xt722805196p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt722805196p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-09-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 2003 2003 2003-09-22 2020 true xt722805196p section xt722805196p COOL CATS NET SEVEN GOALSJN WIN AGAINST UT | PAGE 3


Seper 22, 2003 Celebrating 32 years of independence

Otis A. Singletary

By Rebecca Neal


Students having trouhle pax
mu their tuition din in); the lliTiis
and loans- ot'ten tound their war
Into the ot'l‘iee of then l’i‘eslilent
(his Arnold Singletari.

instead of being kieked out
ol' sehool for not paying: their
hills. some students t'ound them
selves getting a eheek or heinu
handed rash l'rom Singletar} ‘s
wallet to make ends meet

”He'd loan them some eash
t'rom his poeket and tell them to
pay him hark when they got the
money." said Jack Blanton. a re-
tired vice president for adminis
lration who worked with Single-

“It happened a lot I saw it
myself. That was the kind of. per-
son he was. He‘d do anything for
the students."

Otis Singletary died Satur
day after a long: battle with
prostate eaneer.

Singletary served as l‘K‘s
eighth president from 1969 to
1987. He took office on Aug. l8.

His first months at UK were


Quotes from Singletary
over the years about
life, presidency and UK
studentsl 6

Singletary's legacy
with UK athletics,
including racially
integrating teams I 4

The Singletary
Scholars and why they
share Singletary's
name I 4

Singletary's hand in
making the Kernel
newspaper I 4

Fun and playfulness return to UK football I an:
Book examines drug lord, trafficking i an 6

NW” _
The Student Newspaper at the Umversrty of Kentucky, Lexungton

4 ‘\


OF YEAR i men

beat HooSielS,

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — UK defensive coordi-
fenseAge aii nd' yards'rushing as carried

1‘ owing 139 on
to the IndianaHoosiers inthefirsthalf 83mm
113mm gton, Archer challenged his delbuse's man-

That challenge worked as Indiana mustered 8
totalyardsof offense onnineplavsinthethlrd
quarter. paving the way for UK's 34-17 victoryover

um. .


' ‘ly challenged (the defense) at halftime,” Archer

said. “Ijusttold them thatwewere goingtolineup
Isaidnéefigomgtofindtgummm _‘
to stan ere against e game; ., ‘ - '

In what UK (2-2, 0-1 Southeastern COW)
head coach Rich Brooks touted as a “must win”
game, UK’s defense continued its immt de-
spite allowing 449 yards of offense to

“Defense to me is about points, and they pt 17."
Brooks said. “But I thought our defense M
out of the end zone for the most part “and
thatpartofitverywell." -

Brooks was equally pleased with the m at
quarterback Jared Lorean and his m Loren-



Classifieds .
mum-mi | MW


nan-nu. Wheel:




Steve Ivey
Sportsoaily Miter

hone: 251-1915 I “Wynn-alum


2 immnm I mm

Cats get first loss of year
in home invitational finals

Butler Bulldogs end men's soccer team's winning streak;
loss comes after tie with Central Florida on Friday


CMYIIIm Ill!!!

The UK men‘s soccer
team came into Sunday’s
game riding a wave of con-
fidence garnered after go-
ing unbeaten in its first
five games. But after losing
10 to the Butler Bulldogs
on Sunday afternoon, the
team knows it still has
much to work on.

“There's always some-
thing to learn." said sopho—
more forward Nick Aguilar.
“We Eve to bring it to
them every time down the

In a hard fought game
with several fouls, includ-
ing five yellow cards and a
scuffle with three seconds
left in regulation, UK domi-
nated control of the ball.
keeping it on Butler‘s side
of the field for much of the
game. But the Cats were
unable to capitalize, nar-
rowly missing on several
scoring opportunities.

The two teams played
more physical as the game
went on. The lone goal
came from Bulldog mid-
fielder John Mariscalco as
he scored off an assist
from Butler forward Scott
Olson 13:29 into the game.

