xt72542j9g8f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72542j9g8f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-10-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1992 1992 1992-10-08 2020 true xt72542j9g8f section xt72542j9g8f  

-- twain fimwfinm .,

.---.- - . .



Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCV N0. 31

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent srnce 1971

Thursday. October 8. 1992


SGA Senate makes appointment to judicial board


By Nicole Heumphreus
Contributing Writer

.-\t laxt night's Student (io\ern-
merit .r\x\tK‘lllllt)lt Senate meeting.
newly appointed S(ir-\ iirxtiee Jill
(‘r‘anxton reeogni/ed that there wax
eoritroi erxy oi er her norirination

“I think there wax eoriti‘oierx} he—
earixe the iiiidieiali eoiiiiiiiiiee did
only xirbniit one name." ('rairxtoii
xaid "IRMA I'rL‘xttIelll‘ l’ete (Nit-
terriber‘l had axked for a Iixt. al-
though it ix Ill} tinderxiaridirig that

the)‘ tell that the) would he doing
an innrxtiee to the orgtuii/ation arid
eornrnittee to pick xoirieorie who
woirld be lexx qualified than the
rrioxt qualified candidate."

(‘i'anxtoiL who tirade an tirixrre—
eexxt‘til run tor S(i;\ \iee prexideiit
la.xt _\ear and ix a t’oi'iiier' xeiiatoi’ at
large. alxo xaid .\'o\eriihei' ma)
hate had rexerxationx about her
nomination beeaiirxe ot lingering ariv
inioxit)’ from Iaxt year‘x pi'exideiitial

“l’ete turd I hate had xoiiie wtl

Group says SOAC
shows funding bias


By Joe Braun
Editorial Editor


|Iie \tirdeiit (ligani/ritionx \p-
piopiratiorix t‘oiiiiiiittee ix tainted
w itIi politie x t 'ollege ( orixei‘.atr\ ex
I'iexitlerit Iliad I’liillipx xaid )e\lel

Io pioit Iiix eIairii. l’liillipx
pointed to Iaxt week‘x \‘t l \( lllL‘L'I'
rng. diiiirig wIiieli ('ollege ( orixer
\.iti\ex treaxiir’er Iarnex [lr'aekett re
riiiexted \‘TI'I troiri \(l.-\(‘ to pat
tor I-inirtx .tlliI olliee xirppliex

Inxtead ot \‘lltl. the L‘ttll\e‘l\rtll\ e
group wax granted oiil} halt the re
tiriexted aiirotrnt tIiix dexpite the
tart that \t t \(' apprm ed tiiII tiirid
trig ot \iiili tor a eoiiipetiiig group
(.tiIIL‘L‘i I)CIIlH\ItII.\

I’liillipx xaid \t t;\t”x tiindirig der
eixiorix were inlltreneed It} the po-
litieaI leariirigx ot xoiiie ot itx rrierii
herx and deelriied the \Zdt l.

“lt‘x politrex ax irxiial llt Ken-
tiiek) A member of (‘oIIege I)enio~
er’atx wax xrttirig on the panel who
tleeidetl liow iririeli money we re-
eened.” I‘Iiillipx xaid.

Br'aekett xaid he wax "drilled"
during the meeting with St ).\(‘
nienihei'x. who wanted to know
whether liix group wax xiipporiing
either prexideritial earididate

Braekett xaid the \e‘\t‘llrllle‘ltlI‘el'
eoiriniittee "repeaiedb axked tItlllli
rt itlie gr'oirpi xtipported I’rexiilerit
Ilrrxli " IIe xaid he “told tlierri tt'ol
lege t‘oiixei‘xatnexi eorieentr‘ated
on xpi'eadirig etitt\L't'\:III\L' helielx."

not on xrrppoitiiig a xpeeitie etiridi-

.\tirdeiit (ioieirrnient \xxoeiatioii
\eriator at I .irge \lll} :\tI;tlll\. wlio
ix a iiierriher ot \t l \t and t ollege
Ileiiioeratx. wax wearing a Hill
(‘Iiiitori button at the lllL‘t‘llll'J I’IiiI
Iipx x.iid tIiix elearh xhowx liei po
Iitieal hiax

