xt72542j9973 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72542j9973/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2013-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 2013 text GLSO News, March 2013 2013 2013-03 2019 true xt72542j9973 section xt72542j9973 é GAY AND LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZATION
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization March 2013 Vol 35 No. 3
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 Issue 3 20 13 Feature Story
GSA Meeting
Every Tuesday, 7 pm.
Green and Pride Center
Twisted 5
Trans Kentucky
Saturday, March 2, 6:30 pm.
Pride Center
GLSO Board Meeting
Thursday, March 7, 6:30 pm.
Pride Center
Remembered 7 V
Lexington Gay Geeks Club
Friday, March 8, 6:30 pm.
KY Bourbon Bears Meeting
Saturday, March 9, 9 pm.
GSA Crossings
Advisor 7
Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
Sunday, March 10 & 24, 6 pm.
Pride Center
GILSO_fi d Pride Festival Planning Meeting
C aSSl e S 8 Thursday, March 28, 7 pm.

 GLSO News Issue 3 2013



The hCISLSDO Ngws ti: Eublisiged Paul Brown, President

mont y y a'.‘ or .e exmg on Ginger Moore-Minder, Vice Presi-
Gay and Lesbian SerVIces Organl- dent

zation members and community. Karen Taylor, Secretary

T B k

The mission of the Lexington Gay ommy rodbec ’ Treasurer
and Lesbian Services Organization

is to provide support and services GLSO DIRECTORS
to the GLBTQQIA community.

Paul Holland, At Large
The vision of the Lexington Gay
and Lesbian Services Organiza- Don Lowe, At Large
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA
community through voice. Cindy Sommer, At Large
The Lexington GLSO is founded Triiby Trent, GSA Advisor
upon the core values of fun, in—
clusion, respect, integrity, dignity,
service and competence. GLSO STAFF
GLSO Pride Center Chad Hundley, Office Manager

gfiieviaog r Avenue Pride Center Hours
Lexington, Ky. 40504 Call Ahead for Appointment
859.253.3233 and Office Hours.

"Views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the contributor and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the GLSO."


 Green and .Twlsted!!! will be attending both events,
By TIjINIty, leaving my Queen Mothers Em-
Contributor press 30 Shotz and Empress 21
I & 28 Nicole Diamond holding
March is here and it’s so hard the leashes at Wags—n—Drags
for me to believe that Reign so we can spread the wealth!!!!
31 is three quarters over??!!
Where has the year gone, Once again on March 20th , we
seems like we were just doing will be traveling to EKU for the
the AVOL Kids Christmas show, Spring Drag Show!!!!
. now we are planning commit-
" tees for Coronation 32??? And of course everyone looks
forward to the Night of Glitz,
We hope you will join us for Glam, and Awards, as we put
Coronation 32: A Night at the on the annual FALSIES AWARD
TWISTED Circusll , May 31- SHOW hosted at Bogarts
June 3 at the Hilton Downtown. Lounge at the Campbell House
Information about Coronation on March 24th.
} 32 is available on our website
(www.imperialcourtkentucky. Then coming up on the 27th,
org) or by contacting us direct— Jeanne “Diva Lilo” will be put-
ly. GREEN, GREEN , GREEN!!! ting on her event that is 1 Girl,
I guess it’s the color for this 5 Queens a fun filled show of
month!!! It’s the color of Reign candid questions, special per-
31, the color of St. Patrick’s formances and who knows
Day, the color of Money!!! what else???!!!
By the time you read this ar— On March 30th, our Prince
ticle, the ICK will have already Royale 31 Tim “Papaw” Logs-
kicked off our March Fundrais- den and Princess Royale 31
ing efforts by having already Christina Puse will be hosting
gone to Monroe, OH for the the Studio 54 Night at Crossings.
annual ICK Lexington Invasion This is a fully themed DISCO
at Old Street, Empress 29 Hel— night with entertainment and
ena Handbasket and I will have performances featuring hits
helped our four—legged friends from the height 0f the DiSCO
at the Central Kentucky Re- Era!!!!
gional Humane Society at Hair-
ball 2013. While Hairball isn’t AS you can see we have a full
a ICK event, it’s still an honor calendar of TWISTED fundrais-
to help out at that event each ing efforts planned to bring
year!!!Coming up on March 16 in the GREEN and welcome
we have two COMPLETELY dif— Spring!!!!!
ferent type events going on the
same night. We will be hosting As always, if you have any
cl TABOO! :The Empress’Twisted questions about becoming a
Night of Fetish at Crossings, as member of the ICK or would
well as Wags—n-Drags for the like to become involved in any
Scott County Humane Society way, please feel free to contact
I at the Barrel House. In order Either Monarch, or a member
I to make this work, Daryl and I of our Board of Directors.