“I had a tough edge on
the defender," Mariscalco
said. “I felt more relieved
than anything because I
hadn't scored in two

The Cats had a few
chances to tie before the
half was over. playing
more aggressively as the

half went on. With one
minute left in the first half.
sophomore defender Adam
Walker missed a free kick
against a six-man Butler
wall, going wide.

Then. with ten seconds
remaining in the half, ju-
nior midfielder Jamal
Shteiwi got a clean look at
the goal but missed high.
In the jump ball that fol-
lowed, Butler goalkeeper
Evan Reinhardt jumped
through a crowd of UK
players and snatched the
ball to end the half.

The Cats allowed one
shot on goal during the sec-
ond half on defense, and
they kept possession of the
ball for most of the half.
UK shot nine corner kicks.
including four in the final
four minutes of play.

The Cats had another
close scoring call late in
the second half. With seven
minutes left to play.
Aguilar beat a Butler de-
fender to nearly tie the
game. but missed wide

In the final and per-
haps most pivotal play of
the game for UK. junior
forward Jonathan Brunet
aimed a corner kick into a
mass of players from both
teams with ten seconds left
in regulation. After the ball
bounced among numerous
players. both UK's Aguilar
and Butler‘s Reinhardt
seemed to meet for the ball
simultaneously, both going

In the skirmish that
followed, the referees blew

mm | munsrm

Butler's goal. Butler beat till 1-0, the Cats first less this year.

the play dead and separat-
ed the two teams. ending a
scoreless game for UK and
a win for Butler (3-2-1).

“Being down 1-0 you
have to challenge the other
team." Aguilar said. “It
should have been even odds
to get the ball, but I guess
the ref didn’t see it that

UK (4-1-1) next takes on

the University of Washing-
ton (3-0~1) in the Husky
Classic. Aguilar said he
hopes the Cats don't let this
loss ruin their season.

“It’s tough to lose when
you‘re undefeated. but it‘s
definitely not over,"
Aguilar said. “There are a
lot of games left.”

Email kerneKélukyedu



I-Z Ill NM.
at Loho Classic

Coming off a loss to Virginia
in the championship of UK‘s
home invitational. the Cats
rebounded against New
Mexico on Friday night. UK
swept the Lobos 30 (30-21, 30-
27. 30-17).

Senior middle blocker
Sissy Canfield had 13 kills
on .500 hitting. Senior out-
side hitter Liz McCaslin had
12 stoppers and nine digs
while freshman outside hit-
ter Melissa Popp added five
digs and 11 kills, five of
those coming in the final

The Cats were unable to
begin another winning
streak Saturday. UK fell to
Sacramento State 3-1 (30-32.
3020, 30-22. 30-17) in its first
game Saturday.

For UK, McCaslin had 15
kills and 12 digs. both team
highs. Spinner added 12 digs
for the Cats.

Later Saturday, UK took
a 30 loss to Ohio University
(3024, 30-20, 3025). Popp had
her third double-double of
the season with 11 kills and
10 digs. In blocking. Ohio
totaled seven stoppers to
UK’s one.

UK (8-4) will open
Southeastern Conference
play at Arkansas at 8 pm.

Women's soccer teens two games
ogdnst Arizona schools

TUSCON. Ariz. —~ The
UK women's soccer team
lost to the University of
Arizona 1-0 Friday night.

The Cats failed to score
for the first time this season.
Arizona controlled the ball
in the opening minutes and
capitalized with a goal in the
eighth minute.

UK‘s best scoring oppor-
tunity came in the 34th
minute. Sophomore forward
Courtney McCrudden inter-
cepted a goal kick and

passed to senior forward
Elizabeth Ramsey. Ramsey's
shot dribbled wide to the
right of the goal.

Sunday. the Cats fell 40
to No. 18 Arizona State
University ASU scored
three times in the first half.
their first goal coming in the
sixth minute.

UKbegins SEC play at
Vanderbilt at 6:30 pm.

