xt71zc7rqw25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71zc7rqw25/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2012-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 2012 text GLSO News, December 2012 2012 2012-12 2019 true xt71zc7rqw25 section xt71zc7rqw25 % GAY AND LEENSERVICES ORGANIZATION
Human Rights Commission rules Hands On
Originals Guilty of Discrimination
W , “'54"in
- ’0 v

; . i‘
Sponsored by

 "RC ”"5 again“ EHRéil' thts‘eufifiiidtetifigtii‘é
I I 0
Hands On oana|s Fairness Ordinance. The Fair-
_ , _ _ ness Ordinance states that a
AS we finlSh Thanksgivmg and company that provides general
move toward Christmas (or services cannot discriminate
whatever YOU may_ choose to on the basis of sexual orien—
celebrate), we realize there is tation. The GLSO argued that
mUCh to be thankful about thlS printing t-shirts is a generai
holiday 59550” Queer comm'u- service; therefore, HOO can—
niti‘es enjoyed some major VlC‘ not discriminate against GLSO
tones in the recent elections. by refusing to print t—shirts on
Three states voted for gay Christian grounds after provid-
marriage, and one voted not ing a quote.
to create a Prop 8-type legisla-
tion. Gay officials were elected The story went viral, was in the
to office in several places in- newspaper for several days,
cluding Tammy Baldwm who made TV media, spawned two
will serve as the US Senate’s Facebook groups, and saw a
”St openly gay senator. protest demonstration take
place. The HRC began work-
_ _ ing immediately and gathered
In Lex'DgtOU. we have en]oyed mountains of research. HOO
a masswe victory as well. The asked for mediation, and rep-
Human Rights Commissmn resentatives of GLSO met with
ruled that Hands On OUQanlS them at the HRC. Mediation
(HOD) '5 QUHtY 0f dlSC_tlmma' failed, and the HRC kept the
tlon by FEfUSIng t0 prlnt the investigation going_
2012 Lexington Pride Festival After months of diligent re-
t-shirts. , _ search and investigating, the
T0 recap, the L_exmgton Pt'de HRC finally produced a verdict
Festival Committee gathered against HOO. The GLSO was
quotes last year to have the” elated, and is proud to operate
t'ShlrtS printed. H00 prowded in Lexington. GLSO president
the best quote for the needs of Aaron Baker said “We didn’t
the committee. When the com- win any money _ We won what
mittee contacted H00 to ac— we were looking for all along
ceptthe quote, HOO refused to _ a declaration that H00
do the work under the grounds acted wron l and an or-
that they were a Christian or— d gy . ,, .
ganization. _er not to do it again. This
Situation demonstrates that
The Lexington Pride Festival gay people do_no_t have to
is a committee of the Gay and put up With discrimination.
Lesbian Services Organization They are valuable members
(GLSO). The committee report- of our society, and Lexington
ed .HOO’s refusal to the board, knows it. Perhaps the best
which deeded to pursue a dIS' holiday gift of all is knowing
crimination complaint With the that we can stand up for our
Human Rights Commission rights and win

 Issue 12 2012 Feature Story
HRC rules against Hands On
T _ d M GSA Meeting
wr_ste erry Every Tuesday, 7 pm.
Christmas from ICK 5 Pride Center
Trans Kentucky
_ Meeting
Thlrty_ Years of Saturday, Dec 1, 6:30 pm.
AIDS In Amerlca Pride Center
GLSO Board Meeting
Thursday, Dec 6, 6:30 pm.
Pride Center
Holiday Dinner 7 KY Bourbon Bears Meeting
Saturday, Dec 8, 9 pm.
Lexington Gay Geeks Book Club
Yard Sale at - .
Pride Center FrIday, Dec 14, 6.30 pm.
_ Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
Year for KFA 10 Sunday, Dec 9 & 23, 6 pm.
Prlde Center
Pride Festival Planning Meeting
GLSO Thursday, Dec 27, 7 pm.
Classifieds 12

