xt71zc7rr142 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71zc7rr142/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-04-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 09, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 09, 1986 1986 1986-04-09 2020 true xt71zc7rr142 section xt71zc7rr142 4 -. l ’
K J l
| PR Vol. XC. No. 107 . ' launched "94 University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent um W71 Wednesday, April 9. I986 _
ov1e , . . 0 mm s o p an secon summi
By GEORGE GEDDA ground nuclear explosion in the Ne- tions or to planning for a summit. for 24 hours. and said he did not within agreed limits. but the admin- after the Shervarilnadzt- iisit to per . I I- V‘
AssociatedPress vada desert, but the State But neither Redman nor Speakds ex- know the nature of the weather istration said Mosc0w did not re- mit the president's timetable to be , 4' . ;
Department said the delay was not plained why the test was postponed. problems. spond to the offer. met ' . 3
WASHINGTON —— Soviet Foreign linkedtosummitpolitics. Rep. Harry Reid. D-Nev.. who Moscow declared a unilateral Agreement on Shevardnadze‘s “I wouldn't rulc amthing It] or _ -- '
. Minister Eduard Shevardnadze will Deputy spokesman Charles Red- represents the Las Vegas area. said. moratorium on such testing last fall visit came during a morning meet« out." Shultz. said . . I
visit Washington in mid-May to dis- man said: “Our testing program is "My office has been told it was but has said it would end the ban ing between Reagan and departing . . . ‘ . _ . " . :_ ’ '
cuss arrangements for a second established and conducted according canceled because of the weather. be- once the United States carries out Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobry» Reagan and f“""“ft“)‘ ”h" ”‘ ("j “ '- . - s (-
summit meeting between President to technical considerations. Tests cause of technical difficulties and another test. nin at the White House. Shultz de~ nevav 13" ,M’wmm' “m1 ""1 ”9"! . - .‘4 . '
Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail may bedelayed due to weather con- that it was never scheduled in the The Reagan administration has scribed the session as “very sub- ’3‘“.th '5 m be m m“ “med ' = .. -
Gorbachev. Secretary of State ditions or to a variety of technical firstplace." said we Kremlin announced the stantiveanconstructive." States = " ».
GeorgeShultzsaidyesterday. problems. He said the information came moratorium only after completing Reagan has said he wants the Shultz said Dobrynin .st‘l no prc '4 ~.
Shultz made the announcement White House spokesman Larry from “various people“ at the De- an ambitious testing program. Rea- summit held before August. but conditions for gun“). ahcad with the ' .' 3' ‘ , ‘--. :
shortly before the Energy Depart- Speakes also said the postponement partment of Energy. Reid said he gan invited the Soviets to send mon- Shultz did not say whether he be summit but added that "both s'ldt‘.‘ " -' 5"" ‘. ,‘ -‘ - 1;
merit postponed a planned under- was unrelated to [IS-Soviet rela- had been told the postponement was itors to verify that the test would be lieved there would be enough time want substantive results ' , .~’ (1 .‘
.‘ 1!;
Coun 'l dd r
Cl a resses '1’: A 1.:HiLJHQ'
’ faculty complaints "
. ‘ . u, ‘ .' ,‘ if. L.“
1*; . ' I“ - - '. .f}
"‘ about insurance loss
... X .3 ‘." ' '2 'l 4
4e:- B.‘ (‘\'NTlll.\.\.l'.\l.()R.\l() announced it would .H. intact wttci , ' .‘-
Assistant News Editor sucha polic} . ~ ‘ .‘ . .~ ’
"'I‘hcrcs not an} lli)!l‘t‘ or tt-.i ', .. ._ _ ‘5‘ .
Last week‘s announcement that son." said lirut'c \ltlli-r' iitv't-t-tnr ’Il ‘ -’ ' .' .- '
thousands of UK employees are t‘lhph’.‘<‘t' ticttt'ttts .itit' risk Itiitttttfit‘ . ’ ' .
4‘ without professional liability cover- tttt‘nt. "but it t‘upttt'ttk ltt'cttt‘ct': \. . . - _ .
