experi-



GREENVIUJL SC — 'l‘ennessee-Chattantxrga coach Tommy West. a
former Clemson assistant. will rettrm as the Tigers' tread football coach, a
school official said yesterday.

The fonrral announcement was scheduled to be nrade at a news confer-
ence. sports information director Tim Bourret said.

West. a Clemson assistant from 1982-89. will replace Ken Hatfield. who
stepped down Wednesday.

Hatfield left when the school would not extend his contract by another
year despite the Tigers‘ 8-3 record this season.

Instead, Clemson bought out the remaining three years of Hatfield's corr-
tract for $600,000.

Hatfield criticized fans and some school administrators he did not identi-
fy for what he said was their lack of support.

Despite the winning record. Clemson fans stayed away from Memorial
Stadium. Attendance was down an average of 10000 per game this year.

After Hatfield stepped down, Clemson officials said they hoped to have a
new coach in time to lead the Tigers in a postseason game.

The Greenville News. citing unidentified sources. said West became the
leading candidate after discussions with other candidates, including Baylor
coach Chuck Reedy and Florida State defensive coordinator Mickey An-

All three are former Clemson assistants.

West could not immediately be reached for cement.

He was 4-7 in his first season with Division I-AA Tennessee—

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enced players back for us." Harrell
said. “They‘ve got to have some big
games for us, especially early on in
the season.“

Tomorrow will mark the second
ever meeting of the two schools. In
1989, UK won Ill-75 at Rupp Are-
na in Rick Pitino's fourth game as
Cats' coach.

Harrell is anxious to return to

“Rupp Arena is a magical place
to play,“ he said. “The fans are fan-
tastic. I don‘t think I've ever seen a
foul called on a Kentucky player
that the 25,000 referees in the
stands agreed with.

“Getting the chance to play in
this environment is something our
players will cherish when they’re

UK named
N o. 1 team
in AP poll

Staff report



UK is the top-ranked team
in the Associated Press poll.
garnering 30 first place votes
and a total of 1.536 porrrts.

The last time the Cats were
ranked No. I was last year.
when they held the top spot
before losing to Vanderbilt
Jan. 13.

The voting was spread
among many teams. with
eight schools garnering first
place votes.

Those schools, with their
number of first-place votes in
parenthesis, are: UK (30).
No. 2 Arkansas (14), No. 3
Kansas (13), No. 4 North
Carolina (2). No. 5 Michigan
(3), No. 6 Duke (1). No. 7
Temple (1) and No. 10

This week's poll had some
major shuffling, but no one
dropped out of the rankings.
Last week‘s top team. North
Carolina, dropped to the
fourth spot following its
overtime loss to Massachu-
setts in the prc-scason Na-
tional Invitational Touma-

UMass made the biggest
climb this week. rising nine
spots to No. 9.

Indiana. after its loss to
Butler. dropped 10 places to
the No. 21 position. George-
town also dropped 10 spots
after an overtime loss to Ma-

To attain the top ranking,
the Wildcats defeated then-
No. 7 Louisville on Saturday

The Cats also were named
to the top spot of the USA
Today/Coaches poll and the
Kentucky Kernel poll.

The Cardinals fell
spots to No. ll.

Pollstcrs will get their first
look at six teams that are in
the poll this week.

They are Arkansas. Tem-
ple. Virginia. Illinois. Arizo-
na and George Washington.







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UK graduate sets new book

in historical, rural Kentucky


By Nina Davidson
Arts Editor


Novelist Bobbie Ann Mason was
so fond of UK‘s joumalism build-
ing that she and a friend once snuck
out of their residence hall to sleep
on one of its couches.

“The cops came in the next
morning, and we had to hide be-
hind the couch." she recalled,
laughing softly.

When Mason was an undergradu-
ate during the early 19605, women
had to sign out of their residence
halls when they left past the curfew
of 10:30 pm.

“I was just playing around with
language and rebellion," she said of
her undergraduate years at UK.

Mason's rebellious spirit has led
her far from the sheltered campus
of UK. into the spotlight of the lit-
erary world.