Hit the xanie exerting .\ti.tlll\
who ix iiieiriheixhip tooidiiiator tor
the t‘olltge Iteiiioeratx. tirade a
pi'exeiitatiori oii itx behalf and .rxked
tor the \Jtltl from \t)\(' \Vliile
\Ile rtI‘xltItltL‘tI ItttIll IIIL' XHIL‘ fill the
Iterrroeiatx' iiione}. xhe did not for
ttIIle‘l‘ llle'tt\lll't‘\ I‘L‘lllg [‘tt‘wllled Ii}
politieal grotipx. lllLIlltIlllfJ (‘ollege

.\d.triix. who had earlier been at a
( olIege lleirioeratx e\eiit. xaid ine
"didn‘t think ot taking the birtton
ott .. and ididii'tl xee an} r‘eaxon
whj. I xlioitld take it off"

Ilie ( ollege Reptihlietirix a third
tarrrpiix politieal glttllpr alxo axkerl
\f).-\(~ tor llltdle)‘ and wax denied
the entire amount i'eqiiexted IIlL‘)
then axked Student ( iotei'nirieiit ,\e_
xoeiation I’rexideirt l’ete .\'o\enihei‘
to interteiie and renew the dixtribir-
tioii pr‘oeexx

.~\tter November talked with
\t ).\(‘ (‘liairrnari loe I’riit. the
group ieeei\ed the full aiiioirrit of
itx reqtrext

\'o\eiiihei deeliried to eoniiiieiit
on whether Ire belieied .r\tIiIlllx'
wearing of ilie (‘liiitoii hiittori eon,
\e}ed a politieal riiexxage

titer in the past. during laxt )ear'x

"I think it would he \er_\ natural
for someone to feel tliai it would he
difficult to appoint xoriieoiie who
you didn‘t agree with on e\ei'\ itx»
xiiei . expeeralh tor xoirietlririg
like the ttidieial board heeairxe we
don‘t agree on L‘\L‘l} ixxire ”

(‘r'anxton xaid .\'o\eirihei wax ih
Itgttled It‘ ttgtee with the Iiidieial
Board Noriiiriating t'orriiriiitee hi
eaiixe he ix the one who ereated it

\\'lieri .\'o\eirihei nominated
t‘iaiixton laxi iiiglit Ill tioiit ot the
entire xeiiate Ire x.iid xlie wax well
qualified tor the poxitioii

Iii eoiiirireiiix tirade alter the xenr
att adioiiiiied. \iflelltI‘i'l alxo xaid
Il\ lollomrl tIie .i«l\ite ot the rioitii
iiatirig \r‘IlllllIII\\ I\\.lll\\ Ire g.i\e

Irix word that lit would

Ill otliii I‘ll\lllt=\ Iaxi Itl"IlI. the
\(l‘\ xellrtle‘ Iit.l|tI Il ‘lIl \I.tIi Nell
Iiiii‘xlir \toixrai, .‘liti It‘ItI xttt
\IliillliI Ill

tIt‘til\ lIit‘» It},'I\I.lI\‘I\

know of their opp-mutton to IlllIIltI

budget eiitx tor higher ediieatrori.

