xt71zc7rnh95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71zc7rnh95/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1968-02-feb13. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1968-02-feb13. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1968-02-feb13. 1968 1968-02-feb13. 2011 true xt71zc7rnh95 section xt71zc7rnh95 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, February 13, 1968

      In accordance with action taken by the Board of Trustees on May 2, 1967
which established monthly meetings of the Board of Trustees during the academic
year, the Board met on Tuesday, February 13, 1968, at 2:00 o'clock, Eastern
Standard Time, in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the campus
with the following members present: Governor Louie B. Nunn, Chairman, Dr.
Ralph Angelucci, Vice Chairman, Mr. Sam Ezelle, Secretary, Mr. William Black,
Mr. Smith Broadbent, former Governor A. B. Chandler, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr.
George W. Griffin, Mr. J. Robert Miller, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, and non-voting
faculty member, Professor Paul Oberst. Absent were Mrs. Rexford Blazer, Mr.
Wendell P. Butler, Mr. Richard Cooper, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Mr. B. Hudson
Milner, and non-voting faculty member, Professor Stephen Diachun. President
John W. Oswald and Vice Presidents A. D. Albright, William R. Willard, Robert
F. Kerley, Glenwood L. Creech and Robert L. Johnson represented the adminis-
tration. Members of the news media were in attendance as was Mr. Steve Cook,
President of the Student Government Association.

      A. Meeting Opened

      Since both members of the Board and representatives of the news media
were present, Governor Nunn called the meeting to order at 1:55 p.m. The
invocation was pronounced by Mr. William R. Black. The secretary reported ten
voting members present which constituted a quorum and the chairman declared
the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 2:00 p.m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       Noting that there were three sets of Minutes before the Board for approval,
Governor Nunn first called for a motion on the Minutes of the January 12, 1968
meeting of the Board of Trustees. Dr. Angelucci moved that the reading of the
Minutes be dispensed with and that the Minutes be approved as published. The
motion was seconded by former Governor Chandler, and passed without dissent.

       Governor Nunn then called for a motion covering the Minutes of the Special
Called Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees on November
27, 1967 and the meeting of the Board of Trustees on December 12, 1967 which
was adjourned because of the lack of a quorum. Mr. Ezelle moved that the reading
of the Minutes be dispensed with and that the November 27, 1967 and December 12,
1967 Minutes be approved as published. The motion was seconded by Dr. Denham
and without dissent it was so ordered.


      C. President's Report to the Trustees

      Dr. Oswald discussed briefly the items contained in PR 1, President's
Report to the Trustees, noting that as usual the report was merely a presentation
of representative activities of interest to the Board. Governor Nunn asked what
financial commitment the University had in connection with the Thailand project
and was told that it was sponsored by the Agency for International Development and
all expenses were paid by the Agency. He also asked if the 1, 200 increase in en-
rollment was primarily in the freshman class and Dr. Oswald replied that it was
primarily at the upper division level, reflecting the transfer of students from the
Community College System.

      Having determined that there were no additions to the report, Governor Nunn
accepted the report and ordered it filed.

       D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       Dr. Oswald indicated that the items contained in the President's Report for
February were concerned with personnel matters only. He called particular at-
tention to the appointment of two new department chairmen, Dr. Stephen Diachun
as Chairman of the Department of Plant Pathology and Dr. Leonard V. Packett as
Chairman of the newly established Department of Nutrition and Food Science; and
the reappointment of Dr. George Schwert as Chairman of the Department of
Biochemistry. His recommendation was that the report be accepted as presented
but indicated his willingness to answer any questions before action was takenr.

       There being no questions, Governor Nunn called for a motion. Mr. Black
moved that PR 2, recommendations of the President, be approved as a whole and
made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. Dr. Denham seconded his
motion which passed unanimously. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       The next item listed on the agenda was PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations
of the President. Dr. Oswald reported that there were no additional recommen-
dations to be submitted at the February 13 meeting.

