xt722804z56z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt722804z56z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1935-10-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1935 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1935 1935 1935-10-15 2013 true xt722804z56z section xt722804z56z Best Copy Available







MILITARY CLUBS Old, New Strollers

With "The Queen's Husband"



With excellent acting finesse and
unusually good
portrayal of characters that made somewhat heavily satirical lines laughable, Ouignol players opened their
eighth season last night In the
Ouignol theater with a presentation of Robert Sherwood's popular
comedy "The Queen's Husband."
The story concerns the trials and
tribulations of a small Kingdom In
the middle of Europe. Queen Mar
forceful, socially
tha is
and publicity minded, while King
Erik Is a placid
who seems to take the affairs of
state very lightly and Is content to
roam around, his gardens and study
the habits of penguins. As the
story begins, It Is discovered that
the princess Anne ,only heir to the
throne, Is madly in love with the
King's private secretary, Gran ton,
and wants to elope with him while
the queen Is absent on a trip to
America on a pretext of borrowing
money and gaining publicity for the


ladlea-ln-waitln- g,

Dr. Jesse E. Adams, professor of
Philosophy of Education and administrative head of the department at the University, will speak
at a meeting of the Indiana State
Teachers Association which Is be- lng held at Indianapolis Oct 16 to
Oct. 18.
Besides being head of the depart- ment of Philosophy of Education,
Vt. Adams 1 director of the Uni- versity summer sxm1ou.


To Meet

at Phoenix


NAMES Nino Martini Heads Concert



15, 1!).5



During Homecoming COUNCIL


Series of Current Season


Other Noted


Are Engaged to
pear Here



Breakfast and Supper MeetScabbard and Blade Will For
Organization Will Supervise
ing Comprise Major
the Community
TONIGHT Concertcampaign of of central Kenmally Induct FourElections, Discipline
tucky closed Saturday night with
teen Pledges at
of All Men
1.022 tickets sold and the compleStrollers yet on the campus and
10:30 p. m.
Present Course Is Concerned
Official Installation of New tion of the arrangements to secure
old grads and former students who
with Famed Men for Their
will be returning for the HomeNino Martini, brilliant young MetMembers to Feature
coming game November 9, will have WAS ONCE ELECTED
Positions in Uusiness and ANDY ANDERSON AND
mpressive Ceremonies in ropolitanterpslchorean Carola Ooya,
ORCHESTRA TO PLAY an opportunity of an unique gathBY POPULAR VOTE
Spanish danPhilanthropic Relations
Memorial Hall
ering in the celebration in honor of
cer and three other outstanding
the 25th anniversary of founding of
Closing the Y.W.C.A. Membership performers for the season.
The Commerce department of the Sorority Selling Most Tickets "The Strollers" at the University, First Meeting Will Be Held
Programs this year will be heard
to Have Honor of NamUniversity, under the leadership of
in Dean of Men's Office,
drive, recognition services will be
October 25, 1910. Plans now call for
Henry Clay High school auProfessor Jennings, Is conducting
held tonight at 7:30 o'clock in at the
ing Queen
11 o'clock and an Ina breakfast at
October 21
an experimental
Memorial hall, to officially Install ditorium previously of Memorial hall
beginning at
as was






palace guard, George Fescoe as
Phipps, the king's checker-playin- g
butler, Thelma Goodrich as Petal-iethe gueen's
Dorothy Wunderlich, Virginia Robinson, Ossie T. and Ouida Jones as
Ross Chepeleff
as the sargeant, and John Adler as
the soldier, all give finished performances and serve to enhance
the finesse of the play.
An outstanding factor of the
presentation was the set, beautifully and correctly arranged under the
direction of Mary Armstrong Elliott Credit Is also due to Malcolm Bhotwell, stage manager, Virginia Boyd Cox, in charge of costumes, Julian Lefler, In charge of
lighting, and Milton Rosenbloom,
in charge of sound effects, for their
excellent work.



