xt72542j9f54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72542j9f54/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-11-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 05, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 05, 1981 1981 1981-11-05 2020 true xt72542j9f54 section xt72542j9f54 . J - tug-p- ,' i ‘ -, : -. _ , , . , " y i ' ‘ .‘ - _ i .' 4 '. - : .' . ‘1“. "., 7‘ . ,5.» ““575; ."'t.“‘t}"*flh§:"i’5“§“’5 2345‘ .y r.
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. The warm mid-(all weatha' will gif};sn‘:f§-;gifftg"-”a-'
, continue today. but beware —-— there’s :1 ' i 53.1; :3,"
.. 5:- a 30percentchanceofrain today.and 1 ’ -:,'?;’;;};i;;&g
’. .» clouds will be creeping‘ in tumult. i" . ,
Highs will be in the mid at today. .i ,-;
, withlowstonightintheuppertmlt 4 w
‘ will be considerably cloudy and i ' . '
cooler tomorrow with highs in the mid l;
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‘ VOL LXXXIV, No.58 All W .w m Ill” 1m University 0! Kentucky " '
‘ ’ Thursday. November 5, 1981 , Lexington, Kentucky l ‘ ,
en 0“ S 00“ I Ion worsens « * i .. Ml 3 .
lévfik .1; ; 5?? £1.13?” ”1’: ’ pie > ”If .3 i-
- "‘ ; ———————'— Todd, chiefofcardiothoracic surgery cess,however,“the pacemaker didn't " ’ . i " 5’
r M ' 7 3““me at the UK Medical Center. “It has doanygood,"Toddsaid. a.
, . Staff Writer . , , G
, ”a; M .. , _ andAPdi tam dominated. and it has shown no .. . ‘3 1,.
. " . ; . a spa responsetowreffortstoimproveit." We wanttoreducethestramofthe _ i 4}: g , 2 f;
, .l “ ———————-——— Kenton had another setback at ap- hes.“ as {ouch as possible. Todd eli- - .
y ' ‘ , , , _ , proximately 3 p.m., Todd said, when blamed “Illeaorticoalloon, a dewce ‘ . a
5' ' ' j "0““ Speaker William 6- Kenton s hisbloodpressureworsened. that expands while the heart is T: W i” '
3‘ ,. condition “definitely worsened” “His pressure again fell and it did resting, saves theheartfrom working ’i’; ’“ _ :5“
f: - f Yuma”, and 188‘ ”Muslim‘s“ not respond to the medications. At Bohard-Ithasbeenlifesavinsinsome . , » 1
34* y. i- ’J' said, “We have done everything we that time an immfiomc balloon- patients.” . _ my“! \ Q . , :37
“ -- > can” assist de ‘ as ed to upport . .. , . ’ ’
ii)” nights?” ., Kenton, 40, who underwent major his bloodwgureplgifiice thast time Todd saldhethought Kenton had a fi' , O ‘ , N g
. " “W WSW MMY ‘0 "3mm 8 ”00¢ wehave gained some stability butwe 8°“, 3"?“ W" b“? "0‘“ "2“.“ , y Z ‘ in @ ”in t "
' , ‘ ’ w " ‘5“ .. clot from his “‘1'“er W)" M" haveseenno improvement. Thesitua- was “bruised” by the "8°“ °f ms ‘1' >1 ’
l a i“ fend“ ”WWMWW tionisexmny srave."Todd said. 1““- j; a ’
at all“; [511211128323 required 3" m' Klaiton’tserheartda heat was “Toddmto Todd said. “We don’t have any 2 3 ,0 . \
. “r a ’ a I s c '1' ( ’ $4" (
. HERALD-LEADERPHON “or“ are my mm “with.“ , y y my mung _ more tricks His heart is acutely . , a it. 5 .
. . ,, . insert a porary pacemaker In strained. All we can do now is walt g i t ,, x, . »,
- REP. WILLIAM G. KENTON hdneyfunction, said Dr. Edward P. Kenton’s chest. me. an initial sue- and hope" *1. .. f O f _.. .
