xt72542j708p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72542j708p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1926-03-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1926 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1926 1926 1926-03-26 2012 true xt72542j708p section xt72542j708p mm
HRm m'












NO. 23



DEBATERS WILL Romany Players Score Triumph

In "Mrs. Gorringe's Necklace PSYCHOLOGISTS




Take Part in Comedy Drama
by Henry Davies at ComMeet University of Tennessee
munity Theater
Here nnd Vanderbilt at Nashville ,on the Air Service

No Decision Contest Held With

University of Wyoming



As a follow up to Col. Mitchell's
speech on the air service tonight at the
Woodland Auditorium, the University
of Kentucky will hold a debate with
the University of Tennesse tomorrow
night, at 8 o'clock in Dicker hall on
the subject, "Resolved that the air
service of the United States should
be organized as a separate department
of defense." Kentucky will debate the
affirmative side of the question, and
Tennessee will uphold the negative.
Another Kentucky team will meet the
Vanderbilt debaters in Nashville at
the same time and will argue the negative side of the question.
Speakers Announced
The speakers who will uphold the
affirmative side of the question in

Kentucky's debate with Tennessee are
William Hanratty, who will be the
first affirmative speaker for Kentucky,
and John Y. Brown, who will bo the
affirmative speaker.
judges for this debate will be Dr.
Hewlitt, of Centre College; Dr. Wise,
also of Centre, and Dr. A. W. Fortune, of Central Christian church. The
men. who will go the Nashville to debate against Vanderbilt are John R.
Bullock, and G. H. Milam.


Debated Wyoming Wednesday
The University of Kentucky held
a split team debate with the University of Wyoming at Dicker hall on the
question, "Resolved that the child
labor amendment be adopted." Mr.
Hanratty was the first negative speaker for Kentucky, and J. Y. Brown was
the second affirmative speaker. Wyoming was represented by Mr. Pense,
and Mr. Lambert. There were no

judges as this was a




Kentucky Champions Defeat Rochester, N. Y., Team in Last
Game of Chicago Tour- nament 18 to 16





Monday night the fighting little St.
Xavians, of Louisville, captured the
national Catholic interscholastic basketball championship by defeating the
Aquinas five, of Rochester, N. Y., at
the Loyola gymnasium, in Chicago.
Not until the final minute of play,
when a field goal, tossed by Smith,
'forward, was the game decided.
Throughout three quarters of the
game the Rochester team maintained
their lead by a point or two, only to
lose in the last few seconds of the
contest. The championship game,
probably the hardest fought one in the
tournament, was a battle l'oyal from
whistle to whistle, and the diminutive Kentuckians deserve the highest
praise for their hard won victory.
Hendricks Honored
The gameness of the youngsters is
evinced by the fact that after the
gruelling contest they had to be assisted from the floor. Hendricks, whom
the Chicago Tribune said was without
doubt the best guard of the 32 teams
entered in the tourney, was uwarded

The Romany Players scored their
triumph of the season Monday evening with the opening performance of
"Mrs. Gorringc's Necklace" by HenThe players will
ry Hubert Davies.
present this drama tonight and to-

morrow night. .
comedy is
This sparkling four-ac- t
produced under the direction of Miss
Mary Lyons who carries the title
role. The stage set was built under
the direction of William ZopfT and
Carey Tucker. The furnishings nnd
decorations used in the play were
loaned nnd arranged by W. Edward
Russell, of Louisville, consultant in
The invitation
interior decaratiofc.