' age has resulted iti one resignation pt‘t‘mluttb lm‘t’t'itst't‘ mlntt :‘_\ tlt' - . .' . ‘
“ L in addition to faculty outcry creased " - 4. g . ~ \
. _ \ ‘ Mark Wallace anti Andy (irttn‘es. Miller said I K has in millllli'ail‘dl‘ . . ' l l '_
. . , : \ . . managementprofessors in the (017 being mnfildwm riuht WA WNENA , . . r, .
I . 3 lege "f Business and Economics. ten t'oiiipanies how this hlt‘t‘ at -.‘ti\ ' -. l ‘ - ‘. '.
. ' yesterday expressed their views be 01719.0 ~ ~ ‘
j m fore the senate council. . '. '-
.. "Nobody in their right mind ”min-film; h “M thpmmml' ‘ h “I“ . ‘ ‘ ‘ , t
' . ‘s should be teaching without liability “[1 x‘.‘ {I ll.‘ ”buumw mm “‘l h“ ‘ .
> - ‘6’ insurance." Wallace said. "Homes. 5"” .[b m“) .th “th 4“ ”lltt‘l Wl- ~
. - . lives and personal assets are m_ leges and utiiit-tsitit-s tt- create a ‘ ._ .
volved." selfrinsurance con-raci- iiith a com . q '
. , pain} that Hill} otters llgllillll} t‘t“.(‘l‘ , ' ‘
Wallace said James R- Lang. age He said such con-ram \ioulhit , ‘
V . Chairman or (the management de- bc available lxit'oi't- tho- tall st'll‘tt‘\ . ~
‘ )x partment. resigned from that post- ter > 3
' y "" tion Monday because of this issue ~
‘ . 1 ‘ p . Miller saitl tlic ttim-isiti hastit 4 '
5 ' ‘ .- $54.» . . . ‘ ll‘igg: contacted last night, de~ said it can't attoi'd .iiij. t'lt'it‘lilllt‘. ‘ V I
_. ._m-.._; page... . . .~ & . '- , ' ’3’» C m comment. it's lust that ' wt- ltit\t'!‘. t tin-r. giwi‘. . '
M :21; a. j”? . . _ * Y "' . .1 .3... ‘ «f ' ‘7" .7. . . , «2 Wallace said the general feeling Ullel'Wt‘ ’ ’ , ' .
2.19;:“5”! ”as”! “w ’ u ' 4 r . ', among faculty is that it‘s “foolhardy “.1 ll' __ . t t . t .. y ‘ p ' , I ' ,
“‘fi‘sfif‘i’, ""‘::,’::3‘~N . 5“ . ’ - . w . to do anything more than teach the d d“ 5“" “ “W” “"“M m" ' 4 -
" *1- 3;». . _ 4 , . .4... . \ .. 't y ' . _ the administration is doing all it .
. . it w. . . _ it a.» remaining classes and get the final can but '"f‘lt‘ulh hm,‘ . “h" . .
‘ "' - _- ~ ‘ ' ‘ h» > ‘ ‘- ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ”4“"??? examsoutoftheway." ‘ ‘ ~ 5 ‘1. “Fm“ ‘ "' ' 4 .
a.» ~..-'":.,'.‘~~. i... -. .. , . .. ». we should and shoutttii t he Illl‘illu ttt .
"9w“ A -' ‘ " ' ' Grimes. chairman of B&E's grad- teriiisof pt‘ttlt't‘tillL‘daM‘ls ' '
. ""“Anmws'a” uate committee. said this issue has (. . t l ' . ' " y
, . .. - , , l -. tiutlc'll ttlt‘m it't's itth't‘mt \tttt‘. tilt . ‘ ' _
Near mlss Cdsl ~a .Shl” on normal acatemlt ittt )tii‘tant'cot ttictsstit .
functions. l 4 .
Cincinnati left fielder Kerry Byrne makes a diving stab at Terry (24) and Scott Weakley as UK won 19-]. For the game story, u] suggest this '15 a critical issue "l ”WK ‘1 |> NW} “1‘ d“ HtUVh u .1 f I I .
Schumpert's drive yesterday. The double scored Chris Estep see SPORTS, Page 6. that cuts across all of the {mt-em. ”1*th “Wt \dld- mttt l'lnltl “wt ‘ _ , ' . . _' .
[V -- he said. hart .i (‘tiltlltltllllt'tlll‘tt‘s tizotcssot' . . _
. . . . Jack Blanton. vice chancellor for "WM“ dual“ lht‘l' \‘nh ”U T-tl'k . _ ‘ ‘ ~ .
K I N t l D b t Ch h adnnnistration‘ Said he agrees lhlS lx‘lut’t'll Qltlllllllhllil'w-ttt tilltt liit' " ' . ’
U coup e WInS a 10113 e a e amplons ID is a serious issue. “But in perspec- lllt} " said Rii-tiattt \iiu.-io .il‘. m .1)" .- . _
tive. it‘s not just this institution or Ut‘étllhtl prutvvot -\f‘iut‘i~ “its t‘t'tt't' ; ,- . .‘ _ _~_' 3 .
. . . . v‘ '4 " ‘ t. tt i'l "(i ;-lt\ ,- " ,'
Staff reports nell, a bustness sophomore, defeated stde of a question about whether the t'niversity. North Texas State and (”038:”) 3'”; (31?“ Plohlemi h‘; Exam”: “in!“ It“?! .H “KL: M! 3,9 3, i . 4 ' ' "
‘ a team from Georgetown University nation should increase academic re Northwestern t’niversity to reach 5d}; .. n e ec ‘ '5 b d na iona [ht‘sllu'lllttl‘ ,HM .. AI...” {mi ' - ' , ‘ . ‘
