xt72542j7x95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72542j7x95/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1937 journals kaes_circulars_003_305 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 305 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 305 1937 1937 2014 true xt72542j7x95 section xt72542j7x95   A
  Extension Division
  THOMAS P. COOPER., Dean and Director
Y Lexington, Kentucky
 A December, 1937
  Published in connection with the agricultural extension work carried on by co-
  °p°mt‘°¤ Of the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, with the U. S. Depart-
 mem °f Agriculture and distributed in furtherance of the work provided for in the
  Act °Y C¤¤Bress 01 May 8, 1914_ ‘

 I  .2
Place ................................A.................,_____,_,  
Date ......................A...................................,,,_  
To: ..........,......................A............................................., From: ........................................................... I 
(owner) (contractor)  
We hereby propose to furnish labor and material necessary to install wiring, Ir  
and fixtures at the farm owned by you, located ................................................. The work .
done under this contract will consist of wiring ............ outlets for ............ lights; ........... c·
for single or double pole switches; and .......... outlets for 3-way switches, and fum =
hanging and connecting fixtures and ............ convenience outlets, as follows: I
I Outlets I  
I Fixtuns  ·
| Light I Switch I I  - CI
Lmmmm I Ceiling I Bracket I Single I 3-Way I Convenience I Numbei·I 3; I  W
I I I 1I I:  I (
Porch .................. I .................. . ................. I .................. I .................. I ...................,........... . ...............,,     h4
Hall ..................... . ................. . ................._.................. . ...........,..... . .............................. . ...............,. I.   d(
Stairs ..,............... I .................. . .,............... I ..............,... I ,..,.,,,,,..,,.... . ..............,..,.,........,, , .,,.............,,.,   it
Living room ...... ' .................. . ................. . ................. . ................. . ...................... , ..,.... . .................,,,   _
Dining room ..... . ................. . ................. I .................. I .................. . ...........,.................. . .................      
Kitchen ............. . .........,...,... . ................. I .................. I .................. . .............................. . ................, I ,,,,  
Furnace room .. .......,.......... . ................. I .................. . ................. . .............................. . ..........,..,,4, ` ,,,_  
Basement; ,....,.... . ......., . ........ . ................. I .................. . ................. . .............................. . .........,....,,,    
Storeroom ......... . ................. . ........,........ . ...,............. . ................. I ............................... . ................. I ,,..  I 111
Upper hall ........ . ................. . ................. . ................. . .....,.,......... I ............................... . .............i...    I PI
Bedroom ............ . ................. . ................. . ................. . .......... . ..... . .............................. . .........,....... I ,,..  
Bedroom ..........., . ,,,,,,.,.,,,,,... I ,..,,.,.,...___._. I _,_...,,,_,_,,,.., . ,_,,,,,,..,,,,... . ___.,..,,,_,,,,,,_.,____,.,,,, . ,_...,,,i,....... _ ,,,i Ii 
Bedroom ............ . ................. I .......4........,. . ................. I ...............,.. . .............................. . ......,..i....... I lyll  
Bath .................... I .................. I .................. I ..........,....... I .................. I ............................... I .........,....,...   “
Attic .......i......l..... I .................. I ..........i....... I .................. I ...........,...... I ....................,......i... I ...,....,.....,.,,   .,,, g
caelclelcuccluIlucuuelceleoell, I ,,,,,,,c,,,,,,e,,, I ,,,,eI,,e,,,,,,,,, I IAIIIAIIAIAAIIIIIA I I,,, ,,,, II,,,,,, I ,,,,e,,,,,,,,,,,I,,,,,,,c,,,,,, . ,,,,,c I,, ,, I   
Service tilfllii ·· · : ·:· ·;: 1       :3 ·   T éi.- ‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘'‘   `
The total price of the work, complete as specified, is ..........................................I,,,_,I ¢· th
<$ ............................................ >, made up as follows:   III
Wiring to outlets only ......... $ ................................  
Switches, plates, bodies, cords, etc ...... $ ..............................,.  _
Fixtures ............... $ ................................   _
Additional for ............. $ ................................  