“I think the I'iiixerxit} eoiniiiiirii~
t_\ tieedx to he \ei} \otaI to xtate
go\erriiiieiit.” xaid
I e\irigte~iiI

\(itlutlle‘ (I)

lie alxo eneotiraged xtiitleiitx and
taerrlt} to xirppoit air trpeoriiiiig
“Iligliei I duration Rally" to be
held III I iaiiktoit t tit H

"I think tliat‘x the kind of aetiiit)
that xtiidetitx .tlIvI tatirIt\ need to he
tIttllljJ.“ \titlxitltt‘ x.tliI

lhe xt irate .rIxo paxxed .i eoiixtitri

liottgil .llIIe'IllIIIItIr' ttxt lli“I|I 1h tI no
longer IK'kIlIII\\ tiixlziiiair xtiiatoix
lo partieipatt IIl tlit irt xliiriaii Ix‘ep
lt‘\t‘IlI.IIl\i triiiirtil
ltii\\ I\ l‘I‘Ilt‘Ii ll


\Ixr‘. \('\\ .ilitfiit'I l‘rlitlx ‘iit .t
tiexi phivir. '1‘ (tit \I,t!“,il.’ I I‘elll“
I |I‘l.tl\ tit ‘ Hit tit illtliltltllI‘t
(t‘IIt 'e ‘\ itlt'o . II \ItJ-ItltI\
I‘tliI-‘tl ’Ii. \tiif ti‘ I :1 \v \ta
IItlli ‘- ‘I.‘.I» I.’ r‘ lI.. \i‘
ettt\ til \\.t:t It‘ilhrl lr“liIlrlI










Physical therapy freshman Mark Dicken. of Winchester. Ky. manages to catch a football yesterday at Haggrn Field. despite
a block attempt from communications freshman Phil Hartlage. of Louisville.

JlH lltlHllW 'r



Club offers alternative to TV


By Monica Bryan
Staff Writer


It bar'liopping Iiax heeoiire hoting.
weekend pai'iiex mundane and l\1
watching unbearable. I eungton‘x
new ('oiiiedy ('liih olt'erx a wonder-
IllII_\ l'rexh alternatiie

'I he ('orried} (‘lirh. loeated down-
town in Spii'itx l oiiiige at the Radix-
\on l’la/a IIotel. will leatiii'e tiatioii
aIl_\ touring eoriiiex who xpeeiali/e
in xeteral different typex ol liiiiiior.
_.\ number of xtaiid—iip eoniiex. ax

well ax riiirxieal eoriiiex. irriprexsion—
ixt.x and thoxe who ini\ rnagie and
eoiriedy will perform.

Ietington xpeeit'ieall} wax elio-
xeii ax the ('oiiied} (‘liih‘x iiewext
home for xe\ei'aI r‘easorix. xaid I)a\e
'l'ate. who xehediilex talent for the
national eliaiii

I'ate xaid I e\ington ix the ideal
xite lieeaiixe it ix a large eit} with a
xi/eahle aiiioiriit ol’ eollege xtiidetitx

the tnarket to wliieh 'I'lie (‘oriie~
dy (‘Iiih liopex to appeal late xaid
he reeogni/ex that I exitigtoii al-

ready liax one well-extahlixlied torii
ed) elirh. hiit xaid lilt‘le ix plerii. i-l
room for another

late aritieipatex a tirll liou~t to
night when tliet t‘llti‘iI_\ t lirh Ilt'ItI‘
itx grand opening at ‘t IIIt Ixiirit
\\lII kirk tliiiigx oil. and It tt
Siiiiiiix. who liax IK'IIttlllltiI on IIle
(‘oniedt (‘liariiiel a \Iiowirrrrt it Hi
ed) xpeeial and a iiiirriliti wt . it‘lt
pi'ograriix. will tollow \‘.lIII .i til IliI
ot eoiiietl_\ and riiagie

Spiritx will xer'\e poptoiii .rri.t ltlIl
drink xpeeialx throughout the llt"ItI



Students wrth questions should call SGA at 25773191



Kirwan-Blanding Complex Common

Other Elections
College of Architecture
College of Library Sciences

Marg1a0ret I. King Library

a.m, - 7pm.