. l l l I l ’63], ‘ “3"” ‘iv \ Q '1 ‘-""..j
4 PreSIdent rejects $80 billion tax rise .. ..,:' _ . , . i
Reagan abandons balanced budget ., .. ,
_ ' ‘ . ‘
ByOWEN-ULLMAN-N _" - stamps and MedicaidandMedicare. u'easestooffsetasiieablepartofthe billion in defense cuts as part of a I d “’ E
l Associated Press Writer The balance of the $100 billion tax cut approved by Congress during revised package of $115 billion in say. ,.- ' 5 » J
' ' would come from other government the summer. The new law reduces ings needed to balance the budget by ' ,;;_
M programs. In addition, experts business and individual taxes byszao 1m. | ' ’
. estimate they would save about 815 billionthroughlwl. But as the projected deficit con- i
managing“; digit-225mg a billion through lower costs of servic- Stockman. projecting a mrsening tinned to grow, Stockman has been '
Emma Republ' ° to . a '2 ingthenational debt. deficit outlook, persauded the presi- lobbying for significantly higher tax '" a '.
gbilli . “I'm “13:” t Despitetherepofledagreement, of- denttoaskCongressinSeptember for increases, a position opposed by ' .
°" "‘ “e" 9“” W" n“ fiCia' ls announced that the Senate :2 billion in tax increases and :13 Regan andother'n-easury officials. ,4 ,. ,
i "Pr” ywsi PM“? ““3“? “’3 Budget Committee, whichiscontroll- . .
Virtually abandoned his pronuse to ed b" Republicans would delay its ‘ y
! bgiince the government‘s books by public drafting of a new budget ‘
' 1 . . . I .
g Administration sources said yester- “highways-”m, pms La W S tilde” 1' group
‘ day the president told his economic secreta larry Speakes confirmed ' a;
; advisers that he opposes major new ' the ngem,s position as to 1386' ' ' ' ' I ’ i B DAVIDCOOPER/K ass.“
mimrmevenmamuvea . . - to recrwt minorities y a“
. . tax increase, saying. Its certainly -
aredan etinthefinalyeaiof notourdecisiontoaddnewtaxesto ID ['8 I It,
his current term. Those same ad- " inourSept. alpackage." That On e leve .
“$50M” a defiut isomeritable package called for raising :22 billion , _ ,,_______ pre-registration is not required to at- Bill Zurstadt reacts to the words of a UK student as he preached to students ,
widen ”$132? recess): a through 1% by narrowing several By JOHN HARDIN tend. yesterday at the Student Center free speech area. Zuntadt. a former UKstu- .
WI “1888p .y . ' businessandpersonaldeductims. Reports dent,isaccompanying Jed Smockonhlsvislttocampna.
instead, Reagan will continue to Alston said the fOCLB will be on
pmsmdeila dirt t thit eoiiiii hambimmtzfidmitin mic tweaks “W m” ‘° “PP" ‘” I ' ' ' S'-
cutsto tea ici vegun a recen . 't' W d df -r.
balloon to as much as 90 billion in that their original plan for a record The Black American Law Student {mum “fig,“mg omen S St“ IBS all em'nlsm
1932 and $150 billion by 1m without boost in defense spending. a record Association will hold its ”com Law availabletotl after law school."
further budget savings, according to cut In taxes anda balanced bulket — School Preparation Conference f of f d. '
, the source: who did not want to be :2 by 1534 7 ml:I no 13!)?”th tomorrow attheCollegeofLaw. Specifically Alston said this in- are '"nIs "I Im 80' 3'0“ .
identified yname. ' cause 0 t e e erora ing '. .
