xt7228051b5n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7228051b5n/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1983 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, Summer 1983, volume 7 number 5 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, Summer 1983, volume 7 number 5 1983 1983 2020 true xt7228051b5n section xt7228051b5n C entra‘z K entuek y

Jewish Association

SUMMER 1983 N05

Letter From Israel Tells of
Soviet “Twin”

Ueafi DanIeI,

Ma name I5 Niehama Jo5hua and I am a memoefi CI KIbbaI: Verne and a ghIend of
Uuufl :eIaIIve MowdeeaI ChanoI. I wa5 pthIieged Io Iahe a IeIp Io Ihe SOUIeI
UnIen In Fequath IaWeh. WhIIe Ihehe I meI many an1a:Ing— drvoIed-bhave ReguéenIL
fiamIIIe5. Among Ihe fiamIIIe5 IhaI I meI au5 Ihe PI He15IeI1 IamIIa. WI1en I he—
Iunned Io Vovne, MohdeeaI menIIoned noun IwIn bat mII:vah and 5howed me the.€oveiy
aIIIeIe fihom Ihe IexIngIon Henafid. I wouId thenegene IIh: Io IeII you a ZIIIIe
muhe abonI EphhaIm. He I5 a IoveIn hen ~- IaII, nand5ome xIIh bIonde hth and
btae ene5. A5 non hnow hI5 fitheh Io5I hI» ImpohIaII IaII1ematIe51oo5IIIon and
5e1nI5 hI5 IIme now IeahnIng and ohganI:Ing 5Indn gioup5. UaIa.5hai E1h1aIm’ 5
n1eIheT, ao1h5 pavI—IIme a5 a ho5p1IaI owdeite In o11ei not 1 be ah1e5Iea 501 not
11onIiIng. IIIeII @IUII I11 eth1nne p01n31111 —— ho17Ing 1u1e111 1a1/ Ihe 13ehn1I551Io11 Io gC‘ II
Isaaet 111III be gnawed. TheIe I5 veto IIIII’e 1.:1251'1e/t 511de 1.: .‘on5e1i'11‘1‘111d IheWIegme
NaIa5ha mahe5 heh,oam ehee5e —— they eaI aImo5I no meat 5Ince they have Io auII
In IIne 5—8 hoah5 to ban ho5hea meaI In Ihe 5nnagogae. EphtaIm 5peah5 Hebhew
veto weII. He Eeann5 once a weeh Ion 4~5 hon15 5IhaighI In hI5 hoa5e hath a gnoap
of 5Ix peopIe. He WIII 5Ion have Io Ieaeh begInneI5 thIe he I5 IeahnIng. ThaI'5
Ihe nun 50 mann Eeahn quIefiI IIn \a55Ia. EphflaIn1dId Iefifi a5 abouI hI5 bah mIIZUah.
Th1 en had peane15 In the 5maI’Ie1 5nnagog cue In Mo5eow a11d a III 05 IheIh 5&Iend5 came
The KGB o{ eoah5e au5 up5eI IeIIh 5o mach JewI5h aeIIvI‘11-anI IooI: note 05 who aa}
Iheae - 60h13o55IbIe {uaII1eh InIehhogaIIoh. 0e513IIe II1e 5aeI IhaI Ihe KGB AoCIoaw
Ihe whofle Ro5en5IeIn 0amIIn, Ihen do noI CImII IheIh J011I5h aeIIuIII.e5 GaI5ha R.
~— Ihe fiathea, ha5 even amIIIen a booh — "I BeIIeve." EpIM IIm ha5 a gnandnoIImo
who IIoe5 In Jeha5aIem. I men? Io VI5II he. when I 10I11&1e She au5 EeI oaI 05
Ra55Ia, baI 5he had Io Keane hen onfin heIaIIue5 In I!1e noRTd behInd —- H1ImaIm,
hI5 bnoIhea and panenI5. She I5 NaIa5ha'5 moIhea ana’ Ih11n have IIIIIe conIacI
heeaa5e the KGB Iahe5 mo5I 05 Ihe IeIIeh5 IhaI aae 1:; II en. One mode IhIng ——
aIIhough Iheg ane 5o pooh, when we IefiI, EphIaIm awnI Io hI5 oEd Ion eoZUeeIIon
and cho5e a Ion Io 5end Io my ehIIdhen, and NaIa5ha boughI Ihem a I1aI115eI.

