xt722805160h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt722805160h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-04-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1972 1972 1972-04-13 2020 true xt722805160h section xt722805160h V
.- TI‘I¢ “‘0"th Same old story
9 Thursday‘s weather is a repeat of yesterday's
climatological conditions. (‘loudy and warm '
with a high in the mid-70's. showers and
thundershowers ending this afternoon.
’l‘onight‘s low will be near 50 and the high '
Friday will be 70. The chance of measurable
precipitation is to percent 'rThursday. 20
von. LXlll N0. 123 LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY 'l‘hursday. April I3. I972 Percent Thursda)‘ night-
y P 9 w
c urges e lectlon ngge .. V .
By BONNI BROCKMAN press and fills the front page with election Friday after unofficially 5%.: .,
Assistant Managing Editor editorials. campaigning for the presidency ‘ _ ' .- 51.4; .
Charging the current Student We therefore feel the need to in March.
Government administration with exDose this election as the Not enough time g - . .
.. having a “strangle hold on mockery Of the democratic Wendelsdorf said the v.
student politics and the student process it has become." remaining SG presidential . 0h 6 emf”- , - .
press," Kent Maury withdrew his Endorses Kendall candidates have not had time to . " g g; _V‘"'_.
candidacy for SG president Saying ”We no longer feel the “build momentum” because they "IV-k -. "it . i )2: xiii}: ,i
Wednesday night. need to serve as the whipping only recently decided to run for my “x. \.. \ . 3*- 42“
Speaking at the Complex boys for the perpetuation of this the post. He said both he and .. \ ‘ '- the-gag“
Commons for himself and run- present regime.” Maury con- Maury did not decide to run until . t en t;
ning mate Jeff Gumer, Maury cluded his statement by en- Friday afternoon. the day of the i. . x“ l , hr.'*.:e,c..li.,x--'~*’“' if“?
said the alleged “strangle hold” dorsing SG presidential can- filing deadline. 4 , - / , c r w
has made “the possibility of a didate Tom Kendall. “Nobody has a strangle hold on ' ”H - s. . R?
free election an imposssbility on Maury and Gumer then left the student politics,“ Wendelsdorf _ _ V , W . .3" ”V V
this campus.” five remaining SG presidential said. “It‘s not possible as long as . . "’ {a .\V _g o fl . V
Maury's statement read in candidates: Kendall, a junior in we have Jack Hall. who‘s ' 2g ti- tr“ ' ’ g; 4 , it;
’ part: elementary education; Jack breathing down the elections '- th- , it s: i . ~ w. is .
“Whereas: Layne. a senior history major: board‘s neck making sure it’s a its 5.12.4 was at" .
V -The elections committee is a John Paul Pirolli. a junior fair election. It's not possible as £I-W_WWL«D’
direct appointment of the political science major: David long as we have universal suf- ’ i
' current and future president. Smith. a sophomore in social frage. which we have at UK 4, V .. -* "it...“ he .
¥Sufficient time had not been work; and Scott Wendelsdorf. a except for part-time students, ’ ‘ , »
allowed to publicize any other third year law student. which we re working on.“ I - I! 32 , - , .
~ candidate. In answering Maury’s charges, Wendelsdorf stressed the ' fl I": .. e}
‘ ~~Attempts have been made to Wendelsdorf called this year’s SG importance of a large election -. "e
4 obscure the issue by scheduling elections “a sad situation“ turnout to show that the “politics . It!!!" _ .
a mock presidential election at because two major candidates— of trivia" are dead. ., ea V .
- _ the same time as student Howell Hopson. a junior in “We won't see many Kent L . 4 ._ new s'té‘
. government elections. political science, and Diane Maurysback,”Wendelsdorfsaid. King Library produced a mini
-The campus newspaper has Naser, a sophomore Journalism “because they havent been MORE " jazz concert starring Walt
refused us free access to the major—Withdrew from the Continued on Page 5. 00L 1 . . Blanton and His Boys. Let‘s have
“a“ Blanton goes for the high some more soon. (Staff photo by
notes yesterday afternoon. MJ. "0"" "'Cks'i
O O O ‘
A&S Councfl ratlfies BA-BS
J ' d ' t official
The BA-BS are now officially part of the proved by the Board of Trustees, those ury ln lo 8
I Arts and Sciences curriculum.. The wishing to sign up for this program can do
changes were passed yesterday by the so by contacting the offices of either Dean The Fayette Grand Jury in- brought by the University to 4 .
