xt71zc7rr637 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71zc7rr637/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1978 newsletters  English The Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentucky  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Kentucky Inter-Prison Press Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, June 1978 text volumes: illustrations 37 cm. Call Number: 17-C817I 8: The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, June 1978 1978 1978 2022 true xt71zc7rr637 section xt71zc7rr637  





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Mrs. Ruth Carr, President of the Pinevllle Garden Club, ioo‘ks on
as Earl Carr [left] and Ron Stokley plant two coffee trees
donated to the Bell County Forestry Camp.



1 operations of the Bureau were»
passed during thel978 ses-

. 1 Assembly and have been sign-
- ed into law by GovernOr Julian
' Carroll. ‘

' - Representatwe Dwight Wells

, , sale of prison- -made goods in
. state- -operated gift shops. 5.“ - '

l-Iouse Bill 362

1. sponsored
'jil‘by Representatwe


mits the use of performance-
based criteria in parole regu-
lations and requires that pre-
liminary revocation hearings

of both parolees and condi-
-tional releasees be heard by ,

two hearing officers who are
' 1 attorney‘s ~


'sentative Bobby Richardson of
1 ' .Glasg6w; and Mark Fitzgerald

I of Lyntmana, directs the es- . .9

tablishment of a ta'Sk force to '
1 study the state’s legal system



1 l

sion of the Kentucky General .

House Bill 90, introduced by '

RichardSQn. of Glasgow, per-

, House Jbint Resolut1on 86,
1, Wjomtly sponsored by Repre- j

Correcf‘i ons Changes


Several bills affecting the.


‘ date for SubmiSSion 6f the ta'sk.

. , force study. .1-

Senate 13111 69, 'réiaiiiig 16'
the State Penal Code,-
introduced by Senator Tom

1' Garrett of Paducah

1110111 Richmond allows for the

" i._ The joint resolutlon appro-
‘ ' pr1ates $100; 000 for the study ~

- ment,
plaint pending against a state

v Katemf of LouiSville,1_ 1
Garrett, requires- persons con-1
. trading with convicted crim-

The Bill 1ncludes prov1smns

Which prohibit a second- de-
'gree persistent felony offender,
,ffrom eligibility for conditional
discharge; require final dis- ~

position of any untried indict-'
information, or com-

prisoner; and allow a felony

sentence‘ of a state court to run - 7
concurrent with any federal .

sentence received by the _same

defendent for a federal crime. .

- Senate Bill-J 1162,
”sponsored by Senators Dayid

inals for" re -ena_ctment of the

7 crime by way 0f television, .
'iradio, mOvie or book preSen-E;
tation to pay all money the‘
'- criminal would receive ever
.to the Crime Victims Compen—

sation Board. The money will

be used to reimburse victims '_

of crime.


Was <

Jointly ,


‘ he says,

, any grievance.
* V have been set for'each step in
prompt responses. Residents
filing a grievance may choose '


JUNE 1978

Number 1

Grievance Procedure Expanded,
Now Includes KSR And KCIW

griéVance procedure hasbeen

expanded to KCIW and KSR "

as of April. 24, according to

.Mike Bradley,“ Bureau of Cor-

rections [ Ombudsman. "Plan-

ning and the design of _the
' prOcedures has been going on
since the first 6f the year at; 1,

both institutions.

“The procedure is in effect

fcr all the1 women at KCIW ”~ ’


i'Pr1or t6 the implementatlon'

._gbf the procedures at KCIW
and KSR, only: the BlaCkburn '
and sets July 1,1979 as the

Correctional Complex ] had
_-S11ch a procedure. It was
begun I111 May, 1977, ’with

"1 aSsistance’ from the Center for

COmnwnity Justice in Wash-

Iiiiih‘gton, D. .C. Over the past

year, the Blackburn procedure

"has handled 43 grievances,~

with 33 resolved at the institu-
tional level.