 GLSO News Issue 12 2012
The hCI-ELSbO Nazi/1:15 ti: lpublisttied Aaron Baker, President
mont y y an or e exmg 0.” Ginger Moore—Minder, Vice Presi-
Gay and Lesbian SerVIces Organi— dent
zatlon members and community. Paul Brown, Secretary
B b k T e
The mission of the Lexington Gay Tommy rod ec ’ reasur r
and Lesbian Services Organization
is to provide support and services GLSO DIRECTORS
to the GLBTQQIA community.
Mary Crone, GSA
The vision of the Lexington Gay Paul Holland, At Large
and Lesbian Services Organiza— D0” LOWE, At Large
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA Iggie Pargen, At Large
community through voice. Shaun Pfeiffer, At Large
Cindy Sommer, At Large
The Lexington GLSO is founded Karen Taylor, At Large
upon the core values of fun, in—
clusion, respect, integrity, dignity,
service and competence.
GLSO Pride Center Chad Hundley, Office Manager
389 Waller Avenue _
Suite 100 Pride Center Hours
Lexington, Ky. 40504 Call Ahead for Appointment
859.253.3233 and Office Hours.
"Views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the contributor and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the GLSO."

 Merry “ Twisted “
Christmas from the On the 23rd, We will be host-
Imperial Court of ing our annual Miss/Mr Mary
Kentuckym" Christmas contest. Tpis year
- - notice it’s not just t e Miss
By TnN'ty’ Contributor version as we are adding a
We continue our fundraising category or the Drag ngs
efforts throughout the month m our_corrti)mtu‘mtyMWe Wylae
of December with our Annual crowning 0 a '55 an . r.
AVOL Kids Christmas show on that night. Always fun putting
Dec. at Crossings. little TWISTS here and there.
This is always a truly heart .

- So if you or someone you know
gimfifiémcfit ringicrjiggeagg is interested in this contact me
meaningful shows of any Reign. on Eafebsook for: a contfiftant
Raising the funds to purchase pac e d 0 weh ope‘ygu 10'”
Christmas gifts for children liv— tit? an 55“ng l8 W' Che' tcome
ing with or affected by HIV/ ed“? 1 MR3?“ “EA“.aSI
AIDS is trulyarewarding expe- an te St ary “St'
lrience. ‘(lj'hen when you see the mas.
ists, an go and actually pur— .
chase the little things they ask (Andt last IPUt Ema“? not
for......... Well, it really puts a eaSBIiUDH “‘91? D” L mperd
whole lot of things in perspec— or W aP’ ‘9. h yons an d
tive for you. myse, aong wrt our Boar

of Directors: Daddy1 Waynefi
- - - Nicole Diamond S otz wit
We hope you Will Jom Emper- I
or 31 Daryl “BigDn Lyons for adZ,C‘JDtVaughn,hBfiad Séiepa-
Trivia night, with his co —host [ I day on UFC‘§|_,kaf£ 'Imh
this month Emperor 29 Clay- figsfen, we WOLf‘ ' S E‘W'S
ton Burchell. Watch Face book a ‘81 YE” a sa e an appy
for the date and venue. It’s .19.‘ _ay Hfilslelnii 31Th
always a super fun time with T t'nt'tté E mprgss the
cocktails and trivia questions HWlsrte— Thmpretsisth roCm rt E
about his co-host and various Fea h roug . e 0”
other topics. or t e Community
I' ,r'l II
, ,C—,.. c.-_ W— ' . _ ,c_._..w-,_l