Total ............. $ ................................  
and we agree to accept payment of said sum of $ ................................ , payable as follows  
....................................................................................,......................................................................·· · ···-»--   co
Accepted: .................,.................................................. Signed: .....................................................·.»I— — Io
(owner) (contractor)
1Taken from University of Illinois multlgraphed Extension Circular. A. Eng-56. "F:¤.rm l\`irtI I-

 .......,....4,A, *  Circular No. 305
"`‘`"‘``"‘‘°°‘`rr‘   The Cost of Rural Electric Service
    By JAMES B. KELLEY and EARL G. wmcn
v l *
The work .  
tts; ....., _ 4`__ t.
*¤ . ELECTRICAL rowmt
Fm   The kilowatt-hour (KW. Hr.) is the unit of measure by which
* UNE  · _ _ _ _
I ’_  _ electricity is purchased just as a bushel is the unit for measuring
1um¤>er` 2: g wheat and corn. For exam ole, a 100-watt li ht bulb o ieratin for
r   I0 hours uses a kilowatt-hour of electrical energy. The number of _
`````''`````'' (   hours an appliance may operate on 1 kilowatt-hour of current is
`'`'``````'“'" (   determined by dividing the number of watts required to operate
'``'''`'‘```''l``  » it into 1000. A 500—watt flatiron will operate 2 hours (1000 + 500
```'`‘‘''```‘`'1`  s ; 2) on l kilowatt of electrical energy. The electricity used is
1 .5: . . .
```''`'‘'`'`'`    · recorded by an instrument known as an electric watt-hour meter.
'°'`'`'''‘``''   '`1°   To estimate the cost of using electricity, proceed as follows:
,_____,____,__ lm   l. Make a list of the amount of current required by the appli-
______,_____4, i ..._  1 anccs to bc used. The probable consumption in kilowatt hours
_________,4·__    i per month of each appliance may be taken from Tables l and 2.
---···»·»····· Q ~»—-   Lights ................................................................ 25 Kw. Hrs. per month
_________''__4`,_4 it  Iron .................................................................... 5 Kw. Hrs. per month
f i Radio ................................................................ 8 Kw. Hrs. per month
-···-········· , ···· 1 Vacuum cleaner ............................................ 3Kw. Hrs. per month
_____<___,,______ “ Shallow—we11 pump ...................................... 9 Kw. Hrs. per month
{ y Refrigerator .................................................... 50 Kw. Hrs. per month
···-·········‘ ` ‘‘’‘ , Range ................................................................ 150 Kw. Hrs. per month
  rlli  _ Total .......................................................... 250 Kw. Hrs. per month
.......··   1 2. Set down the rate schedule taken from your contract with
____________,_   the utility company. The rate schedule below is assumed merely for
.........   Rate Schedule from Contract
-········  . 1St — 20 Kw. Hrs. at 10 ets. per Kw. Hr.
.........  _ Next — 30 Kw. Hrs. at 5 cts. per Kw. Hr.
.........   Next — 50 Kw. Hrs. at 3 cts. per Kw. Hr.
  Next — 100 Kw. Hrs. at 2.5 cts. per Kw. Hr.
''‘`‘‘‘''   _·i All over 200 Kw. Hrs. at 2 ets. per Kw. Hr.
