xt72542j9c4f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72542j9c4f/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1996 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1996 Vol.67 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, November 1996 Vol.67 No.11 1996 1996 2019 true xt72542j9c4f section xt72542j9c4f ”I f- ' I 3' ' ‘hgy ‘1 L63.“ ,_{fI-:....;\.A
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"“” . L‘ U CENTRAL SERIALS RECORDS ‘w gy‘§§gs$§ NOV 1 9 996 i
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\ 9'1 UNIVERSITY 0" KY “BR/“£2506 gr gsgsggtgfigfiéfi T373731 21““..‘7s -: 4
{fl 7‘ LEX - ’ggg tgwfigg¥fifi . a, N ' 1., 1996
_. . g .' f ' I Volume 67, Number 11
A A i l f l VII“ ( ' :i ” f if’ . . . .
‘ AVA I HE KEN U i’ K The (”he'd Publication
, ~ ‘ " - - of the Kentucky Press
, , A ( Service
, 1 ‘ l r l ,
;; _ V -» ., s 1 996 advert1s1ng total
passes $2 m11110n mark
" x- r“ "" "*"’I:§“.‘”f”:ig..fi. The Kentucky Press Service's . °
and" -: é M A. “-1435. - . .
' ,r WM... advertlsmg placement serv1ce set COnteSt brmgs
. .i ,A ii §3§fii «A; an all time high in October.
, “n 3 . .e I" " H " ; October’s placement of ' ° '
‘m A. ' .. ' $481,000 pushed the 1996 total . 111 39600 entnes
.- ' ‘ ' “AA A over the $2 million mark the first 3
. _ ,A . ._AAs ’
‘ g «as A3: " E , time KPS has reached that level. ; I
._ g3 g - i,‘ A. . Buoyed by a series of full page 3 from 89 papers »
i 3M: . ; ads placed in several Kentucky h Advertising isn't the only ,
. "WWI-A? x -"‘*” kw N? newspapers concermng the tobac- gthing setting records at the _
. f f A . j CO issue, and the annual State jKentucky Press Association and
«i , " I A Abandoned Property 115$, the KPS .9 Kentucky Press Service.
" ‘~ ’ * 0 t b t t l dth ‘- i n
. EKU journalism professor Libby Fraas (center) discussed the design c 0 er 0 I? “”315“ h' ehprewf 3 The 1996. Fall NeWSpaper; ,
, . 0115 one mon 1g 0 ,A Contest established three records,
l or recent special section of the university s student publication, The - . . . .
. $431,464-56 in October, 1994- i With more than 3 600 entr1es from
Eastern Progress, with editor Mary Ann Lawrence, left, and manag- “W , b t - f th 1 ' ’ A A _
' In editor Tim Mollett (Photo 8 Lisa Carnahan) eve een rymg or e aSt £89 neWSpapers' The prewous highs
g ' y couple 0f years to reach that [were in the 1995 Contest with! /"‘\\
0 mark and It’s Just a really good ,‘2,982 entries from 71 newspapers. :
E K i J J -school ract1ccs .. we .
80815," said KPS Advertising iNewspaper Contest was also obvi-§
. Manager Gloria Davis. “I think iously a new mark, with $15,524,;
, C h d 9 h 1 h more and more agencies are real- icompared to last year's $11,250. ;
an S-On p l 080p y izing how easy it is to make one One reason for the new level?
phone call to place ads in newspa~ stems from the contest coverage}
g By LISA CARNAHAN pers instead of having to work period, 15-months, compared to 12! .
,. KPA News Bureau » with newspapers on an individual months in past contests. Thei _
- ‘ As chairman of Eastern Kentucky University's Mass bas13. , . , entry period was adjusted so that;
Communications Department, Ron Wolfe believes in hands -on instruc- As ev1dence of this, Davis future Fall Contest entry periodsg
, f . tion. The department places significant emphasis on internships, co-ops noted KPS already has ads in- would. be October 1 through thei
' and other sources of experience such as working on the award-winning house through September 0f followmg September 30' i
» student publication, The Eastern Progress. 1993‘ . , The K.PA Pall Newspaper; ‘
, The university requires every student in the journalism program _The agencies used. to sched- (,ontest WI“ be JudgedThursday,’
. complete at least one semester of practical experience They've also just ule Just one week at a t1me or one November 14 by the IllanIS Press! ‘
implemented a new course entitled “Senior Seminar” which requires stu- buy at a time and now we’re get- Association. .The awards will be, . '
_ . g j dents to bring their portfolios to class to be analyzed by a professor for ting them six months to one year , presented Friday, January 24, asi
' any possible shortcomings. The plan is for the professor to direct the stu- in advance. I think that says a 10'; l the concluding banquet .for the;
“ dent to the areas in which his or her portfolio might be lacking prior to See ADVERT'S'NGv page 6 @W;-_n
,‘ graduation. Interview skills and other basics of the real working world
are also included in the course.