Voting times and locations
\ Freshman elections

Margaret l. King Library .
10 am. - 7 pm. I
Blazer Hall I

4 -7 pm. ‘

Donovan Hall
4:15 - 7:15 pm. ;

Lexington l
\Community College :
‘ 10am-5pm. I





end today

By Joe Braun
Editorial Editor



'I‘oday ix the laxt day tor tiexh
men to vote for their tour iepre
seritatii'es on the Student (iti\
eminent Assoeiation xeiiate

lileetioii lioard (‘litiirniari
Marshall III\\ttll xaid \oier Illl'llr
out yesterday wax “light to mod-
erate. The morning wax xlow.
but it pieked tip at the iKii'waii
Blanding (‘orripleiii ('oiiiriioiix
and |)ono\an tlIallI later "

Ilixxon xaid that while the
Student (‘enter poll wax xliglitly
busier than otliei'x, the polling
xtation at Margaret l King I i-
hrary w'ax not ax biix} ax he e\

He estimated that Still \llltIClllx
have voted. and he xaid he hopex
tumour will be around INNI

See VOTE. Back Page


Panelists discourage sending
more U.N. troops to Yugoslavia
to quell Ctvrl war. Story, Back


Reilli’o’xCenI of films by David
Lynch and the Coen brothers.
Ilie Amuster' is a disturbing yet
intellrrent niowe Review,
Page 3

A tune on its way up, Smokin‘
Dave and the Premo Dopes will
l' vado JDI tonight The show is
{M't of WRH. t-M's Alternative
Monte Month I’revrew. Page 3.


Because of an editor‘s. error, the
(late of UK; volleyball game
against LSU was incorrect The
game was Saturday.


A statement by UK spokesman
Bernie Vonderheide in Tuesday’s
Kentucky Kernel was not com-
plete. The statement about Iay‘
offs in UK's Design and Con»
struction Diwsion SIlOtlId have
read, This is not a reorganization
due to budget cutbacks but rath-
er because the amount of con-
struction actrvrty has significantly
decreased from the pact bienni-
um to the current biennium.’


Mostly cloudy today With a 50
percent chance of showers and
thunderstorms by late afternoon;
high around 70 A 50 percent
chance of showers and thunder-
storms during the evening, then
mostly cloudy; low around 50.
Partly cloudy, breezy and cooler
tomorrow; high between 60 and



Sports. .................................... 2
Diversions .................................. 3
Viewpoint ............... ..
Classifieds ................................. 5


Volunteers anticipate
hockey team’s season





By John Kelly
Stat": i r


(ooI (atx Iltttke\ |\ bark. and
\iitliorr} II‘.\ totililri l he happier
Ii\e ixii t .l Iiotii‘x {‘I.t'-t'l and
Ir. liax iio IIIItI 'xt lli I‘tiitllllllj' r-iit
Iiiit Ite
\\exle\ Ioiriiilatiorr lll"lt' \t‘lllllll‘ll
I. known a» the I'iiited \Iitliodixt

\iiideiiit enter

a xIlliIt‘ltI IIItlIlI‘tI ol tlit

Ilie toiiiiilatiori agreed earlier
lIttx '0.th lit \I‘HIIHII lIIt‘ Iliit’kt‘fx
tearii x t\eritx tor tlit I‘I‘Irl-‘H xear
xoir lliat riiearix foundation nierri
I\l\ will \riIiiiiteei to work ax trek
et»takeix .llItI ax’xtxt two xettiiitt
gtiaidx at the I'K hoeke} eliibx
xeaxon opener \tlllliIlt) at the I er.
lllt'lt‘ll Ieet LIlIt'I

I ixe. a toniptitei xeieriee xoplio
more from \\iritliextei. K} .xaid Ire
ix e\eited .ihoiii \oIiiiiteeriiig .it the

"Iiii looking
game quite a hit" I r‘}e xaid “i Ilie
loiiriilatiorii ix Ii.i\ing a retreat in
\Virieliexter and a hiirieli of iix are
lia\irig to ilrixe hark \atiirtla) night
to make it to the game, but tliat‘x
i)l\' "

Ihe eontraet between the tee eerrr
teir the \\ex|e\ I~oiriidation and the
lioeke} eliih xigned \Ioiida} iiiglit
eaIIx for at leaxi \l\ xtiideiit trierii
herx ol the loiindation to work I” all
(‘ool( atx Iioirie gariiex

