xt722805169s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt722805169s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-02-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1980 1980 1980-02-08 2020 true xt722805169s section xt722805169s e] Unlveraity of Kentucky
VOL LXXII. No' '02 Ker Lexington. Kentucky
Friday. PM"! 8. '9” an Independent atudent newspaper
m m
r , I I I
v - Anti-draft organization
. W
.. I e... . a; I . . .
- v ~ ~ meets elects 4 officers
.«V I ’3‘. (:31 “I“ II . II. I ' I
a a.“ g . . ,. . . I
In... I if?” I , i t ‘ II“ I By JIM ('AGEY opposition to w ar; that might prme to
‘2‘ ‘W . . 7;. . . f W ‘ , i WP, Staff Writer be hefpful to you in the next few
W "q‘ XX”... mgx‘g‘ - I( § " . 3 The old issues were git en new life Anyone who “ants to register as .i
2.. t . . . II “WWW” 3,3 :? é“ .. (f g (( «sI , (g 3,3 hm night as 35 to 40 men and women. conscientious obieeior can fill out and
. , » x e N ’ _ .~ ’1,“ mostly students. met In the Student Sign d card Pmtlds‘d b} ”N ()his‘s‘loh
e I. .. ‘E‘I’Q:,::ZI‘. _IIZIE:§=_:=="III . (if; (‘enter [0 organize a campus group contmittee to declare their belief
. w ‘ I. .; .,;§;_? . -‘- $1 ‘I actiyely' opposed to war and the mil-- before the draft is reinstated After
' '° 1. ' mfg 4.. . K ; __ g itary draft mailing it to the committee. they will
_ . ~ , ‘I e __ ._ w 5:5 I ’ 3 “Our purpose is to brittgtogetherall file it to record the «thiertmn. trump
.. it. “I gise . W5; -§ of; of the disparate and scattered indiyid~ hind Although ll may ’10! hate at“
I”: “i? .. _, . . mm m the campus and community legal bearing.filingtheeat‘dwillestab-
I I ‘ I 2 > ‘I II ‘ I ';I who are opposed to the i’e—institution fi‘“ 3““ il‘JCOHWWHHUMUhls‘s‘lttll fts‘ I
I : I; ”a“ ( Iifs. ‘2 “ I of the draft and registration,"satd .lini ‘Jld .
t w IIIII I'I‘ Pepper. arts 6; seteiices senior and (rump also mentioned the seryiees I
' It ‘7II I‘I‘NNI I .Vt? . ‘I (I interim prcetdcnt of the ne“ Student til the ‘\llli:rlL‘1tfl(‘l\li i IhCiiiL‘\l mitt].
, ,y" ' ad ‘7“; 9 “” oi'gaiti/ation "w inch helped me a lot in NM and
' .. l969.‘ he said. "(uses are indiyidual.
, , In their first official act. the group ( , . -
. .. ‘, tliereiore counseling rriust be tailored
' " chose as their -,tfflL‘lili name the ( om- . ‘ ..
. .4... n I . . I to iiidiytdual circumstances
,..”’ ", . , «r ntiitee Against Registration and the .\ memberofihel “In non “(I vi; .
” ' - . ' m Draft While discussing issues asstt— of friends a local Quabker n'iciiisIt
in \\\l, ( ll\Rl ts Kerneisiarr eiated with the draft. members Oftht: group. Nam! Ihw sitppnriIoi (hc
' For rent: near campus audience signed up “IIImnI‘h‘I organi— Committee and said the Society of I
. ”“0” ”mm?“ "“.‘"”§~ ‘h‘ group i‘rIL‘llds would L'iye financial assist~
While most students create SHOW scqutures during the day. Microbiology working thI'OIllgh the night [0 “I‘m a bet frothis roomates. From IQflIOIriflIhII. 11:22:; ‘iti'inligiil'd(“id‘iiit‘l'PKiZi‘i‘SI 2: ance so the group could CUHL‘L'I tilittl -
junior Joe Giles built his igloo overnight. A resident of the Stadium View JIean (TalreI Pickard.Sarah [)eborId.I.lIay Del-ord and Matthew Del-ordinses- :eii'nces‘ iiiniIor as siee‘president‘ Kelly matron and deyelop .t mm. d rat:
apartments. Giles constructed his building near Commonwealth Stadium. "8‘"? the |8|00 [0' housing Pf’SS'bll'199- DingUs. arts & sciences iuitiorainz'easI- eoIiIiaseling prograIrnI I .. ,
. . , I ,I I .. (I c must cleariy relate the draft to
I I I U'Cr‘ (hm ”LI-238‘ arts & “I‘m“ other social issues."stiid theorgani/a-
“mm m secretary. tion‘s faculty sponsor l ri‘iest tarta-
l e-eye "Uurgroupispredieated on nonyio~ rella. an associate professor in the .
