xt722805167m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt722805167m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-11-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1977 1977 1977-11-17 2020 true xt722805167m section xt722805167m  

Relative transcripts are proposed at UK

Kernel Staff Writer

A proposal for implementing
“relative grade transcripts” on a
voluntary basis students in the
College of Arts & Sciences (A&S)
next fall has been tentatively ap
troved by that college‘s faculty
com mittee.

if formally approved in com-
mittee, the proposal would have to
go before the University Senate
Council and then to the floor of the
Senate for final approval.

According to Student Senator Jim
tobb, who is on the A&S committee,
it will probably be early December
before the Council gets a look at the
formal proposal. (the next meeting
if the A&S Committee is slated for

Volume LXIX, Number 65
Thursday. November 17, 1977

Nov 30; the first council meeting
after that is Dec. 8.)

The “relative transcript" concept
got its name at the University of
California at Berkeley, where it was
to be used this fall in the college of
letters and Science in an effort to
combat the effects of the current
mtionwide trend toward inflated

Because of intense student op-
position to the plan, h0wever, it had
to be abandoned.

The Berkeley version of the
relative transcript was to include,
along with the student’s grade in a
particular class, the ‘ number of
students in the class and the average
grade given in the class.

A&S commitee chairman JR.
Jones said relative transcripts are


being considered by the committee
became it has become “extremely
difficult to evaluate the averages of
some students. We have to examine
the transcripts of a lot of
[rotissional school candidates, and
it's hard to tell whether candidates
with A's and 8’s are really A-B
students or they’ve just been given a
lot of inflated grades."

Jones said he is very much in
favor of the relative transcript.

“We feel it will help students who
have worked real hard and need to
be evaluated more . . . Since it is to
be purely voluntary, i can’t see any
reason for anyone to object.”

The version of the relative tran-
script to be used at UK was authored
rrimarilly by assistant A&S Dean
Donald Sands, who first called the



idea to the committee's attention
when an account of the Berkeley
p‘oposal appeared in the May issue
d Change magazine.

According to Sands, relative
transcripts would give evaluators a
better indication of “what kind of
courses a given student is taking,
without violating confidentiality.“

Sands said the method would be
“more meaningful" in that it would
transmit more information.

The Sands-authored relative
transcript will be given to a student
miy if he requests it. it will include
the number of students in each
oou rse, the percentage of students in
the course who got the same grade
as or a better grade than the student
in question, the average grade in the
course, and the average GPA of the



studmts in the course.

"Very often students think their
transcripts don’t reflect their
abilities students who take good,
lard classes and don't get A‘s are
cvaiwrted lower under the present
syetcm than students who take a lot
if bunny classes and get A‘s there,"
eiid Sands.

it has beconre common practice
for students to choose their classes
around their possible grades, Sands
said, and to stay away from classes
taught by professors with
reputations for “hard-nosed"
grading. The relative transcript
could change that, he said.

“Hopefully, this will encourage
students to take courses for their
academic merit rather than because
of the way the professor grades.


Grading (at UK) is not consistent
from one course to another; some
professors think the class average
should be a C, while others think all
students should have a chance to
make an A. This kind of proposal
will tend to iron out the differences.“

Sands, Lobb and Jones all agreed
that the biggest problem with the
Berkeley plan was that it was to be
mandatory. Any student requesting
atranscript was could only receive a
relative transcript.

“Put into effect on a strictly
voluntary basis," Lobb said, “i
think it's a good idea."

Only one university in the naiton.
the University of Utah at Salt Lake
City, has been able to institute a
relative transcript plan.

Continued on page 3

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky



in the stream bed.