'1 , "This class is going to be requirement,” said Wolfe, who serves as the INSIDE i ‘
journalism education representative on the KPA/KPS Board of Directors. ,M ———-———_._._.._.___ i ‘
, “You've got to pass it in order to get your diploma. The whole idea is to . 9.09“ papers nam- ‘
, . make sure they're ready to go to work and be able to make a contribution p. 2 1'5 m on Win rol:?::i:l:ao:;1munw 3
' > to that employer when they graduate.” ‘ ' ' pg 7 i '
. {- Wolfe said Eastern also follows the philosophy that the earlier stu- ‘ m Km pap." ' ,
C ageigrggeigolved in hands-on training, like working at The , "do,“ Clinton Pap." participating In legal 1
.r . ’ , A i
. “We get transfers in here all the time that are amazed that we've got 99- 3 Lug": can apply now ,
1,. freshmen working on the paper and who are being accepted for intern- W mm b. ' ;
. r' - ships, he said. “We ve had Jumors who come in here from other schools W 0, English SP J mm announced
_ g f See SCHOOL, page 10 pg, 5 _ pg. 12 i
i ' if. ‘ | . Y . 5 r " . “ ‘v’r‘m‘m’WMrW-mwu- ..gnu.‘ 1" ‘ -‘ ~g" ‘ \ 'v ‘ . .~ . " ' _‘ '1" ' N” ‘* (If. r ' w T ‘ ‘ "
ails ‘ '-\. ii _‘ ‘i‘w , , I A ‘r'-. r , i -, ~ ‘ . - J, 1 . n "

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, November, 1996 l
K t k l . th
' ' ' duction work. staff of The Berea Citizen as a staff reporter.
Manln JOlnS Staff writer. Oliver is a senior at Eastern Bl . t d
at News—Democrat Hawpe chosen to head KentuCl‘y UnwerSltY’ malormg 1“ evms ge S awar
. . . . Journalism, and has worked on the frOm Farm B reau ,
IZack Martin is the new staff natlonal CdltOTS' group school's newspaper, The Eastern u I
writer for the Carrollton News— . . .d Progress. She Will cover southern Todd Blevins, Medley editor for
Democrat. . DaVId Hawpe, editor and “be- Madison County, bOth 1“ writing the Richmond Register, was recent—
Martin is a recentIgraduate of pres1dent of The Courier-Journal and photography. 1y selected as the 1996 recipient of
DePaul UniverSity in Chicago was recently chosen to head the . . Kentucky Farm Bureau's commu-
where he was editorial page editor Associated Press Managing Editors EdltOrlal Staff Of the nications award to a writer.
and editor in chief of the school‘s organization. Blevins was chosen on the basis .
newspaper. H? has also been a con- Hawpei who was vice—president Herald-News grOWS of his coverage of agricultural and
filming writer for Electronic 0f the organization for the past Two new faces have been added agribusiness news in the Madison
Media, a Crain Communications year, succeeds 80b McGruder, exec- to the staff of The Herald News in County area.
weiekly covdering thf) broachIalIst utive director 0f the Dthit Free Breckinridge County. The Farm Bureau—sponsored
m ustry 31,". a all“; utor to 9 Press. Jody Robbins is a native of the award consists of an engraved
Chhifago ribune S ome page on . county. He attended the University plaque, a $300 cash grant and an
t e ntemsat. . h N I Ollver named new of Kentucky and received his expense-paid trip to Washington,
H15 Iuties at t .8 ews- . . degree in English from the DC, on the organization's 1997
Democrat include "3‘30”"? on gov- I'CPOITCI' at Berea CIUZCH University of Louisville. He left a Congretional Tour.
