xt722804xs8j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt722804xs8j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1956 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 27, 1956 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 27, 1956 1956 1956 2012 true xt722804xs8j section xt722804xs8j ` V   1   `A1 ’
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No. of No. of No. of ,    
Con- Total Con- Total Con- 'l`1.1.i
KENTUCKY Xo.o1 trihn- (Zontri1>· KENTUCKY No. o1` 1l'l1}\1— Contrih- OUT-Ul*`—S'I`.·\'I`lC No. ol trihu- (Zo1.I·I .,..;-1-
I (hy counties I .—\1u1nni tors utetl (continued) :\l\Il\lIl1 tors uted .·\lumni tors 111,,;
_ Adair .,................,. 41 3   17.50 Larue .....,............ .. 38 4 20.00 Alabama 4.4........... ,. 172 23 l:1$_1`   K
Allen ...................... 13 0 0.00 Laurel ......4..........~ S2 4 20.00 `Arizona ...............,., 18 2 1l1_1
l Anderson ...........`.. 07 3 17 .50 Lawrence ...........,.. 29 3 15.00 Arkansas ..,4.....,..., 40 3 15,1 Published
Ballard .......,...,...... 44 2 15.00 Lee ..........4,............ 25 I 5.00 California .............. 398 44 :1911,1. Kentucky 01
‘ Barren ..,. . ............. T2 T 42.50 Leslie ...............,,... 20 I 5.00 Colorado ,..,........,. 56 (i 111,1 at Lexingtor
Bath .....................` 55 I 5.00 Letcher ................,. 03 2 10.00 Connecticut .,........ 77 T 311,1 $5.00. Mem!
Bell .......... . ........... I 17 9 50.00 Lewis ............ . ....... 37 0 30.00 Delaware .............. 41 2 I(1,1` Association
Boom- .......,   .....   T9 4 2.0.00 Lincoln .................. 93 6 30.00 Dist. ofCo1umbia .. 138 22 fllir Alumnus.
Bourbon .,.............. 290 27 2.02.50 Livingston .....,...... 13 0 0.00 Florida ............ . .,... 411 42 -107,1 *·;—_
. Boyd ...................... 288 :32 270.00 Logan ...,.........,...... -14 7 40.00 Georgia ..,..,..,....... 252 32 21lf Member of
- Boyle .......... . ......... 187 I 6 92.50 Lyon ...................... 18 I 5.00 Idaho ...............,,.,. I0 0 111 Kentucky
` Bracken ................ 59 -1 45.00 McCracken . ...,....... 194 12 82.50 Illinois ,.., . ...........,. 425 -17 .11;, A Alumni C1
Breathitt .......,........ 49 2 I0.()0 McCrearv ............., 39 2 I().00 Indiana .......,.......... 523 4 I 211i* -·-—;
Breekinridge . ......... 35 I 5.00 McLean .........,...... 24 1 10.00 Iowa ...,..........,..,.... 46 1 ar. Entered as
Bullitt .,...,.......,...... 30 1 20.00 Madison .............,.. 194 13 85.00 Kansas .........,........ 44 5 3;. Office at Le:
4 Butler ..,..... .. ......... (i 2 10.00 Magotlln ................ 215 0 0.00 Louisiana .............. 104 15 sy the act of A1
‘ Caldwell ................ 53 5 40.00 Marion ....,............. TI I 50.00 Maine ........,.......,... I2 0 111 ni Associatio
Calloway ....,....,.... TS 3 35.00 Marshall ................ 32 3 15.00 Maryland .........,.... 167 19 111111 »-T-
Calnpbell ,...,......,.. 204 24 130.00 Martin ....,............. IS 0 0.00 Massachusetts ,..... 75 7 111 ` IHGIEII G. Kil
Carlisle ...............,.. IS 2 10.00 Mason ........,..,...... 135 I5 102.50 Michigan ...,....,..,.. 228 20 lt1]‘ G. LBS MCC]
1 Carroll ......,........... 02 5 27.50 Meade .................. 23 0 0.00 Minnesota ........,.,. 39 I 3 Marguerite Il
` Carter .................... 50 3 15.00 Nlenitec ,............... 10 0 0.00 Mississippi ....,....... 76 5 111 Anne Wiema
1 Casey .................... 45 5 90.00 Mercer .,................ 124 9 5().()0 Missouri .....,.....,,.,. 155 13 73 -———
1 Christian . ,.,.......... 138 T 57.50 Metcalfe .........,..,. 11 0 0.00 Montana ...........,.... 11 1 Q 1956 57
. Clark .. ..... , ........,.. 234 19 100.00 Monroe .... . .........   10 I 5.00 Nebraska .............. 18 I B `
` ,— Clay .................,..... 26 1 10.00 Montgomery .......... 119 10 52.50 Nevada ........,.. . ...... S 0 11 Will Ed Cor
. Clinton . ,........,....... 11 1 5.00 Morgan .............,.. 36 2 20.00 New Hampsliire .... 10 0 11 Ayes Ashl
1, Crittenden ............ 32 3 15.00 Muhlenberg ........,. 74 1 15.00 New Jersey .......,.... 232 :17 QTY W11l1am P.  
