xt71zc7rr904 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71zc7rr904/data/mets.xml La Harpe, Jean François de 1739-1803 Bourlet de Vauxcelles, Simon-Jérôme 1733-1802 Fontanes, Louis de 1759-1821 France La Harpe, Jean François de 1739-1803 Bourlet de Vauxcelles, Simon-Jérôme 1733-1802 Fontanes, Louis de 1759-1821 1797-07-05 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'imprimerie de Crapart  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Mémorial, ou Recueil Historique, Politique et Littéraire, (No. 47) 5 July, 1797 text Le Mémorial, ou Recueil Historique, Politique et Littéraire, (No. 47) 5 July, 1797 1797 1797-07-05 2023 true xt71zc7rr904 section xt71zc7rr904  


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71.953 sscnrztcs, jusqu’isi

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i.1I'11 111111.35 0.41.1113 1I1:
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i111,11.'11:1':11‘.-.I1I11? II 1111 I1: 5011 1111s L111i11‘111‘5‘ ‘, 1‘L 1111'111111, 11\'1111'1:
(111': I’513511131‘1‘ 1' 11.1111.) S1111 II1111IJ0111 V0 111111111‘, (11111:.1'1L5‘i 1I13s
1‘1':‘1' 1'1I. Li ‘11s i11.1II ‘ 111I111 s 111‘. 11111115 V 111 11111111 1‘11111 [1.15 I0 I11'11111-
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b1‘1‘1I 111113 Ic 111.‘11'.13 1I"11r, gr
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c-i111-‘z . 711.121. 1111 m. 1I’1111 1:131:11 1 1111 51‘ 1‘.1':I111 1111115 11:101111iL
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0L 1111.1111I 1:11 11’ 1‘ 11 jug/omit 1[110
11.11 I11 11:111 1‘1’.111 1I '11: 1111'1‘1: 11.5.1 111.1I1‘1: I . . \v'ingL—un
x11'1II11, 1110111111010! Ah!
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1:..» 1111-1,

21:1 : 111,1 I)11111 \‘oir: CL 1111:13 jrlgf‘.

. . .
111111 1‘.1,1‘111:11I .'\.,111.1I11~::

I1-111135‘ 11111111111115 \‘nlre 1111i7'11‘. refuge ,
'1’“ ' '.I111'i:,11 I1‘1'1 I'1111 I 1I0 5:15 [)1‘1':.IicIi011'3?‘1.. .

LL 1111 .11'1111'11L 111'4'05, 1'I'10 11’1‘5L 11I115‘. L. H.

flflmxrrisrq NW

D1 V01iL1IJI0 051111L1I1111jr111‘:n11, CL, (-11
01,1": 1I"1'11I1Li1;1 91‘: 1111115..

pass1mL, d’un

Iii/1.07150 1}. mm 111‘:11m'/1; /1'.!/r1' 1/1: .1]. I]1’/1:'1' . . . . . .
(V1 I0 '1\'-”. 353.)

31: suis 1.1111‘Iié, 1111111510111‘, (11' ”.1110 [10151111111.1II11111011L‘ 1I0


(IV " I111’1".'

{T111 1'01 1111:0710; 1:1 I0 11.0 ..1111d11 dirucicur 11.1 jury 111 Ik1iLI'0i.

: Ii111'1 ,.1'1'1: , (”11“ ,11111'-'1-1111I , ['95-‘11 511‘ '11 111"11i 1111i


mais Ics réflexions CL i013 111161110“;
1111 ’0I10 10111‘0r1110, 111: s1)11'L 11115 dc IL 1111. 111113 11111 011112‘i0111 1'1 11.1
jou1'1111id0 1’1111 5, (111111‘11111i01‘ 5 00'11: d0 I11 IiI1C1‘L1f1. D11 b11113
1‘01150ig1101110115 5111' I’11l1inio11 110 "1:10 1Iép'111‘101111'111, 1’105 011'.
11111003 :"(I 11110 I1111111c 11111111111411 11i1111 1'1 ve11i1‘ , I’ i1ul111i5511111‘ 11 11.3
In faction Le1“1o1iste , I’appuiscumut (10's I111i1105 , Io. 10111111
g1‘111I111:I 1105 0511riLs 1111}; [111115 111i110i11115, 111‘ '35 I11'1iis (IC‘ (‘1
Lures 1111i puisseuLéL1‘01111111L1‘0'5 011 0'1011111 1I0 1‘1‘ .11 1"1 1111110, \...I\
(21311110 11.1115 (IUSII'OIlS 1111111'0111110110 C011x 1111i VCLIII‘III. I1.11.11
Cm‘rnspoudrc 11x01: 110115. Nous avons Pris I0 Litre (I0 fliduomkzl
110111 11111111111 :01 (11.0 1111115 CI101'CI11111s, p111‘111i Ics I11ils 11105015,.
0011\ Lilli. 1I11iv011L1‘315‘L01‘ 1111115111 111011111i1‘0.1\I11115‘ 11:1:111-JII131‘11111:
005‘ 1111115 001111110 Ies 1111\‘i34101115 li01111'- ‘11L111L0 1105 1':\.1'11,1111.1.
journalicrs 110 I11u1‘ 01111150. Nous voguous (ou “711111115 1‘.:—
1.311111) V1315 1:1 IiI101'éL CL 10 L11)11I11,1111‘. lI I'aul‘. 11111101 1'10 L1 51.111120
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