Rho, local sorority of
the university, has been granted a
TJie Omega

charter for the installation of Alpha
Gamma chapter of Beta Sigma Omicron national sorority. Installation
services will be conducted on Monday
afternoon, March 29, at 3 o'clock in
the Palmroom of the. Phoenix hotel
by Mrs. W. Wallace Fry, of Mexico,
Mo., national president of Beta Sigma
A banquet, celebrating the installation, will be held Tuesday evening at
the Phoenix hotel, and a number of
other plans are being made to welcome tl)is new national sorority into
the Greek life of the campus. The
active members of Omega Rho will become the charter members of the new



Classes Elect New Men
For Student Council
Dabney, Bright and Ewing Are
Named to Fill Vacancies
In Body
Three new meVnbers have been added to the Men's Student Council to
fill vacancies that have been made
this semester. Each class is entitled
to a representative and from the senior class John Dabney has been chosen
John's list of acto fill this position.
tivities is already crowded but this
last honor has made it full to overflowing.
At a meeting of the junior class
held Wednesday afternoon, Guthrie
Bright, a third-yea- r
man in the Arts
and Sciences College, was elected to
represent that class in the council.
Guthrie likewise has achieved many
honors in college, including manager
of the glee club.
James Ewing, as a sophomore representative will take his place also on
the council. James, in his two years

at the university, has gained many

Herald Polls Heavy Prohibition Vote
From Agitated University Students;
Have Been Waiting Years For Chance
If rumors and conversational opinions are sources from which conclusions can bo reached, The Lexington Herald, the newspaper that
covers the Blue Grass like the dew
on a spring morning, is receiving a
heavy poll of university votes on the
question that is sweeping the country like eskimo pies, whether, the
Volstead act should be modified or
if the existing prohibition law is favorable.


Campus Is Second Suhuru
The university campus is a second

Sahara today compared with the days
seemingly beyond recall. The question of prohibition and the vote us
and beer
to whether light wines
sljould return, is a topic that lias been
basis of hundreds of "sessions"
culling for the expression of opinion,
for two factions on the university
cuinpus have been wuiting for years
to cast a vote, whether straw or other- -

No Kernel Next Week
Annual Meeting of
Southern Society Will Be
Held at University
April 2 and 3


Spring Holidays Cause Publication to Skip Issue
The next issue of The Kernel
will nppcnr on the university campus on Friday, April 9, as no edition of the student paper will be
published next week on account of
the spring holodays, which begin

Thursday morning, April




The exact result of the university vote that is being secretly
cast cannot be learned, but if voting
follows the nuturul trend, then thero
is an alternative for each vote cast,
wet or dry, with the latter on the
decline during Friday and Saturday.
Prohibition Vote Beats World Court
The Prohibition question is polling
a greater university vote than did
former questions on which students
During two duys of
have voted.
voting on whet h e r the United
States should enter the World court
or continuo the policy of isolation,
there were approximately two hundred and fifty votes polled, und then
voting ceused. The Prohibition question vote appeared in the paper over
a week ago, and u steudy stream of
university votes have Hooded the editor's desk since that time, thus showy
ing that the
question is u
populur one with the inmates of the
institution of higher learning.






More Than Fifty Leading Auth
orities On Subjects In U. S.
Will Attend

8 o'-

clock and continue until 8 o'clock
the following Tuesday.
Be sure and get n copy of this
week's issue and take it homo with
you. It might help you to remember that you are supposed to return to school on April G.
The Kernel fears that some of
the students might get the idea,
due to the beautiful spring weather, that this is the beginning of

annual meeting of
the Southern society for Philosophy
nnd Psychology will be held at the
university, Friday and Saturday, April
2 and 3, according to an announcement
made by Dr. J. B. Miner, head of the
department of psychology, and president of the society. More than fifty
of the leading authorities on psychology and philosophy in the United
States will attend the "meeting, for
which arrangements have just been

the regular summer vacation and
will not think of returning until
next fall.



