xt71zc7rp862 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71zc7rp862/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1937 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XIII, No. 1, Summer 1937 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XIII, No. 1, Summer 1937 1937 1937 2014 true xt71zc7rp862 section xt71zc7rp862 · The Quarterly Bulletin of
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The FI‘0llt1€1‘ Nl11‘SlIlg Servnee, Inc.
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R. C. Ballard Thruston, left; Mary Breckinridge and Tom Wallace, editor  
of The Louisville Times, were among those who received honorary degrees g
Tuesday night from the University of Louisville. Raymond A. Kent, right. P
president of the university, conferred the degrees.-—-By courtesy of the Q;
Louisville C'0uri6r-Journal.  
Published quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Lexington, Ky.
“Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at
Lexington, Ky., under the Act of March 3, 1879.”
Copyright 1937 Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. ·

 . To the Officers and Trustees,
 I. Frontier Nursing Service, Incorporated,
_ I   Lexington, Kentucky.
 ‘ Ladies and Gentlemen:
  We have made a detailed examination of your records and
 ‘ accounts for the fiscal year ended April 30th, 1937, with the
  result as disclosed on the annexed Exhibits, A, B, and C, and
  supporting Schedules B-1 to B-5, both inclusive.
  Endowment and Memorial Funds, together with the income
 I therefrom, were certified to us by the various Trustees therefor.
 S Contributions and gifts, in cash, have been checked against the
 ; Treasurer’s receipts and reports and traced into the bank.
  All disbursements have been verified by means of canceled
 fg checks and supporting vouchers, and the bank accounts have
  been reconciled and found correct. In our opinion all monies
 F received have been duly and properly accounted for.
  During the year there was a reduction of $7,570.74 in the
 5+* current indebtedness; an increase of $26,145.42 in land, build-
  ings and equipment; an increase of $65,500.00 in endowment;
 ` and an increase of $3,148.59 in cash reserves at the end of the
 ` year. It is apparent, therefore, that during the year the Service
  has increased the scope of its future usefulness by more than
 y  $100,000.00. This is truly a remarkable achievement and we
Q, congratulate you upon its accomplishment.
 " _ Respectfully submitted,
  Certified Public Accountants.
  Lexington, Kentucky.
{ May Twenty-second, ·
E Nineteen Thirty-seven. i

May 1, 1936, to April 30, 1937
For the sixth consecutive year we condense our annual A
report to reduce the cost of printing. There follows a summary G `
of the fiscal year which closed April 30, 1937, both as to funds · A
and as to the work.
FISCAL Rnroms l
We received this year from all sources, including donations l
and subscriptions, nursing, medical and hospital fees, investment
income, the Alpha Omicron Pi Social Service fund, sales of
books, revenue from the Wendover Post Office, the Director’s i
lecture fees, benefits, and refunds, but exclusive of $20,593.39 in
new land, buildings, and equipment, and exclusive of $65,500
new endowment, a total for running expenses and retirement Q
of debt of $101,916.87; the total receipts for all purposes were {
$188,010.26 _
For the first time in several years, our revenue met the ,
budget spontaneously, with a margin over for retirement of  
indebtedness. The budget has been balanced, of course, during `
these lean years, but entirely because some of our trustees have
met the deficits, and also because of long continued self sacrifice  
on the part of the staff. At the annual meeting of the trustees, ?l T
members, and friends of the Frontier Nursing Service, all present  
united in thanksgiving for the blessings of the past year and in {
renewed dedication for the year to come. We hope that our  `
revenues this year will be sufficient to enable us at the close of ,
the current fiscal year to print our audit in full, as we did during  
all of the early years, so that those who are not able to attend  
the annual meeting, and hear the treasurer read the audit, may  i
. have the detailed information sent them. 1
l In this connection, we want to remind our subscribers that  
from the first year of our existence, namely 1925-26, when our r