Business Leaders." Providing this experiment prove successful, a course concerned with
European business leaders, their
duct and relation to philanthropy,
will be Included In the curricula
next year.
The) present course is concerned
with David W. Griffith of cinema,
Powell Crosley of the radio, Cyrus
W. McCormick, Inventor of the
harvester, James B. Duke
and J. E. Edgerton, scions of the
tobacco industry, Henry Ford, of
the automobile industry, J. C. Penney and Julius Rosenwald, of the
However, It develops that Lord chain industry, and numerous others famed for their positions In
Birten, the country's star diplomat, business
their relations In philhas arranged a royal marriage be anthropy and their day and the prestween Anne and Prince William of ent day. of
Grek, scion of a powerful neighbor'
lng country. Anne of course flares
up and absolutely refuses, much to UNIVERSITY SENATE
the natural displeasure of the queen
and the amusement of the king,
The University Senate held Its
who knows whom Anne really loves.
The queen, however, perforce must first meeting of the session yestermake her planned trip to America day afternoon at 4 o'clock In Room
and she leaves after giving Anne a 111 of McVey hall, with President
Frank L. McVey presiding.
good lecture on her "royal duty."
New faculty members were IntroMeanwhile, the royal family is
apparently unaware that rumblings duced by President McVey. Two
of a revolution are beginning In the members of the senate were select
ed to represent the body In the
distance, Incited by a group of radicals under one Professor Fellman, University council. Those selected
More aware of such a condition are were Prof. D. V. Terrell, of the
Lord Briten and General Northrup, College of Engineering; and Prof.
the Premier, who are really con- Leo M. Chamberlain, professor of
spiring to overthrow the royalty education.
Announcements of coming events
and set up a military dictatorship, were
made by the president, hi'
having" gained control of the par
liament and 5xmy and navy. Dur eluding and thegeneral convocation
coming educational
lng the queen's absence, affairs Friday
come to a head and revolution conference.
The University Senate consists of
really begins. Much to the chagrin
of Northrup, the radicals overcome members of the faculty of all the
colleges from the rank of assistant
his troops .
professor up.
Into this complex state of affairs
steps the king, up to now appar-

ently Indifferent to the situation.
The methods he uses to obtain an
arbitration between Northrup and
Fellman, which ends when the general resigns and Fellman becomes
premier, and his clever direction of
affairs so that Anne gets out of her
wedding with Prince William and
elopes to Panama with Cranton,
make him the real hero of the
whole situation and brings the
play to a pleasing conclusion.
Cass Robinson as King Eric gives
an unusually excellent performance
and handles the heavy satire of his
lines and the simplicity of his
character superbly. Catherine Reld
as Queen Martha displays remarkable talent and puts plenty of
punch into her lines. Lieutenant
Howard Criswell as General Northrup turns out one of the most outstanding male performances and
gives great naturalness to his part.
Mrs. Catherine Wheeler as the
princess Anne does a clever piece
of work and Is very good In the romantic scenes with Granton. Jack
Nelson, as Frederick Granton, the
king's secretary, gives a very natural portrayal. Waldon Greenwell
as Professor Fellman puts Just the
right amount of enthusiasm into
his radical character and without
doubt turns In the most convincing
male performance. As Prince William .Frank Willis gives another of
his excellent pieces of work and
well nigh steals the show with his
peculiar accent and stiff carriage.
Paul Mansfield as Lord Briten,
C. T. Hertzch as Major Blent of the




Guignol Opens New Season
L. Crkh Robinson,
Criswell Star


Sororities Will
Take Charge of
Hop Ducat Sale
Military Fraternities Will
Sponsor Cadet Hop
and Ball
Competition between the sororities for the honor of Military Ball
Queen will begin this week by sell
ing tickets to the Scabbard and
Blade and Pershing Rifle dance,
which will be held Saturday, October 19, in the Alumni gymnasium. The hours are from 9 to 12,
with Andy Anderson's orchestra
furnishing the music.
The military dances will continue
by giving three Cadet hops and the
final event, the crowning of Military Ball Queen, February 21. The
ticket sale of the sororities is on
the percentage basis in comparison
with the size of the chapter and
the number of tickets sold.
Chaperones will be Dr. and Mrs.
Frank L. McVey, Dean and Mrs.
T. T. Jones, Dean Sarah Blanding,
Dean Sarah Holmes, Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, and Colonel and
Mrs. B. E. Brewer.
Tickets may be purchased from
sorority members for fl.