. . . eludes the application process finan- - - -
Meanwhile, Republicans on the economy. But the adVisers have been Michael Moorhead, gm up . . ' _ _..————-—-—- Partofthisawarencss isdestroyuu
Senate Budget Committee agreed atoddsoverwhatelementsofthepro— ecutive director of the Council of ualmandtheuwSchoolAd By fiwPQRASAu-EE stereotypes offliepeopleinterented
privately to a plan to balance the gram shouldbescaledback. [#881 Education Opportunity and "m ' 5‘“ n in feminism and women's studiB,
. ' billioninhigher taxes,som-cessaid. budget deficits marks a victory for ty of $1533 Law School in npfirglm: ficméed from _ ”No films, featuring ways of
The budget-balancing proposal, Treasury Secretary Donald T. Regan Gainesville,willbetheguest speaker. 2d 3 c 93f . BALS A boulecelt the Wenty students were introduced dealing with stereotypes, were ’
‘ developed largely by Sen. Pete V. and a defeat for budget director mm“ 1‘0an tw In to Women’s Studies and were also shown at the forum. The films
4 Domenici. R'N.M., the Budget Com- DaVld A. Stockman. According tOBALSA President JB“ 1] erencel.‘ 85 W assure d Fisk alerted t0 myths concerning were“Sex Role Development” and
$100 billion in spending cuts. Roughly tion's leading opponent of sharp, new tif the f t that certain mversity. dent Center yesterday. . A group discisSion followed, pro-
. . . . torec y ac groups des‘ t m_ . , childrenbe-
$30 billion would come from the ad- tax increases, while Stockman has have been traditionally W_ W B ALSA took the lead in The forum was igned o mphngquesuons about _
ministration's defense buildup, and been arguing that a balanced budget structuring setting up and running form students about the recently mg Mammal from birth to
an additional $40 billion to $45 billion can no longer be achieved unless the resented inlaw schools By having the am Alston said support also created minor in Women's Studies. follow stereotyped roles and
. from benefit programs such as food president seeks new revenue in-I a: conference we hope to convince camp; oft-0mg the Student Bar Associa- said Eileen Bennet, a VlSlUDS assxs- whether advertisinghas anadverse
those mino' ritias. . . (that law school) tion, theCollegeofLaw and theOffice figaphétswm‘y Wfiw‘éugs: 3:? °“ the ”a“ me“ and “me“
I ism theeffort. gazing”! hleldgmAisoi‘oansggnygivg available to students which are Faculty members'who will he
- Adult students needs was win he owed Baa .. . and b... a one cross-meadows“ comm we we...
'tment of blacks, c ' fmmtheummitygi eluding English, smokey and studies classes attended the forum
- . and women. Alston said women com- Philosovhy. ‘ to discuss reading materials and
math or anization we m... a... mm of a. nwmmwwmbeiaa Benn. eiwwmwm sanctum. .
y year‘s first-year class. and blacks at the conclusion of the conference, dashed ‘0 educate 9909‘? about Sandra Tailsend. a sociolosy Pm-
and Appalachians “have shown an in- during which time prospective "Wu“ connected “’"h {MW- . lessor. said this year‘s course goals
crease that is alcouraging.” though students will be allowed to direct “531:8“ www.msaldJ: will be comiderablyofmgee vaned
——-—-—-————" ' still far shortof adequate resenta uestionstocurrent students. Cl 3 “A emlnls 13 8 WW W 0 and in depth. Some courses .
By RACHEL BERRY 2:51. at; :ab‘bfitmliiigdi‘nlgmacmplt: tion. rep q wears boots. hates men and is unat- will feature black and American in- ,
StaffWriter . "t“. ' . P" m fdeqwmt Therewill be a as conference fee to tractive. A feminist is only in- dim, women.
— 3 hgihdeliifs in“ “MI 8 orkedowith the The {1133 OOMWCG, held l8“ fall, help cover the materials and a lun— terested in separatim men and During preregistratim flierewm
' - ilnivensit musicianzneetohirean ”mm“. ?b°“‘. 5° ”Napalm, Mm womw.andsheisaradical-" be a women‘s studies table for in- .
