xt72542j998p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72542j998p/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2001-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 2001 text GLSO News, June 2001 2001 2001-06 2019 true xt72542j998p section xt72542j998p Pride Month Kick Off No Turning Back
pride Center Grand Opening aune 2 K“ Choruses the for Pribc
You are cordially invited to the MCC room in the Actor’s Guild build- Anyone who was lucky enough
Grand Opening of the new GLSO ing in 1995. When MCC moved to to be in the audience for the June
Pride Center of the Bluegrass on Waller Ave. in 1996, a favorable 1999 concert " Sing OUt-" highlight-
Saturday, June 2 from 3 to 6 at 389 lease arrangement with the Church ing the 125 men and women from
Waller Avenue, Suite 100. Come made space available for the first Voices of Kentuckiana, Lexington
enjoy an open house with food, drink, Pride Center. While the Church had Men's Chorus and SisterSound, Will
and entertainment. See how the no involvement in the day to day run- tell you not to miss their upcoming
Pride Center has turned out and ning of the Pride Center, their contri— concerts for Pride.
become a part of its history. bution was invaluable. "No Turning Back" concerts for
The Pride Center first became a GLSO has managed the Pride Kentucky Pride, Wiii be presented in
reality five years ago after years of Center for the last six years. In that Louisville on June 9th at Born at the
work by countless members of our time it grew from shared space to Comstock Concert Hall and again in
community. The seeds were planted renting the entire second floor office Lexington June 16th at 8pm at the
many years ago when the Stonewall and became a meeting place for Singletary Center for the Arts. The
Network coordinate Pride Month and many community groups. combined numbers include "We
then organized a committee dedicate When it became obvious that the Shall Overcome," "Make Our
to raising fur-es it; '3 Pride Center for Center needed to change again in Garden Grow" from the Broadway
the GLBT community. As a result of order to better serve our community, musical Candide, "HOW Can i Stop
the vision and dedication of many GLSO began the arduous task of Singing My Song" and "Ain't N0
people, enough seed money was planning the new Pride Center. More Turning Back."
raised and turned over to GLSO to money was needed, so grants were Lexington Men's Chorus under
back the first Pride Center which written and the community was the direction ofTim Glassocck is in
opened in 1996. asked to give more. New vision was it'S 11th Season. Listen closely to
Another important partner in the needed, so a committee was asked to ..continued on page 2
history of the Pride Center was plan the future of the Pride Center
Lexington's Metropolitan Community and set priorities for serving our
Church. GLSO started meeting in the changing community. A new space
was envisioned and a very hardwork-
\ ing and talented group came forward
to make the new Pride Center a
physical reality.
We as a community owe a great
, Continued on page 3

