xt72542j7w6v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72542j7w6v/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1946 journals 3_02 English Lexington, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes v.3 n.02. text Kentucky fruit notes v.3 n.02. 1946 1946 2014 true xt72542j7w6v section xt72542j7w6v , ~,‘  
other ·_=L_ .»
th so " Vo]_ 3 _‘.,(>*' July. 1946 No.2
lcon- __ _ _. _ 5-{B   We ...-"A..A._.
rght, .i   · -
;S=;gg .~rg,?.l¢·E‘N T U C K Y F R U IT N O T E S
good i W. D. Armstrong, Horticulturist, Editor
le to
ld be  
ltgigl THE KENTUCKY STATE §`}ftY_mCCtl{1g beg at Epringlgeld,
· inois, eary in ecem er. any
l· l¤· HORTICULTURAL SQCIETY interesting and valuable suggestions
¤t1¤§ The 89th Annual Meetlrtg of the on fruit varieties and culture, dis-
tance . ere;)-_ the College _of Agriculture ported
?t10¤S and Home Economics cooperating, The gftgyngon Session was d€_
Ofar. was held at Mayfield on Frldiiyi voted entirely to discussion of in-
t0 be January 18, l946· 4 An U¤¤5¤¤llY sect and disease control Dr. L. F.
S will I large number of fruit L1l‘0\\'C¤`$ WCYC Steiner of the Federal Insect Labo-
535 of in attendance from Kentucky and rotor-yy at Vincennes, Indiamh r€_
·e de- nearby points in 'I`enRiTSe0.ffM1$· ported in detail on the results of
· souri. and Illinois. o iccrs their 1945 DDT experiments for
trees ; were re-elect;·d——»H\;}¤jr¤lt_11¤ FY<>DDi control of codling motl5T Spray
’ Paducah. presicent; i iam cgen- programs containing D aone
  * bush, Louisville. vice president: and DDT in combination with ar-
1siOn_ B Dr, D. W. Doroini lllaytlelflh \'1CC senate of lead and nicotine com-
; president; Wen el _ tan oose. liinations had again given egrcellent
ggeixg ` Paintsyille. Vlee Dl`t‘$l(`l(‘lllZ itrltl VV- codling moth control. In his opin-
visea  _ W. Magill. l·eNlllgt0ll. S¢‘Cl`€l&il`}'· ion DDT promises to he of great
{ you ` treasurer`. value in apple orchards where
acter I On the morning progranr Paul growers have not been able to con-
ippre- ~. Shepard. Director of the Missouri trol codling moth with sprays con-
lwill ? Fruit Experiment Station at Z\iIoun- taining arsenate of lead. nicotine,
lit to ‘ tain Grove, talked on early apple and summer (lll.- Of equal interest.
V production. The U. S._ apple tree however. was his warning that un-
‘ population has been shrinking for a restricted use of DDT could bring
number of years. he said, and thc about some very serious conse-
;()N$ . nation will soon be producing far quenecs in apple production. The
· too few apples unless tree planting common red spider and the_ Euro-
 ` is resumed at an early date. Of pcan red mite tend to multiply in
special interest to western Ken- large numbers late in the season
, · tucky growers was his statement on trees where earlier sprays of
°tlm` that this section could put early DDT have killed parasites. If the
¤rk€F* apples on the market almost as soon red mite or red spider injury is not
use It · as any other section in the United noticed and corrective sprays _ap-
is and States and that this asset should be plied, serious defoliation and injury
taken advantage of. Production of to the trees often occur. A large
  early apples in blocks separated part of the 1946 program of work is _
‘  from late-maturing apples was sug— to be devoted to further studies on _
ver if   gested, in order to reduce the cod- the control of these red mites and
? Bet- 9 ling moth hazard in the early apple spiders. _
little ` blocks. Such varieties as Lodi. Dr. P. O. Ritcher reported on the
‘ Red Bird. Close, Henry Clay, and control of oriental fruit moth With
` Yellow Transparent were suggested DDT and other materials in tests
as worthy of trial. at the Eison orchard near Paducgh.