Bradley points out that
Kentucky is one of only four
states in the country to have a

grievance procedure of this

type. [He also points out how

__ the Kentucky procedure dif-
rfers from .those used in New
York, South' Carolina,
' California.


“What distinguishes this
procedure frOm the others,”
‘is that it involves
particiption by elected inmates
and by line staff” 1n designing

the procedure and in actually 1

resolving the grievances.

"nder the procedure, 111-1
mates are guaranteed a writ-

ten response, With reasons, to
Time limits

procedure, .. to. assure

The .'


Included in the steps of the

1. grievance procedure is the"
.right to appeal to an 1ndepen-
dent review bedy outside the .,
Governor s; ’
Commission ' on Corrections
and Community Services and

bureau. The



, 7 of the procedure" at both 1‘
institutions was arrived _at

through the effOrts of a resi-

dent/staff design committee

and the Center fer Community

,' Justicea

According to~Bradley, cer-
tain things are not grievable

inmate" of a' staff
1 member to‘represent them at»
'all levels, ‘while the procedure
is monitored by the the Om-
budsman. ,

, mute set up for A1111); tment



- population at the reformatory,
4‘1plans call for it to be estab-' ~

in late summer or early 1511

under the procedure. “We
can’t get into court decisions,“
parole .board decisions, or
complaints involving agencies
other than the Bureau of
Corrections,” he says. . ‘.‘Ad- 9 a

1 Justment Committee dec151ons
1,Ca11’-t be appealed through the

The' procedures
they use to arrive at their

:deciSion may be appealed, but

there’s already an appeal pro-
"ommntee dec1s10ns
After the grlevance proce-
‘dure lS expanded to the entire“



lished next at KSP, sometime


The Center, for Community
Justice is providing the bureau 1 . . 1
with consultants through a - ,
grant from the Law EnforCe- f ’
ment Assistance Association.

Eagles Scar As KSR
Features Slam-Dunk

By Larry Lenston-

LA GRANGE—If you had.
walked into the gym at the
:Kentucky State Reformatory 1»
on Saturday,'February 18, you
would have wondered who let .

all the eaglesout to soar.

Strange sort of eagles at

that. Two legs, two arms with A‘
a round ball 1n one hand. They'

[would run, soar," twist and

finally, \on their 1’ return :to '

earth, put the ball into a 'Small
round hoop. It took awhile, but
finally I knew where] had seen
these moves before’.5ln-'a game

called basketball. They called ,
it the slam dunk, and KSR was ‘
holding its first slam dunk ’

contest. ,

, 'could exhibit the most m‘oves

‘ There are three judges,who1
" 5w6uld award each man a total

. man automat1cally lost two 1.1,,
1 points if he missed the dunk.1

The object of the "contest is
to see what man out'of a group


andistyle in putting the ball 1'

d ’ into the hole, while suspended .

aboutJO feet from the floor. 1

of 3 to 8 points for style. A



We started with nine ' fledg-
ling eagles in a head _to' head f

“ elimination. In order to ad-
‘ ‘ vance- into the next bracket,'--'

one must score more points

than the other man in a 'series’ ,
of five dunks. With a Score of

81 points, Andrew, Masden‘

won the title of “Dr. ~
.Du‘nkinstein of KSR.”




Letters To The Editor


In the past, I have written
aboutvthe steps forward the
administration has ‘taken to
update the Kentucky State
Penitentiary and, bring it in
line with other prison systems.
I am sorry to report we have
now fallen back into the dark
ages. I womd like to articulate
on what has h: ppened here in
the past fev- months, and you
as a reader can judge where
we are headed.

To begin with, let me say
that Superintendent Donald
Bordenkircher has kept the
inmates in a state of confusion
and constant turmoil. The
inmates do not know wnat to
expect from day to day. He
appears to paint .‘he worst
possible picture for the public,
thus giving the convict a black
5 eye. ‘

There are no real problems
here at KSP that other penal
systems do not have. Most of
the problems here are created
by the administration itself.
The warden will give a little,
make a big issue of it to the
public, and then take a lot
from us without explanation.

