xt71zc7rr596 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71zc7rr596/data/mets.xml Vermont Historical Records Survey United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects Washington Vermont Historical Records Survey United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects 1937 [ii], 82 p.: charts 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number: Y 3.W 89/2:43/W 279/no.26 books  English Pullman, Wash.: the Survey  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Washington Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- Washington (State) -- Pend Oreille County -- Catalogs Pend Oreille County (Wash.) -- History -- Sources Pend Oreille County (Wash.) -- Archives Inventory of the County Archives of Washington. No. 26, Pend Oreille County (Newport), 1937 text Inventory of the County Archives of Washington. No. 26, Pend Oreille County (Newport), 1937 1937 1937 2021 true xt71zc7rr596 section xt71zc7rr596 )1



3 DUES 37937951 I






Prepared by

The Histurical Rocor&s Survey

Divisicn of Women’s *ld Professional Projects

Works regress Administratiln


Pullman, washington

The Historical Records Survey

September 1957





A. Pend Oreille County and its Records System.


Paget f
. 1. Historical Sketch ----- - — - — - - - — w - — - - - — 3
g 2. Governmental Frganization and Records Systemy — — - — - ~ 4
3. Chart of County Government ---------------- 7

4. List of Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes — - 8 I


B. County Offices and Their Records 1
I. County Commissioners ----------------- ~ - 9

II. County Auditor as Clerk of Board of Commissioners — — - — 12
Receipts and Lisbursements. County contracts.
Assessments. '

III. Auditor as Recolder— — - — - — - — — ~ - - — ------ l7
. a Property: Real property; Personal property. Corpora—
tions. Licenses. Bonds. Vital statistics. Tiscellaneous.

2' IV. Election Board ............ _ ....... . - 29

V. County Clerk —————————————— — ------- 30
Court records: General cases; Probate cases; Juvenile
oases. Jurors and witnesses. Naturalization. Vital
statistics. Licenses. Receipts and disbursements.
Prisoners’ records. Bonds. Miscellaneous.

VI. Superior Cry t Judge- — — — — ----- - - ~ - ; — - - - 43
VII. Justice of Peace -------------------- - 45
VIII. Cunstable « — - - a ............. - _ - - - _ 44

. fl IX. Sheriff .............. - .......... 44
- I ‘

Processes. Foreclosures. Jurors and witnesses. Prisoners’
records. Receipts and disbursements. Hiscellaneous.

X. District Attorney - - — . — - a - — — _ ......... 51
XI. Coroner ---------- ~ ----- . ------ - - 52
XII. Assessor- — - — — - ------------------ - 52

Assessments. Property titles. Miscellaneous.

XIII. Board of Equalization - - ~ - - — - - - _ - - - — - — - — 57

..._._ .____.._._____ .<._._._ ._ -__._.,..¢.~_..u.._.._' ‘ M «Lu-W ~ vW‘ - wwwwmmu
WMW.w.-_naaw_.u.~_lwmn . ..

XIV. Treasurer - - — ~ — — - - — — _ - - _ - - - _ _ _ _ - - - 58
Taxes. Real property; Personal property; Delinquent.
General receipts and disbursements.


XV. Board of Education ------- - - - - - - - - _ _ - -

 Table of Contents - 2 -

XVI. Superintendent of Schools— - - — — - ~ ~ — — - - -
‘ Teachers and pupils. School Districts, Receipts
and disbursements. hiscellaneous.

XVII; County Health Officer— — - — - — — ~ - - — — -

X'III, County Engineer— - ~ ------------ *
Receipts and disbursements. Roads.

Xixg Road Supervisors — — — ~ —.~ ,,
IX. Agricultural Experts ~ - — w m w «



 'Of lead in
ing ef-the
10d +30. thf?