 l ”0 T“thins Beck
.- 4‘ GAY and ‘ ~-C°"”"“ed ”0’" 399 7 :12. 61's? ‘
Lem ”Mum
1:25 c 00 or oys" y no 6 gay com- , . '3’
SERVICE poser Eric Layne Barnes and be I‘GDMQ :2 he
“if ORGANIZATION prepared to cry during the 6 part Til-32incth F
Lex'flg’wfl Micky ”Danny Boy. " 53:: "I: C
‘ Voices of Kentuckiana, now 84 5, siforoflfifik" i-.,:' 1‘
-~ voices strong and growing is direct- ' ”i j - 5 '
@LSO NEWS ed by Kln Cherie Lloyd and enjoy- y- A ssfflrsixfiek‘” :' :_ 5
Vol. 16 N0. 4 ing a successful 6th Season. . , ” f. ' '5 - ’
.. - .. - i'l'iultntzxtvill herald all tlulngtltomnttt d
. , Vorces the groups new CD Will be . . , , ‘ . 2 .
nthl . . . ._
Published M0 Y by available this summer and orders triflt tho tutti-g at the flail ”M0 mitt. :
. , will be taken at the June concerts. W
The Lexrngton Cay "Anyone Can Move a Mountain," E
. - ”Memorial," and "Gaelic Blessing" C 5 -
Lesbianbe'NlCé‘ will highlight their individual set. ‘ é“ c
Organization Sister Sound, open to all he ' :
women, is celebrating it's 5th . o
52' 5860M bt Anniversary this year and is direct_ THE ORIGINAL ONE DAY Hl-TECH SIGN CO. I
. _ ed by John Roark. They will sing
EM some of their favorite songs culled Owfigryéaegrgngy i
. ger (
M37 Crane Peter TayLor from the repetorre of the last 5 sea- 332 Southlond Drive
sons including “Harriet Tubman,” Lexingion: KY 40503 1
Board lylembers “Let The River Run,” and “The (8g%§92)o%<-53017C1Ml§0x
II' '| | Rainbow Connection."
Tenv M 'Pr Tickets are $12 adults and $10 mééNeW Circ'e Road I
Peter TayLor. Vice Prestdenlr' , Lexington, KY 40505
senior and student and can be pur- 859 252-1200
May Crone. Ecitor ( )
Mb deevm Tr gamer chased from chorus members or by (859) 252-1300 FOX ,
Cnger Moore beam” calling the Singletary Box Office at Cell: (859) 321-89
’ 257-4929.
KeUy OFerreU. E-moil: signsnowsoo
Jardm blquna's @signsnow.com
Jerry kk5 \
' Johi Rid'ier
I \
LaTorIa Jones Ponce Her Around fhe Floor... ....You re dancing for all
There has been a number of sto- that we believe-~-
. [so I dues
JNQWAIEE; $15.00 ries about high school proms this We have heard that perhaps
Duos and ”amen“ year but a landmark event in other same sex couples claimed the
for couples: $20.00 Lexington did not hit the papers. dance fIoors of high school proms
Brayden, a member of the GLSO later in May but, as far as we know,
opinions exixessed lathe Ollie] ”3'3 Gay Straight Alliance, dressed in a Brayden and her date were the first.
mmmfigggumgg $31,550 tux and took her female date to the Awesome! We salute your courage
Board. Submissions are welcome and Henry Clay High School Prom in late and WiSh you'many more dances.
sggcome "'6 ggf‘gfggfigfibgfm April. They did not have to face any And X0“ "8 courage
and adleyemsemmengaswellasthe mhlto harassment. “They’re use to me by wi" set us a" free
Eject any whmmonsoradvefllsemm now" explained Brayden.
J1me Page 2

