xt71zc7rr26s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71zc7rr26s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-02-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1997 1997 1997-02-18 2020 true xt71zc7rr26s section xt71zc7rr26s  



a.m- .. .a .u.. .. .- an...»


WEATHH‘ .\ I ostly many
today, high 60 to 65. Partly
cloudy tonight, low 40. .llostly
cloudy today, high 60.

3"an BmEWEll The UK women’s

basketball team takes on Louisville tonight in


Freedom Hall. See Sports, page 2.





\.,. ," f. ’i '3'.
.. - ,1 1" - .45"

o u







Sorority sisters

find it nuisance

By Kathy Betting
News Editor

Columbia Avenue has been a lit-
tle more crowded than usual the
past few weeks and will continue to

e for about another month or so.

Construction workers, backhoes,
trucks, gravel and now deep and
wide manholes have invaded the
area in a project to bury utility lines
on Columbia from Rose Street to
\Voodland Avenue, competing with
motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists and

Warren Denny, university archi-

tect, said the primary contrac- _
tor in the project is Kentucky Utili— GBIDU’CKED Construction workers

ties. keep busy on Columbia Avenue.

“As a campus, we like our ugh"- Library ronstrartion increases traffic
ties to be underground,” Denny (top lefi). Sidewalks are closed at
said. “We want to keep that consis- R058 and Columbia (above). A hole
tent.” next to the Delta Gamma house will

Denny said the decision to put containamanhole (right)-
the Columbia Avenue electric lines
is in conjunction with aesthetics of the new William



allows for it. He

. ii?


TI: Young Library 531d about 90 \ I i ,1
Because KU is already digging a ditch in the area, percent ?f the . V 5 ' , I .
Denny said the university decided to extend its umverSIty 5 / ' . “
. upgraded communications cabling to its properties phone lines are ' . .
on Columbia Avenue along with the electric wiring. already buried. .4 , :1 ‘ - t i. Je- . ‘- __ ' ’ ‘ . a . .-. v- , » .
Glenn Hall Of technical SCMCCS said UK has con— Putting all residents in addition to pedestrians and motorists.

the lines underground serves two purposes, beautifi~
cation of campus and easier maintenance,” Hall said.

Derrick Dean, KU’s engineer for the project, said
the work began at the end ofjanuary is scheduled to
be done after 10 weeks.

Because KU derived no benefit from the electric
line burial, UK was charged for the work, Dean

Denney said the electric part of the job costs
$136,370. The communications upgrade‘s total bill
comes to $175,970.

Even though the combinations upgrade will even-
tually benefit sororities on Columbia Avenue, the
work is providing somewhat of a nuisance to house

“They (KU) start at 8 a.m. and I’m not used to
getting up that early," said l)i'lt.t Zeta soCial sorority
meinberlessica Newland.

Sleep deprivation is not the only problem.
Upheaval of the pavement creates aesthetic prob-
lems with the holes dug.

“It is a nuisance we have to walk in mud and grav~
el," said Alpha Delta l’i social sorority member l‘irin

The driveway behind the house also gets a lot of
traffic. gravel and dirt, some of which gets into the

“The rooms are a lot dustier," (ireer said.

tracted for a conduit for tele hone and cable TV
wires to be put underground) parallel to the KU

Denny said Information Systems will be able to
add any wiring necessary or requested once the ini-
tial work is done.

The communications lines will not extend all the
way down the street like the electric wires, Hall said:
but will just extend to sorority houses on the street.

“They (the houses) have existing UK service there
now,” Hall said. “This is going just to the ones on
Columbia itself.”

Hall said the overall oal is to get all of UK’s
communications lines un erground when the budget



s F d I I I I
en. fll‘ FII‘St llllng day COfltIIIIIES
Administration’s plans to - -
8 ea 8 to increase access to higher educa- tr n I I‘ I t n
tion. They will talk about how
the issue affects Kentucky stu-
students MW"

sion, Ford and students will dis-
cuss the speech, which the
Department of Education said
Wll focus on the Clinton

dent, two Lexington Community College
senators, 15 senators at large and 16 col-
lege senators.

