xt722805064b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt722805064b/data/mets.xml Louisiana Foote, Lucy Brown, 1893-1934, comp. 1942 Other contributors: Louisiana Historical Records Survey. xiv, 579p. 28cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number  FW 4.14:Am 3/2/no.19. books  English Baton Rouge, La., Hill memorial library, Louisiana state university This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Louisiana Works Progress Administration Publications Bibliography of the Official Publications of Louisiana, 1803-1934, compiled by Lucy B. Foote text Bibliography of the Official Publications of Louisiana, 1803-1934, compiled by Lucy B. Foote 1942 1942 2015 true xt722805064b section xt722805064b  
. K . /»· w
E I   • • ?§I
I  fTj"° $AH1€f1C3H III1p1°1I1tS II1V€I1tOI°y  
[  ps
F No. 19. Bibliography of the  
  Official Publications of Louisiana  
j A 1803-1934   E
l   Compiled by  
I  LUCY B. EooTE  
l I  Catalogcr  
 _ Issued by  

 ‘ 1
g_i%·`i€¥Z’A§Y__... ,. _
.   of \hn C. LU Andreassen, Regional Supervisor
A. L, Gardner, State Chief
Service Division
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
Leo SoofTord, Chief Regional Supervisor
Alma S. Hammond, State Director
E t ;·; L ,q:·;; ; *°Ft"i D. Hunter, Commissioner
      ‘¢¤1<>¤e=   Prawn. Regional Director
I _ ___ ____ _ _ Jwies I. Cruteler, State Administrator

"T0 bring together the records of the
past and to house them in buildings where
they will be preserved tor the use of men
living in the future, e nation must believe
in three things. It must believe in the
past. It must believe in the future. It
must, above all, believe in the capacity
of its people so to learn from the pest
that they can gain in judgment for the
creation of the future."


a [
Many individuals and institutions have cooperated in the com-
pilation of this bibliography- Especial mention must be given to Mr.
James A. McMillen, Librarian, Louisiana State University Library; whose
generous support and interest has made possible the compilation of this
list of Louisiana documents; also to Miss Anne Morris Boyd, Assistant
Professor; University of Illinois Library School; under whose guidance
a lar e art of the biblio ra·h* was com iled as a thesis· likewise to
Mr. Robert J. Usher and Miss Muriel Richardson; of Howard Memorial Li-
brary; Mr. Thineas L. Windsor, of the University of Illinois Libraries;
Miss Grace Macdonald, of the Public Document Clearing House Committee,
Trovidence, H.l.; and many others who contributed aid and encouragement
in assembling the material.
Grateful appreciation is expressed to Miss Maud Merritt Cook, and
other members of the Louisiana State University Library Catalog Depart—
ment staff, whose help in proof—reading_ verifying references, and in
many other ways has been invaluable.
As the greater portion of this bibliography was first compiled as
a thesis: Cfficial Fublications gf the State gf Louisiana; acknowledgment
is here made to the Qraduate School. University of Illinois; for permission
to include the thesis material in this publication.

· 3

. \\
ACkHOWl€dgm€HLS .......................................... Q ...... lll
PT€f&C€ .................................................... . .... vii
Introduction ......................... . .......................... ix
List of Holding Libraries and Symbols ........................... xiii
Territorial Publications ......,.................................. l
SL&iC PUbllC&LlDHS ................ . .............................. 9
_ Supplement ...... . ......................... .. ............ . ...... ..524
List of R€f€?€HC9S ....... . ....................................... 526
Index ...............G...................................,........ 53l

_ PI
A .