A series of lectures

will be given

at the Law college by Mr. Henry J.
Brandt of the West Publishing company to the students of Professor

Robert's class of Legal bibliography
from November 11 to November 15.
The lectures will deal with the subject of "Finding the Law."

Scabbard and Blade and Pershing Rifles, military organizations
of the University, will sponsor a
dance in the Alumni gym, Saturday, October 19, from 0 till 12
o'clock when pledging to Scabbard
and Blade will take place and the
Queen of the Ball will be presented.
The persons to be pledged to
Scabbard and Blade are: Bazil
James Oraber, Frank
Dalley, Victor Hobday, Joseph
Hocker, Joe Huddleston, Clarence
Ayers, Pete Zaharis, Frank Willis,
Charles Olney, Charles Zimmer,
Wilgus Broffltt, Thomas Lyle, and
Douglas Andrews.
Pledging will take place at 10:30
p. m., at which time the new men
will be called and formally inducted.
The sale of tickets will be conducted by the sororities. The sorority selling the most tickets to this
dance and to the series of Cadet
Hops, will have the honor of naming the queen. This honor will be
decided on the percentage basis. In
order that sororities will have the
same chances of selling tickets.
Andy Anderson and his orchestra
will play for the affair. Tickets will
cost one dollar.


The ball room of the Phoenix
President McVey in an announcehotel, with the writer in charge of ment given yesterday named the
following men as members of the
Invitations are going forward 1935-3- 6
Norman C.
through the mails and a well round- Darling, student council: of
the Kered program will be given, which will nel;
Bazil Baker, editor of the
include speakers of prominence.
Dave Difford, president of
Word has been received from several old Strollers and Indications O.D.K.; Frank Dailey, president of
are that a large number will at- the Interfraternity council; Jack



Ken-tuckla- n;


Howard .College of Commerce;

5071, In Louisville. Communications

Samuel H. Tabb, College of Education; Robert M. Welch, Graduate
School; Elvis Stahr, College of Arts
and Sciences; John A. Gryer, Col-'eof Law; and Ralph Hughett,
Men's dormitories.
The president
of the senior class has not been
The student council is organized
for the purpose of supervising all
University elections, supervising the
discipline of men students, and to
assist the dean of men. It is one
of the oldest organizations on the
campus and was revised to Its present basis two years ago. Before
this revision, members were elected by popular vote; now the deans
of each college select three men to
represent their ' college and the
president picks one from each
group. The
of the
Kernel, the editor of the Kentuck-lathe president of O. D. K., Interfraternity Council, and Senior
class are all
The student council will meet in
Former state senator, Louis W.
the office of the dean of men at Arnett, will address the University
4 p. m., Monday.
club at its weekly
meeting at 7 o'clock Thursday evening October 17 In the parlors of
Boyd hall. Senator Arnett Is state
Sigma Gamma Epsilon, honorary organizer of Democratic clubs. All
geology fraternity, elected the fol- students affiliated with the party
lowing officers for this year at a re- are urged to attend the meeting.
cent meeting: president, Chris
Floyd; vice - president,
secretary - treasurer,
William Bryan, and corresponding
editor, Robert Welch. Paul Averltt
was selected as faculty advisor.


Headquarters are located at 200 C. O'Rear, College of Engineering;
North Floyd street, phone JAckson Louis Ison, College of Agriculture;
and inquiries should be forwarded
to that address.