To qualify for SGA president a student

The UK students who will
participate are members of cam-
pus organizations. Student Gov-

Associate News Editor

The first day to file for presidential and

b By James Ritchie ernment Assoc1ation PreSident senatorial Student Government Associa- must have a 2.3 grade point average.
Smior StaflWn’ter Alan 5’“ 'was responstble for tion ositions was rather boring, consider- College senator must have a 2.0 GPA
extending inVitations. ing at no one filed. and have at least 60 hours com fined and

be enrolled in the college at t e time of

Senator—at-large candidates do not have
to have completed any certain number of

“I tried to get as diverse a
group as possible,”
Aja said.

He said he did not
choose individuals to
attend, but instead
issued a certain num—
ber of slots to differ-

Yesterday marked the beginning of the
SGA cam aignin season, and the count-
down to e ection ay began.

Waiting until the last day has become a
new trend in the last few years, SCA Presi—
dent Alan Aja said.

One reason for this is the 350
student signatures and phone

Students from
across the state will
get to voice their
views on education
to a US. senator and
to the media tomor-
row after watching


l‘iach candidate must return
with the application a $30
deposit to the SGA office prior



zhfizicis'etary 2:12:21 lmna fridludiiirgamgdllznse, numbers required for president to the deadline. .
“State of American ahead R bl'g 8d and vice resident pOSitions. - , lhe mone will be refunded
Education” address ‘P" icans an Vice reSident Chrissy Guyer SG A at the end of c ections. .
by satellite. V ¥0ung Democrats. said she knows of three candidates In his year in office Aja
Senator Wendell Studmtrmwatcb h 3: 3: $331201: :th said the (it? running for the . became géag‘lliie was not Without
_ the Arcs-ion , ea seat in . not experience in . 1 .
53215352333 :2 wirbosgmrlv‘ord themselves. Wh'Ch Unlike last year's election, when the “It would’ve taken me a lot longer to
'oined b video con- is WSW members “n" attend. No candidates were friends, this election adapt to the job and that takes away from
lf y t 12 Center Second-year law will not be so amicable. getting things accomplished,” he said.
erence a .m. Warm student Steve 60"" “There will be a lot more scheming in A'a advised that the next SCA resident

With students rom who Will attend the be a le to balance school with S 1A. Tak-

this car’s election,” Guyer said.









ACZIlland (gunm‘gzfly teleconference. 531d he fact that there are more people ing the minimum 12-hour course load, he
C CBC, _ “15C 1'10 ““85 0f education running for the top Spot this year “shows said he had trouble keeping up.

ommunity ° ' and the quality 0f the the representation of what Alan has done,” Ap roachability and preparation are
legetPaducah Com- programs ' being Guyer said. two characteristics Aja said an SGA presi-
munity College, Wt Com- offered are ‘h‘_ “'0, ”“1" “3‘ “It makes me feel good about what dent should have.

mumty College and Southeast ccrns he has With higher educa- we’ve done this semester.” “You have to be able to relate to peo-
Community College in Cumber- tion. — The deadline for filin for the various ple,” Aja said.

land. Secretary Richard Riley’s
:peech will be broadcast live in
e Student Center theater for
anyone who wants to watch.
In a question-and—answcr ses-



“I would ask him to explain
the procedural hurdles in the
president’s p ms and the

ible roud'b ocks it might
cc,” Gold said.



Expecting the unexpected is also impor-
tant. As president, you lay out your plat-
form, but new issues like the computer
printout fee pop up, and you have to be
able to deal with such surprises, Aja said.

SGA seat: is 4 pm. on edncsday, March

Students can pick it applications in the
SGA office at 120 Stu ent Center.

Seats are open for president, vice presi-


a- Maw-“aw; . a



February I 8, 1997
o I‘ljfllflfdl 5 7‘6.
I Z N (.‘rossfig'ortl .5- Spurn .E

| I)IZ'(7.T107L\'3 l'ieii‘poim 4





[3mm Firefighter dies
after lighting blaze

(lnc firefighter died and another was seriously
injured while fighting a blaze at a vacant housc
early yesterday.

