xt71zc7rph6x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71zc7rph6x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1987 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. Ohio University, December 28, 1987 text University of Kentucky vs. Ohio University, December 28, 1987 1987 1987 2014 true xt71zc7rph6x section xt71zc7rph6x A
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t In Kentucky spert has always   that always deing yeurbest is
been mere than playing a game.       an attitude that extends beyend
Here, spert means traditien. lt  {  ppjts   thtgtt    t ‘ ;_ K   t     Lexingten, KY ~~¤~¤~~ Drvisien
theirbest _ _ _.__.._...i""‘···““ etAshIand_Oil, inc. ©i98Z
/-\t Valveline, we believe Valveline Oil Cempany

     Or €7<~r~ra
I CONTENTS We’re Proud to be
T Coach Sharon Fanning .......................... 2
Basketball starr ................................ 3 Y S
4 Dr. David Roselle .............................. 4       !
,- Athletics Director Cliff Hagan ..................... 4
Meet the Players ............................ 5-22 5;,-; _
(Croley 6, Pennie 7, Tarantini 8, Shrum 9, Whitaker 6 _/=E’
10, Harrell 11, Miller 12, Spencer 13, Davis! tf
Hoskins 14, Ousley/Stevens 15) '
Lady Kat Team Picture & Roster ................. 16
Opponents Team Picture & Roster ............... 17
Opponents’ Feature ........................... 18   c
Lady Kat Feature ............................. 19  
Scorecard ................................. 22-23 »-~ [ ~‘
Memorial Coliseum ............................ 24 E,
Assistant AD’s and UK Head Coaches ............ 25 _   Q °
UK Sports Information Staff ..................... 26
Cheerleaders and Student Staff .................. 27
Lady Kat Records .......................... 29-30
Former Lady Kats ............................. 31  
Wildcat Team Picture & Schedule ................ 33
UK Campus ..,............................ 35-36 l
Your hometown grocery stores
CREDITS: in Central and Eastern Kentucky
Written, Produced and Edited by
RENA VICINI, UK Assistant Sports information Director
Special Thanks to
aigiiglggoafs E TICHETHBNT has seats for events at FREEDOM
DDDD DDADED Dmsidem HALL in Louisville,_RUPP ARENA in Lexington,
SANDY HADDIND and many other facilities around the country.
Advertising Sales
Photography by I I D
J Design and Dnmmg by ®T.|.CHETBI]No* LOCATIONS.

 Cblritl/e/retry all {Kentucky  
t/l/aw Sta at CU€7( gig  ’          ¢   
    e ~   »*=A it `    tate 
- #    C   e f ·
A Sharon Fanning brings to Ken- A  . ,    ,   TA 1    »r‘‘ t`
tucky not only an exceptional    A_A     J -iA  '; €Y      
record, but also a national repu—   A     "  A. 
tation as an outstanding coach,  1         . to A   _
recruiter and motivator. In 11 .. .. .  ‘‘:, AA __:_ _     »:—, ` S       
memorable seasons at the Uni- A   i ? r     —,i* if tt__i  Ai?. Q;`2f{ _ _  
versity of Tennessee at Chatta- jzj ,tVr'   _ t_       fj ’,té‘ {   ·t`,      .
nooga, Fanning’s squads com-   ,=-,, j t_.‘‘ l QQ]    _ t     r`°iV j Ai   ig?     ·
piled a 1A89-129 mark, including     A. .A A I         { ttl A
Eve straight Southern Conference   iviv A g_t·   AA A \ _,=¢ ,     »¢ts       A       ·
cbamplcbablpe from 1982-1986.   ,,a‘   _t»1   r      A . ,,,   _.i..    .,»—,_ ‘ ,
ln 1984, the Lady Mocs went 26-   iA;;jta—.g¥.t,tj;,‘..A ,g,1 . ·       ·  
5 and were runners-up in the   ;.;if:ti`;.‘f?-Q3 trli * _i1i ,.1j --l‘· `_  A  9 sygy   ‘~it     r
National Woniona Invitational     _.·t :; _=“t   t,,·..   =-    ee" _ A
Toumamona Coach Fanning is flanked by University President Dr. David Roselle and Athletics Director
. Cliff Hagan. Below, Fanning addresses the news media after being named new coach by Hagan. _
And while her teams were _
` 1 f h h 1, . . . ,, .
mpmg g OW Ort 8 SC .°‘? Fanning loin aa, UK Athletics  
Cmch Fammg was mccwmg Director Cliff Hagan says "She          
personal honors as well. She was has an the qualities WC wom ‘  A       
d S th C f . . .. . “     i   ,
Eiffih O? $1.512.. 12 iéilfina teelete tet te till the eetttett ·      
_ . She is not only an outstanding  {jk       
1985 and was nominated for Ko- . ~     1 X. ..  