ernmental meetings, writing fea— T . 01' h . . d th job with The Courier-Journal to Blevins writes frequently
ture stories, taking phOtOS and pro- ammie iver as Joule e pursue ajob at a smaller communi- about tobacco, livestock and horti-
ty newspaper. cultural production, as well as
"'""— I he K entUCky Press _ Robbins will work directly with environmental and regulatory
the editorial content of the paper’s issues affecting farmers '
TheKentucky Press(lSSN-0023—0324)ispub- District 13 IMPACT News Magazme sections,
lishedImontl'ily by the KentUCkY PITQSS Glenn GTaYIMa-“Chesm Ent“Prise according to Herald—News general . .
Aswauon/meckyfiesfiemce 1m manager Hank Bond. Reese Joms news staff
Penodical-class postage is paid at Frankfort, District 14 Jerry T Mills Jr . .
KY.40601.Subscri tion riceis$8 r ear. 5‘ Ip 1 'w . '. ’ ,"
Postmaster: Sendclhangfofaddresgfohlhe Stuart impson uaski eek Elizabethtown, lg the newspapers In LBSlle County I
Kentucky Press,101 Ctmsumerlane, DistrictlS-A DOW general‘ass‘ignment reporter. Jody Reese is the newest addi—
Frankfort, KY‘ 406014502) 22358821' Tom Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader A native 0f Llizabethtown, Mills IS tion to the staff of the Leslie
Off-i dDi I aIgIraduIate Of Western Kentucky County/Thousandsticks News. He
Kmificmkarnpressricstzzafion 015m“ 15-3 Lniversity where he worked at the will report on local issues and help
) Tom Moore, Stanford Interior Journal SChIOOI S newspaper, the College edit the papers.
President ‘ Heights Herald. Whll" at the A native of Louisville, Reese 3
John Del Santa, Ashland Dailvlndependent State at Large . Herald, Mills worked as a features
’ Russ Powell, Asliland Daily Independent writer and general ass1gnment See PEOPLE, page 15
Gene Clabes, Recorder Newspapers Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer D h
Past President Chip Hutcheson, Princeton Times Leader eat S ,
Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era A R b O h] t . h f Th V I T 'b
Merv Aubespin, Louisville Courier Journal . 0 rt 1‘ ma riarc 0 9 01C9' 1'1 une,
Vice President 6 e 6 died Sept. 17 at Baptist Hospital
Guy Hatfield, Citizen Voice and Times Associates Division A. Robert Oehler, former circu- East. She was 77,
Treas Barbara McDaniel, Toyota Motor lation director and vice—president Thompson was telemarketing
“ref ManUfaCmfing of The Kentucky anuirer died su ervisor at The Voice Tribune l
Bak,AalhiN'EX" ‘ ' 2p . ‘
M C us PP ac an “A5 press d . I I I I Oct. 5 at the age of84. Since 1981 and worked until she f
District] ¢er:::§;tifil$c'igmc N Oehler began his newspaper had congestive heart failure about l,
William Mitchell, Fulton leader ’ ounty ews career at the age of 19, selling the two months prior to her death.
Distrith NewsEditorialDivision giwipaperkat dtlliet enbtrance of Ch SIunI/Eivrplrs inclusie ad sop], J
. . . 10h“ Nelson, pulaski Week es er ar an a or ecoming a ares . ompson. r., a aug - l
Jed Dillingham, Dawson Springs Progress carrier for the Sharonville area. He ter, Tracy Roberts, and six grand-
District3 then joined the circulation depart- children, Nicholas Roberts, Chuck.
Teresa Revlett,McleanCounty News Journalism Education ment and became its director of Shannon, Timothy, Heather and
. . Dr.IR0nIWolfe, 5399'“ KenkaY 1956. James Lyle Thompson Jr.
DWI“; . I umvers‘ty He served as president of the Memorials can be made to the
Char '9 ortmann,Franklin Favonte G Ohio State Circulation Managers WHAS Crusade for Children.
eneralCounsels A‘ . . d I. d f h
Districts Ion Fleischaker and Kim Greene, Wyatt, sSOCiation an pres] ent 0 t C
David Greer, Elizabethtown News Tarrant and Combs International Circulation Managers Larry Graves
Enterprise Association. He retired from the . . .
