xt71zc7rqv5c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71zc7rqv5c/data/mets.xml Tennessee Tennessee Historical Records Survey 1939 Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; The National Archives, Cooperating Sponsor; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), United States Work Projects Administration, National Archives (U.S.); iv, 33 leaves, 27 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.5/no.41 books English New Orleans: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series V The Department of Justice, Number 41 Tennessee text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series V The Department of Justice, Number 41 Tennessee 1939 1939 2015 true xt71zc7rqv5c section xt71zc7rqv5c EI ev? I I
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Prepared by
The Survey of Fweral Archives
Division of Prm·`esssi¤1¤.z¤ 1 and Service Projects
Works Pz·c·g1·<·4r; .e’.··`;: Jmj.s·*w:*m:i0n
The Nmzional .!\x·#>h1·ves
C¤0pm·ati:~g; Sponsor
NOT 41,
New Orleans, Louisiana
The Survey of Federal Archives

 The Survey of Federal Archives
Philip M. Hamer, National Director
Stanley C, Arthur, Regional Director for
Arlcanaas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee
Division of Professional and Service Projects
Florence Kerr, Assistant Administrator
Elizabeth D. Coppedge, State Director
` F. C. Harrington, Administrator
Harry S. Berry, State Administrator

The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the
products of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which oper-
ated as a nation—wide project of the Works Progress Administration
from January 1, 1936 to June Z0, 1937.
The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows:
Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey,
acknowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condi-
tion, an  content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding
series contain the detailed information secured by workers of the
Survey, in inventory form, a separate series number being assigned
to each of the executive departments (except the Department of
State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within
each series No. 1 is a general introduction to the field organiza·,
tion and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeed-
ing numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being
assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series,
the inventory for Alabam  is No. 2, that for Arizona Nc. 5, that for
Arkansas No. 4, etc.
,F0r each local office information regarding each series, or unit
of related records, is presented in the following order: title, in-
clusive dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the in-
formation was secured), general description of inform tienal content,
\ description of the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement
of frequency and purpose of u=e, form of the record itself (bound
volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the
containers, physical condition of the records (not stated if satis-
factory), location by room number or other identifying information,
and finally, the number of the Form 58SA on which this information
WEB originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was ab-
stracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National
Archives. When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets
which has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication
of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda."
N In Tennessee the work of the Survey was under the direction of
Judge Samuel C. Williams with Mr. Lowe Watkins, who later succeeded
him as director, as his assistant. In May 1957, Tennessee was added
to the region under the direction of Mr. Stanley C. Arthur of
New Orleans, La., with Mr. John S. Luton as state supervisor. This
Inventory of the records of the Department of Justice in Tennessee
was prepared in the New Orleans office of the Survey under the direc-
tion of Mrs. Norris Fazekas, editor-in-chief and supervisor, and was
edited before final typing by Dr. Richard R. Stenberg of the
Washington office.
Stanley C. Arthur
State Supervisor
New Orleans, La. Survey of Federal Archiwec
October 1, 1959. in Louisiana

4 Page
Chaftawooga, United States Attorney (not survnyad)......... 1
Ch¤ikanc¤;w. Dwputy United $ta+es M%FSh&l•.`··•••••••••••·• 1
Jacxqon, Deputy Un3b¤6 E%a%es Marshal (office vacant)...... 1
Jobxswu City, D¤puty Unihsi Slufwn Marshal (not surveyad).. 1
Knwxvillc United wiains At¢¤rney.......... .... ............ 2
Knnrvilla, Unlb¤d Shafns h&TShR1.•.»••••.•••.•••.•.•••·•••• 5
Madisonville, Deputy United States Marshal (not survny¤d).. 7
Memphis, United $taf¤¤ Abi¤rr¢y................... ..... .... 8
Memphis, Unit¤d SiatnS Har:haI.,........ ....... ..........4. 15
Nashville, United Sbaiss.Abfurnay.......................... 17
Kn¤xville, Office of the Special Att0rmay...............,.. 52 ‘

(not survayad)
The offico cf Unitsd States Attorney was movsd to Chattanooga May 1936.