DanIeI —— be pnoad o5 noah IwInnIna. I hope uou meet 5ome dau In I51ae£

SIneeneCu Neehama Jo5haa

Add it 1101111 ’1, 11117111’11111t 11111 on 11111113




The letter on page one describes more effectively than any . '
publicity release, the ongoing agony of Jewish Refuseniks in the
Soviet Union.

For Daniel Baer, his parents Charlotte and Mike, and his sister
Naomi, this letter from an Israeli friend made the plight of Daniel's
Bar Mitzvah "twin" much more meaningful and personal. The Baer
family has been deeply disappointed that they have received no direct
communication from Ephraim Rosenstein or his family. One can only
speculate on the measures taken by Soviet authorities to prevent any
such communication from taking place.

The Baers were most pleased, however, by the support given by
Congressman Larry Hopkins and Senator Walter Huddleston who wrote to
Russia on behalf of the Rosenstein family. Our national representa—
tives certainly deserve our thanks for their support.

If any Bar/Bat Mitzvah candidates and their families are in—
terested in "twinning" with a Russian child, the Community Relations
Committee has information on how to make appropriate contacts,
arrangements, etc. Call David Wekstein, CRC Chairperson at 269—4454
for details.

m , .

CELEBRATION 1k 35 was a
resounding success!! Approximately
150 people joined together for this
festive celebration on the 35th
anniversary of Israel's Independence.



We sang with Carol Reiman and
were entertained by a multi—media
presentation from the Sabra Dancers.
And the food was out of this world!!

Many thanks for the hard work and
many hours put in by Levy Rabinuwttz
and his committee: Ruth and Ben Baked,
Bhuce Beflin, Euekgn Gefiflefl,
Lennen, Manhoe Mooonteh, Lone PuppaA,
Shungn Shunen, Canofie Wifinon and
David Wifibon; and to the members of
Aduih Ibnaefi Youth Ghoup, B'nat B'hiih,
HadaAAuh, Hififlefi, Lexington Hauunah,

Ohuvay Zion Synagogue, Onavag Zion Synagogue Sibtennood, Tempfe Adutn Ionaefi, Temple
Ada/tn Towel sate/Mood, Temple Aduth I/fluefi sate/mood Mdzvuh Coup/5 and Young Judueu. .
60% giving an a tnu£g memonubfie expenicnced



Under the CKJA constitution 70 percent of all funds received which have not
been designated for a specific purpose (such as Project Renewal) must be forwarded
to UJA for allocation. A portion of the remaining funds are required for operating
expenses and to conduct-CKJA projects such as the Forum series, Camp Shalom and the

Israel Independence Day celebration.

At the end of each year some funds received by CKJA remain unexpended. The
process of allocating these funds begins with a request to the rabbis and to the

CKJA membership for recommendations.

The Budget Committee then meets. (The

present Budget Committee consists of Evelyn Geller, Monroe Hoosnick, Marty Barr,
Rob Rosenstein, and Ben Baker, and is chaired by Alvin Goldman.) Its members
review a set of guidelines adopted by CKJA in 1978 and examine the requests for
funds received from various charities over the past year, the recommendations
received from the rabbis and the membership, and the pattern of allocations in
recent years. Included in the information reviewed by the committee are letters
and brochures from the various charities as well as reports prepared on behalf

of the Council of Jewish Federations.

In 1983 the information concerning charitable requests reviewed by the
committee filled a carton which was about a foot and a half deep. After thorough
discussion at two lengthy meetings, the committee prepared a schedule reflecting
its consensus concerning a proposed allocation of funds ”to other charities”.

The Board. in turn, reviewed and discussed this schedule in detail, made adjust—
ments and finally adopted the schedule of allocations listed below.