Dr. and Mrs. Fritz John arrived
in Lexington Saturday where Dr.
John will assume his duties in the
department of the
He received his Doctor s degree
from the University of Goetting In
Germany. For the last two years
Dr. John has been a research work
er at Cambridge University In Eng

Miss Susan Burson, special agent
for the Office of Education, Wash
ington, D. C, will visit the campus
Economics staff of the Department
tomorrow to confer with the Home
The Journalism department has of Education.
appointed as the campus bulletinists
for the current session Misses Nell
Nevins, Lois King, and Betty Earle
They succeed Misses Dot Wunder
lich, Theo and Isabella Nadelsteln
who have resigned. The newly ap
pointed bulletinitsts have already
assumed their work under the dl
Miss Linda Neville, Lexington
rection of the retiring bulletinists.
civic leader, will address the newly
The bulletin, which is released
Better GovMonday, is the announcement of formed league
at 7:30 o'clock toUniversity events and events ernment
allied with the University during night In room 111, McVey hall.
Miss Neville received the second
the succeeding week. It is sent to
the newspapers, heads of depart Sullivan Medallion awarded by the
and has
ments, deans, President, and stu University of Kentucky
served on many
dent organizations.
and local commissions appointed
by both Democratic and Republican
The Better Government
has recently been organized by a
group of University students who
see the need of an active political
Interest on the part of the young
people of the state. Members of
the executive council are Wilgus
First Meeting Will Be Wed Broffltt, chairman; William Leet,
nesday Evening with Miss James Craig, Richard Boyd, Ben
Florence Cantnll Giving Fowler, and Victor Hobday.
A platform drafted by this group
Principal Address
and adopted at a general session of
The Lexington branch of the the league will be read tonight for
the benefit of those attending
American Association of Universi
ty Women will hold an open forum the first time.
All public-spiritstudents who
for a few weeks starting Wednes
day, October 16, a meeting being are Interested in the betterment of
government are urged to
held every Wednesday at the La- the state
attend the meeting. Applications
fayette hotel.
The first meeting which will be for membership In the organization
held tomorrow night will be ad will be accepted tonight.
dressed by Miss Florence Cantrlll,
representative of the "Home Town
Manager Ticket," and by Major
Dr. Paul H. Clyde, of the History
Harbison, representative of the
University,' will
Charter League Ticket," on cur department of the speaker
be the principal
rent political topics. After these meeting of the Crescent Hill at the
Womtalks the meeting will be thrown en's club, Louisville, on Friday, Ocopen for discussion.
tober 18. Dr. Clyde has made a
Wednesday, October 23, John V. special study of far eastern affairs,
Brown, representative on the Dem- and his book, Japan's Pacific Manocratic platform, will be the speakdate," is Just off the press. The
er, and on the following Wednessubject of Dr. Clyde's lecture will
day a member of the Republican be "The Japanese Mandated Isparty in the city will give the ad lands," and will include slides illustrative of the islands.

New Bulletinists
Get Appointments

Better Government
League Will Hear

City Civic Leader
Non-Partis- an




Plans For Annual

Stroller Amateur
Night Completed






Pictures by Lexingtonians
Featured in Exhibit by
Brush and Pencil
The first art exhibit of the current year was opened at the Art
Center Monday, October 14, and will
continue through November 3.
Pictures on display are by artists
of Lexington and the vicinity, and
the exhibit is being sponsored by
the Brush and Pencil club.
There are 43 pictures entered in
the exhibit. These consist of etchings, oil and water colors, pastels,
pen and Ink drawings, aquatints
and block prints.
The exhibit may be viewed every
day from 8 a. m. until 5 p. m. On
Sundays the hours will be from 2
to 5 in the afternoon. During the
week of October 14 to 18, the exhibit will be open every night until
10 o'clock.
Everyone interested in art is urged
to visit this exhibit and see Just
what the artists of Lexington and
vicinity are doing. Eighteen artists
are represented and a wide range of
subjects is offered.

Border Incidents
Threaten to Complicate Matters in East



Carl B. Frltsche, managing director of Farm Chemurglo council,
International News Service Staff
principal speakDetroit, will be the
er at the engineering assembly to
Tokyo., Oct. 14 (INS) Threats
be held at 10 a. m. Wednesday, October 16, In Memorial hall.
of "serious consequences" from last
week's three
border clashes were flourished in
the Japanese press today while the
foreign office, it was understood,
replied to Moscow's protest with
counter-charg- e
that the incidents
Students who are planning to were the fault of Red, not Mancnu,
receive either the bachelor's degree or an advanced degree In
The Japanese attitude was taken
January, June or August, should
as a virtual rejection of the Soviet
file application for that degree
on October 14 or 15. These apLate vernacular newspapers
plications should be made In
spread banner headlines over disRoom 9 of the Administration
patches from Hslnking, the
It is very Important
capital, declaring that the
application be made at this Kwantung (Japanese continental)
time, as no one Is considered for
army authorities were "firmly degraduation who has not comtermined" to prevent "Soviet Invaplied with this requirement.
sions" of Manchukuan territory.
"If the Soviets fall to deal with