‘ .
l From the very inception of the Historical Records Survey nearly
every State, in conducting a program of records inventory, research,
and publication, has felt a great need for a definitive listing of
official State publications. Likewise, numerous other official agen-
cies, libraries, and individual researchers have been handicapped in
their operations through the lack of a comprehensive bibliography;
and few states have been fortunate enough to have such bibliographies.
In Louisiana, however, there existed such a list in the form of a
thesis, Official Publications gf_thg State of Louisiana, compiled by
Lucy B. Foote in l935 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Library Science degree at the University of Illinois.
Since l935 Miss Foote has expanded the original thesis to in-
clude Territorial and State publications from l803-l93A. On pages 524-
525 will be found entries which came to the attention of the compiler
after the duplication process had begun. So much use was being made
of the few existing typewritten copies of this list by the Louisiana
Historical Records Survey and other agencies that, when the State of
Louisiana was unable to publish the bibliography, arrangements for
its duplication were made with the national office of the Works
Projects Administration, and with Miss Foote, the Louisiana State
University, and the University of Illinois.
Work on this volume by the Louisiana Historical Records Survey
was begun in l939 under the direction of Mr. John C. L. Andreassen,
State Supervisor, and has been continued under the supervision of
Virgil L. Bedsole and Paul M. Eakin who have succeeded to that office.
Supervisors immediately in charge ;f the duplication of this work
have been William C. Bennett, and Edward M. Cain, Assistant Project
Technician in charge of the newspaper and imprints inventory, under
whose direction this work has been brought to completion. Unfortuna-
tely publication has been delayed by many mechanical difficulties
in duplication and by shortages in material and personnel. However,
the issuance of this bibliography now fills an important gap in the
tools of Louisiana historical and governmental research.
The Louisiana Historical Records Survey wishes to gratefully
acknowledge the assistance and cooperation of Lucy B. Foote, James
A. McMillan, Director of Libraries of Louisiana State University,
and others whose interest and efforts in this work have accomplirhed
much that riull ;;t otherwise have been possible,
The Ifile;-wide Historical Records Survey program was organised
in l935 to inventory State and local archives, early American im-
prints, church archives, and manuscript collections. In Louisiana, V
the Historical Records Survey now operate: as a unit of the State-
wide Records Project, which is sponsored by the Department of Archives,
Louisiana State University, and some seventy local governmental bodies.

~ Zi
4 viii
,/ The general regulations and procedures of the Service Division of the
Work Projects Administration, which are applicable to all project units in
the A2 states, have been followed in Louisiana. The administrative offices in
in Louisiana and the regional and Washington offices have always given the
project cordial support and assistance. €‘
The publications of the Survey are distributed without cost to State
and local public officials and libraries in Louisiana, and to a limited C‘
number of libraries and governmental agencies outside the State. Requests
for information concerning this or other publications of the Louisiana W
Histnrieal Records Survey may be referred to Dr. Edwin A. Davis, Archivist,
Department of Archives Louisiana State Universit Universit? Louisiana SY
l 5 7 e J 7
or to the State Supervisor. A list of these publications will be found fol—
low}nQ the index to this volume. ui
Paul M. Eakin
State Supervisor gy
‘ Statewide Records Project
Official Project l65—l—6A—l6l sq
H _ _ te
EOA Old oriminal Courts Building
Vulwno and Saratoga Streets CC
Ho= .-.l Urlown;, Louisiana
  ;·ur=T·, , 1942.  

of the
its in
gficgs in Tno t .·.·» gntictb century has witnessed an enormous expansion in
an the
governmental agencies both federal and state. There has been no ex-
ted ception to this trend in louisiana. Each additional state office and
qa board in Louisiana has resulted in a corresponding increase in the
Sigma, amount of publications emanating from official sources. The effective
nd f0l—
use of these state documents has been hindered due to the lack of
adequate bibliographies.
Earlier publications of louisiana were listed in R.i. Bowker's
. . . 1 , A ...— .
State ?UOllC&blOHS. l908.t largely tnrough the efiorts of Mrs. aloertinc
ftillips. State Librarian of Louisiana. at that time. The comprehensiveness
of the list of louisiana documents found in "Bowker" is remarkable when
the limited library facilities of that day in Louisiana are taken into
~ J J
A Y . . . . . . . . ,
5-l-¤4—l6l account. let it is not without omissions, particularly within the last
ten years of its scope. Since its publication in IOOS there has been no
comprehensive bibliography of Louisiana documents compiled. The Q.S.
Shecklist gt State Iublicationsé fluctuates greatly in the number of
Louisiana documents listed from year to year. Partial lists have been
issued covering the publications within a specific field; such as the
U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Bulletin no.ll©9 and its supplements,
which include the bulletins of the Agricultural Experiment Stations,}
II"I”;"""“`Y>"T""‘QQi`i_IT"S“T"I__""T `AIISA Y "N_`_“`T>_T—_______I—T—ii___iT_iT—___I;i;l—_i_'i___—_ii_-A——
Bowaery ;.;. State Qtptttptiontg S Provisional list tt the St,iciat Tuu-
licaticns tf the Sgvaral State; tf the United States From Thet; S;ganiza—
tion. IUOS. p·T55—??S.
”’ 1·‘¤¤¢~¤ l.ii—::»· TM Qffiw  lm-Lis2»tig2;     Qists °Q lszuieiana- 1935-
(Tlesin. H.L. University of illinois. l?35.)

