xt71zc7rr30t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71zc7rr30t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-11-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 2000 2000 2000-11-13 2020 true xt71zc7rr30t section xt71zc7rr30t LEFT OF CENTER

Around campus


There were many things
that I happened to
hear, was told, or
realized in the past
couple of days or so.
Here are just a few.

Football has a Major
problem, but I hear
they won't have a
Major problem next
year. Will we still be
able to run home to
our Mumme or will
loyalties finally be
broken if they need to

isn't it odd that the same
people who can't
punch out a whole
with an arrow pointing
to it in Florida are the
same people who can
find B~iZ on l0 bingo

Are votes that are being
hand-counted more
reliable than votes
counted by a
sophisticated machine
designed just for that
purpose? I mean, I
have never seen a
copier get told that it
wasn’t doing a good
enough job so we
were going to
freehand the copies
with a pencil and a

A construction worker
died on this campus
trying to help build a
new structure for our

Our school has a really
weird slogan,
"America's Next Great
University." If you are
the person or know
the person that came
up with this, please e-
mail me. I would really
like to know what
other choices there
were to pick from.
Something like "We
still are nationally
ranked in some school
programs" maybe?

UK basketball - I know it
is early and the
competition was not
California Community
Technical State
University or
anything, but 0-2?
Come on fellas. lf
football is rebuilding,
we would really like to
see you winning. By
the way, I thought we
were running and
gunning and pressing
this year. What
happened? (Hint when
on offense: You can
move around and set
off the ball picks and
stuff. This is legal and
has been found to be

Some lame pick up lines

Do you sleep on your
stomach? Can I?

If being fine were illegal,
you would be in jail
for life.

If you were a booger, l'd
pick you first.

You must be a VISA card,
cause you are
everywhere I want to

-Ron Norton

4.0 2.5

Winter is on its way.
Snow showers predicted
for Tuesday.

first it?!) 3&3;
liter 21m

VOL. 3106

ISSUE $156


N rtws tips-if
Call: 257-l9l5 or write:








Candidates seek help from court

Strategy: Both parties seek a favorable decision from
federal court on the recount of several Florida counties


The legal skirmishing quickened Sun-
day in the overtime race for the White
House as Democrats argued in court pa-
pers that painstaking election recounts
"since our nation‘s
founding." Republicans said the practice
exposes decisive Florida to political “mis-

have been allowed



chief" and human error in Democratic-con-

trolled counties.

Updated voting figures in allimportant
Florida gave Republican George W. Bush a
288-vote margin out of some 6 million votes
cast with recounts under way in four counr
ties. Democrat Al Gore leads in the nation»
wide popular vote but the Electoral College


Top Bush advtser James A. Baker III.
who described the five-day Florida standoff
as ”a black mark on our democracy and on
our process." said the GOP legal team
would argue that manual recounts in only
four of Florida's 67 counties would constl
tute unequal treatment under the ch

tally is so close that whoever takes Florida
almost certainly will win the White House.

Both parties previewed their legal
strategies for a federal court hearing Mon-
day on Bush's request to block manual re-


llaker said Florida has no uniform
standard for reviewing the ballots. and xii:
gested that l)t‘llliit'l';tl\ who control the: in-
fested counties would play favorites ‘lt's
all subjective. and therefore it presents tei'
rible problems of human error and poten
tial for mischief.” Baker said. .\ machine
operated recount has already narrowed
lhish‘s lead.

Baker's rival. Gore consigliere Warren
Christopher. portrayed \‘ote recounts as a

See VOTE on 2



Colin Powell brings promise

of the future to students

A better America: General speaks to EKU
students about America's Promise organization

By Ben Adkins

Saving the children is Gen. Col-
in Powell's goal for a better America.

This was the message delivered
at Friday morning's America's
Promise summit. held at Eastern
Kentucky University. Speakers at
the event included Gen. (‘olin Pow-
ell. Gov. Paul Patton. Lt. Gov.
Stephen Henry and his wife. former
Miss America. Heather French
Henry. Middle and high school stu-
dents from the region also attended
the event.