Rapid deliverance

The white water spray from this shallow spring in the lied River tior

International Women’s Year

Conference unites women’s equal rights efforts


Ll: Bulk:

ge splashes a graceful pattern on the rocks

an independent student newspaper I

‘~ Council won’t recommend
~ Ky. funds for construction


lly STEVE B.\l.l.l.\'(;.l1R
Editor in Chief

The state Council on Higher
Education 1(THE) confirmed
yesterday a month-old staff report
that recommended state funding of
only two construction projects at
Kentucky universities during the
1978-1980 biennium.

The council directed that capital
construction projects be funded
through either consolidated
educational bonds. state bonds or
institutional resources.

State universities now have the
option of seeking other sources of
funding for construction. The
council will consider and recom-
mend proposals on an individual
basis, allowing more time to con-

, sider projects.

The only construction proposals

recommended to receive state funds

are two physical plant development
projects at Northern Kentucky
University (NKU). Some 70 other
projects were not recommended.
“In a time of lower fund resour-

ccs. we must compete with
operating requirements," for
capital construction funds, said CHE
Executive Director Harry Snyder.

Snyder said the recommendation
was based on not jeopardizing Gov.
Carroll‘s announced support of the
council‘s recommended operating
budget. "The importance of it (the
budget) far outweighs the im-
portance of these requests," said

That budget, allocating state
support to state universities in the
next biennium, was recommended
last month. The council vetoed about
Slot) million in requests before ap-
proving it. Carroll‘s position is much
more favorable to the council than in
budget negotiations two years ago,
when ire charged that university
proposals had not been given enough

To win approval from the state
legislature in the spring, it is
necessary for the CHE to consider
what dollars are available, said
Snyder. Asking for money to solve
all the “serious, critical needs“ isn't
realistic because the money isn't

there, he said.

“Some of us aren‘t happy with the
capital side of our responsibility,"
said Snyder. The CHE will work with
the finance department in making
further recommendations, he added.

“We have no choice—if there are
no funds available for capital
outlay . . . we'd be engaging in a
pointless exercise,“ said Edward F.
Pritchard Jr., CHE vice chairman.

The process of funding con-
struction through bonds, widely used
during the 19605, involves pledging
student fee revenue to back up any
bond issues.

UK, the University of Louisville
and NKU are in the best shape to
support educational bonds, although
all schools have some capacity to
back them. said Snyder.

Bonds must be approved by
several levels of authority before
they can be used. in sequence, the
institution's board of trustees, the
CHE, the secretary of the finance
department and the state Property
and Buildings Commission must
give approval, according to Snyder.

Continued on page it

Associate Editor

“We speak in varied accents and
languages but we share the common
hnguage and experience of American
women who throughout our Nation‘s life
luv c been denied the opportunities. rights.
privileges and responsibilities accorded to

“We do not seek special privileges. but we
thin and as a human right a full voice and
mlc for women in determining the destiny
if our world, our nation. our families and
llll‘ individual lives." ITaken from the
Dec laration of American Women. National
Plan of Action proposal.)

The question has been asked repeatedly,
“What is it that women want?" Depending
on who is asked, the answers may be dif~
ferent and even conflicting.

Some consensus may be reached this
week. from Nov. 18 to 21, when about 2,000
elected delegates from 56 states and
territories and more than 20,000 observers
will meet in Houston to discuss issues
concerning women. They will represent a
(I‘OSS section of all ages, incomes,
backgrounds, racial, ethnic and religious

Preceded by individual state and
territory meetings, this marks the first
rational women's conference since the 1848
Women‘s Rights Convention in Seneca

Falls, NY. That conference was aimed at
securing the right to vote. Unlike its 19th-
oentury counterpart, the upcoming con-
ference is being held by Congressional
mandate and has been allotted $5 million of
federal funds.

Associate Editor Marie Mitchell and
Copy Editor Judith Egerton will be
covering the International Women's
Year conference in Houston this
weekend for the Kernel.

In 1975 the United Nations declared in-
ternational Women‘s Year tiWY), which
fits been extended through 1985 and called

trom participating fully and equally in all
aspects of national life, and develop
recommendations for means by which such
barriers can be removed."

Delegates in iiouston plan to do just that.
The y will be voting on issues included in a
:Hpagc National Plan of Action. a syn-
thesis of recomrncndations adopted by
most states and territories in their
respective meetings. in addition to
determining concrete proposals mapping
(lll women's future, the delegates will
establish a timetable for implementing

These. in turn. will be submitted to
President Carter. for consideration in
making recommendations to Congress.

included in the Plan are support for the
Equal Rights Amendment and more than
100 recommendations for remedial action
to end discrimination against women in
employment, education, health and marital
iropcrty relations.

(in the conference agenda are open
forums and workshops, major speeches by
rationally prominent leaders, exhibits,
films and displays, cultural and sports
events for visitors, observers and delegates

Many state meetings met with opposition
from right-wing groups like the Ku Klux
Klan and the John Birch Society, in ad-
dition to the Right-to—Life League and the

Continued on page ti





iran concluded two days of talks yesterday as
police tightened security around the White House
and demonstrators massed for protests in other
areas of the city.

A heavy contingent of police stood by at the
executive mansion to prevent any recurrence
there of large-scale violence between pro-and
anti-shah demonstrators such as occurred
Tuesday. Those clashes left 124 persons injured
and 12 persons under arrest.

By mid-day yesterday. police reported three
arrests for disorderly conduct resulting from
minor scuffles.

Hundreds of demonstrators, most of them
opponents of the shah's regime. gathered near
Embassy Row and on Capitol Hill to stage
protests at two functions the shah was scheduled
to attend before leaving Washington.


Eastern cities to support United Mine Workers
strikers in a southeastern Kentucky organizing
effort, a UMW official said yesterday.

Paul Fortney, press secretary to UMW
President Arnold Miller, said the union‘s stand
at Stearns in McCreary County should also be
strengthened by what he predicted will be a
victory in Friday's bargaining election at
Brookside, site of a former organizing triumph in
Harlan County.

Further, said Fortney, who has been at
Stearns since last week, morale at the mine in
the Cumberland Mountains may be boosted by a

“very possible“ national UMW strike next

detailed study of the relationship between strip
mining and floods on the Big Sandy River.

“it is about time we find out how many
poeple's lives and homes are in jeopardy

because of strip mining followed by poor
reclamation." said Rep. Leo Ryan ID-Calif)
chairman of the House government operations

The subcommittee has asked the Department
of the Army to assign the Army Corps of
Engineers to conduct a sophisticated, large scale
study of the matter.


huddled yesterday with Syrian President ilafez
Assad, seeking the backing of his skeptical ally
for his proposed visit to lsrael.

informed diplomatic and Syrian sources said
they believed the Egyptian president was trying
to allay Assad's fears that Sadat would make
private deals on the first-ever visit of an Arab
leader to Israel.

approved next month by the Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries will boost the

cost of US. gasoline and heating oil by l cent to 3
cents per gallon, oil industry officials said

single vote doesn't make that much difference in
a general election, four voters last week
managed to throw the election commission in
Lexington into a tizzy.

Each wrote in a name for magistrate, an office
held in such low esteem that no one even
bothered to file for it in two of Lexington's three
magisterial districts. tBeginning in January.
magistrates will have little power other than the
right to perform marriages, and there is no


with highs in the lower 50s. Lows Thursday night
should reach the lower 30:.

tompiled from Associated Press dispatches








' d‘flé’ It‘s».





LS editorials 3: comments

No happy ending

NEW \'0RK— She tried to wake
him up at 5 o'clock that afternoon,
int when he did‘t wake him up, she
let him sleep. Enriqueta Zambrano
didn't like the job her son had
anyway: driving a cab from 6 at
night until 6 in the morning.

A boy throws his life into a fire
working hours like that. Besides, her
:on Eddie had quit school for this
job. He was only 22, but he didn‘t
have the energy to attend college
when he sat in classes The father
was dead and Eddie felt it was his
duty as a man to help his mother.
Make money, make money, he kept
telling himself. But as the mother
walked quietly out of the bedroom,
she felt pleased that she had not
been able to wake him up for this job
she did not like.




Eddie overslept because he had
stayed up when he had come home
early Saturday morning and went to
watch his youngest brother, Fabian.
run in a high school track meet.
Fabain finished second, and when
Eddie came home it was midaf-
ternoon. He said he was fine, that he
would wake up with only a couple of
hours sleep. but he was not.

Then at 6:15 pm, the dispatcher
from the cab company called the
louse. The mother, who doesn’t
speak English, gave the phone to her
son Abe, who is 18. “You got to get
him, we‘re Shorthanded," the
dispatcher said. When Abe shook his
brohter. Eddie Zambrano jumped
up. He was upset that they had let
him sleep. His mother called in from
the kitchen that she had his dinner
ready Zambrano, drying his face,
mshing to the door. said, no, he had
no time.

When he ran out the door,
somebody on the street asked him
where he was going. and he called
out. in English, “I‘m going to work
and I'm late." He laughed and ran
up the block. up Neider Avenue in
the Bronx, to the Blu-White Taxi Co.

Once they wrote passages in
history textbooks about people like
Eddie Zambrano, who came into this
country from Ecuador on a student
visa and instead took a job. Now in
New York, they hang up posters
against aliens like him. We have
become afraid of the blood that
treated us.

The Zambrano family, which lives
neatly and quietly in the basement
apartment of an attached brick
muse, made it in this city by the
mother, Enriqueta doing outside
sewing on a big machie in the dining
room; by the oldest brother, Ernie,
working as a mechanic in Brooklyn
by day and a cabdriver until mid—


night at night; by Eddie driving the
cab full time; by Abe working part-
time thrugh high school. And by
Fabian, 13, destructive papers after

When Eddie Zambrano started
work a little bit ate last Saturday
night, he was given car No. l. a
Checker cab with a bullet-proof
partition. Eddie was in such a hurry
to get out that he did not notice that
the mrtition behind him was open.

At 10:30 pm. he stopped at his
house on the way back from a call.
He honked the horn and asked his
brother Abe to bring him up
something to eat. Abe walked out
with a chicken leg. Eddie took it and
drove away on a call.

At 3 am, Eddie had a call to
Morris Avenue and 166th Street, in
what has now become, through
flame and violence, a part of the
South Bronx. At 3:10 am, Eddie
called to the dispatcher on the radio
that he had made a pickup at 167th
Street and the Grand Concourse. It
is uncommon for the driver of a
radio dispatched cab to call in a
return trip. They get very few of
them. and when they do, the money
goes directly into the pocket.

“That‘s four seventy five for the
return," the night dispatcher,
William Evangelista, called over the
radio to Zambrano.

Then Evavgelista said to the
others in the office, ”That’s an
honorable kid."

A half hour later, Evangelista
called over the radio. “Car one.”
There was no answer. ”Car oe," he
milled again. A moan came through
the receiver. “What do you call
this?“ Evangelista said to himself.
“Car one, let me hear you," he
milled out. Now there was no sound
on the radio.

Evangelista called for his drivers
to start looking in the area of
Schieffelin Avenue, where Zam-
brano was supposed to be heading.

Then Evangelista called up
several other radio-dispatched
mmpanies and asked them to help.
A half hour later, the dispatcher
from another cab company called
Evangelista and said that the blue
and white Checker cab had been
spotted on Schieffelin Avenue,
perked up against the side of
another car. The headlights were on
and the motor was running.

Evangelista called the 47th
Precinct. He says the cop who took
the call told him, “What are you
worried about? He's inside for a
quick one. He‘ll be right back.”