. . Kentucky Press Association paper in 1976 after 45 years. ILarry Graves, director of public
D‘S'mt" . - Kentucky Press Service Staff Survivors include his wife, POIICYIfOTIthe National Newspaper
DaveEldndge,HenryCounty ma] David T. Thompson, Executive Director Rose Oehler, Finneytown; a son, Assoc1ation, died Oct. 21 at his
District7 Boan‘leHOWard'Buslnf355Manager Robert A. Oehler, Springfield home. .
Kelley Wamick,Gallatin County News Elonca‘ Davxs,Advertismg Director Township; and a daughter, Rosalie Graves had been battling can~
isa amahan, News Bureau Director L. Naltiier of Fort Wayne, Ind. cer 0f the esophagus $11190 1995-
District8-9 Siamggffeardi/rarkeungCom-dmam Memorial can be made to St. Funeral services were held
KenMetz,BathCountyNewsOutlook BuftycaISam" s,BooSkkeceepteir?gAssistant ViVian Scholarship Fund. 885 Saturday, Oct. 26 at Arlington
0' l 'cth-ll Sherry Harper, Advertising Assistant Denier Place, Cincmnati, Ohio Funeral Home 1“ Arlington, VA_~ I
Marty Backus, Appala l . News Express Rachel McCarty, Clipping Director 45224. . The family requested donations
Linda Slemp,ClippingAssistant in lieu of flowers to the City of I
District 12 Carol Payton, Clipping Assistant A ‘ Falls C h u re h Re c re a ti on 3
[buiseHaUnakerJackson Times/Beattyville HollySti'gers, Clipping Assistant nna'Lyle Thompson Department, 223 Little Falls St.
Enterprise Audra Douglas,Clipping Assistant Anna Lyle Thompson. the Falls Church, VA 220-46.
. \ , I
\ r r

 l E '
E The Kentucky Press, November, 1996 - Page 3 .
o ' ‘ . ’
Freedom of expressmn challenged in the Information Age
> By DR. ROGER D. WY m not theGovernment, should decide what is
Murray State UniverSity , . appropriate content for themselves and their
' Dept. of Journalism/Mass Communications challenge to (’DA) am” well determine the children.
In 1995, after parental protest, Sen. James legal Status Of freedom or expressmn 0“ the Its 35 members include civil liberties
Exon (D—NE), introduced a bill to subject all Internet and the future of the First groups, libraries, book publishers, newspaper
forms of electronic communication to govern- Amendment in the Information Age.” publishers, editors, and advertisers.
. ment censorship. Eventually the bill became Associations such as the American Library
Q part of the Telecommunications Reform Act Association, the Association of Research
passed by Congress and signed into law by ROger D° Haney Libraries, the National Association of State
President Clinton in February of 1996. Professor of journalism/mass communications Universities & Land Grant Colleges are mam- ‘
The censorship provisions, known as the Murray State University bers as well as the American Society Of
Communications Decency Act (CDA), provided —-————-—-———— Newspaper Editors, the Association Of American ,
fines up to $250,000 or 2 years in jail 1f sorneone hOIdS, businesses, and SChOOlS to virtually 81] Publishers, the Association Of Publishers,
, makes accessible to minors “patently indecent information sources. It is run by some 50.000 Editors and Writers, the Newspaper Association
and offensive” materials “measured by contem— different organizations and connects more than Of America, the National Newspaper -
porary community standards” including “sexual 100 countries worldwide. Association, Magazine Publishers of America,
or excretory activities or organs.” Material post- Not all countries recognize the First Inc, and the Society of Professional Journalists.
ed to a PUbllC listserv, newsgroup, chatgroup, 01‘ Amendment of the US. Constitution or have the Thls ”V35 “0t a suit advocated 51mph“: by
a World Wide Web page considered “indecent” same restrictions on freedom of expression that cpmmerCial forces sth as America Online,
or “patently offensive” could be regulated and have been supported by US, courts. Lompuserve, and Prodigy. An additional 47,000
subject to fine or imprisonment. The Citizens Internet Empowerment Internet users )omed the coalition. .