Mason, who graduated from UK
in 1962 with a degree in English,
returns to campus today as one of
America’s leading writers.

She will read from her latest nov-

el, “Feather Crowns," tonight at
7:30 in the Student Center Small

Raised on a 54-acre dairy farm in
Mayfield. Ky., Mason draws upon
her western Kentucky heritage for
inspiration. “Feather Crowns" is
based on a historical event of a
Mayfield woman who gave birth to
quintuplets in the 18905.

The 454-page novel traces the
traumatic effects of the babies‘
births and deaths on the life of their
mother. Christianna.

“Feather Crowns" is Mason‘s
first departure from a contemporary
setting. Mason's other works of fic-
tion include the short story collec-
tions “Shiloh and Other Stories"
(1982) and “Love Life" (1989). Her
novels include “In Country," (1985)
and “Spence + Lila" (1988).

“In Country“ was made into a
movie starring Bruce Willis and
Emily Lloyd. Shot on location in
Mayfield and Paducah, “In Coun-
try“ chronicles the impact of the
Vietnam War on a Kentucky fami-
ly. Like most of Mason's fiction. it
is set in rural Kentucky.

Author’s career

Novelist wrote weekly columns


By Nina Davidson
Arts Editor


Bobbie Ann Mason's brilliant
writing career had humble begin-
nings at the Kentucky Kernel. Ma-
son. who graduated from UK in
1962 with a degree in English.
wrote a weekly column for the
1959-60 Kentucky Kernel.

Her columns. with topics ranging
from New Year‘s resolutions to the
distraction of campus construction.
often took a tongue-in-cheek ap-
proach to University life.

Mason also was assistant manag—
ing editor for the 1960-61 Ken-
tucky Kernel and arts editor for the
1961-62 Kentucky Kernel.

The following is a brief retro-
spective of Mason's collegiate wis-
dom. culled from her columns writ—
ten under the byline Bobbie Mason.

OMason on the new year of
1960: As the inevitable result of
subversive activity at holiday cele-
brations. a new year is born.

And we celebrate it like such a
thing came along only once a year
or something.

Another annual excuse for a par-
ty. the new year comes and goes,
void of meaning, and fraught with
hypocritical intentions. rationaliza-
tions in the form of mass purges.

Or. in our escapism. we go to the
sock hop at Times Square. Wildly,
we cling to the last moments of the
old year. for they are never to be
seen again...

Resolutions should be revolution-
ized. more imaginative.

Something worth remembering
would be worth keeping.

Instead. we tack up an old list of
stereotypical resolutions and con-
vince ourselves of our sober inten-

The new year is full of bright
prospects. though, despite our de-
generate characters.

Then. 1960, being next in se-
quence. will no doubt be the most
progressive of our years of

-— from a column titled “Unpro-
gressive Progress" on Jan. 6, 1960.

-Mason on the origins of the
Greek system: It all goes back to
somewhere in the depths of anach-
ronisms to a Grecian nymph named
Poryphia. who was in love with a
Roman carouser Publius Clodius
Magnolius (Clod in the diminutive

Inspired by a line which was be-
ing read by a contemporary poet
about life being a ‘tale told by an
idiot. full of sound and fury. signi-
fying nothing.‘ Poryphia and Publi-

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us started the first fraternity, Signa
Phi Nothing.

This was closely followed by Phi
Kappa Clod.

And so fraternities have pro-
gressed to this day. Sororities were
invented when Poryphia was exiled
from Phi Kappa Clod and started
her own group. Alpha Sigma Stig-
ma. They have lived to this day,

— from a column titled “The Ori-
gin of the Greek ‘Weekend' " on
Feb. 19, 1960.

°Mason on mathematics: But
the exciting world of mathematics
at this University wasn't all rose-
colored polygons. I found myself
floundering in a jumble of curves
and graphs, being pierced by infi-
nitely intersecting parallel lines and
triangles encircling hypersensitive
slide rules. I was lost in infinite per-

Everything was mechanical.
Those professors were hiding be-
hind a cosmic invisible shield, and
they weren't sure what was going

I think one of them was trying to
prove that you could find the area
under a curve without calculus.