 ' immune deficiency syndrome. Given
Thll’ty years or AIDS the broad and profound impact that
In Amerlca- A Story this epidemic has had on families,
of infinite hope communities, systems of care, so-
cial norms, and our collective sci-
_ . entific enterprise, there are many
By Ronald O. Valdlserrl ways that one might make note of
this milestone.
The year 2011 marks the thirtieth
anniversary of the first case reports First and foremost, it is an occasion
in the United States of what we now for solemnity and commemoration.
know to be end-stage HIV disease. Since those first five cases were re-
ported in early June 1981, nearly
This chronological milestone pro- 600,000 men, women, and children
vides an opportunity to reflect upon have died in the United States as a
the changing context of the Ameri- result of HIV disease (CDC, 2011a),
can HIV/AIDS epidemic. Using two and Ronald D. Valdiserri, MD, MPH,
seminal documents asaframework, is Deputy Assistant Secretary for
the 1986 Institute of Medicine Re— Health, Infectious Diseases, Direc-
port, “Confronting AIDS," and the tor.
2010 National HIV/AIDS Strategy,
this descriptive analysis details our Globally, an estimated 30 million
accomplishments in addressing the people have died of HIV-related
domestic U.S. epidemic and out— causes (UNAIDS, 2010). With pro-
lines what remains to be done on found sadness, we recognize that
the long road to eradication of HIV HIV has brought premature death
disease. to millions—and that behind every
one of these mind—numbing num-
The past three decades have wit— bers are families, partners, spous-
nessed tremendous biomedical es, co-workers, and neighbors who
and behavioral advances in prevent- have been permanently affected
ing, diagnosing, and treating HIV by the loss of someone held dear
disease. However, to fully realize (Valdiserri, 1994).
the promise of these scientific ad-
vances, such that we achieve the Even in the face of this astonishing
vision of the National HIV/AIDS mortality, there are reasons to mark
Strategy, we must develop effective this thirtieth anniversary with hope-
strategies to surmount a number of ful expectation. In the industrialized
salient challenges, including: unbal— nations of the world, including the
anced combinations of prevention U.S., survival following an HIV diag-
interventions; programs that are nosis has improved considerably
not of adequate scale to achieve with the advent of highly active
population-level results; systems of antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in
service delivery that do not func— the mid 19905. Between 1995 and
tion in an integrated fashion; and 1998, AIDS deaths decreased 63%
social and economic structures that in the United States (CDC, 2011b).
increase the vulnerability of popu— Analysis of surveillance data from 25
lations who are at risk for or living US. States found that the average—
with HIV disease. life expectancy after HIV diagnosis
increased from 10.5 to 22.5 Years
As both the lay (Healy & Maugh, between 1996 and 2005 (Harrison,
2011) and scientific (Dieffenbach & Song, & Zhang, 2010). But it’s not
FaUCl, 2011) press have noted, June only in the treatment realm where
5th of this year, marked the thirtieth we have seen remarkable advances
anniversary of the first case reports in knowledge.
of what we now know to be end- Prevention science has, likewise,
stage HIV (human immunodeficien- logged very impressive gains in the
cy virus) infection (CDC, 1981), oth- past three decades.
erwise known as AIDS, the acquired (see 30 Page 8)

 community Holiday We also have some more un—
POtIUCk Dinner usual things including "estate"
The Board of GLSO would like . .
to invite you to Community There Will be Vintage clothes
Holiday Potluck Dinner at the from the 505/ 605' and705, a
pride center on Wednesday queen 5'2? magnetized mat-
December 19th at7p.m.Come “6.5.5 (to Increase the bodys
celebrate the holiday season ab'hty to heal), vmtage books
with your friends at GLSO. (atleast onesav 39th”): and
Bring your favorite dish and antiques. I W'“,be .hSt'hg some
your good cheer for this holi- Items 0” Gregs L'St that W‘“
day season. also be available for purchase.
(for example: a complete Silver
Yard Sale at Pride ware 580'
calf-er Come and see what we have,
there may be a Christmas pres—
On Saturday, December {5, ent for someone!
from 8 am to 2 pm, there Will
be an inside sale at the Pride
Center. \(IjVe have some tradi-
tiona yar scale items such as -
small appliances, collectibles, TranSKY Meetmg
new women’s casual clothing
sizes med and large, T—shirts Saturday, January 5th .2013
remaining from other sales, W‘” be the January meeting. 0t
silver plate pieces, and house— TransKentucky. The meeting
hold nick—knacks. There will be W'“ be held at 7.30pm at the
some GLBT books DVDs and GLSO pride center 0.” Waller
items left from Pride Fest. The Av‘e. Our topic for th'5 month
profits from these items will go W" once again be open dis-
to GLSO and to youth program- .CUSS'Oh becaU$e the meeting
ming. IS close to a holiday.
I v the G Lso