       F. Approval of Degree Candidates (PR 4a

       The names of candidates for degrees submitted in PR 4 represented those
persons who had completed requirements for degrees in December, 1967. The list
having been submitted in advance to the Board, there was no discussion and the
motion was made by former Governor Chandler, seconded by Dr. Angelucci and



passed that the list of candidates as submitted be approved and that the President be
authorized and directed to confer upon each the degree to which he or she is entitled
at the commencement exercises in May, 1968. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       G. Organization of Student Affairs (PR 5)

       In March, 1967 the administrative structure of the Office of the Vice
President for Student Affairs was reorganized and the positions of Dean of Students
and three Associate Deans of Students were established. At the time of the re-
organization, Mr. jghnson, Vice President for Student Affairs, was also named
Dean of Students in order to give him time to assess his office organization, both
as to personnel and as to work flow. A year's experience definitely shows that the
position of Dean of Students should be separate from that of the Vice President for
Student Affairs.

       The recommendation made to the Board that Mr. Jack Hall be named Dean
of Students and that Mr. Joe Burch be named Assistant to the Vice President for
Student Affairs would involve merely the activation of a position presently establish-
ed and funded, in the case of Mr. Hall, and the retitling of a position, in the case of
Mr. Burch. Both Mr. Hall and Mr. Burch have demonstrated their ability to carry
out the responsibilities of their respective positions and President Oswald strongly
endorsed the recommendation made by Vice President Johnson and his staff.

       Mr. Steve Cook, the President of Student Government, who is invited as the
representative of the student body to sit in at all meetings of the Board of Trustees,
was called on for comments on the recommended changes in the Student Affairs
organization but was not in attendance. Governor Nunn requested that the record
show that student opinion was sought before action was taken but that the student
representative was not present to comment.

       Governor Chandler expressed his feeling that the activation of the position
of Dean of Students was most desirable and that Mr. Hall's qualifications fitted him
admirably for the position. He, therefore, moved approval of the recommendation
that Mr. Jack Hall be named Dean of Students and Mr. Joe Burch be appointed
Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Ezelle and was passed unanimously. -See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       H. Agreement with the Blue Grass School for Retarded Children
Approved (PR 6)

       Dr. Willard indicated that the Medical Center has recognized for some time
its responsibility to handicapped children but it has also recognized that help which
these children need goes beyond its resources and that other disciplines and
agencies must be involved. It has, therefore, been deemed desirable to work Wv'th



the Blue Grass Association for Retarded Children and the Fayette County Board of
Education in order to develop a program which would meet the needs of handicaped
children, especially the mentally retarded, and would provide essential resources
on the most economical basis and with the least duplication of effort. He pointed
out that the University's involvement would consist in providing definitive medical,
surgical, psychiatric and educational services necessary and would not carry any
financial obligation per se. Mr. Ezelle, because of his long-time interest in this
program, said he would like to make the motion that the proposed affiliation agree-
ment between the Fayette County Board of Education, the University of Kentucky,
and the Blue Grass Association for Retarded Children, Inc., a copy of which is
attached as part of PR 6 at the end of the Minutes, be approved. Dr. Nicholas
seconded his motion.

       In discussion which followed, Governor Chandler asked whether at some
later time specific contracts might be made? Dr. Willard said it was not proposed
to have contracts with the School per se but that the School would probably be used
as classrooms for teacher training with the Medical Center providing diagnostic
and medical resources. He did not foresee any direct financial obligation. Governor
Nunn indicated that since he had become Governor he had received indications of
widespread concern on the part of interested citizens for an appropriation for the
Blue Grass School and, recognizing the importance and significance of this School,
he had responded to their wishes. Further contractual relationships may be de-
pendent upon the Legislature. He suggested that members of the Board might
indicate their interest in the School to the Legislature. Governor Chandler, noting
that this was an affiliation agreement which contemplates a contract at a later date
and is subject to cancellation on a year's notice, expressed himself as satisfied with
the proposed agreement.

        The question was called for and the proposed affiliation agreement was
approved without dissent. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

        I. Student Government President Arrives

        Mr. Steve Cook, President of Student Government, arrived at Z:20 p. m. ,
explaining that he had been in class and was unable to get to the meeting earlier.

        J. Change in Agenda Format Explained

        Dr. Oswald indicated that at the last meeting some concern had been expres-
 sed relative to certain financial matters being presented to the Board without prior
 knowledge of the Finance Committee. In an effort to keep the Finance Committee
 fully informed of all financial affairs, the administration will in the future present
 these items to the committee first and recommendations for action will come from
 the chairman of the committee rather than from the President or the Vice President



for Business Affairs. He said that the adoption of the agreement with the Blue
Grass School for Retarded Children and the Fayette County Board of Education
concluded the items which he wished to present for action. The members of the
Board expressed concurrence with the new format for the agenda and agreed that
it should be followed in the future. The Governor then asked Dr. Denham,
Chairman of the Finance Committee, to present the recommendations relative to
the items listed on the agenda under the Finance Committee Report.

