xt71zc7rpc1s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71zc7rpc1s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 2007-04 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Off the Shelf, April 2007 text Off the Shelf, April 2007 2007 2007-04 2014 true xt71zc7rpc1s section xt71zc7rpc1s A monthly look at life in the UK Libraries

April 2007

The Hub Has Officially Opened
Dr. Todd, Dean Diedrichs and Penny Cox from Information
Technology were among the speakers as the Hub @ WT’s officially opened on March 27. After the opening remarks, visitors took tours of the facility and munched on refreshments,
while Doreen Maloney’s video of Turkey was projected onto
the walls outside the help desk. Such artwork is just another
aspect of this unique academic space.
Though the grand opening was March 27, the help desks
opened on March 5. Even before then, the students have been
availing themselves to the whiteboards and furniture as they
have been installed. The student reaction has been very positive. Stacey Greenwell, interim director of the Hub, reports
that the students she has talked to appreciate that the University has invested in something that is purely for the students.
During the first thirteen days, the help desks answered 241
questions—not bad for a time period that included Spring Break! The Hub staff have also given tours to
dozens of people, including the Kentucky Government Documents Roundtable, Eastern Kentucky University librarians, and librarians from Florida State University. The FSU librarians, who are touring information commons throughout the southeast, were very impressed and thought the Hub was one of the
best info commons they had seen.
For those who have not yet visited the Hub, Stacey invites you
to stop by and to send students their way. She also encourages
you to take advantage of the IT Customer Support staff for any
vexing technology questions.
For additional pictures of the Hub, search flickr.com and the
Hub’s Facebook group page


� Spot Bonus Award Winner
Genia Kempster, Library Technician for the Medical Center Library
Collection and Technical Services Division, was recently awarded a
Spot Bonus Award. By overcoming serious obstacles to meet a
deadline, Genia demonstrated her exceptional dedication to the Medical
Center Library. She played a key role in getting the EBSCO renewal
invoices processed for payment by the December deadline. Following
their payment in Voyager, Genia photocopied the necessary paperwork
(which was no small task), checked it for accuracy, and put it in order
before sending it to Young for further processing. Congratulations on a
job well done.

News To Use
Movin', Movin', Movin'...
About 250 cartons filled with books and journals moved from the former International Documents and
Research Collections (IDRC) in King Library into the William T. Young Library
over Spring Break! The contents of the Scott and Greenslade (Russian military
history) Collections were transferred to new permanent locations within Young
Library. The monograph collection will be housed in the 2nd floor rotunda and the
unbound journals will be bound and then interfiled into the 3rd floor bound
periodicals collection. Remaining uncataloged volumes were sent to the Cataloging
Department for processing and future shelving in the rotunda. This move results
in an additional, and exciting, dimension to Young Library's holdings!
Young Library Displays International Flags
As one way of participating in the University's 2007 Cultural Diversity Festival, the library's Diversity
Committee arranged for a month-long display of international flags in the foyer of the W. T. Young
Library. Suspended from the 2nd floor balcony railings were the national flags of 23 countries, including the
United States of America. The flags that represented a sample of the home countries of University students,
faculty, and staff were on loan from the UK Office of International
Affairs (OIA). Additional flags from the OIA were displayed
elsewhere on campus and in the community during the Cultural
Diversity month of March. As an aid to visitors viewing the exhibit,
a flier that identified each flag with its country was made
available at the Circulation Desk and the Security station.
Historical Look at UK Libraries
A new exhibit has been installed in the Young Gallery. “A Historical Look at the
University of Kentucky Libraries” was compiled from resources in the Archives, Special
Collections and Digital Programs. The exhibit is not a comprehensive history but meant
to provide a glimpse of the Libraries’ past. It includes historic photographs, Board of
Trustees minutes, a letter to Thomas Clark from Margaret I. King, and other items related
to the library. The exhibit was curated by Deirdre Scaggs and Matt Harris.


� News To Use (Cont)
ARL Director Retiring
Duane Webster, Executive Director of the Association of Research Libraries, has announced his retirement effective in May 2008. The Board of ARL has appointed a
search committee to assist the Board in identifying ARL’s next Executive Director. Brian Schottlaender (California, San Diego) has agreed to chair a search committee.
Joining Brian on the Search Committee are: Shirley Baker (Washington in St. Louis), Carol Diedrichs
(Kentucky), Mark Haslett (Waterloo), Wendy Lougee (Minnesota), Jim Mullins (Purdue), and Jim Neal

UK Librarians Assist Lexington Public Library
Becky Ryder and Bill Marshall, in their positions of preservation librarian and archivist,
respectively, are expected to help save UK's valuable materials, but a few weeks ago
they assisted in saving Lexington's treasures. A leak in a cooling pipe caused a catastrophic flood at the Central Branch of the Lexington Public Library. There was extensive
damage to several floors of the library, but most troubling was the significant damage to the closed
stacks area of the Kentucky Room—the LPL equivalent of our Special Collections. Bill and Becky responded immediately to the public library’s request for their assistance.
Categorizing this as the second worst disaster she had seen (the worst being the Administration Building
fire several years ago), Becky helped triage the damaged collections. She and Bill gave instructions on
treating materials, advised the facilities manager on environmental control, made recommendations regarding restoration companies, and offered moral support. Becky also was able to provide blotter board
that helped in wicking away the water in some of the affected materials. Their expertise coupled with
the quick action of the LPL staff resulted in all the closed stacks material being salvaged.

