xt722804xr2g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt722804xr2g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1920-03-apr6. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1920-03-apr6. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1920-03-apr6. 1920 1920-03-apr6. 2011 true xt722804xr2g section xt722804xr2g 




     Index of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees.
                   April 6, 1920.

1.   Adoption of Minutes.

2.    Resignation of D. D. Slade.

3.    Insurance.

4.    Appointments2 Resignations, and Leaves of Absence.

5.   Report of Business Agent.

6.    Report of the President.

7.    Committee for the Purchase of Coal.

8.   Plans for the Erection of Dormitories.

9.    Subscription Student Loan Fund.

10.  Purchase of Engineering Equipment.

11.  Agricultural Extension Committee.

12.8  New Members of the Board of Trustees.



             Minutes of The Board Of Trustees     April 6, 1920.

    Minutes of the regular quarterly meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, for Tuesday, April 6, 1920.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
regular quarterly session in the President's office at the Univer-
sity on Tuesday, April 6, 1920.   The following members were pres-
ent: Superintendent George Colvin, Commissioner W. C. Hanna,
T. L. Hornsby, Richard P. Ernst, Senator H. M. Froman, R. G. Gordon,
J. R. Rash, P. P. Johnston, Jr., J. I. Lyle, Richard C. Stoll,
James W. Turner, Rainey T. Wells, Frank McKee, and v. H. Grady.
Frank L. McVey, President of the University, and Wellington Patrick,
Secretary of the Board, were also present.

     (1) Adoption of Minutes,   The minutes of the meeting of the
Board of Trustees for December 18, 1919, and the minutes of the
Executive Committee for January, February and March, 1920, were
approved as published.

     (2)  Resignation of D. D. Slade,   President McVey called the
attention of the Board specifically to the action taken at the
meeting of the Executive Committee in March, with respect to the
resignation of D. D. Slade.   On motion by Mr. Turner, duly seconded,
the action of the Committee was approved by the Board.

     (3)  Insurance.   Attention was called specifically by Mr. Stoll
to the action of the Executive Committee on March 17, with respect
to insurance on buildings.   It was ordered that a statement be in-
corporated in the minutes to the effect that the authorized insur-
ance placed on various buildings was based on replacement values
submitted by the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds.    In the
case of two or three buildings where the authorized insurance was
placed higher than the replacement values given by the Superinten-
dent of Buildings and Grounds, the Committee ordered that a state-
ment be made in the minutes to the effect that in such instances
the Committee believed that the estimates submitted were too low.
A motion was made, seconded and adopted, placing the authorized in-
surance on Mechanical Hall at $65,000, and on the Administration
Building at $100,000.   The Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds
was asked to submit further information on the replacement value



              Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees     April 6, 1920

fixed for Science Hall, this information to be submitted for the
next meeting of the Executive Committee.

    A motion was made by Senator Froman, that the Executive Com-
mittee be congratulated on the good work they had done on the insur-
ance of buildings and that the Committee be requested to reconsider
its action in placing the insurance thru one agency.  A substitute
motion was offered by Commissioner Hanna that the action of the Ex-
ecutive Committee in placing the insurance on buildings thru one
agency, be approved.  After discussion the substitute motion was

     (4) Appointmentst Resignations and Leaves of Absence.  The
following list of appointments, resignations and leaves of absence
was recommended by President McVey and on motion, approved by the


    Appointments of Charles A. Maham as State leader of county agents,
to be effective May 1, 1920, at a salary of $3,600 a year.

     Continuation of employment of J. W. Whitehouse, county agent,
Davies County, Kentucky, at a salary of $266 2/3 a month for a
period of twelve months, effective April 1, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of John Hunter, county agent, Allen
County, Kentucky, at a salary of $150 a month for a period of six
months, effective April 1, 1920.

     Appointment of J. B. Gardner, county agent, Calloway County,
Kentucky, at a salary of $2,000 a year for a period of twelve months,
effective March 1, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Minnie L. Hill, home demon-
stration agent, Logan County, Kentucky, at a salary of $129.16 2/3
a month for a period of twelve months, effective March 1, 1920.

     Appointment of W. E. Brohaugh as cow tester, Olkham County,
Kentucky, at a salary of $120 a month for a period of 2 14/15 months,
effective April 3, 1920.



              Minutes of The Board of Trustees     April 6, 1920.


     Resignation of Mr. H. E. McSwain, county agent, Lewis County,
Kentucky, effective February 2Y, 1920.

     Resignation of Mr, Kimber Bowles, county agent, Morgan County,
Kentucky, effective December 31, 1919.

     Resignation of Mr. Geoffrey Morgan, assistant director of ex-
tension, effective March 31, 1920.

     Resignation of Mr. Marcus J. Clarke, assistant county agent,
McCracken County. Kentucky, effective February 22, 1920.

     Resignation of Mr. 0. F. Floyd, extension specialist in market-
ing, effective March 31, 1920.

     Resignation of Mr. Ralph J. Morgan, district agent, effective
April 30, 1920.