(iharlcs ll. \Villiams _lr.. 3‘). was pronounced
dead .it the UK Medical Center .it 1.41 a.m. Ger»
.ild Ray, 11, was admitted to the hospital .ind was
iii serious conditions with burns.

Authorities said \\'illiams and Ray walked in
the front door ofthc house and immediately fell
through to the basement, where they were
trapped for about 20 minutes. lit-forts to revn'c
\Villiams were unsuccessful.

lhe blaze at the house south of downtown
Lexington broke out about 11:30 a.m.

.\ 1955 graduate of Henry Clay High School,
\V'illiams joined the department in October 198‘)
after attending UK. He was a member of the
department's color guard, which meant he spent
bouts of his own time practicing for pcrfor

Visitation for \\'illiams will be 12 noon to 9
pm. \Vednesday at \Vhitehall Funeral Chapel.
lhc funeral will beat 11 a.m. ’l‘hursday at South-
l.ind Christian Church. with burial in Lexington

\Villiains is survived by his father, Charles H.
\\’illiams of l larrodsburg; and his sister, l’lizabcth
\Villiams of Lexmgton.

HIIII' inducted l0 journalism hall 0' lame

Ll“.Xl.\'( il( ).\v —. liour people will be induct—
ed into the Kentucky journalism Hall of liame on
April H.

The 1907 inductees are

Vludiih Clabcs. former editor of The Ken-
tucky Post and current president and chief execu—
tive officer of the Scripps Howard Foundation.

Vl lugh Morris. veteran political reporter and
lirankfort bureau chief for The Courier-Journal.

VKen Rowland, former television reporter.
news director and anchorinan at \\'l.KY-l\’ and
\Vl [AS 'l‘V, .ind now a business commentator on
\\'l)Rll—l'\' in Louisville.

Viired \Vichc. farm and garden director at
“'l [AS radio and television in Louisville

This year‘s inductees make a total of‘)(i ioiir-
nalists who have been honored by the hall of func-
at UK since it began m 1980.


last 'CIIEBI‘S' “I‘ll" stolen ll‘fllll auction

B()S'li( )N —« An autographed script oftlie last
episode of “Cheers" was stolen from a charity auc-
tion where many of the guests wore party masks.

George \Vendt, who played Norm on the NBC
comedy, donated the script to the l landel Si
Haydn Society, a classical orchestra and chorus. It
had been autographed by the entire “Cheers" cast.

The script was stolen Saturday night while a
hotel security guard took a telephone call.

“It does appear that an outside person created
an elaborate plan to come in and steal it...,” said
Michael jendrysik, the society's fundvraising

Compiled from wire reports.


AIIIIBI‘SOII pleads innocent
alter arrest ill Louisville

Staff i report

UK senior basketball player Derek Anderson
pleaded innocent on charges of running a red light
and driving with a suspended license yesterday
morning in jefferson County District Court. He
spent two hours in alefferson County jail.

Anderson, a (i—foot—S guard who has been out
with a torn anterior cruciate ligament in his right
knee since jan. 18, was arrested at approximately 4
a.m. yesterday byjeffersontown police.

lie was released on his own recognizance. lie is
due back in court March 12.

,leffersontown Police Chief Fred Rocmeley said
Anderson ran through two consecutive traffic
lights. The first was at Linn Station Road and
Timberwood Circle, the second at Linn Station
and Hurstbourne Parkway.

Anderson was drivin a 1996 Ford Explorer,
which was registered untfir the Ford Motor Credit
Com )any. Roemeley said Anderson’s car had been
wrec ed, and the car he was driving when pulled
over was a rental.

The arresting officer, Officer jeff Marean,
wrote in the police re ort that Anderson was very
mannerly when pulledhwcr. There was no alcohol
involved and he was not speeding during the inci-

“He (Anderson) didn't realize that he had a sus-

nded license, but it‘s not suspended” UK Coach
Rick Pitino said yesterday on his Big Blue Line.
“He paid a fine that happened in 1995 that showed
up late.