 (3o Continued from p_ 5) though the results were relatively
In the United States, routine HIV modest
screening of women during preg- at 31%, researchers are con-
nancy and prompt antiretroviral ducting fOHOW“Up case-controlled
treatment for those found infected StUdieS to try and identify one or
has resulted in a 92% decline more immunologic correlates of
in perinatal HIV transmission protection (Dieffenbach & Fauci,
(Fowler, Gable, Lampe, Etima, & .2011} Two ground-breaking stud-
Owor, 2010). Scientifically rigor— Iesdemonstrating the efficacy of
ous studies of behavioral interven— antiretrovirals in the prevention
tions, targeting both homosexuals Qt new HIV infections were pUb‘
and heterosexuals, have shown lIShEd In 2010. Quarralsha AdeO‘
efficacy in reducing sexual risk be— Karim and her colleagues were
haviors and promoting able to demonstrate that a 10/0
condom use (Darbesl Crepazl tenofovir gel inserted lntra-vag-
Lyles, Kennedy, & Rutherford, inally before and after sexual in—
2008; Herbst, Beeker, et at, 2007; tercourse reduced HIV acquisition
Johnson, Scott-Sheldon, Huedo- by an estimated 39%, compared
Medina, & Carey, 2011; Johnson to a placebo gel—and its use was
et al., 2008). Among drug users not associated with any increase
who inject opioids, domestic and in adverse events (Abdool Karim
international observational studies et al., 2010) Later that same
show that treatment with opioid year, Robert Grant and members
agonists are effective in reducing Of the iPi'EX StUdY Team reported
injection drug use and are as— a 44% reduction in the incidence
sociated with lower rates of HIV 0t HIV among men and transgen—
prevalence and incidence (Hartel dered women Who have sex With
& Schoenbaum, 1998; Sullivan, men whotook daily ore-exposure
Metzger, Fudala, & Fiellin, 2005). prophylaXis with a combination
And for injection drug users who of two antiretroviral medications
are unable or unwilling to curtail as part Of a comprehensive pack—
drug use, access to sterile injec- age 0t prevention services (Grant
tion equipment, as a component et al., THIRTY YEARS OF AIDS IN
of a comprehensive package of AMERICA 4812010) The most
prevention services, has been recent prevention breakthrough,
shown to reduce risky injection described by Cohen and his COi'
behaviors and in some studies has leaguesr is the firSt randomized
been associated with reduced HIV clinical trial to Show that treat-
transmission among injection drug ing an HIV-infected individual can
users (Palmateer et al., 2001). reduce the risk of sexual trans-
Results from several noteworthy ml55lon 0f HIV to an uninfected
prevention trials have been pub— partner (Cohen, 2011)- Recent
lished in the past decade. A ran- advances notwithstanding, we
domized controlled trial of over must acknowledge that we have
3,000 men conducted in South Af- not yet achieved the vision of the
rica between 2002 and 2004 dem- US- National HIV/AIDS Strategy
onstrated that men who had been which strives to make our nation:
circumcised were 60% less likely a place Where HIV infections are
to become infected with HIV com- rare, and when they do occur,
pared to a delayed circumcision, every person, regardless 0t age,
that is, control, group (Auvert et gender, race/ethnicity, sexual ori-
al., 2005). In 2009, Rerks-Ngarm entation, gender identity or socio-
and his colleagues reported the economic circumstance, will have
results from the first HIV vaccine unfettered access to high quality,
trial that showed any degree of life-extending care, free from stig-
efficacy (Rerks-Ngarm, 2009). Al— ma and discrimination.