lttee of . L, , ,.. L, D L 7 L. , . . . L
list one noloings of onree oi tne larger collections of louisiana documents:
nf Act 82. . . . . . .. . , . -..
'· louisiena State University liororyg howard Memorial LlDf&Fyj and the
>o be . LL_ c ,. . .,_, . . L. L. L L L
University of lllinois llorary. Holdings for ooner collections ere nooeo
.is+¤ my   . . . . . . . . .
““ ° l only WOGH tne item is not also in one of the three institutions nemeo
Offiwia _ _ , . . . . ,
....;__l above. Lustlr due to the alnsabeticel arrangement of tne list under tne
{/> .>
LOuj_r·'q q . . 1 W · » - w — ·
°l“H“ name of the governmental unit, it has seemed desirable to include o suoject
"ti r ‘ . 1 . .. . .
Q ng index to tne oibliogrepmy.
7335 . . . . . . . . .
‘ Tnis oibliograpsy nas oeen gradually compiled over a period of about
QS hrvg ten years. During tnls time visits were made to tue larger libraries und
llmltéd degumeyqt Centers in the Qf;ti©S of B&?.tC1”1 ;.OUg€__ NER`! OI‘l€¤CiHS_. Ul`lJ&1T&,
and state Cnicoeo. New York Albani soston Cambridqe. Worcester end Woshinston.D.C.
Es , z J , ; , s .,
mine that Titles noted in this list from other glaces were obtuined from the Union
W¤S Getnlog of the Library of Congress; and through cooperation of individuals
in various ports of the country. Cther lists of documents were faithfully
:ive list consulted including those already mentioned. Many titles are included
@SiLH& because they were listed in bowker‘s §t&te iublioations although they were
n the not located during the compilation of this bibliography. Photostots of
ment tltle—peges were secured from several libraries; title—page copies plus
t, pagination were contributed by both libraries and individuals. Several
nal grivately owned titles are included; notably those from Mr. Edward A.
s. Parson's collection of rare Louisiana items. Personal visits =ere .·.· made to
1 and the several offices, ietartments_ bureaus, etc. of the state government;
ren in both in baton Rouge and in New Crleans.
made gs The bioliograpiy of Louisiona documents is arranged oliinoeticolty _
~——-—-...4 Ly the official title of each state agency in direct coggoycte entry form.
xg House W __ L_ _ _ _ g I _ _ _ P L_ _ _ _ _
ireceoing one entry of tie reguired neoort is o or;el ;;sto;icil s;etc;
· EP-CZ~7l. of tg; dejartment or office. The Resort is followed Ly other se;i;l
  qrnlmi »` .:0 . -- si . l 4.; 4. ‘ · 1 ‘ ` l' ¤ ‘ * ·· ·
entr-e¤, ii ina. sepaguoe o_,_es in alpnaoeo;cal order, unless otneyxise