Applications For
Degrees Due Soon

Man-chuku- an

members into the association.
The program Includes organ pre
ludes and postludes by Mrs. Leila
Cullls; an address by Miss Martha
Fugett, Y.W.C.A. president, entitled
"In a University Y.W.C.A.," Sophomore commission and Senior cab
inet processionals, the traditional
candle-lighticeremonial, a pray
er by Miss Augusta Roberts, Y.W.
C.A. secretary, and a choir, under
the direction of Miss Mildred Lewis
The recognition services Inaugur
ate the opening of the various Y.W.
O A. activity groups,
which are
holding their first meetings this
week Some of these are the Worship group, meeting every Monday
at 4 p .m. in the Woman's building,
the Social Service group, meeting
for the first time at 3 p. m., Wednesday, and the Music group, meeting at 4 o'clock of the same day in
the Woman's building. The Y. W.
C. A. Freshman group
will also
have their first meeting at 7:15 o'clock Thursday night in Patterson
The recognition service choir is
composed of Misses Ruth Ecton,
Helen Farmer, Mary Louise
Eileen Foster, Margaret
Lewis Whaley, Jane Freeman, Wanda Lynch, Ruth Averitt, Jane Allen
Webb, Dorothy Murrell, and Margaret Greathouse.

Manchukuo sincerely," newspapers
said with that unanimity which betokens official Inspiration, "serious
consequences are likely to occur."
The foreign office spokesman,
Eijl Amau, confirmed that a protest had been received from Moscow Saturday over the clashes in
the Sulfenho sector of the Eastern

Manchukuan-Siberla- n
frontier, but
he said official comment was being
withheld for the present.
Three incidents were mentioned
In dispatches from both Moscow
and Hslnking. The Russian version said shots were fired In the
third affray, Saturday, and there
were several casualties.
But the
Japanese government, it was authoritatively indicated, retaliated
with the Manchukuo version. This
said that six Soviet cavalrymen on
fired on a Manchukuan
patrol, and forced the Manchuku-an- s
to respond.

Moscow, October 14 (INS) The
Soviet Union waited calmly today
for a Japanese reply to her protest




der Incidents and her suggestion
for establishment of a mixed investigation committee.
While the incidents were regarded with a certain seriousness, neither the Soviet foreign office nor the
Japanese embassy Indulged In war
scares concerning them.
A Japanese spokesman declared
the border violations with which
Manchukuan troops under Japanese officers were charged were not
made under orders to Tokyo.
The opinion of the Japanese embassy here Is that the Incidents
probubly resulted from
action or mistakes on the part of
The embassy
local commanders.
regards the matter primarily as an
alluir between the Soviet and Manchukuo, concerning Japan only in
secondary way.
over-zealo- us

The ticket selling campaign has
bene definitely closed and no one
will be admitted to the series who
has not already purchased a ticket.
It is announced, however, that
tickets would be transferable.
The series will be opened by Nino
Martini on October 23. Dalles
Frantz, celebrated American pianist will be heard December 9; Rose
Bampton, of the Metropolitan Opera company, February 11; the Vienna Choir boys, March 4; and
closing with Carola Goya In April.
Members of the boys choirs in
Lexington will be invited to attend
the program of the Vienna Choir
According to Henry De Verner,
New York ctiy organizing director,
the Lexington campaign was one of
the most successful conducted this
Membership exceeded that
of last year by 300.