A UK student has become the first Monday night to win the National quirements in public elementary Monday night‘s final rounds cm” ‘Imt‘f; 5.1;, ,1: .‘ik‘..,,,,wn, g .' ‘2 ' ‘. .. ~. ..
woman in 2‘4 years‘to be recognized Debate Championship. which was and secondary schools. t'K first acquired faculty insur- hcmlwhInn'nmtmldlhi““5”.“ " f- v . "i .
as one ”f the nation stop debaters. held at Dartmouth College m Hano- Sixty-two teams were entered in aiicc in l977. The current policy exe ‘ ' f 4' p'.‘ j .l'
()uita Papka. a political science ver,N.H. The Papka-Browtiell team defeat the national tournament. which pircd Feb. 5 and the company insur- The council nun-tut tn iii-m- .i rcso " . 3' t"; J. 1‘
senior. and teammate David Brow- The UK team argued the negative ed debaters from Eastern Illinois began last Friday ing ('K for professional liability lutiononbomlt oi tlitwintortmuh} ‘_ X '3- " .:' -,-
. ____________ . 1‘ 4 ;
. .' . fl“ Vl',",f‘
Students exchange Views “in a free exchange of Star W ars topic of workshop ‘ . .;. ,. .
N. e . ideas, as we had . . 4 , ,. ff: : i-‘
on Icaragua Sltuatlon tonight, (deciding who for SClentlStS l IK professors If; 5.- ._‘-,.~
. g , to support) is not an ’ ‘
ByBI-ITIILAWSON The discussmn began With a 40 . .‘- g: .= ' no;
Stanwriter minute .documema’y‘. "The Truth easy question to answer By muntit-:siizisitiirr Ris has been with the organization to direct the national tit-«mots that ._ _ ‘ 4.? ~ ' up“
. . About Nicaragua," “”1”" was based , , , but a very strong Contributing Writer for five years and has served as ex directlyatt’cct thcsciczicc \\I‘l'it‘i ‘ -' '. ' . ‘ . ;' -_} .-
Those at the Nicaraguan dts- on training of contra forces and 0Cmm. director Sm“. 1934. pnor m ‘ «A; g.) z'l._
cussion last night reached no con- those fleeing to refugee camps in C2156 can be made for The latest data and iiifortiiation on his current position. he headed the ”The ENUP (‘hUSO ('f‘nlritl M" ,. ,. x.‘ ("j-‘4‘
sensus, but that wasn't on the agen- Honduras. the contras n the United smug developrnpnt of organization's Nuclear Arms Pro- tucky because of (oiigrcssmati " . l' “I -. :
d3 for the presentation "fled After the showing the audience's ° the Strategic Defense Initiative. gram. “43”.“ Hopkins- Mllt‘ht’” Mild 1' . '~ 0' f.‘ ,2.
j‘Nicaragua. What's Really Happen< comments about the film ranged Joe Pau'o often referred to as Star Wars. will The L'nion of Concerned Scientists. “H610“ Wisely“ ”'5 a ”ham?" R9 - ' . -
lhg- from political, military and religious Students for America he on the minds of several l’niversr which is headquartered in Wishing~ {ire 8:12” 302:)?" ihlniilihntttgitpl‘): . " g ‘ 1 . , i '-
More than 70 people attended the aspects to actions that should be — ‘ypmfess‘lrb"""ght; _ ' . ‘ “mgp'at‘ 4"?“ to "mind e ”(1“ fense Initiative ”we and m turn 1‘ , ' . ,
free exchangeof ideas sponsored by takenaswcllaslong-termsolutions. The national oiganization Hot tht tions scientific community on [.9 we ho that [hm ~IUHM mm: ‘ .-
Students for America a conserva~ “I wouldn't like to live there Union of (‘oncerned Scientists is progress that the US. government is , pe . ".l -- l .‘ .
tive interest group titled “Nicara- A member of the contra forces. again" he said. He is now seeking sponsoring a workshop about "The making in the field of science, "9“? «'lhf‘l “Plrhhhh ht (”mire-SSW!" ' . _ . _ - ‘
gua.What's Really Happening." who '5 m the United State for medi« political asylum in the United Myths of the Star Wars Program" Mitchell said Holitklhb ., . . .
cal reasons, had been fighting for States. at7:30p.m.. According to the organization. nu- The workshop. which L4 mummn
”In a free exchange hf ideas, 35 four years to 8th freedom. for his “The event is being held for pro merous former Pentagon officials only because of the lack of meeting . ’ I
we had tonight. (deCldlhE who ‘0 COUNFM He'shared his Views On The speakers asked not tobe iden- fessors in the hard sciences , sci- are opposed to Star Wars The space, will be held m 305 Student ‘ . ‘
