xt71zc7rr167 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71zc7rr167/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-09-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1987 1987 1987-09-15 2020 true xt71zc7rr167 section xt71zc7rr167  





UK women’s tennis team ready to serve
up a new season. SEE PAGE 2.




For a profile
Wendell Berry,


of poet/author




Today: 20% chance of rain
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy




Vol. XCI. No. 23

W 1894

UK enrollment
exceeds 50,000
for first time

Editor in chief

Enrollment in UK's Lexington
campis and community college sys-
tem will top the 50,000 mark for the
first time ever, according to prelimi-
nary figures released by the Univer-
sity yesterday.

The figures show that enrollment
is expected to increase in the 14
community colleges by 15 percent
this year to 29,300, while Lexington
campus and Medical Center enroll-

Bowie gives
variety to

Rupp crowd

Arts Editor

if you are of the opinion that art
rock is dead, you can be assured it
received a definite resurrection last
night when David Bowie came to
Rupp Arena.

Bowie delivered not only the ex-
pected earful, but an eyeful as well.

The 2lm-hour show was preempted
with a convincing violin version of
‘ ‘ P u r p l e
Haze." Gui-
tarist Carlos
S a l o m a r .
emerged from
the darkness
to add some
impressive blues licks and then the
show began.

Decked in a red suit, Bowie de-
scended from the ovaries of the so
foot wide structure of a spider that
hung above the stage, narrating his
myth of the glass spider.

With him came five dancers
dressed as space-age aberrations
who proceeded to engage in numer-
ous perverse activities within the
caging that surrounded the stage
and formed the spider’s web.

The structure of the spider was
designed precisely right down to
knotted plastic tubes that served as
unhatched larvae. The stage was lit-
tered with debris from a cosmic cul-
ture, such as silver manikins.

What followed was mesmerizing
art rock.

Bowie introduced a smattering of
mythical images taken from various
cultures. His songs, taken predomi-
nately from his latest albums, added
merely a soundtrack to the action on
stage. As Bowie ran through “Day
In, Day Out" and “Absolute Begin-
ners," the dancers proceeded with
sensual movements spiced up by nu-
merous phalluses that they kept
close at hand.

0n “Loving the Alien," Bowie not
only sang about his mystic topic, but
the dancers actually showed how
one loves an alien. And it is a little

Yet the strangeness was only rou-
tine for Bowie. When one of the fe-
male dancers revealed her chest,
she also revealed something else.
She was a he. That’s right. Androgy-
ny is never far away where Bowie is

Truth be told. the sexual thrashing
got a little old when the blocking
simply couldn‘t sustain the creative
vigor of the first half-hour.

However, after 45 minutes, Bowie
scrapped the surrealism and re-
verted back to stand-bys such as
“Rebel Rebel," employing a more
electronically fused version than on
the original. It was what the crowd
came for.

Not that Bowie rested on his lau-
rels. He experimented with different
media forms including slides and
single-reel projection. 'No oversiaed
screens also sided the stage for
mum-perception viewing.

The efforts here climaxed with
“Helm." The actors again
emerged as riot police while a clip
from a World War it news reel
played behind the stage. Bowie was
unleashed from thick ropes tie. a
spider’s webbing) to sing, “We could

See ”ME. Page 7


meat will increase 4 percent to

The anticipated 51,400 students is
a record for UK. Record enrollment
is expected for 13 of the i4 commu-
nity colleges.

UK President David Roselle said
the increase was a result of more
Kentucky students staying in-state
for college and a growth in the pop-
ulation of potential college students.

He credited the state‘s secondary
school system with increasing the
number of potential students.

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Total enrollment for UK

& Community Colleges


Independent since 1 971

Average ACT Scores

for UK Campus Freshmen




'83 '84 '85
The average ACT score of Lexing-
ton campus incoming freshmen has
also risen .2 percentage points over
last year‘s average of 22.2. The na-
tional average is 19.2.
The ACT scores of UK‘s incoming
freshmen have been continually ris-

'86 ' 7 '83 '84
ing since the University imple~
mented a Selective Admissions poli-
cy in fall of 1984.

Kendell Rice, director of admis~
sions, said the increase in enroll-
ment is a result of an eight percent
increase in admission applications.

soiudmg |8UJ€){/Sdl|:lud uaiex

'85 '86 '87
Of the 9,600 applications, 64 percent
were admitted to the University.