 Change In Ilfe Ifhay‘e foung ngsglf to b: at the fusp
' ' ' o c ange y o ’s gui ance. am
IS II'IEVItable stepping down from pastoring Open
By Karen Taylor, Arms of God Ministry the church be-
Contributor cause I truly believe God’s intent and
purpose for my service there is com-
_ _ _ . plete and it’s time for me to move
Can YOU imagine how boring hfe on to what God has for me in the
WWW be if nothing ever changed? new season of change. Open Arms .
When I retired from teaching it was of God Ministry is the name of mine '
dlthUlt at fiFSt- I found at least part and Lisa’s ministry that will continue I
Of my identity as a teacher. My .fO' but not as a church. I’m excited for :
FUS was the students and education Lisa and me in our ministry and what 1
in general and suddenly it was gone. lies ahead.
Suddenly I didn’t have‘to concern
myselfwth changes taking place In Idon’t know yet what my new phase
education, how the schedule was of ministry will look like but 1 do
set up for the 6th grade or the new know that asI keep my eyes on Him
textbooks and teaching styles that daily and walk out my life and plans
were gains to be Implemented- It with Him it will unfold. My heart and
was hard. I found myself calling fOl" passion continues to be with teach-
mer colleagues about how the year ing and discipleship. Lisa’s passion is
was gomg, what concerns were they outreach, evangelism, prayer warrior
facmg, and I wanted to Jump in and and encourager. Together with the
help in the areas where there were Holy Spirit we have such a power-
big problems. But I couldn’t and I ful ministry full of willingness to go
had to fight the urge to goto 5Ch00' when God says, “whom then shal I
and “volunteer” or something. So I send?"
had to find a new focus. After sev-
eral weeks t started to realize that 1 My recent “induction" onto the board
was 9}an it less and less thought. of the GLSO where 1 am secretary1 is
Now.I m settled into a new phase 9f one area of my volunteer work t at
my 'lfe, retirement! Volunteering m is truly exciting for me. The GLSO
areas Of interest to me,.en)oying my is growing and developing into one
morning CUE of coffee Wlth the news- of the best organizations I have ever
paper and eCIdIng what I wanted or had the privilege of being a part of.
needed to do each day. Change '5 New programs to enrich the lives
good. of this community as well as beef-
_ . _ ing up current programs are at the
The Bible tells us in EccleSiastes there forefront This is an organization we
is a time for all things under the sun. can all be proud of_ 1 will soon be-
EccleSiastes 111' 8 “There is_an 0C' come the chairperson of the volun-
ca5ion for eVel'ythlngi and a tlme_ for teer committee for the Pride Center.
every aCthlty under heaven: a time There are numerous opportunities
to give bll'th and a time to dle; a time for involvement. You will be hearing
to plant and a_time t0 uproot; _a time more on this later but I encourage
to kill and a time. to heal; _a time to you to be thinking about how you
tear down and a time to bUlld} 9 time can enrich your life as well as others "
_to weep and a time to laugh;.. Tak- by becoming a volunteer. l
ing these verses from the context of _
the fundamental claim of the book Yes, change is good so let’s embrace .
that we are mortals, doomed to Per' it and know in our heart of hearts that t
lSh. and that our work Wl“ perish God is in control and He has nothing
wlth US; We see that no human work but good in store for us. May God
'5 eternal, and whatever aCthlty richly bless each and everyone one
we are engaged wlth must Change reading this. My contact in orrnation
as the Situation dictates. Thls '5nt remains the same so please feel free
meant to be gloomy, but simply to to call or write any time you have a
understand that there is a time and question, Concern, or have a prayer
place for everything. request.