lenecandlegalopposition“iotheeom- Department of Political Science. He _
n a n I e f a‘ wmher mg l .8 Congressional legislation warned the group "not to look at the
BIO/09,63, mncw bUIIdlng mm mm a gene cs [-88 which would requrre college students issue of the draft too narrowly " , . I
andotherdraft-age men and w‘omento "We‘d be failing in our duty here if
, . re ister for the draft. Pct er said. we Idiot ‘allouratten ionto ‘lass
I By TERRY KEYS “The second generation offlieswere house on North Broadway directl) wasI'leoi'gan s itnele.I III (I I [john ('rurnp. a l exiniIztrhn reSIdent minddritiesfthe poor ‘ all ofkwhom I .
. Rep‘m" all red-eyed. whether male or female; behindtheJohn Hunt Morgan House “ hIlc Morgan “M “I om inc (i I: who was acute in organi/ed draft res— have borne the heaiiest easualties iii
but thethird conSisted not onlyof red- His father. Charlton Hunt \lorgan desslopt‘d Ptl‘tls‘lilfi‘l‘ia‘cr‘” ”“51”“ Mm“, m the 1060s told the ~rou the N ..
t‘K students can thank whiteeyed eyed males and females. but also of was a captain in the (Itmfederatc‘ on Dec. 4. l9-15. died front arupiurcd indiyiduals who arcI eligible IIItIsr th: \‘iiharella proposed (”(IIIIIIIIN IN
flies for the name of the Biological white-eyed males. Other mutants Army Anotherlainouslcxingtonian. .‘tr‘ten associated with the stomach draft need information and support. the organization (II it can de‘yeiop a . ‘
‘ . Sciences budding. , appeared. W.“ pink and Vermilion (Ml War mid” John Hunt \lorgan. condition "Draft counseling programs should be public identm; his suggestions
I Thomas Hunt Morgans research 0“ (CNS; “I'm Oh“: and black bOlem' I , ' " made tiyatlable to indiyiduals who included “public education oit the
““11"“ earned himfame.aw‘ardsand instead ofItheIusual brown; and “"11 women 8 drafl registration need to know their options." (“rump issues.“ so the anti-draft orL'anl/ttllttn
I 21 NOW] peace prize. I“ 196‘“ l/IK‘S Wings 0‘ different C010” and said. can take "an inlIi'ential role on the ‘
I sc 0] o bio o tcal sciences was sha CS.-.-" »- , .. , -, . ~ . . . . ~~
- I . naiiiied af't‘er MOIrEi‘lL and in 1975. the Op” inall . an embr .010 ist Mor to be announced tOday tee Ifoi‘nziiiii:IcIiei‘itiiiitis‘iIiineicioiTriiIi‘ll C‘IIlI‘lIijtihrffiIt IIiiitileLtiii‘ngiilI‘II‘fie neyt I
I “WI Biological SC'F'T‘CCS budding “35 gan‘s rgesearih ingenetizs shcgiweId some I . . pros-ide you with adyiee. information Thursday at $30 pm, iii the Student
dedicated to the pioneer genetiCist. inherited traits are sex-linked and 3! Tth'wflmd Pf!“ though iiill details were not made and a declaration file to State your Center.
Morgan began establishing the enabled scientists tounderstand domi~ I I . . I I I asarlable.
. foundation of the science called genct- nant and recessive traits and how the . W ASHINGTOK- Di I “'5" (itlfCt announced plans last month .
- , it‘s when he started crossbreeding. are transmitted ‘ 3 dent Carter will call for the registra- m his State of the r nion message to ' I I ' .
. inbreeding. and baekcrossingthe fruit The six-foot scientist was a student “0ft 01 women for me militaf.‘ draft. resume draft registration. citing an eW t'C et lstrl ut|0n .
‘ , fly in 1908 or I909. tthe State Colic eofiKr tu k _ Whlte HOUSC Offlt‘lah' Wt] yesterday increasing military threat from the
By noting the changes inthegenera— :alled L’Kifrom lg88010 fgxchHno“ The White House scheduled an 5mm l mm , .
tions of the flies. Morgan and his col~ ‘ . organ announcement for today detailing the , . ( . . ( Admission to the lottery for tickets of tickets ayailable in the lower arena.
leagues AH. Sturteyant. HJ, graduated summa cum laIudeIin ”‘86 president‘s plans for the entire draft «MIME? h; 7””;an ”ITS“ “I11”? to the Florida game on Feb l3 will be those students not chosen may go .