Honorary Botany
Frat Holds Meeting:
Phi Epsilon Phi Announces
New Officers at First
Meeting of Year
Gamma Rafinesque chapter of Phi
Epsilon Phi, honorary botanical
fraternity, held its first meeting of
the year last Thursday. A resolution was passed naming the second
and fourth Monday of every month
as a regular meeting date.
Changes in the national constitution were discussed for the purpose
of admitting new chapters to the
national order of Phi Epsilon Phi.
Newly appointed
James Toy and Russell Foster, program committee; James Stephens,
editor of the New Anthus, quarterly paper published by the local
chapter of the fraternity; and
Goldie Bell, assistant editor. The
New Anthus contains chapter news
and articles by members of the club
and faculty, and also reports on
summer activities.

Robert K. Salyers, research asIn the
the PresiPlans for the annual "Amateur sistantwill speakoffice of departmenat the
Night," sponsored by Strollers, stu- dent,
tal meeting of board members,
dent dramatic organization, will be trustees and superintendents of
discussed at a meeting of the organization at 3 p. m. Thursday in Third District Education association to be held In Bowling Green,
Room 111 of McVey hall.
Kentucky, October
Time dates for the tryouts were
set at a meeting of a special committee Sunday at the Alpha Tau
Omega house, and tentative arrangements have been made. It
was decided to use the point system again this year. Those desiring to try out for the organization
will be required to learn a play
and compete for the right to enter
the contest. The winners of amateur night will be given a gold cup
and 75 of the 100 points necessary
Miss Linda Neville will speak to
for membership. Plays this year
Better Governwill be chosen by Nancy Becker the
and will be placed on reserve at ment League tonight at 7:30 In
the reference room of the library. room 111, McVey halt All persons
All members of the organization who are Interested in this organiare urged to attend the meeting. sation and the furtherance of betAbsence from 3 meetings causes a ter government are urged to attend.
member's name to be taken from
the roll.
The weekly meeting of the University Democratic club will be held
at 7 o'clock Thursday evening, October 17, in the parlor of Boyd hall
The seventh annual Kentucky Former state senator Louis W. ArPeace Oratorical contest will be nett will be the speaker.
held December 4 In the Woods
Penniman building of Berea ColThe annual meeting of the Athlege, Berea, Ky., Dr. A. O. Weldler, letic association will be
held at 7:30
Dean of Labor at the college, is o'clock Wednesday evening, Octothe state chairman of the contest. ber 16, in Memorial hall.
The University of Kentucky will
send a representative. All students
The YWCA Social Service group
Interested In competing 6hould see
Professor W. R. Sutherland at his will hold its first meeting of the
office in McVey hall before the year at 3 p. m. Wednesday afternoon in the Woman's building.
week terminates.
18-1- 9.



Schedule Is Made
For Kyian Pictures
The schedule for taking pictures for the 1938 Kentuckian
for the ensuing week is:
Kappa Delta, Phi
Kappa Alpha, and Sigma Alpha
Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Sigma Chi, and Sigma
Zeta Tau Alpha,
Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Triangle.
Friday and Saturduy Juniors
and seniors.
Members of organizations who
have not had pictures made on
the day assigned to them, must
come to Memorial hall sometime
this week before 6:30 p. m.

The YWCA music group will
meet at 4 p. m. Wednesday after
noon in the Woman's building, to
discuss plans for the year.
Strollers will have a meeting
Thursday afternoon at 3 p. m. in
Room 111, McVey hall. Amateur
night arrangemenuts and other important matters will be discussed.
The Freshman and Senior cabinets of the Y. M. C. A. will meet in
the Y. M. C. A. rooms In the Armory at 7 o'clock Tuesday night.

The University Republican club
will meet at 7:00 o'clock tonight In
Room 100, McVey hull, it was announced by Marvin Moore, president. All University students affiliated with the party are urged
to be present.
Ttiere will be a dinner meeting of
next Tuesday at the Ten.
Cup Inn.