A&S Faculty Council. Ben W. Black.in room 639 Patterson Office dicted Tuesday James R. collect $70,000. Both were
However, information concerning the Tower or Dean Hebert Drennon. in room Robinsvn. business Vad- arrested . Wednesday in con-
. degree requirements will not reach the 637 Patterson Office Tower. . ministrator for the UK Medical nection With an insurance fraud
faculty advisors until the middle of next The programs Will not go into effect until Center. and Donald Lee Bur- case at the Medical Center. .
week according to Dean Wimberly next fall.but.due toa counCIl amendment. cham. Vice preSident and local The Grand Jury indicted
Royster of arts and sciences. the up coming summer seSSion can count manager for National Credits, Robinson on charges of misap-
toward the 300n campus hours required by he. of Kentucky on charges of plying. misappropriating and
Even though the BGS must still be ap- the BGS program. misapplication of state money concealing $61.800 in checks for '
and checks. July ‘20 of last year to Feb. 16.
' The two were also named 1972. Burcham was indicted for
defendants Tuesday in a civil suit Continued on Page 3, Col. 3
I O 0
Class action suit filed
UK prof h 11 'd l
3, ions GRAY According to the complaint. both quality in every other Malcolm Jewell. chairman of the UK Political Science
. Editorial Editor way to vote bUt have only lived in Kentucky since “on 01‘ Department and a specialist in Kentucky politics. said he
Two UK Political Science professors ineligible to vote in about August 1-" . . . suspected the suit was brought because of a recent
the May 23 primary because of Kentucky voter residency The SUit. termed a class action smt because its outcome Supreme Court decision that struck down similar
requirements filed suit in Fayette Circuit Court Tuesday WOiiid affect a large number 0t people. declares that the residency requirements in Tennessee.
seeking to have those requirements declared un- reSIdency requirements ViOiate the 14th Amendment 0i Jewell said that after the Court's decision in the Ten-
constitutional. the US. Constitution. nessee case. "Kentucky's residency requirements are
' The two, Pr0f_ Virginia H. Gray and Prof. Alan s. Thetwo ask that the Registration and Purgation Board clearly unCOnStitUtionai-" He said theVVCourt said the
Newman. are ineligible to vote because they have not met be enjoined from purging their names from the lists and Sti‘tVt‘S had to make a compelling case .for restricting
the residency requirements to vote. that the court hear the case at the earliest possible date. suffrage and by Striking down remdency reqmrements
The laws stipulate that a voter must reside in the state The SUit also asks that Fayette County Clerk Charles “the CW” apparently feels that there '5 no compelling
one year‘ the county six months and the precinct 60 days. Baesler bt‘ required to put their names and the names of ('ilSt‘ ior them,
The complaint asks that the court declare un- others in similar circumstances on the registration b00k5 The suit filed by Newman and Gray is dif-
constitutional the part of Section 145 of the Kentucky and lists to be used on election day. i'crclit from the Tennessee case. Jewell said. "because it
Constitution that sets residency requirements. It also The plaintiff‘s attorney. Lexington IaWyer William ”is“ challenges precinct residency requirements." AC‘
requests that KRS 117.80. which requires that all voters Jacobs was unavailable for comment on why the suit was cording t0 the complaint Gray iS aiSO ineligible to
not meeting residency requirements be purged from filed at this time or what its possible ramifications might “it“ i’t‘Ci‘USt‘ Sht‘ is moving less than 60 days before the
voting lists, be declared unconstitutional. he. election.

 z—‘l‘lIl-I KENTUCKY IilfllNl-ZL. handily. April It). m: .