Pond Oreille County lies at-the extreme northeast corner of the State of
Wishington1 Before Washington became a state in 1889, it was a part of Sto—
vens Coun*vlwhivh tonnrised almost the entire'ea stern half of Washington Tor—
ritorf. StcVIuJ “ounty exuoncod from the Snake River on the south to the
limits of 1ho1' 'm.1m nu1,os on the nonii boydnd the present boundary of
Idaho on the car', Part; to approximaiely the center of'the present County of
Okanogan crfth: was: \L. lSdgwfiC, III; p. 291)# - '




‘1 ce1tury there was little immi-
of the . 3 1 "noLcrs from the Hudson Bay
' cutlerents. The first known
. .1fi3en, explorer for the Northwest'
Fur Cosminy. ‘; L‘ CulL to cs : ills nee: tie resent site of'Hope, Idaho,
m ' 'Eysgell House; {or ' T1_ompson75No.rratiVO of his
DLCQI or}i by 51 17 Ivrell (Toronto: The Champlain

Dur a; tL' “
gratien into this
Company had horn 1erous_
vmito visitor to ~73 sc tion









g *as- on the P hi Oreille River. The following
ll. “Um" Everett beg: n placer mining. The discovery
1-'7' ‘ r

,h of prospectors to this region. The build—
'ilroad; L889- 92, ovused an influx of people and
o"ihe lunbcrmi mg industry. (Ruby Lusher Dingee,
:1; CU|AT111‘,T,'(NOV-lp0rt,Wash.,' 1950); p. 10).




The .rIc new ompWL in» Pond Oreillo County remained a part of Stevens
:35 111tcr hosllington attained statehood. By




County for more t‘tai twenty'



190V xxnrchtistCLn tip of the state felt the Lt Stevens County
was 7t'or efiectively as a gOVIrnmental unit. A petition
was V Suit-o L .'/ "u /‘/'/
l r / ~ / x «I
/ I I / .' ‘A/
,1 jf'~ ,/ . 1/,»
g “ 7" r “ t .I‘ "W" " ‘ x
I " l I ”- B l
i ‘ x s . " i = ,- '5
' 1 ,_.1';..__ 1/ ‘ “4;, _.",_ .l_..3l_-_-1
"' ’ '2 .F“ ._- W" mi C'mLvar/ '2 A i (15) iCcuchy(5)£ 'bcard (4:):
i‘ * A c ' ‘H alth ‘ ' ’ ! '
' g. i": l 90 g 33" ard 01 a 5/2; \\ ‘1“ .Electi er. . SBcard cf ‘ i of f
1‘ Ex:~:—r+ ; 0 f3. 081:3 EFT-L111.-.) I Read \ Board__ __ lEduca’cicggJ LEgugl‘ ll
- '— “ ‘ " "2' 3265113 . 4.: years \b‘up-rfl 4 years 2 years 4 yearse
\ \ ./ ‘
__ ,_ ,_. = Officials egg-37y; l:-"¢z."u" The term of cffice for all elective officials g
is now four years. ;
------- 4-. officials auincrzz‘r 1'25 9}_>73.:»m'weup u-‘ l
Len—elective Ingmhp‘x-‘F- Officials listed in circles are those created by l
\the Terri+crial Legislature; these in rec- I
* nv- term fixed by board «3f county 001.211115131o11ers tangles are enes created Ly the State Legis- g‘
lat'lreiy I
The auditor is clerk of the board of county
commissimersa '
Y“ " s W. l 1 WW ' " ‘




A1")? 1 O '- 11;: .
illph .
1‘.I"t .


fiud .

Ave r .
C. C.

C. H.
Ex. Sess.
ll dw.


No. (5)

P. (p)
Pr. fli.



Twp. (s)

Vol. (5)



Agricultural Agent
Alphabetical (1y)
Approximate (ly)






County Courthouse

County Health
Chronological (ly)


Extra Session

Laws ef'Washingten
Number (s)
Numerical (1y)

Page (8)

Printed form




Supt. of Schools
Township (3)

Volume (5)

Condition of binding, paper, and writing is good or excellent for all vels.,

unless otherwise stated.

Vols. labeled with letters of the alphabet are theSe transcribed from the

official records of Stevens County.

When title is contradictory er nislending, an explanatory title is added

in parentheses.



/ \



The First Territorial Legislature, in 1854, created the office of county
commissioners and defilied their duties as follows: ,

(1). To provide for constructing and maintaining ceurthouses, jails,
and other public buildings; (2) to "lay out, discont oinuc, or alter county
roads and highways" in theirrespective counties; (3) to grant licenses;
(1) to fix tax levies and arrange for their collections; (5) to care for
ecunty funds, buildings and business (L. 1854-61, I, pp. 590-94).

The county auditor was made ex—oificio clerk of the board of county com-
missioners. He was required to keep a reeordbof their proceedings (L. 1854—
61, I, p. 390; L. 1862-3-1-867~8, II, pp. 362-66), and, except in the 1ar—
gest counties, he files all records pertaining to the commissioners in his
oWn loffice. When the cemmissioners maintain a- record room, ordinarily du~'
plicates of their documents are filed. in the auditor's office.

