xt722805173t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt722805173t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-04-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1983 1983 1983-04-27 2020 true xt722805173t section xt722805173t %
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gag atlo . . for at Rj I 0V 0 WM y "‘0 C ’Irs (Os
fin he'ed b "for this "SK. Warned ..EduCatio Ski The s ,_ so. L°""g.o h°m msolloloo p0. °”'h0r
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meta] aCt ”Ca has 15- Uni h‘man ardn uat- a fOr . 5! Ce 8' K tenur rom 0n I UCk
m ., o c Ver‘ a er l0n . 81 ude nd, emu _ e, the _ a ‘ _ y
“mugmmgmmm zygmuaiwnthgm m-pzizgematneuagsgg ”W“ be, - c "
r . en ~ ' » r ~ Was m ng . 1 ' ad- ns. ee y - mine'd We be-
l‘epon reactions “‘5 sump sa"ma. men: e90" d quoted e 1n angua v > A“ e' of the duem '1‘ tom ‘hg
Am . Card . were “’81 preparedna] det - °°ume as c""‘inui element 8" stud eFSIties 'Eht sta reCom phng he u , eUni .aWOm ~
eTICan QVen based 0. Work e55 ermratio nhed H COme . ng [mm ary sc y begi em"8 haVe m te-5up menda- tee 0n mvel‘sit ' Vers"y at‘CaI]
miewwmtwn Wm? "2:; mm mm "b012, mi - s‘éiz’a‘emanitztwem as; “mg“ ‘05-‘32?! §$2dar£dmiss$n§ezatvs cc,“ y Ymchard
Exc 1' Nat‘ colleg'e r0m f‘ 9 00m ' to m "Car for fOr CO] "Ger am" 81' [an as be_ . ate b issiOn “(13rdS lghL icmuxfi which nd A- miL . Brow 3 appoi
enenc ' Iona] . by th lrst followi mlssio e ChiCa lOn"- legeSa ISSj guage, "S Ma y the B S th ' _ « LK“ {Orei . djd {Ormul Lademi bOn n 1n 1% "led b
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txon T849131 by Se‘fatmn ap10n On 1one“ SYSt $1885 in Ammehded “:3, planning mar reQuir rsmw dards E du addltiOn thg. Trustee; ng Plet‘ lthough "g; of COm Ire either e (“Ckyed highéee that lr a blue Ohn
The e H-Be l"eta!" Pointed ° An - : eI‘icav e erS ar teach emem ’ 1 Cation ‘ e co “ a! ‘0“ ofa 'd r puter l' a {r . ’agreedr ed _ exten 7nb
Ass . I], y of Ed 50h merea . S ed ~ t e be' . “T S for ege .has until Robe fOrej ecomm "era_ 1nd)“ w‘ “Catlo . Slve]
commissionez‘agsg press rennin me “ Siam? gawmrglany 3:2? :mmwum“:: 3“:ger «fugue mm- 2": $5038! was:
. himous Said th sevenho Ours 8’" from th of a Trib and c grad m. the b0 _ - ”bed se ems, and r 3“ rem" rot 00mm. said las ' chair c °°' c year andger SCh ssmn-s
> 1 ‘ 7 (X)0- e “TS 200 130 da the c a une qu Ollege uatmg . t. Is Part tof Co UK‘ College IonSf em on 1 high: of that Stren urrmul a St 00] da
-" - ‘ “’Ord ' “Fa ‘ tom VS a “r- "d. “ed th Studen high por of th ”sen 5 Own ‘ he or 3 st the he W0 H gthehth "m 3r mnger m y
r m da yea,- . er t5." ‘C . e . 0r ' 2 pr -, read r0" rec ”1d edi e - e h
r”- > hmlstudefir: mmewOfia year. to myfifher Perf epOrt as Sayiége Bu: UK Selectwe aszl’hcanL C 1er Cghfafpofer Curricfflfinhenda. gsSertiofgrneedqfigy of gflary gt:
. “-4.1: , z " ‘ ‘ o ; ’ 1&‘ h '9 ' ' e .
' ”W f°r high I)” ed“era:ga‘Chex-s‘rfg‘mCe-baSe d 3:? {me rescOClm'icmum . mm ”81:: and air' main Cam um” Jim‘s “51:29 {’“bli‘éeg' Whig“.