. O
Archltect Fuller to talk on youth
HIV KEITII Itiu'mis'rzit Perhaps the "195‘ we” kn°wh"ic°;
Kernel Staff Writer these structures is the one W
~ . . served as the United States i
I swdent Dls:ount Phone 254-8083 183 N. Upper BUCk'"(;"Ster 1; 9:191; . W0”: Pavillion at the World’s Fair. I a
H e r one - . . . l‘enowne arc i ec an Ex ‘67. held in Montrea , '--- _ t
. - \ SpeCIallzmg In Contact Lenses philosopher, will speak about (3:213. t
\ Let US 'tell YOU Youth in the Student Center Fuller. who coined the phrase l“?
p l \ of our Conditional Guarantee Ballroom at I p.m. tonight. “Spaceship Earth." eitplalned é” «all»
\ New Bausc" and Lamb Softens thhe h tamed florltefi' “the swift shift of humanity iron: I... as .3, I“. f.
.ul p ”’50" er. age 76‘ ca s or e an agricultural to an industria , ., ’ «2....
, - . . . «m . * l‘
, Park free across Street unification 0f the world under one world economy draws men from . f, a
. ' at Featherstons government. The recipient or the agricultural land into the city. g if
. . '_ , . . over 25 doctoral awards, Fuller Urbanization is only temporary is... «g
' I ,I " PreaChes ma“ 5 “fieds to “men as the cities become launching "b “it
~ I from the philosophy 0f pads for each human's blast off me?
' " . ”itllllngr)” to the philosophy Of into world shuttling citizenship.” 2‘ .
,. » . SENATE COUNCIL ACTIONS liylngry. . d . Fuller sees the day when un- “a. ' '
. . P uller deSIgned the geo eslic derwater. floating. and domed BUCKMINSTER FULLER N
.-. ' - ~ ' dome to serve as a miniscu e cities will be the rule. Ownership ..
'_ I .' w " APR“ ‘0 1972 universe for man. Many 0f will be non—existant in the new '0'
. .' '1 . ' . - I l‘uller s domes are located mobile population. mm
, ' . . around the world. He said, “I assume that Within om
. I . ‘ ' The Senate Council, in accordance with the Rules of the University Senate. another two decades the ex— . H t . . .. ' W Goo
circulates approval or the tollowing courses tor the College of Allied Health . ' ' ‘
' ,' Prolessions to be ottered on a Pass-Fail basis, as recommended by the ‘ cluswely geographtc identity of pe-
. I . . ~ . Academlc CounCIl tor the Medical Center; ARE YOU USING THE humanity will have given way t0 1 Oday gm]!
. . I Department or Community Health (ertective Fall, 1972) RIGHT ZIP CODE? 3 general. world C'tlzensmp m ”A
f . , CH 481 » Community Health Practice (4-8) Students living in Ull' e 'ty Wthh 1t W1" be Pracncal only to a TI
. , Department at Physical Therapy Iettect've Ma 15. 1972) 'V '3' ' ‘ - (l
‘ , . . . PT 335- Introduction to Physical Therapy .'(3i Y housing only, your zip code is operate on a rental serVIce m an “’mi‘
, « . PT 336 . Clinical Cierkship i . (1) 40506. dustry base. “”3
I . , .. » PT 337 . Clinical Clerksh'p ll . (2) - '
' ‘ - , . PT au-ClinicalClerkshilell . (2) S'Udet‘“ "l Off-COMP“ 5005i”. Fuller S lecture, sponsored by :3:
, " . ', PT ala . Summer Clerkship . (2) Check your phone directory for the Student Center Board, Will be omorrow Y