· speoified follow the serials issued ey an official body. Bulletin and
eiwculu~ ;»wie; ave listed in nunericel crdey by title. lyreguler sesies
,/' `
A ,_ I-2;
of puLlie¤tiens sven as eomyilttiens oi laws courses of study, meps, -
h»nu»otks` et;.. eye listed in ehyenologieel eydey. Qomtiletions of lens,
on xpeziti; nuujestg age found undey the stete agency issuing the cem-
pilntionp. wntnel thtn under the form entry: Lens, statutes, etc. The I
index shawld he uonsulted for peysonel names, subjects, and key woyds.
A ntditied form tf hipliolwuuhieul descrittion es found on Lihr&$V of Con-
- l 1 L
w~~us oawdu hrs been used. Fluce und publisher have been omitted when the
slate tf imp int ;4s nuton Lougo, the state capitol. Clder titles published
in Hem Orle ns when thet sity was the state cegitel, have full imprint in— Tl;
Ye mmtion. since liji neurly ell Louisienu documents neve been printed in
New ©yle·ns by Thomas J- Hogan & Sons, stete printer- These ;eeent ;ublice— (
Liens Treiuentlg luek on imprint.
It ins .’.· with gu at ii, heluetsnce and ttepidetion the eempile: was yreveiled wg;
upon L »_*`s ne; ·ul linr sian; to inxlude holdings for deeuments in this biblio-
y·spl ._·, . Wu,M:l·.;!f»;’r e uniouutedlg, holdings heve u way ef fluctuating
' . V` _,,, ,‘ ,. _.. ,r_ ' .` Nr , 2,,7,7. ,,J',._J ' ., I`·   L‘ ` ` r' _,,.,, ,l. l J J,. ,»
ilii»¤ ie. o..ohi nt! The -,sronsiellitJ lo- one noldines uf the Leulslunu
, .;t·.I.n M;iv.·_·.;l?.3 x.,lK“*`.'J,r_`,v,». tin; ;;ov.n·:.;·d. Memorial Li`e;·ez·y, end the Unive;·sit3‘ cf L
1I.in.iu pi._ , U._ u,,~Pte, by tnese institutions, end tne titles listed es
w»l WQTG very unsetisfaotrry to tre people of the Territori of Orleans-
Follow’ng toe presentation of a memorial of the citiiens of the
territory to Wonyress protesting this form of government, 2 new teyrlto
riel government sas set up or not of Congress appro sd Marci E, l8G§. The
CQEQE; same territoriei governor was retained, but the legislative powers were
vested in d Ye;»yul ‘.·, assembly, which consisted of the eppointod lesislitive
council plus m jroup of txenty five representatives. .’,’ Aicr were elected by
;llX tw the citizens =V ‘‘~. ;4e Territory.
V "'1 7 . ~ .`. . , `. .. . ._ _ ,., _
Q; l·l* This Aoi r¤;e¤ise .’. granted to one people autno;mt> Lo». to rorm L consti—
tution end appfr for admission es e state wlen tge ioiulgtion snouli reach
·l§LQ-·- o0,000 inhatitorosv By l8lO this requirement had been more tgan met. und
f application was muie by the Territorial legislature to Congress for sdmis—
—3¤- sion es the stote of Louisiana, end on April BO, l8lZ, louisiana was ade
mitted to the Jnfon.
ll H BANK OF {CU Fliin.
C;nincnce estoslisning the Louisiana rank. [Rule] Ordonnanc, pour
l‘etablissement de li Banque de la louisicne. $Douole Zulel New Orleons:
from tne press al J. Lyon, printer to tie government, and t;n Bank of loui~
slana, l804. nl Q. pup
Frenc; gnd Englioi on opposite pages.
—¤·‘l ··~ ·¤ A.: W- —_l-_ l -_ —r ·.-A .,.
pp.lspi le; LHqUlTp releoive oC oen;s... wit; separate title—p;ge.
Enquiry relative to bxnks. |Extr;cted from tle "Union“.E By James.
LXGH. Printed Vg orfer of t;e Commissioners of the louisiana Kink. l30l. je-
<‘   · ee `   ,....».,, M 'rw ...r¢ ~ ·¤ ··.: ..· ..   . ..   · ’
ilections sul l~s rlndues. ;sntNelt do ‘l'dn;on“.l For Jacques l,on. lmprime
per crore des rovyfssicncires ie la Eenque ce la Lotisiene. l8C.. ;Ee· .·.r Cre
lecns, l8Cnj pp.; il ll. {ln: Crdinonze estallisiing tee louisiana Lenk,
_ —8*~» ner
PlANTE§'§ L,]j. EEK CilEAN3.
mp Act i;n·;ie»¥H€ ~~€ ~»7. ‘ Ti .¤TiW·iT. l8;; anu oi :;~ Q; trenr l·c· 1;: of ;;, Tgiiei

l 2
(L 1
States of America tle 2St . William C.C. Claiborne. New Orleans, J.B.L.S. ____
Fontaine, l303. Broadsiie. 35 x AE cm. LNP the
of K
Printed in En;l`sn, French and Spanish in parallel columns on our
the verse of tre issue of the Noniteur de la Louisiane, December 24, of t
l8C .
First announcement, after the transfer, of the acquisition of
Louisiana by tie United States. (I 1
United America. Louisiana. By William C.C. Claiborne, Governor of the —»——
lldsissiypi territory, exercising the powers of Governor general and lnten— NOUV
isnt of the Province of Louisiana. [Filet] For the better arrangement of the
slipping, and t;e security thereof in the jort of New Orleans, it is ordained
~n” directed taat tie following regulations relative thereto, be strictly cb- (L g
served and enforced. [At end]: Siren under my band, and the seal of the ad- *_*_
ministratlon, at tLe city of New—Crleans, on the 29th day of December, lSO3——— Tgyy
one in tte twenty—elg»t} year of tee independence of the United States of Ame- Qylg
rice. William C.C. Claiborne. [New Orleans, lSC3] Broadside, 3l x 42 cm. jen;
‘ LN? Orle
Englisn and Trench in parallel columns. Xjj,
_w,_ An ordinance by Killian C.C. Claiborne, Governor of the Mississippi Ter· (K 1
ritory, exerc sing the powers of Governor general and lntendant of the Pro— L___
vixce of Louisiana. Nbereas a number of merchants and others have associated Teri
tor tte purpose of establishing a bank of discount, deposit and exchange in twer
tue city o? New Orleans, and have applied to me to sanction the same by an or- lear
dEnance... [At end]: Glven under my hand, and the seal of the administration, iX]
rt tne city of New Orleans, the seventh day of September, l804, and the 29th
your ot the Independence of the United States. William C.C. Claiborne. By the
Governor. Jos. Briggs, P. Seo‘y. [New Orleans, l804] pp.S5—94 (complete). (L Q
(Title from Mcdurtrie, p.ll9.*Not seen) (Also in Shwartz, loo, p.30) ____
Ay, Governor of the Territory of Orleans. New Orleans, l805. 15 p. * ggik
P w   -,.,*,,..,— f‘ .q . ,, + LI ,.. .. 4 w 1 · a  
(H,,[,»?U;B~U,§li;;o·O {;wb§2€ong€h0use, New Orleans, Jan. 9, l8il. Broaosiac- (EOL
Qt I, Nec.}, lSOj)
M nets passed at tLe fQrst session of the Legislative council, of the Ter-
ritory of Orleans, begun and bell at the principal, in the city of New Orleans
on Monday the third dag of December, in the year of our Lord, one thousand {L l
eight hundred ani Four, and of the independence of the United States the tw€H· ;Q__
ty nintn. fnilished by authority. New Orleans, Printed by James M. Bradford, Ter;
printer to the Territory. lSO5. xxxiv, lbl p. LNB lftl
Franck and Engl sx en opposite pages. Continuously paged. (ici
` lst

(L i, nee.3, iso;)
.B.L.S. Acts passed at the first session of the Legislative council of
LNP the Territory of Orleans, begun end held at the prinoiyal, in the city
of New Orleans, on Monday, the third day of December, in the year of
2 on our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and four, and of the independence
amber 24, of the United States the twenty—nintn. (New Orleans, l80§?] lOl p. LU
( Of French and English on opposite pages. Continuously paged.
(L l·—2, iso;-cs)
. Cf ibm _a Actes du conseil legislatif du territoire d’Orleans. l804 and l?O5.
( Ipb€H_ Nouvelle Orleans, de l'imprimerie du Noniteur, l805. l p.l. 362 p. NN
at of the rss . 1
, .* . Page no.2ep omitted.
2 ordained
`#C@lY Cb- (L 2, June 20, l805)
‘ ¤»3 W » - . · — · _ _ . ,
€¤@ ee- _“ Acts passed at the second session of the Legislatiye council of the
*?; l3O3··· Territory of Orleans, begun and held at the principal, in the city of New—
»€S Of AWE- Orleans, on Thursday the twentieth day of June, ll305j and of the indepen—
A Cm- dence of the United States, the twenty—nintb. Published by authority. New
LN? Orleans, Printed by James M. Bradford, printer to the territory, l305.
xii, Q5 p_ Lkn LU
, : __; (" L ’] J"., 7r‘$,"f`
yslpyl T€I`~ (L —-, an., leur.)
,he Pro— ‘ ...Acts passed at the first session of the first Legislature of the
esocia ed -err' or* of »rlecns `e i a o `d ` one ci r >f h u Jrlears. o; L
t T it y O , o ur n hel in tre it; o Ver Fr n _ 1 t~e
Lange in twenty—fifth day of March (corrected in Ms. to January, lSOoj... New Or~
l by an or- leans, Bradford and Anderson, printers to the Territory of Orleans, l806.
.stration, lx] 22l p. LNH
the Zcth
J — French rnd Envlieh on oonosite eases.
re. By tne r"’M o· · ¤ M ¤¤ · ¤
nplete). (L l·l, Jen., l80©}
"* · — »—». . — ¢.· - ~ ·v _ _·¤ _ _
*-20) __ Acts passes at tne iirst session of tee iirst Legislature tr the Ter-
JL ritory of Orleans, Legun and held in the city of New Crleans, on the 25th
p' A day of January...(l303g Published by authority. New Orleans, Printed by
F, .,5 Bradford and Anderson, printers to the Territory, l8OT. (xg 22l p.
BrOQQSl“°` (Bound with: Orleans (Territory) Laws, statutes, etc. Acts...2d sessicn...
lst legislature. l80‘.)
French and English on opgosite pages. Continuously paged.
McMurtr*e states ttat this is a re issue of the forceoine title,
f the Ter- L, _ 'O . . " _ ° ‘o
_ _ one type r;v;ng oeen re set.
ew Orleans,
.ousand {L l—2, Jan., l307}
the twen- L Acts psssed at tue second session of tie fLrst Legislature of the
Bradford, Territory of Orleuns, kegun and held in the city of Neu Orleans. on tno
LNA litn day of lanuory...(lBO7] Published by autnority. New Orleans ?rinteQ
Of Era ford and gnjerson, printers to the Territory, l3Q7. ix, 20* s.
{Bound with: Orleans (Territoryl Laws, stotutes. etc. Acts...l t session
lst legis., l3OL.} LLB LU
French in? English on opposite pdges. Cwntirioxslj t;geQ.

,.. G
‘ -,l,-,. lll. . ..c....-,.-.,._ ,, l,, , I
, A
, . ,.M \ , .,. do ., G · . - 1 ORLI
(L Q I, Jan., l308)
[ctn posses at the first session of the SGCCHQ Legislature of the
'?,~ritoa ·_·, of Orleans, begun and neld in the city of New Orleans, on Mon-
wwy, tnw eiytto¤ntL day of J nuary, in the yeor of our Lord, one thousend
»§r~t yundred énd ei; t, und of the independence of the United States of
Lwowlee, tno tAirty-second. Pu lished by euthority. New Orleons, Brad- EEG?
Te·t 3 indo son. urinters. l808. viii, lo5 p. LNH nfs.
    .» ~ wi   - --- J e A F ' ·~r.;sn on xiicslte rises. oont1nuouslT pdged. l,,
- L l ,4 ·¤ ull?.
r' ;· .4 rrr: r — of ‘
t ~,..»il., ;u.i, I
.‘.. td;1,w;;eC qt tie second session of the tnlrd Leeisleture of the QLU
"‘.,·»`. ¤-—· ,·`   .·. ,   .,,*‘ *~ ,r,   ,· __ n-— V 1 _ CT
M .1 ter, of w.,».nn, ,»,»n ;L~ nfld ln tne cit [,.r or new Qrleens, on Mon- ‘
~‘...T~¤¤¥»=1U t.‘,~ ,,.‘ T»nr¤ »¤; cY January, in the gear of our Lord, one thousand
V t »¤n·¢»l‘»2..:»¤nr¤.·»u of tue ln egenionce of tne United States of
ini·»“ .:,l·t.e:¥,-Ei;W,» ry ~nt:<*itj. New .··. Orleans, Printed by Thierry;
.“ "*"’ *V V¢" Y*V*iV~"i*Y ?*&J. vdll- ZE° 3. LN§,LU
~ —, .. . . les
P*uM‘» —N¤ :U»h¤‘ ft ~gpo lt; jeges. continuously paged. Uh;
ll` . lx { ..         _ `1j”§;,:LL/1*-*:¤ fp   V7-7_r,<¤—,~;·§-,-·.~~~      
‘`l·t r¤ t L=h.¤ax*