 FRONTIER Nuasmc smavicn 3
_ budget was only $11,000, we have had a complete system of
< accounting for each donation. Our treasurer is president of one
  of the largest trust companies in Kentucky, and we have had an
annual audit by certified accountants from the very beginning.
Our fiscal affairs have, therefore, been upon as good a basis
  from the beginning as they are now. Our auditors early put
  into operation the system of the duplicate numbered receipt
  with which our members are familiar. For every receipt sent
— you a carbon copy with exactly the same number is retained
at by the treasurer. These are checked against the bank state-
_ ments by the auditors, and each one accounted for. In addition,
_, there is a complete set of books kept on all receipts, as well as
i on all expenditures, and expenditures are checked by vouchers
‘ and cancelled checks.
l The total number of subscribers to the Frontier Nursing
Service during the past Hscal year was 2,214, the largest number
we have ever had. This figure includes 1,773 old donors, and
i 441 new donors. We extend our very special thanks to our
Cincinnati chairman, Mr. J. M. Hutton, and to the law firm
of Ernst, Cassatt, and Cottle for their voluntary services in con-
Q nection with the legacy from the Augusta T. Errett Estate in
{ Cincinnati.
  The Frontier Nursing Service again increased its endow-
` ment by a substantial sum during the past year. Our endowment
figures at the close of the fiscal year were as follows:
  Joan Glancy Memorial .o._................r......_....,_ $ 5,000.00
V  Mary Ballard Morton Memorial ......,...,......... 53,024.53
' Belle Barrett Hughitt Memorial ..........,....... 15,000.00
 i Jessie Preston Draper Memorial Fund No. 1 15,000.00
l Jessie Preston Draper Memorial Fund No. 2 50,000.00
  Isabelle George Jeffcott Memorial ......,......... 2,500.00
l General Endowment (Anonymous—from
 i "A Friend") .........r.................................. 63,000.00
{ $203,524.53
V Since the year closed we have received an additional ten thousand

` dollars general endowment through the will of the late Mrs. ,
Marion Taylor of Louisville, Kentucky. We have also received ,
notification that we are included in the legacies of the late Mrs. i
Elizabeth Nixon Billings of Cleveland, Ohio. Our existing en-
dowments represent gifts from friends in Detroit, Louisville,
Chicago, New England, Washington, and New York. They are  
represented by trust funds held with the Security Trust Company _  _,
of Lexington, Kentucky, the United States Trust Company of $
Louisville, Kentucky, the Guaranty Trust Company of New t
York, and a group of trustees selected by the anonymous donor v _
of $63,000 in New York. The income from these investments .
is now a vital asset towards our budget. We urge our friends {
wherever possible to set up an endowment in their lifetime l
suHicient to represent at least a part of their annual gift to the .
Frontier Nursing Service. Our chairman has for years been  
building up an endowment annually, and all of the officers of j
the Frontier Nursing Service feel that the time has come to ,
make a very real effort to establish a fund of sufficient size  4
to enable us to carry the work of this unique demonstration  »
without annual appeals. ..
In addition to this endowment, the Frontier Nursing Service  `,
owns realty, equipment, and livestock conservatively estimated 4
by our auditors at $209,60456, all without lien. No mortgage  ,
has ever been placed against any of the Frontier Nursing Service  
land or buildings, even during our leanest years. The Frontier {
Nursing Service is still indebted to its trustees for the sum of .£`
$23,000, and to its staff, after allowing for a one-third cut in  
salary, for the sum of $19,215.55. Both of these indebtednesses  
have been reduced in size, and each year’s budget allows for a {
, further reduction. It is due only to the generosity of both 1
trustees and stai during our lean years that so young an or- ,
ganization as the Frontier Nursing Service was able .to tide  
over the years of depression.  
{Z Our grateful thanks are due the chairmen of a number of i
  the Frontier Nursing Service city committees for the benefits .
ig and the special appeals by means of which they raised additional  
l l
| l

 { FRONTIER NURSING smavrcic 5
* funds during the past year. New York and Kentucky, as is
5 usual, competed for the first place in the total amount raised,
I Kentucky contributing $18,363.19, and New York, $18,305.49.
The two other committees which contributed the largest amounts
{ were Cincinnati, $8,934.50, and Pittsburgh, $8,194.00. After
the fiscal year closed, however, Pittsburgh added still another
  $1,000 to her contributions. Our special Christmas and spring
l saddlebag appeal brought in $7,675.50. The months during
** which we receive the largest number of contributions are May
 · (the first month in our fiscal year), December, and April (the
 I last month of our fiscal year). Our leanest months are always
 E those of March, July, August and September. We have not,
l however, found it necessary during the past two years to send
 g out a special summer appeal. We do make an honest effort not
J to badger our friends; and our filing clerk invariably answers a
1 letter requesting that no appeal be sent, and as invariably re-
1 moves the name of the person writing from our appeal list.
_ In the case of regular subscribers who are members of the
9 Frontier Nursing Service, we send an annual reminder when
_ their contributionis due, and a request for toys for the children
 ] at Christmas; but, except in a crisis, we do not send a special
 · appeal to a current subscriber. We wish to extend our grateful
 j · thanks to those members who have for years regularly sup-
i ported a nurse, her horse, and supplies.
  The field nurses carried during the year a total of 7,412
lt people in 1,480 families. Of these 4,535 were children, including
i` 2,007 babies and toddlers. Bedside nursing care was given to
l 312 very sick people, of whom 17 died. The district nurses paid
  17,080 visits and received 25,913 visits at nursing centers. The
i Frontier Nursing Service Hospital at Hyden was occupied 4,340
1 days by 414 patients. There were sent to hospitals and institu-
5 tions outside the mountains 26 patients, 25 of whom, with their
 l attendants, were transported on passes given us by the Louis-
l ville and Nashville Railroad Company.
i Under the direction of the State Board of Health, the
 ! Service gave 7,341 inoculations and vaccines against typhoid.