, . coach, but she 1S also a fine per- ,_ _,,,     i         .._.    
dak s national Coach of the Year Son Wim Win be 3 amd mic   -,_i   .  .  s      ¤=:.     ..-» tl; ·_,_·..   ,_,, 1  
· h 1 ` 1984. 1 1986 h   if `i’   ».‘‘   '    PV     =,.  
eggfibelfthe rveai`1 equaesri SQSS ttteeet tet ettt vettee ettttetee- We ;*  ete    »t e .e.     e»t     eet e eeeee e     
_ ` ' y p drive will give this program the  _      ”
summer she was named to the boost ll meds ll hl HOW ,, a ..». -      
staff of the USA Select team The 33 year Oil Fzmnlng 3 .     t`°`     1 A  
fumEfl‘“g ‘“ €°“ Om ‘“ native of cbaraabbga, cbraplerea   . l ‘ .t
‘;gV\fe are thrilled ta have Coach hcl undefgmduate degree at UTC       _ lA    
A A in 1975 while competing in both - ,   ii. . .  __ _,_  “ 1
t. ,   basketball and volleyball. She   .,-.._.,.-r.. *  —.-. 1. :  .... if
I -;.AAg · ~     _l}_ received her masters degree in   ~‘r‘“.    C  r  
. J   4   · A   1976 from the University of Ten-
AA  A,         A_A,i.tt   nessee, Where she served 35 3 i=ANNlNGts necono AT uTc
A—   ay.;1  AAe. » 1 V   .AA..»»   graduate assistant coach to Pat YEAR W L poi
` .     .._A Y     Head Summitt for one year be- 1978-77 20 13 ece
              fore returning home to build a lgggtgg lg ll  
    Atti       AtAAl Pmgfam at her alma m3l€Y- 1979-80 15 13 i536 i
.  ·.   1     ``»·r ‘ ` A noted speaker who IS very 1980—81 19 a 579
.   l   _...     . active in Civic affairs, Fanning lggatgg, lg   gg?
...-   t   iV_. .   't..   .-.·_.t     Women’s Athletics at UTC since 198485* 16 13 .552
  ‘..e 2;    ·1t.1 . ‘ ‘-‘e   .= ‘.e1·1     · 1985-88* 19 ic 955
  i.·;’   -..-   T ,. »       l978- Sh€ 1S H current member of lo86_87 7 20 259
  .·”    Y`          1.   ; .t·‘i     the National Women’s Basketball Totals Ei- E- ET
This summer, Coach Fanning gavg inslruc- CQaCh€S ASSOCIQUOH B93Yd Of ·sburhem Cenielanee Champions
ncaa at a basketball cubic an Jackson, ky. Directors. ”N"*"l fltnnetellpe

   (Uma/a/zstty 011 Ufamtuckg
1 Andy Barnes Adena High School, tion in 1979 after serv-
1 1 Andy begins his tirst where she earned All- ing for four years as a
‘     vear at Kentuekv atter America honors and was student trainer. She was
    nl e :,,1 ti  serving as an assistant to named the Outstanding graduate assistant at Pur-
    4    Coach Susan Yovv at Athlete in Ohio. She due University, where
  at  gt    Drake University 1ast went on to similar glory she earned her Masters
  i yt     _ VVVt Season At UK, hc will at the University of Ten- Degree in Physical Fit--
  ~»—ii-   · . focus primarily on fe_ nessee, where she earned ness and Exercise Physi-
1 M tt 1i,,4yt»tnll.a(1 Wn eruitina A native of Kodak All—America hon- ology in 1981.
“   ”""'7° """ ’l‘ ’l · ors before raduatin in A native of Smithville,
Johnson City, Tenn., and g g _
        a 1980 graduate ot East 1983. _ Ohio, Sue serves on the
it    at    Tennessee State, Andy In the meantime, she Board of Directors for
  at 1 1  taught and coached at the was also establishing the ·National Athletics
  ‘ "`»# · .   · .· herself as a reat inter- Trainers Association.