America's Promise is a pub-
licly and privately funded. not-for-
profit organization dedicated to
bettering the lives of at-risk and
low income youth in both rural
and urban areas. The organization
was founded in April 1997 in
Philadelphia at the Presidents'
Summit for America‘s Future.
which was attended by Presidents
Clinton. Bush. Carter and Ford.
anti was chaired by Gen. Powell. It
was here that Powell was
also asked to chair the
national effort by help-
ing to recruit partners
for the organization.

The tnain focus of the
summit was the five goals
that are set forth by the or»
ganization. Powell dis-
cussed these in detail,

Promoting ongoing rela-
tionships with caring adults
is one such goal and a big
priority. according to Pow-
ell. He believes that by hav»

ing positive role models. children
will have a reason to succeed. He
also believes that these adults are
largely responsible for the youth‘s

"If the children fail. it's the
adults who have actually failed." he

Powell discussed his own child
hood growing up in the South
Bronx as the son of.Iamaican immi»
grants. He attributes his own suc
cess and achievements not only to
his parents. but other adults in his
neighborhood that helped to steer
him in the right direction.

“I had an 'aunt' to look out for
me in every other tenant building
in the South Bronx." he said.

Powell also placed emphasis on
the importance of keeping chil-
dren occupied during after-
school hours. and noted that
most juvenile crime
takes place during ,
these hours. which $ ..
has contributed to , -
the large numbers " '

occupying America‘s

“There are 2 million .»\mericans
in jail." he said. “The reason we
have to keep building these jails is
because w e're not building up our

Powell encourages both indi-
viduals and organizations to get in»
volved. and thinks the America's
Promise partnership is the key to
paying a path to a better future for
the youth.

"We're not an organization.
we're a crusade.” he said. “There is
no more noble goal

than to reach
into the lives
of these chil-
dren and
point them
in the right



UKOPolice looking
for suspect in two
armed robberies

Watch out: UK Police encourages

students to take safety precautions

By Tracy Kershaw



A man wanted for two
armed robberies on campus
Thursday may still be roam-
ing the area. UK Police said.

The robberies occurred
at 2:25 am. on the corner of
Hilltop Avenue and Wood-
land Avenue. and at 8 pm. in
Yellow Lot of (‘oinmorr
wealth Stadium.

In both incidents. the
suspect approached the vic-
tims. displayed a dark semi
automatic pistol and de-
manded money, according to
the police reports. it .

. The DlStOI was wrapped This composite was made from
In a red bandana durlng the descriptions o' the man suspect.

Hilltop Avenue “fiber-V . ed in two campus robberies.
The suspect is described

as a white male in his early
205. around 5-foot-8 and 155-
pounds. He was last seen
wearing baggy mediumcol-



main thoroughfares with lots
of pedestrian anti motor ve—
hicle traffic.

0 Avoid

ored blue jeans and a long-
sleeved flannel shirt.

He fled the Hilltop
Avenue scene in a marroon
1996 Chevy Blazer and the
stadium scene in a gold 1971
Oldsmobile Cutlass.

carrying a
purse. briefcase or any other
article containing valuables.

0 Don‘t display personal
valuables. i.e. expensive
watches. rings. earrings.
necklaces. etc.

0 Only carry a minimal

Police have warned stu- .
amount of cash.

dents to take major safety
precautions until the suspect
has been apprehended:

0 After dark. do not tray»
el alone. Use the campus bus
service or the SGA Escort
Service, Safet‘ats.

oTravel on well-lighted

lf accosted. comply with
the demands of the assailant
and report the incident im-
mediately to UK Police.

For more information.
call UK Police at 257-1616.






Plus account services offered

Use your card: SGA and local restaurants working
together provide more options for students

By Kristi Martin


UK students might be able to
purchase general delivery food and
pizza frotn local businesses through
their plus accounts.

The Student Government Asso-
ciation has been working for about
a year to reestablish the use of the
plus account to purchase delivery
food such as pizza. said .Iimmy
Glenn. SGA president.

Glenn said the SGA is hoping
that many businesses participate in
the program. .Iimmy John's and
Papa John's are already involved.
Jimmy John’s. which delivers sand
wiches and other foods. has already
purchased the equipment.

“The program is not finalized
yet. but we are very optimistic that
it will be a reality soon." Glenn said.

Glenn said right now the pro-
gram is being looked over by the UK

Purchasing Department to work out
any problems that may surface after
the program is up anti running.

He said they are dealing with
eliminating any potential lawsuits
and legal problems. The Purchasing
Department has also invited a legal
adviser to go over the program and
help deal with any legal matters.

The Purchasing Department is
also getting all the equiptnent and
businesses set up right so there will
not be any glitches in the program.

Glenn said he is not sure when
the program will be be completed.
but he is looking for it to be soon

In the 1998 fall semester. stu‘
dents could use their plus accounts
to purchase delivery pizza from
Papa John's Pizza. During this time
other pizza delivery establishments
found out and filed an injunction
lawsuit against UK. The other busi-
nesses said UK was favoring Papa
.Iohn's and the other businesses

were. losing profits from the deal.

Judson Ridgway. the owner of
Domino's at Euclid. said he filed
suit against UK in 1998.

“I just thought it was dumb to
not invite all businesses in the com-
munity to service students." Ridg-
way said.

Ridgway's suit might have
caused the service to stop. but now
all local businesses have been invit-
ed to participate.

"It'll be set up so it‘s easy for
anyone to do it." Ridgway said.
“The cost doesn‘t look high."

Glenn said students liked having
the ability to use their plus accounts
to buy general delivery food and
hopes the program is implemented
soon for all local establishments that
are willing to purchase the equip
ment and set up the project.

Marc Searcy. a history fresh-
man. agrees.

“I think it is a good idea be-
cause sometimes I know that I do
not have cash and it is hard to get to
a MAC machine whenever you
want to eat something besides what
is offered on campus." Searcy said.

to local eateries


p c; -~

mm Thomson | (mm surt


Brent Walker, a business management junior and Jimmy John's employee,
said offering the plus account will be a hassle for businesses. but he sold
it will be "good for students to get to eat good meals."



The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexingto








The Low-down

There was
no skin to
be had.
. Every-
thing was
» covered,
< and it was
ble to

i - Jim Carey, on

his costume for
The Grinch.

20" 1 Topping Pizza

l $999

Families grieve over tunnel deaths

KAPRIIN. Austria Relatives and friends
who had waited through the night in this Alpine
village began to get word yesterday on whether
their loved ones were among the dead in a cable
car fire that killed about 170 people in a moun~
tain tunnel. With the village hall draped in black
and candles burning on shop steps. shattered
townsfolk gathered in the Kaprun church for
Sunday Mass. As they mourned. emergency
crews tried to reach the spot where scores of peo-
ple. many children and teenagers. were killed
yesterday by smoke and flames.

Brazil workers plan massive strikes

SAO PAI'LO. Brazil Thousands of Brazil
ian workers are expected to walk off the job to—
day in two massive strikes that could disrupt
production at a federal oil company and several
large auto makers. Weeks of negotiations be-
tween the government-run oil giant. Petrobras.
and unions representing 115.000 oil workers look
ing for higher pay failed to produce an agree-
ment to head oii‘ the nationwide strike. Labor
leaders contend that Petrobras should share a
larger chunk of its profits with its workers.
Petrobras officials have offered a 7 percent pay
raise But the unions are seeking a 9 percent
raise. along with compensation for alleged losses
resulting from the government devaluation last
year ofthe Brazilian currency. the real.

Cole attack planned outside Yemen

AI)F.N. Yemen Last month‘s deadly USS
Cole attack was masterminded by an Arab man
who telephoned the bombers from the L'nited
Arab Emirates. a source close to the investiga—
tion said yesterday. A suspect now in detention
in Yemen said the attackers received their in-
structions and finances from the Arab man. a
veteran of the I980s Afghan war against the Sovi-
ets. said the source. speaking on condition of
anonymity. The detained suspect admitted pur
chasing the attack boat used in the bombing in
the Emirates. said the source.

Barak, Clinton meeting after delay

WASHINGTON President Clinton is mak—
ing another appeal yesterday to end the violence
in the Middle East. meeting at the White House
with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak three
days after a visit with Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat. Barak. whose trip was delayed after twice
reversing his plane‘s course due to a hijacking
crisis at home. has offered little hope the meeting


Martin Sheen.
favorite prime-
time president,
told a group at
a California
treatment cen-
ter that he
thinks George
VI. Bush is a
“drunk." Sheen
said he was
concerned that
the candidate
never received
counseling after
a 1976 arrest
for drunken dri-

Actress Lara
Flynn Boyle
says reports of
a fling with
Harrison Ford
are "POPPV'
cock" but that
life with Jack
Nicholson is
Boyle, who
stars in televi-
sion's "The
Practice," had
been reported
as dating the
Ford, who has
announced that
he and his wife
of 17 years
were living

could help to end the bloodshed that has killed
nearly 200 people in the past six weeks. The vio-
lence has shattered what remained of Clinton's
hopes for a settlement before his term ends in

Pope warns on blotech health risk

VATICAN CITY 7- Dedicating yesterday to
the world‘s farmers, Pope John Paul II urged
those who are developing new biotechnologies to
keep a "healthy balance“ with nature to avoid
putting people‘s lives at risk. Tens of thousands
of farmers and their families, most of them from
Italy but many from other countries and conti-
nents. crowded into St. Peter‘s Square on a
chilly, overcast day to attend Mass celebrated by
the pope on the steps of St. Peter‘s Basilica. The
Mass was part of a Holy Year tribute to the world
of agriculture.

‘Charlie's Angels' tops box office

LOS ANGELES _ “Charlie‘s Angels" took in
$25 million to remain the top movie for the sec
ond straight weekend. leaving Adam Sandler‘s
satanic comedy “Little Nicky" with a second-
place debut. according to studio estimates yester-
day. "Little Nicky" grossed $18.1 million, so-so
numbers considering Sandler‘s last two comedies
opened with about $40 million each. “Men of
Honor." based on the true story of the Navy‘s
first black master diver, opened at No. 3 with $14
million. DeNiro‘s comedy “Meet the Parents“
held strongly in fourth with $10.6 million.

Oklahoma tops AP poll

NEW YORK , , The Sooners remain atop The
Associated Press Top 25 for the third straight
week. and it's Miami, Florida State and Florida
running 2-3-4. A final count of the ballots yester-
day had Oklahoma with 70 first-place votes and
1.774 points from the 71 sports writers and broad-
casters on the AP panel. The Sooners (9-0) rallied
for a 35-31 victory over Texas A&M on Saturday.
Miami (8—1). a 35-7 winner over Pittsburgh. held
the No. 2 spot with 1,690 points.

Mitchell breaks NFL record

PITTSBURGH ,, Brian Mitchell of the
Philadelphia Eagles broke the NFL record for ca»
reer kickoff return yardage with a 32-yard return
late in the second quarter yesterday against
Pittsburgh. Mitchell has 10.269 yards on kickoff
returns. breaking Mel Gray‘s record of 10.250
yards. A fifth~round pick by Washington in 1990.
Mitchell set the record for career punt return
yardage last month and is tied with Eric Metcalf
for first on the career list with 11 touchdowns on

Compiled from wire reports.


Construction worker
killed in accident


A construction worker was killed Friday at the construc-
tion site for a new parking garage next to the Alpha Tau Omega
fraternity house on Hill op Drive.

leorge A. McLean, 44. of Nicholasville. died after a bucket
from a piece of heavy equipment detached and struck him.
causing a blunt force trauma to the chest. The Lexington
Fayette-County Coroner's Office ruled the death an accident.
The Lexington Herald-Leader reported Saturday that the Occu-
pational Safety and Health Administration has been asked to in-


Funeral services for McLean will be 11 am. Tuesday at
Betts & West Funeral Home. Visitation is 11 a.m.-9 p.m. today.




Continued from page I

routine necessity of democracy.

“If at the end of the day.
George Bush has more votes in
Florida than we do. certainly
the vice president will con-
cede." Christopher said. even
while leaving open the
prospect of court action if re-
counting ends with Bush still

Democrats tiled court pa»
pers Sunday night on behalf of
Gore arguing that Florida's

manual ballot law is constitu-

Led by Harvard University
law professor Laurence Tribe.
Democratic Party lawyers also
said Bush‘s complaints threat-
ens Florida‘s right to run its
own elections.

Bush is arguing against a
system that “reflects an elec-
toral practice .- the hand-
counting of ballots ~77 in effect
throughout the country since
the nation's founding. yet here
alleged to be unconstitutional
and indeed to be vulnerable to
a form of judicial intervention
extraordinary in our federal
ism." the Gore reply says.