This will be the first meeting of
the society ever held in Kentucky, and
one of the greatest ever arranged for
the annual session. In addition to the

Mrs. Rhoads Dies

Wife of State Supt. of Public
Instruction Succumbs
Omega Rho to Be Installed as
Alpha Gamma Chapter of
Mrs. Reo Crawford Rhoads, wife of
Beta Sigma Omicron
Prof. MacHenry Rhoads, state superMonday Afternoon
intendent of public instruction, died
TUESDAY suddenly of cerebral hemorrhage at

honors, only recently having been
pledged to Scabbard and Blade, national honorary military fraternity.
About the first of May n general
election will be held in which the now
officers of the Student Council will be
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) chosen for the following year.






hoost the University

visitors from other states, invitations
have been extended to psychology and
philosophy teachers of all colleges
of all normal schools of Kentucky to
attend the meeting.
The meeting will be held in the
Physics building on the university
campus, and will open Friday morning at 10 o'clock. There will be morning and afternoon sessions on Friday,
and the annual dinner will be given
Friday night, in the Palmroom of the
Phoenix hotel at 7 o'clock. Saturday
afternoon the visitors will be taken
on automobile tours to the various
points of interest in Lexington, and
on Sunday, April 4, Dr. Miner will

her home on the Nicholasville road,
Sunday morning about 8:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Rhoads is survived by her litis- band, a daughter and six sons, one of
whom, Wayland Rhoads, a graduate
of the University of Kentucky, is field
agent in animal husbandry of the ex- tension department of the College of
Agriculture of this institution.

"The Scarlet Letter"

School Out Thursday
Spring Vacation
Until Tuesday




Despite the many stories to the
contrary our spring holidays are
really to begin Thursday morning,
April 1, at 8 o'clock, but much to
our sorrow they will only last until







Dean It. C. Melchcr is very concerned that some errnnt ones will
forget the pennlty of "one tenth of
one percent" nnd fail to appear
at their classes before and after


So ;c wish to make it publicly
known that the most stringent
measures will be taken against absentees from the last class proceeding nnd the first class following our few days of play.

Fourth Annual Institute Will Be
Held at the University

1 to 10



Exposure of All Campus Scandal
Secret Life of Campus Sheiks and Sheikesses To
Be Unblushingly Published Tuesday Morning; Secret Organization Spends Six
Months Collecting Dirt on Students
One of the most daring, risque, I
unique and mendacious exposures of
campus "dirt" ever attempted in an
American university, will make its
appearance at the University of Kentucky on Tuesday morning, March 30,
through a group of students prgan-- i
ized under the name of "The Scarlet;


Registration April



Story Contest

Livestock House at Experiment
Station Will Be Rebuilt at
Cost of .$25,000 Destroyed by Fire January 1

Structure Expected to be




pleted Before Opening of
University Next Fall

Construction work on the new stock'
judging pavilion on th'e farm of the
Agricultural Experiment.
Station, which is to replace the building destroyed by fire Jnnunry 1, will
begin April 1, nccording to an announcement by Maury Crulcher, sup
erintendent of the department of
buildings and grounds of the University of Kentucky, which department will have the supervision of
the erection of the new .structure.

new pavilion


will be located

street, near the intersection
street and the Nicholasville
pike, and will cost $25,000. The
building is to be brick, two stories
high and will contain many facilities
not included in the old pavilion.
it expected that it will be completed
before the opening of the University
of Kentucky in the fall.
The building will be C8 feet wide
and 124 feet long.
The first floor
will include a stock judging arena, 72
by G8 feet, with seating facilities for
500 persons, two large class rooms,
offices, women's rest room and a kiton Rose
on that

The class





will be located in the front of the
building and the stock arena will extend across the rear. The arena will
be open to the roof of the building.
'The second floor w,ill be occupied
by an assembly hall, 50 feet wide and
G8 feet long.
The entire building will
be ventilnted and lighted by large
steel sash windows and will be heat- ed by steam. According to plans prepared by the department of buildings
and grounds of the University the
pavilion will have an attractive ex- -




Two Performances April 6;
Special Matinee Prices
Given to Students





On Tuesday, April G, the Cleveland
Symphony orchestra is coming to. Lexington for two performances. This
orchestra is being brought .to Lexington under the sponsorship of Miss Ann
Chandler GotT, of the Lexington College of Music.
The matinee will be given
at 4
o'clock so that school pupils and. teachers will be given an opportunity to

hear this orchestra without missing
their work. Students and teachers
have the privilege of attending the
matinee for 50 cents provided the tickets are purchased in blocks of ten or
more. Any schools are eligible to this
rate if they will write for tickets. The
university tickets for students may
be purchased at once, at the office of
the College of Education. Tickets for
persons not included in the rates Will
be S1.G5.