‘ Theadultor non-traditional student academiz adviser who works Alston sand, Including three Of'the five Further information is available at Bennet said she “hopes to bring mica students. For fin-titer infor-
hasdifferent needs and intereststhan specific“, Wm, mn_trad,tioml inmority snidentsmthisyearsenter- the ow office in the College of into educaam an awaraiess oi mfim'cammm,m.
the majority of students attending sum“ :50 m am Wed fa. ins class- But he ivmild not hazard a Law, orfrom Associate Dean Paul 0. women‘s contribution . . . and to d, Cmnoway at 57.1759 or Linda
classeshere. an adult. student lounge in ‘ Franc 80905009115!” “WW. since Van Booven at 258-8969. all issues that affect our lives." pm]: mass-3593. |
The Adult Student Organization "a". which stays ow, four nights a
was organized to help meet these week.
needs.“lthinkthereiaarealneedfor “Oin'biggestprobleminthisgrwp I
an «Sawmill we“ '3 "“3 that is commitment. became everyone is ra or
. focuses on the problems .01. adult so blny,” Harris said. m, . I
' figfigfid LIMA Ham. Dmi- business administration seiner, said
- she can understand this since she jug- . . .
“What we're aimed at is the non- es a famil herself. “With this "m
mm ,W. W, as. m. o, gmtwgfimmmm All mpus tale no numbers to change wuth installation of new systems .
school and renamed, or who didn’t go said.
. on to conese directly from high Upcoming plans for ASO include a W and aboutaoosuident numbers would The University. which rents its Another advantage of the system .
. school.We’re also 80.1“”qu social “probably the first week in Assistant Né“ Editor- bechaiged. telephone system from General will be themolidan‘on ofits opera-
‘Wu “d m °" ”"4““ December. before eveyone gets into New numbers are reflected in the Telephone Company of Kentucky. tiers.
‘ .. snide": who really out“ have an finals,"Harriaaaid.Inaddiflm,ASO ————————— student directory released last week. signed a 10-year lease with GTE in Nine switchboanis are used to
- Wm“ WM” “so” is planning to establish a scholarship said Student Association President September, isoo. Officials expect the cover thecampm. Seven boards (four _
Since “3 mm in mo. ‘50 for an adilt snident in the aprim Fourtan hundred people will be Britt Bmckman. $7.5 million UK System Exchange to for campus calls and time for the
h" M "HI” Mm”? ‘0 “a semester. "mm“"i “9" ”W mm payteritseliby 1m Medical Cutter) operate between 7
- _ i-~ withamaillngliatofabwtwtoio. Agencal informationmeetlngto tiliaweekendaaatageoneofatlree ‘mtimeofthechamewasbased ‘Mwillnotbeanincrensein a.m.andlip.m.mthefirstlevelof ’_
"W” m“ m' m" m ‘ disem- then and other micel- Wlll w 9““ m “m“ a” mm" on thedatethe new phaiedrecta'lea telephone cost to the University." Parking Structure One. The rennin- 5
“5° "m" °‘ “mm" “"1"“ °’" be held My events at 7 am. in ”mm “9‘“ wmtobereleued." Combs said. Combs said. “The system will replace ing two boards. one for general cam-
W- “50'" WP“ "‘9 m‘ ‘n' 245 Student Center. Small Gaffield WWWW'MW “We" He said the number dunes are an chaste system, giving the same pus and another tor the modal
. terasted insocial activitea at all. For with the Rational Behavior Thu-spy will be fully opsatimal by January minadartohookuptoanew plus additional “men“ n the “me centa'. 098-” 2‘ hours m the I. .
others. that’s M main reason f" Cutter will Mt a prom-am. im,aaldDelConibs, Md“ telephonesystan. Undutheplanmn- costs." Medical Outta. ‘
“nu-”“th‘” m- “Owe-"comma mama-“0n To mm“““"“““' W" I)! snide-itswlflhnve “250" almanac GTE Account Manager Rick ‘Thla (consolidation) would givell ‘
HarrissaidahevlewaASOaaalob— my."mldunwlmmum '1‘henewtdqflnnemnnhamdfec- while faculty, staff and the UK Fromm said, “There weaacostand amucllbettaopa'atim“bacameall . ,
.« - bying groupfor athilt snidents. In the 251 Student Cents. live at 3 am. in Nov. 7, will only af- Medical Center will only me “”257 maintenance aavlms became the calls would come into the main office 7
" f.“ M people m“ am when. system over a 10-year period is at a and eliminate “duplicate aarvlcu," 7 ' _
f 0 . mmben are prilxed by 257' he Those with the “257" urchin!!! fixed rate. Rate increases as they Combs said. “Anythiu tint can be . . _ .