       Dr. Denham said that the Finance Committee had met at 10:00 o'clock on
the morning of February 13 in Mr. Kerley's office. A quorum had not been present
and, therefore, the Finance Committee would need to defer until a later meeting
any recommendations relative to policies and procedures for handling investments
of the University. He and Mr. Black went over the University portfolio with Mr.
Kerley and members of his staff and found no areas of concern. He indicated that
a meeting of the Finance Committee would be called prior to the next Board meeting
and hoped that a policy statement might be drawn up at that time for presentation to
the Board. He asked that Mr. Kerley be permitted to present the items for action,
all of which had been discussed at the morning session and which had the approval of
the two members of the Finance Committee who were present.

       K. Sale of Stock Authorized (FCR 1)

       Mr. Lerley explained that in 1961 Dr. R. C. Kash established a scholarship
fund at the University of Kentucky to be known as the R. C. Kash Scholarship Fund.
Under the terms of the gift, he reserved the right to indicate at the time of any gift
the disposition of his gift into other securities. At this time, he has requested that
forty-eight shares of Diversification Fund, Inc. be sold and the proceeds invested
in either Holiday Inns or First American National Bank of Nashville, Tennessee.
Before this transaction can be carried out, it is necessary to have approval of the
sale and reinvestment of the proceeds from the Board of Trustees.

       Dr. Denham said that he and Mr. Black concurred in the recommendation
stated in FCR 1 and moved that it be approved. His motion was seconded by Mr.
.lack and all present voted aye. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       L. Financial Report Accepted (FCR 2)

       Mr. Kerley recommended that the Financial Report, which covered the
period from July 1, 1967 through December 31, 1967, be approved. He added that
the report had been mailed in advance and that members had had an opportunity to
examine it. Dr. Angelucci moved that it be accepted and made a part of the Minutes
of the meeting of February 13, 1968. All present voted in favor with the exception
of Governor Nunn, who abstained from voting since he had not had the time available
to review it. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )



      M. Acceptance of Audits for the University of Kentucky and the
Housing and Dining System (FCR 3)

       The audit reports of the financial records of the University of Kentucky and
the Housing and Dining System and related statements (a letter to the Board indi-
cating the University's compliance with purchasing statutes of the state; and a letter
of certification that the financial relationship existing between the Board and the
Commonwealth has been properly reconciled) as prepared and submitted by the firm
of Haskins and Sells, certified public accountants, were mailed to members of the
Board of Trustees ten days prior to the meeting. Mr. Harley said that three ad-
ditional documents would be submitted later reporting on the University of Kentucky
Research Foundation, the Athletics Association, and The Thomas Poe Cooper
Foundation. He recommended that the two audits before the Board be approved now
rather than waiting until such time as the others might be ready and indicated his
willingness to answer any questions which Board members might wish to raise.

       Dr. Nicholas asked who authorized the audit and, when told it was authorized
by the Board of Trustees on recommendation of the Finance Committee, he expres-
sed the feeling that the Board of Trustees should be the recommending agency rather
than the Finance Committee since essentially it was the Finance Committee which
was being audited. Mr. Kerley replied that it was an audit of him as Treasurer of
the University rather than of the Finance Committee and that a part of his contract
when he came to the University was the understanding with the Board of Trustees that
the financial records of the University would be audited each year by an external
auditing firm to be appointed by the Board. Mr. Ezelle, as a member of the Finance
Committee, explained that the Finance Committee in the past examined the audit
reports carefully to determine whether a suitable audit was being carried out and
then reported its findings and recommendations to the Board.

