xt72542j7139_1 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72542j7139/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72542j7139/data/2001ua043.dao.xml University of Kentucky Archives 12 cubic feet (10 boxes; 1 wooden display) archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky memorabilia collection, University of Kentucky - Collectibles. College sports - Collectibles. Commemorative button with Rupp and starters text Commemorative button with Rupp and starters 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72542j7139/data/05/005/005.pdf 1964-1965 1965 1964-1965 section false xt72542j7139_1 xt72542j7139      _       
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s salm A3 {1{mg)ames Versmn)   _
G0d°s tender and constamt care. A Psalm 0f David. H (CM I \X]  dCat”
_ 3
* The Lord is my shepherczh [ shui] not wctnt. B •   I i U I  
2 He mttketh me to [ie down in green postures: he ietzdeth me beside the stiii 1 y lg
. . . .   aaa·»» · i
J He restoreth my souh he /ectc/eth me in the puths of righteousness for his H   r ys _ H
7%im€$" f¢Zh€·  
4 Yeo, though [ wuik through the ou/[ey ofthe shudow ofdeczth, [ wz//for   __tHH    
. .   arrt  
no euih or thou czrt with me; th rod ond th stu the com ort me.   HH£.  
, H H H   HskH;  
’ Thou preptzrest tz tczhie h%re me in the presence ofmzne enemies: thou   ‘tta      i y
tznointest my heczd with oiL· my cup runneth over   y y_Hi     
6 Surehz goodness und mercy shtz//]%//ow me ui! the duys of my ij: and I s I guess Whtm      
wiii dweii in the house of the Lordfor ever I 169*/€ this @3Yth fi   {fg k`—`` as   H
. .  sg: H    " ; H ‘ ‘ *""`"“ ·~HH ···’** ts
I thmk F11 have 11: Q  if 5; é,yH       ""
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 W"`m "h1 ~~ bl` 'l ` { W`ld
iliiar. Bond Keigr t ey • 1926-2008 Pu ic Memoria Service or Mr. 1 cat
Long time Kentucky basketball manager Bill Keightley passed away Monday night at Cincinnatils     •   .     3 ,   O 8
University Hospital from internal bleeding caused by a previously undiagnosed tumor on his spine. _   g   _ W   _   _  
Keigittley was 81 years old. 7 ,.   7 I  
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Doctors believe the internal bleeding began Monday afternoon while Keightley was attending the gagggg      .J,   _.  ‘   j 
Cincinnati Reds season opener. He was taken to University Hospital, where doctors at the trauma   é·‘·l  
center were not able to stop the bleeding, according Dr. Pete Muskat, Clinical Director ofrliauma     H _  i  3  
Services. He passed away at 7:45 p.m., with his Family and members of the UK coaching stailwith him `   . P ' i _;,,;f’_, I     V ri  
_ · t"·‘;»;g;;~* —     t_ ·_;§a‘   
at the hospital. V Ni, >_ fj; ·        it"  “":»., 
Afiectionately known as ((Mr. Wildcat,” Keightley had been associated with the Wlildcatsl basketball  _        i 7 .g?»;’  
program since 1962. Keightleyg who manned the “Bill Keightley Equipment Room" in Memorial _
Coliseum, was as much a Hxture around UK basketball as the seven national championship trophies on Ofaclantz
display in the loe Craft Center. Father Ed Bradley, Holy Name oflesus Catholic Church
("1`his is one of the saddest days of my life,” head coach Billy Gillispie said hom Cincinnati Monday
night. nl cc atmented earlier today that at the age ot·81, he°s become one orrny very best friends, and M€mOfi€S frOm   Friends, Former CO9`ChCS’
the person l was talking to said ‘that’s what makes him so great, because everyone feels hc’s their best . .
. , ., . , . . Players, Managers and Adminrstrators
friend . And tnats because he was so genuine and so caring about others.
“He influenced each ot us on a daily basis, and he was a great example of someone who loved his
University more than anything. Obviously, he’s in a better place, but the void he leaves for all of us, and Vocalist:
V especially his Ezinilyg is going to be a diFiicult situation. Our hearts go out to his Family and the millions DL Evgygtt Mccgpvgy .
oFW'ildcats fans who he loved so much.” . Pianist:
Having just completed his 48th season on the UK sidelines, the Wildcats’ record over the past {our .
. . . . . . . . Nan McSwa1n
decades with Keightley as equipment manager is 1,l 13-551. During his tenure, he served under six UK
head coaches — Adolph Rupp, loc B. Hall, Eddie Sutton, Rick Pitino, Orlando "Tubby" Smith and
;¤‘i;» caiirepie. Pallbearers:
Kentucky, v. .1ich has fielded 105 teams, has played 2,588; meaning Keightley played a role in 57   Bcygstyom
*°i:€iZShiEiY K· it ·i. - tt - i.· i. H —· t, t Craig C9~““‘*‘“
-n 5 7, onore ei t e wit a retire erse in is onot. e oins veteran roat caster .
. , g Y J Y . . J . . Will Campbell
Cawood Ledforc as the only non-player or coach to have a )ersey retired at UK. Keightley was also
among 88 Wildcat greats inducted into the charter class ofthe UK Athletics Hall ef Fame in 2005. Terrance COmmOdOf€
HY:11 shook up,” former UK head coach foe B. Hall said Monday night. “\Ve had dinner together JCICIIYLY F1'€f1Cl'1
Fricay night and he was in great spirits. ltys hard to believe. He was a good Friend to all of us. He was so   Hcyschlcman
plpse to afi Lhe lioaches, players, managers and everyone who was associated with Kentucky basketball. V Dustin Marr
its atota s oc.
. . . . . r Luke Mason
A graduate of Kavanaugh High School in Lawrenceburg, he was a retired U.S. Postal Service carrier
and veteran of the Marine Cor s in W Wll. ‘ Zach Murphy
The avid Cincinnati Reds fan is survived by his wife, the former Hazel Robinson of Lawrenceburg   S3l'1Cl€I'S
and his daughter, Karen, who works in the University’s veterinary science department and son-in-law   Sturm
Alden Marlowe.
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