also a . A Sl10I`t Sumniary of the very ini- (These tests were lepolted in €- ·
ven if  — D01`t8I1t work of the National Apple tllllilll the Mareli ISSUQ t3fvK€ll%1?;Y
work. ll"t$tltute, the National Peach Coun- Fruit Notes.) IHC also 1€;\1€Y\€ €
' eil. and the Fruit Foundation was cureulio situation ot 194o with sug-
 . given by Frank Street of Hender- gcstions for 1946 control.
f· ld Sen. W. D. Armstrong gave a re- The Kentucky l1`u1t_ SDYHY Sfihidj
gplfng  ° Dert on some ot the highlights of tile? and Spray sgigrcewplganshlgr
the Illinois State Horticultural So- 194) were ISCLISSQ I · - '

 strong. Emphasis was put on the show eases and retail counters. A11 et.
importance of each grower know- encouraging feature was that much  
ing his local insect and disease work on all of these lines was re- rt
problems and devoting time and ef- ported, and the producers and dis- (it
fort toward carrying out the best tributors both seemed to be grasp-  t in
possible spray program combined ing the idea that peach consump- W
with orchard sanitation, using the tion possibilities in the United ,t
t best materials available. States are almost unlimited if · it
housewives can be assured of get- ot
THE NATIQNAL PEACH ting :1 continuous supp y of ripe. F ti
, sound, high-quality fruit.
COUNCIL MEETING If you, as a grower, have not »  
p€§§rgr¤;$g;i=j;i§; <>;t3ii;t¤¤;Qg];3~‘’ SEE`? €i$$"'N*i.li'$¤iii iiiiililiig em}?-l°1i   gi
gether at St. Louis on February 19, you Should do SO` ~ ll
20, and 21 for the Annual Meeting HOSE THINNING OF  _ ll
of the National Peach council. , =
Again, the organization fully meas- PEACHBS . ti
ured up to its record of service to KENTUCKY .._ 1945 V ll
the industry by facing squarely the Y , _  _' U
national oeaoh Situation trom the _\Ahilc various systems of hose, . tt
viewpoint ot all orooluoing diS_ stick, and pole thinning of peae_ht·s ` it
triotsh The greater need for Orgaii_ have been put ft)l`\\'Zll`(l from time . t
ized effort in the years immediate_ to time. it took tl1e llll'}.{C peach cron ‘ {
ly ahead, which are Certain to and acute labor shortage of ltlln . e
bring heavy peach ororlurtion and to bring this met_hod_ of Vthmmng t
a questionable eeonomie Situation into general practice in lxentucky. A c
WBS 1`€·COgl'liZ€d, and it was voted tg CQYlfl`_Ul1lCCl Willi il ll`(‘ll1Cl1(l0LlS thm· g
double eaeh States assessmehh ning job and with little or no extra L r
Tl1€ Council was very helpful in lilliilrlill T{?llllilg§`{'i*`)lr) SVQYETS ;;1<`C ether 1>l`=·¢¤<‘<· *><·i=¤¤#<~ T i
. . . ucv ia rea o 1 in reccn ar-
Congicti Wgh gh? Igatmnal m.dc` ticles in fruit papers and magazines 1 s
Ren en an C am`S Ore Orgamzéy describing hose thinning. Others `
SQQE m§g§i§i;ib1li·;;§,;?c;‘j)1;)0Yif $23; were acquainted with the method 1
t;;<=;,;;g 1946- but Mgmt me the ;l§L1°?§i£‘rt1.§’.§;.S0'l?.li1.S°;‘£.‘21’?‘§i.a‘1‘;"?; 1 i
' · t of Kentucky growers with " 1
The whole theme of the meeting   e to S its Ci hee thin, ¤ ·
centered around increasing peach nisgf p ach C p C h 2  
consumption by putting a better . 1·   · `
product in the hands of housewives. thilnlhenei i;,eC;eSintg?e;ti§lg\t§L§,e   ~ (
Toward this end, the need for high- almost ° every orenardtet nan`  
er quality hardy varieties of early Sneoial tyoe ot Stiek or nose or it l
to late ripening season zvas stressed. eoeeial way ot uttaehing the host.