A Q Cumberland .... . .... . 24 0 0.00 Nelson .................. IIT G 30.00 New Mexieo ......... , 51 9 311 Helen G. K1
‘ Q Daviess ............. . .... 312 00 -155.00 Nicholas ......,,........ 54 I 5.00 New York ...........,.. 511*1 58 l11i' 522 $B§’l`€
Edmonson ............ 4 0 0.00 Ohio ....,.,............... 02 2 10.00 North Carolina ,,,,., 109 15 11111‘ B. A. S111V€1l
` Elliott .............,...... 14 2 10.00 Oldham ......,......... 52 5 30.00 North Dakota ........ 5 0 11 1911CS, Unn
_ Estill ..................., 51 0 0.00 Owen . ................... 55 1 5,00 Ohio .,,,.,,,..,.,..,,,.,.. 98:1 1:13 s3;· MPS. Hglmrltl
; I 1 Fayette ..........,.....,. 4 .203 509 3.282.50 Owsley ,,,,.,_...,,,,,,_. io 1 5,00 ()1(11r1mm.. ,,___,________ 70 10 3; Versailles
if  1 ‘ 1 Fleming .,.............. 66 3 15.00 Pendleton .............. 19 2 20.00 Oregon ....,.,....,...... 19 I 25 19591
1 ` Floyd ............,....... 157 3 20.00 Perry . ................... 144 2 10.00 Peiinsylvania .,,,,.., 282 30 225 william M- I
Franklin ................ 409 52 465.00 Pike .............,.,..,... 172 9 50.00 llhodc Island ....,... I2 Q 1: born (Terr
` Fulton ........ . ........   S4 4 22.50 Powell .................. 22 I 5.00 South Carolina ...... S-I Ii li Paul G- Blal
` Gallatin ..............,. 20 3 15.00 Pulaski .................. 192 19 117.50 South Dakota ...,.... 15 I 1 0€hIa1ld II]
_ Carrard ................ 05 5 25.00 Iloliertson ...........,.. 19 3 ` 20,00 'l`omn·ssee __,,,..,_,_,__ 195 :19 11% lV¤1l¤¤m H·  
. Grant .................... 72 rl 15.00 Roekeaslle ............ :10 1 $,00 Texas _________,_______,__ :16:; 30 .11; Bids. Lexi
. Graves .................. H8 5 32.50 Rowan .................. 52 2 I().00 Utah .......,.............. 1.1 1 111 R· R- Da“’S0¤
;, ( Grayson ................ 32 2 10.00 Russell .,............ . . .. 30 I 5,00 \’(·;mOm ___44_4_________ :1 0 11 1958)
· 3 (ln-eii .,.,................ :17 :1 15.00 Scott ..........,,,_.__..I,_ 102 lll 47,50 virgimu __,_,_______,,_, .;.1;; .10 gg;. Blgmton L. C
·   (Ireenup ................ H7 8 45.00 Shelby . .............,... 13-1 I 20.00 \Vashington ..,...., I3 0 If` _mgt°Il ITE
' P; Hancock ................. IT I 5.00 Simpson . ............... 19 31 15.00 \Vest Virginia ,_,_,,__ 2112 .1:3 Q01 R1C11a¤`d E- C
; . l-lardin ........,......... 12.1 18 112.50 Sp1·ne1·i· .................. 19 .1 22.50 Wisconsin ,..........   57 .1 1;‘ Wes 19571
. g 1-Iarlan , ................. 200 24 140.00 Taylor ................. . 00 5 25.00 Wyoming , .........,... S 0 ll Heflndon J- 1
· iiarnrnn ................ lss I0 62.50 rnari .................... 27 1 $,00 oraaar. .,1 os, ____ gsi 10 Ill . PINS 19571