Evangelista hung up and dialed
the police emergency number, 911.
This kid Zambrano wouldn‘t know
low to stop to play, Evangelista told

Bud Pomeroy, in one of the
company‘s cabs, got to Schieffelin

LET it
ii i


Avenue before the police. When he
walked up to the Checker, he found
Eddie Zambrano sitting straigt up at
the wheel. Eddie‘s eyes were wide
open and there was a bullet in his

Zambrano was the second cab-
driver killed in the Bronx on
Saturday night. Whoever did it to
7am brano used a .22 and killed him
for about $80.

Eddie Zambrano's family,
smothered by the surprise of death,
were motionless in their apartment.

Ernie, the older brother, was
sayirg: “My mother woke up to
answer the phone and when she
hea rd them speaking English, she
lad them get me. The man on the
phone told me it was important.
They had found my brother.
Pos sibly a heart attack. I went to the
hospital myself. When I walked up to
them, all the policemen there began
to go away from me. Then one of
them said he was dead already, but
they didn’t want to tell me. I went
inside and he was dead. He was “—
he touched his temple— “shot in the

“See?" an aunt said. “He was so
proud of his soccer." She held out a
clipping from the school paper of the
State University at Canton. It said,
“Jose Zambrano (his real name) did
an outa-site job as goalie in our

Then the aunt showed a color
picture of Eddie sitting at a drawing
boa rd. This was when he was taking
an architecture course, she ex-
plained. “All the brothera working
and he was at school, it made him
sick,“ the aunt said. “He was not
sup posed to work on a student visa.
He didn’t care. Anything he had to
do exhausted him. He was so ner-
vous. But he worked six nights a

The mother sat on the living room
couch, charcoal smudges under
large dark wounded eyes. Her
youngest son knelt in front of her.
She had a hand on his head.

“ Fabian, you‘re beautiful, we love
you,” one of the women said. The
boy‘s eyes said. “Fabian, finish first
in your race the next time," one of
the men said. Fabian smiled.

Up the block, in the cab company
office, the driver, Pomeroy, and the
day boss, Artie Fuhst, were talking
about the murder.

“ Isn’t that something, two jobs the
kid was working," Pomeroy said.

“No, that’s the older brother that
has the two jobs," Fuhst said. The
oldest brother only worked here till
midnight. This is the kid worked
here full time.”

“Yeah, well you get them con-
fused,“ Pomeroy said. “You see the
both of them here working.”

Distributed by The Chicago Tribune-
New York News Syndicate, Inc.




News Editor

‘ CI“ PWIW' Os” “lots
in Delmar Sin-nae Durham an mu
Judith Eurtou
longing Editor Mud-u Elli-r Sports Editor Ly m rm
lick Gabriel Marie Mitchell David llibbltts 3.“, pure.
Phil Rutledge
Wis! utter salt Artist Am Editor
Joe Kemp Mlllam Fugue Thom. as Clark







Helms deal riles writer

I’m not sure if anyone around here
cares much, but this whole affair
concerning Richard Helms has got
me pretty riled up. Actually, my
feelings go a little deeper than just
getting riled up.

See, a deal was made and his case
was fixed. Not only that, but
President Carter was caught in a
deception something he said he‘d
never do.





Helms was director of the CIA.
During his tenure, Richard Nixon
and Henry Kissinger ordered him to
do whatever necessary to have
Salvador Allende defeated in his bid
for the presidency of Chile.

Well, that didn’t work, so Helms
was told to try to get Allende
overthrown. No evidence has been
established which proves the CIA‘s
complicity in Allende’s
asassination, but it has been widely
assumed that the CIA provided funds
to Allende’s opposition.

Helms was asked about the CIA’s
activities in Chile during hearings
for his confirmation to be am-
bassador to Iran. He was
specifically asked by now-retired
Sen. Stuart Symington, D-Mo.,
whether the CIA channeled funds

into Chile to facilitate Allende's
overthrow. Helms denied any such
CIA activity.