. . PT 839+ . Clinical lnternsh'p 'n Phys'cal The p ~(9) °
‘I .- - Department at Medical Technology'mttecti'y: Iy=all, I972) proper 1'9 “de' open to all students who. present FOR
. . . _ .' . MT 345 . Electronics and instrumentation tor the Medical Laboratory . (3) their ID cards. Others WIShlng to TODAY 22::
- .- . . , , 22:22:maizszzz'tzrsgzttsm"W - attend Will be granted ad- sir?“ :°‘{‘f..w""
. ‘ ' ' ' a» Professional requirement altered as a postgraduate, non-degree course in mittance after 6345. Coontsp'l‘egfrCortt‘lfnor: y' 8 pm. In room 306' MOTI
. -- , 'V ‘ . ‘ , t the summer tollowing the student's senior year. ' "EGGHEADS, ET'HICS, and the ivory mand
; ' ; ‘ . i ,' ‘ . R . 1 Tower.“ From 1 pm. in room 206, Student ”’27-
« . . . , ‘ , a . Center. Topics: “Get the English Teacher," M
., .' . 7 _ I n l( (1“ ”Professionalism and Contracts,“ and
, . . . , . ‘ . . . . "Responsibilities of Scientists.” Sponsored "“
.1 .. I , See The Beautiful lights of lexmgton by Night by 0"“ m
. I , - . - CONVOCATION for history maiors 7 pm. in suml
. " r.' F—- I ~ ~v .- , .-,,._ _ 122,Classoo Bu'ld'n.No't'
' . - YV‘V‘SVV\VK‘s-wvexx«V\vaxxVfi‘Q-QflXNKF-CXQKNOGQ’Q'OC"0" \Q‘} Blng d P I ldd} 6 9 pm $4.0“ gianembers to orderglra'dgate 211.313? 5397‘
I: ‘. . ,1 _ Y j . ) .“ , t . - I‘ committee.
' . . - . i; ——— LEGAL AID ——" $ Dd“ 3 :dtlél‘dd) 9 d'm' 9 pm. BUCKMINISTER FULLER, engineer, will 30:15,:
. 1‘ .: V V _ a, _‘ l . v 9 - . . _ ‘ . Speak at 7 pm. in the Grand Ballroo ,
. ,r ' . ‘ j 56 SCrVICC —- 258-853] ? U] a} _ d In 9 p'n] Student Center. Admission tree; Duch 4A"
v I. . ' 'V }: anlled.
, - , , y 1 ~. ' _ _ ‘. . . r ‘ ‘t .' IDEAS NEEDED tor Blazer Lecture
. _ . . I’ ‘1 Draft ( ounscling 252 7879 $' Bll('l\(’\ 9 A” SOIW I09 Program. Submit suggestions to Vincent
s - .- ‘ ~ . Y , , , c A, ' Davis, Chairman, Blazer Lecture Series,
l ' ' I/ Dean .1de Ha” _ 257'3754 I, s. ' room 665, Office Tower, or call 257-4666.
. _ ..I . ’ , It A. Bluegrass I‘ told 933; 388 TOMORROW
'. , . . “wwoo>>>>>o»enooneo.xxxwoeooawooooooooooexx”: ._. . . . .
. l' . ‘. ' I _ . "EGGHEADS," continued Friday.
. . ‘ ' . ~ . ”Responsibilities of Scholars” and
' _‘ - ‘ ' ' 1’ “Responsibilities of Social Scientists," room
. . ' I . _' 214, Student Center.
' . WOMEN interested in working with the
. ‘ ~ 8 I 0‘ A I IONS CHEVY CHASE Council on Women‘s Concerns Radio Show,
: .‘ .' ‘ . I call 2584358.
I ~ I _ T'~—-—‘ W|NCH ESTER ROAD :VORKSHOPS for women 9 a.m,, 1 pm. and
’ pm. Saturday at Blgelow Hall, UniverSIty
' , ,‘ - at Louisville. Sponsored by KCLU Women’s
, . . . '@ 0N6 HOUR NORTH LAND Rights Committee. Students Si.
- . .I ' ' SADDLE HORSE show 10 am. Saturday,
I . -. . ' ‘ DRY LE NER SOUTH LAND UK Campus Farm on Cooper Dr. and
-; . . j - ‘ -' i ~ . A Nicholasville Rd. Hunter show Sunday.
' .' l l ‘ a‘ C / S TURFLAND Proceeds go for student scholarships. For
~ ' 1 2 . . ' 0 I i , .- 2., I_ J a ow , more information call 254~7654.