Post Office and Courthouse
9th St. and Georgia Ava,
The data of cstabiisbwsut of this agency is unknown, ard informa-
tics ccncarninm other buildiuqs it ma have mcnuwisd and nnlic taward-
W _ _ Y Y . TY J
img its ¢sc¢ri¤ Li uct available.
I, FINGTRPTIHT CLASSIFICATION, 1954 to date, Phntcgzapks, finger-
PFLITL, tt·` an? vvhttcu dssnpipticns cf arrcstsd crim1¢aI:, (gnrciy,
nfficmal.) 8 I/E x 8 I/4 shccts, 5 in., in fiiirg cass. H. STS. (LOS) .
2, PUBLIC VOUCHERS, n. d. Unused casa &isp0siti¤n shssts. (S¢Id0m,
official.) 8 1/% x I2 sheets, I in., in filing cass. R. EGG. (ICA)
(office vacant)
(uct surveyed)

 _ United States Attorney, Knoxville 2
Post Office and Courthouse
, Main and Walnut Sts.
The United States Attorney's office was established in Knoxville
about 1798. The Office was housed in the old Courthouse, Main and Gay
Streets from 1842 to 1874, and in the old Post Office Building, Clinch
and Market Streets, from 1874 to 1954, when it moved to the Post Office
and Courthouse, Main and Walnut Streets. Information as to what
buildings this agency occupied prior to 1842 is not available. This
office had jurisdiction over the Knoxville, Greenville, and Chatta~
nooga Divisions, Eastern District. In May 1956 the office of the
U. S. Attorney was moved to Chattanooga and the Assistant U. S.
Attorney was located in Knoxville. Records listed below are probably
mixed records of the U. S. Attorney and Assistant U. S. Attorney.
In 1924, to reduce the volume of papers considered valueless, old
correspondence of a private nature was destroyed upon written authority
from the Attorney General. All other records have been retained, and
none have been lost. Monthly reports are sent to Washington.
5. COMPLAINT DOCKET, Dec. 1929 to date. Record of automobile cases,
giving owner, automobile number, file number, complaint, witnesses,
county, action taken, date, and remarks. Filed alphabetically, by
owners. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 loose-leaf books (2), 8 in., .
on floor. R. 201. (507)
4. MHTNESS DOCKET, 1956 to date. Showing witnesses, case numbers,
and dates of summons, report, and discharge. Entered numerically.
(Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 loose-leaf book, 2 in., on floor.
R. zoi. (sos)
5. CLOSED CRIMINAL CASES, 1955 to date, Records showing defendant,
address, offense, date arraigned, and date hearing completed. Arranged
numerically. (Seldom, official.) 4 x 6 cards, 2 ft., in metal drawer.
11. zoi. (sia)
6. CRIMINAL INDEX BOOK, 1928 to date. Index to all criminal dock-
ets reported on in abstracts Nos. 524, 527, 529, 550, 555, and 540.
Arranged alphabetically by names of defendants. (Frequently, official.)
10 x 12 1oose—leaf book, 4 in. R. 201. (525)
7. WAR RISK INSURANCE CASES, CLOSED, 1928 to date. Correspondence,
petitions, discharge papers, FBI reports on facts, and dates of pro-
ceedings. Arranged numerically. (Seldom, official.) 9 x 15 folders,
6 ft., in 5 metal drawers. R. 201. (512)
8. UMR RISK INSURANCE CASES, APPEALED, 1956 to date. Correspondence,
report of FBI on facts of case, and disposition. Filed alphabetically,

 United States Attorney, Knoxville 5
by plaintiffs. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in
metal drawer. R. 201. (511)
9. WAR RISK INSURANCE CASES, PENDING, 1956 to date. Includes form
report of FBI on case, discharge papers, correspondence, and disposi-
tion of case. Filed alphabetically, by plaintiffs. (Frequently, offi-
1 cial.) 9 x 12 folders, 4 ft., in 2 metal drawers. R. 201. (510)
( 10. GENERAL FILES, 1922 to date. Correspondence, le al briefs,
bulletins, etc. Arranged alphabetically, by subjects. (Frequently,
official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in metal drawer. R. 201. (516)
11. CANCELLED APPNEEENSION ORDERS, 1955 to date. Giving descrip-
tion, photograph, and fingerprints of person to be apprehended, and
particulars of offense. Filed chronologically. (Seldom, official.)