Describing the annual process of allocating funds to other charities,

Alvin Goldman points out that ”each year the meeting at which the allocation is
determined is one of the Board's longer and more intense sessions. The Board

and Budget Committee members are conscious of the fact that they are exercising

a trust bestowed by our community of contributors. It is a serious and difficult
responsibility and it is treated accordingly. We have different sets of charitable
priorities and different experiences with or impressions of various charitable
organizations. At times these meetings get emotional, throughout they are thought—
ful, and in the end we are tired but know that we have done our best.”


Al Tidom Association, Inc. - $200
American Friends of Jerusalem
Mental Health Center — $100
American Gathering of Jewish
Holocaust Survivors — $300
American Israel Public Affairs
Committee (AIPAC) — $500

American Jewish Archives — $500
American Jewish Committee — $500
American Jewish Congress — $500

American ORT Federation — $1100
Anna Frank Haven — $4000
AntiuDefamation League of

B'nai B’rith « $5500
Assn. of Americans and Canadians

in Israel Scholarship Fund ~ $250
Ben Gurion University of the

Negev — $3250
Brisk Yeshiva — $300
Camp Young Judaea — $2500
Community Hospice of Lexington — $500
Dropsie College — $250
FCI — Jewish Prisoners — $250

Goldman Union Carp Institute — $2500
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) —$500
Hebrew Theological College — $550
Jewish Chautauqua Society — $553
Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc. — $250
Jewish Theological Seminary of
America - $250
Jewish Welfare Board ~ $600
Joint Cultural Appeal — $300
Kibbutz hetura — $500
Leo Baeck School — $500
Lexington Public Library — $350
National Conference of Christians
and Jews ~ $500
National Jewish Community Relations
Advisory Council (NJCRAC) — $1000
National Tay Sachs & Allied Diseases
Assn., Inc. ~ $200
Hospitals in Forthern Israel (Rambam &
Sfad) _ $125”
Resource of Social Ministries — $400
Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust
Studies ~ SLUf
Synagogue Council of America — $500


 ‘ ,...|.v



C KJA....



 . ‘ flwflwj‘w

From the time it was founded in 1914 to the present, the Joint Distribution
Committee has served as the philanthropic arm of the American Jewish Community, pro-

viding life-saving and life-sustaining programs and services for Jewish communities
in every corner of the earth. The number of people aided during the past 70 years
reaches into the millions. There has been a JDC presence at one time or another in

over 70 countries.

A single criterion has guided the JDC through the years: Jews in need éhoufld be
hefiped and Ahoufid be hetped I0 [Ave a4 JeWA. The scenes have changed and the needs
have changed and JDC has changed with the changing needs. Thus, in the period follow-
ing the Holocaust the major need was for basic relief first and then rehabilitation and
education. In East European countries today, where there are many elderly, the need is
for life-maintaining programs. In Western Europe and North Africa, with many young
people, the emphasis is on education. In Israel JDC programs have an impact on almost
every aspect of life, helping the physically, mentally and socially handicapped.

Since I939 the bulk of JDC's income has come from the campaigns of the United
Jewish Appeal.

Following are excerpts from the most recent JDC ”Reports from the Field.”

From Yugoslavia .... ”The current Jewish population of Yugoslavia is approximately
6,000. Half live in the three larger communities (Belgrade, Zagreb and Sarajevo).
The rest live in some 30 smaller communities. About 60% is over 60 years of age.
Jewish leaders (here) are an impressive group, mostly former partisans who today are
either retired from or continue to be engaged in (national) life. A serious concern
regarding future leadership, however, is the almost total absence of Jewish population
. . between the ages of 40 and 60. The camp at Pirovac is probably the most vital program
operating in the country, and is of importance for the continued survival and support
of Jewish communal life."


From Argentina .... ”JDC's work with the Vaad Hachtnuch (Educational Council) is
expanding to 12 schools, and the professionals assigned are also helping the schools
meet the economic challenge. The Vaad Hachtnuch recommended that the schools charge
the same tuition as last year. As a result, there is a higher registration and great
enthusiasm, but the tremendous economic difficulties remain."