‘.L 3 mm “2....“ ‘w_»m‘ ' ‘ -» -, said 10"8. Th lvate n- yea to applica y the c ere ppliCam um r gr of Some atioh f mems Report.“
g. m um um “MN.“ ‘*"'.m , ->:§\-., -. aCk e COm Poorer rs 0f haVe nts W 0m. port and 5. 31% equlrem 3 Am ‘ 0f "1 unde Co‘lld
.-‘ « W ‘ N of . mlss' math Engl' Com Ould be Fr COLL] d -0 had em erlc e fa g by Shore
: _ W W - .2. , lmmov lon a ‘ and: 15h t Pieted pr. ankfor no: not rea Wh 3“ tax °WCe ' ‘ap ‘
z --_mw_._.____.__.___._________________' ‘ em "d - W0 ‘ hree , f0 ICh ‘ Com d '3" th 5 p‘“
' > “2,2,6”. ‘ W" "”wwvm .‘Q’x ent meetfifclal Stufiars each (5.9313 [(1): agreeaig Saldalgsotrne-V Ed nilent‘ tax Cut “’eacmeglayzesrs Slfiigned b5
i ( "‘ ‘ " My  """ ” ”‘W' Na ' g the mg“ in adn-Sc‘enw menda ”h the c mght hnhrd F u'I'hélt'ssmsthuted perCEnt 1981.
j . ' .,.. : u.‘ Y.“ .S -~ , ... ~ 'M.‘m.,mm . ». _‘ lnlmUm addlnon ‘0 were fIOns‘ althommjsslo‘h'tended t6 Prichard a childj' federal
? {a ' ‘ § ‘ 11'," ‘. ” v K ,. ' ‘W‘ I. “3“ m‘SSio . ”the -not all “ugh he 5 r9C0 Went [ said. .Sh st
-" ”’3" ~ » ~22 2mm w v . “5 res that Stated m‘ Sta 0 tax noun. atem
‘ " 1" ' \ ~- ‘2- ' “-2.“ ' “MM peome not a . "0\'e1'~ the. ‘6 .. Payer 5 the em?
w I «‘3, .,-— ‘93 ‘ ””th W - , 8 rd Offor Va 10‘ of rnmem Xes hk don" h . the
\M.“" . .. m. -m , ,Ve .. th does .. 6 Yb ax
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$3 V f» ‘ . ., , .. . f .z. '3‘ >7 . . > tCS are cplalned adgpv.
‘ I“! (2?“ " he at to
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‘ : g: , 8 ."_ «r ‘_ . ,th h exam re
«r ,2» , —-—,,——3’£9 r Ptia
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I, ! E ’ ' ~ » ; § ,  ‘-»« “2—— seniOFS 05m“ r U
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_ ’1, r: k w ' W3 - *» *' ‘ 2 , 7 mer health es
. ., 3.. \» a; v pofleénvegtig 2 7V 1 77 _ “I32: tile eiéégtley do”!
- -- g w “‘2 5} ‘ (a ’V . at. . if" ‘ ‘2-2,‘ C I t
’ ,‘ K " 3 ,. V V HCR” ‘ ' érnm b." the “e Comm. health Han, ‘fhns 31’6"? anyone
.M. ' ~ ah KTAGE . ‘mo 52} ASSOC-£38184 Stuéttefi‘ ap. 0f the Ceare sentjce chancgfia‘d
. V 1’ 13 :- : a.“ w‘ . «M ‘ ._ - appeal ‘ achiti {On senat 9th G0“ tee_ sa_ XBmptiO Ces and Or {Or
‘ L7 5 4‘ u ‘ . ik‘g“ ‘ LQU 1 fl ' $1 Stuge:?mmitf; (if the 2:221] 100k Fempt Ldvht: was Znippealsczglrman
; 4 ‘3 : .- g ‘1 2 is .»- . 6 Is Fnda health f0r the ma ption informaiio e commfiNare of 3mm”-
. i 3 .41“ .- § ~ g -‘ u w ,. . . ‘ Phi} T? | 99 at a mndato. ‘I hav9 ”from Scmee to w n." arr
2.. ‘ 357“? L"?! . u. . ‘ 3, - K , senamr qdb'lor' A” eeung Opr mermno ”Obie; Ithhold
. . _, . ~ _ . r g .52 r : ‘ 2 ’ ” = “Ramp ‘ “d a mm“ and S 2 “dual ~ ahOn k makm
“‘ - = ,. 3*” ‘ -:- :7‘ “ . . mm“. ,0"""“mmwb°r or m ClFences dent {go .he said 9.0““ to f 3’1“ 01
. . ; ° ’ 1‘; A my.” ‘. -.‘ 1: ’ ...... _ ) $1 I; “0 did!) trmed “3‘“. "Ind [he mVes. me mf0;ernrneni .1 guess 3:: lnd].