     Resignation of Miss Wallace Utbterback, Secretary of the Feed
Control Department, effective May 1 1920.

                       Leaves of Absence

     Leave of absence is granted to Mr. M. 0 Hughes, without pay,
for an indefinite period, effective March 31, 1920.

      (5) Report of Business Agent.    The  report of the Business
Agent was presented and ordered filed.

      (6) Report of the President.   Presidnet  McVey made a brief
report to the Board of Trustees as follows:

      "(a) Increased Cost of Operation. The conditions facing the
University have greatly   changed in the past   two years.   Dur-
ing the next two years, we shall be facing a very difficult situa-
tion.   The increased cost of supplies,   the added cost of  coal
and the cost of labor and other supplies will add materially to
the budget changes.

      t`(b) Salaries.  The question of salaries is becoming more and
more serious, and increasingly more difficult to meet.    We  are un-
able to fill the positions of persons who resign at the salary they
received, new people cost more, with the result that we often get
people of less experience and the standards of the University are
in danger of being lowered. Some provision must be made for bring-
ing University salaries up to what they ought to be in order to meet
the increased cost of living.



             Minutes of The Board Of Trustees     April 6, 1920.

     "(c) Auditing of the University Books.  Over a year ago, the
accounting firm of Marwick, Mitchell, Peat and Company worked out
a system of accounting which we installed.   In addition to this,
our books receive an annual audit.   The State Examiner has indi-
cated that he wishes to audit the University's books and I have
told him that we are ready to receive him at any time for this work.
The annual budget for the coming year is nor being made.    It will
be presented to the Executive Committee at its next meeting and will
be ready for the Board meeting in June.

     "(d) Legislation. At the last session of the General Assembly,
the Budget Committee recommended to the Legislature some additional
items for University expenditures. As a result, we shall receive

     Experiment Station ........   $50,000 annually for two years;
     Agricultural extension work   108,000 for the first year;
     Agricultural extension work   126,000 for the second year;
     Engineering equipment ......   30,000 a year for two years;
     Agricultural instruction...    30,000 a year for two years;
     Dormitory construction .....   75,000 a year for two years.

     We also receive 1 3/4 cents mill tax on each $100 of assessment.
It was estimated that we shall receive this year $345,000 from this
mill tax.   The indications are that we shall probably be $15,000
short.   Next year we shall probably receive something like $500,000
in all.   The estimates for a budget for the coming year have just
been submitted to me and aggregate $630,000.    This sum will have to
be cut down by about $150,000.   It is necessary to   have about a
5 per cent leeway in the budget, due to the fact that we have no
contingent fund.   Many states have contingent funds for emergency
purposes and are able thereby to make definite budgets and live up
to them.   It will probably be well for us to have arrangements in
this State for a contingent fund.   We have had many requests for
additional buildings and increases in salaries, which are very neces-
sary as rents are mounting higher and higher.    A few persons have
reported to me that they are now paying 33 1/3 per cent of their
salary for rent.   Many are paying as much as 25 per cent of their
salary for rent.   Many are leaving us because of the increased cost
of living in this city.   This leads me to the suggestion that it
might be wise for the University to undertake a program for provid-
ing housing facilities for members of the University staff.    Per-
haps we could set aside some land, borrow money from banks and
erect buildings and pay for them as rent comes in from houses thus
built.   Lexington is behind something like 500 to 1000 houses in
its building program and the situation is so difficult that it
seems to me that the University might well consider the advisability
of entering on the program which I have suggested.



             Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees     April b, 1920.

     "(e) Eousing of Students.   The enrollment at the University
Zs growing rapidly. The total number of students that have regis-
tered to date this year is 1b23 including about 300 in the summer
session. We receive daily, letters from parents wanting places for
their children.   Parents want their daughters placed under Univer-
sity supervision. Vrnen we are not able to care for them they send
them elswhere.   The University will undoubtedly increase its body
of students very rapidly and we must make provisions for housing
these students. Last year we were able to house about 700 men.
About 200 students were turned away from the University because they
could not find adequate housing facilities.     The cost of living
for students has increased; room rent, where rooms can be obtained,
has gone up.   The monthly cost of living for students has increased
from $25 or $30 a month to $50 to $bO a month.

     "The increased cost of an education is fact becoming a menace
to democracy.   It is true that the ability of students to pay more
for an education has increased, but this increase has not kept pace
with the increased cost of living.   We will get from the legisla-
ture an appropriation of $75,000 annually for two years to build
dormitories.   This does not really solve our problem, because it
merely takes up the slack.   By the time we have spent this money
for dormitories, we will have moved far ahead of our present posi-
tion and the housing situation will be even more difficult.    There
is a movement at the present time for the erection of fraternity
houses.   We have just leased to the Sigma Nu fraternity a building
site for the erection of a fraternity house.    I understand that the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon wishes to make application for a site for a
$40,000 fraternity building.   These fraternity houses will help to
a certain extent to solve our housing problem, but the rank and file
of students not so taken care of must be considered.