This orchestra, composed of 1)0 men,
one of the five best orchestras in the world today, and its
coming to Lexington will doubtless
be greeted by two capacity audiences.
It is certainly a rare opportunity for
Lexington and surrounding towns to
hear a real good orchestra.
is considered

Sick Student Gets Well Immediately
When Doc. Takes Him Into Bug House
For Purpose of Taking Blood Test

"Ag." Smoker Tuesday

tic hyperplaisa with maybe a touch
of erythroblastic leukemia thrown in.
I says that I certainly hoped it Wasn't anything like that and I didn't '
remember hem' trouble with it be- -,
fore. He insisted, however, that we
should go over to the lab und see about
it. I got to thinkur about what he
said was the matter with me and I
seen that if a man had as much
wrong witli him as Doc said I had,
he must be pretty sick. Accordingly,
began to feel sick,
A guinea pig squealed nt us as we
walked into the lab. I asked Doc who
was his friend and found that it was
Cuthbert. Cuthbert is (U privileged
character as long as he lives. They
mix up u little tuberculosis, mumps .
and infantile paralysis and shoot it
into Cuthbert just to see what it does
to him. He's held out pretty
so far, but he leads a hard life. Mf






Journalism Students
Will Edit Herald Again

Will Be Held at


The Kentucky Association of Col
lege Registrars, with Professor Frank
L. Rainey, registrar of Centre Col
lege presiding, will have charge of (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
he institute the first two days. Reg
istration for the course will be held
at 1:45 o'clock on April 1 and Pres.
Frank L. McVcy will deliver a greeting to the visitors.
iiiu iiii'i'iiuK win lorniaiiy open at
2:,'i0 o'clock on April 1 when tho open
ing talk will be given by Dean W. S. Cleveland Orchestra Will Give