"I think the competition for places
in the freshman class have grown
more competitive. " Rice said.

He said his office has stepped up



0n the edge

Employees of the White Congleton construction company work
on the root of the new Goodwin center on East Main Street yes-

terday afternoon. Temperatures today should again hit the mid—

80-degree mark.

MARK moF‘Kernel Staff




Tuesday, September 15. 1987

Pikes file

Staff reports

Complaints were filed last night
against two L'K football players fol-
lowing an incident this weekend in
the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity
house. according to a Pike fraternity

Matt Breetz said members Greg
Moock and Robert Howell filed a
complaint for fourth degree assault
charges against junior defensive end
Carwell Gardner and junior fullback
Greg Baker.

Both Baker and Gardner declined

Fourth degree assault is a class A
misdemeanor described as that
which "intentionally or wantonly
causes physical injury to another
person“ or “with recklessness he
causes physical injury to another
person by the means of a deadly
weapon or a dangerous instrument.“

The district judge has the option
today to issue a subpoena for the
players' appearance in court. throw
out the complaint or create arbitra-
tion between the two parties.

[7 K football coach Jerry Claiborne
said he wouldn‘t take any discipli-
nary action against any players un-
less “the charges stuck. "

“Until then. I don't know what I'll
do with them.” Claiborne said. “It‘s
a closed issue as far as l'm con-
cerned '

UK police said Moock and Pike
member John Karem were taken to
UK Medical Center Saturday night.
Moock was treated for cuts and
bruises on his forehead and Karem
for an injury to his jaw. Both were
released that night.

Moock said he, Howell and other
fraternity members identified
Baker, Gardner and two other UK
football players as being in a group
of people who entered the fraternity

Moock said the Pikes specifically
identified Gardner and Baker as
taking part in the fightUK players
David Johnson and Eric Banks were
identified as being at the scene.

"As I was calling the police,
David Johnson hung the phone up
and told me. ‘You aren't going to
call the police.‘ " Moock said.

See PLAYERS. Page 7

Kuder, staff to develop alcohol policy proposals

Executive Editor

The student affairs office — under
the direction of James Kuder, its
vice chancellor — will submit two to
three alcohol policy proposals to the
alcohol task force in mid-October for
the committee‘s consideration.

The task force was appointed by
Art Gallaher, chancellor for the Lex-
ington campus. last month and is
supposed to form an alcohol policy
by the end of the semester. Current-

ly, alcohol is not allowed on the UK

Kuder said he would develop seve-
ral proposals to bring back to the
task force at its next meeting. Last
year a committee, formed to ad-
dress the alcohol issue on campus,
presented an alcohol proposal to
Gallaher for his consideration.

Four of the five recommendations
— including recommendations con
cerning more alcohol education —
that last year’s committee presented
to Gallaher were accepted.

Roselle says salaries
must be competitive

Editorial Editor

Although UK has made several re-
cent advancements, unless faculty
salaries become more competitive
with other schools UK will lose
ground, said UK President David

“There needs to be a realization
that the quality of an education at a
university is a reflection of a quality
faculty," Roselle said in a speech to
the University Senate yesterday.

“The University cannot hope to be
better than its faculty."


A story about a suicide attempt by
an UK employee yesterday con-
tained some incorrect information.
William Irvin Webb worlm for UK:
auxiliary services.

The story about an incident at the
Pi Kappa Alpha home contained
some incorrect information. The
Pikes said football players were
wearing weightlifting gloves.

Financial problems. however,
aren’t limited to the faculty.

Roselle said staff salaries are also
a problem. UK staff (hourly) em-
ployees are paid about 90 percent of
what they deserve to be making, he

“I want us to become nationally
known for the quality of our schol-
arships, g'aduates and research,"

But Roselle said in order for the
University to attain this goal, “all of
is at UK . . . should consider non-
traditional means of support."

Non-traditional support was de-
fined by Roselle as private funding.

More and more UK has been rely-
ing on [rivate funding for many of
its improvements, such as the Hi-
lary J. Boone Faculty Club, the
Maxwell E. Gluclt Research Center
and the E. J. Nutter Training Facili-
ty, Roselle said.

However, Roselle said that he re-
alizes that private funding can‘t
carry the University financially.