Cross Country places seven

The UK cross country team
had seven topten finishers
at the Western Kentucky
University Oldtimer’s

For the men. senior
Thomas Morgan finished
first in the five-mile run
with a time of 24:51.32.
Freshman John Richardson
finished ninth.

For the women, senior
Brooke Patterson led the
Cats and finished second
overall with a 6K run time of
22:26.08. Sophomores Leah
Kerstetter and Allison
Grace. junior Candace Leep
and freshman Emily King
followed for UK.

The Cats next compete
at the Louisville Invita-
tional Oct. 4.

Tennis teams advance to finals

UK women's tennis dou-
bles partners Aibika
Kalsarieva and Sarah
Foster advanced to the
finals in the gold bracket at
the HEB Baylor Fall
Invitational in Waco. Tex.

Aibika also advanced in
the singles bracket to face
top-seeded Dianna Hollands
of Arizona.

For the men, Tigran
Martirosyan advanced to
the ranked bracket competi-
tion at UK’s Moore
Invitational in Lexington.
Nathaniel Emge beat Paco
Antelo of the University of
South Florida.



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09|22|03 - OB|28|O3




9 I 22

Men's Golf @ Mason Rudolph Championship
Sept. 22-23, Nashville. TN.



ll Taste oi the Greeks @ 4:00

“(WWW In Sororltv elrole

Men’s Soccer @ Huskie Classic vs.

FRIDAY Washington 10:00 PM

- mm

Women's Soccer @ Vanderbilt 7:00 PM
Volleyball @ Arkansas 8:00 PM

‘ tween?

Women's Golf @ Mason Rudolph
Championship Sept. 26-28. Nashville, TN.


TIIIIUGI@3:45IH 09'27





09 l 28

Men's Soccer @ Huskie Classic vs. Portland
2:00 PM


Volleyball @ LSU 3:00 PM

Manchester center @ 3:30-5:30


UK thanks Its Corporate Partners:
.ni -. Papa John‘s Pizza. Kroger. Alltel. Gatorade, Nike. Delta
Airlines, Fifth Thlrd Bank, Peps: Cola
and Southern Belle Dairy














Post-game celebration signals return of

TON, Ind. — Four
weeks into the sea-
son, UK is finally
having some fun.

In a nearly de-
serted Memorial
Stadium, the Cats
clowned around and
acted like kids.
Players laughed and
coaches smiled. The
remaining fans in
blue roared their approval.

Football was fun again.

It was the first time
since last season that UK’s
football team looked like it
was having a good time.

The Louisville game
wasn't fun for anyone. and
the Murray State game was a

The trip to Alabama saw


improvement for the
Cats. but as UK head
coach Rich Brooks
said, “losing sucks."
Against Indiana,
UK showed signs of
life. But it was the
Cats' impromptu
post-game celebra~
tion that really
brought back the fun.
Last season. the
Cats delivered a sur-
prising 7-5 record. Each game
was an exciting experience as
the Cats continued to stun
fans with their solid play.
Even the losses were wild
rides. like that Florida game
in the Swamp. And even that
LSU game was fun, right up
to that part never mind.
The Cats gave us more
than we ever expected, and

we loved it.

This season. the Cats
face higher expectations and
greater obstacles.

Gone is Artose Pinner,
the Southeastern Confer-
ence’s leading rusher in 2002.
Gone too is Glenn Pakulak,
the team's All-American
punter. And most importantly,
the Cat lost their biggest and
loudest cheerleader. former
head coach Guy Morriss

Brooks immediately
faced expectations of success
for the Cats

After last season's Cin-
derella run. Cat fans were
hungry for a bowl game.
Anything short of that
would disappoint many
backers of the Blue.

The Cats have not lived
up to expectations so far. and

some fans are grumbling.
Everyone seems so obsessed
with reaching a bowl that
routine wins aren't enough.

Somewhere along the
way, the fun was lost. It is
time for everyone to start en-
joying the game again.

The football season has
only 12 games, eight of
which remain. That means
only eight more times to
watch Jared Lorenzen
launch rockets with that can-
non of an arm. Eight more
times to watch Derek Abney
jet up and down the field
making kick coverage teams
look foolish.