“I don’t understand the (media) attention this
(situation) is getting,” he said. “We'll handle this

Pitino uipped that it was Anderson's bad knee
that locked up and he didn‘t have enough strength
to lift it up, so he just had to go through the red

“Without question, Derek’s wrong," Pitino
said. “But he's a lO-star person on a five-star









2 Tm, PM is, I997, roams, Kn-iul




Fame 8' 322537- 12:06
E-Mail: kerneICpop.uky.edu
Editor In Chief ...................................... Brenna Reilly
Managing Editor ..................................... Jeff Vinson
News Editor ........................................ Kathy Reding
Associate News Editor .................................. Gary Wulf
Features Editor ...................................... Mat Herron
Editorial Editor .................................. Tiffany Gilmartin
Assistant Editorial Editor ............................ Chris Campbell
Sports Editor. .................................... Chris Easterling
Assistant Sports Editor ............................ O.Jason Stapleton
Weekend Sports Editor ................................ Rob Herbst
Weekend Sports Editor ................................ J ay G. Tate
Arts Editor .......................................... Dan O'Neill
ksistant Arts Editor ............................... Suzanne Raffeld
KeG Editor ................................... Rodman P. Botkins
Online Editor .................................. Andreas Gustnfsson
Photo Editor .................................... Stephanie Cordle
Design Editor .................................................. Trade Purdon
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The Independent Newspaper at The University of Kentucky
Founded in 1894 ........................... Independent since 1971

026 Grehan Journalism Bldg, University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0042
Y our first copy ofrbe Kentucky Kernel irfrrr.
Extra topic: are $1.00 web.




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Sendek garners
mentor's praises

By Chris Easterllng
Spam Editor

After beating one of his former
assistants, Florida’s Billy Dono-
\an, on Saturday, UK Coach Rick
l'itino had praise for the accom-
plishments of another protégé,

North Carolina State’ Herb
Scndek’s Wolfpack team

knocked off Wake Forest 60—59 in
overtime at Winston-Salem, N.C.
The game-winning basket was
called a three-pointer when the
player’s foot was on the line.

“All shots like that are broken
plays,” said Pitino of the shot on
his Big Blue Line yesterday. “I
thought Herb Sendek coached as
well as anybody can in that situa-

Pitino recalled a similar situa-
tion while he was at Providence
playing against St. John’s, when a
controversial call went his way on
the Redmen's home court.

“At the end of the ame, the
buzzer went off and (ormer St.
John’s coach) Louie Carnesseca
was complaining that their still
should be a second left on the
clock,” Pitino said. “We left the
court. I was told that the referees
were coming in to bring us back
out (so) I ripped off Billy Dono-
van’s jersey and threw him in the

“I had another guy get in the
shower. (The officials) came in

and said ‘you may be coming out
on the court.’ and I said that we
we’re not coming out because we
have three ys in the shower."

The reFe’il'ees then called the
game in favor of the Friars.


Coming off one of their better
defensive efforts of the season
against Florida, the Cats put
together one of their best practices
of the season, Pitino said.

Among the players who shined
were the big man duo of Nazr
Mohammed and Jamaal Magloire.
Mohammed was coming off of his
fifth double-double of the season,
with 14 points and 10 rebounds
against the Gators.

“I didn’t want to ask him
(Mohammed) what was wrong,”
Pitino said. “Normally, Nazr is
not a good practice player. Today
he put on a show in practice that I
haven’t seen the likes of in a long
time. (Mohammed’s play) then
really spurred Jamaal Magloire on
and they really got after it.”

Tourney talk

Pitino took a moment to assess
who the top four seeds in the
NCAA Tournament should things
remain the way they are ri ht now.