i .. e “Ho‘h'mwm‘in‘h' willrecaive single-line interim corneaboutwillnothavethedfect daestdteiiedicaloentsresnbe ‘ .\
, ‘ maimmdumnrylmwlll telephm-thatwillbecapableofput- theywwldhaveunderthesystemthe donehtl'e." . .‘ .w
.' completetheeham. “I! ““3. m laid while talking *0 Universityhumw." Cornmmicatial Services eln'rmtly _ .4; in:
g - ‘ Thcmtympnueyeiiatmamthermwmrs~ dW%Wfl$m' mini! rumba and nun-tunic Combssaidsny tariffincreaaeaf- mlnmteieplm-atsonodi- .
': p .. ‘ _ ”a, «gum given new V5.0“: consuming-spinnasmdmtawgre {acted impercent oftheoldayatun. :Tmégnmm.n1nimaaidt:en- i. :'_
. " ' ‘ MlchandKettlI inosopeopl nderthetr thumbs In leuuvill "" min on m 00"“ oc— Undaunmmt-nmlyfimt 00 W W coni- .”
' NWMtJfompopd. . u . mnbca All- ”-WM‘W‘ tmnlcuystunandwillnotllvethue ofanyincreaaewill millateinto in- parable to that provided to '. , . VJ.”
.. , .. . lmatny no aanlnlstratlve mm www.muuld. cmuseqnteluphonebills. minutiae-infill. .i ~ . -~
. 4 M:
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, , l BillSteldcn Girls Ash Winch AnncCharleo Lin Wallace M. Giandlcholln ,
f i . Editomnoiiei Editorial Editor J... M m Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Photo Editor I r
‘ ersuasw ”a“
g | Jackilludd uniKadaba mm“... Steven w. lowther Lesiie Michelson CNS-NO“
5 1 Amounts microopy Copy Edllur Assistant Sports Editor mount Dlteruillnenl Editor (II-(W .
; 7 M'N'iucni' Kirh Stephens ‘
' K I l W... . . .
1 l Gr - 2
. : erne Associate Editor-News aphice Editor \ I
. _ n . _. . _ u‘_ _. -__.__*______.__~..__--—_~_-..M _ l
,. . . - ‘ (‘l
- four
34. . . ’ - - - ‘ Tow:
l o e on successmn a re l n r wn
, unde
. . . CeISi
And so another election day has once again state like a busmess” reformer’s rhetoric has . , _ , - , , - -
- . . " “ ' l‘ V‘e ‘5 ‘ ' ”M e' ’ "" gulg
come and gone. beenshown up for what it is—rhetoric. 5% THE VOTE ON THE Wk; ,V. [WWW “folly”- "-35%: Wm
With a moderate voter turnout in Fayette Future gubematoriai candidates should in .-- unn-"HWEVER l "-1 ‘ hitti
County deciding a virtually issueless mayoral take note -— the people of Kentucky expect cer- S UCCESQ‘ m AMENWT t _ t . d Lt.
race, there is very little worth mentioning in tain essential services from their state -‘ ,. t: ON THE W WD‘” I b2“):
' 1 th t th t be ' '- ON 3‘ .. . .. c
relation to Mayor-elect Scotty Baes er, 0 er governmen at canno cut back Without .. ’5 r. 4“ . . , :.. mg”
than to wish him a successful term or terms. serious consequences. There is no doubt that 5/ ' 3 ' t; ’.,. _,-",,..,- °. - ,, , '.. ' ”'7"- ',~ -' "innit-Z; dowr
But the defeat of thesuccession amendment Brown’s slashes in education funding are a MY MINISTRA' ION ., ,3-«3' "‘.- : Th.
. . . . . . O .. ,‘I 3: re l
by a more than two-to-one margin all across prime factor in his obVious unpopularity, as . . ~ ,fi ZZZ ‘. _ £0
the state is of major importance. are his reductions in social services. g... , ’ . , -i h" .' 5/. é 't: