xt72542j6z48 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72542j6z48/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2002-01-jan22. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2002-01-jan22. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2002-01-jan22. 2002 2002-01-jan22. 2011 true xt72542j6z48 section xt72542j6z48 


                                Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                                    University of Kentucky
                                           1:00 P.M.
                                       January 22, 2002
                               18th Floor Patterson Office Tower

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Accompanying Materials:

PR 2 Personnel Actions

PR 3A     Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations
PR 3B     Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations
PR 3C     Administrative Staff Officer Emeritus Title be Conferred upon Charles Thomas Moore
PR 3D     Appointment of Board of Directors - Equine Research Foundation
PR 3E     Appointment of Executive Director of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation
PR 3F     Honorary Degree Recipient

Academic Affairs Committee Report

AACR 1 Candidates for Degrees - Community College System (Consent)

Finance Committee Report

FCR 1     Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the six months
ended December 31, 2001
FCR 2     Capital Construction Report
FCR 3     Report of Leases
FCR 4     Approval of Lease
FCR 5     Anonymous Gift
FCR 6      Mrs. Norma Lambert Edwards Gift
FCR 7     Gifts and Pledges to Create the Rast-Holbrook Research and Seminar Fund
FCR 8     Thomas and Susan Lester Pledge
FCR 9     Lucille C. Little Pledge
FCR 10    University of Kentucky Association of Emeriti Faculty Pledge
FCR 11    Gifts and Pledges for Horticulture Research Fund
FCR 12    James Graham Brown Foundation, Inc., Pledge
FCR 13    Edith D. Gardner Charitable Foundation, Inc. Gift
FCR 14    Ruth Johnson Gift and Pledge
FCR 15    Gift and Pledges for Bell Professorship
FCR 16    Vernon R. and Donna M. Wiehe Gift and Pledge


      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky,
Tuesday, January 22, 2002.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington
time) on Tuesday, January 22, 2002 in the Board Room on the 18th Floor of Patterson
Office Tower.

      A.    Meeting Opened

      In the absence of Chairman Billy Joe Miles, Vice Chairman Steven S. Reed,
called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m., and Mr. Jack Guthrie gave the invocation.

      B.    Roll Call

      The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll:
Mr. Paul W. Chellgren, Ms. Marianne Smith Edge, Mr. John "Jack" Guthrie, Dr. Loys
Mather, Ms. Pamela May, Dr. Elissa Plattner, Dr. Claire Pomeroy, Mr. Steven S. Reed,
Mr. Tim Robinson, Mr. Frank Shoop, Ms. Marian Sims, Ms. Alice Sparks, Dr. Grady
Stumbo, Ms. JoEtta Wickliffe, Mr. Russ Williams, Ms. Elaine Wilson, and Ms. Barbara
Young. Absent from the meeting were Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Mr. Billy Joe Miles
(Chairman), and Mr. Billy Wilcoxson. The University administration was represented by
President Lee T. Todd, Jr.; Acting Senior Vice President Jack C. Blanton; Senior Vice
President and Chancellor of the Medical Center James W. Holsinger; Jr., Acting Provost
Michael Nietzel; Acting Vice President for Research James Boling, and Mr. Richard E.
Plymale, General Counsel.

      Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being
present, the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business
at 1:04 p.m.

      C.    Consent Agenda

      Mr. Reed entertained a motion to approve the following items on the Consent

            Approval of Minutes
            AACR 1 - Candidates for Degrees - Community College System

      Ms. Sparks moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Her motion, seconded by
Ms. Edge, passed. (See AACR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)



      D.    President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

      President Todd said it was his pleasure to begin his report with Acting Provost
Mike Nietzel who would introduce a special guest and make an exciting announcement.

      Dr. Nietzel thanked President Todd and announced that the University of
Kentucky is one of four universities and colleges in the United States to be selected as
one of the 2001 Truman Foundation institutions. This represents a significant
achievement for the University. It is a substantial honor, and we are extremely proud.
He said that the Executive Director of The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation,
Louis H. Blair, was in attendance and would be making the presentation. Mr. Blair
would talk about the award, explain its history and purpose, and say some things about
the University of Kentucky students who have helped the University earn this
recognition. He noted that Mr. Blair has taken a considerable interest in these students in
terms of their careers and mentoring them. Mr. Blair knows about their careers, their
dreams, and their futures in terms of their contribution to public service, a focus of the
Truman Fellows.

      Dr. Nietzel recognized two groups of people that are critical to the University' s
success. The first was a group of faculty and staff who have been involved in the
identification, selection, and cultivation of the students. Over the years, the University
has had nine Truman Fellows, many of those in the past few years. He asked the Board
to express its appreciation to a group of faculty and staff who have been critical to the
success of these students. First and foremost is Penny Miller who has been involved in
this fellowship selection. Members of the University of Kentucky Selection Committee
are: Kate Johnson, Honors Program; David Bettez, International Affairs; Phil Harling,
Department of History; Dan Rowland, Department of History; and Bill Freehling,
Department of History. He noted that former Chancellor Elisabeth Zinser also helped
promote the development of the Truman Fellows on the University campus. He
mentioned that Phil Kramer, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education, has given a
real boost to these efforts. Students for volunteer and service learning activities have
helped celebrate the Truman Foundation Award. Dr. Nietzel expressed appreciation to
Kris Hobson in his office for helping put the arrangements together for both of the events.

      Dr. Nietzel said it was a real pleasure to introduce the students who came back to
be recognized at the Board meeting and be a part of the ceremony. He recognized Jay
Varellas, who is the most recent Truman Award winner in 2001; Monica Grant and
Anthony Jones, who won Truman Awards in 1999; Melody Flowers, who won her award
in 1998; and Laura Neack, who won in 1980. He also introduced Jennifer Kasten who
received a 2002 Marshall Scholarship. Ms. Kasten was recognized in PR 1 at the last
Board meeting; however, she could not attend because she was taking a final exam. The
students received a round of applause.

      Dr. Nietzel then introduced Mr. Blair who has a degree in electrical engineering
from MIT, an academic pedigree that this University is very pleased to recognize. Mr.
Blair did his undergraduate work at the University of Virginia and has been involved in a



number of selection committees for these most prestigious fellowships that university and
college students can win, including the Rhodes, the Marshall, the Truman, the Gates,
Cambridge and a number of others. Mr. Blair probably knows as much about the
cultivation of students and the selection of students for this kind of award than anybody
in the United States. He has devoted his life to public service, including his long-term
direction of the Truman Foundation but also in a variety of other public affairs venues
that include appointments in the White House and a number of other congressional and
federal agencies. Dr. Nietzel said it was with a great deal of pleasure that he turn the
podium over to Mr. Louis Blair. Mr. Blair received a round of applause.

       Mr. Blair said that The Truman Scholarship Foundation was setup as the federal
memorial to President Truman. It is a merit-based competition that gives $30,000 grants
to the students with outstanding leadership potential, the ones that go to Graduate School
in preparation for careers in public service. It is a fiercely competitive program. In the
27 years of operation there have been 2,095 Truman scholars from 503 colleges and
universities. Recently, the trustees established awards recognizing institutions that have
done not only well in terms of Truman numbers but have also promoted the values of
service, of contributing to the public good. It is for these reasons that he attended this
Board meeting to honor the University of Kentucky.

       Mr. Blair said he hoped the Board members get the chance to meet the five
scholars at the meeting. He gave a statement about each of the scholars and said they
were terrific kids. He said these sorts of things do not happen just because you have
terrific students. These things happen because of some staff who will work
extraordinarily hard to help students. He said he was astounded that you really have to
recruit people for scholarships. Students do not think they are competitive enough. It is
bringing confidence, helping them dare to dream bigger dreams, and helping provide
some structure so these kids can achieve the dreams.

       He thanked Penny Miller for her extraordinary work on behalf of The Truman
Foundation and the University of Kentucky. It was Elisabeth Zinser and Mike Nietzel in
higher administration and now President Todd caring. It is their values for service and
appreciation for scholarship that further result not just in Truman and Marshall scholars
but in the University of Kentucky becoming one of the great universities like the way
they talk about the University of California at Berkeley and the way they talk about the
University of Michigan for certain things. He said it is exciting for him to see what is
underway. The five scholars and Jennifer Kasten are going to do great good things for
the University of Kentucky, the Commonwealth of Kentucky and for our country because
Professors Penny Miller and Dan Rowland have helped shape the path and plow the path
that will enable them to achieve it. He said he was proud to present, and it was a pleasure
to bestow on behalf of The Truman Scholars Trustees The Truman Scholarship
Foundation Honor Institution Award. He congratulated President Todd and Mr. Reed,
following which they received a round of applause.

       President Todd thanked Mr. Blair and The Truman Foundation. The University
of Kentucky is a great school, and it is getting greater. He expressed appreciation to



Penny Miller, Dan Rowland and others on the committee who take the time to cause the
dreams to happen in kids whose minds have yet to learn to dream.

      President Todd mentioned The Truman Scholar banner, along with many others,
that are already up. He announced that Kathy DeBoer has agreed to recognize an
academic scholar at this institution at the first minute of half time of each basketball
game. Jennifer Kasten will be the first one recognized, and Jay Varellas will be the
second one recognized. Others are going to be recognized, and they will get four tickets
that night for the ballgame and a warm-up outfit from the Athletics Department.

      President Todd thanked the staff, The Truman Foundation, and Mr. Blair for what
they have done for the University of Kentucky. He also thanked the students. He noted
that it is a very difficult application and process to complete. The process gives the
students the experiences that make them fight hard to win and represent the University.
These experiences are the things that change their lives. He expressed appreciation to the
students for what they have done and for coming back to be a part of the Board meeting.
This is a very special occasion for the University. The students received a round of

      President Todd continued with his report and called attention to a few items in
PR 1:

       1.           Governor Paul Patton and other dignitaries joined University
                    administrators on campus in early January and broke ground for
                    the new Biomedical/Biological Sciences Research Building. The
                    construction will begin in the spring 2002 with completion in the
                    spring of 2004.

      2.           The University of Kentucky received $4 million in federal funding
                    for health care and education initiatives. Senator Mitch McConnell
                    and Congressman Hal Rogers again helped find these funds. This
                    past year brought in $16.7 million in federal earmarks. This is a
                    record and a testament to Bill Schweri and the University team.

      3.           Officials from the University of Kentucky and McDowell Cancer
                    Foundation held a dedication ceremony in early December for the
                    new Marylou Whitney and John Hendrickson Cancer Facility for
                    Women at the UK Markey Cancer Center. This is the fourth
                    building in that complex.

      4.           County agents in UK' s Cooperative Extension Service will join
                    forces with the UK College of Medicine to expand the delivery of
                    health care information to Kentuckians. Funded by an $800,000
                    grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Health
                    Education through Extension Leadership program, a collaboration
                    between the College of Agriculture and the College of Medicine,



                    will involve Kentucky School of Public Health education
                    specialists collaborating with county Extension Agents in all 120
                    Kentucky counties to provide basic health care information to
                    residents. Senator McConnell found the funding for this project.

      5.           Lexington Community College (LCC) opened its doors to its new
                    Winchester-Clark County campus. The people in Winchester-
                    Clark County are extremely excited about LCC coming to their
                    area. They were able to get the facility that made it easier for the
                    LCC to make that move.

      President Todd reported that he had met with Dr. Deneese Jones who heads the
Commission for Diversity. The Commission has met and been charged. He also noted
that the Commission on the Status of Women has met several times.

      He reported that the University will be conducting searches for important
positions on campus. He reviewed the academic search process:

      * Someone is asked to chair the search who has previously been on a search
          committee but maybe never chaired one.

      *  Leading faculty from around campus, who maybe have never served on a
          search committee, are asked to serve on the committee.

      *  Each search committee is charged with going out and recruiting candidates to
          apply for the position.

      He said that it was a concern of the two commissions that the University
sometimes does not get as diverse pool of candidates. Sometimes the University
advertises and just takes what is received.

      President Todd reported that Dr. James Holsinger and Dr. Emery Wilson at the
Medical Center have Edythe Lock work with each search committee to ensure that they
advertise openly and aggressively, that they build their pool of candidates, and that they
actually recruit by asking people, who were not going to submit a letter, to apply. Ms.
Lock handles the process to make sure the diversity issues are watched as they go
through the selection process. This is a quality control measure to make sure diversity
issues are taken into consideration as they go through the process. Having heard about
the Medical Center' s process, President Todd said he and Dr. Nietzel met with Ms. Lock
and talked with her about the process. He and Dr. Nietzel have asked Kris Hobson to
provide that same function for search committees for the rest of the campus. Ms. Hobson
will work in conjunction with Ms. Lock so Ms. Lock will do some mentoring and support
with the early position searches. This will assure us that we have a good process in place
and that is one of the first recommendations that came out, almost informally, from the
two commissions. We have already begun to implement that process.



       President Todd reported that the Vice President for Research search has begun
and Dr. Kim Anderson, Chemical Engineering, is chairing that committee. He said he
hoped to fill that position beginning next academic year.

       President Todd reported that he had been in Frankfort quite a bit. He and Dr.
Shumaker appeared jointly before the House Appropriations and Revenue Committee at
Chairman Harry Moberly' s recommendation to talk about the need for "Bucks for
Brains." He informed the Board that he will provide information to them that
summarizes the factual impact that this has had on campus because it has been
tremendous and the University needs it. He announced that it will be "Bonds for Brains"
that the Governor will announce at 7:00 p.m. this evening in giving his budget address.

       President Todd said he was pleased with the reaction he has received from the
legislators. He and Dr. Shumaker have made joint calls on 10 of the leaders of the
legislature to let them know they are working together. When we began the "Bucks for
Brains" campaign the University' s endowment was approximately $200M. Today, it sets
at $430M. In that four-year period, the University endowment has doubled. If the
University gets the next round of "Bonds for Brains", it will get $67M to be matched. It
will be able to raise its endowment to $600M. That is the key as the Board is trying to
make a University really charge forward and have stability. It helps recruitment, helps
the national reputation, and helps the standing. That money stays in the system, and that
is important for people to understand. Some in Frankfort were not clear about that. The
legislature gives the University $67M, and the University has to match it. That money
stays in the higher education system, and the University just spends the interest off of it.
He announced that the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville are going
to have ajoint reception on February 25th at Frankfort, and the Board is invited. The
University of Kentucky will have the Research Challenge Trust Fund (RCTF) faculty
there. There are 142 RCTF faculty on campus as a result of that program now. The
University of Louisville will also have their RCTF faculty there. The universities are
going to put a face on this program so the legislators can see the results of this successful

       President Todd referred to a handout and said that it shows the areas where there
is impact, and a large part of it is on health care. It is important to show what is
happening in Lexington in the area of research and get that information out to the people
of Kentucky. He said the University can have an impact on Kentuckians' lives, and he
feels very strongly about that.

       He reported that in recent research rankings the University of Kentucky increased
its total expenditures in the last year by $28M. If you look at all universities, the
University of Kentucky gained two positions, from 49th to 47th, and that was a good gain.
We held our own in the 32nd position in public universities. It is going to take $20M if
we are going to capture the one above us which is Maryland. He said this is not an easy
game to play because institutions move and the higher up they are the faster they move.
He said he would keep the Board abreast of how this works. With that information, he
concluded the President' s Report.



      E.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

      President Todd said that PR 2 is personnel actions. The recommendation is that
the Board approve the attached appointments. He entertained a motion to have that those
actions approved. On motion made by Ms. Edge, seconded by Ms. Wilson and carried,
PR 2 was approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

      F.    Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations (PR 3A)

      President Todd said that PR 3A, which forms a University of Kentucky Staff
Senate, was received by the Board for preliminary consideration at the December
meeting. It is time now to finalize that proposed amendment. He asked if anyone would
like to speak to the motion.

      Ms. Sparks said she would like to speak in favor of the motion. In her opinion, it
is beyond time that the staff be recognize by having a voting Staff Senate. She believes
all the other public universities have one with the exception of one. She said she
certainly hoped that the Board would vote favorably on item. Mr. Williams moved
approval of PR 3A. Dr. Mather seconded the motion, and it passed. (See PR 3A at the
end of the minutes.)

      President Todd said that he has had some wonderful meetings with the staff since
his arrival on campus. On one occasion, the staff had a meeting scheduled with him and
surprised him with a plaque and cake as an expression of thanks for what he has done for
the staff. President Todd said the staff is appreciative of the effort that we have made and
that you, as the Board, have made to be inclusive in this case. He applauded the Board
for giving 9,800 employees this voice.

      Mr. Williams thanked President Todd for bringing it forward and said that it is
time the staff have an organized method to get their voices heard. The staff has been
working on some of the mechanisms for the last ten months and now has elections to
conduct. He asked for the indulgence of the staff in getting through the process since this
has never been done before. There are good, dedicated staff who have committed to
continue the work on it. He said he appreciated the Board' s action, and it is for those
who call this a workplace that it is an historic day.

      Mr. Reed said that he knew Mr. Williams had worked very hard on this, as many
other items important to the staff Mr. Williams is very passionate about the staff, and he
has raised the consciousness of the Board as far as the real importance of the staff at this



      G.    Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations (PR 3B)

      President Todd said that PR 3B is a recommendation that the following proposed
amendment to Governing Regulations that was received by the Board on December 11th
be approved at this meeting. The regulation will remove the Board of Trustees from the
approval of changes to the Governing Regulations when there is a change in the selection
procedure for members of the University Senate. This change does not alter the number
or composition of the University Senate. The Bylaws of the University Senate will
govern the selection of its members.

      Dr. Mather pointed out that the proposed amendment was initiated by the
University Senate at their request. He suggested that the word "Bylaws" be changed to
"Rules" in the second paragraph because typically the Bylaws on campus are referred to
as the Rules of the University Senate. He referred to it as an editorial change. Basically,
it should be Rules of the University Senate rather than Bylaws of the University Senate.

      On motion made by Ms. Edge, seconded by Dr. Mather and passed, PR 3B was
approved. (See PR 3B at the end of the Minutes.)

      H.    Administrative Staff Officer Emeritus Title be Conferred upon Charles
Thomas Moore (PR 3C)

      President Todd said that it was his pleasure to recognize that this will be the third
staff emeritus title to be conferred upon an employee. PR 3C is a recommendation that
Charles Thomas Moore be named Administrative Staff Officer Emeritus in recognition of
his long service and dedication to the University of Kentucky College of Engineering.

      Mr. Moore joined the University of Kentucky on October 30, 1972 and
transferred to the College of Engineering on December 3, 1976. Over the past twenty-
five years, he has been the Business Officer for the College of Engineering. During his
tenure in the College, Mr. Moore has been principally responsible for managing accounts
established by general funds, grants and contracts, self-generated service receipts and
private gifts. He has been instrumental in mentoring a significant number of individuals
who have gone on to other positions within the University. Mr. Moore has served on the
Board of Directors for the University of Kentucky Federal Credit Union and as a member
of numerous committees and task forces. He has served as a member of the committee
that established the University' s guidelines for cost accounting standards and the
University' s task force on the implementation of the PDP system to name just a few of
the many prominent examples of his service.

      Mr. Moore has also given unselfishly of his time and resources in numerous
University and College charity initiatives. He serves as a member of the Board of
Directors of Pope Villa Restoration Committee, where he has been instrumental in
acquiring private and governmental support for repair of this prominent structure in



      President Todd asked Mr. Moore to stand and be recognized and said that a
certificate will be forthcoming. Mr. Moore received a round of applause. On motion
made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Ms. Edge, PR 3C was approved. (See PR 3C at
the end of the Minutes.)

      I.    Appointment of Board of Directors Equine Research Foundation (PR 3D)

      President Todd said PR 3D recommends the Appointment of the Board of
Directors of the Equine Research Foundation. He seeks approval for the appointment of
three individuals: Mr. James Bassett for a one-year term ending in December 14, 2002;
Mr. John Adger for a four-year term ending in December 14, 2005 and Mrs. Jerry
Amerman for a four-year term ending in December 14, 2005. Mr. Shoop moved
approval of PR 3D. Mr. Guthrie seconded the motion, and it passed. (See PR 3D at the
end of the Minutes.)