Opponents t0 the CDA argued that these Coalition (CIEC), coordinated by the Center for Fundamental to th“ controversy ‘5 that
provisions would be impossible to enforce due to Democracy and Technology, challenged the CDA technological advances often spawn new f9?“ ;
the nature of the Internet and were an unconsti- in February, 1996. of media, whether broadcasting, cable teleViSion
tutional violation of the First Amendment. The CIEC is a diverse group of Internet 0’: computer networks. The courts often SUPPO“
The Internet is not a single entity, but a col- users, businesses, non-profit groups, and civil different ,F’rSt Amendment standards for these
lection of thousands of networks, millions of liberties advocates in favor of preserving the new media based on the" difiering characteris-
' computers and tens of millions of users. It is a Internet as a means of free expression, educa- UCS‘ Broadcasting, cable, telephone, and now
communications highway that will link house— tion, and commerce. They argue that parents, See FREEDOM, page 14
1 Many Kentucky papers endorse Clinton, though reluctantly
p _ t —————-—-—————-———-——————-—-—-—-— . , n5} .
alrrffst ) 31,0153;ng :11};],y}n::g “We believe in Dole’s decency and in his sense of honor But mdkg (finiiiestdlri'gi‘iiihrlghe
Kentucky newspapers endorsed more, we believe in hi5 ViSlOfl and his sense Of destiny for Owensboro paper said Clinton
1 President Clinton for re-election, America.” can be a competent president. .
citing a Republican Congress __ “Clinton certainly has the p,
unldba lackluster alternative as The Dailv News 9 Bowling Green in breaking ranks with the raw intelligence. charisma and
t e GSt reasons. , - - U ., v. .. .- - c olitical talent to accom )lish
The Gleaner of Henderson. majority of the state 5 papers and endorsmg Bob Dole for preSIdent. iiiuch working mmtructfwly
. WhiCh endorsed Clinton. did 50 with what we expect to he anoth» -4
With misgivings and in almost a well in this country,” The Daily and in his sense of honor." The er Republican (‘ongri-ss." the \
backhanded fashion. Independent said. Daily News said. “But more. we Messenger—Inquirer said \
“Can YOU picture the antics Under a headline that said, believe in his vision and his The Herald—Leader in
9f House Speaker NeWt Gingrich “Trust Counts: Fire Clinton; sense of destiny for America." Lexington also applauded poles ,
4 If he had a Republican ally ”1 Hire Bob Dole,” The New Era of The Owensboro Messenger- recprd and honor. “We don't /
7 the White HOUSE? A Chilling Hopkinsville said the incumbent Inquirer said Dole has a long endorse Dole because, as Clinton
f vision, isn’t it?" The Gleaner edi- president has not kept his politi— record of great service to the puts it, his ideas an. Old Dole .
i torial began. . . cal promises and should be nation and is held in high may be learned from the past.
The Gleaner said Clinton has replaced. . . esteem by members of both par- but he Offers no vision for the
J done a sloppy Job of pol'icmg his The newspaper said it was ties. . next century,” the newspaper
, ranks of some really unfit assoc1- only the looming political influ— “He has utterly failed to said.
‘ ates” and “clouds remain on ence of the Republican control of ,Lfi__,.__.__._,-._ 7“__A*V_ *fi_ w“
some other matters.” the House and Senate after 1994 l
The Lexington Herald- that forced Clinton to act on tax _ _
Leader lamented “the relentless cuts, welfare reform and smaller ‘ G t I I t
drip of scandal and ethical laps— government. 0 ega ques Ions ‘
es” in the Clinton presidency. “Bob Dole is not the ideal , /’
The Courier-Journal in presidential candidate,” The b t t l _
Louisville said Clinton has been New Era said. “But we believe I a 0" a s ory ' i
“an effective shield against most Bob Dole when he says he will , f
of the excesses of Mr. Gingrich cut taxes, balance the budget I l
and his Republican congression— and head off government intru- ! or ad? .
a1 colleagues.” sion into our lives. In short, we 1 .
The Daily Independent in trust Bob Dole. That’s more than = ———-— ‘
Ashland also cited the danger of we can say about Bill Clinton.” 3
a runaway Republican Congress The Daily News Of Bowling i g C I, th KPA ‘
as one reason for its endorse- Green said the strong economy : 5555 a e
ment of Clinton. masks a deeper problem in the ‘ l_
The Ashland paper, too, nation that Clinton is incapable b F0, "0 TLINE
. lamented the lapses in the 0f remedying. “We are going fur-
Clinton presidency but credited ther toward moral decline under .