8 x 8 cards, 2 ft., in metal drawer. R, 201. (521)
12, PRAECIPES FOR SUBPOENAS, 1955 to date. Showing defendant and
offense (duplicates). Filed numerically. (Seldom, official.) 9 x 15
, folders, 2 ft., in metal drawer. R. 201. (520)
15. GRAND JURY ASSIGNMENT BOOK, Sept. 1955 to date. Showing wit-
5 nesses and dates of summons to appear, report, and discharge. Entered
numerically. (Frequently, official.) 10 X 12 loose-leaf book. 4 in-.
on riser. R. 201. (525)
14. LAND GRANTS, 1956 to date, Record of land condemnation suits,
giving description of land, petition for condemnation, parties, corres-
pondence, and disposition of case. Arranged alphabetically, by owners.
(Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in metal drawer. R. 201.
15. RECORD OF PENDING CASES, 1956 to date. From this file monthly
reports to Attorney General are made. Arranged numerically. (Occa~
sionally, official.) 4 x 6 cards, 2 ft., in metal drawer. R. 201.
16. REGISTER OF COMPLAINTS, 1956 to date. Showing number of com-
plaint, defendant, affiant, offense, date of offense, affidavit, county,
and action taken. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 loose—leaf book,
4 in., on riser. R. 2o1. (sos)
17. WORK SHEETS, 1956 to date. Used in preparation for session of
district court, Eastern District, giving defendants, offenses, dates
committed, and dates of hearings. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 15
folders, 2 ft., in metal drawer. R. 201. (515)
18, CURRENT INVOICES, May 1956 to date. Invoices not yet paid.
(Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in metal drawer. R. 201.
respondence and reports relating to persons pardoned or paroled. Filed
alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in
metal drawer. R. 201. (522)

 United States Attorney, Knoxville 4 A
20. CORRESPONDENCE, CIVIL CASES, 1956 to date. Correspondence
relating to civil G&S6S. Arranged alphabetically, by divisions and
style of cases. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 4 ft., in
2 metal drawers. R. 201. (517)
Northern Division
21. CIVIL DOCKET, KNOXVILLE, 1928 - 1955. Showin attorneys, par-
ties, causes of action, witnesses, and proceedings. ?Seldom, official.)
10 x 12 loose~1eaf book, 4 in., in wooden bookcase. R. 201. (526)
22. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, KNOXVILLE, 1928 to date. Showing attorneys,
parties, offenses, witnesses, and proceedings. 10 x 12 loose-leaf in-
dex; see abstract 525. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 loose-leaf
books (4), 2 ft. 4 in., in wooden bookcase. R. 201. (527)
25. CLOSED CRIMINAL CASES, KNOXVILLE, 1950 to date. Cases Nos. 1 ·
1170, personal history of accused, data on offense charged, copy of
indictment, and correspondence. (Occasionally, official.) 4 x 9 envel-
opes and 9 x 12 folders, 16 ft., in 4 netal drawers and in metal filing
case. R. 201. (554, ssa)
24. PENDING CRIMINAL CASES, KNOXVILLE, Dec. 1950 to date. Cases
Nos. 145 — 1528, personal history of accused, data on offense charged,
and copy of indictment. (Frequently, official,) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft.,
in metal drawer. R. 201. (556)
Iorthoastern Division C
25, CRIMINAL DOCKEES, GREENEVILLE, 1928 — 1954. Record of cases _
y Nos. 2015 - 5519, giving attorneys, defendants, offenses, witnesses,
Q and proceedings. 10 x 12 1oose—1eaf index; see abstract 525. (Frequent-
ly, official.) 10 x 12 loose-leaf books (5), 1 ft., in wooden bookcase.
R. 201. (529)
attorneys, parties, causes of action, witnesses, and proceedings.
(Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 1oose—leaf books (2), 9 in., on floor.