O. D. K.

� Best Cop
The Kentucky Kernel
Lrxlnrton Bord of Commfrct
National Oollrrc Prrm Awlt!on
Krnturky Intoreolln l.U Prrn Aoettlon







one-four- th


absent at more
of the class


sions from taking the examination
in that course.
However, it seems that such
measures should not be necessary
in schools of secondary education
where the students are supposed
Into be Intelligent,
dividuals. It seems to be an Insult
to the students, but they do not
resent it in the least. Instead, they
go along their carefree paths hoping the instructor will be 111 the
next day so they will not be compelled to attend the class where
they are supposed to gain the
knowledge for which they are paying.
Let us take an inventory of ourselves and see if we belong in this
category, and if we do, let us mend
our ways. We have Just completed
the first four weeks of school and
the classes have begun to settle
down to earnest work, so do not
miss any class needlessly.
We are paying for an education;
let's get as much as possible while
we are here at the University

of tht Major Collrn Publiby A. J. Norrli Hill
Co., 118 B. 43nd St., New York CHt; 131
W. Madlaon St., Chlraco; 1004 Intf Arc.,
tatll; 10)1 8. Broadway, Lot Antrim
Call Building, Ban Franelaco.





r.tpc Two






Ant. Mantatnf



Kentucky's star Is rising in the
heavens I The Wildcats
through superior playing hays
earned for themselves the right to
be called the "greatest Kentucky
team of all times".
The building of a football team
docs not take place in a day. It
A notable feature of many edirepresents hours of work and traintorial comments and political dising, but more than that, it typifies
cussions columns has been the
a spirit, a vital guiding force that
comments upon the attempted seimparts the will to do. the will to
cret censorship of the press as incarry on.
dicated by the New Deal system of
The acquiring of spirit Is some special press
releases and discrim
However, it may
thing in question.
reination against
be assumed as the product of a
of many different
The press of this country has althings such as Interest, appreciaways Jealously guarded against any
tion, goodwill, etc. All these comefforts made to curtail Its so called
bine to form a certain essential
policy is wholly
something which Is the energizing "freedom." This
Justifiable. However, in this case, it
seems, the press Is wasting time,
Of those characteristics menspace, and work on an insignificant
tioned, goodwill is perhaps the
very Important one
most Important and at the same matter when a
Is staring them in the face and
protime certainly the most easily
successfully escaping their notice.
moted. It may be secured in a
ways, among which Is This is the matter of
variety of
as practiced by most of the
the issuance of complimentary news
sheets of this country.
or "Annie Oakleys". The
f freedom does
paste- - j The velT rlBht
careful distribution of the
tM. manner has Bone a , "ul mcBn UU"K wiuioui
gent and Intelligent exercising of
long way towards building a basis
right to the greatest degree
of friendship and cooperation in that
possible! The apathetic attitude of
most of the newspapers in regard
However, there remains one parimportant problems of the
ticular field the goodwill of which to the
easily be secured by this time is a disgrace to the name of
deliberately censor
method and the benefit of which freedom. Editors
refer to and keep out of print news which
would be outstanding,
would be resented by powerful adthe fraternity housemother. Her
or, which would tend to
interest in the University Itself and vertisers
agencies should be as great as contradict a previous statement or
of the paper; they
that in the particular chapter she stand interests to exclude allow
serves. She wants to attain that vested
all true Kentuckians interests from the expression of
spirit which
possess, she wants to spur the team views in black and white; they
on to victory, but for financial cater to the ignorant prejudices
reasons she finds herself unable to and biases of the masses when
duty is to enlighten
do so. The issuance of complimen- their
as to the facts; they refuse
tary tickets to these twenty-seve- n
behousemothers would be of no great to discuss important matters
cost, but would reap lmmeasureable cause an expression of opinion and
benefits in the form of goodwill facts would involve the antagonizand support. To say the least It ing of a certain class of readers.
would certainly be appreciated by They become
mouth the ignorant opinions of
frathe members of the various
ternities and sororities on the cam- their owners; they refuse to Join
or compose their own union to depus.
And so would we pay tribute to mand forcefully their rights as Inbut vitally im- fluences of public opinion. As a
portant part of college social life, result such men as Hitler and Musthat guiding hand to the straight solini, whose persons and policies
and narrow, that builder of men could never have stood the glare of
and comforter of all the fratern- the searchlight of intelligent discussion