support) is rli)ot an easy question to Central America With theaudience. tified because thev were afraid of ence. engineering and math,” said thrust of the organization's claims. Center Addition '
answer . . . ut a very strong case . - - ' ' D R' h d M’t hell associate ro- however came as a result of the o -
,, . m re rcusstons from the overnment. r. 10 ar '0 . P . _P .
can be made for the contras, 581d zlwfildmmhhlzhagncawhgmwa: 99 g fessor of dentistry and campus coor- position of four former secretaries t2” . 4 _. '
'3; Paul, president 0f the organiza- drafted by the Sandinistas and Paul said the presentation was in- dinator for the 0} ent. . . of defense ‘0 the Star Wars Prh‘ «’ng $3:
' forced to quit school. He said the formative and gave a good cross- Howard C. (its. executive director gram. 9% .. . g x .
“The Sandinistas are not the nice majority of the people were against section of views from both sides for of the scientists' union-will conduct The 100000 scientists. science pro- - ‘- - ~- - - - »~ -- -
people that the left have been telling the Sandinistas but couldn’t declare those “seeking an informed deci- a lecture on the direction in which fessors and concerned citizens who . ..
usthat theyare."Paul said. thisopposition forfearof dying. sion." theStar Wars programistraveling. make up the organization, attempt Hood mu Will be .
the subiect of a UK art mu.
Sanskrit 101 ”WWW” '
”CON! 3. P 5. _
Course to rcVive oldest documented Indo-European language next fall; Will be yearlong sequence M W hat "MW
By ALEXANDER s. CROUCH certainly the oldest documented. when he first came to UK in 1982 around i200 B.(‘.. while the Bhaga- ture," he said. “It‘s opened up a WWI WW. m V”-
~ Editorial Editor [ndo-European languages, which and hopes to continue offering it vadgita is part of a longer epic that part of the world that was more or m. Page 4.
spread from Western Europe to Iran everyother year. Stump said is equivalent to “the lessinaccessiblebefore."
When you try to explain to your and India. The class in the fall will cover el- Iliad and Odyssey rolled into one." fig," . ‘
mother why you're taking Sanskrit Stump said he “expectsa nice plu- ementary grammar. the writing sys- After the kind of exposure he - M4. ~
next semester. call her matr in- whom from students, however. He tom the “complicat ed phonology." The complexities of Sanskrit are hopes to offer through the course. .
stead. taught a ”mu" two-semester se~ “equally complicated morphology" ‘jsuwosed tonset easier after the “you can take (the interest) in any . ' _
The deep down closeness of the quence 83 8 51‘3“!” Shldeh‘ 3‘ andsomesimpletexts. first 20years. Stump said, "but the directionyouwant.“ . 9
two laiumges — English and the Ohio 5“"! Umvmity "Ad 80' a _ , payoff is sorewarding it's worth the may will be «new we"
classical W. of India _ is one “very interestingrespome. In the spring. Stump said, stu- trouble," The payoff is being “able ‘ .. _. go “
- - ~ - ~ -, dents wiii begin to read the “boxof- t d the u I _ M a Hit m I
goodreason. Linguists. classicists. art histori . . . 0 "38 rea y monuments The Sanskrit course—AlrS 300 for
- ~ - dr tudents nd "c9 “'0'“. ““1de "'9 RIB Veda. worksoinndu literature " ht! W in "'0 I“ ‘-
Gregory Stump, a limuistics po- lll. em 3 a a person theBhagavadgita and Upenishads - undergraduates. 65 too for graduate . ‘ , h
tensor who will teach the come. “mm in mm“! mama" ' students —— will meet at 9:3fHO:45 m "N “m W
said his “official" "It“; is be- tion madewthecmmeflld. The Rig Veda contains hymns to Stump‘s own work with Sanskrit Tuesdays and Thursdays this fail in mmbmflhfi
cause Samkrit is one of the oldest, He hoped to offer such a course the original lndo-Aryan gods. dating has “opened up all of Indian cul- zeiBarher Halt. ~ .»