 ‘ Pride Manta ' events
inclusive definition of family. of rental films makes it difficult to
Pride Center f _, Interweave will be hosting first promise particular films. Call Davina
, .G " sunday lunch after the service on the for information. 271-6174.
Grand Opening third. Please join us.
June 2, 3 to 6 On June 10, Dr. Lisa Davidson, . - \ ,
Assistant Professor at the Lexington Kala? % \ ,
d b huffintinuedlfromhpagel b f Theological Seminarywill be speaking ' W §
e t to e 98098 W 0 came e ore on Homosexua' and the Bible. Dr.
us. Their vision and hard work have Davidson is a ligral theologian and a . On Wednesday, June 6 (PM) 141
. . _ is hosting the River City Rewew from
brought us to this pomt. The next supporter Of our GLBT Community. Louisville This is a fabulous
chapter in the history 0f the GLSO group of African American Female
Pride Center Of the Bluegrass begins “3%. WORKING 6““ lm ersonators. If ou missed them in
on June 2nd. Be a part of that hIStO- Xfi-‘y‘ p y .
. . . . . KITCHEN May, be sure to attend this show.
ry by ioming in the Grand Opening cel- . . . .
ebration. PRIDE READING Danielle Nichole Will be Mistress of
For information or to The 4th Annual Working Class Ceremonies. . . .
reserve space call the Pride Center at Kitchen Gay Pride Reading W5" be held On the remaining Wednesdays m
859-253-3233, Monday _ Friday 93 on Sunday, June 3rd at the Pride June, Club 141- Will be featuring the .
or visit our website at www.blue Center at 7pm- The Reading willbea Monarch Candidacy Shows 0f the
grasspride.org. snack pot luck, so bring something to Imperial Court Of Kentucky.
I share. It is not too late to read your S H
W work. Call Kelly at 2256269 or show 0,“ ome , ,
Anotfi'er Nate l up that evening and there will proba- _Soulforce {5 offering a "2mm
fin Evening of Song bly be room for you. Donations to sessmnin VOWPIE’C" including 5°";
On Saturday, June 2, at 8 pm at the Pride Center are encouraged. Drinks force prinCipals on Thursday, June .
Woodland Christian Church, 530 E. and musical entertainment will be pro from 7 to 9 atthe Pride 9W" “"5
High St. the choral group Another vided. '5, '," ”Warm" ‘0' a 3"3’“ Prayer
- .. . Vigil on Wednesday, June 13 at the
Note Will hold a concert, An Evening Ashlan d Ave Baptist Church
of Song," to benefit Moveable Feast. M . N. [Li [J S If ' th h t th-
There is a suggested donation of $8 W15 1? ou orce groups ml“; ou' . e
at the door. This group has a won . . country .w'“ be holding S'm'lar
(1er sound, so come and have a Every Tuesday Night in June, protests in coordination .wrth a large
delightful evening. Interweave and GLSO Will be showmg non-Violent direct action at the
documentaries and feature films at Southem Baptist Convention in New
Unitarian the Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave. We Orleans.
Universalist Q will begin at about 7 pm. Bring a Soulforce is a national network
.- .,- snack to share. of peeple committed to seeking jus-
Chm‘Ch . .7... On June 5 we will be showing lice for God’s LBGT children through
, The U,” 0“"th M" be havmg two Not Just Passing Through, a film doc- relentless nonviolent action. Their
Pride SerVices a"? year.,0n June 3 at umentlng Lesbian History. On June goal is to help change the minds and
10:45. Rev. Cynthia 98'“ sermon w’" 12 we will choose a gay themed film, hearts of religious leaders and to
:23“ 3‘: 53:] Fig? takings: possibly The Broken Hearts Club. bring healing to GLBT people, their
Universalist ethics in regard to an (ReVIews on page 10 The availability families, and moonmmMpage"
Inn 0

 their religious communities. If you Tolliver, Jane Minder, Gina Cooper, rain or shine. (Directions on page i
are interested in more information Stephen Foster aka Natalie Gaye and Parking may be tight, so plan to
check out their website www.soui Brucie Boyle & Susan Sliger. come with friends.
force.org or contact Dotti at Nominations for the Rainbow The Pride Picnic will kick off this
SoulforceLexington@yahoo.com. Community Service Award include year with a sofiball game at noon,
The Men's Chorus and SisterSound. women vs. men (self gender identifi
D. It cation.) There will be entertainment
“"31 . and good food starting around
,y fl€\\ amm” Q . 12:30. Call Mary Crone (266-5904) if
Films WW ‘i you want to be a vendor or if you can
Diversity Film and The #01“ Q help set up that morning, sell raffle
Humanitarium invite you to My Own 5 ‘ tickets for a while during the picnic,
Country directed by Mira Nair. It will On Friday June 15 at 8 pm at the or help clean up.
be shown on June 10. at 1:30 at the Lexington Central Library Theater, Everyone should bring a diSh to
downtown Central Library Theater, “Conversation With a Diva”, a one share using this division asa guide.
free parking behind the Library. This man show, is offered for you, enter_ (lf you have a favorite item you want
film is based on the best selling biog- tainment. Staring award winning to make that doesn't fit this list, go
raphical b°°k Of the same name. actor Byron Stewart from Chicago. for it) . _