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Keillor defines variety
at Singletary Center show

Sold out: Author broadcasts
radio show to full house

By Heather Prichard

Accompanied by a talented cast. Garrison
Keillor took the stage in front of a sold-out crowd
at the Singletary (‘enter for the Arts Saturriay

The variety show "A Prairie Home (Tompan-
ion" was broadcast live to a global audience ofStRi
public broadcasting stations in the L'nited States.
Armed Forces Radio and Europe ()ne Satellite.
according to WUKY General Manager Roger

The tickets for this edition of "A Prairie
Home Companion" were sold out in just four
days. a record for the Singietary (‘enter This is
the second time Garrison Keillor has brougltt his
entourage to Lexington.

The popular Minnesota-based public radio
show first appeared here in 1091 to celebrate the
50th anniversary of WU KY. according to t‘hesser.

When asked how Lexington was selected as a
site for the broad ‘ast of “A Prairie Home (‘om-
panion." (‘hesser said. "We just kept pestering
them at Minnesota Public Radio.“

A Prairie Home Companion" is a branrl of

Garrison Keillor‘s Midwestern humor. His show
is a throwback to the live variety shows broad
cast in the 1930s anti ills.

The material is balanced between the golden
age of radio anti the current yearning for “family
values” anti clean humor. The coineriy is written
by Keillor attti performed with vigor by voice-



Author and humorist Garrison Keillor performed his pub-
lic radio show live Saturday at the Singletary Center.

.Ieti‘ (‘arney and Arnie Kinseila. Musical guests
for the show were iiigiiiy acclaimed bluegrass
musicians. the ilel Mct‘oury lland atiri Satn Bush.
Kentucky native. author and [K alumni Bobbie
Ann Mason. and a Keeneland horse sale auction
eer rounded out the guest performer list

The high point of each broadcast of ”.-\












Interested in working over
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over artists Tim Russell, Site Scott and the sound
effects wizard Tom Keith. 'i‘he
brought to listeners by the likes of the Ketchup
Advisory Board. the American Duct Tape (‘oun

cil anti Powdertnilk Biscuits.
The Currently Employed

Band. led by
Richard ilworsky on piano. breaks up the come
dy skits with music. (‘urrentiy Employed Band
members include Randy Sabieit.

broadcast is

Prairie Home (‘ompanion" is Keillor's ‘Joininute
arirlib monologue. Set in his fictional hometown
each monologue begins. “it's been a quiet week iii
Lake Woebegone,

followed by art oral portrait

ofa week in the lives of residents ofa small .\iid

Wl‘Sit‘i‘il illWIl.

Pat Donahue.

every Saturday
played 24 p m. Sunriay.

"A Prairie Home (‘ompaniotf is broadcast
on WI'KY from 0-8 pm. and re

Eugiuly deadline poses problems

Not enough time: International students
say tuition deadline comes too soon

By Mary Lewis


For international students.
Jan. .‘3. 2001 is a tiay that will
come too early

The early tuition deadline
that was implemented this fall
requires that all students. for-
eign anti domestic. pay tuition a
week before classes begin. For
the spring semester. internation-
al students must pay tuition by
.Ian. 3. with classes starting .ian,
it). Students who do not pay by
the deadline will have their
classes dropped.

This deadline effects inter-
national students because their
checks must travel rnuclt far
ther, According to l'niversity
Billing. extension of payments
is assessed by the Office of litter-
national Affairs when deemed

"it takes forever for the pa-
perwork to go through. And
since many foreign people are
not very familiar with English.
it takes that much longer." said
Reinaldo Rodriguez lnncconne.
a business administration
sophomore frotn Puerto Rico.

Some students agree that in-
ternational students must be giv-

en the extra time to get their
cltecks to the i'niversity.

"international students
should be given longer because
they have greater obstacles to
overcome iti getting their checks
to OK." said Melody Ashby. a
civil engineeringjunior.

According to the Office of

international Affairs brochure.
payment for tuition cart be made
by check. credit card. bank tiraft
tnarie payable to i'K or by cash.
The credit card option. however.
comes with stipulations. The
new method of credit card pay-
ment this year can only be ac
cepteti when using l'K~\'TP after
you register for classes and in
cludes a $3.3 fee. Some interna
tional students are fortunate
enough to get their country to
foot the bill. while others ltave
their country‘s embassies make
payment of the bill.