       Dr. Nicholas asked if it contained a cash flow budget and Mr. Kerley replied
that the audit was a treatment of all University income and expenses. Authorized
expenditures are made on an annual basis and not on a monthly basis. Dr. Nicholas
next asked whether the Board of Trustees had access to the investment portfolio of
the University and it was pointed out that the second document entitled Supplemental
Schedules in Schedule 2 S, pages 5-8, listed the investments held by the University.
Mr. Ezelle added that the Board was supplied budget documents, personnel rosters
listing salaries of all employees and had access to any financial records of the
University at any time they wished to see them. Dr. Nicholas' final question re-
lated to whether investment power was vested in the state or in the Board of Trustees
and was told that it was in the hands of the Trustees. Governor Chandler was told in
answer to a question he raised that the firm of Haskins and Sells had audited the
financial records of the University for the past three years and the current audit
represents the fourth year the firm has been used. Mr. Kerley added that the Board
might wish to consider the possibility of employing a new firm for the next year and
hoped that it would be possible for a recommendation to be made relative to the
selection of an external auditor at the meeting of the Board in March.



      Having determined that there were no further questions, Governor Nunn
called for a motion. Dr. Denham moved that the Board of Trustees accept the
audit reports of the financial records of the University of Kentucky and the Housing
and Dining System and related statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1967.
Mr. Black seconded his motion. Before the vote was taken, Dr. Denham indicated
that a "management letter' would be presented to the Board later but that such a
letter would in no way affect the audit report as piesently submitted. All present
voted in favor of Dr. Denham's motion. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes--
the audit reports are not included in the Minutes but are available in the files of the
Board of Trustees. )

       N. Federal Construction Grant for Northern Community College
Relinquished (FCR 4)

       Dr. Denham explained that construction at the Northern Community College
was delayed pending action by the Legislature on a request that a four-year college
be established in Northern Kentucky. The time limitation of March 30, 1968 on the
grant under Title I prevents the University of Kentucky from utilizing the money at
the Northern Community College; hence the recommendation that the application for
Title I funds for the Northern Community College be withdrawn and that all available.
funds in the grant be redistributed to the University of Kentucky Community College

       There being no questions, Governor Chandler moved adoption of the
Resolution set forth in FCR 4. Mr. gazelle seconded the motion and all present
indicated their approval. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       0. Authorization for Cremation of Paid Bonds and Coupons (FCR 5)

       Mr. Kerley explained that the request for authorization to cremate paid and
cancelled bonds and coupons returned from Paying Agents was a routine matter and
recommended approval. Dr. Angelucci so moved. His motion was seconded by
Mr. Griffin and carried. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       P. Hospital Committee Report.

       Dr. Angelucci.. Chairman of the Hospital Committee, indicated that the
Hospital Committee had no report to make at this time.

       Q. Governing Regulations Committee Report

       Dr. Oswald said that this committee was not ready to report but he would
like to bring the Board of Trustees up to date on the progress being made with



codification of the Governing Regulations. Since January 1, Dr. Ralph Weaver has
been assigned to the President's Office on a part-time basis for the express purpose
of preparing and editing a completely up-to-date draft of the Governing Regulations
of the University. In addition to working on the Governing Regulations, Dr. Weaver
will also prepare a second document for use as a faculty handbook. Dr. Weaver
hopes that his preliminary work will be far enough along within another month or six
weeks to require some guidance and counsel from the Board of Trustees--Faculty
Committee on the Governing Regulations.

       R. Meeting Adjourned

       Governor Nunn asked if there was any new business to come before the Board,
and determining that there was not, called for a motion for adjournment which was
made, seconded, and carried. The meeting adjourned at 2:45 o'clock.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           Sam Ezelle
                                           Secretary of the Board of Trustees

(PR 2, PR 4, PR 5, PR 6, FCR 1, FCR 2, FCR 3, FCR 4, and FCR 5 which follow
are official parts of the Minutes of the February 13, 1968 meeting of the Board of


                                                      3 0;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10


                         February 13, 1968


     The University's first teleducation class was inaugurated
January 25 when Dr. William L. Conger, assistant professor of
chemical engineering, began teaching graduate students assembled
at Paducah Junior College.  The first telecourse--Chemical Engi-
neering 530-Transport. I--is a unified study of physical rate pro-
cesses in fluids, including the presentation and solution of the
basic equations of change for momentum, heat, and mass transport--
a consideration of chemically reacting systems.

     Although new to Kentucky, Dr. Conger said teaching from a
remote station has been successful in other areas and has proved
an efficient, economical method of extending university facilities.
The first of several extension courses to be offered by the Univer-
sity is limited in the number of students to enable Prof. Conger to
give adequate attention to the routine correspondence required to
supplement the telewired teaching.  He said 6 to 8 students are
at Paducah and a similar number of seniors follow the course in
the emanating classroom on the Lexington campus. As techniques
develop he expects to expand the classes.