 Holocaust turehof tlgie tstrugtion of many
o te 00 an artiacts in
Remembrance Hirschfeld’s collection.
By Mary Crone,
Contributor If you have questions or would
like to be involved, contact me
I am planning an event at the at mary@glso.org.
, Pride Center during( Holocaust _ _
l Remembrance wee , April 7 — Gay Stralght Alliance
. 13. We know that GLBT people
l were victims of the Holocaust Trilby Trent has recently joined
but GLBT people who are not the GLSO board to represent
Jewish rarely know about or and further the work she does
take part in the Days of Re- with the Gay Straight Alliance
membrance events. for Youth (GSA). Trilby has
been an adviser for the GSA for
The United States Congress es— eleven years.
tablished the Days of Remem-
brance as our nation’s annual She is the person who created
commemoration of the Holo- the term “queerlings” to refer
caust and created the United to all of our teens, LGBTQQIA.
States Holocaust Memorial Yes, our straight members en-
Museum as a permanent liv- {by being one of our queer-
ing memorial to the victims. ings.
The Museum designated Never
Again: Heeding the Warning
Signs as the theme for the
2013 observance.
I do not yet have an time re—
served at the Pride Center but I
am looking over materials from
the Holocaust Museum, Days
of Remembrance. ( informa-
tion at http://www.ushmm.
org/remembrance) They have
sent a DVD from that we could
view some part of.
Trilby is often the adult teens
( I would also like to share in— will turn to if they are expe-
l formation about the work of riencing personal problems.
Magnus Hirschfeld who was a They know her as an open and
" German Jewish physician and non-judgemental mentor. She
l. sexologist. He founded the Sci- brings her sense of humor and
entific Humanitarian Commit- her proud lesbian stance to our
tee, which has been referred to GSA every Tuesday night.
as the first advocacy group for
homosexual and transgender Trilby is a great addition to the
rights. One of the most widely GLSO Board. She will stand up
used pictures of Nazis burring for the kids and help us move
books is thought to be a pic— forward in our work.

 but negotiable. Would be great
héarchéOJB for an elegant drag perform-
aSSI e 5 er olr tglassy real girl. Pictfures
_ avaia e upon request. I in-
Need Your P_rmtJobs Done? terested, please contact Joyce
The GLSO Pride Center 15 set— K Cruse at 859-254-6825.
ting up a copy and print shop
in the Center to complete al 1 BR Apartments for Rent w
your printing “EEdS- For more North Hanover Ave, just off
Information contact Donovan East Main St, near Woodland
at info@glso.org or the Pride Park. Kitchen & bath. Private ,
Center at 859‘253'3233. ePtry- $510 perdmonth plus "
_ _ eectric. 250 eposit, pet
AC UDIt USEd TWICE ' $150 friendly, Section 8 Welcome.
_ , (Negotiable) . Laundry room on site. Please
ngumo PAC C120E Air con- call Nori at 859-230-8079.
ditioning unit with remote
control and all that has barely For more information or to
been USEd- Works great! Re- place a FREE classified ad in
tailing normally for_ 200+ bUt our next edition, please email
selling for a negotiable 35150- the detailed info to Chad at
Contact the Pride Center at chad@glso.org. All classifieds
859:253'3233 for more infor- should be directed through the
matron and/or to see the unit. pride Center and should be
short but contain the basic in-

F“" Coat For Sale formation of who, what, when,
Gorgeous FUlfi Coat valued at where, cost, etc. Deadline for
$15,000 Asking 0le $3,000 all submissions to the GLSO