of the county judge in brief, they
know everything.
Senior Court Past History
Several years ago a senior court
served the purpose of exposing the
campus "low-downbut since the
time that this organization has ceased
functioning, strange and wayward Lexington's Morning Paper Off
Letter." During the past six months things have come to pass at the uniers Entire Plant lor one
a group of students, secretly organ- -' versity until a group 'of students,
Edition in May
ized, have been acting as private de- representatives from practically evtectives among students of the uni- ery fraternity and group on the
Students in the journnlism depart
versity a group of workers unknown campus banded themselves together ment will again have the opportunity
to the other members of the student for the betterment of the university to take over The Lexington
They have attended every and on Tuesday they will make the for one night and get out one comsocial function given at the univer- most daring public exposure ever plete paper.
sity in the past semester; they have made in any college. This is not a
According to Professor Grehnn, The
sat in the lobbies of the hotels and Bolshevik organization, for in its
kept records of the elevator passen- ranks are the most outstanding and Herald offered their plant to the journalism students for the first time
gers; they have driven along unfrestudents of the universi- last year,
quented side roads of Fayette county ty, by virtue of their activities they helpful to and the plan proved so
the students and at the
and surrounding towns; they know have become eligible to membership
same time attracted sucli wide compersonally the night and day officers
parts of the
at the police department and office (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) ment Heraldallhas graciously state that
its offer. The student editipn will
probably be published about May 4.
work of making up the
U. K. paper, entire classified ads to articles
Virginia Heizer Is Named Presion the care of infants, will be given
dent for Next Year
To Be Continued Jointly With to the students who will divide up the
material into different classes, assignUniversity of Iowa; Closes
Virginia Heizer, of Lexington, a juning a certain part to each student.
on April 1
ior in the home economics department,
This year advance students in journal
was elected president of tho Y.W.C.A.
Much interest is being evinced in ism at Georgetown College will be
Wednesday to succeed Frances Lee.
invited to take part in editing The
Miss Heizer has served as secretary literary circles over the first inter- Herald.
short-stor- y
contest, which
of the Y. W. the past year, and she is collegiate
stua member of tho Glee club, of Phi is now in progress between tho
Beta, of W.A.A., is sponsor of Com- dents at the University of Kentucky
pany C, und is a member of Alpha und those interested in the same phase
of writing at the University of Iowa.
Delta Theta sorority.
Professor Grant C. Knight, of the
Irene Morgan, who has served as University of Kentucky, and Assischairman of the social committee the tant Professor John T. Frederick, of
past year, was elected
the University of Iowa, are sponsors
She is a member of Phi Upsilon Omi- for the contest.
cron und of tho Home Ec. club.
The three best short-storifrom
The other officers elected were: the classes of each of the two profesIt was my fortune, or misfortune,
Chenuult Kelley, secretary; Murgie sors will bo submitted to the considerLee Smith, treasurer; und Lydia Rob- ation of a competent judge, agreed to run into the illustrious Doc Cooper
walkin' across the campus the other
erts, under-graduaupon by the two. The contest closes
These officers were introduced at April 1. The judge bus not been de- day. Doc is quite a boy. He holtH
the bacteriology lab
forth over
the woman's banquet last night.
i cided upon but it is hoped that a mod- and don't doinmuch outside of sorlin'
ern man of letters as noteworthy as bugs.
Theodore Dreiser may be secured.
"How now, Smith,-- ' says Doc.
Other mcrituble contributions, ns
I says that I was doin' right well
Block and Bridle, Alpha Zeta to well as the winning story will be pub and how was the bug business ove
lished in "The Midland," a magazine tit the bug house.
Doc told be that
Hold Joint Session
edited by Professor Frederick.
things was goin' along tolerable and
The Alpha Zeta fraternity and the
Both Professor Knight and Pro the bugs and buglets was takin' to
Block and Bridle club of tho College fessor Frederick are
crit the spring weather as well as could be
of Agriculture will hold a joint smokics nnd authors, the former's "Rend
expected except for a few which was
er in the students room of the Agri- ing from tho American Mercury," nnd kind of restless and was quite anxious
cultural building on Tuesday evening tho latter's "A Handbook of Short- - to roam around the campus to hunt
at 7:30 o'clock, when the Block and Story Writing," having but lately up a
and promote a little
trench-moutBridle club will hold its annual spring come oil" the Knopf press.
The contest is unique in that it
Looked Somewhat Peaked
Jonus Weil, prominent farmer of murks the first intercollegiute compe
Tho Doc observes that I was lookin'
short-stor- y
Lexington, will bo the speaker, und tition in
writing. N,o defi somewhat peaked which I blamed on
will discuss a topic of generul interest nite rules are set for the stories con some bananas at breakfast.
He figto the agricultural students.
ured that I probably had leukobhiH- tributed.

W. Elects Officers


The fourth annual institute for reg
istrars will be held at the University
of Kentucky, April 1 to 10, and a larger enrollment than that of last year
is expected.
Last year 13 states
were represented by 45 registrars or
persons preparing to become regis chen.

The first two days of the institute
will be devoted to general sessions
and the remainder of the time will
be for instruction in the work of the
registrar. The general sessions will
EIGHT) probably be held in the Little theatre at the university and the classes,
four daily, will be held in the office
of Ezra L. Gillis, registrar.