He was under oath before a Senate
committee and he withheld in-

Big deal, right‘? The nasty part is
that Carter and Griffin Bell, the
attorney general, met on July 25 to
decide what to do about Helms. They
were in a real dilemma, because
they couldn’t very well let Helms off
with nothing because the country
would be outraged and they couldn‘t
very well, they thought, throw the
book at him, because a trial of
Helms could let out some “national
security” secrets.

So Carter authorized Bell not to
prosecute, but to try to plea bargain
with Helms, which was done. Helms
pleaded guilty to “failing to testify
fully and accurately," a
misdemeanor, rather than to per-
jury, a felony. He was given a
suspended jail sentence and a $2,000
fine. Not only that, but the time and
date of the trial was a secret, so
Helms was tried in an empty‘cour»

Here‘s where the deception comes
in. At a press conference, Bell told
reporters he was authorized by
Carter in their July 25 meeting to
look into plea bargaining with Helms
in the interest of national security.

Carter, in a press conference, told
reporters he never dicussed the
situation with Bell, that they had not
met to discuss the Helms issue.

It was embarrassing as hell. Jody
Powell, Carter‘s press secretary,
tried to take some of the stickiness
off, but it barely helped. He said he
thought he had told reporters about
the meeting, so Carter thought it
was public record and felt no need to
bring it up.

Can you believe that? Powell
could not remember who the
reporters were, none came forward
and no press clippings could be
produced indicating it was a matter
of public record. Powell latersaid he
may have been mistaken, maybe he
didn‘t talk to reporters about it.

But does that stuff about Powell
matter? Carter didn‘t need to know
if it was public record or not, he out
and out said he'd never met with
Bell about Helms. Great, huh?

The next problem is, what to do
when spies are on trial forcriminal
activites? Should there be a
separate set of laws and standards
for high-level spies? It strikes me,
and lots of other people too, that
Helms didn‘t need to withhold in-
formation. He could have asked for
executive session and in secret he
could have told the senators about
the Chilean operations.

I find myself getting more
skeptical all the time about Carter.
Reminds me of the days when Nixon
was president. I thought those days
were over, but what the hell, folks,
looks like they’re here to stay.

Ken Kagan‘s column appears
whenever his bile rises.

Private ownership stifles
beach freedom


New York Times
News Service

GROSSE POINTE. Mich. — Going
to the beach—a summer ceremony.
Daydreaming. Dozing. Basting in
the sun. Wallowing in the water like
whales; plunging like porpoises.We
came from the sea, and that,
psychologists suggest, is perhaps
why we enjoy going back to it so
much, a primal compulsion to visit
the place we came from. Or maybe
[sychologists are putting on airs;
maybe it is only that beaches can be
fleasant places.




The problem is illustrated in the
five Grosse Pointes, on Lake St.
Clair. Each community maintains a
shorefront park from which
mnresidents are barred. The rest of
the Grosse Pointe shore is in private
lands, hidden behind large homes
or, when publicly maintained,
barred from nonresident use
throtgh hundreds of signs banning
prk‘mg, fishing, swimming, pic-
ra‘ck'tng, loitering.

The United States has 94,153 miles
«1 shoe. Of that, 33,901 are in Alaska
lid 1,092 are in Hawaii. That leaves,
for the contiguous United States,
9,157 miles of coast. But only the
iinied bit of clean, wild coast is open


to the public.

0f the 6,000 miles of New England
ooa st, only about 5 percent is open to
the general public. The great barrier
beaches of the Atlantic and Gulf are
largely developed. A tiny fraction of
the Gulf shore is open to the public,
and while public areas increase
markedly on the West Coast, as
many as 200,000 people may cram
onto a few miles of beach in
Southern California on a pleasant
weekend. A nuclear-power plant is
under construction at Indiana Dunes
National Lakeshore on Lake

The most progressive state is
Oregon, where about 60 percent of
the coast is under public ownership.
Moreover, Oregon defines a beach
as ruining not to the mean high-tide
line, as in most coastal states, or the
mrmal high-water mark, as in the
Great Lakes, but to the vegetation

Texas allows the public to use a
mmber of Gulf beaches to the
vegetation line. About 20 percent of
the Texas Gulf shore is publicly
ownal; almost all made up of Padre
Island National Seashore, from
which oil-drilling equipment may be
seen and which serves as a
repository of junk washed up from
the Gulf.