I Muller. and (IB. Bridges began to and m two years earned “ master or registration program. WWI“! IOI \I: LmeI k onu Ifin: “if Sunday at Memorial (‘oliseum front ihrouglt the lines and receiye upper ,
establish w‘hatis known as"tliechr0m- sCience degreeI frOmIlhe Lexington The president‘s proposal. dlht‘ltM‘d women. I" “M (pram?) I” LIII [ .I: noon to MS pm. arena seats.
' osome theory of heredity " SCZOUI'HHC Ecél‘gdhls doctoratefrom by officials who asked notto be ideriti- pnI‘ImIOIr'II‘h'“ I‘Im} ‘UH Imogram 5mm l he lottery will hegine at 3 pm. and Tickets for the Mississippi game on
According to an articleinthe Fi/son 0 ns op ins niverSity. fied. is a sharp break with historical mu)“ “‘"mn' willbe conducted forlowerarena seats Mb 30. will be distributed on the .
(‘fuh [Iii/ori't-a.’ Quarterly: “The in l933. Morgan receivedtheNobel precedent. ltwillbethefirsttimethata In recent “80kt. Carter's dCi'lSIl‘n only. Students who do not want to usual first—come. first-serye basis on
- I adyent of a white-eyed male the next Prize in “Medicine or Physiology“ for president has suggested registering has been foreshadowed by statements participate in the lottery may go Saturday. Feb, its.
. year w'asthc mutation for which Mor- his contributions to the chromosome women for the draft. from administration officials and the through the lines and recerye upper This announcement came from
, gan had been watching. for normal theory of inheritance Carter decided to include women in president‘s wife. Ro.saynn. who urged arena seats beginning at 2 pm. Block Dean of Students .loe Burch who last
fruit flies hayered eyes. By'crossingthe Morgan was born on Sept. 25. H566. the program despite a warning from registration of women. seating for the fittfld’dund M Mjmpp. week said [ickcfg for both gumcs
mutant with the red-eyed fly. and by in what is now called the John Hunt House Speaker Thomas P. O‘Neill Currently. there are about lSll,tlllll State games will take place as usual would be distributed by lottery lhe
inbreeding the hybrids. he could fol- Morgan House located on the corner that it would not pass the Congress. women in the military out ofa forceof front 3 to 4 pm. Sunday also. change came as a response to a recom-
' low the pattern of inheritance ofa unit of Mill and Second streets in Lexing- The president probably will limit more that 2 million Howeycr. women lfthe numberofstudcnts participat- mendat ion made by Stu dent
character. ton's Gratz Park. He was raised in a registration to persons l9 and 20. still are banned by law from combat. mg in the lottery cxcccdg the number (inycrnmenl,
to be reported out of a House committee. l'xehat‘ge (ommiss‘ion staff report
. ‘ The bill would repeal the state law that prohibits nonessen- lhe Sl-t report. obtained by lhe Associated Press. also
loca| tial commercial stores from opening on Sunday unless the said Miller receiyed memos in M19 and I971 stating that
local unit of government adopts an ordiance allowing Sunday records relating to those expenses were not kept “tor obyious -
l.()(IAl 5(‘HO0L DISTRI(TS could get more state openings. it‘ttstitts" I1,
' funds tor strident attendance under a bill reported favorable lhc staff report said \filler's handwriting appears on those
i yesterday by the Senate Education Committee. THE KENTUCKY Sl'PREME (‘Ol'RT refused yesterday memos Hut \11ller's .tttoriiet Michael M Klein. said that a ' ”it-,3
Howeyer. a bill to increase compensation forlocal school to hear the state's appeal of the dismissal of indictments does riot mean \liller was aware of the entertainment " digit-i. _
board members was withdrawn by the sponsor after the Kett- against former finance secretary Russell McClure. and Attou e\perises at that time . a .
iueky School Boards Association said it didn‘t want the raise. my General Steve Bcshear indicated no further action would klein stlld the references ioihe entertainment expenses were ' ' I I ,
The committee \oted favorably for a bi” that would com- be taken. minor parts of Me or six-page memos on leytron‘s corporate " 3 ,
pine a local district‘s funds from the Minimum Foundation McClure who served inthe previous administrationoffiot income 1ti issues “Bill Miller did not hate a specific reeollec~ ‘3 . ’
Program on the basis ofthc best eight and one-fourth months Julian farm” had bcen charged along with Mclyin Young tion of those doclinicnts.u the htwyer said , ’ ,.;_.III _
of school attendance. another former finance official. in connection with the alleged . (g .(
State illegal transfer of two state \‘CthiCS to the family of former wor'd 3”,.9‘.
state Democratic chairman Howard “Sonny" Hunt ._ , f‘f»:(
Rizatti sswms ll \\ i. killed some“) Souct stiidlt'rsiil Ii . 5»
A PRH'IMINARY EVALlIATION 0f the 5”": Revenue UNION UNDERWFAR INC. headquartered m Htiwling the streets of a proyiriezal capital in Afghanistan's far north, . I“ .