; it with avoiding any “major foul- the administration 0f Bill (502) 589-5235
ups in foreign affairs.” Clinton,” the newspaper said. 1 .
‘ “Things are going reasonably “We believe in Dole’s decency l
“"V , . ~ . - . , — ., « .- d, ' , ,‘. ~ . , a
I ‘ I l

 I l
, i
Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, November, 1996
Investigative reporting TV listin S- Arc the tog :
contest announced; $3,000 - rt nt to disrc ard"
1mpo a g .
to be a l ' arded to l l Inners By EDWARD “guwws, that makes this listing difficult to l
NN “=1”?
The Institute for Southern Studies and Southern Exposure magazine have HEI [INCEERt i folloyvé it ch 'innel numbers or '
announced the Ninth Annual Southern Journalism Awards for newspapers in d' ‘ n‘ a re ccn ' ‘ ‘ L ‘ . ‘1 , l' r l i ‘ h
the 13-state region which includes Kentucky. liscutssion {it a _ f3 :1: r21??? 1: (if: (tn-it 5 :::?i0
Submissions for cash awards totaling $3,000 are invited in two categories: C it“ Sal/593' 3 , i l 8r ‘ tliyt SUM)" t'ullti u ' . ‘m .
Investigative Reporting, including individual articles and series that criti- F}; x t L‘kp: ' j" :\ f argf ‘ '3‘) thuy ‘3)dtidul) an I” " ,
cally examine the policies, practices and accountability of public and private ‘5 cr 85f the 36%”! l more bllidfigl {intrauitnslrt .7 bit of l
decision makers and institutions in a variety of areas — for example: prison Sioull: Elifithlb ‘ » 1 t . ‘ 1 cup; )t i )‘n . dcfv'du 1
conditions, education, voting rights, race relations, the environment, urban {10p L31 3 lei: 2 2 Extra ATP???) tE,WLSV.bler 3] 1‘t 'iin
development, health care and for-profit hospitals. thfly ' ‘oug . xii, :stings, .1 t a t5 possik f“ (11:15“: _
Working People. including well-researched, clearly written articles or QIEZWSPSFI‘B; .1 TV 'd Aft) ex ‘ra pom or wo ma Lb ‘ l U
series on issues such as changing faces of the Southern workforce tie women, “1’11 h rop c :1 3th grl ' U: ( me; Ed't K i ) t . 1‘ b th .
minorities. youthi. workplace safety, living wages, temp workers, access to ab, ( “95:“: ‘ e papf: WTa; 1 p d1 ‘ use!) en‘ :1}; :fi 2. 'm l
health care. downsizing. plant relocation. and related topics which address the 3 out toin m ”C9 a wee y Ob” an gr! 5 ’— d“ ‘ (grap 1C ‘15 .
lives and mm“ ofworking people. tabloid With annotated grids. possible, Without making them
Entries may be submitted by anyone for articles published between Jan. 1 “I One Oflhll‘: s;affershresp()iided: dlffifulljt‘t? [llgdersltfmdhfihl ) d I
1996 and Nov. 30. 1996, in a daily or weekly newspaper in Alabama, , can t ltdmd 0t angt mg worst . bl ) ” SC‘C‘Calf’ : (3:11.11?) tiltha' -
Arkansas, Florida. (Ereorgia. Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, V” cou O 0 amagc our ‘1 “ ”dub ‘3‘“ ypt pd“, 0 m
South Carolina, Tennessee. Texas, Virginia and West Virginia. redes1gn. It takes something away logs and grids. Sans serif usually
Entries will be judged in four separate divisions: Daily newspapers with are”; readers tgat they (‘XPECLEO wrirks'Ibetfic'r m smtal‘lelr't‘ype.51zes.