Jeff Suchanek has assumed the position of Public Policy Archivist in the Archives Department of Special Collections and Digital Programs. The Public Policy Archives preserves the history of Kentucky politics and government. For over fifty years the University of Kentucky Libraries have sought to build one of the finest and most thorough bipartisan collections for public policy research in the United States. Use of the collection
in publications by scholars nationally and internationally testifies to its research value. Jeff's experience and national recognition in this area will assure that the success of the Public Policy Archives
Toni Greider has been selected to receive the 2007 Gamma Sigma Delta Distinguished
Service Award. This award is given by the UK Chapter of this national agricultural organization. The award recognizes a non-alumnus for significant contributions and service to Kentucky agriculture. Congratulations!
Jim Birchfield’s has recently published the book, Clay Lancaster's Kentucky: Architectural Photographs of a Preservation Pioneer. Articles reviewing the book have already
appeared in both the Louisville Courier-Journal and the Lexington Herald-Leader. Mike
Courtney, proprietor of Black Swan Books, thinks this is "the best photographic book The
University Press of Kentucky has produced in terms of picture quality and consistency."


� Spotlight Series
This Spotlight features Mary Vass who will retire after 23 years of
employment at the University of Kentucky Libraries.

Mary Vass, Director, Interdisciplinary Information Literacy
Mary Vass will be retiring on May 25 after almost twenty-three
years of work at the UK Libraries. She started her career as a
bibliographer in the Collection Development department at the King
Library and has been at the Young Library since 2000, first as Team
Leader for Reference and Information Services and then as Director
of the Interdisciplinary Information Literacy unit. However, most of
her time at UK was spent as Head of the Education Library, befitting
of someone who highly values books and learning.
A native of Gate City, Virginia, in the southwestern part of the state,
Mary received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English at
Virginia Tech. While in graduate school, she managed a bookstore
and served as a teaching assistant. After receiving her master’s she
continued at Virginia Tech as an instructor. Mary considered going on for her doctorate but instead opted to attend the
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, where she received her MLS.
Mary has fond memories of working in the Education Library and being part of the branch system. “The people who
work in the branches are so supportive of each other,” she explained. “We would help each other out if a branch was
short-staffed because someone was sick.” She has had numerous student assistants over the years, some of whom she
is still in contact with and two of whom went on to become librarians.
Many things have changed in the Libraries during Mary’s tenure here. She had one of the first desktop computers for
mediated searching. She has stories about how one had to use the receiver of a phone in order to do the first online
searches. In those days she also had to be her own desktop support person, and she became skilled at installing
hardware, software, and troubleshooting problems. The one constant throughout the years has been how much she has
enjoyed working and socializing with her colleagues, both within and outside of UK. Mary has been very active in
professional associations and just completed her term as president of the Kentucky chapter of the Special Libraries
Association. She has also participated in the Kentucky Library Association and looks forward to becoming involved
with the North Carolina Library Association.
Mary keeps busy when she is not at the library. She loves gardening and her workspace is often decorated with fresh
cut flowers she has grown. Hiking is another favorite pastime. She is very active in her church and also does volunteer
work with a local elementary school.
Family is very important to Mary; one of her reasons for accepting a job at UK was that it enabled her to be within
driving distance of her family. She is one of five siblings and has two daughters, Sarah and Katie, three nephews and
one niece. Mary will be adding to her family in April when she marries her fiancé, George.
After her retirement in May, Mary will be moving to Winston-Salem, North Carolina to live with her new husband.
While she will miss Lexington, especially since her daughters live here, she is excited about living in North Carolina.
Winston-Salem is interesting historically and is close to the mountains, where trail opportunities abound. She will also
be much closer to the beach.
She may be retiring from UK, but Mary is not going to stop working entirely. While she is entertaining the notion of
working in a bookstore or going to back to school, she concedes that most likely she will stay in the library world.
“I’ve been doing this too long to switch,” she said.
Farewell, Mary, and best of luck in the next chapter of your life!