’ Hart ...................... 43 3 15.00 Trigg ..............,,,,,. 24 :2 15,00 - .... . . . . Gerald Grim
` p Henderson ............ 136 13 65.00 Trimble ................ 27 1 5.00 Sub-Totals .... 7,898 854   Ii.l1lZ I°“ ITEYIII
. _ Henry .................... I I4 4 20.00 Union .................... 77 2 10.00 '1`otals ........., °2-1.062 2.448 $1(i.i11' DL Ralph A1
x Hiokniau _,,,__.,.,._., 30 1 5.00 Mlarren ...... , .,.,,,,.... 130 I5 90,00 rrr  —-· - ——-- 1011 IB0£11‘d
, [ llopkins ................ 143 23 157.50 Washington ........,, 52 .1 :35,00 ° The wm] a1nn1,r»1» ..1 .11111m.i 10.- “·11... ·l· S· Wéllku
‘ S . jackson .................. 24 0 0.00 \Vayne .................. 47 3 17.50 arc current addresses in the alumni filer. 1303141 Of
. . ‘ Jefferson ................ 2.358 1 34:3 1.964.50 Webster ..,,,,.,.,.,,__, 67 0 0_00 L0u1s Cox, F
_ { jessaniine .............. 185 9 50.00 \Vhitley ..... . ......... 162 Io 35,00 HUIIIGV L. BE
 ` johnson ................ T4 S 40.00 \Volfe .................... IS 0 1),00 S-. SCCOIIG
' ` Kenton .................. $145 33 220.50 \`vll1)(l1:(lI‘(1 ............,. 225 I-1 l·1Q,_Fi() ` Pl€$I\`-IQIIU
. Knott .................... 311 0 0.00 - -— - Miltguerltc lvl
Knox ...................... 57 I 5.00 16.164 1,594 $10,18750 lllgiflll IL1{
, _ H. D. Palmor
. . Dorzgy)
_» . r. eorge ‘
. W V ` i ~»¤ · I
· _ THE SECOND REPORT ON THE ANNUAL ALUMNI ROLL CALL lor 1956-or shows an 111c1‘<·1l~· gQ,?1€,1°'2HQ;‘€
* 1723 new members and $10.730.50 since July 1. when the first report was published. This increase is m<11‘ }§`§.0‘l.Q; I;
. couragmg. and brings the grand total to 2.500 members. lt IS still short of last years total 01 4.600. and 111 J C AP:
. . . . _ , . arlisle
Ihlplllg to €‘XC€€(1 11118 1lgl1I'€ (1ll1'1l1g 1110 11101111] of 1N0\’€111l,)t*l'. LexingtonM
. Robert H. Hi
· , _ , , ,_ V _ _ _ _i€S_. Lexing1
. ;;()··U pAp.TI(1]]>_.1T1()1\ MEANS 1,200 ACTIVE MEMBERS. What per cent 01 the z11111nn1 lll vlllll Y;§g"g‘*Xj*
. , .. . . . . . _ '_ . ‘ S · I
;11‘t· 111€1111)€1'S lll   NVQ SOIICI1 )’0l1I' 1101}) 111 l°€&IClII1Il.{ IZIIIS 010111 l))’ N()\’(‘lIll)(·‘l‘ 311   The l)1|l)l1t‘llI111 E‘R*)’If1Td Benn
_ the complete Alumni 11011 (.2111. \V111I 11l1‘ 119.1110 ot CHCII CO111l`1l)ll1I1lI.{ 1I1lllIlll1IS, has been lield up until our ill X-   l%6¤r{1l2v11
•- . . · . El 01*
; 1 ..200 actrve members is reached. N.W.Nee1, c
~ Herbert Hunt
. . . . ~ - C
_ \()1.l1'S 101' 21 g1'€2l.IZ€1' UlIlV€1`S11)’ ot 1&C1It11Cl   i I I `
HTM?   ` l `
_   Ballard County——Mrs. Shirley Williamson, M h 11 C t — · ‘ l l
..3..;  The Kentucky Alumnus Bgyggilaggu t B _1 P t G1 Ng?EZ.."¤O..3`€§1w3ii.T‘..‘§"i§?*C1X€€.‘“ii;£;’.‘§;’$i.. ’ F J
ll _ _ . . ny— HSI res on, as A d C Y- ‘ · Y l