R. zoi. (szs)
27. CLOSED CRIMINAL CASES, GREENEVILLE, 1950 to date. Cases Nos. 1 -
145E, personal history of accused, data on offense charged, copy of in-
dictment, and correspondence. (Seldom, official.) 4 x 9 envelopes and
9 x 12 folders, 14 ft., in metal filing case and in 5 metal drawers.
R. 201. (558, 557)
28. PENDING CRIMINAL CASES, GREENEVILLE, Sept. 1950 to date. Cases ‘
Nos, 51 - 976, personal history of accused, data on offense charged, and
copy of indictment. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in
metal drawer. R. 201. (559)

 United States Attorney, Knoxville 5 A
Southern Division
29. WITNESS DOCKET, CHATTANOOGA, 1950. Showing witnesses, case
numbers, and dates of sum ons, report, and discharge, in cases Nos.
6910 — 7090. Entered numerically. (Seldom, official.) 10 x 12
loose-leaf book, 4 in., on floor. R. 201. (508)
date. Record of automobile cases, showing owner, motor number, and
proceedings, and of civil and criminal cases showing parties, wit-
nesses, dates, and proceedings. Entered alphabetically. (Frequently,
official.) 10 1/2 x 12 loose—leaf book, 2 in., on floor. R. 201.
51. CIVIL DOCKET, INACTIVE, CHATTANOOGA, 1928 to date. Showing
attorneys, parties, and proceedings. (Frequently, official.) 1C I 12
loose-leaf book, 4 in., in wooden bookcase. R. 201. (552)
52. CIVIL DOCKET, ACTIVE, CHATTANOOGA, 1954 to date. Showing
attorneys, parties, and proceedings. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12
loose-leaf book, 4 in., in wooden bookcase. R. 201. (551)
’ 7276, attorneys, defendants, offenses, and proceedings. Arranged al-
phabetically by defendants. 10 x 12 loose—1eaf index; see abstract
I 525. (Seldom, official,) 10 x 12 loose-leaf books (2), 4 in., in
wooden bookcase. R. 201. (540)
54. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, ACTIVE, CHATTANOOGA, 1928 to date. Record of
cases Nos. 5957 — 7595, showing attorneys, defendants, offenses, wit-
nesses, and proceedings. 10 i 12 loose·leaf index; see abstract 525.
(Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 loose—leaf books (4), 1 ft. 4 in.,
in wooden bookcase. R. 201. (555, 550)
55. CLOSED CRIMINAL CASES, CHATTANOOGA, 1950 to date. Cases Nos.
1 - 1000, personal history of accused, data on offense charged, copy
of indictment, and correspondence. (Occasionally, official.) 4 x 9
envelopes and 9 x 12 folders, 20 ft., in metal filing case and in 6
metal drawers. R. 201. (541, 542)
11 ~ 1257, personal history of accused, data on offense charged, and
copy of indictment. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft.,
in metal drawer, R. 201. (545)
Post Office and Courthouse
Main and Walnut Sts.
This office was established about 1798. The office was housed in
the old Courthouse, Main and Gay Streets, from 1842 to 1874; in the old

 n United States Marshal, Knoxville 6 A
Post Office Building, Clinch and Market Streets, from 1874 to 1954;
A and then moped to its present address. Records of no value are de-
Ql stroyed after ten years in accordance with regulations governing
{ their disposal. All other records have been retained; none have been
‘ lost or destroyed. Monthly and quarterly reports are sent to
. Washington.
57. CIVIL DOCKETS, Feb. 1896 to date. Showing parties, attorneys,
date, place and court where process was issued, date, place and manner
of service. Entered numerically. Indexed. (Occasionally, official.)
15 x 18 vols. (15), 5 ft. 7 in., on metal roller shelf and on wooden
sneir. R. zas. (4ss)
58. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, Jan. 1905 to date; gap for Jan. 1910 »
Jan. 1911. Record of write received by marshal, dates, places of issu-
ance and service, date of hearing on writ, and record of fees. Entered
numerically. Indexed. (Occasionally, official.) 15 x 17 and 20 x 21
vols. (57), 8 ft. 10 in., on 10 metal roller and 4 wooden shelves.