Department indicates many employees were I‘m" allowed to Green will soon announce plansI to construct a S|9 9 plant and hundreds of Mghan troops hayc deserted their gtiyein» '. .I \I Ii II , “
d0 theyob they 'hOUEh‘ ”my “mum d0" underthc PTCYiOUS employing LSOO workers In Russell (‘ountv The metal". cause in the area. sources in the Afghan capital of ,« '(_ ‘ “MI m
administration. according to state Revenue Commissioner Commonwealth Journal of Somerset reported Kabul reported yesterday z(\(( ((5.I I! . . ..::(
ROM” “1PM” But LcarSicglcrlnc which once employed morethan ' 000 Mm report "\‘lliti not be independently confirmed. sinte ,“,:§:.:w~“§‘}‘§_v ‘95:; ' ‘ f. \zI‘Kv"
, "10 PU! Iht‘ NS! connotation on if "0W ”1ch was at “335‘ workers at its automobile scat frame plantIin PulasktCouInty Mghtin iuthoiifves hair- banned trayel outside Kabul by Wi‘ffi:* ($2. .g I I ' . i;
nonleasance," he said I'” an interview Wednesday. I" am "0‘ “I" cease operations today the newspaper said. I \M'sietii pi'l'ltttflsh lint reports teaching the capital spoke of (‘ “‘I 7"*s§€~ «MN iII. " I .» I
.‘Ie‘ prepared to 53) " '5 misfeasance." U S Sens Wendell Ford and Walter i). Huddlcston I)- continued siriall-sciile iebe! attacks in the proiinee ln\()i\L‘d . * t " F»...,..f‘;:b:.gvs I
The dictionary defines "ONECQSIHHCC 85 "iIhCIIfMlUl’C lo d0 KY,IaInnounIccd Tuesday the US. Department of Housing lakhar. and in three other northern proyinccs Haghlan. ‘ ’ (,‘(I > I. ‘5’“II w.“ ‘_ '
m. .. tats ~
Allpin said nonfeasance isaserious charge, “Todo nothing cxtendwaterandscwerIlinestollnionl‘nderwIcars proposed b . I III , t I t 5 LWI *3 .I65 t ay it an ‘ " wk 3
. . I .. plant srtc at an industrial park near Russell Springs o scrstr .tani it has sent .o Kahlil has reteiyed permission . _,
\UbJCCIS you. I think.at leasttoachargc ofdcrcltctionofduiy from the Strum-backed \f’ghan uoyernrnent to sisit political
he “”1 ' {‘“sc'l'l‘ "a \IL"iri' :3s
nat'on \ itvt‘ t - \p ma hill in Merv-ya. \wri/eiland. said weather
A Bill. T0 REPEAI. the state's Sunday closing law failed word of the detelopment was reeery ed only a few hours after ,
to get the necessary votes yesterday to make it out ofa House WHILE TREASURY SECRETARY (5. William Miller the [RC comlplained to rcpongrs m (igne\a that [he Afghan THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE ofsnow ‘On'ght' WWW
committee. was head of Textron Inc.. company officials systematically gosernment of President Babrak Karmal had rcncged on an heavy at times The IOWs Will be from ID to l5 degrees and the .
the House Labor and Industry Committee voted 7 4 in destroyed records describing how$490.000 was spenttoenter- earlier promrsc to allow fiuch y'isitations htghfi “I” be m ”it '0“ and mm 30‘-

KENTWKY Debbie McDaniel
r Mirror in ( hit'l M." (,‘ugn Kim Aubrey Thoma (1.“ John (‘lly Gary Linden
e ”2 Jay For-ct! Bob (‘ochnnc Iiiriviuinnimt kiln“, Spam Editor [)l’l’t‘ll" of Photography
( In Willis 4‘V1ltllllf' filimrs Paul Mann -
Mil/raging til/Iii! ('indy McGee Slit Turn-n ad." Rkhfld DIV” M'ywd
Jacki Rudd .hmmm Aiyrsmnl Spur/i film" Pholu Manager
Ms- l)ouss|rd (ii/ii Lilrliiry him, ,,,, - ,
cditorialsfitcommeots We" ’“ '
(am/ms till/ll,
. .