Gives Daring



Editor W. C. Wilson, Alumni Secretary
Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne



Engineers Club, 1317 Spruce street.
Buffalo, April 10 (Second SaturRegular luncheon atl:15
Louisville, April 3 (First Satur- day
corner of
Chamber of Commerce,
day Regulnr) luncheon
at 1:15, Alain and Seneca street.
Elk's Club.
Chicago, April 19 (Third Monday
Regular) luncheon at 12:15 MarApril 3 (First Sat-- 'airdoy Rdgulor) luncheon, nt 1:15, shall Field Men's Store. (Grill Room).







House Bill (503 commonly known as the five" million dollar cducationa
bond bill has gone into the scrap heap and we think wisely so, when all
nhnses of it are considered.
ijT h
Governor Fields had a very 'well defined plan which would have raised
money for the educational institutions had it been pnssed by the legislature,
'His method was to plnce a luxury tax on .manufactured tobacco and soft
'.drinks and an income tax. It is true that the latter might not have been
popular had it become a law but the scale was not so high as the federal
and such a tax could have been imposed without hurting anyone, and espec
ially so when it would have been used for the adwheement of the higher
educational interests of the state As to the former, it would be a vol
untary tax. We who use tobacco and drink the soft drinks would pay
These two plans would have brought in sufficient
of our own volition.
revenue to these 'institutions for them to have started on a real construct
ive program covering a period of years.
by a group of business men who
The Governor's plans were up-swere in the class that would have been affected by the income tax and others
We arc of the opinion that the chief objection
"who had tobacco interests.
came from the big tobacco manufacturing interests who were powerful
enough to pull the wool over the eyes of some of our best business men
These men came to Frankfort and closeted themselves together with certain
senators and representatives whom they knew to be Readers, in the restroom
of the senate and there raised such a howl about the Governor's plans that
it was thought that they could not be passed through the legislature.
order to lead those who were interested in funding the state debt, rebuilding
the. penal and charitable institutions and advancing the educational institu
tions away from plans already suggested, they brought up the wonderful
thought that they would sponsor a $14,000,000.00 bond issue to be as
5,000,000.00 for the penal and charitable institutions; $4,000,
000.00 to fund the state debt and $5,000,000.00 for the university and would
use their influence in securing the passage of acts providing the submission
to the people at the next regular election these three bond issues.
agreed to go even further and to work for their passage next November
These acts were drawn up and introduced and when they came before the
house of representatives it was only after the hardest fight that they were
passed, and the university bill was so dressed up with a lot of
clothes that its own dearest friends could scarcely recognize it. It had been
changed to permit the university to get the huge sum of $3,000,000.00 over
a period of five years, to give the school of the blind at Louisville $150
000.00; the school of the deaf at Danville $150,000.00; the colored normal at
Frankfort $100,000.0 and to create a colored normal in the city of Louisville
granting it $400,000.0; to create a white normal in the sixth congressional
district allowing it $400,000.00; another in the eleventh congressional district
which would reap $400,000.00 and still another in the Big Sandy Valley with:
',tn allowance of $400,000.00.
It was obvious from the beginning that the men from western Kentucky
.! , realized that all ,that great section west of Louisville had been forgotten
,; and men especially interested in the present four normal schools asked
V7 since it has been so hard to secure appropriations sufficient to barely exist.
what in the world would they get if four new normals should be established
We were not willing to sit idly by and see the university get into
losing fight and one that would in our judgment result in more harm than
good to it. It was for this and the reasons just stated that .we had the bill
amended in the senate cutting out the creation of the four new normals and
asking that the university be given $4,600,000.00 and permitting the rest to
go to. the schQol of the blind, the school of the deaf and the colored normal
and industrial institute; all of which are going schools but who need funds
very badly for the purpose of making improvements and extensions. We
were willing to go to the people of the whofe state and ask their support
of such a measure but we could not have conscientiously asked them to sup
port it as it first passed the house. It is said that when thi measure was
sent back to the house for concurrence in this amendment that it carried
.when voted upon by a viva vocie vote but that when the roll was called
upon final passage of the bill with the amendment it lost on the roll call
to the tune of 36 to 40.
We observed a sigh of relief coming from many of those who are really
interested in the university when the result of this vote was announced
and we surmised that they felt that they had rather lose a good fight on the
tfloor of the house than to be forced to go before the people with a flimsy
proposition which had defeat written across its face in raised letters.
We .Were pleased to see the attitude of President McVey when he was
told of the fate of this measure. He seems to share the same opinion as
was 'held by the friends of the institution who were leading the fight for
what they thought to be an honest measure. Perhaps he could have had
(more interest in this bond bill had he been consulted concerning its provi
sions. It is hardly probable that the head of any grea.t business or institu
tion would get whole heartedly behind any movement dealing with the
finances of' his business when such movement had originated wholly outside
of the business and without consulting anyone closely connected with the
business, and still that is what happened regarding this educational bond