, D" \(erghese, a physrcranfrom this touching and triumphant play tells A“: Salad 0' 3'“ D'Sh .
lndia, arrives to practice ”.‘Ed'c'n‘? m the story of Sir Damone and his jour— GR MAIN DISH(C3” be veggie)
.m'a‘ Tennesee. He finds his practice ney to discover what it means to be a SZ D6559”
including more and more patients proud black gay man Cold soft drinks and water will be
with HIV/AIDS- Director Mira Nair Stewart portrays Sir Damone’s sold by GLSO to cover the costs of
includes many different perspective in life, loves, losses and laughter in this the picnic. Please do "0t bring alco
this him. See page 7fora rewew. deughtful evening of theme, Don», hol. in addition to food, bring a lawn

, _ miss this opportunity. No charge for chair or blanket to make yourself

"j Volunteer attendance. comfortable. There is covered space
' I" Awards in case of rain.

{, . There are lots of expenses to

Banquet mango... , Drlde putting on this event: renting sound

[jalflfi Concert equipment, tables, porta potties, buy-

The Tenth Annual Volunteer Awards , ing paper plates and forks, etc. You
Banquet will be held on Sunday June N0 Tummg EQCE can help by spending some money 0”
10 at the Ramada Inn on Paris Pike Join The Men’s Chorus and cold drinks, raffle tickets, t-shirts, or
near Interstate 75. The bar will open guests Voices Of Kentuckiana and other pride items. This year we have
at 5 pm and dinner will be at 6. Cost SisterSound for their annual Pride ordered copies of the new Melissa
for the dinner is $25 for individual ‘39“th 0" June 15- See the "0'“ Emeridge CD to 59" during Pride-
tickets or $20 each for a table of page for details.
eight. If you belong to a small group v v .. -:
we may be able to combine you with v 7' V v v V v v v 7 9? 52km"
another small group. Call Terry at V 3 (#1355950!
252-2867 (day) or 255-5469
WW“ for tickets and information. The 4914618 6PiCDiC‘ On June 17, EV Productions is

Nominations for the WassonAward The Pride Picnic, the largest producing Bluegrass Entertainer of
321m? glee" made so-far include queer pot luck in Kentucky and our the Year. Call 321-2053 for more

'0 ae ompson. ,Ke'th Lovan, best attended pride event, will be information.
Jerry NEfi' Jerry H'Cks’ Thomas Sunday, June 17 at Windy Knoll Farm,
Juno Page 4

 Lexington’s Premier Alternative Dance/Show Club
OPEN 8:30 PM to 1:00 AM - TUES.-SAT.
DJ GREGOH Revolving Show Cast
And Friends - 10:30 & 11:30
Gives Hump Day New Meaning
Newcomers From Louisville
Danielle Nichole, Mistress of Ceremonies
June 13 - June 20 - June 27
141 W. Vine St., Lexington, KY 40507 859-233-4262

 "IBIS/ANY The tournament will be held on Sat., Zandale, across from O'Charley's
MD COMPANY June 23, at Collins Southland Lanes, Restaurant. The Reverend Mel Bailey
205 Southland Dr. Registration starts will preside.

Tiffany Andrews will host a Gay at 1pm, bowling at 2pm. On this special Sunday,
Pride Show on Wednesday June 20th NO experience is necessary for Faith MCC will hold a UFMCC work
at 10 pm at Crossings. The cover this type of bowling and an estab— shop after worship. The topic will be
charge is $5. All proceeds from the lished average is not required. lf you “Restructuring Proposals“ to be voted
door will go to the Fayette Co. Health do not have a partner, we will find one on at UFMCC's General Conference in
Dept. Hiv/Aids Client Services. This for you during registration. Cost is Toronto in July. MCC will be sending
promises to be a fabulous show so $12.00 per person. Bowling shoes its Pastor and Lay delegate to this
we hope to see YOU there. are free. There will be a traveling tro— week-long conference as UFMCC

phy for the organization which has the votes on a dramatic restructuring pro
- highest team score. For more infor- posal. Come and join in the continu-
mation contact Steve at 276-3058 or ing journey "2001: a Faith Odyssey."
'_ .. Jim at 252-5801
ACT our PRESENTS GLSEN ’4?) Vxlmul
Love! ’Vafoyl Compassion! The Kentucky Chapter of the Gay I Eff '
5y Terrence Mayday Lesbian Straight Educators Network TOURNAMENT.