' ’al \ ‘ - § {5? ’ ”W ‘2; ‘ ‘ for Pxe km)“ f dus“ "f 6 Com. hadbe matmn Just did” 9 5tu<
‘ r“ ..\ m .5. 4‘ '9 .W. 3 Ta mPhOnt ’ ”We ”5' 0f ‘ Th e"formed that th ‘ ha
“ V ‘ ' «.4 2w; , h. "W 2‘ ~ dPP‘BaI ~“'35a boa” b‘ 9 ap andh 9 COm "9
1 21,9“ F 2‘ ‘ '2~—.._‘ dye 50m. 31d H w 5 3rd .V an act'peals C0 ad met “mlttee
An ‘ 19>" ’ - datorv f 9 exam '35 imp0 885‘ has 10“ 0f m'nmi“e€ .
. UnUsu . h w ,2 , . reCe v. (‘9 beer Ptxonb t rtant sald had 8 Boa - fornltfd
875 0| 5. . 1 "9 0: “Se -- 0 Lh to The tw0 rd Of
w E M . 9h? 5‘ ShOuldn. he!“ h , man , 9 man aCCOrdj pUrpo meg Trus
am 5 ands. Sa t h , ec‘lth . .‘ stUd ' T,- "g t 59 0f[ ‘1th 1‘
tree? m “’0 m9 Se axe to (Overa enls ustee .0 a di he (.0 - _Hall
> ‘— n' erc .. pay . g6 he 5~ 1: rec . mm
‘ ‘ 0 'Or Of Her. 00d TaVlm 0 ~ [W199 Thev althCa ~ 10 .. “‘6 {r ”[863
'~ ge f“Scam-""99 Am- k ' the“; 19‘ 53“ he for ‘he whether re progra ev‘1”uateom the;
~ ”e °f 'que G n' "f: mineek an eXem .has to Compreh the-" p ms '0 d other
. x 0 kn. Ol'er- ' [i '. but ptlon Und I ens'b rOV'lde eterm
_ lgh'u Ies 0n 0n he 0 up that f [h 1 leh Co lne
v m - 5 armor' Zen M ‘ "m” a” E?! n39?“ c0m. a palm‘3 mmmitteal‘h benewarable
‘ M B ' ‘ the °|°ney on me" We ask mforma the cr-cular heaee determns ”
~ M ' ' ‘ ’ .. ”we. say; .0" emplo ‘-°-v. r0“fidi-S- before 0d {Or inf ‘ mandgigna {0’ elih prograiges tha‘
f . _ M I ‘ < . I"”05 hcnéee Who ""°°S: Want 1‘0th Sam “3,9 got tfigmatlon ”0%de fee. itemptwn fr meets
, . - made- “V05 m . " Tax-1 eep‘hk Thev runa- regum b." wh‘ shOuld 0m ‘he
_ h ‘m W . InM , Own 1 ~ 0T 53‘ ‘Unde ' Seemed ac ex . lCh estab
- . m exlco 9 the . ers to Lh ld hls ‘ r“’1‘ap~ .. to _ COrdin Captlcm studen llsh
) ’ fl , a ‘ p'ece in 4 “on CO e merfigeolnnnneeb .AnVOn g t0 the S fFor“ {S "13‘-
m H ' M V ' - 7 ' p ”5 [CV ' M S'de day's mmit‘e‘é i r5 of th 58'" 19!. will.be 8 “1th comgoard‘s dtjhe fPé
‘ mum “We. ' 9"“! M -— flip 50’“ 'meeti" . Pming the exém Hall exempt Param rectn- '
_ ' _ . 9; 5“ Gang“. 2. w em p~ 581d from e co, 9
' a ‘ Horny Om ‘ ' t”htmwkc ”iv“ “to ”It .' ‘ersp e “V3 to Fm. ”Th ' the h ‘era