He said that he felt U would
remain in the Southeast, playing at
either Memphis, Tenn., or Char—
lotte, N.C. Top-ranked Kansas
would play in the Midwest, either



Kernl to p 2 5
hurl PT!
1. Kansas (5) 25-1 149
2. Minnesota (1) 22-2 143
3. Kentucky 24-3 139
4. Wake Forest 203 127
5. Duke 21 -5 126
6. Utah 19-3 122
7. Clemson 20-5 110
8. (tie)lowa State 184 108
8. (tie)S. Carolina 186 108
10. New Mexico 204 94
1 1. Cincinnati 19-5 89
12. Maryland 19-6 83
13. Arizona 166 76
14. Xavier (Ohio) 184 74
15. North Carolina 176 71
16. Louisville 19-5 55
17. Michigan 17-7 51
18. Stanford 15—6 37
19. Illinois 18-7 33
20. C. 01 Charleston 23-2 32
21. UCLA 15—7 30
22. Colorado 17-7 28
23. Villanova 18-7 19
24. Texas Tech 156 16
25. St. Joseph's (Pa) 15-5 10
Others receiving votes: lndiana
(6), Tulsa (4), Boston College (3),
Princeton (3), Fresno State (1 ),
Georgia (1), Iowa (1) Texas (1).



hits PI!
1. Kansas (68) 1.748 1
2. Minnesota (2) 1,649 3
3. Kentucky 1,622 4
4. Wake Forest 1.512 2
5. Utah 1,447 5
6. Duke 1,438 6
7. Iowa State 1,264 9
8. Clemson 1.247 7
9. South Carolina 1,129 12
10. New Mexico 1,091 13
11. Cincinnati 996 8
12. North Carolina 906 16
13. Arizona 882 11
14. Maryland 874 10
15. Louisville 707 17
16. Xavier (Ohio) 646 19
17. UCLA 565 24
18. Michigan 558 14
19. Villanova 320 18
20. Stanford 319 22
21 . Colorado 253 15
22. C. of Charleston 252 25
23. Illinois 249 20
24. Indiana 186 _
25. Calitornia 171 —
Others receiving votes: Georgia
119, Texas Tech 97, St. Joseph‘s
(Pa) 84. Providence 63, Hawaii 58,
Massachusetts 38. New Orleans 36.




at Kansas City, Mo., or Auburn
Hills, Mich.

No. 2 Minnesota, the Big 10
leader, would be the team that gets
sent West, to Salt Lake City or
Tuscon, Ariz. Wake Forest,
should things shake out the way
Pitino believes, would end up in
Pittsburgh as the East’s top seed.
The Demon Deacons’ home court
in Winston-Salem, N.C., is the
other first/second round site in the


Ifthe Cats were to end up lay-
ing at Memphis, it would mar the
second consecutive weekend they
would play at the Pyramid. The
Southeastern Conference Tourna—
ment is being held there from
March 6—9. The Jayhawks would
be in much the same situation
should they end up in Kansas City.
where the inaugural Big 12 Tour—
nament is being held.

IIII IUDIIS Illl‘ second-straight WIll at II III I.

By Rob Herbst
Weekend Spam Editor

One can compare UK women’s
basketball head coach Bernadette
Mattox to such great prognostica-

mance as the reason for the win.
In her previous three SEC games,
the starting power forward scored
a whopping total of four points,
including an O-of—S game against
Florida last Thursday.




Special Ski Program Announced
For UK

Students, Faculty and Staff
We are pleased to announce the establishment of a special UK Ski
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Becklcy. 'cst Virginia. UK Students. Faculty and Stuff wishing to take
advantage of this special ski program must present their UK identifica-
tion card when purchasing lift tickets or renting ski equipment.

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Weekdays (Monday through Friday)

Lift Ticket chtul liquipmcnt
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Compare these prices to our regular prices. Weekend 9am < lllpm lift
ticket and rentals would normally be $57!

If staying overnight. enjoy our sister resort. Glade Springs. or stay in
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special Spring Break discounts for March?