Try a little understanding w.mN...ClllRue.ifeRe’SGor A M w WW'ME WERE
. llF-‘ffcttfi’flfill WWW nttrsrtoisntetotivormsreirr
' Domest/c problems too vague' “Mime came mommm
war presen S 00 y is 'tx‘Sl. ,
i :5 r . v‘
I Suppose. now just suppose. cyczybod‘. likctz etc a bit rtioreobyious it‘s cold and it‘sthe middleof the 5%? Ilé'f g Xfi l' P . ‘
rvbody else. .yoi‘k season. Maybe things will get better in the , \SZ J i4 ‘s‘ l "xv. // f4 I it
Suppose greed became extinct. h.iti.'.f became a sziiing. huh‘.’ . {a ‘Ii; ,i 5; \ y . IIII‘I/ fig
relic of times past. malice faded to .i had yoke and Hunt count on it. i wont . \ , .
. apathjt' transformed into concern llcll. by spring. who knows? By that time we might 'V m 4 . iI. II -\ I g
‘ . _ lmaginea world where hunger for power. influciicc be on the front lines tn the Mideast killing people. I . i “) ‘fl‘b—fi“ ,
and money was not only wrong. but Ullflr' \sary Which brings us to this question: must the l'nitcd K . I.‘I:.hii
Imagine a world without war. Airy it. states counter aggression with aggression? Sure. our ill‘ BLOckADE ‘0 I ] - _
. ls it just naiyete‘.’ ls it no more than t. t ‘ 4. armed forces are somewhat less than the best. And \ o l I. \
dent's idealistic dream'.’ sure. we're all gettingtired of being pushed around by E _, 4 “7 ‘ 1/; I‘ WTOTI'E 7 I m ‘
, Hatred is ubiquitous. Does anyonc ,3“... ”min. little countriesthat our big bombs could undoubtedly , IE ,' 7%- \WBQARD. ‘ Km... 41%.. G .
‘ i else‘l'lhe policeareseenas corrupt.thegoycriirrreiit.is smother. . -.' “w“.mfl. :I ‘ ;; /«' . [a K \- _ 4 ~ilii3-f—;5=~g
" dishonest and self-serving. religious lcgltlcfs .1s hypo» But at times it seems many Americans are ready to M.1i\ V 4 T‘ (Sin ,' i" .. h” ‘l I k1
. . critical and neighbors as sneaky or intrtisii c go to war so they can light a “concrete" enemy. lhe “ / {mfg {yirx I’\ 4 f f I,“ vg’: l-
i .' Patience is reseryed for bunards. courtesy for log. abstract domestic problems inflationenergy. polu- ‘ _ ‘n / r ’/l ‘l in. a ix /'\ y
‘ gars and understanding for highly-paid psychiatrists tion and poyerty are all too \ague and hard to f \\ «iii r .\._{" 4‘ i, l
' “Why bother with that guy?" people ask. "l‘c got my Cttmbdl- I~ Ihi'w’ ‘/ . f \u A '2,
.' ' own problems to worry about." But now. nasty people hey. eyerybody knows ‘ I/figzr:‘1I‘I-\((;\.‘;Z'_»“f.eél§/, ”.7. '. _I." __ ‘ .Z
. i All people hate differing \iews. different lllyL's. ifif— what to do with them just blow their heads off. Y '31”: . III/:2»; I,
> ferent dislikes. We‘re not human if we're not unique. lheir Way of life is probably wrongany‘way they‘re t‘.
But think of what it would be like if conflicting opin- different. 'lheir religions are different. their goyern- m
ions were discussed and understood. ()r if not fully ments are different. and they talk funny. too. let‘s
i. understood. at least accepted. nuke 'em. I ' ' ' '
‘ ' i . Maybe with a little more understanding. Russia lhis is not to say that what Iran has done. or espe—
. "‘ wouldn‘t be takingoy er troubled nations. May be mil- cially what Russia has done. is right. Far from it. We 6 ers 0 e I or
' ‘ itants in Iran wouldn‘t be holding 50 diplomats hos— can boycott the 01) mPtCS. WC can stop ttddc \tith
. _ tage; they wouldn‘t eycn be militants they 11 he Iran. But let‘s try to keep our heads and stay out of M
V ' students. “ah unacceptable the liying statement of his devilment‘.’ False Statements
, if it _. For that matter. maybe the (‘lA wouldn't try to 1.613 It) 10 be it ““19 friendlier. £1 lllllt‘ more open- It is obyioiis that Rebecca Kimball. Don‘t be so unfair. And don‘t be so In Tom Fitzgerald‘s pro-abortion
i. control world politiCs. Maybe 39 people wouldn‘t he minded. Not just with foreign countries. but with author of “Some (iirls."isonein need arrow-straight pure to suggest you column (Kernel. Feb. l)hestatedthat
., . . . slaughtered ruthlessly in prison. neighbors as well. of knowledge. l felt that it was one of could easily accept this fate. . Maria VonI Beethoven died during her