I)t‘lllll\ Idee xaid that he liax
been told by iiieiriheix ot the tearri
that about eight xtiidetitx wotild be
working \lllllliIa} iiiglit'x game In
additioti to tlioxe ei-Ilit. I t}e ix e\
peeling quite a le\\ Wexle) I‘tillll-
datioii nienrherx to attend Satur-
da) 'x gaiiie ax laiix

l-rye based that on ilie exerteiiient
he‘x xeen within the orgarii/atroii
about the protect with the (‘ool

lorwaitl lit the

“I \er\hodx lair w thix I "win”
on all alone littauxt l\\e xlt x I tiii


rlation raiiipiix llilltl\ltl‘ Itill
\I N] r r t tix
lrit u hoe.

"iii i
Ii‘ Hi
\\I. l iIit
‘Iiit "l' r i
Ii iiI l
l.t‘l'||\\tI 'l\ x
\ l l 'lr' l]
'i. l '\ dirt"
| .t 7 ‘tIxt
MCINTOSH ._.. .iM-t
it ‘ ‘ lIi.
:iliolt I‘vlllItIll.‘ 4:1 ; ‘ ' or
ptoplt I‘Itlllllli" to ill '1: 'Itl "l\I
",IIItt‘ tirxt I‘zkdlln iii. an i ~t.tl

now IIt.rI it til it!

II'.rI-. rtiI iIiet ’ii ~lii} '11 'rtIl‘
eiiiiId iiiala tIit -!ill. It iitt .. I
iii-g prof lgirix

“rat e \i-tetl “.lIIr
Iaxt \earx
\l\"\\ll‘ IIi‘ \lltI
tlit ha~it prob
I-.‘lll\ tri\o|\ed
tIlIIIhIIIt' tiiix
ttiL' .llliI II“I|IIll"..'
.it tlit earrii -
I’u‘t.lll\t' HI

tlrt ‘\ [‘litI‘I. iiix


I\\ \ IlItI Illrlll


.iI iii lir|\ llt‘I to
renew the ( ooi tatx’ totitratt .iI
lowing them to plax .it IIIL renter
Ihe \Vexlex Ioiiridatiori their
xleppetl III It“ IttIt‘ it.I\It all .Ijlli‘t‘
iiieiit Ixtwieri the I\\ trritti and [lit
(ViiitH .tIx

"\\e l\ liopinj‘ thix \\lII do it.“
II_\iIt‘ \.ItiI ' IIIk\>lk triltlltIL‘lll lIltlI
tliix will work out and I hope it
.loex \\i are \t’l} iiitt iextttI rtI Iia\

See HOCKEY Rack Page


2v "






By Mark Sonka
Senior Staff Writer

lllk' l'K \nllt-Hmll team got tlc~
lt'lt\l\t' l.t\l llllell

Rewriting .I match-high l:
l‘ltlL‘lA .tIItl (ill tlIfJ\~ the \thtlt'nh
\lIIIl tltmn lk'llllL'\\k't' and llx top
play-L Linn-Lt lirtglittnztn. “inning:
Ii.“ ‘. IVi In \t'ntl lllC \Itlx
ltotnc ‘~\llll .I l\l\\ tor the Hill tnne
lit the Imntx~ IIN ll tncetingx

Brightinnn. who was averaging
5 5 klll\ per game. llL‘tl tor the lead
It] ct’rot'x \\llll nine ~ and had
lll\l II Klll\ II] V uttcntph lll lllL'
tttrcc-ggninc match tor an attack pct-
t‘L‘llltIfJL' Ul llSl

nlllk‘) dug l.nnel;t Brighttnttn .'l\
ut'll ;i~ .uijmnex tlng her [lll\ win;
tintl dick one ut the but lllllL’H :n



Junior outside hitter Betsie Aldridge (left) and SOphomore outside hitter Krista Robinson watch
a UT spike racing toward the floor during UK’s 3-0 win over the Tennessee Volunteers last night
at Memorial Coliseum. Defensively, UK held the Vols to a .030 attack percentage. .189 below its
average this season. for the match. UK plays Duke Friday and North Carolina Saturday at the


Kentucky Hockey Is Back!