. _ it   _ high school level for six _ g _
      tt  t  ty   starr at Drake From was selected to the 1979 Leu Ruud
    i    `i i  ":  _.  1980 to 1984 hc vvas World University squad, y
  K"    It 7   assistant boys’ basketball lllc l98O Olylllplc lPam» LCC ll;lll€d lllc Lady
E -ni"}ltgt'Y 5i.,,lZ'LZC"?5€S.¤»i, eeeeh and heed self lllll lglll Pall Alllcllcall Kg; Slalhlll DC°€llll’.€l’
    V  » . coach at Daniel Boone mm and the 1984 l 3· S C was l’l€"l°llS`
t     _ `  ` E High School in Gray, Olymple Squad- She also 1y emPlgyed1byVlt§ettlhe·
  ‘ V    at Q Tenn. He then taught for Played Pl9f€SSl°“al l?aS' Omcw Ollll Y C ale
  y  I    Qg, V  one year at Sun Valley lwlball lol OUP Ycal lll Dcpflllmclll and Collllll
l   ‘··‘  " ”   · · I 1 d f i bus East Hi h School in
1 ,.i     in  _ High Sehoot in Monroe, ltatty an or two years C 1 b tg dt A
1   1 Ntctt b f t · ln apan, O UI'1'1 LIS, I1 13113..
t i   ¢   r e   t  to its ngiillicslitglyg ei¤;e;rnyei·CogrriitEee 0; the NSAA Division PRESIDENT
C 1CS 11'€C OI`S SSOC18 lO1'l.
Dil`€Ct0l' of Atili€tiCS A two-time All-American basketball center DAVID P' ROSELLE
at UK (1952, 54), Hagan helped the Wildcats
Ar __ r _   r win 86 of 91 games during his career. Includ-
  o `   ,`i  __ ed in his career is a 1951 national champion- .  
`   _ A     ship under legendary coach Adolph Rupp.     _
  . As a senior, Ha an hel ed lead UK to a   ..
    perfect 25-0 recood andpthe Southeastern __  
  Conift-ggnce title. That seazopn IAIAagan raver- A    
  —   a e points per game an e t e nation in I ·    J K;   __
    ai rgbounding (13.5 rpg). I  
    A · After graduating from UK in 1954 and  
  " n serving two years at Andrews Air Force Base ’ -»·.  
as a commissioned officer, Hagan began a  
highly successful National Basketball Associ- I .
  ation career with the St. Louis Hawks. In 10 —    
  seasons, he osted 12,433 career points in i ’.-_
it 672 games (lg.5 ppg) and played in five NBA * a "’
. Algstat gainesn St L _ t A h Dr. David P. Roselle was named the
_ _ _ 3gHH 2iyC OI1 . 01.115 CHITIS W 1C ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _
digit?IE;ggifxcigiirzfh§cA@;ik;€;;h?;tr2; claimed si)x division titles. In 1958, I-lagarn   Ii;Ao;iIiri2;Aof9tgi$AUmvorslol of Kon
ASSOCl2lIl01’l is 1lI'l(i€1`g0lI1g 811 Cl'3. of l1I'lpI`€C€-     r DI'. Roselle COIIICS to   i:I`Ol'1'1 Virgin-
dented growth. also sér 3 NBA Single game record for mosr 1a Tech in Blacksburg, Va., where he
Rcccmlycomplctcd projects Include the $6 field goals in a quarter (12). Hagan was voted Sorvoo as Provost four Y€aYS· The PoSI‘
    Nutter Football Training Facili— All_PrO from   tion Of pI·OVOS[ at   T€Ch is [hc
{yi the Hilary J· Boone Indoor T€nniS_Ccm€r* Between basketball seasons at St. Louis, Ill1mb€1‘ two E1ClmlHlSll”3[lV€ pOSi[lOIl 21[ {IIC
tne hghlmg at the Shwciy Bas€bau,Fl°ld and Hagan earned his M.S. degree from Washing- university, which has more than 22,000
the resurfacing and seating expansion ofthe mn University in 1958. Studemu
aliilflr?/CiiiilglricaislieiMiA1i;i1(zilfii:dh(C€eSi;1?oioigiiiizlzoro je a'§’h“a“' a fam; at I’Ia§raa‘°°a°Q at mj A native at Pennsylvania, Dt- Reseile
ing nnnnininn- ininging nig nnni nnnnnii- raiitiioorr §§*’§’?oaooo‘€‘¥l§ o.1ao§§i§§§;?.“§o nai. a *’n·D· in mathematics tan Date
I nina in eannat ennantien nieieas tn neatly the Texas roorooorooor’coo‘io ofthe Year in U“‘Va““I· He has Im a “‘a‘I‘a‘“a““ .