Several States and the U· S· De' to the stick Most generallv used  ·
Pertment Of Agriculture are mak' was a light sprout about l inch} in I l
lng excellent progress m develop` diameter at the base. 1; inch at the
mg these new peaches Delayed top, and 4 to 6 feet long. To tl1e .
lgleggeig tg %ye greater meeumtydami smaller end was attached a piece of
'Y e e rm was S,1`€·SS<> H discarded stiff spray hose about 15
lenglh as 3 means Of gettmg better inches long. Some preferred te
guehty end. larger pmduetlon have the pole extend only 2 or 3 ‘
{Oper ehmrlmgi $011 me¤¤g€¤¤¤¤t» inches into the hose, others for it
€fm1Z¤¤¤¤»1¤$·¢¤t¤¤d dlseese cen' to extend inside to within 3 or 4 _
trol} Fareful _PlCkmg» P3Cl$mg» and inches of the far end of the hose.
carrymgt gulek pYe'C0Oh“g? émd Still others used sticks slightly
gjgg;¤tai;<§1v§;};;Sggil algtgethslglgst sharpened, with me mp to or iz
2 ` inches wrapped with innertube
Beedfor better ventilated and non'- String or insulating tooo For the
rulsmg types Of eentemers Of,pe" low limbs some used the short sec- ,_
haps dlfferent Sizes was 1>¤1¤t¤ to smooth out the crop-load a bit as 30 percent to 40 percent by 1950;
shes  , more. While some were able to do possibly 50 percent by 1960, unless
ime  . this, most were not able to get back heavy plantings are made in the
crop ’ for the hand thinning. Some went 40`s. Pears——Production upward
1945 g over their orchard two and three nationally. Peaches—No decline in
iipg ‘ times with their hose-thinning production. Cherries-High, at
ew. ,  crews. least until 1950. A ric0ts—M0d-
hin-  , At first some growers feared that erate decline to 1950.p Citrus—-Up-
xtra = remaining peaches would be in- ward, furnishing strong competition
iced   jured so as not to develop normal- for other fruits.
ow- J ly. This was not the case. however, Applgs are the Only major fruit
iiuse  _ for while a few peaches were af- with 3 prediction Of less production
.211- " fected, the crop as a whole matured Nmmau,`. when the Supply gets
.111CS Y satisfactorily. . " ,· ·
hers l All in all, hose thinning turned ilovzcgggbilgctglllgiegngotligég th§$“§
thod T out to be such a labor—saving pro-   (Since the Wa,. Started `the Sup_
ions I- cess that, rmany vgrowers \\'1ll·11t) pl}. Of apples has been inadequate,
  g doubt letflln lt Cl Cllbdftgd tll°_t"`a§’ beginning in 1942 instead of 1946,
all l  ,. llmo Shmldgc Ol ld _°l ls p‘*‘· 5 as predicted above. There has been
nn- it ls one ofrthe biggest changes an me mccmive to plant, but mug
T Spsssuvs m St¤¤d=¤¤‘d ¤¤`¤h¤¤‘d pw` planting has been clone since 1941
for I  duction practices in recent }'CZ1l`S. fm. the fouowmg masons.
§· Hi e 1. People have migrated from
by     EARLY APPLES the farms to the cities.
how  Q PAl·L H. SHEPARD, Director ' 2. There has been a sex eie short-
used  . Missouri State Fruit Experiment *‘g_° of h°lp_·· _ { _
h in  _ Station. Mountain Grove, Missouri ‘l· _A“ _°*·ll€m€ Shmlage Ov nhl?