     A two and a half hour instruction period is held once a
week, and the course is offered for credit as well as for audit.
The equipment costs $2,000. Telephone wire service is approximately
$50 a month. The equipment is not bulky. There is a telewriter on
which the professor can transmit information; a receiving set at the
classroom which duplicates the data and projects it onto a large
screen easily visible to the entire class. There is an audio system
which permits two-way conversation between the remote teacher and
the class. Student questions can be handled instantly, the teacher
transcribing notes to complement his voice instruction. The notes
are kept on file at the terminal classroom for future reference.

     Prof. Conger said teleteaching has begun to interest industrial
firms who employ graduate students anxious to extend their education.
Dean Robert M. Drake Jr., College of Engineering; Prof. David K.
Blythe, associate dean for Continuing Education and Extension, and
Dr. Robert B. Grieves, chairman, Department of Chemical Engineering,
did the spade work in getting the teleducation program underway.
At Paducah Junior College, the faculty has been equally enthusi-
astic about the program's practicability.  Working closely with
Dean Ellis Hartford of the Community College System, and Dr. Donald
J. Clemens, academic dean at PJC, was Dr. A. J. Legeay, chairman,
Remote Continuing Education Committee.


- 2 -


     William G. Skinner, Paducah, is the first pharmacist in th-e
state to complete the Medical Center program aimed at orienting
community pharmacists to institutional practice. The program is
Dart of a national orientation of pharmacists who are concerned
with small community institutions Participating in Medicare.
Under the terms of Medicare, hospitals and nursing homes can be
certified for federal health payments only if a registered
pharmacist is active in the institution's program. The community
pharmacists not only will prepare prescriptions, they also will
be members of institutional committees and will actively monitor
the handling and storage of drugs. The cost of the program is
underwritten by the American Society for Hospital Pharmacists
and the National Pharmaceutical Council.


     Spring semester enrollment on the Lexington campus totaled
13,673 students; Dr. Elbert W. Ockerman, dean of admissions and
registrar, said, adding that the number is up 1,200 over last
spring's enrollment of 12,408. The 1968 spring registration in-
cludes 8,190 males (59.9 per cent), and 5,483 females (40.1 per
cent). Fulltime students total 12,251; part-time students, 1,422.
A breakdown bv class lists 2,935 freshmen; 2,682 sophomores;
3,247 juniors; 2,866 seniors; 1,885 Graduate students; 45 auditors,
and 13 transient students.

     The Arts and Sciences college resorts the largest nurmber of
students among the 15 schools and colleges.  The A&S total of
7,291 students represents the entire freshman class an@d most of
the sophomore class.

     Other colleges and schools give the following enrollment
figures: Architecture, 107; Allied Health, 40; Home Economics,
146; Nursing, 127, Dentistry, 180; Agriculture, 268; Business and
Economics, 601; Education, 1,542; Engineering, 539; Graduate
School, 1,885! Law, 409; Pharmacy, 150, and Medicine, 289.

     Community colleges report the following enrollment: Ashland,
873; Elizabethtown, 526; Henderson, 448; Hopkinsville, 320;
Jefferson, 803: Northern at Covington, 1,117; Prestonsburg, 380;
Somerset, 433; Southeast at Cumberland, 371; Lexington Technical
Institute, 99, and Ft. Knox, 367. The Corresnondernce Study Pro-
gram reports that 2,458 students currently are enrolled in their
program (not included in above enrollment figures).

     Under the present academic system, students do not enter
their major field until thev have completed liberal arts require--
ments in the A&S college.


- 3 -


     The American Dental Association Council on Dental Education has
extended a preliminary status of "accreditation elic~ible" to the
four-year dental hygiene  program at the School o- Allied Health
Professions. The accreditation eligible classi-ficat-ion was estab-
lished by the Council to give reasonable assurance to an educational
institution, a licensing body: the federal government, or other
granting agency that the proposed dental or dental hygiene educa-
tion program appears to meet the standards of the Council.  Classi-
fication of the Deoartment of Dcntal Hygiene was made on the basis
of a prospectus submitted by the School of Allied Health Profes-
sions. The Dental Hygiene program was initiated in the fall semester.