5 as follot:
-»-·-····-·-·-· -1 { $· Prepare a table of the appliances, rate schedule, and current
·-·············’‘‘ { €011Su11iption of each in the following form. Then make the cost
‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘`‘`   ° u1·cl1ase of such et ui pment. 1\l1l1" R""`l1
n l l _ [10011
thc 1Illl<)lll\I ol electricity required for operating a11y 111acl1111c \`i11`W‘  
witl1 tl1e (`Oll(ll1l()llS 1111der which it is operated, the l)l`OS1)C(`llW  
1)lll`(’ll2lSCl` may estimate the il1)l)l`()Xl]ll§lIC cost (11 (`lll`l`(jl]l, it11` 1>1)Cl`?l"  
ing each device by iuultiplying the kilowatt-liour c<>11st11111>11"'l  
figures given hy tl1e local rate charged for elect1·it·ity, as ill11SU`¤1€‘l  
lll thc ptecedtng table. we;}

 Table 1. Approximate pl1I'ChB.S€ prices and
. . UU.l`I`C t um · · -
nf electncal applmuces for the farm h0mg_ n mms Pt»l0I1 111 lul0watt·h0m·s
_    · .· ( ‘ _
A,,.I......c? m1111c I 1 1»?éé’i*2i‘$Zéi? I AD"‘1%“1L§T§`$$a{€3?§.?£*"I"“
'· 1 ·1 1* ..................... ·
_ S11 IQLZIIIE.? ....................... I$   I3   $0 *?‘“` ‘?“’““* I
051 I01;lI I. q ' 101 6M/11 S 10 10 hours
K II~2IIi;{;§‘iiiiiEiiiiiéZZIIZZZZZIZIZZ ¤2°>ZII>II I3     §"’§(}’“`5"** *’€*` *******1**
°2 Ligl11ingl10111e ........ . ......... I ..........................   25O,e . per m°0II‘ i’€_*` 12****iIy
. 5 OIIMMCB (elecmc Comwl)mm.mWmUmmZ 2001 tg l115%11tl1 {111elud111g small lwuselwld z1111>liu110es)
,25 11111110-All electric .......... 15.00l 27* ··1/ `I DBI year `
. 0 0.00 0 11 to 12 1 ·· .
4 Battery C1I2\1`gU1` ·.{·· - (21*91 <*8€ S) DBI mrmth
· II 1111110 ............................... ""k§0'iikj`{L;°"*5*51;;‘55 * $0 IO ° 1"’*` ***0**0*
11el1·ige1·at01· ................... I 85:00 to $50.00 $0 pe}; I)€l`S°“ 061* m"“II*
_15 ` sewing ma1cl1i11e ............... 35.00 to 100.00 .10 I? aq DH IWIIIIII
Electric clock ................ .. :1.00 ` O1 .I€*S 00* *******0*
up 2 101 l
Vi,lCl1UIllCI€ZlH€I` .............. 15.50 to 0* 00 I ·~ mom}
.45 3.51] w;1sl1i11g111acl1i11e ............. 50,0010 1¤§`00 1/I0 `{ my m"“II‘
“,ml_lwmelzlMmmmnm 55.00 to 351-00 i:%6)€1 I?€l`SO1l per 111111111.
\\‘;11e1· supply .................... 40.00 to 125.00 0 IO 600 Der momh
Sllznllmv well 01· uistern ................... ' . 1 10 1 ··
1.50 50g Deep well ............ I . " ‘· . , -—* l>€F 1000 mllnms 1>um1>cd
2.50 7.50   ''`''```` " I I"’ IO 2·0 PGV 1000 gallons 11uml1e1l.
`  TE: Data in Tab] ~ 1 · (1 3 1 · . · . ,
lm III MI5 ‘‘‘` ***¤31**‘*§¤*·0?¤~.·1‘I»’§11.1¥é51§é’i$§$“**~******¤ 1<»¤·»w·¤g scums.
— " ESUl'l[) 1011 nm 31S)0," Wgsf I , ` ,   _ _
850 mich? I?;Isil0f1Q1>_€1‘nti11g Elect1·i0I$g1~1§$ 01115611:1;;@dI§IIIII?¤2gI{1(;1ué1ng C°m1”my‘-
— ·~EIL$I.-1c{iJ’O`.f’&£&{%‘.15§£1‘se > —
UIOWHIP A]l])I1‘lllC€ 01* 111’1cl1i I I UWM I
< 1 ue S111ul1—I I arg- Size 7 .
·. . J AD])1’0X1111‘1I.’ C — ·
_ II I. I _ 4) I _ 1 0 »i)l’1bL1l1][)[
““l“‘I" I;111IIIeg1—11I01— ............................·... .  