Imc  _ NUUV Tim ) _ _   PI ery stock, and, consequently yet}
g . . paptr nas prtsinit hlghpmccd ,],1,.58,.,. Stock
lll? 1 by the author at tlze Ke iz I it C lc ll 4 Even with f1.uit_,,-rowing 1OOm_
VC of  » State llorticultuml Society Meeting in Qls ,1 mumble bilsmess it has ‘
it lv ~   lllayfield. Kentucky on January h,§,l`tO`c§mpm€ with highxvages
<>  , E1946. ‘ . - -- . Q
E?. 3 , { Fiirstlé Exim to give You ugcw gngccithei profitable business entei
 ~_ ac s an gures on app e pro uc- . ,,.. . ., . · ‘
OV 4 ` tion in the United States. This in- Og'li§H;;§g;l: me Qflald Of the
10*9 * formation was taken from a eo- C g ` _ -
’  . Operative report by Washington Now that the war is over, what
¤` 12  f State and the U. S. D. A., and gives is going to h3DP€¤ to the 3PP19
`llllw il fair picture of conditions at the industry from a grower`s stand-
the j time it was written. point'? From all records that I
SCC' ’· The greatest factor, in normal have been able to find, we are en-
1. _ i time, in determining apple prices, is tering a period of underproduction.
1 in ·_ supply. According to U. S. D. A. Many of our orchards_are old. Of
lmbs ` Sllllisties, apple production for the course, the prices obtained the p8St
 : 3
i-   li --1 is l ’ I . . _ , r .?`

 few years have caused most all aware of it. There is a distinct i appl
bearing orchards to receive better market advantage in growing a ples
care, and more production has been f`ruit on either the northern or · mor
obtained. But better care does not southern edge of where that crop lt is
reduce the age of our trees. Look- can grow. By growing cherries, I mot
ing into the future, one of the for example, in Michigan in the . two
finest investments I know of today north, they have the advantage of the
, is an apple orchard about 12 years lotv national production and higher . was
of age. lf we drop that age down prices at marketing time. By grow- Trai
to 6 years, it is still an excellent ing apples, particularly early ap- hart
investment. How few of tis have ples, in Tennessee or Kentucky, thai
such investments now. Just how you have the same advantage early Si
good is an investment in an orchard in the season; that is, smaller na- ‘ win
1 year old, or 1 year old next year, tional production and less com- late
if we plant this year`? The disad— petition at your marketing time. l ° esti
vantages of planting now are al- may be wrong, but I know of no , earl
most as bad as during the war be- location in the United States that Ear
cause of labor shortage. and scarce, can put apples on the market . tim
high-priced nursery stock. How- earlier than you can. risk
ever, if it is to be done, the sooner There are some disadvantages to due
we can plant the better. growing early apples, as you all Thr
If the prediction of low produc- know. . ple:
tion from 1950 to 1960 is true,-—if The weather is hot and they
very few plantings have been made must be picked, packed and market- —
in the early -10`s,—if you can over- ed in a hurry. The markets locally · yi
come present planting difficulties, can be easily flooded and your oftl ,.,,,,
and various angles mentioned grade apples are more difficult to ,,,,,
above, I say by all means plant an handle in mid—summer than in the . ,,,~,.
apple orchard. fall. The poorer grades go down ,,,¤
Just to show how our apple faster than the better grades. ,,`,—
population is diminishing, I will Early apples are inclined to be my
read the following government tender, have flesh with large cells, ·]
figures: and, consequently, bruise easily. ‘ ,,,·
Number of bearing apple trees in They are more perishable and do 5,,,-
the United States 1910, 151 million; not stand rough handling as well as ,,,Q
1920, 115 million; 1925, 104 million; late apples. ,5
1930, 89 million; 1935, 82 million; On the average it is more dif- du,
1940, 74 million; 1945, 66 million ficult to grow large early apples ~ SC,
(estimated). than large late apples, and size is ,.,,,
About 20 million trees need to be \'€1`>’ imD0i`l¤¤Y- cia
planted every 10 years to maintain However, the advantages so far ; {ct
70 million trees in this country. outweigh the disadvantages of art
We are not getting anywhere near growing summer apples that it ab.