ActOut is proud to present the (GLSEN) is having their first fundrais— ,

award winning play Love ! Valor! er 0" Saturday, June 23rd, ltWi" be To Te ."Ea'gbfgv \golleydball
7 Compassion! by Terrence McNally near Sumerset at the Furgeson Juxgngznfigmwb an: £5 on: [1:211:52
during the last two weekends of Pride Community Room on South Highway p '
. . held at the YMCA North, 381 W.
Month. Curtains go up at 8 pm on 1247, Help US celebrate and enloy a L d A b 'd th F ft C
Friday June 22, Saturday June 23 and night of entertainment. We will have Houflfinuvetn (Lisbeth: d8)? 3 °'_
Sunday June 30. There will also be a music performed by the Lexington .ea . ep. . n a a e, prac

. . . - . tices wrll continue on Sundays June
matlnee on Sunday July 1 at 2 pm., Men s Chow. Whitney Boyles, Miss 10 and 17 at the YMCA from 3 to 5

This play is directed by Homer Kentucky 2000, will also perform and F M l f t' '
Tracey and stars Tom Brown, Rodney diSCUSS AIDS awareness. Tickets Contact' gr C3323 atn202r; :31);
Featherson, Troy Johnson,Darrell are $10 (16 and under $5) and will be or Charlie MullriEr/is at 221920
Maines, Jim Moreton, Stephen sold at the door. We will have Door '
Thorton, and Michael Thompson, The Prizes and Refreshments! For more
story concerns eight friends who info call or email Gina Cooper at “e"m‘t'flgslb'fanath'Eeggmfes
”me ”gem in the mum” W” (606’ 6769412 °’ ema" will be shofivnyatth K Theat rdurin
three summer weekends and con- glsengky@hotmail.com. e y e g

. . the last week of June. See pagel3

front their feelings about love, sex, f . f D . d N' d
friendship, life and death. LE>mL__Ns' ““7" or revrews 0 am an '60 an

’ WNV METROPOLITAN Chutney Popcorn. These are both

-\ fl} COMPIUNI‘I'Y fun movies, and a great way to end

is. Pride Bowling ®_ cnuncn Pride Month-

In celebration of Pride and in sun in Lexington, Faith DWEMTY DANCE
port of the efforts of Bluegrass Metropolitan Community Church cele _ On June. 30. GLSO.
Fairness, the Thoroughbred brates its annual PRIDE worship serv S'Stahs "1 The We 3"“ {3’0"}!
lnvitationalToumament, inc. and Blue ice on Sunday, June 24- The service Male hope .to be sponsoring a

. . . . . , dance featuring the Rock Stars of
grass Fairness are lorntly sponsoring begins at 10-30 am. at MCC. locat- Soul The July newsletter will have
the Third Rainbow City Scotch ed at 145 Burt Road, #7. Burt Road 5 - - -

, _ , , details if we are able to pull it off.
Doubles No-tap Bowling Competition IS located off Nicholaswlle Road in
Juno Page 6