From Morocco .... Note: There are now only 18,000 Jews remaining in Morocco, out of a
population that numbered 300,000 thirty years ago. The decline has reduced the number
of qualified people in Jewish communal service. ”During the past year, three (kinder—
garten) teachers in Casablanca left the program. None of the new teachers can begin
to take the place of the experienced individuals who have left. It is this pattern
which is disturbing, for there is now no real cadre of trained teachers remaining, and
a minority of women now teaching are the last of the group trained by JDC in the 1960's."
From France .... ”In 1980 JDC agreed to share (with the Fonds Soctak Juifi Unifite,
France's Central Social Welfare Agency) in the cost of a (three—year) manpower develop-
ment program. The focus of the training of the first two classes was for work in the
FSJU and its subvented agencies; the emphasis of the current class is on fund raising.
In the ... (current) class of 11 trainees/interns, the average age is 31. Their pro—
fessional backgrounds include experience in business, medicine and teaching. The
Aopefl Jutfi Unifiie, France's National Jewish Appeal, will hire all the current interns
. . when they graduate. (This is part of an effort to increase the number of donors to the
French Campaign from the current total of 30,000)”


 Admoni’s visit kicks off
Project Renewal campaign

Vechiefi Admoni, the immediate past Director General of Project Renewal for
the Jewish Agency in Israel, Visited Louisville in May. 0n the evening of
May 24, Admoni addressed a group of Project Renewal supporters at the home of
Marion and Charles Weisberg.

Admoni is responsible for bringing the concept of Project Renewal from
infancy to its current status of an international model of community development.
He spoke to the local Renewal supporters on the challenges of Louisville and
Lexington's partnership with Netanya—Selah as well as the impact that Project
Renewal has had on Israeli politics and society.

”There has been a themendouA pOALtive change in the Beta neighbonhood’b
outtuoh since Louiauifite and Lexington 'adopted’ the neighbonhocd," he said.
Already there have been impressive improvements in the neighborhood of Selah as
a result of Project Renewal. A number of projects have been completed including
a park and playground, a parent—child enrichment center for early childhood, a
soccer and basketball court and a Senior Center. The government of Israel
matches the funds raised by Louisville and Lexington's Renewal and uses them
primarily for housing rehabilitation. The Louisville and Lexington communities
have transmitted over $200,000 to Selah.

Ten groups from Kentucky have visited Selah and have helped plan the
expenditure of funds and coordinate new projects and programs. Many of these
projects require only creative thinking and the gift of time. MOST, however,
require money. Kentucky made a pledge for $480,000, and thus far only $200,000
has been collected. Let's get going and deliver what we have promised.

The High Holy Days are early this year. We take this
opportunity to list the places for formal worship:

Temple Adath Israel (Liberal)
124 N. Ashland Avenue
William Leffler, Rabbi


Congregation Ohavay Zion (Traditional—Conservative)
120 W. Maxwell
Bernard Schwab, Rabbi

Lexington Havurah (Conservative) Robh Habhonah: Septembeh 8-9
Location of Services to be announced Vom Kippuh: Septemben 17
Fred Lowenstein, President — 268—2374 (KOK Nidhe: Septembeh 76, evening)
Kenneth Germain, Membership — 269—1116 Sukkot: Septemben 22-29

Simchat Tohah: Septembea 30




F: CKJA, which seeks to represent and serve
OR the entire Jewish community, is governed by a
OUR Board of Directors elected each December. Each
‘NFCNQMATl(3N member of the Board serves on at least one major ' '
committee, designed to carry out the key responSibillties
of the organization.
Since taking office, CKJA President Jack
Miller has appointed several new Committee Chairpersons.
Following is a complete list:

Budget Committee: Alvin Goldman Executive Committee: Jack Miller
Campaign Committee: Gloria Katz Interact: Sheila DeKosky
Community Activities Committee: Ken Germain Joe Rosenberg
Community Relations Committee: David Wekstein Ricki Rosenberg
Co—Chairman, Charlotte Baer Social Services Committee: Nat Sandler


Following is a list of books recommended by Rabbi Moshe Shur for those interested
in further information on Kabbalism and other topics he discussed during the
Shabbaton in April.