that number planted. makes an unfair debate. ist
Dr. J. R. Magness, chief of fruit Probably the most important ad- sti
— work in the U. S. D. A., made the vantage is that mentioned above; le;
following statement in 1941: "The that is, your ability to cash in on on
‘ apple industry today appears to be an early open market. Next comes no
in the soundest basic position of the fact that codling moth is only lig
any of the larger fruit crops in the about one-third the problem it is ye
United States, from a standpoint of with late apples. There are less un
production trends. Some plantings sprays and, therefore, less costs or
of orchards to replace old orchards, in production. In the Arkansas si;
which are now past their commer- 55th Annual Report, they state that br
cial peak, seems desirable? on isolated blocks of early apples, in,
I don’t know just what he would harvested before July 15, the , ed
say today, but believe he would second and third generations of ce
more strongly urge apple planting. codling moths are starved out. The U.
There has been very little since second year only 5 percent worms to
1941. were counted with only one worm 31
So much for the apple situation spray, which was the calyx. S0. bk
in general. Regarding early apples, the codling moth problem had been §ii
and this section of the country, almost avoided where only blocks in
there is one point that stands out of early—ripening apples were is
clearly, and I am sure you are all grown. Mixing blocks of summer ~ se
- 4

 inet t apples, fall apples and winter lll)- tion that ripen before Transparent
{ a I prog makes the problem ot control Most ot` them, like Early May Live;
or · more dit'l'icult. ln a mixed orchard land. and Colton, are so poor yin one
3rop i it ig much easier for the t‘t_»tllln_lL \\'it)' 0i` another that they are not
ries, moth to develop. and maintain his worth considering. The variety
the t two or three hroods if he can select Early Ripe is the same as Trans-
2 of — the riper fruit for his home as the parent.
lher season develops. A Jonathan and We have only three trees of
row- Ti·anspai·etit orchard mixed will (.`l`|lTlStlH Beauty, sometimes called
ap- 4 have more worms on both varieties liarly lied Bird, growing at the sta-
cky, than if either were grown alone. tion. They are on poor ground and
arly Summer apples are as resistant to interplanted in an older orchard so
na- winter and frost damage as the we have no fair basis to formlan
Oli]- later varieties. llitter rot is more opinion of them from our exper-
f. I  ` extensive on late apples than on ience. According to those three
no ‘ early apples. in south l\ilissouri. trees, which were planted in 1937,
that . ljarly apples bring in money at at they are very light croppers when
rket time when it is most needed. The young; in fact, they have borne only
j risk of drouth. hail and wind is re- a few apples on each tree in the
s to doeed_ if we harvest the crop early. last two vears. However most
all The eost of raising a bushel of ap- trees I have observed ini North
V ples is less on early apples. Missouri are splendid growing trees.
.hcy _ _ _ They ripen at or about the time of
list- \iU`l€tl€S Transparent and can be picked a
Mlli ' \\'hen ve select early varieties to {UW 05i early HDPl€ W9 g1`0W at
bs enough. the station is Lodi. Although it does
Sui - The picking and ripening date NUT l`ll>€¤ until H f€\‘\' days Bftef
lily. g Of lh,. gigs,. hpp],. is upout tho Transparent. it can be picked at the
` de  - same, as it will color almost over same time. It is unquestionably
*1 a> night. and it should have some eolor larger and although it does not bear
(H to sell. At Mountain Grove. that as hezivy as the "on" year of an al-
l‘ date is about June 28. or about lwtliltllléi T1`iin$l381`€nt»1th35 H CFOP
ples  . seven days earlier than Transpar- every year. Tree characteristics are
C ls - ent. I have never seen a commer- llettei`. as it produces a tree with
I cial planting of Close trees. The \\`€ll·Fl¤il¢‘l‘€l l€‘ild€1`$ and 800d
fm few trees we have at the station ¢‘l`t>tt‘lieS. At the Station it does not
Qt . are 14 years t>ltl_ and hayo l)(ii‘i]t~ blight as much as Transparent. The
I it about t; t-i—ops_ Tho treo olimaetoi-- fruit has the texture and quality
istics are good It is riprigltt__ of Transparent. which the con-
H€i— sturdy. and a vigorous grower. The sinner of early apples looks for.