 t l .
AsslsOaMArts Edict
2'2. -:. v 32* "Filziifiil" :I 311?}. “ 235.232.55: " "~=1'3.:":2:: V\&K‘*\:V \>‘ Z”2§:‘:§i£.::"isi'.:.‘: 2551.2 . . \
‘ . 2 -. Nasser ”cwefiatama: i . - . . »
‘\ P] t f f t
\ S \
Unusual auto show &\ en y 0 roe concer S
‘ ‘ / tC t f th At
. \ \t' \
highly ornamental “s a e“ e" 0" e " S
\..‘. ‘3' Staff reports Benjamin Britten and Brahms. The
. . - ‘ Chorale will be accompanied by pia-
H) LYN (‘.\Rl.l§l+t Pontiac Indian "Most of them were Flashy automobilia isn't all the nist Stephen Penn.
Assistant Arts Editor done at the factories by the C(llllpa< Center for the Arts has in store for You say that kind of singing
ny design stal‘t." he said you this week. There also is a varied sounds stuffy? Consider the story
The llltlt‘ lad) >Pl‘t'ild“ h“. “"135 The ornaments are from int) L't)l~ lineupoffree music. . line of Ravel's “Nicolette." in which
- and glides through the air atop the 190mm. one owned 1)). Winfrey and ‘ Tonight at 8 in the Recital Hall of the young lady of the title fends off
>le€k “(’llS‘RO} C“ Tim" “'33 “he“ Wanda Adkins of Versailles. and the the Center {or the Arts the UK Per“ the advances of a wolf and a hand-
- almobl “HT." automt’bllf‘ had a 598'“ other by Mike Kleba of Toronto. . cussmn Ensemble Wlll perform a some young man before finally fly-
. kling ornament gracing ”5 hood. Canada, Kleha‘s collection is noted my. wide-ranging program featuring tra~ ing into the arms of an ugly old guy
The t'K Art Museum “ill feature as the world's largest collection. ‘ ditionalt ethnic and contemporary with lots of gold. _
' ' ' u hmd ornament t‘xhlblllt’“ 3* part said Harriet Fowler. curator of the percusswe instruments. The concert will be in the Recital
. ' of ['K's "Celebration of the Auto- . The ro ram will include works Hall.and admission is free.
‘ i. h ‘ mmum b J iip if k w B d
.' mobile.“ mar 'ing t e invention 3 , 1 1 1 _ , ) _ / y o n ec , arren enson an . . _
‘ - Tooth 'nlll\t‘l‘.\ill'\ The t‘.\hll)ll o ns . “ h} ha\e the {”1“th “hum“ ulluowui. KunolGrophiu Mallo Miller in addition to some Thtcemer Sundays Series contin
‘1 ' pe i' l d" "An ‘ h ' ' ' R )ll' l\ y ‘ ties this week With a performance by
' ‘ 2 this Saturdm and will run through an ' ‘ )one “ oouns d t 3 ' traditional Guatemalan folk music fl t' tGo d C l 'ed b'
. -. June] ‘ ohm.“ “'Orl‘lE‘d 50"“‘0'19 “'1“ ("WE Some other highlights from the wSaturday from 10 am. to3p.m.: and a jazz piece titled ”Really U 15 1‘ on 08. accompanl y
' l 1 ~ . along and snap ‘the ornament: 0“» "Celebration of the Automobile“ are Antique and Customized Car Exhib- Spring“ which was inspired by Igor Suaanne McIntosh on cello and Pat-
. . 1 - . Originall} hood ornaments were Hennesse) said. It's not real pracll» fist-0110M. it.parking lot of Euclid Avenue. Stravinsky‘s ballet “The Rite of “€18 Montgomery on piano.
_ ‘ ltil‘mfil l“ make unattractive b”! cal. he said. plus cars are now do» ‘ wSaturday from noon to 3 pm: S rin .. ' School of Music facult members
’ - necessar} radiator caps more at» signed for speed rather than ”any w'l‘omorrou Hat 2 p.m.: Jerry Solo Event Time Rally Blue Grass [3 g. _ ‘ . .. _ y” _
:1 ‘. . . [mi-im- ”WT tirnamonts “began in manshi pulmer. chief of the Corvette DeSign S ts C r Cl b Co‘ lth The Ensemble Will also. perform Will perform Sentience. a 1953
: 1~ ' rudnminum {mm m the 'gosj' said p' Studio will give a lecture titled “The Sgdium arkin llot mmonwea “Avtary.” a new percussmn piece work by graduate student Dona Gil-