Sunday circulation over 100.000; dailies between 30,000 and 100,000; dailies e t. erc WW ay —”cvcn l t (y , 1g ten V” ”a spacmg m
under 30,000; and non—daily commercial newspapers. don t use It every day, . grids, keeping ”.1185 as close to
A prize of $500 will be awarded to the writer of the first—place winner in QihiirSTifgmedci afg‘fmg “£133 a ”339.3: PUSSlble WlthOUthUChmg-
each category in each division. The first. second and third-place winners will detai e gr]. ‘5 somet mg ‘ ornc newspapers run gray
also receive a certificate announcing their awards. newspapers deliver to readers or color screens over some areas in
Entries must be received by Dec. 1 with a registration of $40 per entry. EgathY itself. @1553" (jelly); the” grids, 9.81113“): to (m.dlca,};,£;l.?
Three copies otthe entry must be submitted. Unmounted complete newspaper ‘f e: U; want it} {”81 oni ‘ h n]! mov; f". hpfi'm‘l 9;”;1ntdtujr} lbf
papers iwith article bracketedl or mounted clippings can be submitted, 1‘ t (’3 onft get ‘It rom “Tit“(y ‘ “or 5 we l l t ( oua lty ,0
Reductions or taxes are not accepted. Where appropriate. the entry should be sure get ,It rom 59mm" (250‘ your repro( mm”) can support 1“
accompanied by a letter describing its context and impact. I believe that s true. lNot allof If your reproduction is not. superi—
An entry t'orm is available and should be used with each submission. To Wig? readers conlsgltyour daily or, these screens onlly tong-f?)
submit an entry. receive a list of previous winners, or obtain general informa- TV, lhtl_nfs’tht e 1‘ W 3:0” , k) make an item that‘isa ready 1 1' ;
tion, contact Southern Joumalism Awards. P1). Box 531, Durham, NC. 27702 away W” 1 t em at your own ”‘3 cult to read almost Ium‘Mblo to i
i‘phonet9191419—83l1. -—— Just as surely as if you dropped decipher. ‘
the horoscope, which is of no real 0 Pay attention to the organi-
‘6 h d ' ' . f Readers also expect your TV you set it up with the time across ‘
1 7t E ltlon . BESt 0 Newspaper grid to work for them, not against the top and the channels along the
. , , . them. Some newspapers cram in a side ——- or the other way around?
DCSlgn now avallable frOl II SND grid and/or rolling log by making Do your readers have a prefer- .
’ the type so small or so condensed ence'? Do you know?
“Seventeenth Edition: The Best of Newspaper Design." published by that it cannot be read. That 0 If your readership area is
the Society of'Nt-wspaper Design. is now available. makes little sense. It's preferable served by multiple cable systems,
The 2:36A-page full—color book contains more than 1.100 examples of for you to drop an hour or two and do you try to list several multiple -
newspaper design. illustration. graphics and typographic excellence. drawn run a grid large enough so readers channels, for example, for ESPN {
from the winners of the Society's 17th annual Best of Newspaper Design can refer to it with case. Or edit or A&E'.’ If you just run these it
eonipetition In that competition. 143 newspapers from the US. and 14 the log so you can run it a size cable channels alphabetically, do it
other countries were chosen from 9.61:3 entries to receive 764 awards. that's readable. you run a channel guide in your
The book is available from 8ND in paperback only. The cost is $4.”) Here are some other tips on weekly book? Do you run one with
per book (‘hecks must be made payable to “Society of Newspaper TV grids and logs: yourdailygrid‘.’ i
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t12f)()t),.3%004 For more iiit'oriiiation. contact Elizabeth (‘romer at (40]) tv )e, to avoid )oor word siacing
375.2100 ‘ l ‘ ‘ See LISTINGS, page 14
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The Kentucky Press, November, 1996 - Page 5 .
Reporters should be ‘con ' f E 1' h’ .
By JIM STASIOWSKI any page and be guaranteed something there safer. more general term than "artifact," will
. The word I was look: , '\ will catch your interest. make me a better writer.
ing up was “catacombs. . ”3 And these days, many writers don't open it. Another writer used the adjective “linear." I
but‘my eyes tell on (,ain -‘. The only reason most writers used to use thought I knew what “linear" meant, something '
l (kiisli), Johnny. ' "s; ; - “ the dictionary is they don't know how to spell like “in a straight line." And that's the way the -
‘ (x it“? “ENNdifihld- Jollnny P “hors d'oeuvre." But with computers, who needs writer used it. But then I thought: Will most
as ‘ in t e ictionary. _ Ewi- i to know how to spell‘.’ Just type in a command, readers understand “linear" that way. It smacks
So I looked up I’reslev. - _ , ‘i\ l ' up .. . . , ‘ , . ' . " ‘ A .