. W » . W of V “(m hes - nt [0 ha 6 me eahh g6
”\ of C M ”C .xW h)" 3|) 5W9.” 5.0,. . r ‘Prsm. U I do any 81d know Ve no mbers Of fee-v
”u’od . 5" of m ”n W '0 99°" Prn- G°°r ‘ ) haw ‘ gmd { cam' persOn the
up WI 0““ "‘0' W b. V089“: "kn 9. exem ‘ or m ' t‘ Jug 8) mt (‘omm
‘flfl'd ” be m 01 H ° crud ' Ho - ”mm 9 Ln1~ “'95 "h °“‘ th ”at ”tee
‘ s: W Wm M "m °' an ‘no ’ '°r ’"' S " {mm T ‘ '3“de e B ex“ ‘ '
can. . on! * mign ”Mum?" wh‘" ' the afi'lor - - oard‘s p "1
9"" new?” h. m'mbYImnmfimm tom'flkfl "”9. fr | a? *0 99' as m 8a 531d. how? direc-
WM '1 W WW» ‘ m m mm “to." J: ay r ys sg‘l’e'r‘iihat {our r
a. m . ‘ - «m - 9 ex °
‘ ' Hg‘wno 'm' M POW ‘3 M W ""9 WM shu _—_—s—ll l a '°°994
i W Y thou n. w ‘ ". who "uh "I
, q” "“hro‘hd‘ Mu. ‘udm ' Pflor "In”. 'thmwo. the“ ,” Pflm. Min- By 5C0 I n p o n
wwszgmm.m '...¢.««'....,. 'wmmnrr' " mo I0
i to I _ Y 0 MI M i. u ' or ————— {Wm re . y
mz~n~mem mmmm. n, 9’ all"
_ , 2» 1 s .
3 9mm"! florid. u Frank M. m ‘ '"ms' h. N “Arm: 21"“9 with tahere: ngersny ‘ , gne “iii‘ufiee‘anf? angered res
function "'ooud homo “0"“ WI m ”in? on were ex “Mk door § Policy UK‘s "'1 5“hate-“ Pents 5h0u1 fOre {i as being .‘hat ..
i "N M "I. “d ' “lam ”moi 'oovi “WV. ”'0" mu m" m0r 135‘ F ake'Up ‘ lnterpr '“Ckhet dn" be "als- “111 we" ""cent .
i Wanda.“ m do. “M: W mod" 50?; Mind. 'lrog| ha, ”g. cheniissttudentgprtpary “flfiammatu; 398mm“; said .«wgltrli’rised a? Stu. :asjjoclatjogg‘ Student
2 " i m ! mu W on a ho. a ry aih - res "ould of 0d all.“ ' t ad Go.
: 7 2 'dhhnll? “Jim. .mflm a k .1 '9 Prom:m°" can": Cfigg-ding igurses 31inmtr0duli‘lttom senate?" the :2: semgtim at the ter-Iprergaerpl'esemmr‘rfe Schoofzrnment
1' - , worm "" " "'"h‘o lode?" rob“: Whor' UnJS‘h'proresw‘mam ‘sr: Vearr‘v Ch-“ark’ i‘fpretaiiquenmrofwhat tX""°ped 59¥h5h°ulda§°‘up exZfi'Or.
: ~--.. W_ , . n er th SOr, UCRn - 6m ‘ 2 1th n “ ‘ lh epar ‘ ef eve In. ‘
= m a- M. °' flu, a“(1.3M *3 Sena en ,n ‘Mn~1_~ a f 9 Se tmen acuh, r ha,
*2. . . -. . . 0, res _ t _\ \e
“I.“ ‘ ""‘w—A - i Sood H " l’l'Ilakau r‘mEmS ale 5 ‘mer reg Procedur‘ belle-Veqhman [a _ tesnates [m are all aand Chem- d9.