“i don't pretend for one moment

However, a proposal by last year's
committee which said that 21-year-
olds be allowed to drink on campus
was rejected by Gallaher because
“further study" was needed. accord-
ing to a memorandum from Gallah~

“My hope is that we'll develop a
policy that will be accepted by the
(Board of Trustees ),“ Kuder said.

Task force member Richard Clay-
ton, a professor of sociology, said
the current task force should use the
committee‘s policy recommendation


that private resources can ever re-
place public support or public re-

“We are dealing with a sense of
disappointment with the public,“
Roselle said. "i think the first agen-
da item at the University should be
to establish public confidence."

UK is not, however, the (lily state
with these types of financial woes,
Roselle said. -

from last year as a basis for form-
ing a policy. Clayton served on last
year's alcohol committee.

Whether that proposal will become
the baSic structure for the policy
will be determined throughout the
semester, Clayton said.

Student Government Association
President Cyndi Weaver said when
dealing with the legalities of the al~
cohol issue, it is important to keep
an open mind.

it is also important. she said. to

look at what other institutions in the
state are doing.

“I think if we‘re going to look at
alcohol and students here," the com—
mittee has to look at everything,
Weaver said.

One specific area the task force
has been assigned to address is alco—
hol in the fraternities.

lnterfraternity Council President
Bob Dunn said he wants to see the
committee continue to let fraterni-
ties govern themselves.

Students can no longer
graduate with an “I”

Staff reports

Students will no longer be able to
graduate with an incomplete on
their permanent academic record
under a change made to the Univer-
sity Senate Rules by the University
Senate yesterday.

The change will now go to the
rules committee where it will be
fine-tuned and then put into effect

Students with a grade of an “I"
for their regular final letter grade
will now have 12 months from the
end of the semester they received it
to replace it or it will be changed to
an “E“ by the Registrar.

Loys Mather, a professor of agri-
culture economics. said the current
situation at the University called for
a change in academic policy.

“Given the current enviroment we
time to encourage our students to
complete this course,“ Mather said.
“Historically, the University has

come down on encouraging comple-
tion on part of the students."

David Johnson. professor of math-
ematics. questioned whether a stu-
dent should be forced to repeat class
if he or she did not want an “.‘E

"Is it such a bad thing for an “i"
to be a permanent grade if they are

See GRADUATE, Page 7

Wed. last
day to drop

Staff reports

Tomorrow is the last day for stu-
dents to drop a course without it ap-
pearing on their transcript.

Tomorrow is also the last day to
change the grade option for a class
and to file for a repeat option if stu-

All changes can be made in the
college dean‘s office.


 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuudly. Septunber 1 5. 1907


Veterans return to lead UK tennis

Staff Writer

UK women‘s tennis office is in a
flurry of activity as coaches Susan
Rudd and John Dinneen are busy
getting the team prepared for the
first action of the fall season, the
University of Indiana tournament
this weekend in Bloomington. Ind.

Optimism is high since everyone
returns from last year‘s women's
team that enjoyed its most success-
ful season ever. Rudd. who begins
her first full season as head of the
UK women after taking over from
Mike Patrick last November, led the
Cats to a 21-7 record, their best
ever, and a second-consecutive trip
to the NCAA tournament.

“Hopefully we can crack the top
10 this year," Rudd said, after the
team ended the season ranked 13th

last season. "That‘s one of our goals
this year.“

In the Southeastern Conference,
UK again looks to be in the thick of
the competition after finishing sec-
ond last year

'I think we re probably going to
end up No. ‘2 behind (defending SEC
championl F'Iortda.‘ Rudd pre-
dicted. “But Georgia is really good
too. There are quite a tevr good
teams. but I'd say we're pretty
much in the top three. “

All se\en team members cont-
peted in tournante nts 0\ er the sum-
mer Four of those plax ers were
ranked in the top HI in the nation at
the end of last season , junior Sonia
Hahn l7th Stllltll 'I‘aniaka Takagi
I53rd) junior t hits Katges‘ «57th!
andjuniort‘arolrtle Knudten 58th)

Hahn suprtstd tittxone this sum-
mer by taking hot It i gold medal
for the USA in d: ubles competition
at the Pan Ani (; intes ind a bronze