15,4 ll __ Piib!1;h€?]l1q?;;t";£l pz); g;°thl;"{}'X$;`?;E_’;it‘;,f Bath C0unty—George Gibson, Owinggxille (l_;·a$de?iLl;]u;L Wlmam Hem`) Allen` I   ,
,;i;U_i_; 4"Ken uinymnl Subscriptions to nommembersj Bell C0unty—R. H. Barker, Pineville Menifee County—Faire1 C. Bailey, Frenchburg i Y
lol. ._at Lex E _ . . Bourbon County—Bas11 Hayden, Paris Mercer County—Mrs Aimee Alexand r 653
i8·‘i »>nF ’if22.l.’¥iE‘.I‘”€5$.€ii§’dé3"‘§$.b‘§`2.lL‘iiJSE {°;‘“’?.§‘.; Bqyld C°X*"*>’(jF*=*¤°iS Mmm Gm. The Park Pace. H arrc dsburg °’ l
,,4, _ s ayo rca e, Ashland Monr e C t·—J t L, Er · - · ~
;§g;_i,}__ ‘A1umnuS. Bcxrle Cc3mty—James M. Norvell, Green villg mm 3 us us hs, Tompkins , y l i
— lil ~ `—···—‘)‘L‘_ ‘ . . . . cres anvillc Montgomerv County—Mrs Rez' C H ll
2.41; ~Member ¤f N¤¤¤¤al Ed**.°’%¤l ASS°°*a€*°”· Bracken C0unty—Miss Lillian Hixsm. s ` sn M ’ m ` °w° ' I
__ q.· .r   g;¤,;¤;,·1::i?l¥;v%ha()£n?I`i¥;r1fst` gartfgg t 1
WU" ._ . - ` C0. Carrollton I ` ’ I A }>‘]— (3 — · ` y·m" gw -1 er y l
~ · ......... . .............. Edt · , he 0¤¤tY—J3m<=S W- W , P k 11
  gelE2€GM$;§u   Managing Edhg; Casey C0unty—George Noble, Liberty Powell C0unty—Ralph B. ggnleefggaxitoii ,
  Marguerite McLaughlin   Associate Editor 3}:32:;;]'fZcéL:)i:ltyrCl}agesTLuttr¢;rl1, iglbanii Plgaski County—J¤hn Prather, Box 106, li .
A i_i· _ .   · · - · . · 1 y— 0 n rice, op msvi c omerset
    cry gouge.-—M.. Beverly White, Box 133, R..b...s.,.. C.,..,..,.-R., N_D1•)wdEl]’Mt_O1iv€t if
Q', mc es er Rockcastle C0 t *—R d 1 h B d tt, R f I A
3* 1956-57 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Clgrk Csvnzmtiixv. S. Duty, Jr., 327 Maple Valley un 5 u Op ur 8 En r°
ii _ . . . . . .i ve., mc es er R · 11 C t_·—Oth ll G '
Il Wgb5dAE;¥;:§tOn' Pr°S‘d°‘“· 2655 Vlrgmn Clay County—-Carl Stinson, Manchester `gssings mm \ E a asking, Russell  
OTT, William P_ Curum Vice President, Frankfort gltngon CountyJChar1es Luttre11,_Albany _ Scott County—J. C. McKnight, Georgetown
-30 Helm G_ Km; Director of Alumni AHai,.S_ CF1 gn%endC0u1xt5*TL0u1s_D. Chlpps, Marion Shelby County——French Smoot, Shelbyville
A JE, 522 Sayre Aven Lexington um Gl an C0unt5——Lesl1e McC0mas, Simpson Ccunty—LeRoy Hughes, Franklin
lll B k 11
`¤ B. A. Shively, Treasurer. Department of Ath- ‘}" ESVI € $D€11¢€l` C0uniy—Har0ld Love, Taylorsville .
lllii .
U ` Ieticsl University of Kentucky Dglesigoglitgggilslgbrlgbell, 1321 Claranetie Taylor C0u1niy—Harry Ri Smith, Campbells-
W; Mrs. Hampton C. Adams, Old Keen Place, __·· · i _ _ V1 8
TV Versailles Pike, Lexington (Term expires ESUU C¤¤¤tY—S*€Ph°¤ Rice- k`Vm€ T0dd C0l111\X—L0gHn Webb, Guthrie
l2 Fayette County—Mrs. Elmer Gilb. Paris Pike. T ' C 1. - ‘
_ 9 ugg T M , .