‘ ' " . .‘ William lli-niiessm l'K .»\rt Mu- Th0 ornamenb “really added Aesthetic Design oi the Corvette" in Sundga 8 gm .' Theater rod c_ by James,ca_mpbe”' the Percuss‘o" “am 1“°“""th‘? Cfnege °lLa“"‘as
. . , ' beumdnvmn. ‘ quite an elegant touch," Adkins the Recital Hall of the Center for the tioh of “(33W plierir W p‘ .u l Ensemblesdirector. well as ”Sonatine by‘Pierre San-
' ‘ 2. . said. “It wasastatus symbol {mg . ' y. an origina The performance is free. can. “Assobio a Jato‘ (The Jet
_ 1 ' 1 During the litiltb the ornaments ‘ mUSIcal by James Rodgers, chair~ . Whistle) by Villa-bobos and Weber‘s
, 1 became more of an art torm. Hen- “A lot of people take cars for .zlr‘riday at 2 p.m.: “Speed and man 0f department 0f theater, Reci- Friday at .8 p.m The UK Chorale. “Triofor Flute. Celloand Piano."
1 ', .9 ‘ . ' nesse} explained t‘ei‘tain styles granted. but when you stop and Sex: Automobile ()riiamentation," a tal Hall oftheCenterfortheArts. under the direction of Sara Holroyd
. ‘ ' ~ . identified the car. he said. such as think about it, a hundred years isn't lecture by William Hennessey, di- Tickets are $4 for students. For of the School of MUSIC. Wlll present a The free performance begins at 3
I ' - . ' ' the Jaguar. the Dodge Rain or the alot of time.” rector ol‘the L'K Art Museum. more information call 257—4929. selection of vocal works by Ravel. pm. in the Recital Hall.
, . . a a y o
» -, . You’re mwted to the APR. 8 & 9 So You Win t Find The Course
1 1 1 , . Noon to 10 pm. \ / You Needed This Summer...
/ f ‘ . \
2- yaw: A -- TRY US
. . . , . , , UK’s Kirwan Tower/Complex (127“ b { r o G s '
' . ' \VKQQ; FM ‘-, ~’- Commons 222;. W E RE THE THER UY
‘ - ~ . '.~:, :93 ; A ' "Taft;
" 9“?“ é. You might find you can take that course after all;
I 1 *1 “-5555 come in and see for yourself.
. % ’
. 2 V . .'2i'_:'-':::'i".-.".‘.‘.“era's-2:26-
, , Room I Frazae Hall
4‘ '
T y ——*—_———_—_
I , ' . l ! F: tin—z :‘ : ' ‘ t 1‘::* '5 ,x . * ,:_::::;J—W' 7:3 \1
- k, 1:1 l(’/ "7 1—57- V >VV;:DVT 7;ré;;- :hfl— V_7‘VV—< \ l 1
I _:_\/\/ a blood drive for the w ‘ 1
‘ , / Q Central Kentucky Blood Center 13 I . 1 1
// 1 1 t
. Prizes, live broadcasts and appearances by the 98 ROCK “Alr Force" and O-Blrd 1 i \\ MG 1 i
———_——_—__—___—__- l l
. l 1 1
~ . . New Servuces From Our Popular fig »———————— - . nix
- 2 1 l ll I ‘ ’ WW— - ;;Tii W W Wfl)
- ‘ . _ l l
Lit-n. ’ \\ / 9. | . | -i. 2 _- _ l
- . 9t; >. I é :. 9? i§¢‘€.‘.§ 7 El .l?‘-.!’\ 1K
'2 ' ’- 4’ Sam's i"... 5‘ ”so-"a Rafi \
' . -. 2 . 7/ / .fi—T‘dy‘a ergflfiérafém..gF=TL—figfi .2?®\
.»~ 1 . / é / hat—.551: o: ,___ 7 )/
2- ~ .. , Eu— — --—~-—————W~ — V
.‘ “ . ', ese a mono ,
.~ . ; ~ 2~ . m sewiwsme much... AND GET A LEG UP ON THE COMPETITION.
' z. ' ' :1 ‘ g. of ALL our Trees: ' , , .
. 2‘ , _~ _ To makc ll in today‘s competitive world. you need an advantage
1 -_ 5 i ' if . COSl’l In G FlOSh— / CheCk your account balances—day or Like the Amiga" personal computer from Commodore"
.', 1‘ I. 1 g. ., . "Om OUT Money "995‘ night—the Tree “”11 19” YOU (”COW Personal (loin utin ' ma 'azinc ratctl thc Ami a com utcr thc hcst
, . .l 1. _ h 1 1 P L is 8 P
(If r " ' , f; "'5 05 Simple ClS 1;: 11 your checlking 0150111095 0690”” per 'i- n4 computer in its price rangc. saying “This new technologi-
. ' . 1‘ . .‘u O @1095 are TlCldean y-there s cal lcadcr has tlic most outstanding graphics and sound capabilities
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Sports Editor