Newsletter is March 20, 2013.
Areyou an LGBT00l* adult l Y G'l‘t' _ M .
living in an Appalachian 5 our I mg m USIC,
”lesbian, gay, bisexual, iramgcndcr, (luccr, Alucslioning, inlcrscx
' '2
— ls Your heart on fire for the Lord.
ll‘so,_your opinions about LGBT people and Are YOU searChlng for a place?
smokin are re uested foranimerview research . . W"
study.gSmol(:‘s and non-smokers are needed. Open Arms Of GOd Mlnlstry
Please visit our website http://lgbtappalachlanvebstom NeEds YOU! ‘~‘
or call 859-523-519 l7 for more information,
You will be compensated for your time,

Th GLSO 1 '
r ‘ _ Cg ; _ JJ , \" r ._ i
_ e 5 C 5+ 5 Rainbow Sponsor
The Imperial Court of Kentucky _
w impctky@aol.com VvaJmpcnalCourthnlucky.org
GLSO News Monthly Sponsors
e SisterSound 859.806.0243
Diverse Music for all Women
DJ Fix My PC! Technology Support 859.368.2734
Debra Hensley Insurance 859.276.3244
1513 Nicholasville Road
Lexington Fairness—www.|exfair.org 859.951.8565
Unitarian Universalist Church 859.223.1448
3564 Clays Mill Road
Scott Ackerman, Keller Williams Bluegrass Realty 859.338.8483
GLSO Pride Center—www.glso.org 859.253.3233
'7 Lexington Pride Festival—www.iexpridefest.org 859.253.3233
.. Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
Richardson Vision Center 859.278.4201
1757 Alexandria Drive, Gardenside Shopping Center

 GLSO Phone Directory Sister Sound 859.806.0243
A community resource page for gay and/or Social Services, Lexington 211
gay-friendly organizations across Kentucky.
Speaker's Bureau 859.266.5904
WM TransKentuckY cassiemtf@
AIDS v I t I AVOL 859 225 3000 yahoo'com
0”" eers n“ ) ' ' United Way 859.313.5465 1
E I' . 5
Health Dept., Fayette 859.288.2437 . ,
Integrity, Ky. Diocese 859.369.9691
877.606.2437 _
. Integrity, St. Martha’s 859.533.9851 T
Health Dept, Jessamine 859.885.4149 _ _ I
IntenNeave, Unitarian 859.266.5904 .
Health Dept., Woodford 859.873.4541 _
_ Lex Friends, Quakers 859.254.3319 3
HIV/AIDS Legal PrOJect 502.584.1254 _ .
. . . Mercy Ministry Church 859.358.0580
LOUISVllle Region 502.574.0161 .
MCC Paducah 270.443.3339
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867 , .
. Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
Northern Ky. Region 859.341.4264
UK Adolescent Medicine 859.323.5643
W Berea College ACE 859.958.3633
24-Hour Crisis Line 800.928.8000 Centre College BGLA 859.238.5332
24-Hour Teen Crisis Line 800.999.9999 Morehead State University 606.783.2294
Alcoholics Anonymous 859.967.9960 UK OutSource 859.323.3312
AA/Alcoholic Teens 859.277.1877
Council for Peace & Justice 859.225.6999 /\
Discussion Group 859.253.3233 ‘\ ed :69
Fairness of Louisville 502.893.0788 \ $11260? 9
Gay Straight Alliance, Teens 859.266.5904 élfid°§é§e
GLSO Pride Center 859.253.3233 ‘ «Q‘eéiéx .
Imperial Court of Kentucky 859.619.7521 3Q\9,3\c::0_(3®
International Gay Bowling 859.539.3058 6 v
Kentucky Fairness 270.703.1582 '
Lexington Fairness 859.951-8565
Lexington Human Rights 859.252.4931 A
Lexington Insight Group 859.230.2428 T
Lexington Pride Festival 859.253.3233 GLSO News Deadlme ‘
MACT 859.358.8335 March 20
PFLAG Lexington 859.338.4393 Send articles and ads to
PLFAG Louisville 502.329.0229 editor@glso.org

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