Meditation and The Bibfia, Aaych Kapflan, WaiAcn Paebb
Meditation and Kabanah, A/LLth Kapflan, (flame/L 19/1055
The Toaah (a thanbflation), Aayeh Kapfian, Maznaim Pnasé
Jewibh Mgéticafl TcAIimonteA, LoaiA JacobA

73 Padaflcd Roze, Rabbi Adin Steinbafltz

lntaoductian to The Tafimud, Rabbi Adin Steinéafifz
Soabs on Film, Ellie, Wei/591,

To Paay a5 Jeaw, Rabbi Donin

Thank you to all who supported and helped with the successful 1982—83 Forum Series!
Judy Baumann, Forum Chairperson, is always on the lookout for new program offerings.
Ideas? Contact her at 223—1299.


Jack Miller, President Phyllis Scher, Editor
Judith Saxe, Community Worker Beth Altenkirch, Ofc. Manager
258 Plaza Drive, Suite 208 Lexington, Kentucky #0503 (606)277—80h8






Forces Jews
Into Exile

New York (JTA) -- The Sandinist
government of Nicaragua has forced

the country's entire Jewish community
into exile, confiscating Jewish-owned
property and taking over the synagogue
in Managua, according to the Anti—
Defamation League of B'nai B'rith.

Rabbi Morton Rosenthal, director of
the ADL's Latin American Affairs
Department, made the disclosure in
an article prepared by him for pub-
lication in the ADL Bulletin, the
agency's national publication.

Rosenthal, who last visited Nicaragua
shortly before the Sandinists came

to power in 1979, said the government
of Nicaragua has been unresponsive

to ADL appeals to end ”these human
rights violations” and permit the
return of the Jews to their country.

The forced exodus of the Nicaraguan
Jewish community -- numbering about
50 -- took place after the Somoza
regime was overthrown. Their ouster
was effected, the article said, by
subtle and direct threats or by
forcible measures.

The case of Isaac Stavisky, a
textile engineer, who was out of
the country at the time of the
Sandinist victory, was cited as an
example. Stavisky, the article



said, was advised that he should

not return to his country ”for his

own safety, because he and his brother-
in—law were considered enemies of the

The president of the Nicaraguan Jewish
community, Abraham Gorn, was jailed

after the Sandinist victory. ”Gorn,”
Rosenthal wrote, ”who was then 70 years
old, was falsely accused of stealing

land and was forced to sweep streets
during the two weeks of his confinement.”

Six months later, he went on, Sandinists
summarily ousted him from his factory
and took it over. The Sandinists

told factory workers to threaten to

bomb his car if he returned. Gorn was
quoted as saying that Carlos Arguello,
currently Minister of Justice, confis—
cated his bank account and “then

kicked me out of my home.“

Despite the departure of the Jewish .

community, Rosenthal said, anti-
Semitism still exists in the country.
In July, 1982, he said that a Managua
newspaper, Nuevo Diahio, which often
reflects government policy, published
articles that were filled with virulent
anti—Semitic statements such as a
reference to I'synagogues of Satan.“

The Sandinists have also converted
the synagogue in Managua into a
children's social club, covering
exterior Stars of David with propa—
ganda posters and adorning the inside
walls with anti-Zionist propaganda.






 BlJLL,l—:TIN BOARD | l l | ‘ |l lllll I I I ||||| l' l l '| llllll I ' I l lllll I lllllll l I l

Empire Kosher Foods, Inc., has available a 20—page recipe booklet,
”Kitchen Nice Kosher Prcipus from Empire.” For a free copy, write

to Empire (osher Foods, Inc., Recipe Book, Pf). Box l65, Mifflintowri,
PA., 17059. Individual iwgwwsts will be honored while supplies last.
Group requests will also hw considered.

LARGE-PRWH'BOOKS WWninl ihw country's book rublishers are now
making large—print editions available direct to the public. G.K.

Hall and Company and Thorndike Press offer bestsellers, mysteries,
romances, westerns, biographies and general fiction. G.K. Hall also

offers reference books. These are not book clubs; there is no
obligation to buy a specific number of books. To get on their
mailing lists, write to G.K. Hall & Company at 70 Lincoln Street,
Boston, Massachusetts 02111. Thorndike Press is located at One Mile

Road, Thorndike, Maine 04986.