     "(f) The Building Situation.   In the budget estimates which
have just come to me, there are several requests for additional
buildings.   Dean Anderson has requested that Mechanical Hall be
enlarged by the addition of a wing for recitation and tool rooms.
In the Agricultural Department there is a great necessity for a
building for Agricultural engineering.    We have carried on this
work in a number of small sheds and this has been very unsatisfac-
tory.   The demand for more recitation rooms is very pressing.
We need, also, a woman's gymnasium; we are using at the present
time a small wooden structure behind White Hall which is very un-
satisfactory.   With the $150,000 which we shall receive from the
Legislature, we can probably construct one dormitory.    The plans
which were drawn by Olmsted Brothers provide for a system of
dormitories to be erected mainly on Mulligan lot.



             Minutes 0' The Board Of Trustees     April b, 1920.

     22(g) Memorial Building.   Plans have been prepared by Mr.
Coolidge for the Memorial Building.   We have raised $165,000 and
the amount will probably reach $200,000.   The committee has some
men in the field at wrork.  It is best, however, to let this matter
rest until we have fully determined what the contributions will total.

     "(h)  Library.   One of our most pressing needs is more adequate
library facilities.   The Library now has reading room for about
fifty students.   By removing some of the stacks and placing them in
the basement, we could probably make room for 75 or 80 students, but
this is less than 10 per cent of the student body and is wholly in-
adequate for our needs.   We now have about 41,000 volumes   in the
Library but we ought to have even at the present time 70,000 or 80,000
volumes.   The Library is the heart of the University.   We cannot
carry on graduate work without library facilities.

     "(i)  The Need of Better Alumni Organization.     We have had at
the University during its history a me 15,000 students and about
2,000 of these have received degrees.   We have at the present time
no adequate record of where these people are and what they are doing.
In most cases, we have not even their addresses.     We have kept up
fairly well with those who have received degrees but we are not in
proper touch with them.   We have an enormous number of former stu-
dents scattered over the State and Nation and we should have some
adequate way of keeping in close toucbh with them.   With the proper
organization for taking care of alumni matters, we could do better
work.   In the near future I want to suggest some plans for working
out better organization for alumni matters at the University.

     "(j) Student Loan Fund.. We have felt the need of a more ade-
quate student loan fund.   At the present time, we have a loan fund
aggregating about 42,200 including $1,000 given by the Southern Rail-
way to agricultural students living along their roads.    We have
frequent calls for student loans and the loan fund should be consid-
erably increased.

     @(k)  Deartment of Music.    Professor Lampert has indicated to
me that there is considerable demand for pianos for practice.    Our
music instruction is general in character and we have no adequate
facilities for instrumental practice.   If we could have a small
building where we could place five or six pianos for practice, it
would be a good thing.   We have need also of additional instructors
in music, the cost to he University would be perhaps only the cost
of the building and purchase of pianos as salaries and instructors
could be paid wholly from fees.



             Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees     April 6, 1020.

     "These, gentlemen, are a few of the problems confronting the
University at the present time.   Ye have many other problems, but
I have time only to dwell on these few points."

     (7)  Committee for the Purchase of Coal.   On motion made and
seconded, the Chair appointed Mr. Grady and Senator Peak to make
arrangements for the purchase of coal for the coming year.

     (8)  Plans for the Erection of Dormitories.   On motion by Mr.
Wells, duly seconded, the President was requested to ask Mr. Coolidge,
the University architect, to prepare plans and specifications for
the erection of a dormitory costing approximately $150,000, the
plans to be presented to the Board at some future meeting.

     (9) Subscription Student Loan Fund. After the discussion of
the Student loan fund by President McVey, members of the Board vol-
untarily subscribed the following amounts to that fund:

     Mr. Richard P. Ernst subscribed ......... . ........ $500
     Mr. Richard C. Stoll subscribed................... 500
     Mr. J. I. Lyle subscribed ................ ..... .250
     Mr. George Colvin subscribed thru Mr. Ernst ..       $100

     (10)  Purchase of Engineering Equipment.   On motion duly made
and seconded, a committee consisting of Mr. Lyle, Dean Anderson
and Mr. Grady was appointed to make a selection of engineering
equipment, the selection to be reported to the Executive Committee
which will give authority for the purchase.

     (11)  Agricultural Extension Committee.   President McVey re-
ported to the Board that the Governor had recently appointed the
members of tVie Agricultural Extension Committee provided by law,
consisting of the following persons: Governor Morrow, Commissioner
Hanna, Senator Froman, Mr. McKee, and Mr. Hornsby.

     (12)  New Members of the Board of Trustees.   It was reported
to the Board that the Governor had made appointments on the Board
of Trustees as follows: Mr. W. H. Grady, Alumni member, for a
period of six years; Mr. James W. Turner, for a period of six years;
Mr. Frank McKee, for a. period of six years: Mr. T. L. Hornsby, repre-
senting the Board of Agriculture.

     On motion duly seconded the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday
June 1, 1920.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                         /Signed/       Wellington Patrick

Secretary of the Board.


Missing report(s)