..It is almost impossible to

see a caseworker. You often"

wonder Whether you will have

. the same one for a f1“! geek.
’ “m'fioflm . m n "

the past six months, the
casetvorkers have been
switched and moved, until you
have to ask directions in order
to find them.

The Bureau of Corrections
recently took steps to set the
prison system back by taking a
law on obscenity and using it

to justify reading the outgoing '

mail of the inmates. It took the
inmates many years of hard
work to get a federal judge to

hand down a decision prohi-
biting such practices only to.
have the order overturned.
Does a memorandum from the
warden supersede a United
States District Judge?

This appears to have come

about primarily because of the
June Lyon County Grand Jury
and the attitudes of people in
that community. It is dis-
graceful for the Warden to
allow the people of Lyon
County to tell him how to run
his prison.

.In an appearance on public
television, Bordenkircher left
some doubt as to whether he
believes in rehabiliation. -He
apparently feels his first obli-

. gation is to the citizens of the

community rather than to the
inmates under his control.
Punishment seems to be the
first thing he thinks of when
he looks out on the yard and

sees the men. We at Eddyville
understand how he could have
been the commander of the
POW Camp he is so proud. of.

The crux of the issue is for
readers and. those who listen
to the radio to understand
what we here at Eddyville
have to endure. It is past time
the public did something
about the kind of administra-
tors running something so
huge and final as the penal
system. It’s time we had
responsible people in such

positions. The public should 5

take the proper steps to re-
place those in power, and
prevent them from gratifying
their hunger for power. As a
writer, I call for the support of
the prople in the Common-

wealth of Kentucky and ask.

that Donald Bordenkircher be-
removed as warden of the
Kentucky State Penitentiary.




















Ce rrecf/h n5 "’

fl Moe/ail #r 74¢ Mil/on




What Prompted New KSP MoilRegulation?

When Governor
touted Kentucky’s corrections
system as a “model for the
nation,” he should have look-

Hfin’g set. W
recommendations from the
“blue ribbon commission”
have been carried through, the
bureau appears to be regress-
ing _to the repression and
intimidation typified by
Charles Holmes and Henry
Cowan. Nowhere is the shift in
attitude more apparent than in
the new obscenity and mail
regulations at KSP.” .

The legality of the regula-
tions will ultimately be decid-
ed by the federal courts. The
courts will determine whether
KSP is a part of the Eddyville
community, and thus subject

Carroll ,

ed more close éat the example,
e some of t é-“"

to “prevailing community
standards” on obscenity. They

will also determine whether'

the new mail regulations are in

violation of an mjunct1on is- 5
“ts‘ued by Judge/”Charles Allen 1 W
in 1973. If so, both Commis- 5

sioner Bland and Superinten-

_ dent Bordenkircher may be

held in contempt of court. It is
difficult to fathom Why two
otherwise intelligent men
would risk such censure in a
'cause which is unnecessary,
immoral and ill-founded-
From a practical point of
view, the new regulations are
difficult to enforce. It, will
require untold man-hours to
read each letter coming and
going from the penitentiary.
Keeping KSP in line with

“prevailing cemmunitv stan-



the kentucky




Walter Harris ....... - .......................
Stu Schull ............................

Ronald Tipton .L ............................ . ............... E ddyville correspondence nndFor-n 3579 should In direct-.- to the


Gawayer’ ............... Public Education ServicesMnnnger

“The Kentucky Inter-Prison Prer‘r is published monthly by

DnrrylSte-nrt .......................................... Copy Editor the KQDNICU Bureau of Corrections. Prlnkhl’l.’K¢l'“"'
Alfred Jone. ............................... Production Supervisor 40601. produced by residents of the correctional instii- 1:331"
LnrryLenston ................................. Photok Annuitoxo! the Commonwealth of Kentucky and 'prlnted l?! the

Vocational Printing
Reform story in LnGrnge. Kentucky. The views expressed - .
in this publication are-not necessarily.thoee of the Kentucky?