Assistant Sports Editor
t * 1 1‘33“,“ Q,$““v3f\,:f‘°’eV’S‘i’g'a‘fle’kZnétretsfihelk‘WxMWsWe@yetc’:e*~efi>gggrfinr °s§s\§gr"w’“ww‘§§t’
e I oe“” tgnsfit‘fimi l

O . V, . - , . ; 2 , \witfihtfi':
; 3‘ - , J». g I.,t.,-_-, stingifi‘sguex“ -- . , [“5 3'5". .t.::’:'~- ”~25"
3-" BRETTHMT gomg 5 for 6 at the plate InClUdlng Madison said "he improves his sta- ‘ Witm\g ’ ’ g ' ,
Staff Writer four singles and a third-inning. two- tus on the start“ every time he puts . it
- , - “m home" SChue‘e' was named togethera performance like this." {gag nigh “ " _

Wmmng Seven might baseba“ UK'S Kenton PIateroitheGame , gig it he . .
games takes a little luck as well as Second baseman Terry Shumpert VOIl PitChed the last three innings, ii 2“? late 4r 1 ' I
good play. But there was nothing and right fielder Clint Arnold also striking out six Cincinnati batters. * 3 g ‘;WWVgWy - 4 _
lucky about UK's win over Cincin- had a big day for UK. Shumpert, including the last threeof the game, “" t Visit“tfiii§§\-',_.'\.W..Ilu ' r J .‘l ‘ ,
scored five runs in the first inning hits, including two doubles. Arnold '50“ sa'd 0‘ V0” "He ”"9“ good W \ . , ,' g '_
and went on to crush the Bearcats capped off his day with a three-run cur"? balls and competed very M . “v, , , . .
19-1 at Shively Field. [t was UK's home run in theeighth inning. well, it.“ ., “8“ W ‘ ‘ .“v-uu... .. , . -, i 2
seventh straight Vicmry since “5 The game was over after three in- ,, - . - . - ‘- <2 ‘i o . (2. -~ “ I . 2 .' Z 2' ‘
lost to Florida lOdays ago. nings when L‘K held an 11-0 lead. vifiénflgnffi‘reze‘eflfl’, we?! (114$: 3 ' tweets - r, '