This year Wintcrplacc added 2 new quad (4 person) chairlifts for a total
of 7 chairlifts to get you to the top faster than ever. Plus. 4 new trails
(for a total of 27 trails and a snowboard parkland a new 10.001) square
foot mid-mountain facility. The MountainHouse.

Winterplacc Ski Resort is located I6 miles South of Becklcy. West
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For additional skiing or lodging information. call 8006017669. For
latest snow conditions. call the Wintcrplace Snow Phone at

Don‘t let the weather in your area fool you! Winterplacc has up to 5
feet of snow over the entire mountain. State-‘loe—art snowmaking has
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you iust can't wait to ski! Winterplace has the highest snowmaking
capacity capability per acre in the Southeast!




tors as Nostradamus, Kenny Vieth more than quadrupled
Kingston and that total Sun-
Jimmv the Creek. ' " day as she shot
Mém,s'squad Kentucky at louiswne 9-0“ 3 fmm
wasn’t having too Tonight, 7:30 the field for a
much success in Freedom Hall, caretésr-high ’9
the Powcrfill Louisville pom ‘
Southeastern pullild: (131::
Conference. Aft? KBI’IIIIGKV (7'17) nine rebounds.
10 conference u -
ames the (‘ats Katie really
g ’ ‘ llatlonalranklngzNone made up her
had 10 losses. -
‘ mind after the
S EC game Probable Starters: Pts: Rob: Florida ame
number 1 1 w , FTillanyWait 12.6 4.0 g
a. . h h ll
different UK , FKalieVieth 7.0 3.7 t at S 8 Yea Y
. - . , “0“ CKim Denkins 9.9 7.5 needed to
its first SI‘.(. game G Nikki Hay _ 7.3 5.3 focus,” Mattox
Of the SCQSOH in a GNalalIe Maillnel 6.4 '33 said. “It’s not
74-57 trouncing “mm; FPatrice Boyd. 5.7 pchvOnaa that Katie
3‘ MISSISSIPP' Jackson seesaw: Emory 0.8 doesn’t have
State on Sunday. that in her but I
The victory LOUISVIIIB (16-7) think as a fresh-
was no surprise man she kind of
for Mattox. National ranking: None laid around a
It was (expect- Probable Starters: Pts: a“: little bit and
ed) and it was )ust FMistySmith 13.3 4] relied on
a matter of time EH5?ta’eYHaBI;ll ‘3; 43.40 upperclass-
that the light ’9" amy l « men ”
| < l ’ '
Comes on and gmflialdllfdllm “(@009ng .38 Another rea-
thinfgs start click- n We L W 50 F son for UK’S
‘ , vi _ curves: lll'le u o, . ppg; April - '
:35; si’fdlou’ Mat Goddard 4.6; r Kendra Braxton, 4.2; G Jenny "’0"? w’m’mg
_ Knight. 2.4. 5 Alison Bass. 2.2. r Stacey strea (one
“It was a wm Hillman. 1.8;GRachel Gamer, 1.1. game) was the
that was much ._ . ability to domi-
descrved because assnsls W game. nate the glass.
the kids have been HADIO:WLAP 630-AM In most of their
working so hard. previous losses,
1 he confidence the Cats have




level and the lead-
ership from our freshmen really
started to pick up on the floor, so
that caused increased enthusiasm
into the game.”

One can look to UK freshman
Katie Vieth’s improved perfor-

been pushed
around inside. UK is last in the
SEC in rebounds, averaging only
36.4 boards per game.
Sunday was different as they
pounded the Lady Bulldogs for a
46- I9 rebound advantage.




JAMES CRISP Kernel staff

"8- CUNSISIENCY Natalie .Mam'nez has been one of the consistent player:
fiir Bernadette Nlatrox’s women ’5 basketball team.

The Cats have no time to rest
on their victory as they take on a
hot Louisville squad (16-7) in
Freedom Hall tonight.

The Lady Cardinals have won

l3 of 15 games and have not lost a
game in Louisville this season. the
Cardinals currently own the
nation’s eighth—longest home
winnning streak in the nation.