Saturday night, former
UK president Otis Singletary
passed away. No one was a
bigger fan than Singletary
He oversaw the tremendous

alarm-asst. l MONDAY. smeiémazooa I a.



I m
2 M
growth of UK athletics. and 3 W“ Cal
he was a fixture at athletic 4W9”
events. 5 WWI W -
He wanted the Cats to 6 m M 2
win, but he still loved every 7 Tennessee :
minute even if they did not. 3 W State
Afier each football game. 9 love
he made it a point to shake ”W —
every UK player’s hand, a it 5w I
sign of his pride in their ac~ ‘2 m :
complishments, win or lose. ‘3 W
Sometimes, we get '4 “"5
caught up in the hype and ‘5 W
the expectations and we for- ‘5 m 5‘"
get that it is just a game. ‘7 W
Maybe we should just en- ‘3 "”3 Christian
joy the moment. enjoy each ‘9 mum
game and have a little fun ”WSW
like the Cats did on the field 2' Wm M
in Bloomington. Singletary 22 Florida
would have loved that mu 3 “W
tine of theirs. 3‘ W
EM [1 25 Purdue



By Ben Roberts

The Cool Cats netted
three third period goals en
route to a 7-5 victory over
Tennessee Saturday night in
front of a standing-room
only crowd at the Lexington
Ice Center:

Forward Joe Obermeier
led the Cats offensively with
two goals and one assist, in-
cluding a score 46 seconds
into the final period that
gave the team the lead for

“(UT’s) goalie made a
good kick save on my first
shot but left the puck right
there for me,” Obermeier
said of the goal. “I took it
and just slammed it home. It
was an easy garbage goal.“

That goal brought the
momentum back to the Cats
after UT scored three goals
in the second period to tie
the contest at 4.

Cool Cats head coach
Mike Sosnowski said he was
proud of the way his players
didn‘t get down after the dis-
appointing second period
and came out of the locker
room ready to play.

“We played five good pe-
riods out of six this week-
end, which I was very happy
with." Sosnowski said.
“Every hockey team has a
bad period and we‘re no dif-
ferent. I wasn‘t surprised at
all at the way they fought
back. We’ve got a good group
of kids."

The players said they
were also pleased the other
team refused to stay down.

“Teams have a couple of
bad periods here and there.
but we didn’t let it get us
down," said forward Alex


Cool Cats sweep Vols for 2-0 start



Check this out

cunts narrows I KERNELSTAFF

Cool Cats delensemen Dustin Hamilton and Colin lloss (right) not a check on IiT's Dale Sebarltolz Sat-
urday night in llli’s win. UK beat the Vols Friday as well to begin the season 2-0 under a new coach.

Poulos. “We came out of the
intermission ready to play
our game and we won playing
our game. That just shows
how much effort we made and
how focused everyone
stay .
In addition to Ober-
meier, Poulos, forwards Josh
McConnell, John Royalty.
Justin Smither and defense-
man Mark Rykovich scored
for UK. Forward J.S. Gagnon
added two assists.

The win gave UK a week-
end series sweep over the
Volunteers. ushering in the
team's new coaching staff

with a 2-0 record. The play-
ers spoke after the game of
the importance of starting
the season on a high note
and gave much of the credit
to the new coaching staff.

boost for our team." Poulos
said. “Team morale is on the
rise and it has been ever
since the new coaches came.
We‘re really excited to be
playing for them this year."

change between this year
and last because of the
coaches. They're not playing

“Two wins is a great

McConnell added.

is a 100 percent

favorites, and they’re giving
everyone good ice time."

The next game for the

Cool Cats is against Eastern
Kentucky. The Cats have beat-
en the Eastern Colonels the
1ast two seasons. That doesn’t
mean they‘ll be looking past
them when they skate into
Lexington this weekend.

“We're going into every

game like we‘re playing the
Montreal Canadians." Sos-
nowski said. “We're going to
be as prepared for EKU as
any other team."