l diphtheria, smallpox, etc., and sent 453 specimens out for {
analysis. _ {
We held during the year 182 field clinics with an attendance §
of 5,247 people. it
The nurse-midwives delivered 329 women in childbirth of  
322 live babies, 10 stillbirths, and 4 late miscarriages; and gave J
them full prenatal and postpartum care. There were no maternal ·f 
deaths. There were seven sets of twins. There were 375 new  i
cases admitted and 327 closed after postpartum care.  
In addition to our regular cases, the nurse-midwives were
called to twelve emergency deliveries where the mother had not
been registered or given prenatal care; 7 miscarriages (unregis- _
tered cases); and they gave postpartum care to four unregis- _
tered mothers. In this group there was one set of twins.  I
There were 19 outside area cases, of which 10 were de- I 
livered in the Hyden Hospital. In this group there were two  .
sets of twins.
Dr. R. L. Collins and Dr. J. E. Hagen, of Hazard, Ken-  
tucky, performed numerous operations during the year, those  
on indigent people as a courtesy to the Service. None of the  ’
doctors in the various cities, to whom we sent patients, made l 
any charges for their services. Our regular medical service H 
was carried by our own medical director, Dr. John H. Kooser.  
(Alpha Omicron Pi Fund)
_ Service and aid have been given in connection with the
  following numbers and types of 'cases: ,
  Dependent and neglected children: 11 cases  
if Handicapped children: 14 cases  
E ‘ l

 · Fnonrmn NURSING smzvrcm 7
s Medical-Social cases: 40 cases: of these—12 were sent to
A "outside" hospitals, 26 were given service of other
E Family casework on a fairly intensive basis was carried on
* in connection with 4 cases
 .w Services too varied for classification were given in 42 cases. _
  Service has also been given in connection with the following
. community activities:
  ' Sewing classes
j Circulating libraries
- Christmas celebrations
County Red Cross Chapter V
Tuberculosis Seal Sale Campaign
— The social service director has, in the course of the year, en-
 · gaged also in the following activities:
 A She spoke at the Ohio State Meeting of the Alpha Omicron
A Pi, and the Regional Conference of Mountain Workers,
 l at Quicksand, Kentucky. She wrote three magazine
n articles concerning the work of her department.
 I In October, 1936, she became the Treasurer of the Ken-
{ tucky Conference of Social Work.
 ' CoNcLUs1oN
i ‘ In concluding this report of our twelfth fiscal year, we
 J- want to remind our friends again of the purpose for which the
l Frontier Nursing Service stands. The splendid work, for which
` we extend our grateful thanks, of the staff—doctor, district
nurse-midwives, hospital and administrative group and courier
service—tl1e unswerving cooperation and loyalty of both our
outside and our local committees, and of our thousands of
patients, all this has more than a purely local purpose. Even
p _ our patients realize that the Frontier Nursing Service came into
 3 existence to work out among actual human beings a method for
g reaching the isolated mother and child and sick person which l
  will some day be applicable to every other remote American