iighnniiinn- r A UK A Ar A noo. His t ggoi o at Dallas ooo ronno. In nreteaer angr teeratejriet at rrnegintven t
is BSI Juy, [ C I etics SSOCl21· r Sli O HI` HI'] HH Ol.llSl· '
n nan Begin at Dneeteta annteted a teeettt iiiiotroiriiiioivinsooigoiiooo ;o`§ooIi§$ia°iZ annysinie Univeiiity- He became a pin- I
89-8 ‘“IIII°‘l I’“‘Ig°‘ IO' aha I987i88 8S°aI become the mst UK player inducted intoithe teaser ef mathematics at Virginia Tech in I
Y€‘i"· III " ““?° when ma"? a‘hI";iAd°Pa“‘ Naismlrh Memorial Basketball Hall orrome. 1974 and held that faculty appointment r
  Agebiaigirguigfg-Silr$;?nri;g Ajnrrjernrg I-Iagan is married to the former Martha during his entire tenure there. r r I  
oo dollars from the Universityé general Mm at OWt¤Sb°t°· Ina have fait an He ann netted   dean at Vagina l
ninan- iii? TtoIX“i;oI;li§toho?oXo°r2`i M§S;o]ZZEZ`€oIolill’ Taaaa aaaaaaaa aahaal and aaaa at ’a` i
Hagan, o native of Owensboro, replaced rrrrrrrrryrryrvrrrr UrrVrrr*§;y_ a aeaten and ataanate ttntnet- . t
the late Harry C. Lancaster as athletics direc- DV RO$€II€ IS known an an InnOVnIOY-  
tor on July l. 1975. Since then, UK athletics At Virginia Tech he implemented a uni-  
has enjoyed a tremendous amount of success, versity-wide core curriculum, helped se-
both on the playing field and in the class- cure increased support for sponsored re-
"";r‘Z;.,. oo   UK basketball   win nennn en ntaaetena i§§§ir‘;r;‘,‘;?V;a;j§g‘g§r;‘gir;a ‘?a‘;;*‘a§‘t at
_ _ _ . g an in orma
an NCAA championship, an NIT champion- UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY rrrm S Stems
ship and make another appearance in the Fi- ATHLETICS ASSOCIATION y ' . . .
nal Four. The football Wildcats have ap- EXOEEICIO NIENIBERS AT . Ia lo7o` ho Woo rooogmzoo by Virgo)-
f)Cl11`C(i ll'} ll'11'€C I)0Wi   Last SCHSOIT, six MEMBERS LARGE - _ lo Tech for hlo toochlog oXCoilooCo`
` uic rooms opoooroo in their respective ncaa Dr Dm, Rrrrrur Mr LD Grrrrrrr Dt- Rnnelle nan neltta variety ei lean-
championship cvcnts. Dr An Grnlahrr Mr Syl-_ Roach €l`Sh1Q pO'Slt10nS in national mathematics
Academically. Hagan helped establish the Dr__lngkB1nn;ryn organizations and served as executive t
Center for Academic and Tutorial Services Dr. Raymond Homhack STUDEN MEMBERS secretary of thc Mathematical Associa-
(CATS). The University of Kentucky was the DP Inman M· Kudat Miss Susan Brothers tion of America for nine years.