R. 227. (4se)
59. FEES AND EXPENSES, Aug. 1896 — June 1904. Records kept by
deputy marshals of fees and expenses incurred by witnesses and offi—
cials. Indexed. (Seldom, official.) 16 x 19 vols., 5 in., on wooden
shelf. Bindings broken. R. 225. (502)
Jailers' and witnesses‘ fees, names, and amounts. Indexed. (Seldom,
official.) 18 x 20 vols. (2), 6 in., on wooden shelf. Bindings .
( broken. R. 225. (sos)
41. FUNDS RECEIVED AND DISBURSED, July 1905 — 1908; 1916 to date. (
( Records of salaries, fees, food for juries, etc. (Occasionally, offi-
cial.) 15 x 18 vols. (14), 5 ft. 4 in., on 4 wooden and 5 metal roller
shelves. R. 225. (504)
42. RECORDS OF EXPENSES, Sept. 1909 to date. Showing salaries,
office expenses, attorney and court expenses, and fees of jurors and
witnesses. (Occasionally, official.) 15 x 17 1/2 vols. (6), l ft.
5 in., on wooden and 2 metal roller shelves. R. 225. (505)
45. QUARTERLY DISBURSEMENT RECORDS, Sept. 1952 to date. Voucher
sheets showing disbursements for fees, salaries, and expenses, and
correspondence. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 14 sheets, 80 ft., in
8 wooden filing cases. R. 225. (499)
44. TRUST FUNDS, 1955 to date. Funds received for operation of
office, and record of disbursements. (Frequently, official.) 15 x 16
vol., 1 1/2 in., on metal roller shelf. B. 225. (soo)
45. PETTY CASH BOOK, 1954 to date. Record of receipts and dis-
bursements of all monies other than judicial funds. (Frequently,
official.) 16 x 17 1/2 vol., 2 in., on metal roller shelf. R. 225.

United States Marshal, Madisonville 7
46. REGISTER OF PERSONS IN COUNTY JAILS, Aug. 1910 - Sept. 1954.
Showing prisoners, offenses, dates and places of commitment, and dura-
tion of sentences. Entered numerically. Indexed. (Seldom, official.)
15 1/2 x 17 vols. (6), 9 in., on shelf. R. 225. (491)
47. CAPIAS RECORDS, 1921 - 1922. Showing dates, persons on whom
issued, and dates executed in ledger form. Entered numerically. In-
dexed. (Seldom, official.) 12 x 16 1/2 vol., 1/2 in., in wooden box.
R. zzs. (4ev)
48. FINGERPRINT RECORDS, 1954 to date. Photographic records of
fingerprints, names, dates taken, by whom, and remarks. Arranged by
marshal's identification numbers. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12
loose-leaf book, 1 in. R. 227. (494)
49. JAILERS' RELEASE CARDS, Jan. 1956 to date. Reports to marshal
by jailers on time and cause for dismissal of prisoners. Arranged a1~
phabetically. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 8 ft., in 5 metal
drawers. R. 227. (492)
50. MAPS, n. d. Contour map of Knox County showing roads, and map
of the 55 counties of East Tennessee. (Frequently, official.) 22 x 56
and 27 x 42 maps (2), in frames. R. 227. (495)
(not surveyed)
This office was established about 1857. The office was housed in
the Sterick Building, Third Street and Madison Avenue, from 1950 to
1951, and then moved to its present address. Infonnation as to build-
ings it occupied prior to 1950 is not available. All records have been
retained, none lost or destroyed. Reports are sent to Washington at
regular intervals.