     One or more students from Henry County who might otherwise
not have the opportunity to attend college will be given financial
aid through a gift from a native of Sulphur, Kv., to the University.
The Henry Burton memorial scholarship fund was established by
Ruth E. Burton of Santa Barbara, Calif., the widow. Net income
from the gift of 650 shares of Titdle Insurance and Trust Co. stock,
valued at $25,675, will be used to supoort the scholarship fund.
Burton, who died at age 76 in July of 1965, attended the University
in the winter of 1908-09, but for financial reasons could not con-
tinue. A brother, R. Ellis Burton, lives in Carrollton. A niece
and a nephew, Mrs. Jean La Master Bell and Arnett R. La Master Jr.,
live in New Castle. Mrs. Bell is supervisor of speech and hearing
units in the public schools. Her son, Roy J. Bell III, is a
third year pre-law student at the Universitv.


     An undergraduate pre-law club was formed at the University
February 4. Called Societas Pro Legibus, its student members will
be selected on the basis of their "interests and aspirations in
the study of law." Charter signing ceremonies were conducted by
Dean William L. Matthews of the College of Law; Judge Squire N.
Williams of the Kentucky Court of A-peals, and John McCann..
president of the Student Bar Association.

     The 12 charter members are Robert Abrams, Ashland- H. Nick
Carter, Stanford; 0. K. Curry, Carlisle; Patricia Fogarty,. Fort
Knox; William G. Francis, Prestonsburg! Tim R, Futrell, Cadiz:
Don Carlos Graeter, Louisville: Stokes Harris, Kansas City; Ed
Hastie and Timothy Lynch, both of Lexington, Charles B. Reasor,
Corbin, and Ralph W. Shelburne, Shelbyville. Dr. J. W, Patterson,
associate professor of soeech, will serve the new organization as
faculty consultant. Activities of the society are open to any
student interested in the study of law, although they will be
admitted to membership only after they have demonstrated a con-
tinuing interest in the profession, as well as presenting a high
academic standing.


- 4 -


     Two University faculty members and their families.left last
week for Thailand, where they will be on the teaching and re-
search staff of the Northeast Agricultural Center which the Uni-
versity is establishing in that country. They are Dr. Joe M.
Bunn, associate professor of agricultural engineering, and Dr.
Fred W. Knapp, assistant professor of entomology. -The Center,
located in Thailand's Khon Kaen province about 280 miles-north--
east of Bangkok, is being built under a contract between the
University and the Thailand government with the cooperation of
the U. S. Agency for International Development. Dr.-and Mrs.
Bunn and their two sons stopped in Hong Kong before going-on to
Bangkok. Dr. and Mrs. Knapp and their two daughters will.visit
entomologists at.the University of Hawaii for several days before
proceeding on to Thailand.


     Dr. Richard E. Mark, associate professor of wood research,
has just published a pioneering study of how stresses that arise
from external forces are distributed in the fiber cell.walls of
wood. The work-eventually may be extended to other types-of
structural cellular materials, such as bone and the natural fibers
used in textiles. The book is entitled "Cell Wall Mechanics of
Tracheids." Dean.Francois Mergen of Yale University's School of
Forestry wrote of Mark's book: "This work will certainly become
a classic in the field of wood science--however, its implications
are much broader--(and is)--of general application in that the
same mathematical techniques could be applied to other cellular
constituents." Published by the Yale University Press,.the book
has been noted as the first to examine the walls of fiber.cells,
in such mechanical detail, and the first to carry out a-mathemat-
ical solution for the amount of stress the tiny wall particles
can withstand. Dr. Mark joined the University in 1965 after
completing work-on his doctorate at Yale. He received his under-
graduate training in the College of Forestry at Syracuse University.


     Client M. Pipkin, a constable serving the Lincoln School,
has been commended by the citizens of Lincoln Ridge and Simpson-
vill for his "loyal endeavors far beyond the normal call.of duty."
Pipkin's activities were spotlighted in a recent feature article
in The Shelby Sentinel, along with letters of commendation.from
people in the community. Constable Pipkin was cited for-"en-
deavors to uphold the law and maintain order around the grounds
of the Lincoln School, his assistance to tourists and stranded
motorists, and.his readiness to help with major fires and dis-
asters." The 46 year-old officer lives at Lincoln Ridge.
Married to the former Daisy Franklin of Fountain Run, they have
a son,