A frontier. We are realists, not theorists. We were not interested .
in expensive city offices and a paper program advising people l
what to do. We selected a typically isolated region and set ·
about doing it. Our ultimate purpose will be met when we have J
the funds for the support of our demonstration area, plus a  
training field to teach other doctors and nurses our remotely rural "
technique. ‘  "
From Porto Rico to Alaska, on the Indian reservations,
along the Mexican border, in America’s other far flung fron-
tiers, work like ours is needed. Other agencies, both religious ,  `
and secular, are interested in these lonely outposts of American _
life. We hope the day is not distant when we can give their {
personnel the graduate training in saddlebag and cabin tech- .
nique to meet the demands made upon them, and answer their  ,
appeals to us. Our purpose remains what it always has been, ·
namely to do our work so well, report it so accurately, account  .
for its funds so honestly, that it will be a model to be copied else- Y
where. And, further, to extend our usefulness by training others.  i
We will leaveito the agencies already interested the problem of  .
support of their own personnel. What we want to give them  
are people thoroughly prepared to do the work in every lonely  
outpost, from the tropics to the icelands, where the American I
flag should bring protection for the sick, the expectant mother,
the little child.
MRs. S. THRUsToN BALLARD, Chairman. .3
C. N. MANNING, Treasurer.  
Quoted by our treasurer, when he dropped a blot of ink  l
on a particularly liberal check for the Frontier Nursing Service:  
"I never had a piece of toast, _ i
‘ Particularly broad and wide, ,
y But what it dropped on the sanded floor,  i
  And on the buttered side!"
l= ’ l

 · rnonrmn Nuasmo smzviciz 9
 ‘ There has to be a first time for everything. Labor Day was
. ,, set as the time for Hazard’s first Coal Carnival. For months,
Y Perry County made preparations for the great event. For
days, Hyden and Wendover looked forward particularly to one
 _ phase of it—Hazard had invited the Frontier Nursing Service
Z, to ride in its parade.
I Since the entertainment was necessarily planned for the
3 open, it was most essential that the weather be favorable. The
 i heavy downpour on Sunday made everyone uneasy lest the rain
 4 continue during Labor Day on Monday. Aside from light
W showers now and then during the next morning, however, the
T weather was quite nice. As a matter of fact, the cloudiness
 1 overhead was preferable to the blazing sun.
 . By nine o’clock, the streets were already packed with
  thousands of people. The crowd grew as the day advanced until
  there must have been at least 35,000 persons altogether. This
I isn’t a random guess but an estimate made by a man who has
had much experience in the matter of crowds and is an able
judge——Mr. J. W. Thompson of the Thompson Float Company.
Q With the varied forms of amusement, time couldn’t have
 ,· hung heavily on anybody’s hands. I can only account, however,
  for a few of the events enjoyed by a few of the members of
 i v · the F. N. S.
_° Wendover arose at five o’clock and at half past five was
 i on its way to the Head of Hurricane with Kermit and the four
 j horses which were to be in the parade. Walter Begley backed his
 , truck up to an embankment where the horses were easily
 ! loaded—Babbette, Bonnie, Flint and Gloria. With Kermit there
  to quiet their fears, they didn’t seem greatly to mind the long
I trip to Hazard. If horses could speak the human language, I
T am sure they would have assured us that any discomfort oc-
Y casioned by riding in the truck was quickly forgotten in their ‘
 I enjoyment of the abundance of green grass found in the ball

A park near Hazard where they awaited their part in the day’s
festivities. Having "parked" our saddlebags with their contents y
of horse brushes, combs, clean shirts, and the like in the base-
ment of a nearby garage (whose proprietor was most kind in
granting this favor), we had to find out our instructions as to
our part in the parade. Imagine our surprise in all of that
mob to run into the one person we needed most to see-our  
· Hazard chairman, Mr. Judy. He assured us that the only in- j
struction we needed was to be on hand at the ball park at I
one o’clock in order to take our place in the line of parade. In ‘  .
the meantime, we were free to do as we pleased. I
There was quite a variety of entertainment at the grand-
stand——band music, speaking, solos, duets, tap-dancing, and
the like. But one must eat! And Mrs. L. H. Stiles had invited
the whole Frontier Nursing Service to a buffet luncheon at her
home where we gathered at twelve o’clock. Feeling much re- `
freshed with both the food and hospitality of the Stiles, we `
left about an hour later in order to prepare for the parade
which was made up of about fifty units in its mile or more.
The Frontier Nursing Service held position No. 9-—directly
behind the Fish and Game Float. Perhaps Babbette who led
the way felt quite at home behind this particular type of float, i
recognized as friends the dog and raccoon and refused to get .
the least bit excited even though Mac who- rode her carried a . 
p big banner in the form of the F. N. S. seal. Bonnie, much to  4,
Vanda’s delight, arched her back and pranced like a show J ,
horse. Flint and Gloria acted as if parades were common, every- Q
day occurrences to them—showing much less excitement than  i` 
their riders felt. With Kermit on hand lest the horses become  ’)
frightened and a courier leading each horse, it isn’t to be .
wondered at that the horses felt so much "at home".
After the parade, the F. N. S. returned home in relays.  
Some went immediately in the truck with the horses, some had
early dinner before leaving, others stayed for a movie and the  i
 . fireworks. Everyone agreed that Hazard’s first Coal Carnival R ¤
{ was a huge success and that having had a part in its celebra- I
i tion is an honor to the Service.  i
T; LUoiLE Honors.