Coumined Divisions
51. TRIAL DOCKETS, 1864 - 1877; 1880 - 1889; 1915 - 1926. Showing
style of case, number, attorneys, witnesses, notation as to various
proceedings filed in cases, correspondence, and disposition of cases
Nos. 1529 - 2990, in Eastern and Western divisions. Indexed. (Occa-
sionally, official.) 15 x 17 vols. (5) and 7 1/2 x 9 1/2 loose-leaf
books, 1 ft., on open wooden shelves. Damaged by careless handling,
brittle, dirty, bindings broken. R. C, S. attic. (207, 199)
52. TERM DOCKETS, 1891 — 1898. Cases to be submitted to grand jury.
Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 8 x 10 vols. (5), 2 in., on open wooden
Shelf. Damaged by careless handling, dirty. R. C, S. attic. (206)

{ United States Attorney, Memphis B
W 55. WITNESS DOC5ETS, JACKSON AID LENFHIS, may 1915 to date. Cases
hos. 4796 — 4909 and 6820 — 6225, showing case numbers, witnesses, and
dates of summons, report, and discharge of witnesses. Entered alpha-
betically. IHGGX$d. (Older records, rarely; recent records, frequent-
ly,1offic1e1.)· 85 x 15 and 10 x 11% vols. (6) and 10 x 11% loose—leaf
books (4), 24 in., on wooden files, steel filing cabinets, on open
steel sheli, and on desk. Rs. C, S. attic, 525, entrance to S. attic,
and 507. (196, 260, 259, 215, 225)
54. CIVIL DOCKETS, JACKSON AND NIWPHIS, 1899 to date. Showing
attorneys, parties, causes of action, witnesses, style of case, number,
and proceedings in cases Los. 1124 - 5142, and miscellaneous cases,
such as, suits against government for relief work violation of pure
food law, and war risk insurance suits. Indexed., (Older reconis,
rarely; current records, frequently, official.) Variously sized vols.
(7 and 10; x ll; loose—1eaf books, 2 ft. 5 in. on open wooden and
1 steel shelves and in 2 metal drawers. Rs. C, si attic, 519, and en-
1 trance to S. attic. (204, 241 216)
55. CIVIL CASES PELDILG, 1955 to date. Records of condemnation of
crop production loans and loans to post offices, personnel files show-
ing names, offices held, and dates, and bills of complaint, orders of
,, court, and answers to defendants. Arranged alphabetically. Indexed.
, (Daily, official.) gz x 15 and 10 x 15 folders, 5 ft., in drawer of
I wooden filing case and 2 drawers of steel filing cabinet. Rs. 521 and
so?. (24a , aio)
56. BQUITY DOCKLIS, Aug. 25, 1929 to date. Record of war risk in- l
I surance cases, safety appliance act cases, etc., Los. 1006 — 4290,
65 - 1250, showing proceedings, parties, causes, and witnesses. Indexed. l
(Frequently, official.) 8% x 15 folders and 10 x lli vols. (2), 5 ft.
V 5 in., on open steel shelf and in metal drawer. Entrance to S. attic.
and closed cases concerning government claim on defendant by liens on
property of estate for unpaid income tax, money owed on fain credit
loans, claims of government in settlewert of life insurance, and govern~
ment claims in personal injury cases. Arranged alphabetically. (Older
I records, rarely; receit records, daily, official.) 9§·x 15 folders,
1 ft. 9 in., in drawer of steel filing cabinet. R. 507. (254)
56. CRIMIRAL CASLS, Apr. 25, 1914 — Iec. 5, 1951; Jen. 1952 to date.
Pleadings, indictments, disposition, and correspondence in cases Nos.
5979 — 6569, telephone and telegraph accouits, bids and contracts for
printing, annual and seni-annual reports on internal revenue, and
’ monthly reports on civil and criminal cases; cases hos. 5990 - 5051,
reports of investigations, warrants, and pleas; also cases removed to
I other districts. Arranged alphabetically. (Closed cases, rarely;
active cases, daily, official.) 9é x 15 and 10 x 15 folders, sheets,
and covers, 51 ft. 6 in., in 12 steel filing cases and in B drawers of
Steel filing cases. Rs. D, S. attic, 519, and 507. (210, 257, 222)

_ $ United States Attorney, Memphis 9
 s 59. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, Sept. 24, 1928 — June 5, 1955. Records for
k Eastern and Western divisions, showing attorneys, parties, causes, and
proceedings. Indexed. (Frequently, official.) 10 l/2 x 11 1/2 loose-
leaf books (8), 2 ft. 2 in., on open steel shelves. Entrance to S,
assis. (214)
60. AC IVE INVESTIGATIONS, 1955 to date. Records of investigations
( made in criminal cases. Arranged alphabetically. (Daily, official.)