� Tech Talk
By Kelly Vickery

Web Two Point Oh!
You may have heard people refer to Web 2.0, and wondered, what exactly is this
brave new world, this second generation World Wide Web, this web two point oh? Is it a
new technology? Are there faster better computers running a new world of high speed connections based on new communications protocols that run from more complex, better engineered integrated circuits? The answer is No; it is none of these. Web 2.0 is certainly technology based; however, it is using much of the same technology that already exists on the
Web 2.0 is more of a social movement than it is a technology. The phrase was first
coined by O'Reilly Media for a series of seminars they held in 2004, and it was an attempt
to describe a new acceptance of Web-based content created through collaboration amongst
communities of users. It is a social phenomenon in that the content, the information and the
presentation, is owned by the user and molded by democratic participation of users in social-networks—networks which require a high level of participation and communication by
members. The technology is built on an architecture that runs applications almost exclusively through web-browsers (not separate software), but this is only a means or a platform
on which the social-networks can be formed. The technology provides both the means of
communication within the social-network and the presentation of information to viewers.
Much like the English language—or any language—is formed by common usage, so too in
Web 2.0, the content is provided by the community and is formed through participation by
the users: by you. Web 2.0 is the reason Time Magazine made You its 2006 person-of-theyear (the picture was a very good likeness of You, don't you think?)
Needless to say, there can be problems with information founded on sites built by
real-time community entry—veracity not being the least of these problems. I will not try to
defend Web 2.0 practice in this column—such a defense would take a book, nor would I
ever defend some of the information that can be found in Web 2.0 services—some of it is
indefensible. The key is the same when presented with any information and that is to use
critical thinking when reading.
Examples of Web 2.0 sites have been shared from this column in the past—Blogs,
MySpace, FaceBook, and Second Life—but I would like to share two examples that you
might find particularly useful.

del.icio.us: For Bookmarks or Favorites

Have you ever been away from your work or home computer and wanted to get to
that perfect website that you saved in your favorites last week, but you simply cannot remember, nor find the site now. Then consider using Del.icio.us. Del.icio.us allows you to
keep, import, and export your browser favorites on their website. You can organize, describe and tag your bookmarks in depth, and you can share them with others or keep them
private. Also you may search bookmarks shared by others.
Flickr. For Photographs

Have a sudden need to see a variety of pictures of beautiful world locations -- the
Queen Victoria HooDoo in Bryce Canyon, or St. Basils in the Kremlin, or the Sha Tin Race
Track in Hong Kong – then search my friend Flickr. Do you have pictures of unusual
places like Waverly Hills Sanatorium, the Sewers of Paris, or Chernobyl? Then share them
with others on Flickr. Yahoo's Flickr is a Web 2.0 platform on which users may collect and
share their photographs, and view and comment on the photographs of others.

� Newsletter Staff

What’s Coming Up?
April 2 ISI Lazerow Lecture presented by Dr. Carol Kuhlthau of Rutgers
University, Noon to 1 p.m. in the Niles Gallery at the Little Fine Arts Library.

Editor: Jessica Hughes
257-0500 x 2159
Cindy Cline

April 3 KLA Webinar: Kentucky Libraries and Google, 11 a.m., contact 257-9421
Christian DiCarlo at dicarlo@google.com for more information.
Laura Hall

April 10 UK Records Program Webinars on basic records operations
including what to file, how to file it, and how to remove files no longer
needed for current business. Seminars will be 9:50 to 11:30 at the W. T.
Young Library Auditorium . Contact Nancy Demarcus at nancyd@uky.edu
if you are able to attend.
April 11 Library Associates Annual Dinner Meeting, featuring guest
speaker Erik Reece author of Lost Mountain at the Lafayette Club, Downtown, Lexington. For ticket information contact Bill Marshall at 859-2578371 or e-mail wjmars01@email.uky.edu
April 13 The Best of the Web Teleconference, Noon to 1:30 p.m. at the
William T. Young B108-C.
April 15-21 National Library Week
April 18-20 2007 Joint Spring Conference KLA Academic and Special
Sections and the Kentucky Chapter of SLA, Kentucky Libraries: Connecting with Colleagues & Customers, Hilton Cincinnati Airport, Florence,

Did You Know…
The 15th anniversary of Staff Appreciation Day will be located in the Student Center on Wednesday, May 23,
2007 from 10:30 AM-1:30PM. UK
staff will be treated to their choice of
lunch provided by UK Dining. There
will also be free candy, live music, Tshirts and fabulous door prizes.
Lunch options include: hamburger/
cheeseburger/chicken fingers and fries from Champions' Grill, salad
from Greens-n-Things, burrito and chips and salsa from Burritos Azul
Grande, Chinese option from Sichuan Grill or pizza from UK Catering,
plus unlimited fountain drinks and bottled water.
For additional information or to Volunteer you may go to the website

257-0500 x 2119
Cheri Daniels

257-0500 x 2080
Dennis Davenport
Deirdre Scaggs
Donors: OTS Board
Spotlight: Laura Hall
Tech Talk: Kelly Vickery
Agriculture Information Center:
Dennis Davenport
Chemistry/Physics Library:
Cheri Daniels
Design Library: Cheri Daniels
Education Library: Laura Hall
Engineering Library:
Dennis Davenport
Equine Research Library:
Dennis Davenport
Fine Arts Library: Deirdre Scaggs
Geological Sciences and Map Library: Deirdre Scaggs
Health Information Library:
Cindy Cline
IDRC: Deirdre Scaggs
KY Transportation Center:
Dennis Davenport
Law Library: Cheri Daniels
Math Library: Dennis Davenport
Medical Center Library:
Cindy Cline
Medical Center AV Library
Cindy Cline
Special Collections & Digital Programs: Deirdre Scaggs
Young Library: Laura Hall
Web Site/ Graphics:
Dennis Davenport
Newsletter submissions are due by
the 15th of the month.