first university in thc nation to open an aca- nm Rrnbcn o· I-awsnn Mr. Karl Crase HC has made numcl-Gus invited ud-
demic center for student-athletes. The efforts Mn PIIII GI"' .. . · - . , · . ·
  ooo off   or oo oo   nartrnrrrrgrrg   in nn nett and It Widen nan I
. ‘_ ‘ . I _ ALUMNI Mmtnsns . lished as a mathematics scholar. He has
Conlcrencc last year in the number ot stu- A _ _ Dr. Damcl Rccdy _. r
dent-athletes named to the 1caguc's various ML Willnni B' Swrglu DV I`·I·I· PISLICLIIIII boon oooor of two oooko ono Woo oo tha  
Awdcrnru Hrmrrr Roni “ Mt- Innn C- Owenn or. chonos p. Roland editorial board of a third. g
HllgilU`S lll‘y’0lVClTlCl'llr in college athletics 1`RUSTEE BIENIBERS       io morrioo to tho former  
extends beyond the University oi Kentucky. Mr. Arhcrr Br Chrmrner Dr; PADI S€ArA' r I~OnI$€ Dowling ef Manhasset, N·Y·»  
He serves on the Executive Committee of the Mr Frrrrrk Rrrrrrsrr, Dr JBA Vrrrrnrrrlrn and they have a son, Arthur, 16, and a Q
Southeastern Conference and is also on the ' ` daughter, Cynthia, 15. Z
4 Q

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One ofthe most talented players in Lady I   A _.   ·‘`` "   V  
Kat history, Bebe is expected to be one of the  -t_ V,V;V;jg];  ,2_ ,   A V V  
top players in the Southeastern Conference     V· K V     ‘
this season and should be a strong contender V,_  f t it;;V  i t.,)   VV  
for All-America honors. She led the Lady   ;‘_ V VV£*       V tli  
Kats in scoring last season with an average of   ’VA   ‘ii Q   V A ./~·rV  
17-7 reihte 4 sehhe- Whieh hehkeel heh fehtth . `       V V = 5  
in that eetegety among SEC hleyete She wee i `i?¥é§?’Z;E.e’    .    
ehe hhhth in the SEC in hee threw veheeht- 1     V. i‘lV 2  
_ uga (vast, stan in steals per grime (2.6) and ‘ .i’‘       ‘~Vi      SQV T:   VVtt L5-  S·t  
ninth in rehehhthha <7-l>—     t·t.;   S°`:   ~‘;     ’
Bebe is 14th on the all~time Lady Kats ‘   ..,_%   ··V.   S ht   " · _ _.
eeehhe he with 937 eereet heihte ehe it She -~Vi . *ttV` é   >·h’   — “VV‘ ; ·tt-·V if        ——t—   *.l;  
kccps hh het eeheht heee the eheule eeeih 1 t,·»ee       t*t° — ‘·,V‘,V          
finish as one of UK’s top five all-time V- ,;_.;   " "      
scorers. A p *3  -V·tVh‘ V   V:-`          
A nrnteant Parade A11-America as a sen- .   . t  ¥€·I¥ ‘V-·    ’°”i`= s            
ior at Henry Clay High School in Lexington,   {Y I   V —   'V'i‘`'`‘i       ‘
Bebe suffered a stress fracture as a freshman   LV!    '`··   I ’‘‘`‘   ’'·i t   Q V V .   ·
and played in only half of the games in her       V—_· _ -V,V’V·.·Q       E 9*xg `r‘_g SV-     . H Q
first year. But as a sophomore, she started in  tj;QV-i-{V;]_V_}_-g¥;·V·i`”¥if. $5; ,__VV _   V_`   `VVS "   ~ ji _V_'VV . .VV..tVV ; ;. V,   ._   i
22 of 27 games and was the fourth-leading   " . Q           
eether eh the teeth-  V   tV h    V `  V V . · t    ettl    { e`tV     ‘   Q
Last year she began ber junior SGHSOH by  *   i i   .  he  ,   `     V’iVi`»     .5   i   E
being named the lirst unanimous MVP in the V.         f; ·‘_V   jj _VVV_ L _  .j*‘·e.V ;" ‘       {
_ IO-year history of the Lady Kats Invitational V1, V sg `   `_`· · 1       -`/ifi;      
tournament. She excelled in every phase L txt, ih i   V'___   {  VV      .V__aV__     t