Time running out
tor liams' Phllflls

ST. LOUIS — The St. Louis
Rams haven’t given up on trou-
bled running back Lawrence
Philli s—yet.

A ay after Phillips’ latest brush
with the law, new eneral manager
and coach Dick ermeil said yes-
terday he doesn't believe he can
count on last year’s first—round
draft pick. He said the or aniza-
tion is intent on helping P illips,
but the Rams are prepared to
move on without him.

“The Rams are going to line up
and play with or without
Lawrence Phillips, OK,” Vermeil
said. “I’d just like him to be part of

it so we can help him and he can
help us.”

The Rams haven’t been able to
help Phillips because they can’t
find him, and Vermeil wonders
why a player would not contact his
employer under such circum-

“Well, it sure would have been
nice,” Vermeil said. “But I don’t
think that’s part of his back-

ound, I don’t think that’s part of
is thinking.”

Phillips a ent, Mitch Frankel,
didn’t immediately return a tele-
phone message from The Associ-
ated Press.

Phillips, 2], was arrested early
Sunday in Omaha, Neb., after
cursing and threatening police
officers who came to his hotel
room. As police escorted him from

the hotel, he threatened to beat it
another person he fought with
earlier in the evening, officers said.
Also, two women who attended
the party accused Phillips and
other party-goers of touching
them inappropriately. One woman
told police he poked her in the
buttocks with a champagne bottle.

"III". "I! VIII.”

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Ten-
nessee coach Pat Summitt had an
easier time tickin off what her
team did poorl an what it did
right, but the o. 8 Lady Vols still

ulled out a 64-59 victory over
0. l5 Vanderbilt.

“If you look at it, you say
Tiffani (Johnson) struggled and
Kellie (lolly) struggled and Abby
(Conklin) played in spurts, and

you have to ask yourself, what did
we do well?” Summitt said. “We
worked on the defensive end is
what we did.”

The Lady Vols forced Vander-
bilt into a season-high 29
turnovers, converting them into
22 points, to win a game in which
they were out-shot, out-rebound-
ed, beaten 5-0 in 3-point shots and
had fewer than half the assists
handed out by Vandy players.

ChamiqueHoldsclaw scored 22
points, including two free throws
to seal the victory with 12 seconds
left, to lead the Lady Vols (21-7,
8-3 Southeastern Conference).

Vanderbilt ( 16-8, 6-5) led with
3 1/2 minutes to go and trailed by
only 60-59 after An ela Gorsica
scored with 35 secon

Comp“ from wire reports.
’1 I





\ at.






















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New Edition
reunion lives
unto hype

By Brett Dawson
Senior Staff Writer

LOUISVILLE Ky. — Though the crowd at the
New Edition Home Again Iour saved its loudest
cheers for an unexpected guest Sunday night, it
wasn't because the headliners weren't up to par.

Despite thum ing, crowd -rocking sets by New
E (lition and Blac treet, the crowd was at its loudest
IIhen Keith Sweat brought unbilled L. L C oolj. on
stage for a verse. But the acts everyone expected to
see never disap ointed.

Headliners ew Edition kept their fans II aiting
remaining backstage for a full hour after Sweat
II rapped Once on stage, though, I .E. gene the
crowd its money's worth ri ping throu h a tIIo— hour
set that included not onl 0ice cuts fgom its recent
Home Again album but aliso classics from the group‘ s
early days and solo careers.

After openin with “Oh Yeah It Feels So Good‘

and “Hit Me ff,’ New Edition ot the crowd
grooving when it went sans Bobby rown for hits
rom its Heanbreak album, “If It Isn t Love" and
“Can You Stand the Rain.” T hou h he ste iped off-
stage for those tracks, Brown left t e most ong- last-
in memories from the show from embarrassing the
lig ting crew to bare— —assing himself

“Hey light man, "Brown wailed during “I lit \le
()f, " “you better get a muthafuckin spotlight on me
riglit now

His solo set was even rowdier, as he dro )ped his
drawers during “My I’rero ative" and liounced
throu h a 15- minute version o “Get Away. "

Bel Biv Devoe also shone during its solo shot
producing the best sin—g along set of the night IIith
“ Poison and‘ ‘Do Me.”