  Wigiifn M. Gant, Masonic Building. Owens- L€>€i¤g*°¤ _ _ TTimb}€03g¤)12iyf·T G.aI%?1gBgg?;:d  
`is boro (Term expires 1959l Flglgggg C°umY"D’“· C· D· Blain Fl€mm85· Rglivn CguntN—B0wers Wallace, Sturgis 3
~· Paul G. Blazer. Jr., 2717 Cumberland Ave., · HITBTI 0u¤ty—Hal`1·y Lane, 803 Edgewood,
, A hl d (T · _ 1959) bloyd County—R0be1·t Allen, Wheelwmght Bo l G
,,1; WH§m:uH_ ·I?;:,x]§_;$T€;·i,.St National Bank Franklin C0lll1{y—AUgUSt Luscher. Jr., c 0 \VHShv;lE;.%ll ($?>i;1ty~—Char1es J. Hayden, l ‘
jay Bldg., Lexington (Term expires 1958i xschenley Distillers. Inc.. Frankfort Springfield _ _ g
lh R_R_DH\VsO‘]_Bl00I]]6€1d·K)•‘ [Term expires Fulton County—Dr. Ward Bushart. Bushart Wayne C0unty~—Cl1nt R. Collins, Monticello
U 1953) Clinic, Fulton P Webster C0unty—Haro1d Trader. Providence
W. Blanton L_ Comer, 209 Ridgeway Road, Lex, G:ii·1·ard tCOUHt}'—~MlSS Iona Montgomery. ';\\;hgle5éC0u11ty——Sam Cannon, Corbin I
`.~.¤ ingtcn {T rm expi 1958l ¤¤€¤$ €1‘ 0 e ounty—Eve1·ett Mill , Ca ( .
  Richard E_ goopggy §§;wy5€(_ Ky {Term cx- Graves County——Wi1liam Parham, Mayfield Woodford C0unty~.lohn \\’.€$Vilmg;.2   [
*3,, pi]-gg [957) Hancock C0unty——Harry Black, Hawesvillc Versailles ;
' H€md0l1 J'. Evans, pj wyj]1 _ Ky_ up X- Hardin County—R0be1‘t MCNEMHPH.   i
,,:1 _ pires 1957) I E erm Q Elizabethtown `
_;, Gerald Griffin, 233 Kingsway D1·j\·c_ Lexmg- Harlan COUI'lt)'·—J0]1l] Crosthwaite, Jr. Atlanta, Ga.»—James C. Downing, 1711
Q 6 W ion |Term expires 1957) Box 589 Barnesdale Way, N.E.
QIGQSQ Dr. Ralph Angelucci, 109 Esplgiiuidg Lgxiug- Harrison County--William Renaker, Route Birmingham. Ala.—M. Thomas Brooks, {
" " ton (Board of Trustees} No. 1, Cynthiann Brown-Marx Bldg. I
N. who, J. S. Watkins, 251 E. High SL, Lexington Hart C¤unty—R. W. Poynter, Horse Cave Charleston. W. Va.—R0bei·t Bleidt, 514 22nd ~ ;
li HM lB0ard of Trustees) Henderson County——Sam Lambert, Henderson St., Dunbar, W. Va. 5 l
Louis Cox, Frankfort lBoai·d of Trustees) Henry C0unty—O. L. McElroy, Eminence Greater Cincinnati—Frank V. Benton III, 29 l 1
H¢§ll€léL. Béiker, Louisville Cement Co,_ 501 gicklinan CCou1;tyi;la%k é\Ie§t0}n,I Clixnitcgn CIE. Orchamd 1R;)d..Vl*`t.Il2/litfhell, Ky. ,
. econ . Louisville nimmgdggc pa; op ins oun y- re . ic os. a ison— ucago. .— . . ea in¤. 1315 North ·
, prcsidentl H Q ville Branch SL. Oak Park. Ill. l
` Marguerite McLaughlin, 226 E, Maxwell, Lex- Jefferson County-—McKay Reed. 2448 Grin- Cleveland. Ohio——Robert McDowell, 3203 W. l
Hington iLife member, honorary) stead_Dr.. L0uisville,_Ky. _ 71st St. A l
· ·D.P;lln1ore,Franki0;-L |Lifc mgmbmy hon- Jessamme County-Wilson Routt, Nicholas- Dallas. Texas—Cheste1· C. Young, 2921 Fair-
gygry ville l1lOlll T
` DI- George Wilson, 200 N, U er 51,, Lex- Johnson C¤unty—Mrs. Alpharetta Archer. Dayton. Ohio—M1·s. Winston Blythe, 120
_ PD
_,_,l\, l¤§€0¤ (Life member, honorary} Paintsville Marston Drive `
UUV Singr§IlassrR§;;r?fei;itbbl{§{1.—\§ii1.hE. Bell. 2210 Cambridge
S mm; Na{i0ngigal1k0Bid eenan_ and Park, First V1 e t ’ _ V l V ., er ey, IC . U `
g., Lexington Knott Count; —Claude Frad;». Principal, Midland. TeAas—H. J. Rucker. 207 E. Maple
. Hindman High School Ave.