ove; leaves are large like the Astrachan, So much depends on size in an
t on ‘ one of its parents. Production has early apple of the Lodi. Transpar-
nies _ not been heavy, nor has it been ent. or Wrixparent type. that we
9nl_}' ~ light. It is not an alternate bearer. as can overlook some less important
t is yet. As you knotv. it ripens very adverse characteristics. I have
less unevenly and must he picked six seen large Transparents sell for `
·osts or eighttimes. The apple is incdium $1.50 per bushel. when small ones
HSGS _ Sized, of good quality, juicy and would not bring 75e. Ihave seen
that - briskly acid. It is the earliest ripen- scabby large ones sell, when clean
yles, ing apple of over 500 varieties test- small ones would not sell. ’
the ed at the station. When we re- When we see a new variety pro-
of eeived our Close trees t`rom the dueing large apples on a young .
The U. S. D. A., we also received the tree. it may be a mistake to take it
»rms _ following: U. S. 15. 48. 49, 30. and tor granted the fruit will always be
orm 3l2. All of tlicm resemble Close large. They may be large on a
So, butripen later. Some arcbettcr in young tree and too small on a
ieen size, color and cvenness of ripen- mature tree. I believe it is agreed
DCKS lng. So far as I know, Close ($57) that the Transparent—type apple
ere is the only one named. 'l`here are makes excellent applesauce. In a
mer several other varieties at the sta- New York report recently, it was
' ` ~ A.?

 stated that "Canned apple products Grays Red, Skelton, Carson, l·Zar1·.· to F
accounted for ll percent of all ap- Mclntosh, and l’ennock, 'l`hey ;.ij _ pciii
ples sold either canned or fresh by ripen from two to four weeks afp, sh<‘l‘
retail stores in Upper New York. Transparent and probably do ni.- 5 W
Applesauce represented practically fit with any plan to get the that i was
all of proportion." Eleven percent apples on the market. At any rat.-_ — and
represents a large amount of ap- in your locality, they would be tl;. , appl
ples, and the consumption of can- first of those varieties on tin ’ at i
ned applesauce is increasing. It is market. ·_ adul
my opinion that with an over—pro- There is no question but what ti,. . and
duction year. We will Svc il t.Z1`t‘iil tree population of the United Stan,  . "“`.h
deal more p1'OCQSSiIlg' in One Wily O1` is very low, and if no more trer.  iv SPM
3}¤0th€1` than WC NWC CVG? SPUN iii are planted from l9~lti to 1950 tha;  i nn;
tie past. from 1040 to 1945, a ireat manv an-  ‘
I ineniinnnd n irniie neo the pie districts are aaai} to be at.; I;  ‘ aiu
variety Wrixparent. I personally business. When planning to plar:   `n'<"`
do ¤0l k¤0W tim Wi`iXDiii`0¤i \'i¤i`i¢?iY- a new orchard sufficient eapitaj I APY
It is highly Hd\‘0l`tlS€d LIS il \'Ul‘Y should be available to carrv ;;  ` imc
€3i`1Y. I31`g€ BPDIG of the Ti`¤il$D€¤i`· through the first l0 vears aftt;  * in ll