_ . ll. I. "' ‘- ~ , r“ ‘ '1 O ' VERSAILLES ROAD MISCELLANEOUS
. . = . ~ ' _ VENEREAL DISEASE information and
. . . l . HI ACRES referral, Call Operation Venus at 2558484
I, . Mondays through Thursdays from 1 pm. to
~ ,- . . llp.m.and Fridaystromip.m.t09p.m.
. I ' w , . . PROBLEM PREGNANCY and abortion
7 . - l counseling. Call 257-4005 Mondays and
i‘ . . ' - ‘ , ec,a s or u en 5 Thursdays from 7 pm. to 9 pm. and
, ‘ .. Thursdays from t pm. to 3 pm.
. ,_ Emergencies call 2532284 or 254-9855.
_ . .- an at u Referral Service at 258-8531 weekdays from
’ . _ ‘ . . to am. to 8 p.m.
v. ' ’ ' COMMITTEE is initiating its Outstanding
' , " ‘ ' ‘ GOOD ON TH U Rs DAYS ON LY Teacher-Advisory Awards and is asking for
-' -. . nominees with explanations of their
. , " . ' qualifications (points include effectiveness
. ‘ . and creativity in the classroom. attention
‘ . ‘ ' ' ~ “ paid to student opionions and suggestions.
’ _‘ - ' ' _ availability to student and quality at
. ‘ ' _ academic and nonacademlc counseling).
V | . " DRESSES TROUSER twsthgz-aaa-aa-lace-amoonMaN
I" . 9,9VBQZ‘II.l.....-..a'.-I.I;)IV’
» . . . . I ‘ ' ° uonarnozio ‘saauisng ‘ mun
“ -.' a V . ofLI‘ng"I'l'.-....'I.I.I..-
. . . ~ I ‘ 2-Plece SUITS c SLAC Ks ( ' ' ' ' :1on ”opossv pue flulflemw
r ”LI-L93 ' ' ' mama WHOM-’3 ‘10”93
I ‘ ' l .V 1 sum): at" oz pauoda: aq plnoqs luIsIuaApI
’ ‘ . , '5. ' ' ~ h SKI RTS lulpcamui .10 um luv -Ktiq Japan all: their
' , ' - 3/4 COATS eac 0; Partial!” sI uIaaau poqsuqnd luIanaApv
. . -. ., . > . aouIs lama). [nontuax at“. so [Isnonultuoo
- . ’ . ‘ . . . paqsuqnd pun m[ a; up") a“ u an”:
. , 30g” 1‘ ‘uoslutxaq ‘narll
h ‘ . . I an). yo ("mama 'luflmll. mononucl-
-' . . :11 "an ‘mq Iona] nu, to lmlfllllfld .
’ . -. . m» m .
. ~ . . 1.0"“! “mums
' ~ - Shirts- Laundered .......... ...
I . . “'PIOI Dump nun on: locus: on ’IIJIP
., , I ' . [noon nun am pan." 1.”. lqoltIOI
' I my] lasagna. Ia tumuan‘mll
‘ F l . _ “mm-oi- m 'IOIJO‘ taut-0x Nu
~_ I. _ . 0 ded Or On Hangers for $ 00 Iowa" 6m Nu,
_ ‘ . . V‘ ' - Never any limit on quantity ' ' w— . ~
I 'V . V 'V
. l

 . Tm: KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thu.rsday. April I3. "72—3 - . _ -I, I.
Black 0" brings rapport Med Center ease eontlnues 6 , _.
I . . (‘olitinued from page I hearing Thursday morning in companies and deposited the 6 . I. ’ I
A Black Arts Festival W1“ more accurate role for blacks 535 receiving checks allegedly Fayette Quarterly Court and will checks in bank accounts under , I _ .I-I .
begin Thursday April 13. The studentsIand members of this knowing they were misapplied, probablybetried during the June several names. . 1'.
annual am"? was announced by community. . I . and fraudulently misap- term of Circuit Court. . _ _ ‘ 'r
the Student AdVlsory Board for One reason given for this year s propriating the funds According to police sources and Robinson. police said. could .- , I. 6., , .
the Office of Minority Affairs. different approach to the festival, The Lexington Herald. Burcham have cancelled the accounts in 6 , I II . I, .I
I“ according to one adwsory board Burcham and Robinson are allegedly collected bills owed the the hosplta' 5 IIcomPU‘" ”X f ‘ ’, '
The main objective of the member. ls because theIBlIack scheduled for an examining Medical Center by insurance marking them Iuncollectable. .' .'
festival is to strengthen the Student Union is not functioning. or by destroying computer I ,I 6 _ I. _-
relationship between blackImen The festival will end Sunday TERMPAPER ARSENAL, Inc. records. w 1
and women and to establish a April 16th Send $1.00 for your descriptive catalog of 1,300 quality term- i I 1 ‘ iI_ ' .
papers _I,I , .1, I. ._
’ ‘ 5l9 Glenrock Ave.. Suite 203 _Los Angeles. Calif. 90024 :flr‘I'Ii‘JhI 6 fl .‘ - . -
45:5. 1/1645. We '22:“ ”7'84“ "75493 "MIC need a local salesman“ me 44;; ; I III IT
mm:mm T. ihd, 2 bd , ° - . - I I
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ma. 12AM . - : , - , . "
FOR SALE: ‘65 Honda 590, excellent, 9000 N , , ,,,m. SIX 2 V2 X 31/2 Retouched ,I - I’ i ’ I ‘
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Hafiz; S (B d ) 4 i I t . W' ' M ‘I , I I- °I ‘ , I, I' I-
gfo‘mnonié’: s'iyaslcalipziiifosg."?m'a°°s EXPERT Mammcnmpansandtune. Portraits 4 Proofs to Choose from llbtiifliliii HELD OVER
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We” m“ “I “6°° 0' Im Richaid Easiellanu Ruben fluvall ' ' 6' -
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son SALE: ma v.w. bus, siioo. See at 2?:obfirifasngfm” mun. Phone 252-6672 I LI‘ . I . .I
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’ MOTORCYCLE-i971 Norton 750cc Com- ‘ 5 . . . I I .1
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visory 53"" ° 3°” '° pm , 3:;me may? a gram Corner of Main and Ashland n. memo,“ , . ~ _ 4
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and , , _ , iI: . . .
room . I, , .I I‘ I
h the ’ II - c .I ‘ . I. ,I-
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n , -. _ t .I
rday, Y O O O «.I ' I6 ,I .I ,- .I . .
and I, . I II I .' .,
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and . .‘u II II I l '. I . II,
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Irtion II I w ‘ " 'I , i ,. WW..-” ,I .I‘- I zII . s I
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so "rm—720w 6- Wk“°‘i‘i~o«:‘lam r (awn, = ‘_ _.
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I 6 . .'?"8?.'°..,'EAI‘I'3\- ‘. Mt . ‘ I"? "”Il -' . 2“ I6 . ‘I 6 . , - ‘
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Egg: Operates On Battery Or AC §f§§§s . 5:‘ 3 M- . ' 0 ~ ., - ’
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no). . . Rafi; 3‘th ’- _ lIIVI: 'r. u" I min»; -I :4 '39.; I ‘ . . I I. II
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an I I" 1’" “fluent" I WI: I‘I ‘ - 6 ‘ " " f

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3:; The best selection of LP's, . '_ 6‘ 6.
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D I 'I' () R I A L S
St ° 11 d l f f f d b t 1
a I o I o t ‘
. Despite charges that The for all remaining candidates to We feel an equal obligation to Letters for the ‘IKernel Forum” 011
Kernel is inherently biased, or present their platforms. provide space for replies, column W111 continue to be ac- be;
. that we are a mouthpiece for the We feel our rim ar functio arguments and additional facts cepted “hm Monday night. We :Ih‘
. . . - - o.
, current Student Government a cam us new: a y. t n a: which readers or candidates feel W111 do our best to Prlht "1 hill bet
, . administration—charges we as fapt all p dp efr .151 0 repor would be useful to students. every single letter. on Tuesday , 50'
. ' categorically deny—The Kernel .c u y an . a": y as we .i ., “So b0 u election day, The Kernel will rej
. . , . . . pOSSibly can this important Our Letters and ap X . . t
I. Will continue to give complete and . . t endorse candidates for preSldent u U
. . a . , campaign. The students of this columns are open 0 everyone. - - d fro
. . ,I - ccurate coverage of this year s . . And and Vice preSi ent. That en-
" SG election UniverSity deserve to lmow where They always have been. we dorsement will represent the
. ' ' ,- ' allthe candidates stand on all the encourage reSPOUSlble and fac- . .
- M d . . . ’ Views of the entire Kernel staff— v
. -. on ay we Will prov1de space issues. tual comment. . - - K,
= , v V a .. Q . u not Just the opinion of one or two U
. . .. ’ .° ,o %‘§ @691: ogea 99""9 c; We .flhtfitf‘ , . rot-II members of that staff—and it will 33;
- * . ~.=~-.~ - ' 90 $68 3 0C) "‘1? .311; (QM/wit f; “f . Q‘i be clearly labeled as an en- hot.
_. . . ”a. t , Q e we . . " . ° vet? "I" ZJ/Hu d t -~
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-_ . I . » VI __ 3,11 enr 4. «at 2V iII i " ._ , ' Vfi’i’fi 'i 1*“ :32, 7m,,,'f,.,f7;;,,,...;' Jane Brown, Managing Editor
I: I . I . II /'. -"W'17'\Y' 71" t ,I’ I ‘ i a}? {a (I "if, 11322.12}; . John Gray'Editcriai Editor Ir
V ' - . {h’“"§il.fia l fig a / ’ T .' t 3‘ C ,4 II 72% I'e (rt/’9 g’g 'gI/IZ 7/; JerryW LeWis,Associate Editor (,
. ' I‘I ””"miff'z' I.,, if"? .' "1...: ' \'" " I/ ‘ ' f " .,, ’ 2W”; gt /,5?’, .‘2,- //// \ Tim Ballard. Bonni Brockman, George Gibson, on
. , . * - T / "V‘ '4,‘I*II {‘1 i( ' / = ' «a: ‘ 7; /:/';'i 1442, (I; , , . k ‘ ‘xg,’ Greg Hartmann, Rairh Long. did;
. - i ‘I . . f V) ‘3 '2 ., $97,: I." ‘ / ‘9’ ’7. 1? ,', if hag/,- ’? " k =3, AsmstantManaging Editors
.' 1 ' ’z .. I ‘22,. . '1'; , ’ \. ', ’ V“ .. V ,, ¢.- '9 , \ Michaei Yierney, Sports Editor
I . . '. i .' fiatvft 4. / ‘ . .(x m '/ .II” ' ' , ~ "'~..7-. Dick ThorntonArtIs Editor
,« . . .- . I ' 7 ' ”IV 1131/ ' Q ‘ I ._ I’ b “t , LC; ' 7/?“ / .9 935772,}; "H .2" ‘ Dale Matthews, National Attairs Editor
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,I . I ' I I I . t 8 re ade r5 w rl te ‘~:-:"-:-:>'-:>:-'~‘:t:>9:-:-:>:A:-:-:t:-:-:-:-:-tA:-:-'-:-:-:--t:I.--3:-‘---r~4--.-iu-u.u
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. . I 0,: PI‘! supports ."(1 ll r_\ detrimt nt rather than an asset. Of course. for motions lacking a second is as long as degree program in law school this Spring?
. .‘ As a candidate for the Presidency of SC tioI\IiiIthat hIeIIs beendlnI for a year. we can the campus activities that Kent Maury and University of Kentucky does not have a
I ~ last year. I have some firm ideas con- Iu Iv txpec im to 0 an about face on the Jeff (iumer have partiCIpated in.) graduate law school so one must assume
. . . I ccrning the job and how it should be run. 1 issue as he has done on other issues. Did you have the Board where you that he either intends to enroll 'as a
I II _ at“) have 5mm, thoughts about the present 1 think it s time that we stood up to the wanted them this past semester when you graduate student in the Fall or that he in
II : administration. legal interest of our school. I think it's failed to meet because of a lack of a fact. intends not to enroll at all i wh" h
: . This past year we have seen a great timcIthat we put an end to the present quorum? case he would be ineligible to serlye '0
. . upheaval in the Md of academics administration and elect a student Did you have the Board where you If it is the intention of the curre i ad
'. . _ . : stemming ”105”." from the work of our oriented team who will work for all wanted them when you failed to assert ministration to perpetuate ttsetft nff' _
.' student senators. l teel these needed students. Vi e can best do this by electing yourself as Chairman of the code com- it is a legitimate means to effectnth :09. —
.‘ . ,I I changes “I” be increased in the next year Kent Maury and Jeff Gumer on April 18 mittee and handpick your own committee purpose by r . Ia
,. I . II . , I . I I II I I .. II . . . . unnlng the well-known figure
. . I . in students C(,nthti to assert their ideas and 1.) itglsterlng our vote and letting members? 0f Scott T Wendelsdorf d th h . '—
5 " . I . ' - and continue to go to such great pains to them in office now know that we‘ve had lreally wonder, what would you have us him abdicat . f an en av'"§
. - -f seek their approval. For their work I have enough and the fun is over! believe? And the reference to your “golden Th , em avor Of his running mate.
. .. .. II .- .. . ( current administration snould have
I . . nothing but praise. JPN) Legelt ytar with the Board —What Next? run for the Pres'd . -
; ' z . ‘ I However. an area which I feel has been (irad Student Pennies from lleavenll actuailv intends tl :ncy a cahdidate it
» totally neglected in the past year is a Higher Education It is this kind 0f absurdity that will bring f'ice . 0 ave serve m that Of—
' ‘ concern for student services. This is an me to the polls on election day ‘0 V0“? for S I
;. . . , .. . - . , ~ c0ttT.Wx ' ,
I‘ _ _ . ‘ ' - essential necesSity if SC: is to gain the Opposes WP" (101571011 iI\cnt Maury for PreSident and J9” Gumer will graduatetfiftifrlisTimf ‘85: Student who
, v. "I respect ol'its peers. This past year we have for VP- They'e responsible leaders who he intends to enr ll ahW 0’00] m May‘ If
.' 'I ' . . seenthe Student Directory published three in reading the April 10 edition of the W1“ represent me (the student) before the capacity in th 0F llere m some other
-, . ' ' months late and the student cooperative Kernel I was appalled that Mr. Wen- Board. -. T. e .a .‘ then he should
I . I I _ . _ . . _ . Theresa Walker publicly announce his intentions to do so
. - bookstore discontinued. Is this the kind of dlesdorf WOU‘d try to play upon my naivete . - .
. . . , I _ I . .~ . ~ . ,. I Home Economics and affirm that he is not current] seekin
. _ I v service wc deserve? with his preposterous statement about his > a position . . y . g
.‘ ‘I . , I If don't think we want this. That‘s why POShiOh With the Board Of Trustees when v year If hf?“ attorney for the coming
, '- ‘ l in supporting KENT MAL‘RY for he Said. “Right now I‘ve got the Board of ti Students sh i: ItinWilling to do 80‘ then
. . . ~ . President and JEFF GL‘MER for vice Trustees right where I want them: next wastin th 9” ewamed or.“ danger or
' president because their main concern is to year could be the golden Year with the “ no int gt' 011‘ votes 0'" a candidate who has
. I , .' return service back to the students. They Board." -- . en '0" 0f serving them.
' I' , I I will not use our 80 funds to travel from NOW 1 35k you. since when has anybody ‘ IR- 500“ lIVladden
. ' i ':, ' - student convention to student convention had the Board where they wanted them? 12" 1.7 P rank Md artney
7 ,. , nor will they use SG‘s office to further the The only person I can recall who did this av '5‘ ‘9‘" "aw ”“9"“
. I. ~-. . . ' ' political aspirations of national was Governor Nunn and he's “0 longer in $ f 6 l . ' 9
I , . . w . , _ _ . "1:3: 8 (1"(I ’ F
. I I ' ' Presidential candidates. office, In light of this. i would like to ad- 1*? . ( r1"; thHH‘H‘
‘ . i\nd now that brings me to the idea of dress a few questions to Mr. Wendlesdorf. Through all the mud-slinging.