_ I

 Join the GLSO
Member Program
2 www.glso.org/membership

 Groundbreaking Year Louisville. The 2012 ."Amper&and"
for Fairness Award for Inclusiveness was
By Chad Hundley awarded tothe LouiSVille Veterans
Contributor ’ Administration Medical Center due
to their announcing new policies
or LGBT veterans representing
8“; SlitejrlgifgkyNoFlaelmtegs lghégg major advances in terms of Fair—
held they 8th Annual Put &hAb§Ut ness, equality and inclusweness.
Statewi eFairness Gaaatt e is— The event was 5 onsored b :
tinguished Kentucky Center for Af‘ Brown-Forman Gegeral Electriz
rican American Heritage. It was a the Lexington G.L.S.O. Horseshoe
grand celebratioh for then/York we Casino & Hotel, Central Presbyte-
have done for Fairness m Ken- rian Church in Louisville, the Fair—
tUCkY- ness Campaign and Pandora Pro-
. . ductions.
The evening con5isted of a won—
derful Silent Auction full of items As we look back over the past year
and packages from various bu5i— and prepare for the year to come,
“€55.95 across the state, a ex- we are thankful for the statewide
(“Site meal .prowded by Cafe support you have shown in 2012.
Fraiche, speCial guests both in
statewide politics and entertain— With your help we have worked
ment, and presentation of special with the Fayette County Public
awards and scholarships. School Boarddto addd"sextjial Ori-
. entation" an "Gen er I enti "
KFA Presents three SChO‘EE'VSh‘PS to the District‘s Non—Discrimirlg-
eve‘f)’ year at th? Gala. Th‘S year tion Policy; developed and imple-
the ErikasHope MemorialSchol— mented a popular LGBT Speak-
arship was awarded to AliCia Bing— ers Series in which members of
ham, an undergraduate student at our Board speak about important
Eastern Kentucky University. The LGBT topics; participated in the
Mark England SChO'arSh'P went GLSEN Greater Cincinnati Youth
to Jason Howard, a graduate stu- Summit; participated in the first
dent. pursumg an MFA m Creative Kentucky Fairness Coalition E—
Writing at Vermont College of Fine Summit; continued our "education
Arts. through film" with the 2nd Annual
. Louisville LGBT Film Festival; and
The Jason Johnson Scholarship we have wrapped up development
was presentedtto Samuel Taylor of our Kentucky LGBT Resource
Howard, a senior undergraduate Guide
student at the University of Ken— '
tUCkV- All of this is due to your continued
. support of the Kentucky Fairness
We also present a couple of speCial Alliance
awards tohdesrervingt]J individuals or '
groups w o ave een a spear— - - -
head for Fairness in Kentucky. This gm?) wceucrarfoirrgwrleegiaiuiggntfickc
year we presented three Catalysts continues to move forward in
for Fairness Awards to the Execu- Frankfort before our legislation to
Eve Committee 0f Louigvttte Metro ensure that their is Fairness and
emocratic Party, Bra ampton -
(Lejuisville's AIDS Walk directoh), Equality for ALL Of Kentucky.
an Murray State University. T e For more information on support—
2012 Commun'tv SerVice Award ing KFA in all our efforts please
went to Craig Scherman from visit www.kentuckyfairness.org.

 ' .1 I
WWW Christmas.
may December%§ifim
Doors @ 81m Pageant" @9:3Qp;m
Fr more W ”goo”

 December 2012 terested, please contact Joyce
Inside Yard Sale 1 BR ”:2?” or
The GLSO Pride Center Win be North Hanover Ave, just off
havmg an msrde yard sale on East Main St, near Woodland
Saturday December 8 at 389 Park. Kitchen & bath. Private
Waller AVe, SUlte #100. If you entry- $550 per month p|us
have items that you would like electric. $250 deposit, pet <
to donate to the sale, please friendly, Section 8 Welcome. -
contact Mary at mary@glso. Laundry room on site. Please r
grLgS-OAII proceeds Will 90 to the call Nori at 859-230-8079.
_ For more information or [
Sleeplng Bags & to place a FREE classi-
Blankets Needed fied ad in our next edition, i
please email the detailed info
Open Arms of God Ministry is to Chad at chad@glso.org. All
looking for lightly used sleep- classifieds should be directed [
ing bags and blankets that we through the Pride Center and
can distribute to the homeless should be short but contain 1
in downtown Lexington. Dona- the basic information of who,
tions can be taken to the Pride what, when, where, cost, etc.
Center, 389 Waller Ave, or Deadline for all submissions to l
dropped off at the church (145 the GLSO Newsletter is Decem-
Burt Rd Suite 11) on Wednes- ber 20, 2012.
day afternoons between 2 -3 l
pm. 3
Barely Used AC Units - Is Your Gifting in Musrc,
$325 Negotiable _ _ c
Two Pinguino PAC C120E Air , ._ ‘ a
conditioning units with re— "" ' "
mote controls and all that have Is Your heart on fire for the Lord?
barely been used. Works great! , C
Retailsfnorgiauygor $400+ gut Are you searching for a place?
se ing or 325 ut negotia e. . .
Contact the Pride Center at Open Arms 0f 50d Mmlstry L
859-253-3233 for more infor- l
mation and/or to see the units. NEEdS YOU- C
Fur Coat For Sale M
Gorgeous Fur Coat valued at
$15,000. Asking only $3,000
but negotiable. Would be great , . F
for an elegant drag perform- ,. .7 I '
er or classy real girl. Pictures 1
available upon request. If in— I