V 9 1/2 x 15 folders, 2 ft., in 2 drawers of steel filing cabinet.
R. sev. (228)
y Criminal cases in which no warrants were issued and no prosecutions
made. Arranged alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 l/2 x 15
I folders, 1 ft. 6 in., in drawer of steel filing cabinet. R. 507.
I 62. MISCELLANEOUS CRIMINAL RECORDS, n. d. Records of investiga-
tions, cases in which no warrants issued, ignored bills, cases dis-
A missed by U. S. com issioner, and cases not filed in which warrants
ri were issued, Filed alphabetically. (Never.) 10 x 15 folders, 14 ft.,
I in 7 drawers of steel filing cases. Damaged by careless handling,
“( brittle, dirty. R. 517. (255)
I official.) 8 x 12 covers, 1 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. R. C,
S. attic. (151)
64. GRAND JURY DOCKETS, Apr. 26, 1922 tc date. Showing grand jury
assignments, parties, witnesses for government, and remarks in cases
Nos. 1 — 6660. Indexed. (Frequently, official.) ll 1/2 x 16 vols.
(4), 7 1/2 in., on open steel shelves. Entrance to S. attic. (218)
Records of complaints and reports of investigations and indictments.
Arranged alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 9 1/2 x 15 folders,
2 ft., in drawer of steel filing cabinet. R. 507. (225)
1951. Correspondence, memoranda, order for non-suit, bill of com-
plaint, answer of defendant, pauper's oath, plea in abatement, dec-
C laration of plaintiff, and telegrams, in cases Nos. 180 - 252, 5198 -
_ 5549. (Never.) 8 1/2 x 15 sheets and 9 1/2 x 15 folders, 4 ft., in
2 pasteboard boxes. Damaged by careless handling, dirty. R. D,
S. attic. (211)
I to date. Correspondence, petitions, records of investigations, medical
_ questionnaire and history, affidavits on war records, answers of de-
fendants, and photcstatic copies of physical examinations. Arranged
i` alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 10 ft. 5 in.,
V in drawers of steel and wooden filing cases. Rs. 525, 517, and 521.
(zss, zse, zse, 247, 24s)

 _ J United States Attorney, Memphis 10
* 1915. Records of internal revenue cases, recommendations of no prose-
~ cution, etc. (Rarely, official.) 9 x ll 1/A vols. (7), 1 ft. 6 in.,
on wooden files. R. C, S. attic, (197)
69. REGISTER OF COMPLAINTS, 1897 to date. Complaints made by
citizens of Western.District as to alleged violations of laws, showing
- case numbers, defendants, affiants, offenses, dates committed, dates
` J of affidavits, witnesses, ccu ty, action taken on complaints, order of
' J district attorney, dates, and remarks. Indexed. (Closed cases, rarel ;
current cases, daily, official.) Variously sized vols. and 11 x ll 1/;
C loose-leaf books, 1 ft. 6 l/2 in., on open wooden shelf, on open steel
· shelves, and on desk. Rs. C, S. attic, 319, and 307. (200, 239, 224)
70. PERSONNEL RECORDS, Feb. 1922 to date. Applications, appoint-
ments, oaths of office, and bonds of former and present employees.
Arranged alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 l§2 x 15 folders,
l ft., in drawer of steel filing cabinet. R. 307. (227
71. ATTORNEY'S ME ORANDA ON "NORMAN" CASES, 1927. Record of group
of cases growing out of sinking of government inspection boat "Norman".
(Rarely, official.) 9 3/A x ll 1/2 loose·leaf books (2), 2 in., on
open wooden shelf. R. C, S. attic. (198)
A 72. REPORTS AND ACCOUNTS, 1931 to date. Telephone and telegraph
accounts, miscellaneous accounts, vouchers, authorizations, contract
for printing reports, bids for contracts, court reporting contracts
“ for fiscal years 1934 - 1936, circulars of Department of Justice Nos.