W! ”-”n od’ gm"‘atp exams {re requurféhahon man}. dOn't ‘e ‘5 un{ the new kmg is:t ”‘ij firp’etanoga‘m n '5‘?"
"4 a. For eexcuse 0r Stude In 21v; Ink “'9 ‘lke u .‘ {up HY test 1'." Stua ‘ "eh 33'” of n "he
”40:." 860 - AW -2 ' \ i"hi'r'prlo yea“ 57 m “'“h I; f‘xam " ”ugh! to b}. SmIth saeah. I 33'“ it drems are ‘d "Thelake-up
V W“ “Mon h xv." ~ ',~' 5 mem heamtmn- $10!. ‘0 the P h n 5mm} 3k able to drld “I ng'ersmngpped as :Sams‘ ”Cher”
; m, CI" m mm” m. \, 335% lowed d no 9 Chem ‘ 9mm ' lake“ 4) 531d h 0p an n they why a 811 SO and
“not...“ b. ' H by a old to ' "' ~ " 5: ' 2”” durin Student?ake'"p Iii” d"Parr: mm" germ“ 3r: do“ not be t Ye" “gamed " n aCCOmthdg"""
‘ u "M“ "'00. fl Sol. :6, ' 35 ' - therg the se. to dro ‘ts hut - . («w’mmnn b‘ggest fa” “l he"? ‘0 preven SGA fa' “0"
“Wm! I. ~ 0 pond‘ ~~ Sfi . \ - __ easo "1951 p "“0 al‘ ‘3 “*8 -~ Pr r9 "her t passa ”9d -
‘ AW m M M > g 3 ‘Q . Si n, Plu Pr. r9 PM) If that m_ h Oblem anv preta . g In I“ .
,, The 7.5 ”Buy. ’0 "I“, pk. _, 9d :00? the intgknmSiildgardless {I} “m" \‘nua mmmoe sa'd "1ls - We get its acttlon' ”SSAof the: settemp‘
mm ' W '° 2 and “1‘. the ’Pretat..,' "0' hm T paw “ exam ‘ 'sn't 3“ beca “meme -. 51mm; “‘"e‘s
C' on '7 M NO “m‘* ~ 0the Chem " “a: 013‘ ~ (““0 ular t ‘5 81- beIn "‘9 - 'r~ Y ‘ d’dn‘
W our...” W ‘ . 38th andr dt’r>art,:tr-V depénhand‘ 55 red the mafiacher n29" figplaYed “fi‘hcal Eh sand - 11
h a... "M mm ”mm o. 105- Farm ' sci: S‘udjxféoun“nz§nct;' '"vlurgffi" , , Prxal m mi. 5‘3‘e"ceshsxzm‘be”?“veg-mes er;
0' .u m2 ""m M In “My giv ' the ‘0 dro . n n“ lon g en"erg vnator. 8' SGA
m ’0' ‘ M! 'm ”" "'0 and es 3 “ Chem p d" 9* 2" 53“ the msagr Ar“
V - , Q w ‘. - ”'0' ”fl fOre ~ min.. ‘3’)“ dm In In: e"d ‘ 5‘
W ' m fl m m M fln3] final - depa erpr Freud
« 1 ' 3* ‘ q .‘ m M an Mum M ”Bet exams Ono . r'"K‘nt s etanon '
i Q m ‘ « ~ , . V . .0 m th ore. “(wk 99 IX. “as
A. _ __ ~ . .v' -m w n W . m TOW a StUdent ‘ he 2’ M, p0
>" ‘-‘ ‘ ‘5‘ ., “ W M w“ I u w. :31: hay? mzaid nxowlowcs‘ if“ to " Q‘Mgfi /
, . " _ h: xiT‘f ,. 6*“ 'm u 8i: (“par-Wt 0pm," .. "3:19) "'01:: 2 — 9| - .