1tCc 110 0 9“’¢*#*&1* ...............,....,........ I I   I 4 *0 10 1% Der 100 11 .
. I B°III‘"€****<1¤H1>1>i11g111z11:l1i110     Y0 IA ./5 per 1000 bottlesu
NIH COII B11tte1‘cl1u1‘11 ..............,...........,   if   I I0 1 Der lO00 IJOIIIQS
150 um   ··.»·... . ........,............,.......,, j   I /1 1 ig 2 EGF 10kU lbs. butter
1 ' E _ 4·... » ............ . .......,..... . ..,.... _ __ ” /2 €1‘ Wee s 11 · ·l'·k
Cl)1·IlIll1SkC1` uml sl11.€ddm.m·m"-U ., V V- 1 per 10 bushelsm L mg
onsumpl gI]****SIIeI1e¤· ..........,. . ,,_________ ` .2; E 0]/ 5 ner ton
_ llC1‘€€ll11X€l` .........._.,,,_ _ I `-``' ` '``` . 4 1 Der 300 lbs. ;l 1
phly blll €*‘¢#1m se1»z11·11101- ,,_,_,________ jjjjjjjj ‘`‘’‘‘‘ 1 1% III, %F***05 5 Der 5 cub10  
I Q g€1ll`}' water heater ...,............,..   /£ A I % -5, D6? 1000 11155, milk
»I€°*`“**°* 1;*  ——~~·—····.......................,.. :1;; 11. Z T *=* *0 35 ver 100 gall (.1.  
FOQSQLIISOI ..............................,... . yg 1 ’“ I I? 5"‘A‘;§1`[8g€ Der
. ’<‘*‘ ··........ . ....._,_   ` 4 1110 · tl
§§§}IIIi‘*lg%II1e1· .................... ZZZZZZZIZZZX 1/;,10 1;,%* I -*1 S*=I1‘% S100: I6
MA . f.* -·-·---..... . ....................... * O · 0 -5pe1·t1
TE gw! 1:1111001- ,,,__,__________ _ __________ " 1%   I J1 15 D6? 100 b0;I1<:1s
GI{;IL¤2I>;‘ii;::::i;;;;;::3 ············ 3 *0 5   .1135; *3235 ‘°“
_ ~ . I **1*01**11 (SUl`12lCQ)__i;;; '`'```'` I — — 150 to 300 per 1000 1 .·
1I*C 1**** I1II1‘EI2§12§¥***·c 1 11»111 . ................ i;:;i;;; - I — 1*** 4 ¤<*¤· we-11. p€$‘°§?O1 lift
nent and Milkillmmdi. .......... l; .................. Q ...., - I _ I rg 10 30 per 111011111
MIIkmgm;mhI110 (17,1,1-mI)IQ)mm·m M; IA I/I   10 30 pm- 1110. pgp 10 gmS_ DEI. day
‘·1 SIIOLIIII 1’¤ir1tsI>1·$I1· Im (I 0*91****0) »....... 0;; ;; " 1/** .,0 PGY 0011* per 111011111
‘“ ‘ ]*11InIOg].flh0l. ..,,......,....................,,,_ - _ -· to 3 l)€‘1` cow per month
[ }\IlIl1l R;·II-IK(,I_£Ii($*--I.i;.. ...............,........... 1,4. I j 1 Der 250 S(|ll2ll`€ feet
. · Rmt(_uum` 1( .ln·y) ________ _ _____·___4·' IZ 15 Iz: Irpgp 600 U; 700 lhs.
_ I IC SQ I _I_1 ·»·;·»;.: ........... . .......,.......,... 1{ r 5** DGP mn. 11 10 ;:z1l. al1 ill' ·· 1; »
IIL \ ll) 1 §I‘$IAII;I]I1;Ieit11 ......,..........,.,....,.,.... ; ')_r_ I IH .2 $1:211* 1g2hl1I>11t11\IllK1S
_ SIHIIWMWQ #1.....; .........................,, _ I A i 1g 10 1% per  0})€I