e ainbew Elmira...
The Imperial Court of Kentucky
impt‘lky@;ml.mm \wa.In1pcrialCourlKe11l1u'ky.0rg
GLSO News Monthly Sponsors
SisterSound 859.806.0243
Diverse Music for all Women
DJ Fix My PC! Technology Support 859.368.2734
Debra Hensley Insurance 859.276.3244
1513 Nicholasville Road
Lexington Fairness—www.lexfair.org 859.951.8565
Unitarian Universalist Church 859.223.1448
3564 Clays Mill Road
Scott Ackerman, Keller Williams Bluegrass Realty 859.338.8483
GLSO Pride Center—www.glso.org 859.253.3233
Lexington Pride Festival—www.lexpridefest.org 859.253.3233
Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
Richardson Vision Center 859.278.4201
1757 Alexandria Drive, Gardenside Shopping Center

 GLSO Phone Directory Sister Sound 859.806.0243
A community resource page for gay and/or Social Services, Lexington 211
gay-friendly organizations across Kentucky.
Speaker’s Bureau 859.266.5904
WIMQ. TransKentuckY cassiemtfil‘
AIDS V I t I AVOL 859 225 3000 yahoo.com
n ee . .
0” rs nc( ) United Way 859.313.5465
Cumberland Region, SE Ky. 606.864.3776
888.425.7282 , _
Health Dept., Fayette 859.288.2437 , .
Integrity, Ky. Diocese 859.369.9691
877.606.2437 ,
. Integrity, St. Martha’s 859.533.9851
Health Dept, Jessamine 859.885.4149 _ _
Interweave, Unitarian 859.266.5904
Health Dept., Woodford 859.873.4541 .
. Lex Friends, Quakers 859.254.3319
HIV/AIDS Legal PrOJect 502.584.1254 , _
_ _ _ Mercy Ministry Church 859.358.0580
Lowswlle Region 502.574.0161
MCC Paducah 270.443.3339
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867 _ .
_ Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
Northern Ky. Region 859.341.4264
UK Adolescent Medicine 859.323.5643
WED—“RS Berea College ACE 859.958.3633
24-Hour Crisis Line 800.928.8000 Centre College BGLA 859.238.5332
24-Hour Teen Crisis Line 800.999.9999 Morehead State University 606.783.2294
Alcoholics Anonymous 859.967.9960 UK OutSource 859.323.3312
AA/Alcoholic Teens 859.277.1877 ‘ \
Bluegrass COLTS 859.225.9169 /\
Council for Peace & Justice 859.225.6999
Discussion Group 859.253.3233 X QO‘ 28x9
Fairness of Louisville 502.893.0788 \ Cofgd‘dio
\ '
Gay Straight Alliance, Teens 859.266.5904 §\(\c\\>:\é\vge
GLSO Pride Center 859.253.3233 «Q‘gsfiég
Imperial Court of Kentucky 859.619.7521 it." ">‘)\e’<>9(:’0‘o‘g
International Gay Bowling 859.539.3058 6‘ "1
Kentucky Fairness 270.703.1582 ‘2.
Lexington Fairness 859.951—8565 . .
Lexington Human Rights 859.252.4931 "
Lexington Insight Group 859.230.2428
Lexington Pride Festival 859.253.3233 GLSO NEWS Deadline
MACT 859.358.8335 December 20
PFLAG Lexington 859.338.7393 Send articles and ads to
PLFAG Louisville 502.329.0229 editor@glso.org

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