ind W J Cams} A11?/IPOINTIVE MEMBERS Larue County—Stanley A. Hager. H0dgen— Middle Tonnessee—R0bert T. Hanna, Trimble l
`Lexmgtgn y°rS’ Jr‘· 1211 Richmond Road- ville Road. Nashville. Tenn.
Robert H Hm , Laurel County-—G. W. Griffin. London New Orleans. La.——Gc0rge E. Jones, 4969
ies Lmém toénmeyer, Hillenmeyer Nurser- Lguvrgucg (;0umy—Gem·ge R. Burgess. Louisa Metropolitan Drive l
. vh.gi'1O Wgtsn 1726 Lee County—Dr. Clarence C0mbs,Beattyville New York City—~Bertel M. Sparks, School of
Yom ` ° James   AHGZILB 1}?é’V°irl5' }3lVd··_ASh]*“"d Leslie County—Denver Adams. Hyden Law, New York University, Washington sq.,
]' ··itii~ Edward l3emmt{ gg]? 1 ', g}§?H°s?€l F, Letcher County~J. L. Hays, Whitesburg Ny, (my,
' IV {Ort ’ en eb is 1 €"€S· m“k' Lewis County—Ch;n·les Staggs, Vanceburg l’lEla¤nty—Wa1ter Patrick, Lawrence- Magvffin C¤¤¤t>’—L¤th€1` Rice- Salyelsvluc May. 6:30 p.m., Colonial Room, Lafayette
burg Marion C0unty·-Paul Owens, Lebanon Hotel, Lexington ` I
  I `
T H E x E N r '
U C K Y A L U M N U S 3 i
I ;
L C . . ·‘

 . V ·   · l Dr. wait;
` t • I j . - · Syracuse Cc
V l Pr  S pa E "‘.·> V»4—   »;»· T ‘h°l"ll'm‘“
l ` °""   the UK M<
. ` ·~a€$   ¢`° i V the College
  .,...,»`“"‘Yi   *_    T _ · ,\ native
.   .,--- S· t lard receive
    `  deizwc ia I
,  Y . - and M.D. c
He internet
President Dickey   pim] in nu]
assistant res
i l _ Hospital in
‘ ceired the d
V Health from
V The new
. _ _ _ V 0[ the .-\iueri
y A Dear Members ot the Alumm Association: mm md 1
`   Medical As
. i; _ _ _ ___ _ active in the
i By the t1me this message reaches you. the 1906-or school year will be well Associnmm ,
, . underway. We are now engaged in one ot the largest and tnost comprehensive in Syracuse
`·, ». l programs upon which the University of Kentucky has ever embarked. You can with the Bit
Y l be very proud of your University, its faculty and statl:. and the student body. VV e S"““€·
V‘ have our headaches and our iroblems. but it is our Hrm beliet that this will be A Qollcgc
t . _ . _ . _- established t
_ _ the greatest year ever experienced by ou1 University. on Imc I
{ — VVe sincerely hope that you can visit with us on the campus in the near AsS€ml)llV_“l’
‘ it . . . . . C0nSt [
  .; Future and see the interesting work which is taking place here. \Vhenever you mcdiglr gil
  come, you will be 11'l()I€ than welcome. ln the event we do not see you prior to Basic Science
  Thanksgiving and the Christmas season. may we take this opportunity to wish for $6,000.000 ha
VA you the best of everything. HOT Cl¤¤¤1dl€
_ teacluug hos
. ° { facilities.
·.   ' Very sincerely yours, The retire
’ * include a (je:
l A School ol Nu
` 39 acres of
V i ' - ‘ ` Farm adjacet
  ` call lol` [he
l I V V V _ 'A " · Sm(l€Ills [1) ])
l Q _ _ 1959.
p Dr. Willarc
5 Frank C. Dickev 0fHC1?lS’ ecb]
_ - · gardmg prelit
V President mm of UW rr
H . C¤m1>¤ny, Sr.