€¤t tYP€· but €€i1`Ii€1`- I ¤¤d€1`5l¤¤d planting. If not available, the acn.   ami
f1`0m g1`0\\'€1`$ hel? HT the m00Ti¤g age should be reduced to com   llild
that it h3$ 3 10¤`€il YBDUIHUOU for within the amount obtainable, og 5 PW
$10W ernwtii 35 3 YOUUS U'€€· the planting mav be a disappoint. [ limi
The Carolina Red June is ei fine ment. On {iit—t»t`1n·i— hand. 1‘t·t—sa»¤—_  Y <·¢n*
red ¤DDI€ i`iD€¤i¤g about 5 (MKS enthusiasm nearly make up for A Ull
after Transparent, but it is inclined Some Cupjm]_ ` Q A
to be small, which just about elim- · , , _ _ · _ _ . _   a i
inenee it ee e yenety te nlnne Tne nigT5'·iiiZ"L$ni*ft$.iTiit till?-·i?i"F.`Z-Vt   ent
Eeny Henyeee ee eeenn in senin nite iii;ipm·i‘i—ka; ma ·.ii“{i.tf   e nel
· _· · _ · ,— ». ¤ ». e ¤ cli- _ _ _
Missouii, is not a profitable variety. tel t,. H ., , { .k, . , .;  ‘ >C¢
It is too small soft and has a poor Hm Q M {*0 O .m`l ° *1 t“`”'F‘   diff
i producing center. Its rather seli-  t _ _
§1;‘i${’;n°Q{P};`é¤3‘;‘?)0{‘{§3ii“ “’“d°“°Y ee ish and nai-row to say. ··1‘m tot. oi.;    
I nnnenetend tne yenety Henry iiiai)1{iiE—§`iZ YiL°}§Ti{ii· kiiiii1$i·liti$—ii-   “°‘
Clay has been mentioned and plant- VOU “.0uld`1ikC ,0 do W you   l V-°<*
ed ee 3 posslble worthy apple te growing fruit. Even if you have itil » A i
compete with Transparent in this Cmldmh Ol. 1.c1,,U\,C< ` to {0110,,, _ dei
neetef the c°LmUy· In South MIS' what better heritage is there to leave  1 9 _`
Zi`§§”i`XhSl`iiBFkh?$Q? §§°§iéL}§°’R¥Z te ei"` eennny tnen e eeee en·n=ne- i iii
find its ripening date almost two 8 Sdmplc Of A Job “LH dom"  Q mt
weeks after Transparent. I clon’t * \`€·
doubt but what it could be picked PLUM CURCULI0 .` PO
earlier, as it has large size. We do SITUATION i in
‘ not recommend it for planting in _  ·
our locality, as the tree makes a W~ D- ARMSTRONG  `_
rather poor growth, the fruit lacks Plum curculio adults made their ‘
finish, is not of good appearance, and appearance earlier this spring anti if
drops badly. There are other in greater numbers than in any ·
vagielties ripening at that time year that we have record of. The · fi;
w ic are better. first adult was jarretl from a peach  
A very fine red apple ripening tree near Paducah by a grower on . D1
two to three weeks after Transpar- March 18. On March 20. two adults " l<"
ent is Carlton. It is a New York were collected by jarring at the St
introduction and described by them Spray Service Headquarters at § CL
as large, round-conic, with an at- Princeton. On March 24 and 20  ‘ Yi
tractive red color. As we grow it adults were collected in large num- . lil
at the station the tree is vigorous, bers (8 to 27 per treet, chiefly ill
bears annual large crops of juicy on the two or three outside rows. bl
sub-acid apples, which keep and by jarring or "bumping" trees in V lit
ship well. One excellent character- some commercial peach orchards if
istic is its habit of bearing young. near Paducah and Mayfield. At 2 rl