By the time Ralph Iresv ant hit the stage for Sen-
sitivitv " and “Do “hat I Gotta Do it II as well past
iiiidni ht and the mood II as coming doII ii hard. But
the lagies woke up soon after Johnny (iill tore into
“MI, MI, My," and the ener " “as high again as
V. E. came back to ether for a EiZI‘nal set that included
“.\lr.Telephone {Sign ” and Home \gain."

For “Home Again” the evening 5 linale New 1 .III—
tion brought LL. Cool] back on stage thou h not
to perform. Even without saying a Word. he t filled
the house at Freedom Hall.

Those final ovations, though. couldn‘t match the
ones he elicited when he came on for Keith Sweat‘s
finale, u'I‘vvisted.” Cool J. bounced on stage unan—



nounced and ra )ped a Icrsc from his hit ‘.‘1 oungin
1 hat cappedlofl a surprisinglI good set for SIIeit
who stuck mostlI with old cuts including “1 \\ int
IIer ' and “Wake It I .ist lIorever from his first
album. llis abundance of scaiitiljrclziil dancers more
than made up for his oII ii In k of \It[l\ and Sue ii
swayed through his one dince stIp (\ou knoII [in
one ——the pelvic sum and— tlirusti nearly non stop
Despite the energy of his set SIIIai Ltilll in 1 top
Blackstreet’s s )ectacular show If Teddy Riley and
companI coulIleIer match their hIe shoII in the \ill
tho they d be )ntting out albums to rII il Rt\' ls s in \I.
Blackstreets liIe Iersions ot ll.\ It‘inl Doiii
1eaIe .'"\1e put the studio tricks to sh inn '1 he gioup
lelt the stage folloIIinLr i hird ch'cd medlII of its
biggest hit? “No DiggitI and \liIhI'iIl liIksoii s
“Billie 'le.,"in the latter giIen i nistI side the Ring oi
l’op likely never imagined BI thI time NI-II l Ilitioii
strolled oil stage n» Bro“ ii hid rolled around toi 10
minutes In himsell and hilt ietused to go . it II Is
easy to have forgotten 02, a leI.iiiilI RNB group ih it
opened the night IIith i lllll\ solid three-song stt
The newest act on Michael BiIins Pin 10 l\l I oitls
doesn t look like a liitin; ikei and though its liII shr l“
II as better than some, It IertnnlI \I isn t enough to
match up to the big boys on lllllflli \I hen tliI he id
liner proved well worth the II iit



’ ’ryo‘.‘l‘vai,_ , ..

Kmmh Kernel, ’I'Imddy, February 18, 1997 3




Pliam finnubed

"EM" BREAKER: Blai‘l'rrrert (above) and Net." Edit/0n (lie/0a) perjiimml (I stellar More in LIIIILI‘L‘flk on Sunday night.


llonnie DBVOB arrested

A member ofthe Inusical group New Edition
and two members of the band's entourage were
arrested early today after an altercation II-Ith
police at a hotel.

Band member Ronnie De\'oe \I‘as jallt‘tl along
with Roland De\'oe and Anthony Shaw.

According to Louisville police spokesman
Aaron (iraham. the Hyatt Regency Hotel called
police about 4:15 am. complaining of someone
drinking and loitering In hotel halbvays.

\Vhen an officer arrived and told Ronnie
DeVoe to go back in his room, the band member
allegedly became belligerent .iiid called to the
other tWo inenfl‘he officer called for backup
after epithets Ivere shouted at hiin, (iraham said.
\Vhen other officers arrived. there was a scuffle

Ronnie DeVoe II as ch irged IIiili IilIohol
intoxication disorderly Ionduct resisting .irre.st
fourth- -degree assault on i polite oilittr ’tl‘lllllr
nal mischief ind inciting I HUI.

Roland DeVoe and Shaw were lltiIlI charged
with menacing.