. architect for
neapolis thm i
l Mnyo Clinic.
Z associates, Ire:
, A ls l-he loca] gu
_ is   DY- Willarc
‘ · _ _    

   r     r Joe Roberts Named l
ae - Yl'B· vac P rc l A l
jifsgg B r€S. O 0, .   l l
  . i ’ r . 
  I I     n     d · • l Standard Oil COn]I)HI])' (lndillna) l]a§ l l r 4
.0   ., l €     lust announced that joseph K, Roherre '  
  lornrcrlv of Lexin ton —· · I i A A
tg,  Dr Wlllllm R Wllllld (lem. Ol the incr cpd l V -8 I ,&,’€ne1al man- l l l   ,
  _ . , V .   , _ .   -5 16 leseartlr and development s A l r `. _
;__·V_Q§5ynrerrse College ol Medicine assumed   #l—?i5 and was     i ‘..__; _   »   >Ci1l`l'll (ll’])iil`llll€Il[ irr lO‘78 ·rn(l was l A
li —_gr5srst:urt resrclerrt ill blrorrg Klernornrl     ,;V__   tt   _ §" llléiilif (lll”CCl01‘ oi research hr the nge r  
l_ Hospitarl in Roclrester. N.Y. He re.       ’~».     ol Flo. one ol` the votmgest men Cygy i   ·
  ceivetl tlre degree ol` l)octor· ol` Ptrlrlic »     ,..A,V ___, f __  ...,,     ro bead a large scientific: or·g;rniz;nien_ I A t
 ljlealth from Yale in l92%7.     0   M11 R0l)€l`ls also holds u degree fron; ie i _
    The new nredical dean is ;. l`e|ll,ll·   Massaclrusetts lnsritine or Teelllmrogll jl V
K pf the ,#\merican Public Hezrltlr .\ssoci;tV ....   il
`_ [lOl] Illld Il Ill€I`llb€l` of [IIC l\llICl`i(]IlIl   i
Q Medical Association, He has been 'ix Friends of   i
  active irr the Harrclicappecl (>Ihildr·en's V sw · · 1
l lrlssoeiyrtioir and the Veterans Hospital i’`    li JO"` Alum"' ASS n' ·
f in Svracuse and has been ·tssoci·ttecl -
l _ _ · ‘ V ‘·- < · AA l , _ · _ _ {
j with the Blue Cross Group rqesljgmr D1'- Wm- R. Willard Csmbllggegdl _Tl$m?$l$h'l) _ h"“f l{°€"
l esewlce . . re ry e mversrty o ken- .
l .
r . kv Alumni ~\   ' [ l
l _ V _ _ l [lou _l l d_ _. _ _ _ Ulf I . . ssocratton or the bene-
t A College of Medicine was fornterllv U an met 10 5 of Instruction In the ’ · ‘
l— _ r .. . V · Ht ol those who are te· '
r established bv the Borrrrl er Trustees "C" S°h°°l* b“‘ l’l"““ “’ “"""°‘“"***€ ir srt t' ’ ·   —m iemd m the '
. on rua r, na. The me G€......r   the i¤<¤~»i<¤ rrri 1   in     rig.;`1.§‘Zr"§JFf§L‘tl“`;"E°**E§‘*§`   t A
  . V I H V. Om _ . l 0 , · * 2 . rn w ro r not at- 4
l _ASS€mbl)l approprrnted $5_g00_000 lm. e l{ll)_“llltVlJl1ll of tezrclrrngr lend the School.
{ construction of [hC [i]`$[ Unit Of [hc A H lllllclcllilllgc Of   fil(`lll[y RICH]- T11 l_ I     ' _ i I
l medical Center, the Medley,] (*0]]€l,.c bers with l?*€Ulf}' nlernbers oi` the C lc Slpécm C"”S1HC·m0“‘?*$$0€lFii€ l
?‘B¤SrcSc1encesBurldrrrg. Arr;.(r(rrrl0m.r ‘““l'C“l “h""I "‘“‘l‘l "”"`“ " mm iliilrmmip ·mS9pPm`€d·T€C€nd) bl i
l $0000000 has been pledged by Gm_el__ rrsetrrr ])U1`])f)SC mar we prim to do just ¥‘“_" “"““ "“€°"“"€ ‘*°“""‘“?°.f°“°"` i
l DOY Chandler for (-enqmlellllll Ol *1***-,, DY- Willard stated ` mg " Smd}’ ‘¥‘mdU€t*?rofe [ V ‘ · . ~
galdlll lellm l , } ssor o xotrng and holding ofhce. r
V tion Ol? Sm mary plans for construc- of education are eolllllllors Of R book  
Compmy Slneprcall centpr. Ellerbe & on student teaching.