The loss to the Gators came “he" Cinema“ 5‘3”” Dennis Fem South CarolinegineMint:h an [- ‘3 - his » tog ,. . t. , ;' , 1/ ;
Florida scored four runs in the ninth lasted only two-thirds of an inning. To 20 teams B til-(31" euniim" 5 m‘ '3; ‘ 2 t - ‘ ' . “.‘g
inning on a grand slam home run to All eight Bearcat pitchers who made , p ' u d 15'0“ 5‘“ “m? ' .i' :55- ;f? . i» 3,: ', . i . if -‘

,- . ,- . . _ J ‘ , J ning a game 19-1 over “hat he calls in . - -, '. , , -
“in H). But since then, rJK nas re~ thetrip sa“ action. .. .. t u; , . , _ ,_, t.,
grouped and played outstanding u - - , . a pretty good team only proves ‘ i 3i. K it ‘ ' ' :L .- 5“

, , . hqually impressive was LKs that UK is hittingits stride. ___ ., ,2; . x W "g ; .,
huuehaii. i . - ,_ . - t .. u to ..- . . , , .

g _ pitching. which was split up between .. , » » g _ _‘ ., . . . ' '1, ; , ,-

”ll git/95 me it 800d feeling {0 starter Matt Coleman and David "These guys are realizing they , l ., ‘ ‘ \‘ " ,‘.. ‘ '. ”if ,-‘
WW. ”‘1? ‘eam “at. the character. '1 Voit <‘oieman evened his record to can piay with anybody now." Mad- - - ; . u. vz-f's _"‘-t'1.,'
has. Ul‘ coach Ke'lh Madison said 22 by pitching six innings and allow- ison said. ....,.... 2 - . .. is “W“W‘M’M . vi 1,515" ‘ . 1‘4" if, ‘2' 5‘
“It would have been easy for the mg only three hits and two base on attesteasttert x‘“, gee t, refit,
”‘1‘"- BUt they came right back 'de ~- t . t UK's Terry Schum ert looks to it "Ti?“ W”ww«~*WW‘ert‘®e “.37.“.
have l'i 'ed well ever since then " “9 gm ““ OUS‘and'm? Perm" - . p . . :;._. meowsmwe..:e~t t, 2:. =2- : ._ WNWWM . -. - .:.,:. .i

‘ p ‘ 3 ' mance out of Matt Coleman." Mad- 5C°re "f the W'ldw's ‘9“ W'" \n‘etwgege‘eiest“ , Hittit‘i‘tamft‘hwyuh '- :3". r 5 ' 3",: ‘ .‘2

UK shortstop Russ Schuelcr led ison said. (‘oleman. a freshman. is over C'"C'"n°" yesterday. UK hhfihhtfi‘gfihfiwiehgfi‘“it‘nsthsgfitehtSthw ‘ fa“ .‘
the offensive attack yesterday considered L’K's \‘0 4 starter but has won eight straight games. ¥9\\e\o‘§§\*“‘\tt*\t§oi\\$‘ers“: “ ,'- «37.. i T:

' 2‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . 5 ‘th :-'t'~"t‘t.~\*tt:tsi t",\ fittest W» :;‘t\\, .“\ T\\~ \CWW‘W“ -. \\\\*t ; .- , t . -- - .t

Wfingt stexoWW§wh‘il\wfi§ g ' La 5;- " .5

, . . nonunion . tt- " ' '. .j'~‘2 f '

en S enms eam ea S 10 -
‘ .M . y...‘ ' t _' . ."i

t , ‘ _ ,6, g , ~42 :J S oaking on Campus , .‘ . g t. i ,
t‘l-lllripml‘ In singles, Scott Langs defeated ln doubles. the team of Langs and . , QC ' j " P ' i ‘. ’2' 1 t

. K ‘ Andrew \‘ai‘ga (L'Ki 6-2, 6-1, Lloyd Bruin defeated Miller and Birch 6—0, ,_. :8 * * * , .

~ The LK mens . tennis team Adams downed John Miller tUKi 6-1, Rylee and Varga downed Adams \ ‘ ' i “f ' .' .. t‘
shrugged off Sundays loss to- Har- 5.1. “,3, Steve Denney tL’Kt defeated and Donase 7-6. 6-lJ Cook and Den- ?. 3 ,7 ( ' " ' .3 I :
yard to down Ohio ltniversity 3-4 on Kevin Donase 6-1. 53' Keith (‘ook ney defeated Walsh and Jim Kneze» «* A v ’ DATE: TONIGHT -' i l 't i
the outdoor courts a! Seam“ Center tl'Ki defeated ’l‘im Bruin 7‘6, 63. vich 6-2.64. ‘ ' - . « TIME: 1:30 p.m. -_ , -. ..
yesterday Kenny Rylee tL'Kt downed Barry L'K‘S next match is against Flor~ _' ’ ., ‘ PLACE: Student Center i - l - --

. The match upped l'K‘s record to Morton (Hi, 6-3. 6-3. Sam Walsh de- ida at '2 pm. Saturday in Gaines- ’ l ‘ Ballroom . 2. ‘ ' f- .
lti-Bonthe season. f'ealcdlninliirch tL'Kt6-1.6-1J ville. Fla. ,t' ‘ ‘ f \t ? '.
, - UK Campus ‘ . - .t ;
NOTICE' ~ ' _'1 5N Hll llfiRY NlbllW.‘ I 1 H? il l’ 21 "F 1‘" 1 ‘ _ V
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