      J.    Appointment of Executive Director of the University of Kentucky
             Research Foundation (PR 3E)

      President Todd said that PR 3E is a recommendation that approval be given to the
appointment of James A. Boling as Executive Director of the University of Kentucky
Research Foundation for a term beginning retroactively on July 5, 2001 and continuing
through June 30, 2002. In accordance with the Bylaws, the Executive Director of the
University of Kentucky Research Foundation is appointed by the Board of Trustees upon
recommendation of the President. President Todd noted that Mr. Boling is serving as
Acting Vice President for Research. Ms. Sims moved approval. Her motion, seconded
by Ms. Wilson, carried. (See PR 3E at the end of the Minutes.)

      K.    Honorary Degree Recipients (PR 3F)

      President Todd said it was his pleasure to ask for the Board' s approval for the
granting of two honorary doctorates. One is Doctor of Engineering to Mr. Fujio Cho of
Toyota and the other, a Doctor of Arts to Loretta Lynn. Both of these individuals will be
recognized, if the Board approves this, at individual ceremonies.

      Dr. Cho' s impact on Kentucky was obviously at the Georgetown plant, and this is
a great opportunity for the University to recognize him not only for what an impact he
had on the University of Kentucky but also on the State of Kentucky.

      Loretta Lynn will be on campus performing, and this will give the University an
opportunity to give her this recognition. She had received this recognition previously but
was not able to attend graduation so this allows us to fulfill some expectations that have
been there for some time.

      On motion made by Ms. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Guthrie and carried, PR 3F was



      President Todd noted that Mr. Cho' s ceremony will be at 11:00 a.m. on January
29th at the William T. Young Library and Loretta Lynn' s ceremony will be March 9th. He
said that details of the ceremonies would be sent to the Board.

      L.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for
             the Six Months Ended December 31, 2001 (FCR 1)

      Mr. Chellgren, Chairperson of the Finance Committee, reported that the Finance
Committee had a brief meeting that morning. It was a very conventional agenda. FCR 1
is the Interim Financial Report for the first six months of the fiscal year through
December 30, 2001. At this point, the university' s revenue received and realized are
actually 50.5% of the budget. That is a little bit lighter than the Board has seen in
previous years, primarily because year-to-date the hospital revenues are down about $8
million over last year. They are still over half the anticipated revenue to be received for
the whole year, and the expenditures are comfortably under half the budgeted
expenditures, some 47%. The Finance Committee did discuss this in detail.

      Mr. Chellgren said there was one other item he wanted to bring to the Board' s
attention. As of the end of December, the University' s endowment funds were back up to
$440M. Some may remember at the end of September they were down to $405M. There
was a dip and a recovery. The University has received gifts, some investment returns,
and of course the Research Challenge Trust Fund match. The endowment in spite of a
tough financial market is the same level as it was six months ago. In his opinion, this is
quite a good, positive sign in terms of investment management, the contributions and the
match. With nothing else that needs to be brought to the Board' s attention, he moved the
adoption of FCR 1. Ms. Sparks seconded the motion, and it passed. (See FCR 1 at the
end of the Minutes.)

      President Todd mentioned one thing about revenue coming in this year. He said
that the fall semester is the first time the University has put the installment plan in place,
and this might have hit the income somewhat. This is a new figure just recently received,
and he does not know if it had that much of an impact.

      M.    Capital Construction Report (FCR 2)

      Mr. Chellgren said the second item is the quarterly Capital Construction Report
on construction projects above $400,000. The Finance Committee reviewed the change
orders that were $25,000 and above and discussed them in detail. There were eight
change orders during this past quarter. No major contracts were let, and no major items
need to be brought to the Board' s attention. He moved the acceptance of FCR 2. His
motion, seconded by Mr. Guthrie, carried. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

      N.    Report of Leases (FCR 3)

      Mr. Chellgren said FCR 3 is the normal acceptance of lease renewals. There are
two new leases: one for 1,340 square feet of office space in Harlan, Kentucky for an



annual rate ofjust over $11,000 to house the Robinson Scholars Program through June
30, 2003 and a new lease in Lexington for approximately 3,000 square feet for a design
studio for the College of Architecture. These leases are below the $30,000 annual
expenditure level that needs to be approved on a specific basis by the Board. He moved
the acceptance of FCR 3. Ms. Young seconded his motion, and it passed. (S