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3313” A 32 INCH TV
_' ' TICKETS 1 FOR $1 6 FOR $5
* l”... ,x 2‘
554*” “ Follow the directions below to the Pride Picnic, renew or subscribe to
Z ' the GLSO Newsletter and get a free rattle ticket.
entertainment provided by
The Lexington Men’ 5 Clears/ts mob AnotHer Note
g GEO annual Pride Picnic lune i1 noon to at I
l softball Pot took Extravaganza venders entertainment i
IDireetions: Windy Knoll Farm, 3263 Cleveland Rd, North. From Lexington, take Winchester Rd 5 1l2I
[miles past New Circle Rd. to Cleveland (Rt. 1973) Turn left on Cleveland, look for Baptist church on]
'the left about 1l2 mile down. The driveway to the farm is on the left immediately after the church. AI
Imailbox with the street number 3263 in on the right across from. the dirveway. I
lBring: potluck dish to share, chair or blanket, no alcohol Plea» I
I money for raffle, drinks, venders I
| New or renewing subscriptions during Pride Month get one free raffle ticket I 7
IName Phone # 1 I
[Addresmmw I
ICit , St, Zi I
y PW
I __$15 Membership and newsletter .._.__Additional contribution Elvis: I
|_____$20 Couple membership and newsletter ' 3N I
|——__—$25 Two year membership and newsletter ifs I
I________I would like the newsletter at this reduced rate - Z I
I Mail to GLSONews PO Box 1147]. Lex, Ky. 40575 I
June page 8

w“ . s .
“3 Mi “‘9“
“‘25 '\\\ .,
0 “m it“ \ ‘ OPEN MIC
Make plans now To spend July 4th with us!
224 east main street lexington, kentucky 859.255.1551
must be 21 with valid id

 Use directory on back of News to verify events. G130 News 2001 Sponsors
J u n e 2 00 1 GLSO needs volunteers to keep the Pride Center open evenings and
weekends. Call 253-3233.
J. Mark Chambers, CPA-IDIOIOOIIOOOIIOZ66-8877
-—————————————~—W“*w—_—mfifi For all your Financial Needs
mm”-_ sat ’1 ! Bluegrass Faim“8..........................296-7812
1 2 Keeping our eyes on the Ky. Legislature
7:30PM Gay/Lesbian AA 3P-6P Grand Opening ! . ‘ . .
(Call for Place) of GLSO Pride Center l Richardson VISlon Center ..............278-4201
389 Waller Ave. Suite ‘ 1
100 1757 A] ' '
8PM Another Note i l exandna Dr., Garden51de
Concert (Woodland | . .
Christian Church) i E Scott Ackerman...........(v01ce maIl) 294-2055
1 .
= l mobtle hone ....338-8483 P l '
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a l ( p ) au Semonm Realtors
10:30 Faith MCC 7PM GLSO Gay Straight 7PM IntenNeave Movie 6:30P Sistah's Com. 7PM Soulforce Non— 7:30 Gay/Lesbian AA 8P Lexington Mens i l SisterSound 243_0243
10:45 UU Church Pride Alliance (Call for Place) Night (Pride Center) \fiolent Training (Pride (Call for Place) Chorus and SisterSound l t """'"""""'"'”""""""”
Service 8PM AA Step Study (Call (Pride Center) 7PM Disc. Group (PCtr.) Center) 10PM Wishing Chair CD Concert in Louisville l f . _
3PM Volleyball Practice for Place) 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA Release (High on Rose) l l Diverse mus": for all women
6—9PM Working Class 9PM Rainbow Bowiling (Call for place) l .
Kitchen Readings (Pride League (Southland TBA River City Revue l l Imperial Court Of Kentucky...........252-3014
Center) Lanes) (141) l .
l 1 . . .
l l A charity orgamzat1on
10 1 1 ‘ 1 2 1 3 14 1 5 1 6 y l
10:30 Faith MCC 6PM Imperial Court of 7PM Intenlveave Movie 7PM Discussion Group 7PM GLSO Board 7:30PM Gay/Lesbian AA 8PM Lexington Mens 1 The Bar C0111plexmu........................255-1551
10:45 UU Church Kentucky (Pride Center) Night (Pride Center) Meeting (Pride Center) (Call for Place) Chorus and SisterSound
Interweave Luncheon 8PM AA Step Study (Call (Pride Center) 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA 8PM Conversation with a Concert (Singletary | 224 E. Main
3PM Volleyball Practice for Place) (Call for Place) Diva (LP Library) Center) i
5-9PM GLSO Volunteer 9PM Rainbow Bowiling TBA - Soulforce Silent t T - _
of the Year Banquet League (Southland Prayer Vigil (Call for i urner Counseling 269 6497
(Ramada Inn North) Lanes) Place) E 2216 Young Drive Lexington
17 _ 18 19 . 20 _ . 22 . 23 i Debra Hensley Insurance.............276-3244
10:30 Faith MCC 8PM AA Step Study (Call 7PM IntenNeave MOVIe 7PM Discussmn Group 7:30PM Gay/Lesbian AA 8PM GLSO ACT—OUT !
10:45 UU Church for Place) Night (Pride Center) (Pride Center) (Call for Place) Love, Valor, Compassion l 1 513 N' l .11 Rd
124p GLSO Pride Picnic 9PM Rainbow Bowiling 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA 8PM GLSO ACT-OUT (Downtown Library) l "30 as“ e -
Potluck (Windy Knoll League (Southland (Call for Place) Love, Valor, Compassion 1PM-Bowling l .
Farm) Lanes) ' Deadline 10P Tiffany Andrews (Downtown Library) Tournament (Southland) - Windy Knoll F arm..........................299-7410
3PM Volleyball Practice (Crossings) l '
TBA Entertainer of Yr. for News Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
24 25 26 27 28 30 l Lexington Men’s Chorus................231-0090
10:30 Faith MCC Pride 6PM Imperial Court of 7PM Interweave Movie 7PM Sistah‘s (Pride 7PM C.O.L.T.S. 8PM GLSO ACT-OUT :
Services Kentucky (Pride Center) Night (Pride Center) Center) (Pride Center) Love. Valor, Compassion i Rehearsals start again in March
10:45 UU Church 8PM AA Step Study (Call 7PM Discussion Group (Downtown Library) l
Intenlveave Luncheon for Place) (Pride Center) (Hatlnee July I, IF". 1 i P asus Travel _ . _
9A-5P Volleyball 9PM Rainbow Bowiling 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA mm... m 1' am) . 3 eg ' 253 1644
Tournament (YMCA League (Southland (Call for Place) 9PM Rock Stars of Soul l . .
; D 0
North) Lanes) Dance (Continental Inn) i onatlng 1A: of your ticket cost to GLSO
‘ GLSO men 9