i i . How. you ask. do we goabout stilling such negatiye ’l ry to think about the question Nick Loweasks lis- [ht “hm lelt'rlfil‘ l hil‘s‘ Wld In m) \ObOdl' ‘5 forcing anybody [IO kl“ 7th Childbirth. In fact Maria died Iof
. I, -I human symptoms’.’ There aren‘tanysimple solutions. teners in the title of one 0‘- his songs; “What‘s So two years at l is. lhc whole article their babies (thatsthIe whole point of T8 at age40§omeltlmonthsaftergw-
. :- _ P ha sit I5 winterthat makes hostilityand disdain Funny ‘Bout Peace. Love and lfnderstanding'," seemed to be a cheap attempt to pro-chmce'). andlthink usmgIHitlers ing brth to the seventh child of her
. . 1 er p - ' replacc(ircgg l‘lCldW hedidn t belong gas chambers asacomparisonrs one of second marriage. Mr. Fitzgerald s
. ", I on the editorial page either). howeyer the most piss-poor excuses for a guilt column contains six other false state-
COlum nlst confronts name—droppers Fields used a bit more wit than trip I've ever heard. Get informed? lf merits and an additional 6 inaccurate
. . , I Kimball. you‘d really researched as much as is statements. ‘
. i ~‘ . . lhe things described in the column implied. you would have discovered Fitzgerald stated that pro-lifers fail
. i " s ChOIO teleVISIon news more were not the things that should be the most common reactions to an to address the “complexities" of the
‘ V .i ’ p y 9y, I I printed in the [\(I‘Ilt‘/. such as. “lwish abortion is a sigh of relief. It‘s the abortion issue. EEO. Fair Housing,
V ’ you‘d start cleaning your pubes out of women who listen to the garbage the and Voting Rights laws are“complexi-
. ' - , . By RALPH E. JOHNSON “l“ mil) WC lhs’ t‘Hds‘ns‘C for “l 1h" “‘h“ 1“" ”l” ”W” I am h‘“ the drain alter you take a shower." pro-lifers pile on that are the ‘scarred‘ ties"ofthe integration issue. resulting
. ,V " l‘h‘rWl\C‘- entranced h} pretty itns‘h‘thh- and. “ls my bra cvyen'.w lhese might be ones. And ifyou‘d reallydug deep. you from granting equal protection under
_ ‘ I, . Of all the world‘s most insufferable 111“ HM itbout any greattrial whe- WWW the things discussed in herapartment. may have discovered that the people the law to blacks. Should we bring
. '. people the nnmfijmppm head [ho rent the mental condition of the l “T l“ lht‘ Pill‘s‘l“ [hill lhs‘ l‘éfls'hs‘ but ldon‘i leelthat iishould beshared who died in the gas chambers were back segregation. Mr. Fitzgerald“?
. , . rm accused is in question. Both prosecu- (Mill!) SCth ”Wild \Ols’tl 4-' I“ with the Us community. forced in (no right to choose). Recognizing the freedom and dignity
. “Well. one told me. cm" Amy tionand defense will hirctandyoucan “‘ns‘“ (ill) l’fm‘is‘tmmlfl UN ‘Ul‘s'f'ln- ()yerall I found the column unac- lthink men arethemostunqualified of human beings always involves
~ " . “(iloria and I went. etc.“ lhere should stress that word) learntd pSM‘hIdItIsts ”mm” l l‘mdi‘ “"h the} hadn‘t dons ceptable for tlicqualiry that the Kernel people to speak out against abortion. "complexities.“ but it does notjustify
_ I' _ . bea stronger word fortheifk. but until who will proceed totcstify to diametri» lhi” hCCUUW I “my“ ls‘h '0" d hmtl “mt’ is capable of doing. and will from now lhey will never have to worry about denying ciy‘il rights to any class of
. ‘ i. . . one comes alonginsufferablewillhaye cally different “1110‘ 0' mind. l‘i‘Ch that PM“ h““‘ \ery unfortunate PW‘ onskipreadingthc Ayrtrii/eycry‘ other making that kind of decision. They humanity.
WA -i [0 d” M“ WWI”) ”h” ”chill“ mm‘h‘” ”Wt-”Md lhursday. lo quote Mick .lagger. will never have to suffer through The Communist Workers Party
- - I lhese social climbers in the human . . h“ Whhl d“ “Some girls driyc me triad." morning sicknes. back pains. labor marched with black civil rights sup-
. ‘ , pecking order are possessed of a gaw~ pOS/t/Ve h" 'h‘hms‘c- l lhlnh lhiil 11‘ H 1’0“]! pains. the emotional pain of the only porters in Greensboro. NC. last week.