Bureau of Corrections.
.............. LaGrnnge

.............. La Grange' ”granted

Debra Clark ................... KCIW

. ‘CIIQIOOI‘Cl: -------------------- P'bl'
Ron Smith .......................................... H arlen County 1: Education Services I‘l‘..t~' III... ofCorrectlonI.
RoseVO' Neal ......................................... Boone County Frankfort Kentucky. 4060]. 5“.“ fl.” postage u“.
John Campbell ......... Roederer Center paid at Frankfort. Kentucky, 40601.


pnovlded rlie prop‘er- crodlt ls given. Al'.

Clue it the Kentucky State.

leprlnt permission is hereby

dards” '(whatever those stan-
dards may be) will require

periodic shake 'downs, again
costing valuable man- -hours'
-Which could be deyoted to
*‘som‘ethmg useful Surely thee}?

guards at KSP can find better
ways to occupy their time than

reading someone else’ 8 mail, ‘

or carrying on a never-ending

' search for dirty pictures.
' The massive invasion of

privacy inherent in the mail
regulation smacks of , moral
leprosy in itself. The regula-
tion is a gross travesty of basic

.human rights. Often the only.

opportunity an inmate has to
express his deepest feelings is
a letter'home. Day after day,

thoughts remain unspoken,
and emetions go unexpressed.
The right to privacy is denied

in living, working, eating and
sleeping. Now it is to be
denied even in writing. His
hopes, dreams, ambitions,

fears and even love, will be:
common knowledge to the-

guard inhis cellhouse. Verbal

voyeurism has become the

order of the day.
Bordenkircher, has attempt-

ed to justify the mail policy on .
the grounds that suicides and

escapes will be reduced. Yet
he has offered no evidence

: that either the escape rate or
. the suicide rate has soared.
since Judge, Allen banned
censorship The truth of the "
matter is that the new policy

will have no effect _on either
'issue. Tormented spirits will
continue to take their lives'
(probably leaving their letter

beside them), and some in-

‘ “Shake:
escape. The solution to those 5

mateywill contmuet


problems does not lie in
increasing the repression 'driv-

‘ ing them to such desperate
measures. It lies in learning to "

view them as human beings,

”and treating them so. Until,

Bordenkircher acquires that

’ ability, suicide and escape will
continue to be'a problem.

It may be: that the real
reasons for the drastic change

in regulations lies -' in the

attitude. of the local commun-

ity. In a recent column in the,


Baccu-s freely ex-

pressed the prejudice, which .
apparently exists against the

Eddyville inmates. (He subse-
quently 'requed the KIPP
permission to reprint hit~ ar-,
ticle.) If Baccusiopinion in -..ny
indication, Jewsi in Nazi

I Germany" enjoyed morepres- ‘_5
tige than inmates" in ’Lyon "

County-.9 With no logical justi-

l'fication for the policy change,
‘5 one is forCed to‘ conclude that ,.

Bordenkircher’s repression
binge is simply the result of
prejudice. Only time will tell
whether the' prejudice is his
own, or if he has simply
chosen to cater to the small-
minded people of a backwoods

. community.




Most of. you have no- 3

. ticed the ’KIPP has suffer-
, ed publication problems
5_ during the , past six
months. Several issues
.have‘been late and some .
have been missed entirely

because of a lack of copy y‘


and printing equipment
problems. We hope to

~ avoid these problems in

the future and to be able
to deliver a mere timely
publication. So, watch for, '
the next' 1ssue. It’s coming
soon. . 55



‘ wkw




For over a year, Bob

T aylor’s humor has bright-

' “veered the pages of the
KIPP. A national award
winner in the American
Penal Press Contest, Bob
has now made parole and '
left us. In his honor, we

' present a final tribute—a
full page of the character he

created: “Bad Bob.”


‘ t

’r .