. _ ‘ r · all , lS [le eorlsultin · ` · " · —"· ~' ‘ · · .
r rmhrrccr lor the project The Mh? ljh'?l."°‘l]*’ 1}"”"‘ P""""’°S "f Sm —""‘“'*"’>' ""°“· D“`k°>' ““" D*`· ·‘·d¤mS-
. ¤¤¤r>¤1isa r·r·r (reigned the l,.,,.id.l-.;l,,€0 {W     ‘?"“' ’‘‘‘ ` “" "" “‘° I" mg "‘°"     ‘°" ‘‘‘i 9****
Mayo (jrllllll Nlerlwelllcr M_u_;c Q V‘Vl €ll"f·llm> _ *0 §l¤1¤¤Si¤¤¤1‘l=·S¤rm— stitnte Division of the Americanix “'lll be Ol
Evans has been a stattucih stipptmci- l‘0ll€;;\'1llg giliflliiilixll in l32ly1·.vans (im}. for hugincming hdumtimlv M Imp whh ,
ol   SIHCC l`t]S llll(`l€]`g[`;{(lll{l[(`· (l;·[)‘5 l1¤`§¢¤¤\lZ¤¤g alnmrn <`ll¤bS Mild S€<‘ls· (,"g.iH€m.s is hu. Short of pwsml my the-job tran
He was a member of Strollers, campus mg ¤l¥lll€U¢? PT0$})€`€I$ l01` ¥l1€ 11111- uh iq Mlimluml that [hc _mmH| 1m·]11m·y, _·\
dranmic <>rs¤¤i¤¤ri<>¤V K=·1>t>=· $is¤¤=· """"‘¥`· H° "‘“`"""‘“`l*“" "‘ " “**"‘““" i..V..ta lor cttgt¤eet—tttg- ter—tmtta~tt ‘h°‘“‘d““"
social fraternity, university liasketlhill on the Premkforl Slate jokrrnal. as xt U "_0\hmlcl\v A10 000 to W 000 _1 a11P1—Ogi-mi]
team and the first pi~esi(1t—ht ht silky; [)l`00lI`€2id€l` and reporter lor the Lex· `lll ;_n_"u_l\_- me mum [ins m` h agent in hel
V V · · ` ' · H wld : l aq ; l ·`_l.t' ·e ”"' · " I _ _ · 'lll . _ .
~¤¤d€¤¤ PCP ¤1sa¤1Z¤¤<>·1· "‘$""‘ V "" ‘“‘ ‘? ‘ "§" “ “ ··.—tt(ttttttt—tt from tt.ii.tt.Vtt— prog ]e;.,..l V ~***d*“‘*‘ l"“
HC ig .1 former trustee of the uni writer lor the Associated lress at ¤ __ Cnc;
` ‘ ‘ ’ ` ~. . . , . , - _ year. _
versity and is now a member ol the lia?l`f;ll‘_H€l{h%l béldlmi Smtcledum S¤¤d¤¤t~I
executive committee of the .-\lumni O $181 Oéusu   3mlm_ilml;n‘l'_ 1 étvétv QM K i Phase muslk
.#\ssociati0n. \\’ithin the past year he P 6 ml rguufmil all Nip SSTCl‘u°( _ {_ L [ th I _ [ O <<>ll€s€1~<;·
V -- V ‘ V   . ··; · - ·r. <>·; ·or —»·oec. »V 1
directed publicity work lor the lcen- mss I? l€”'U° { C lm OH )“r$““ "_‘l" '¤—»' ‘“ Rl .| _ 'lf Dwdltiw fll
tuckv Medical lioundation w h ich “`h°“· m 192*; he P“l`“h"$Cd the 1)**** "'l*° l”`°l’l°m Dl`·_ l\<“l`l1_ $3¤ls l’hl"'U‘l‘
Pineville Sun lor 32 years but sold it The Dclmruhem0f1>1“VShVS1mS1)cCh Umllmlc   eslulll Ol Iillfllqll Wy Presidenl
to Chail