Other summer varieties that that time, many petals still remain- ll
have done exceedingly well at the ed on the peach blossoms, it being  
station are Summer Champion, a unique experience in this section   ll

 }q;H.]._. to pick eurculio out from among tion regularly can do so by Send-
py ul: petals; that had fallen to the jarring ing the $1.00 subscription fee to
Sum, Sheer the bulletin e/o Dr. Wesley P_
lo nr} ` \Nor(l of this early emergence Juflkins, Editor, Wooster, Ohio,
e ki r as syread by Jostcard, tele ihonc _ _
y iis,i].i llnld spray lettelr. Many grinvers Tlllv RIQD DELICIOUS APPLE A
be tlr» applied an arsenical spray or dust HAS DEVELOPED MANY
ll tllr {ll ()ll(`(` (lll llll‘ ])UI°l.ll)IlS \\'llL’l`('   _
adults were found. Others waited
ml Uh and splraycnl or (§L1Stl‘(§ tl; whole M. A. BLAKE
gi   Q orchar_ Ur Rrjmc Succeed. The
_fHm_ i ent under peach trees rn the Ma)- \__H_im\_ ig more Qcnsiuve 10 SON
he M  — field. `lhdtical;. ·a·nd llelndersovn :i;_i(m$_ mam Mclnajsh Or Baldwin
em   $€‘°‘l°"*· *"·.‘“’*. ""` "“"".¥‘l¥"" rite rnrrnge is are derrgrii Or the
l.SQ1f_ , difficult to find rn the Louisville EUwp(_Hm Wd miie It is further
  0* i`  i$i`r`r“"i;r- lh`iit»Zr'Z—`l-`“`1`rEEmZ*£§*` rEilE`.`.§ ~~<·¤r>*i*r*·‘ *0 minical . b¤1i¤l¤S·
   — developing from these present ?;g?,°I_i:]‘3,11i§;dl$;ldOSu;El_§)€  
._   . worms, and if conditions are right. fi _ " ° , Rp ’
'~ll —¤> - . ,_., ]_ .. ._ 1 1. 1 _ H lnrosh. Stayman. Grimes. Rome
nw ru . " Wl l°“‘¥ ?“?°‘“‘, """‘ °"“‘ and even Baldwin at New Bruns-
iUll¤>l‘·1  .- dCl?~1rOF,1n llixwin I`7C,I;`tl“i(;ky_til?E1 wick. These facts indicate how
’l<*·r~   §§YEL`.$d¥r)i—r§I?$‘ (-Elie "rrél-Z EL34 *>¤dl>‘ m¤¤>‘ New ·'e`S€>‘ gm“‘€“
Lhdm  i- stocked from Louisville and Lex-   ibbcucl land} than Red
 V ington south and second-brood de- L IUOUR _ Y _
 . velopment will be studied and re- I?Ol`llculmral l\€`“S·
  ported to growers in time for use l§%;l¥iCi${i$g1 Sé3§€t\_
 2 s - · z ·; s. ~
 L rn ceeond brood rpphcitron NO\_€mb€1_‘ 1945
2 . Y V ` T 1 -
UM   A Mm “}r‘;§g "UBL‘C·* new senses ON www
rz ami  ` _ INSECT CONTROL
i dll)  I AO! t,encral_` interest tol most By P. Q RH-CHER
llre I fruit growers is .1 next publication.
peach { "Fruit Varieties and Horticultural To `Nliip thc C0€lll1'l§{ methr Plant —
·er ori ' Digest." This is a quarterly bul- apple orchards only with early
adults   lctin of the American Pomoloeical varieties. That`s the gist of a re-
rt the  _ Society and is devoted to the dis- cent article by Whitehead of the
·s at  _ cussion of new and old fruit Oklahoma A & M College. Hrs
nd 26  `· Varieties as they are performing figures show that of tll€'COdl1Dg
nunr- in the various fruit sections of moths developing on varieties pick-
rhiefly · lllO COL11ttt`}'. In other \\‘or(ls_ this ed hy August 15. less than 2 PET" i
1‘O\\'S, v_ lJllllCtlIl will serve as tr clearing cent ofthe \\`(ll`lllS ltlbC1‘IlHt€. Thk1S
tes in  · ll