 FRoN1·1ER NURSING smwxcm 11
If any one had told us a month ago that Wendover would
be the proud possessor of a lovely new eleven-foot kerosene-
operated Electrolux, we would have said it was impossible, for
I  how could any of our friends on the outside know how much
we wanted one? And how could we ever consider such a thing
. as buying one out of the budget, even if we could afford it?—
 ` which we couldn’t. And so summer after summer, year after
year, individually and collectively, we have longed for a re-
frigerator, without once entertaining the hope that we should
some day really have one.
This summer, as always, the butter, sent by parcel post
· from Lexington, could not be kept in the stone "cool house" for
· more than twenty-four hours without its becoming rancid and
sometimes even moldy; and the morning’s milk soured before
 I dinner. And then one Monday morning Mr. Smith of the Maytag
h Company in Hazard arrived at Wendover and asked where we
 Q wanted the Electrolux he had for us. Such excitement as he
caused! The Electrolux couldn’t be for us——it had not been
ordered. But Mr. Smith insisted that it was bought and paid
‘ for, and he had instructions to bring it to Wendover. Still un-
 —_ convinced, Ann called me in Hazard, where Willeford and I had
;_  gone for the day, to find out if by any chance we knew anything
l l about it. Willeford and I were both non-plussed, but we would
 A go around to the Maytag office and find out who had ordered
U Vi the Electrolux, and if it could have been sent us by mistake. We
 I got the same answer—it had been bought and paid for, and
l they had been requested not to divulge the name of the donor.
y We came home, fearful lest it should prove to be a fanciful
$ dream rather than an actuality. But not so. One look at Mrs.
Duvall, who has struggled for years to plan summer meals
 h without the convenience of refrigeration, told us that our dream
 ,1 had come true. She, with all the others who had witnessed
1 the actual installation of it in the morning, ushered us to the
back porch; and there it was in all its beauty and loveliness.
. Already the milk and the butter and the eggs were getting cold; `

A and there was space left for meat, and plenty of ice for cold
water in hot weather. All of us stood almost reverently before .
this Electrolux, admiring it, wondering who could have been .
so wonderful as to give it to us, and experiencing such a thrill
as few surprises have given us.
It doesn’t seem right not to be able to express to the donor
our profound and grateful thanks for such a longed-for and ·.
useful gift; but we hope that the silent thanks from the bottom I
of our hearts has reached out to him, and that somehow he will ‘
know and understand how deeply it is appreciated by all of us. 4
After two weeks of cold and rain, yesterday, Saturday, was .
really a very nice day and we had a good number at our chil-
dren’s party—140 children, 18 mothers or adults and two babies,
making 160 in all, besides two couriers and two nurses. Although
I said the party would be after dinner, they began coming at —
10 A. M. We took weights, heights, chest measurements and
inspected teeth and tonsils of practically all the children. A very
few escaped without this attention, but not because we intended
they should. Fanny played some games with them, then we
took some pictures and finally gave each one a little colored  t
cup of home made candy, a little store candy and two or three "
I cookies, also a cup of pink lemonade-and balloons. We also
allowed the children to take balloons home to the little children gl
who couldn’t come——in all we used up at least 250 balloons.  f
I The yard looked so colorful after they had had their bal1oons—
also the road as they started home with them. I feel it wasla
very successful party indeed and the children on the whole were .
shining clean and all dressed up.-Eva Gilbert. .
I "The F. N. S. Bulletin arrived today—packed full of news.
H It’s an awfully good number this time. They are always such   .
  a joy to receive."—Excerpt from letter of Carmen Mumford. I
li s
` A