measure standing on its own merits and
just in order lo camouflage one or two so
of others.
We wanted the university's measure
be glad to support a measure thnt would
the colored people of our state.
We publish the Leader's editorial in
of thought:

not for tieing up many of them proved of great value to the formers.
House Bill No. 619 Introduced by Mr. W. B. Bclnnp, Oldham County.
that they will pass on the merit
To provide for a- progressive tax on transfers of direct and collectable
to go alone and would certainly inheritance. Passed house 78-and senate 30-This measure is expected
tend to advance the interest of to add about $100,000.00 each year to the revenues of the university.
Senate Bills
full that you may get its line
In discussing senate bills relating to the university, wo repeat some
companion hills that have ilready been mentioned under the heading of house
Sennte Bill No. - Introduced by Senator Wnllaco Brown, Nelson County
Tha. defeat of the proposed $5,000,000 cducationnl bond issue will be To remove nil stnte
U.s. from
traced to vhrious causes, all of which may have contributed to its failure to tax in the same proportion real estate and distribute funds from ad valorem
now prevailing from real estate.,
Was never
pass the House of Representatives.
reported out of committee on Revenue and Taxation. Had it passed it probOne very positive reason why it was lost in the House was the defeat ably would have decreased
the university's revenues.
of the amendments which made provision for additional aid to higher cduca
Senate Bill No. 26 Introduced by Senator J. W. Howard, Morgan
tion of the Negro.
To authorize the purchase of 103 acres of land adjacent to
Representative Ryan, of Louisville, did not hesitate to say that he had Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington,
from C. B. Patrick fpr $128,750.
his support of the bill when the amendment to appropriate part This bill was never reported from the
committee to which it was referred
of the proposed $5,000,000 issue for the purpose of Negro education was but provisions were made in the budget to
make first and second payments
on this land.
Mr. Ryan's position on this subject will be heartily approved by the
Sennte Bill No. 140 Senator C. M. C. Porter, Bullitt County. To
citizen, regardless of political affiliations.
The authorize the incorporation of agricultural extension associations in the
Negro cannot be expected to vote time after time for the expenditure of counties to cooperate with the University of Kentucky, College of Agriculpublic funds for public purposes unless ho is given reasonable assurance ture. Died in the orders of the day of the senate. This is a ccompanlon
thnt he will be permitted to share, to a reasonable degree, in tlie ndvnn bill of House Bill No. 381.
tages and conveniences which such expenditures are intended to create or
Senate Bill No. 174 Introduced by Senator E. C. Walker, Franklin
To create Purchasing Agency for the Comonwenlth of Kentucky.
provide. The Negro in Kentucky constitutes about 12 per cent of the pop County.
ulntion and the race as a whole, directly and indirectly, helps uncomplain It reached the orders of the day and its companion house bill number 227
was substituted for it and passed.
mgly to bear its part of the cost of government.
Senate Bill No. 208 Introduced by Senator E. D. Stephenson, Pike
With respect to educational facilities for th0 Negro, Kentucky has been
very derelict. Col