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' * (CETA)-fu'nded

Reforinatory Jaycees Conquer

Staff In BaSketb all ShOWdoWn

. By Derrick A. Fields,

LA GRANGE40n February '

22 the KSR Jaycees and the

KSR staff,-consisting. of Cor->

rectional Officers and case-

workers,.met in the gym to.
play the first game of the
1 season for the KSR Jaycees.

. _ The tip off began promptly .
m., with the KSR

staff quickly
lead with the first


' - The’regional jail study c011- .
ducted by the bureau in co-
. operation with the Kentucky

Association .of T Counties
(KACO) was completed in
April The study, funded
through LEAA grant funds,
began 1n May 1977.
Accordmg to Doug S'app,

director of the diviSiOn of?
reg1onal jails and a member of ?’


- » ‘ ....J .
wan‘d‘ "“67 c1ty Jails Within the


.‘i'é-L-“The data Collected Will

serve as a comprehenswe data

gnbase With regard to local
detentiOn facilities which will

be important in future pla‘_11~
ning for utilization of th'eSe
fac111t1es by the bureau,” Sapp
sa1d :

Nearly 50 parolees have

secured employment under.
the terms of a Comprehenswe ~51?

Training nActg'ii
‘ prOgram 1

which began last November.

According to Travis Shirley.

Community OJT and Govern-’

ment Services Manager, a

$121,000 CETA grant was.
awarded to Kentucky for the
- :; -employment of ex_- -offenders. 1.»
He said. that $58 ,899—-nea_rly "

Whalf the total—has already
been allocated

to open .up the- iob market for

' Wex- offenders. The provisions
”of the grant a1low an employer


' .‘be'- used to upgrade those .
7 persons who are *und'ér- -em-. '5
I'rployed. " ‘
_' “The majority-,of the 49.1] '
‘ . plaCements have been in ’s'em ,
qukilled p051tions'so,;
.viousl‘y, the progr " ' .p
-'vidi11g ex— -offen'de'rs with the
' ' chance for both training and
“The grant funds have pro-.,
' vided' an excellent opportunity


meta-4113 1NTER~PRISON PRESS-JUNE 1978 '

23-18. in favor of the Jaycees,
it would have seemed that the
Jaycees had come alive.

In the second quarter, the
’KSR Staff regained control

with the shooting ability of

Lieutenant Mike Townsend.
At the close of the second
quarter, the score was KSR
Staff 38, Jaycees 35.

At the start of the third

quarter the KSR staff increas-
ed their lead, forcing Jaycees
Coach. Tom Payne to call a
time-out. ' After the newly


.F"Th'e' data will'be invaluable

to ‘11s in determining which'-.
facilities have the capabilities ‘

for. housing programs we wish

to implement A prime ex--.

ample of this is our- gradual

f release program,” he added.

According Campana,

each fac111tyrwas evaluated'for _

its compliance Wit ..
gyguidelin'es and- standards; '


~ also said that a descriptive

analysis Was made of each
facility which included its


phys1cal condit1on p"ce11m1- * ‘





upgrad1ng.. he said »
Shirley praised the efforts of


__the Community SerVices Qt?
fic'ers (C80) in "
:1 ': placements,

'Jaycees. It was a big victory.


Joming Sappflon the jail "


pledged strategy, the Jaycees
began to play team ball. At'
the end of the quarter with a
score of 55- 68, the J aycees had
finally gotten it completely. ,
together. .
After the tremendous dis- "
play of team work in the third
quarter, the KSR Staff sfeemed '
to have lost all its spunk. The
game ended with the score of
93— 66, in favor of the KSR

and a beautiful start for the

Sapp pointed out that the
ata cOmpiled through we;
st y Will be available for: use: ., .

If you want to' send your copy of _Th Kentucky Inter-Prison Press to someone by mail please place

their address and yours 111-the space 'prov b.1011 . Fol vertically and staple one time in the center
Where. the two open edges meet, leanng bo .

Inter-P115011 Press requires one 13 cent stamp.




quite 'ob‘-' _ 2', a"





_ = To you/1'
Fanny cit FROEN'DS