throughout the season. starting in all 28 con- I in       U I iiin   ii iili iiilili i   Ainii l iilii A i my H iiiii  W  
tcstg and gcoring in dgtilblg Hguygg in   but Cosby Top   Show:   WiDfT€y Show             g
' threfzi Dtirgig a twtygainlel hoigicoupt stint Zhu Et1\£0I`lt€ l;`00d: Ribs H{0gi)1€S and Pzlglnpesz model for young Stude’zt_athletes, I
` iit .-of-I from tie fie an inis ed wit a IS Cmflg 0 mUS1€, WH C mg SOGPS BH P 8)/- · ~ -
carecr—high 32 points against Alabama, and ing Y€¤¤iS Favorite N0¤·b3Sk€¥b3il sport: whlle also plqylng a yew impor- ,
(hen $(;()[`Q/(1   points On lz].-[Or-]7 from {ht; IGIIIHS Most AdIIli[‘€d Athlete: 21ppI`€Ci21t€$ tant leadershlp role for her mal"'  
field in the next game against Florida. gbletcs, but onli/y admires ghle Lord Eavorite m a te S_ We are fgrtunatg t0  
Bebe has twice represented the University Ym¤8SlUm¥ €m0T1¤ 0 lS€Um avorite · °
and the USA in international competition. In City! D¤bY0V¤ik- Yugoslavia Comment 011 have the. Opportunlty   i
l985. she played for the U.S. in the Jones W0m€U’S BaSk€{b¤u¢ "They Sh0¤ld let US to w0rk wlth Bebe Craig-y' i
Cup competition in Taiwan and in l986 she Pl¤Y m0F€ and realizethtttgirls Cem H¤g€Y·F0ll -—C0(lCh Fdllfllllg t
was a member of the USA Select team that and SYUUCFSYGP Wlih0U[ Wfilking-ii i
competed in the Canadian invitational.  
Personality Profile
I%irtlid*1te· 7-l()—o5  
MV . _f ' `   . V Bebe is a tremendous athlete
’ d_|()l . Ctllllllllllllktliltllih _ _ _
Iligh School: Lexington Henry Clay and t{semend0u‘S; lndlvlduf1l• Her
-` High School Coach: Jackie Austin gxperlencey qUlC`k”€·$`$, Julnplng
I ability and overall perception of
i`nvorite music: gos el and soul Favorite .
l’erl`ormer: Anitai Btiiker Top Movie Star: thefgame Sh0uld prove t? be a 5-10 Senlor Forward `
wlioopi oottlnorg and Oprah winrroy Top 'WJOT asset fw us- She ls c0’"‘ Lexington, Ky. i
i\'[ N V     Iv l
.. ,,,.   , » %     ·· ..     ‘ ‘ ’ ’     . .
., Af r  . -—     .  aw e   ·   .  * .:; ...· ;,. .       |
9  ~=4   /’  A       1     »-—v   » ‘‘V -    =  i ;·;   - -
 <   » »   6  y        » f,   ’}~V ~         ,.A   .,‘‘,   V AV~ } A·vA‘ é 3 =v’ 2} PBPSDIIZIIIY PI‘0fII8
  ’’ /  if Q ,V»V   »   ’ ”,·’ '         A?ft·?>‘ ‘°’  é    · l   ‘¢·· J »·V'.·  ·’A` ‘’—`‘'·   71 .
   ;»;   y   2   .   ,  _   ~_.  J      _   __VVV g  I2v   Birthdate; 3-28-66
‘ _J;;T1:¥;niZ.         *     -‘,-   P   6,,,   A.“° 1A»Afi—i§€»*-·?i’ M¤J¤r= Busims
A AA    ''` AA A A   V ‘ A · A   f    f   A:   ‘   t   ’·‘’ jAi};A°jE High School: Clearwater Central Catholic
·   1 .  ·r. »"‘   ~ ·   .
I   .’ » A   ‘\ High School Coach: Nancy Yengel
· .    __. _. ,_V_   " SYN 7 /  .-‘A   AA     Favorite music: Soft Rock Favorite Per-
:   -_   / /» >  ‘’’A ·‘   V;}‘   ‘ ‘ ··A_ ’·r· former: Stylistics Top Movie Star: Meryl
V »         .---’ ’ “A      h’; ga Streep Top Movie: One On One Top TV
.   ~»·Ir~·   ,. , A.         -  "   * 2* =     A     Star: Bill Cosby Top TV Show; L.A. Law
  - v_     _V v-°r          Ly]; (,'V;     `V   '     {     y Favorite Food: ice cream Hobbies and Pas-
,   A *       AAAAV     g  yr   A   AAAAA   A-‘A - V   times: water skiing, softball Favorite Non-
‘ ;. · 1·    `       A? I     A.   basketball s ort: softball Most Admired
·#   ral- ·*   2       »- p , _
  V · `   ‘ I   ;a;¢._~   j -2