So what if 10 years from now I
can't conjugate a complex variable?
Curve systems and stones may
break my bones. but child guidance
and library science will never hurt

— from a column titled “Me-

“My upbringing as a Kentuckian
is always with me." Mason said.
“Writers especially are interested in
their past. Once they write about
their past. they can't stop. Other
people just grow up and be nor-

However, the details of her past
have transformed her career into
anything but normal. The first
member of her family to attend col-
lege. she Started her career working
at the Kentucky Kernel in 1959. Af-
ter graduation. she moved to New
York City and worked for Movie
Star Magazine and TV Star Parade.

Gurney Nomtan. now a UK Eng~
lish professor. was Mason‘s friend
and colleague during their UK days.

“Many of us admired her and
were secretly envious of her when
she moved to New York City to
work for a movie fan magazine," he

Norman said Mason showed the
glirnmerings of the keen eye for sar-
donic detail that would later make
her famous.

“Bobbie was much appreciated
here for her wit." he said. “She's al-
ways had a marvelous wit —— a dry.
ironic view of things in general. It
was very clear that she had an origi-
nal mind and thought deeply about

Mason said she, in turn. was in-
spired by Nomtan to begin working
for the Kentucky Kernel. “I started
writing columns because I was in-
spired by two writers who wrote for
the Kernel before me, Gurney Nor-
man and Hap Cawood," she said.

Mason said her columns for New
Yorker Magazine echoed her expe-
riences at the Kentucky Kernel. She
has written on a variety of topics
for the magazine's gossip column,
“Talk of the Town."

“One experience leads to an-
other," she said. “Writing for the
‘Talk of the Town‘ was an exten-
sion of writing for the Kernel."

At the moment. Mason is taking a
break from writing novels and re-
laxing with her husband. Roger
Rawlings. at their home in Ander-
son County. “I‘m not thinking
about my next novel now," she
said. “I have a lot of unfinished
business. I want to write some more
short stories."

Norman said Mason has come a
long way from their student days
together. “We were both student
writers in ‘59 and ‘60 at the Ker-
nel," Norman said. “Now Bobbie
returns to campus as one of Ameri-
ca's foremost writers."

“It's no surprise."

began at Kernel

chanical Mathematicians: Or, off
on a Tangent" on March 2, 1960.

-Mason on campus construc-
tion: There are two significant
things that emerge from spring:
love and noise.

They go hand in hand.

Love, of course. flourishes abnor-

Mainly because it is easier to
play fiddly-winks in the grass than
in the snow.

In this amorous deluge, the in-
dustrial age is upon us and threaten-
ing to excommunicate us with all
the dynarnos and electric post hole
diggers and hydrodarnatic lawn
mowers they are brandishing
around campus.

Professors are forced to outdo
themselves to combat these inter-

A teacher begins an important
lecture to the accomplishment of a
faint humming noise some build-
ings distant.

As he expounds point after point
in unusually brilliant fashion, the
machinist‘s noise gets louder.

His lecture is headed toward a
synoptic climax. you can tell, and
he sort of works himself into a fren-
zy as the sound increases.

Ten minutes before the class is
over, he has resorted to evangelistic
practices. and by the time the bell
rings. you have been converted.

— from a column titled “Love —-
and Noise" on April 29, 1960.



Bobbie Ann Mason pauses in
her duties as assistant man-
aging aditor of the Kentucky
Kernel to flash a smile tor the
1961 yearbook. Mason gradu-
ated from UK in 1962.




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Acclaimed novelist Bobbie Ann Mason will read trom her latest
work, ‘Feather Crowns,’ tonight at 7:30 in the Student Center
Small Ballroom. The event is free and open to the public. Ma-
son, a UK graduate and Mayfield. Ky., native, sets many of her

stories in rural Kentucky. ‘Feather Crowns' is her third novel.

L'K THL.\TRI. l’l’.()L'I)L\' I’RLSLNTS