‘ . .~ daw‘ful conceit all the while compen— , of the flaw he giycs many of his Evan l. Hammonds alternative giving a child up for DOCS that Validate the segregationist
' i ' ‘ahhg h" 1’ Pi‘mlu} 'hlmmh} ”agar/V9 ”‘thr‘lhc‘ll‘hm‘lml’mwmlhi”hC Journalism sophomore adoption. That alternative is easier contentionthattthivilRightsActof
. “I complex, And these silly. boring pcr— dislikes them And hcyery decrdedly is . said than done; what does the child I964 is a left-wing conspiracy?Should
- v “m5 amuall} hChC‘C the) 11“: himsl- E 0”IhL’\lUC0lCCI'I£tln board members! Bleed'ng hearts look like'.’ AC! like? Are they happy? it be repealed. Mr. Fitzgerald? Just
. I . ' winking the person or persons wnh man. possessed ofspectaciilaryocabu- am told that he went dancing at the lget sosickol these bleeding hearts Will they try and find their cold- because right Indleft-winggroupslikc
_ . y I . whom they are conycrsing lher lanes. will state their contentions tic-rory party of Nurse .larboe a couple who condemn abortion. and actually hearted mother? to claim that they support Right to
. , _ ' ‘ further. undoubtedly. are under the and W) "Ht-”1H“ “C“ hf spouting pig 0’ .‘Ci‘r‘ lit-“‘- uphold the stwalled ‘great column‘ I think it’s being terribly unrealistic Life's goals does not mean that Right
= _ .v -I impression that they are entertaining lutin for all the sense they are making. (iticss heknowswhich side his bread Bob (‘ochrane wrote. [0 make this operation illegal. Think to Life is controlled by any of them. .
I _I . . ' It is gratilj'ing. howey er. to notethat l was so proud of l.i/a Minnelli for is buttered on l‘\e neyer seen a poorercomparison about it next time you tell that w‘ai- After reading Fitz‘s column it is no
.I ‘. , . _: Irhey usually play the game of OnCUps- i‘eIrccting the men and women of the . WW“ than the one ('ochrane thought up tress. “Sunny Side up. please.“ wonder that leftist pro-lifer BillSmith
. . . manship with others on the same kick. prols‘wttn she held. at least partly to Oh .\l-‘\- ('11) PM” “I” continue to about our goycrnmcnt protecting was quoted by William Rasberry as
. .I . . . w-~ blame for her mothers‘s plight, Said draw. as a public seryant. 557.677 a unborn eagles and not unborn Kathv Bakken stating. “I keep hearing about pro-
' i = I haven‘t looked into the local psy- l‘l’a- "'hm I‘Im' “’th (100“ l dunl .VCHF 353.877 as superintendent and humans. First of all. the human raccis An freshman abortion people who change their
chology department mm. the Spring want opened the rest for scrying as secretary to the far from becoming extinct. like the F b k minds. but I never hearofanti-abortin
.I .i of I937 when I struggled through the W hth 0’ s‘dUCiflmn- l hut makes him eagle. And just what are you people 6 mary Spea ers people changing theirs. All movement
4 - ' . second “3me of the psychology 1 am adyised that W l VQ-ol has a about the second highest paid public thinking when you have your eggs in An open letter to all instructors: seems to be in the pro-life direction.“
jI'I , course I started in the Fall [9ng classified running in the llt'I'U/(l and \Cl‘h’ml In Kentucky. warm on!) to the morning'.’ In an effort to help you meet the -
. . . While m my mm” >61" of high I.eiii/i'rad\ertisingforanewsdirector. 0m Singletary's 560.000. Why is abortion all that different goals of your classfes) and to provide Tom Powell
* . i. _ school.some years before adyisors and lhm‘ " ‘~‘ “Shl among Ihs‘ (lfhs‘r help W than the widely accepted and widely suupplemental material for thought I969 UK graduate
. . . counsellors were 1-0“ch I)“ On 8M wanted uds seeking cooks and lhe papers of late lia\e been filled used practice of ‘rediicing‘the popula- and discussion. sey‘cralstudent groups i
II . - dents. I described [0 0m. 0, my dishwashers. with news from emerging Red ('hina. tion of animals in the wild that haye on campus are working together to The Kentucky Kerrie/welcomes .
,i .i_ 5 g i teachers Just what I thought I might H the” “"9 3”} among )0“ “Ith a “'tlh 0" Ihs‘ "CM agenda have been oyer-run an area. to prcyent a mass make available to youa team ofqual- all contributions from the UK
I - ‘ 1 like to study m 0)”ng We get tip and go. here is your golden stories of birth control. condoms. pills. starvation? lheonlydiferenceisthat it ity resource speakers. We know that community for publication onthe
,- , .i When I had completed my descrip~ opportunity. ('hanncl 62 needs help. abortions.etc, lhcy wanttoayoidtop- wasn‘t incorporated soon enough students usuallv enioy occasionalout- editorial and opinion pages.