Others are not as fortunate
According to Adrian l.im. presi-
dent of the international Stu
dent (‘ouncil anti a graduate stu
dent froitt Malaysia working on
his MBA. dealing with such a
large sum of money is risky and
a lot can happen to it.

For example. wiring ser
vices cart misroute. or lose the

money and by the time the sum
is tracked down. a student's
schedulecait already beriroppi-ri
Iii accordance with I'K's policy
“International students
shottld be allowed to pay oit the
first day of classes because
many don't return until at least

five days before the first day of

class." i.intsa1d.
Waivers granted bv the ()f
tice of international .-\fiairs are

given liberally. but in terms of

the fall tuition deadline. many
students do ttot think of request
trig an extension when they
leave in May.

Other problems that hinder
the international student body's
difficulty to pay a week lit-fort»
hand is that flight delays attri
missed connections can set stu»
dents back a few days. lain said.

Lint said another reason
that international students
shoiiid be given extra tiitte is the
fact that the drop rate of inter
continental students is very low
anti therefore there seems to be
no need for those students to be
rushed with tuition payments

This current fall semester
was the first semester that
new tiiitioti payment policy
was implemented I.im said
there have been a few times he
was aware of that the tuition
payment was lost in w iring
services or that credit card
procedures were interrupted.

Council focuses on raising money

By Jay Salyers


There‘s an organization
where students encourage other
students to donate money to [K

”America‘s Next Great l'ni»

Who takes on this task'.7
Members of [TK‘s Student llevel-
optnent (‘ouncil The council has
been on UK's campus for at least
1.3 years according to Aimee ilas~
tori. adviser to the Si)(‘.

“The idea (for Si)(‘) was to
raise funds from students before
they gn‘aduated so hopefully they
will continue to give to the li'ni-
versity after graduation." Has
tori said.

She said last year Si)(‘
raised $2.000 front the senior
class and would like to see that
amount increase this year.

Si)(‘ targets mainly seniors
by a program calieri the Senior
Challenge. During this program.
members set up booths and give
freebies to seniors twice a
month. Recently. Si)(‘ gave se



niors ire scrapers Booths we ie
set up in the ( olle go of Iliismess
anti Economics anti the college
of .-\gricu|ture

A different item is given
away each month. When a se-
itior takes an item. SI)(‘ has the
senior sign their name and ad
dress to a sheet. Then the Slit‘
has one monthly drawing where
students can win a prize. which
also changes each month. The
monthly prize has been every-
thing from a television to a din-
ner for two at a local restaurant

ifthis is an organization to
citsed on raising money why
are they giving away so many

itaston hopes the seniors
that received these freebies will
remetnber they came front Silt‘
so when they ltave their Phone
aThon (each semester) to raise
money. these seniors will be
willing to donate. ilaston said
during the Phone a-Thon. they
call everv setiiot‘ anti ask them
to make a donation in the name
of their class. They ask for an


amount that ties in with a sttt
dents graduation year

Haston said the money
raised is itsed to fund 'I protect
that puts historical markers iii
front of buildings at [K and also
to funri three to five Silt‘ schol-
arships. which are awarded
every spring.

Baston said the historical
marker project was started so
students. faculty. staff and visi»
tors can gain a better apprecia~
tion for the buildings on l'K's

Baston said i'K‘s Si)(‘ is
made up of to members To be-
come a member ofSll(‘ a stiideitt
has to fill out an application anti
be interyiewed by current tnetn
bers These members. along
with Baston. decide who will be
a part of SI)(‘ the follow ing year

“it‘s a great opportunity."
said Josh Brown. an agriculture
and biotechnology senior. “You
get the oppottunity to work with
a diverse group of students. and
it's great to be part of art organi
zation that has a lot of success "


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////0 /_’/,.5 ~11»? ii,

Camps Calendar

October 30 - \"50rember 2000

The (ompus (olendor rs ptodured by the Offire of Student Artivr'ies Registered Student Orgs and UK Dents tor submit information for "it! online ONE WEEI
PRIOR to the MONDAY information is to appear at http://www.ulry.edu/(ornpus (ale-dot
(all 221‘8867 for more information

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'ibotoqy S loom noggin Hail . ”m. ”y



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