Meridian House in Washington, D.C. will be the site for a two-month
long documentary exhibit on the American Jewish experience in the
United States from 1654 to the present. The exhibition consists of
paintings, prints, photographs, drawings and documents, and is
entitled ”Jewish Life in America: Fulfilling the American Dream."
Cosponsored by the Anti—Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and the
American Jewish Historical Society, the exhibition will be open to
ihw public at Meridian House, 1630 Crescent Place N.W., from June 13
through August 19.

Alpha Epsilon Pi is looking for used furniture as gifts or at
reasonable prices. Please call 258-6000 and any of the members
will be happy to respond to your offer.

\\ We want to send the CKJA Bulletin to
‘- out—of—town college students. Please

gt: call the CKJA office, 277-8048, with
,4? correct addresses.


Many thanks to KET for giving us

nomthedeskof 1 1 the use of Telephones and Watts
er 8 8V Line on Super Sundayll


 Doe Pchcf: and Bcnf Pencf: chucbf fhv honufi 05 noun pncscnco

(Mum fhc(h swn 1.
M(0ha0€ deéd Pvnwf:
w(€€ bu vuttvd (a fhv Tuhuh as d Ban H(ffvah
Satundau, June 25, 7985 at 10:00 u.m,

at thm/ 2m” Sruulguguv

RecuprOH ficffiuwing scnvéccs

Bahbaha and Chuch Gonodefzhy ithta uou

Io wohAhip hmih them af the Bah Mitzvah 05 Thckh 80h
Tad Gonodeizhg

Satuhday auathJ, Augubi 20, 1983 af 7:30 p.m.
at Tampfie Adaih Isnaafi

RaceptLon immediatefiy fiofifiowihg Iha AQRULCQ af theih home, "
2084 Hahmong Couhi

AKLCQ and David Weinbehg cohdzafiflg thiie you
to wonbhip umih Ihem
at the Sufi Miizuah 06 thaih daughxch

Camaie~££izabeth Wazhbahg

Fhéday, Augubi 26, 7983 at 8:00 p.m.
at Ohavay Zion Synagogua

Pfleaba aflAo join in Ihe aefiebaaiéon Saiuhdag evening a! 8:30 p.m.
a: Sphihg Lahe Couhthg Cflub, Sandehéviflfle Road, Laangton, Kantuchg

(right next to Hillenmeyers) .





June . 26

















27 :88 29 30 July / 2
CRC Mcetinn — 8 pm
Charlotte Bncr's
3 5/ 5 b 7 8 9
8 pm TAI Board Mtng.
025 Board Mtng.
/0 // u. /3 11/ /5 Ié
/7 15’ I7 .70 2/ 2.2 .75
,74 25 2 6 2 7 28 29 3 o
. 12:30 Hadussah Book
Helen Levy's
8 pm CKJA Bd. Mtng.
3/ August I 2 3 ’7/ 5
8 pm 'I'AI Board Mtng.
(17.5 Board Mtng.
T 7 g 7 m // /.7 /3
/‘/ /5' w / 7 / 8 x7 20
Ted Unrudvtxky
BJI' Mitzvnh
,2/ :20? .23 26/ 25' :24 2 7
(i:n'rlv~l§l iznlwl ‘1
Hnl Mitmuh
8 pm CKJA Ed. Mtng. 0215
i l





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Singles Sun & Fun

ATLANTA JCC BLUE JEANS WEEKEND Aughm 26,27 &28. AppnwflmateerOO
participants from many states join in this weekend of boating, skiing, games,
Shabbat services, Sports, entertainment and kosher meals at the Community
Center's camp in the mountains of north Georgia. Cost will be around $100 per
person, and there will be a discount for registration before July 26th. For
more information, please contact Patsy Goldberg at the Atlanta JCC,

1745 Peachtree Road, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30309.

Join Jewish Singles from N.C., VA., MD. and D.C. at the
Grand Cavelier Hotel on Virginia Beach. Cost is $115
per person which includes Friday night dinner, Oneg
Shabbat, Saturday night dance, Sunday brunch, tennis
tourt, indoor pool, outdoor pool, taxes & gratitudes,
Sabbath services. Deadline for registration is July 1.
For reservations call Temple Israel, Norfolk at