. it . - tion the teacher told me. “lhat would . MM” ping the one billion mark in there are already people starting all side speakers and that hearing differ- Letters. opinions and commen-
.' . .i-. be psychologyl" \ow. about those news shows. It population merthcworlddtictoover-population. ent approaches to the same questions taries must be typed and triple-
. .‘, '( Iv I had neyer heard the word hem” seems to me that WIlX-ltl actually Someone must ha\c forgotten It's more letters from these patheti- tendstostimulatethoughtfulcompari- spaced. and must include the
. ' nor had any M my classmates. It had comes closer to proyiding the sort of ancient (‘hrncsc custom drowning the cally blind anti—choice pcoplcthat will son. lherefore. the last weekin Febru- writer‘s signature. address and
_ ' .I not been introduced to the secondary news mm“ one ‘h‘mld hm" 1h“ “3m 3‘” huhlc‘ put abortion back into the rear of old an. a group ofb to 7 men with sound phone number. UK students
' i' I schools (and “3 probably all “UL. “l “W“- thl "‘0th if gum and \0“ thi” hm” Wllnd‘ callous hUl warehouses at the hands of unprofes~ credentials in various fields will he should include their year and
.'i .' ’. mentally healthier for it t “WI-l ‘h”“ h" half an hour i“ ”“0” really. ”him} "WWW“N“lhdndhttr- sionals or back into the distraught. here to lecture as part ofasymposium major and University employees
2 ' '5 .' lhus: I came to the I “new“ 0' versus none for either of the stations. tion‘.‘ I hate yery miycd emotions uncapable mother‘s bands who can called the Christian Update Forum. should list their position and
:'. I‘ ;‘ Kentucky eager to start my study of . l-urther. (hanncf lb Inserts two about that item only afford to self—abort. I guess this lhese scholars will be available to department.
,' , ‘ . psychology How disillusioned l lite-minute ”CM breaks. “w morn- WW“ upkeeping of tradition should keep speak on a yarietv of topics. one or The Kernel may condense or
. .,.' II. I'I became m rust mm mm semester , ings a week during “loday." Neither \ow he told you and told you that Lin-“body happy . . more of whiCh probably pertains to reject contributions, and frequent
. . . . After doing lab work for perhaps ”' the other “Nah ma‘ChCS that.Il)ur- “6 are going broke. that we no longer Abortion hasialways been with us your course objectives.Thesespeakers writers may be limited. Editors
- I . , half or the semester. r inquired of the ”1th prime supper hUUT~‘~“l [‘X‘h" ““1 “‘le “hs‘ iinUlhs‘ri ll ,WU don‘t (and always will be). so why can‘t we w‘illdeal with the topic you selectin an reservethc rightto edit forcorrect
iI '. -I .. professor. whose name I recollect as and WK\ [-27 provide a full hour of belieye that take a Inn}. at ('hicago make H 53'“.in Why Is this such a terri- academic wav. yet speaking from a spelling. grammar and clarity.
I . (iraham. about the meaning of such local news to rust 10 minutes at (‘han- where teachers are on strike and fire- ble. unmoralrstic inlmC. biblical perspective. This effort to and may delete libelous
. . .- experiments as word association and "Cl 62' “'h'le ”" ”"3 weekends hmh ”1"" 4”" 8””‘8 10 go on strike In the Why isn‘tthe Humane Society being enhance the academic curriculum has statements.
. ' , blot tests ”1“th 27 and (‘2 "'m lhe” H pm. “1“" ”' ‘hc lhrmt‘r- (ihls‘flgu can‘t Misc crucified lor the killing of unwanted been given an official vote of support Contributions ShOUId be deli-
' , ' . , ldon‘l recall his response now. burl segment ‘0 '5m'hmc‘mhhh“ the net~ lhe ‘ChllCh “l P“) ”W CH)“ hithSlt- animals'.‘ Why aren‘t slaughterhouses by the Student Government Senate. vered to Room 1“ Journalism,
- ,. . I. \iyidly recall the anger that surged up work to take (it er the final l5 minutes ters. alias teachers; and in the lattcr outlawed‘.’ N6“ of the “yes taken in 'Many of you have already been con- University 0’ “Chunky. Lexing-
. . . Nth.” me. I tended then. as now. to be lIdont know whether ( hannel lit. the instance. the firemen are demanding these Cages had an“ say in their death. tacted about this opportunity. :f how- 10". Ky. 40506-
,i' . 'I basically shy but I burst out. “lhe \hh “lhh‘he ha“ ”W "PW” Al any ”WW [him Ihs‘ Wmd} ("1} COW“ Ci!" but no one seems too concerned