California has passed a promising
mastal law: Public access will be
stressed, and the state will guide
masts] development. Perhaps 30

...e......-.-- ,.,-.

percent of the shore is open to the
piblic. But development and ob-
aructions bar extensive public use.

A National Open Beaches Bill,
sponsored by Rep. Bob Eckhardt (D-
Tex) would declare that it is Federal
policy that the nation’s beaches be
open to the public. The act wouldd
p‘ohibit obstructions barring the
piblic from using beaches, defined
as running to the vegetation line, or
where no vegetation exists, to 200
feet inland.

Other reforms are needed. Shore
construction should be barred ex-
cept when a waterfront site is im-
perative. Shoreline acquisition
diould be accelerated, particularly
in metropolitan areas.

We should rebuild shore areas.
The Army Corps of Engineers has
(hm mstrated that this is possible; it
has constructed marshes on
Chesapeake Bay and the Mississippi
River. Government should move
against communities, like the
Grouse Pointes, whose minicipal
parks are barred to nonresidents.

We must alter our view of
property rights. When private
citizats are able to seize so much of
the mast, the public is gravely in-
‘yired. Property laws have been
rarrowed many times to benefit the
ptblic. This must continue. It is
concern that limits us, not law.

William Serrin is writing a book on
housing and land use In the United










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Relative transcripts
are proposed at UK

(bntinued from front page
Utah is using the relative
transcript this semester for
the first time. All student
transcripts there will now
include an average grade (in
points) for each course.
“What we‘ve done is to add



(bntinued from front page
The most urgent con-
struction projects at UK.
according to Vice President
for Administration Donald
Clapp, are proposals to build
a Pharmacy Building, $6.6
million; a medical research
facility. $7.6 million; a
hospital addition, $6 million;
a music department annex.
$1.1 million; and an Ar-
chitecture Building, $6.6
million. Hospital construction
would require securing the
bond issue with hospital
revenues, said Clapp.

The council's directive was
still influenced by inadequate
funding decisions made
several years ago, said A.D.
Albright, NKU president. His
university had a special
priority because NKU's first
building was finished only
five years ago. said Albright,
and the campus was in-

Clapp, who represented UK
in President Singletary’s
absence, stressed that the
recommendation was not the
final decision on construction,
and primarily concerned the
method of funding to be used.

In other action. the council
approved the recom-
mendations of a study on
student transferability, to
develop improved policies
and procedures for students
who transfer to other schools.

are column to to the standard
transcript." said Utah
Anciate Registrar Ray Van
Dongen. “We‘re assuming
that treprofessional students
will be pretty happy with
it. . . we've yet to encounter
any logical disagreement
with it.”

The relative transcript was
suggested last year in Utah‘s
Academic Evaluation and
Qudy Committee, and was
passed by the University
Senate there with almost no

“The whole country is on an
inflated grade kick right now;
what we‘re trying to do is
restore some kind of
significance to the students‘
transcripts.“ Van Dongen

Cardinal Valley Shopping Ctr





Lobb has said that he is
willing to talk with or listen to
any student wishing to offer
input about the Relative
Transcript. lie can be
reached by calling the SG

Meeting on
of buses set

A meeting will be held
tomorrow at 2 pm. in Rm. 545
in the Patterson Office Tower
to discuss overcrowding on
campus buses. .luc 92-...41.
dean of students, and Tom
Padgett of the Public Safety

Division, will be available to
talk to students.



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