 . . ¢ , g . ~ Nisha Ganatra, Junky Punky Girl.

‘ ' ' ’ ‘ FM‘ty ”0“,“ ‘ V ' 3 This is an early film by Ganatra who

' " ' ' later went on the make Chutney

My Own Coun+ry Movies the Pride Center Popcorn that will be showing at the
Kentucky Theater later in June.

On Sunday, June 10 at 1:30 Every Tuesday night in June, at Another documentary of interest
Diversity Films presents My Own 7, Interweave and GLSO will be is Scouts Honor. KET has given us
Country, a film by Mira Nair. It will be showing documentaries and feature the opportunity to preview this film
shown at the Downtown Central films at the Pride Center. On the first which is about "Scouting for All" and
Library Theater, there is free parking Tuesday, June 5, we will show Not Steven Cozza's work to fight the Boy
available behind Library. There is no Just Passing Through, an hour doc- Scouts anti gay discrimination policy.
charge for this film; it is sponsored umentary about Lesbian Herstory. It We are hoping to show this docu-
by The Humanitarium: Center for is divided into four segments featur- mentary on Tuesday, June 19. Along
Culture & Diversity. ing activists from New York City with this, we will show the short film

Based on a the best selling based organizations including the Trevor, a high school trauma drama

Biography of the same name, My Lesbian History Archives, Asian with a happy ending.
Own Country focuses on the life of Lesbians of the East Coast, and the On the second and