Saturday “:30 .m.
3 Periods 0 Great ockey
Action. Come out 8 cheer

600!- OATS



DANIEL VAN DALSEM r»: ' e S14" \rllll ['1 (”‘1‘ ll Ill’

the t'ntttt-rcin‘t'.”
llL‘ llcnntinn
I'K Ill-1 metal]. 2-] in the
Mrtttlttutxtcrit (‘nntcu'nt'ev ltelti l'l
NM. l L to .l H (I‘m tIlllle pent-tit
Inge lot the match W) pttlllh he


Sun City

1 1 Wolff Tanning Beds
New Bulbs

12 Visits $20

Lanlxtl Ill chmgttnt Mall 0 2355‘? th‘lllllttlld Road
\lust present coupon - Expires 10/31/92 J

Inn in .nt'mgc. and tonal Iltt‘ \ ul~

Into ‘3 Attacking L'I‘Itth l~ ”1011'
than [K

"I mill) tell nx [timing good «lo
lettw .l}!.llll\l than and not .Illtmlllf.’
than to get L'tl\'\ kill\ “m the kc) In
th “inning" l'K coach Kath) Dc-
llot'r \Utl

()ttctmwl}.Int-(11h new Ictl h}
It) \letttlllttl't‘ ontxnlc lnttci‘ thlll
Robinwn t‘l ktllxt. senior llllkltllt'
blocker \ngt'ln \;tl\;ttt>t't‘ t\t. rut»
\lnrt llC\llll'Iilll Moll} Dretxhnt'lt WI
and nnnm‘ lllltltllL‘ blocker lnntt‘c
llltilll.l\ to;

\\ ti turn. the (lttx regzixtctul It
214 ;ttt.It‘l\ Pk'lk'k'lllrlg‘i. killing: .1: wt
I:Q .IllL'lllPh. uhilc mtnnntttng l;

llllllt‘l \ettu‘ lune Belnngt-i \\.I\
\lt'Jtl} ;I\ Il\|l;ll. t'ontnlnntnj: It
lll.lltll'l|i:.'ll 1* .I\\l\l\

ln flJlllx' one l‘K tallied hit the
~II';ng.'ltt pntllh It» \ll'L‘lt'll .t nunmt ‘
J launl In llrJ (hilllk'l\\ttlk.llll1\\l
wint- \‘lll\l.lll\ll|l:.' detenxnt- [‘ltl:\\
I») the (1m. nit'lntltng Int» In:


Wildcats defeat Volunteers 3-0

tilnth I») \.il\.itt>tc

lllL' (ntx (timed In J“ L‘.l\\ \I\ to
I) III fidlllt' [him
It ll'l t‘l


"l Ilnnk new Inst pvt
wnInlt'nt‘t \\llL‘Il aw plttj.
we." llt'llm't \lltl "llnti Mien we
go III In [‘l.l_\ It-nntht-t- .iI lLllll\\
we. I'm going: to he

\lt‘tllll U

\t.tl‘rtl [v

ltnnoi ontxnlc lnttct llgtxtt \I
Ilittlgt‘ \ntl l'K\ \It‘lltu tlt‘ttnxixy
plti} \\.t~ no tlL'k'lthlll

"Right ltt'torc HIII lll.ll(l| shit «I,
Killll} \H'utt' \lt'lenw' on the I'lt‘tlk
tnntl .llltl nntlctltnctl nf~ \ltltttlgt‘
xntl " | lt;tl tux lllL‘ kc} “

llL'.ltllll_‘_' into the 5.2mm. the I Itl\
‘At'lk' ixtnkctl tn‘xt til the \l( m tttgx
I‘L'I fiJlllt '.\itlt l\' m. .tlltl \Itt ant llI
hlmktn}: \xIIlI 3 (H [\‘t gtnnt‘