 FRONTIER Nuasmo smnvrom 13
A midwifery call came one day when I was at the opposite
end of my district. I hurried back, collected my bags, and
 Ai arrived at the house about three minutes after the baby’s
_ first cry. . -
_, Both patients were in good condition and after quickly pre-
paring my set-up I separated the baby. Immediately after the
placenta had come, there was a gush of blood, followed by a
steady `ilow. I gave the medication of our Routine by mouth
and by hypodermic as quickly as I could, and tried to get the
uterus under control. In a very short time the haemorrhage
stopped, but not before the three neighbor women were
_ all running around. One, a local midwife, brought me cloths
wrung out in cold water to put on the patient’s abdomen—the
only method of control that she knew. The patient’s· mother-
in-law sent the husband running a mile up the creek to a man
who is supposed to be able to control bleeding by absent treat-
ment. The other woman, my patient’s sister, assisted me.
My patient was pulseless, cold, and without any color. She
behaved splendidly. Only once did she cry out, "I feel numb.
i Oh, God, help meI" Silently I, too, prayed for help.
‘ The nearest telephone was four miles away, and Dr. Kooser `
l" twenty miles. Up the creek three-fourths of a mile was a man
who owned a truck, and to him I sent the mother-in-law with
 _ word to come at once. The sister who, fortunately for me, could
 Y write, took down a message for help.
By this time the haemorrhage was under control, and I
was commencing treatment for shock—heat, rectal saline, cofee,
and elevation of the foot of the bed. I gave the stimulant by
. hypodermic authorized by our Medical Advisory Committee, in
 i our Routine, for this emergency, after I was sure there would
i be no more bleeding.
. Much more quickly than I dreamed possible, my patient
. ‘ revived; and by the time the truck arrived her pulse was fairly
A strong and only 100. Her lips were pink, and she was wanting

 14 THE oinmrmnny BULLETIN
to talk. Luckily she called for water, and we gave her all she
wanted, while keeping her perfectly quiet.
Later she retained the saline, was able to drink coffee and
water; and her pulse had improved so much that I did not send
for Dr. Kooser, but kept the man sitting in his truck until the
emergency was definitely over.
When the husband returned, I asked, out of curiosity, what I ,
had happened at the house of the man he visited. All he had ·
been told was to go home—all would be over. Long before he <
had arrived at that house all must have been over, one way or  
the other.
I stayed three hours,·and satisfied that all would .be well,
I came home to report to the doctor and midwifery supervisor.
What I could not report was my feeling when I heard the drip,
drip of blood flowing from the rubber sheet to the floor.
In appreciation, one of those women said to me on my next i
visit, "If it wan’t for the Service, I declare, I don’t know what
the women in this county would do."  B
Estimated haemorrhage, 48 ozs.
Clara Ford Center on Red Bird River.
Our telephone messages often have to be relayed through I
i more than one person. It makes you think of the old whispering  ,
  game where a complicated sentence goes around a circle and Li;
comes out, oh, so diEerent from the mouth of the last person. _ i\
Lately one of the nurses at an outpost center started a message ,·
I to headquarters at Wendover, the gist of which was: "The wife  i
of Bill Couch has the palsy." The message arrived at Wendover
p as follows: "The milk of Blinkie, the cow, is paltry."
i There once was a plesiosaurus
‘ Who lived when the earth was all porous.  
I But it fainted with shame y
Q When it first heard its name
  And departed long ages before us.  
li:. ·
l i
5 S

 FRoN1·1m1>. Nunsme smnvrcm is
Life is full of surprises. Little did I know that I should
one day be designated as a "horse doctor." Mary and Lois, the
.7 nurses at Brutus, thus exalted my status in foretelling my
. arrival. Speaking of arrival—I drove over to Bullskin Creek
~. from Hyden in a car, with Mary, who had left a patient at the
  hospital. "My kingdom for a horse." The car lurched drunkenly
over the bumps, while Mary gazed apprehensively over the
side. From my safety point on the inner side I calmly remarked,
"Well, if we go over the edge, we do, and that’s all there is to
it." In spite of this fatalistic quietude, a small black mule
beneath me, after we left the car and remount_ed animals, felt
like the rock of Gibraltar. Rock is quite appropriate, as I was
also sitting on a sack of potatoes which Mary’s horse had
‘ efficiently shied off her back.
"Pinafore" was my patient. Our best diagnosis was that
_ she had been quicked by a nail. The baffling aspect was that
nothing showed on the hoof. I had had visions of an incessant
struggle to keep her hoof in a bucket. Quite the contrary,
A "Pinny" stood like a lamb while I held a book in one hand and
L - a kettle of hot water in the other. I was frequently entertained
. by the sound of singing, which I discovered came from the
"X  porch of Frank’s house directly below the stable, in the valley.
{T} Unfortunately, strain as I could, I couldn’t catch the words.
. \ Now and then I distinguished "altar" and "wedding bells." No
,· doubt it was a ballad on the eternal theme.
Life was enlivened at Brutus by a very busy week of de-
liveries for the nurses. Also, there was the continual struggle
 . to get butter from Manchester, "Blinkie"