In 1889 when Washington became a state and the Constitution was adept-
ed, the county commissioners were confirmed in those duties (Constu; Art.
II, pt. I). The counties were divided-into three districts, and one com-
missioner Was to be elected from each.‘ The following arrangement coneern-
ing their term of office was made. The clmmissioncr from district 1 was to
be elected for four years and the ones from district II and III were to be
elected for two years. The long term was then to rotate from one district
to another (L. 1891, p. 116).

Later developments in the duties of the commissioners relate to roads,
taxes, health, elections,. floods, licenses, and county welfare.

Road Commissioner's were created in 1889. Each county commissioner was
made ex—e1ficio road commissioner of the several road districts in his dis-
trict (L. 1889- ~90, p. 617). Before this time the commissioners had been
authorized to appoint Someone as supervisor of roads (L. 1869-75, III, p.
727). .Fer details concerning the rood.supervisor see. the section on his
duties. .

In 1935 the General Road and Bridge Fund, the Lateral Highway Fund,
Permanent Highways 'and County Highway Funds were established, and the fund
called VSecondary Highway Fund" Was created (L. 1935, p. 282). This ac—
counts ier the diSCentinuance' of .a larro number of read records in 1935.
In 1937, the County Road Fund was created. All other county road funds

1 were abolished (L. 1937, pp. 736~37).

In 1871 the board of equaliZat'ion‘was created. It was to'consist of
the county_ commissioners whose duty was to supervise tax levies and to de—
cide whether or not complaints concerning over—assessments were valid. For
details concerning its operation. see' the section on the board of equaliza-
t1-on. '

._-A county board of health was created in 1903. It was to consist of the
county commissioners. The audlit or was required to act as clerk of it, and the
county physician was made an cx—officio/executivo officer (L. 1903. p. 83).
Before this .in 1891 a board of health and bureau of vital statistics_ had
been created.; It was superseded by the county board of health in 1903. One
of the duties of the auditor in connection with the earlier board had been









.. 10 ."

Commissioners _ . _ .. g_ j ‘
to keep a register of births and deaths (L. 1891, p. 190). This report was
continued under the new board until 1907 when the health officer in each
county or town was made local registrar. He now handles these certificates
for the State Board of Health (L. 1907, p. 145). For full details see Audi~
tor's Office and Health Officer. .

1354-havc been designated by the county comp
nissioners (L. 1854—61, 1, p. 595). It was their duty for a time to appoint
election judges.and fix the place of election (Code 1881, p. 650). In 1921,
however, an election board was instituted. For details concerning it see

the section on Election Board.

Election precincts since

Protection against floodswnas inaugurated as early as 1907 when the
county cerafissieners were authorized to‘levy taxes for the "River Improve-
ment Fund" the parpcse.of which was to strengthen rivers.against floods (L.
1907, p. 109)‘ In 1955 the‘cennissioncrs Were made ex—officie directors
of local flood control diStricts. The auditor was made clerk of this board

(L. 1955,.p. 529).,

Licenses issued by the board of county commissioners besides those for
marriages are ones for various branches of medicine, hunting, fishing, and
for selling merchandise. .The auditor issues the narriaee licenses for the
' ' Q ' . ' .

commissioners (L. 1866, p, 84).

The regulations concerning licenses for various branches of medicine
have changed from time to time as developments'have occurred in that field.
The first legislation for.re;istration in the county was made in 1881 when
the auditor was required to keep a medical register (Code 1881, p. 462,
Sec. 2284). In 1909, howeVCr, the keeping'of this‘record I: “transferred
from the office of auditor to thatgcf clerk (L. 1909, p, 681) because the
clerk had been keeping copies_ef medical licenses sinco 1890 (Lt 1889—90,
p. 119). The keeping oi a regiSter'of physicians and acceuchers which had
been required of the auditor in 1891 (L, 1891, p; 188)”Was also given to
the clerk in 1901 (L. 1901, p. 49),_ This left only dental licenses to be
recorded by the auditor. The keeping of these by the auditor was confirmed

in 1935 (L. 1955, p. 288).

At first the county auditor issued'all flame licenses (L. 1901, p. 283).
In 1935 a State Department of Game was created and a state'mame fund estab-
lished. All honey.in the existing county game funds was transferred to it
which meant that the auditer could not turn'ever to the County any longer
any portion of the fees paid to him for recording these licenSes (L; 1933,
pg. 59-45). For this reason, although'they are'still‘allOWCC to issue hun-
ting and fishing licenses, the auditors have ceased to do so in most coun—
ties. ‘Lt present,thc owners of sports—equipment stores and other individu-
als may be bended by the stato‘fiafle warden to iSsue the licenses.
In connection with 1aw3'conCCrning aninals, the auditor was required
in 1887 to determine the validity of claims for beunties paid for killing.
predatory animals. then he was satisfied that the claim was authentic, he
presented the bill to the'ceuntytcemmiSSioncrs and issued a warrant upon
their recommendation (L. 1877788, IV, p; 324), ‘In 1995 this was turned
over to the State Director of Qane_(L§ 1935: pp; 147m48); Consequently,
the county records end at that date. The earlier dates for these record









are necessa irily irregular in practically 9.11 counties because, vhen the
county commissioners decided that any animal had been reduced in numbers to

a harmless stage, they could revoke their orders 0 _fering bountics for -scalps
(L. 1877-88, 1v, p. 525)

The auditor was required in 1921 to receive the applications for motor
vehicle licens ses (L1 1921, p. 257). In 1937 the State Direct or of Licenses h
wus given supervision and control of vehicle '1iccnses and WC 3 allowed to ap—,
point the county auditors as ants (L. 1937, p. 805), The commissioners,
consequently, have nothing to,do with them.

Licenses for selling any goods at suction from tables, bowling alleys,
or ttherr gaming te1blcs, fron: rev cling vehiCles , for selling liquor (whole-
sale and retail), and ler 012ertztin ng billi1rd tc.slos., bowling alleys, or other
gaming'tables, vfirc to he issued in 1871 by the courty cormissioners (L. 1869-
75, III, pp. 926-39, 9 75.3 ). To these were “dd d in 1925, licenses for ope-
rating p001 halls,>dc nc halls, and other pluc s 01 public entertainment
L. 1923, p. 294)~ PC ddlers of s9octe.cles and 0 :her m: rch ndisc Were required


'to ‘0 licensed in 1575 (L1.1859-75, III," 458; L 1931, p. 175), fhe auditor

issued th02010r the coiilssion rs until 1909 “don the tresSuror was directed
to do this (L, 1909, :13 738). In 1905 any firm.or person sellinc clock,~ '
agricultural implements, stoves, windmills, lightning reds vehci les, sash»
ing mnehines, seming msciiines, churns, or groceries wzs reqLircd to seepro

license (L. 1905, p. 372 . This 1w1v_ was repealed in 192.7 (L. 1927, p. 29).

County welfare has been the responSibility of tie county commissioners

since their organization in 1854. They were given tlm "entire and cxelusivc
superintendcnce of t_. ‘


goor“ (L. 1854—61, I, p. 572) but each county was
free to determine its method In 1957 specific rules were made to govern
the handling of relief so that the county, state, and federel'efencies would
be coordinated. ‘ " _ ' ; ' 1 v.

The county commissioners are declsrcd tgcnts of the State Department
of Social Se.uiity and in 'h€.t cape city she 11 "constitute the s'nglu admin-
istrative agency in 0: ch countv through which all the categorics'of public
ussiStcncc concerned herein shall De udministorcd...cnd shall exercise comr
plate jurisdiction W1t111 such I'egul ations for state undeedcrdl'funds'ex~
pended for puolic assistance under this act in their respective counties"
(L. 1957, p. 705). ' '

The onl" record specified to be kept in this connection is a quarterly
budget to be suemitted to the Statc. Director of Socie l Sccur ity '

The board of commissioners-is also empowered to emplov an officer "whose
title shall bc Ldministrs .cor’ and who shell be chief executive of‘ficer for
the 1dministreticn of public assistance in weeh county" (L 1937 , pi 705).
He is required to keep WIistf;ver records- are deemed necessarv -.JV the hoard
of county commissioners in their preparation of their querterlv Duds; qt (L.
1957, p. 705). ,.. «

Since the re has not oeen ti 1me, as yet, for the Administrators to he-ap-
pointed, they are not reprOSOntcd in this inventory.

1.1.e-..\........1..,. »~ .