With the \It’lttl')_ Hellm-I l\ with
tum utnx ;l\\tl_\ lI‘UllI llt'l' JINIIII uttn
tit l'lx'

lllt‘ I .ll\ \\lll plat link; ,tt ‘ 1"
littli} lllfjlll lll .\lt'llltfll.ll ( 'nlixt lllll

UK loses to Butler in overtime


Staff reports


llIIllL‘l' ll'\k’tl l\\tl t‘\k'l1llllC flt‘LIl\ II‘
tlctmt lllL' I'K unintn‘x \Ut.\'t‘l' lL‘tllIl
‘vl lttxt lllfllll tit (:th l‘lCltl

wot In;

‘.\ .leL‘Il

Bullet \ Sttt'txzttct
nu lllllt' :I goal nth
into the llltllkll [lntlci only .Illmxetl
l'K tun \llttlx «in gintl In lllk' lll\l




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llti\\t'\L‘l, I'K Itul the gunm- t'tlll\
lll lllt' \ct‘ontl li.ill uln'n Int‘lttgltltt
\ttnlt' l\’tt\l\tt\\\l\t took .I (litixl
\ltnnuwt/ \nmtn: paw .llltl tllt'\\
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"It ll‘t‘l\ It ulnlt‘ Int II\ Iv 2‘. ntn
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time. \kc Ill\l haw It» Inky II .‘I :rtnnt
t\_\ grunt l\'lj_'lll lltl“. \u'tt‘ lttlll"
pumped up In pl.i_\ Nutty | Mnn ”

I'l‘\' Ill'ttmk‘tl In Vfil UlI lllt’ \\.I
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'l tun]

Cats I) *at Marshall 3-l

lllt‘ l'K ntcn'x \ot't‘t't twin tlt
lt'.llL'tl Mnrxlmll H l.th Ingrltl lll

Huntington \\ . \n.




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Kentucky Kernel. Thursday. October 8. 1992 - 3












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By Kenn Minter ’1 = 1111- 1'11111\1111-111-1 1111111 11111 111111 By Ty Halpin
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Kentucky Kernel
I‘stabltshc.‘ in .“tl

Itrdethnlent ‘lllst it I


Editorial Board

liregoty .\ Ilall. IiIllvti in t 'hiet

Its lit Hill I iIitotral I dttot
I ‘rtv \ i 'll'l I'ditortal t 'atioonist
\latv \la-lrleti \Ianagine I dit-t

llale I iteet I’Kc'klllfle I ilitoi

Iyroiic Ilcason. News l dilot







Brian lent \cnior Stall Writer
Ianra(idtii I I
I i
c ,I _. ___WIW_,,._I__ _ I. I__ _. - I I
) ° I
UK 5 education eflorts *
for sexual health, safety ’
should be applauded
When the topic is sexual health and salety. there is no such tlnng I
as too tnuch education. I I
AIDS continues to spread at alarming rates. and recent ligures ' I
show that college campuses iticluding l'K - are not immune to I; ..
its ett’ects. This spring. l'K l4rench instructor |)an Mynear died - it (4/71?
m, X _ .

irotii complications catrsed by .
Nationwide. an estimated I § million people are inlected with









I'm Luoicnoos.