9. ....... w lLDCAT LODGE

Tonight and Tomorrow Night
8:00-1 0:00 pm. at the lodge


Editor in Chief
Executive Editor
Associate Editor
Design Editor

Editorial Editor

Photo Editor

Arts Editor

Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor

Advertising Manager
Production Manager


Kentucky Kernel

The Kentucky Kernel IS published on class on 1: mg, t‘-
academic year and weekly durtng the summer session

Third-class postage paid at Lexington. Kit 405‘ 7 ‘1 . _..._; :.;.t
scription rates are $15 per semester and $30 per year

The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Pr . ' .. ; ~ 34
Buckman Street. Shepherdsvrlte. KY 40165

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Ker-
nel, Room 026 Journalism Butlding, Universrty ot Ker'uvi. t- -
ington.KY 40506-0042 Phone (606)257-2871

Dan Hassert

Jay Blanton

C A Duane Bonner
Karen Phillips
ThomasJ Sullivan
Clay Owen

Erik Reece

Tooo Jones

Jim While

Paula Anderson
Linda COlIl'IS
Scott Ward




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while representing America at the
World University Games in Yugosla-

Hahn also played in the main
draw of the doubles competition and
in the qualifying round of singles re-
cently in the US. Open.

Takagi was also busy this sum-
mer. representing her native Japan
in the World University Games. She
and Karges played in several entry-
level professional tournaments spon.
sored by the United States Tennis
Association, which pay anywhere
from $10,000 to 25,000.

Seniors Sarah Swan and Helene
Lebeller displayed their skills in a
couple of European tournaments,
while Knudten and senior Beckwith
Archer stayed closer to home and
played the amateur circuit.

Also two new faces join the squad
for the upcoming season, freshmen
Helen Fabisienicz and Julie Varga.

i... .“l ..¢~.~m.¢4‘. .M

Todd Jones
Sports Editor

.ltrn White
Asets' tent Sports Editor




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Tuned out


Ghandra Naidu, a Pre-med freshman, tuned out
the rest of the world by listening to his radio


while catching some shut-eye on a bench in
the Kirwan-Blanding complex.



Clock ticks toward strike deadline

Associated Press

DEARBORN, Mich. — Negotiators
for Ford Motor Co. and the United
Auto Workers talked all day yester-
day, stopping only to shower and
change clothes, as they tried to beat
an 11:59 pm. contract deadline.

Ford workers waited with picket
signs as the automaker and the
union sought an agreement that
would keep 104,000 UAW members
from striking the nation’s second-
Iargest auto manufacturer.

Ford and the UAW remained at
odds over several critical issues, in-
cluding the union’s demand for
greater job security and wage in-

UAW President Owen Bieber,
UAW Vice President Stephen Yo-
kich, Ford Vice President Peter
Pestillo and Ford Labor Relations
Director Stanley Surma were the
principal negotiators for the new
three-year pact.

Plant managers and local union
officials were deciding how many
equipment maintenance workers
would remain on the job in case pro-
duction workers struck, said Ford
spokesman Tom Foote.



“If you’re having real tough nego-
tiations, you take everybody out.
(But) we're trying to make this easy
as possible. We want to be able to
come back when they tell us to with
no problems in the plant,“ said 01'-
ville Spencer, president and bar-
gaining chairman of Local 36 at
Ford’s Lincoln Town Car and Conti-
nental assembly plant in Wixom.

Bieber said Sunday that “job secu—
rity has indeed been the main area
that we‘ve been wrestling with, and
our differences there are still very

Pestillo and Surma agreed the two
sides still had much work to com-
plete before reaching an agreement,
but said they remained optimistic.

Industry analysts have predicted a
strike against Ford would be short.

Under a strike, Ford’s supply of
cars and trucks would last about 56
days, a low inventory by industry

Striking workers would receive
$100 a week from the union‘s strike
fund of $686 million.

The UAW last struck Ford in 1976,
a walkout that lasted 28 days and in-
volved 160,000 hourly US. workers,
over the union’s demand for paid



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personal holidays and wage increas-

The UAW opened negotiations
with Ford and General Motors Corp.
in late July. On Aug. 31 the union

chose Ford as its “strike target" —

the company it will settle with first.

In a process called pattern bar-
gaining, the union negotiates first
with the company it believes can
give it the best deal and then tries to
force that contract on the remaining
company. GM, however, has insisted
that it has different problems and
needs a separate contract.