_ 12 m

Commissioners 1—8

1. COMKISSIONERS’ JOURNAL, 1865-—. 4 vols. (A, 1—3). ._
Record of proceedings'in meetings of the board of county commissioners, in—

cluding: Approval of Read Petitions, entry 5; General Public Verks Petitions,.

entry 6; Rejection of Road Petitions, entry 5; Tax Leviesfito”Ray County ex-
penses, entry 2; and the settlement of any other county business. Arr.
chron. Indexed alph. by names of personS'invelved and subjects discussed;
for index to read records, see Engineer‘s-Reed Record Index, entry 551.
Typed. _Vols. aver. 600 ppL 18 x 12 x 3. Aud. va. ‘
2. TAX LEVIES TO PAY COUfiTY EXIENSES, 1865--, In Commissioners’
Journal, entry 1,

Record of local t V b
county expenses, Show “


.ol by commissioners for the purpose of paying
tre reason for levy, date, and no. of mills levied.




5; APPROVAL OT‘RO; lTlOHS, l865—-. In Commissioners' Journal,

entry 1. , V _ .
Commissioners' record or real petitions approved, showing location of read,.
estirntcd cost of builixng and nnintenance,-date of bond issue or tax levy
for funding‘of project, T’“C of contracting engineer, names of petitioners,
road district no., oil .‘ ited dnte'fer completion.





. 'LAND, 1932. In Jury-Districts, entry 285.
Copies'of resolutions autheriZing-tho building of roads across county
lands, showing lecatiozlgf road, date, and si§1aturcs of county‘cdntis-
sioners. H " ' ' I , ,
5. REJECTIOH or ROAD PETI$IONS, 1865—5. “In Cotnissieners’ Journal,
' _entry 1. I . .* . _ ‘ ,. ' ' ‘ _- ‘
Corrissioncrs’ redord of rest—petitions.rejectod,.eL;uin? detcg'prLWQSed
l cation of road; names of petitioners, estimated cost of building and
maintenance, reason for rejection, date.

6. GENERAL PUBLIC'WORKS PETITIONS, l865~e.h In Commissioners’ Journal,
"entry 1. v .I ‘ ,:-~-,. _ . , ' '
Commissionersf'record of petitions approved and rejected for general pub—
lic Works; showing date, Lanes ofl petitioners, type of.public works pro—
ject proposed, Source of funds, estimated cost of buildinr and maintenance,
reason (if rejected , location of proposed project. ' ' ‘ ‘ I'

7. ORDER TO VLCATE TIGER TOWNSITE, 1931. In Jury Districts, entry
286.‘r H . p I . ,
Copy of order issued by board of county cormissioncrs to vacate Tiger
Townsite,_showing Cause, date, and bearinfi signatures of county eonnis—
sioners. ' 1 ‘ -

‘“4 ~Districts,'entry1286.—v :w"-¢ _ . ,..l . ' ~>
Record of Jivisicn of county into jury districts, shewinfi date, district‘ b
nes., precinct names, and boundaries of each districto ' ' ‘ '

In the State of thhington the county auditor performs duties divided














p- 13 —

Auditor as Clerk of Commissioners

in many states between a recorder, an auditor, and a clerk. He was desig-
nated originally in 1854 by the territorial legislature as the ex—officion
clerk of the board of county commissioners andfas.rocorder for the county
(L. 1854—61, 1, p. 552). Since Washington became a state in 1889 various
other titles have been assigned to him. In 1907 he was required to be '
"Registrar of Titles" and to keep in this capacity a "Register of Titles"
(L. 1907, p. 698). Since this is only one title among the many records of
land transactions formerly kept by him as recorder, he is evidently ex—
pected to continue with the others either as recorder of clerk of the board_
of‘county commissioners. This point is not clarified in the Session Laws.

Other titles applied at one-time or another are: 1. Ex—officio Sealer
of Weights and Measures 1913-27; since that tine this matter has been handled
by the State Director of Agriculture (L. 1913, p. 147; L. 1927,‘pp. 276—79).
2. Clerk.of Joint'Comnission of Ferries, 1917 to date (L. 1917, p. 710).

3. Ex—officio Secretary and Auditor of the Board of Port Commissioners,

1915 to date (L. 1915, pp. 148-55).4.Registrar ovaoters;(L..1935, pp. 5-
23). ,. . 1 ; , _
At the present tire no attempt is made in the session laws..as far as
one can f