, I I I . o o o 0
III\ . the .-\ll).\-cansing virus that experts say will have taken more R bl h ldh d tr I
than loitltltl American lives by NIH, epu lcan C l 00 a aglc experlence 5
Although less serious. otlter sexually transmitted diseases like
getiital herpes and svphilis also continue to plague universities. lust recently I II.“ II .I support I I I t t'K .
I . . ' . ‘ I . .. ~ . on "ottottii‘ i an an .t
| Isa Stoler. assistant dean ol students tor health and saietv. told the ”III“ I in .,I' I, I I. (‘l II"1 II |<~ . ‘ L“ k. I . .‘ \\e hayc to 3an ll»‘ clill-llv. '.
, . . ' c— I k“ I”: II II I ILI ‘ V r , (itllc‘gc' IX‘lllttcldls I'Iltl \Ilccl . I
l\entucky l\ernel last week that sexually transmitted diseases are publican pumuc lt “Ac a .L-aIILII» Meredith Nelson “I II t l l l l l IIMI “I tall haw IIIII s iiii‘t
.. . . ‘ 7 '1 l’ l‘ l ‘. ii I ‘ H .I . -.. t .
IUNI l'lllllllllg l'illllp'cllll till IIIIS Clllllpllb lllltl till lllllll\ CIIIIIPLHLN d]\(|]\\]ti[| inc-cunt" and \nk' till Kernel COILJITIOISI y I “I 3“” : IIIHII‘I \ II I II “\I\ II I IIK \\c will Iliil tit . IIIv .
.. . c _ \t c‘ ts‘ l\l llrt .II I I ~ ~ - it I'm
around the country. whether we were going to do the I . 9 I I I I I““”'-‘ “III“ "I 'f I "II “I I
. _ ' . y ‘ ~ leted tip stories oi our previous ig- ii II to ill iI .I work .. ‘th I I I; ;
She said that most students know what they need to do to protect (IL‘IIIIIII‘ \Ih'“ HUI-VIII“. (me ”Ill s'lltI ”I II she ‘ ‘I 7 “ ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ i
I . . ' . ' . .,, . I ‘ 7 ‘ ‘ \ Ill l1‘-cl I ~ ‘II II 'c"’ ‘. .l- if
themselves ~ either abstain irorn sexual contact altogether or. at I “II II'I‘III.‘ “‘“I‘UI “P “II“IEII ,. it ~- l a, l- (y. \l~ , ‘ I . ' “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' I.
‘ - .. .- v ' I I I » I III H‘II‘ ‘II‘L “Our” II‘II "“I:L- \(m‘ we ilottl have to Il\lcll II 'II I
the very least. use condoms. “.‘III‘Ir‘ I‘ f"‘“”_ I“ I“ II” ”1‘“ I , , , - I , . cm was ;. c‘itnsc‘i'\.lli\c‘ she ‘.\.is “i l . I, I . I . t . - i. I
n . . I 'lIIlIl'llltlll oi my UNIT [1 \\"\ w. Apparently. ll Isn t our iault lhc \ vvil Illl it re a I:lcl|l s. ,.
[his is a quantum leap iorvvard. lt wasn t so lotig ago that many ‘ ‘ - ‘ ‘ ‘I “ I, II t“ I.’ l lib BI . .I .II , relieved ol her spot III the circle Ii‘i' . Rush 1 “ms I-I.I.~-‘ I
oil .I. . stir l 'nts ‘s 'i' ll\ tlt i"wh I “I .. 'll .. III _ h‘ l I cructattng. remembering all the s“ ”P “(W -I .\ HI ”I: IMIII- ..e «I t.» . I
c cgc tc .c. pee a . t sc t etc sc\ua y ac I c. at in years ol having to listen to quh drew several pie graphs and charts lhen the burning question cIimc \tid we leit iiit met Inn; ~ I
IIICII how I” PI'IIIL'CI IIICIII‘CI‘I‘S- lican Ideals. ‘ to help us distingtiish the hats irom “l‘ “”IIIII “C i'I‘“ ‘I‘IIMIM I'sv'l cleansed lt‘llv \IlciI .md In» It hot: -
that now Is the exception rather than the rule. and otie oi the rea— It rust wasn‘t enough that all oi what we. as children were told by IIIL‘ PUII “I IIIs‘ IIs‘i‘III‘IIslI“ I’4'I‘II‘~ ’ ls'dII} aligned with will I‘t‘lillv
sons is because ot sexual .sat'ety education programs like the one the members oi' triv mother‘s ianii- Republiczutparents. “UUIII “6 IW