GM‘s contract has been extended
until a new deadline that will be set
once Ford workers begin voting on a

Bork support



KENTUCKY KENNEL. TuMy. 80ml»! 15. 10.7 - 8

ers, opponents

trade jabs on eve of hearings

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Supporters and
opponents of Judge Robert H. Bork
exchanged verbal jabs yeste'day on
the eve of Senate hearings that will
help determine the fate of one of the
most pivotal Supreme Court nomi-

The outcome of the confirmation
fight is too close to call, with per-
haps a couple of dozen moderates in

Democratic-controlled Senate
holding the balance of power.

During a speech to a National Alli-
ance of Btminess audience, Presi-
dent Reagan made another pitch for
Bork, saying that “too often charac-
ter assassination has replaced de-
bate in principle here in Washing-

“Destroy someone‘s reputation
and you don’t have to talk about
what he stands for,” Reagan said.
“Well, I hope Judge Bork’s critics
will be candid about why they op-
pose him and not fabricate excuses
for attacking him personally.

“That way, we can have a full and
open debate on an important consti-
tutional principle, and when the
votes are counted, America will

The principle that Reagan was
referring to was Bork's belief that
“laws should govern our country,
and if you want them changed, you
should convince the elected legis-
latures to change them, not un-
elected judges. This doctrine of judi-
cial restraint shouldn’t be
controversial in our democracy, but

The American Civil Liberties
Union, which departed from its own






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traditional neutrality on judicial se-
lections to oppose Bork, said the
nominee’s retreat from rigid conser-
vatism in recent interviews does not
conceal his real views.

“He is fundamentally outside the
mainstream,” said Morton Halperin
of the ACLU. Recent interviews only
“show how he’s trying to back-
track," he said.

Halperin said Bork, in extensive
writings and speeches during the
last few years, has espomed conser-
vatism. These “are not views of 30
years ago," Halperin said.

Among those defending Bork and
raising questions about the propriety
of the Senate in examining a nomi-
nee’s political ideology is former
Chief Justice Warren E. Burger.

Burger, who also will testify for
Bork, said in a television interview
yesterday in the Senate’s criteria in
judging a Supreme Court nominee
should include “the integrity of the
man, then his or her educational
background, legal training and . . .
the experience. . .of the person."

Another Bork supporter, White
House Chief of Staff Howard H.
Baker Jr., said he had no plans to
call undecided members of the Son
ate committee to the White House,
but would “try to address any ques-
tions they may have and urge and
encourage them to report this nomi-
nation to the floor of the Senate. "

“It‘s going to be a tough fight, and
it’s still to be won or lost, but in the
final analysis I think Judge Bork
will be confirmed,“ Baker said

Meanwhile, former President Ger»
ald R. Ford said he will formally in-
troduce Bork and testify in support
when the Senate Judiciary Commit~

tee begins hearings on the nomi-
nation Tuesday.

Ford, who was in Las Vegas,
Nev., for a speaking engagement,
described the nominee as “the most
qualified candidate for the Supreme
Court inthelast50years.”

However, Ford predicted a tough
battle for Bork to gain Senate confir-

“My impression is it will be a
very close call,” he said. “The liber-
als are fighting very strongly
against his nomination."

Bork, 60, a federal appeals court
judge since 1%2. was picked by
President Reagan to succeed Justice
Lewis F. Powell.

Powell retired on the final day of
the court’s last term June 26, in ef-
fect creating a void at the ideologi-
cal center of the court.

Powell supplied a pivotal fifth vote
on numerous key issues during his
15 years as a justice, most notably
in a series of cases that upheld the
principle of affirmative action for
minorities and women.

The stakes in the upcoming Senate
hearings are considered extraordi~
narily high not only for the future di-
rection of the court but also for next
year's presidential election.

Two presidential hopefuls, Demo-
crat Joseph R.Biden Jr. of Delaware
and Republican Minority Leader
Bob Dole of Kansas, are playing im-
portant roles in the confirmation

Biden is chairman of the Judiciary
Committee and will be helping lead
the attack against confirmation.

Dole has called the fight “the
main event" of this year‘s congres-
sional session and he is in the foref-
ront of Bork's defenders.



Parents 0






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