Fl ’7‘ A' Th h Q _ iit ixuutt, and tun a writer w ho cant spell ()fJargon,
. VJViilI i :1}?th if” d C lff . “ain't" becomes as good a speller as the one who So I looked up “linear," and guess what? It
2’ Iohnhy (‘gsh disiifiyis a A .i always remembers the difference between does not mean “in a straight line." In fact. the i
l h- ' 7' . '*~ ‘ ‘ ' “siege" and “seize." definitions are vague, referring to lines but 1
llbtlng, 50 (1095 EiViS' . I love computers, Couldn't do my job with— never specifically mentioning straight one:
Then I looked up Lennon, John, considered ~ ' ‘- ‘- ' i
. out one. But when the computer keeps writers Then a writer used the term “fine arts.’ ..
a prophet of my generation. Hahl Not there. .- - ._ - - . ' " ”
. from using their dictionaries, the Word busmess When I was a kld I wondered What “fine arts '
Johnny Cash makes it, and John Lennon does— suffers meant So Il k d’t b t h'l I
n't? What a farce this dictionary was. ‘ ' . . ' 00 e - I up, u w l e was on that -
‘. Then I wondered The Beatles” M m I Here s an example: The. writer used the page, my eyes drifted to “fingertips.” “Wow,” I i
l ' y: ii my~ word “artifact" to refer to items found at a said aloud. “one word." I remembered it as two 1
, there they are, all four of them including years - .
of birth and names Everybody know Ringo famous battlefield ofthe 19th century. words. I went back to the Old dictionary, and 7
l Starr was born Richard Starkey, but you Would .. I looked up “artifact" and found it "leans sure enough, it said “finger tips." Who says the i
have knocked me over with a yellow submarine any .Ob'leFt made by human work; esp. a Simple language never changes. i
when I read that Paul McCartney's real first or primitivetool,“weapon’,, vessel, etc: -SO clearly u I even found avmistake-in the dictionary.
name is “James.” John Jim, George and Ricky” the emphasis of artifact is on primitive items, Under Aberdeen, the dICUOhaFy hStS 3 town ;
They'd still be hacking around Liverpool ' not something found on a 19th-century battle~ “... ”1 NW Md‘," WhiCh iS incorrect. It's in NE "
I closed the dictionary, then realized: I fivld' Md‘ It's 315° the hometown 0f Cal Ripken Jr"
never did look up “catacombs,” So then I looked up “relic” and found it's who, this dictionary decrees, is not the equal of
I love dictionaries. probably the better word for the battlefield EiViS Presley, the Beatles 01‘ 9V9“ (gulp) Johnny
I know what you‘re thinking: “Geez, what a objects: “something that has historic interest Cash. _
boring guy, he loves dictionaries.” Boring I may because of its age and associations with the El” Whiiei was looking for Ripken, I came
be, but the dictionary is the most exciting;r book past, or that serves as a keepsake, or souvenir.“ across “Risorgimento the 19th century move-
in the world. It's the 0an book you can 0an to That sort of word discovery is exciting. To ment for the liberation and unification of Italy,
‘ learn such distinctions, to know that "relic" is a See REPORTERS, page 14
i ' ' ' ’ 11 f I
i r ' i
annual award for outstanding lntO county 8 Ha 0 Fame
; . . . . (The following column was sub» journalism for two years. ./'
Journall S I I I contrlbutl On S miffed by Steve Lowery, publisher of He left St. Catherine and started
TheKentuckyStandard in Burdstou'n his first stint at The Kentucky '
Western Kentucky l'niversity natural and behavorial sciences; and a past president of the Kentucky Standard in 1964. He worked at the
" graduate Judy Hughes (’77! health and social services; irradu- Pm“ Assnaqmm‘. Ituxas written in h““'siiap“r f0? tW“ 3"“:er and then hfi‘ '\ '
received the 1995 College Heights ate programs and research admin— (-(mmwmoration of (ijournalist at his was drafted. \
Herald Award for Outstanding stration; Kentucky State Data cen- newspaper who has ("WI 0” ”i" boat The year was 1966 and Gr““““"’”