,, an ‘1‘; I . ‘ ~ “ m . H:a(lk;commo:1-ls n0“_ :gknp" Singd' ‘ .—
‘ _ *2; '1!" 10-. "'h - a tom. “rm make“ "Wm M ; f -
. .' , m w. new“ the S" Dewam . - .—
, , . w SFudems for ha! 9mm" ‘ I / w,
. ‘. tlms re‘; "9 said‘nnlng chi“ "u” / WI/ / /// --——-
,, ., comp. . Q. m... /2/ 0/, 2,; “w
mtima‘nt has tomOSQ llSual (‘VaIUa‘ c c I/%
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0"e-"Pluqtna "ice if: “mt" (film. .r ’\x\\~\- ’ a \
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smug“... Audio-W madam" mam run-m Untitled... J.D.VIM mum.“ I §
(than IV(hII' Ncwitduor Ari-Editor spoiiildim sp.t.uieii».omliim.i Photoldito' Graphiutduo. i:
P E RSUASION JIMOI Idwln Moul- I-rbou "In ““0. emu. Wldooov Jr. Don Mutual loom. Mllllon “av-afloat: Chris Am J .
Miinoginqtmiui til-totioIN-wv AuiuomAm room Al‘i‘lOfl'SDOV'il’dtlo' Spe'iloll'vulttts Asuflultl (hi-trhoiogiophm i on, tut . t i ‘
.7 , . __. __——-—-————-—~—-——————————————— .
- . I I I
COMMISSION S p an we come . r ,
in wasteland of education
The Prichard Committee‘s eye-opening administration. however. has been no friend . '
1981 report on the future of higher education to requests for increased education funds. .. ,
iii Kentucky finally has a national comple- Unexpected though it may be. the report 15/95 F, _
ment. and from a most unexpected source. being welcomed by school and univerSity ad- ,u 5‘ 1. 4‘5!
Yesterday. the 18-member National Com- ministrators throughout the United States. a 0 7 .
mission on Excellence in Education released who. along with state bodies like the Pri- //’/ j a -\\ . ”fl
ti report that echoes the Prichard panel's chard Committee. have been decrying the 1 ‘ /{ . ’ .. o , 1,133.), ‘1 ,f . / .
. . . . . ’.i'.,,. ' r _,, > ,, .
recommendations in a number of ways. It condition of education for more than a de- out“, 7;; 353'! 7:1,. .ti' fr/y
calls for a rigid curriculum for college-bound cade. . . ‘ - In.» NH 5 , ~ , A; 35/)“ ”if!
students. emphasizes the need for computer It is particularly enlightening to find that // HIM;iii/zigzmig ., . , . . . 6 17/}; 5/
education. pushes for higher admissions the committee approached the need for bet- / ,3;:.,y,y/’ff// M , ,' ,4 , l< \ / ///,/, \y .
standards for colleges and universities and ter education from an almost tactical stand~ “($1 _ f 07; // .. ,. _ «F 7 , l i 3...??? l ‘
asks tougher requirements for teachers and point. noting that “we have even squandered 6‘; M; 252.47». 9 .. g ,/ ’ 7,4,; . .
teacher education ~ all parts of the Pri- the gains in student achievement made in ~ ‘9, ,, I fl/fiieftizif’i , , , 5.3.]. l A?‘ .2 .
chard plan the wake of the Sputnik challenge.“ ; $5 - ’ ‘ mfg/wA ‘ ‘,/ /---‘;".. <,/ 1
And it goes farther. recommending longer It perhaps signals a movement on the part _ . , 4 .. . “I. ,. .. -
school days and extended school years. of the administration away from its em- “<43 Iggy/5,5, :4. i 4 t l’i/ 1 l\
It couches its recommendations in the phasis on weapons development and toward ' “I fig/all» ,. ‘ ‘3)“, ’/ » cf
strongest terms. condemning the current mind development. from which the US. edge .: % ,r
state of education in America as “an act of in military technology must flow. ‘ __1, ;;/./
unthinking. unilateral educational disarma- In any case. it is a document to be taken 7 fl , . -,£‘-'.-,/ 5122/7
ment" that threatens our survival. seriously. and a godsend to a nation plagued _ :13- . , ' 7—5. ;-'._ if,
The report is unexpected because the com- by illiteracy and schools thay serve as little _3 : . :37; f y
iiiittee that produced it was appointed by more than government-financed day care Igr -' :. '5; 5,3;