A 2199 — 2838, circulars relating to processing and Federal taxes gen-
orally, Court of Appeals' decisions, general schedules of supplies for _
fiscal year 1934, and Forms 1012 and l012A, original and memorandum of
travel voucher. Arranged alphabetically. (Daily, official.)
9 l/2 x 15 folders, 1 ft. 2 in., in drawer of steel filing cabinet.
R. so?. (zzs)
J 73. NRA AFFIDAVITS AND EXHIBITS, 1934. Pamphlets on NRA codes for
all industries, mimeographed affidavits and exhibits, and bulletins on
2 lumber code. (Never.) Variously sized vols., folders, envelopes, and
bundles, 8 ft. 6 in., in 4 pasteboard boxes. Damaged by careless
J handling, dirty. R. D, S. attic. (212)
~ 74. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, 1934 to date. Dispositions in various
p war risk insurance cases, monthly reports on cases disposed of, and
authorizations of cases disposed of. Arranged alphabetically. (Occa-
sionally, official.) lo x 15 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing
OB.SF$• R•    
J of claims by Collector of Internal Revenue, cases pending and closed,
and claims pending in bankruptcy. Arranged alphabetically. (Older
records, rarely; recent records, daily, official.) 9 1/2 x 15 folders,
oa 9 in., in drawer of steel filing cabinet. R. 307. (231)

 , . ‘ United States Attorney, Memphis ll
A 76. MISCELIANEOUS RECORDS, 1935 to date. Opinions and decisions
d in cases, miscellaneous correspondence of department heads, prison
designations, special reports, and eyaminers' reports. Arranged al-
1 phabetically. (Frequently, official.) 9 1/2 x 15 folders, 4 ft.,
in 2 drawers of steel filing cabinet. R. 507. (255)
77. FBI IDENTIFICATION ORDERS, current. Correspondence regarding
identification orders and fingerprint cards. Filed alphabetically.
A (Daily, official.) 8 1/2 x 15 folders, 1 ft. 8 in., in metal drawer.
Entrance to S. attic. (215)
78. MISCELLANEOUS FILES AND RECORDS, n. d. Closed criminal cases
Nos. 1107 — 1796, monthly reports, and miscellaneous Department of
Justice records. (Never.) 10 x 16 and 10 x 18 sealed packages (5),
4 ft. 6 in., on floor. Damaged by careless handling, brittle, dirty,
torn, ink faded. R. B, S. attic. (114)
1866 · 1899. Indexed. (Never.) 5 x 15 vols. (19) and letter file
case, 4 in., on open wooden shelf. Brittle, dirty, torn. R. C, S.
attic. (194)
80. CORRESPONDENCE AND MEMORANDA, 1885 — 1888. Letters, memoranda,
A and documents in various cases. (Rarely, official.) 5 x 10 envelopes
and bundles, 10 in., on open wooden shelf. Damaged by careless handling,
dirty, torn. R. C, S. attic. (208)
81. OFFICIAL LETTERS, June 2, 1898 - Dec. 51, 1915. Letters re-
ceived and sont. Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 11 1/2 and
y 10 l/E x ll 1/4 vols. (59), 4 ft. 6 in., on wooden files. Damaged by .
I careless handling, dirty, torn, scattered. R. C, S, attic. (195)
  82. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 1904. Letters received.
l (Never.) 4 x 10 bundle, 4 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty, torn.
1 R. C, S. attic. (202)
85, RECORDS AND CORRESPONDENCE, 1914 - 1952. Correspondence on
( criminal, civil, and equity cases coming before district attorney,
reports of attorney to Attorney General, miscollaneous war files on
statutes, regulations, instructions, applications for passports, and
FBI forms with photo attached. (Rarely, official.) 8 1/2 x 10 1/2
sheets, 9 l/2 X 15 folders, and 10 x 15 envelopes, 44 ft. 6 in., in
6 drawers of wooden filing cases and in 7 pasteboard letter files.
A Damaged by careless handling, dirty, scattered. R. C, S. attic. (205)
Eastern Diyisipn
I 84. TRIAL DOCKETS, 1865 - 1917. Showing style of cases, nwnbers,
1. attorneys, pleadings filed and final disposition, witness noteboo