xt71vh5cg11g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71vh5cg11g/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1793-06-07 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 7 June 1793 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 7 June 1793 1793 1793-06-07 2023 true xt71vh5cg11g section xt71vh5cg11g   


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Itr‘rirc's cons. ,-:;"dc10.1.1 [ions du pcuplc. — chpcd 1:11: a 1.115 adixptc'. 122.1'émbLI-soaz‘1s lcs pr11012s (‘1. M [3, ' ‘
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:f'ultatd.l.u. ,cuflmn souwimic (L11 l'ar1‘é.c.qu1 port.‘ qu'on 1.- [calm 3161‘ 13 pai;;‘11.-12[ (1L3 dL-ttcs “18101:. .1. s 12:11:1icipaf.[és(‘uiont

J1,1;1 convention nationals, pour lui rcprc'f'cnt‘.‘ 2‘ (1ch ‘11: a 01.101113 acquls [1.3 1101213112: .5 nati maux.

Grangcmur: - d: 131[. mention [.5 31220124133 confiizué3s dans la déc [ct qui , LA: 131, c:A1I.I1‘5,1211_I111:dc [11:11miffi1’n, (m: z’aurm‘IlIé‘ £1 {airs 7
55 four arm: déclarc quclcs 936110125 dc Pans ont b16111 2A1: ité dc 1:1 pams. Ious 1:1 1LI‘1I'.-.11A'111cc L'.-s 111:1111Liml'1:.. , 1 . ,5...” .. (In. 1,,
caves, 1:: 1'1: 51"): L‘L'u: ‘1 5, dc 13121311 1;; pl 115 [:sz c5311.“: 3.;


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5. (Pn’fidencc du citoyen 11.711.2Zarme') L9 C_"’1‘-'~‘-' "‘55 fi“""““5 I 1““ ““83““ di‘ Hamel, pré crte
uri Prmct dc L'.L'C1‘.t [[1201112: U. émbhr‘ ms COnthbutions f1? la
Suits d8 [afg'arzce [2’11 mercrei'z' jjIAi/z. ba‘“ d, 1:, P ‘PUL‘EF"; .1_ _. l'11u1ht (Immandc W‘joumuncuc


D"‘)rL':s IL: rapport [’u 011222.15 do lé‘I‘iflaii'm , la con'vc (1: cc pmjct -— C >0: , 1c.1a12...n[ (.111 ‘n l'fiij‘lz‘qulcnt 7
Wm, prononmn. fur uz‘AI.‘ qu [inn dc cmnwc: L‘nC‘.‘ (1111 21 cm- {at qudqu t: 03.73611 .15 arm 2: cc 01‘0]C[2 I] Obicz'v.‘ (11.1-1.3
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_ . , 1,. 1 ‘ - , f ,. .
tx‘adL'1z2‘a dsvant' 1: [11‘21I11Il c112‘10101zg1113 , LI'tz1‘nl1 Pf" 1;. 14.111121pot [‘01: (01:1er ALI. 1a 1110pI1c1é , pL11z'qu1J12'L1t (111. la

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La difcuffion fur 1:5 mmjcns flu dminu‘.‘ 1.2 121127: dug but'mn, dmt 1c comm: [eta 1312 120111I‘L‘] c:-.;I.1'.1I31'I..
311351.115 c‘n circulation , amm‘. H111'ér'2’ct incidu I1[ rendu LC 1118‘“: comitc 1,11[ [undrc 1112 that [.110 at 51 (‘1111311131
‘IL11 1:1 >30 01111011 d'01'fcu11. V01c1 1:52 1:120 aics [’110111'1110115 1:1 mafia [Ls 2311v‘1zr1rs L‘n CIrL‘LL'at'nm : [1:1, “1,3: -.
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foné’tions, 0
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8:17:31.“ (11.1 jc‘ua'z' 6 121511.

Un (grind nombrc (1’0 . '11‘5 3:116 [01(12115 11161165 font 3611161-
‘i. 1‘211‘15 pour 16 1.1116 1615mm; 115 7011: bcfoin C16 femurs:
1.1 (3111611111111 (1621616 que 165 {01111116 ordonnancécs 2‘1 661:
6111-1 1111‘ 1‘.- 111i.11111‘6 (161 1.1 gucrrc , 1.1mm 13316.15 par 1:1 tré-
f1.>1‘1:1‘16 11:1:1011‘116. —— U11 F!CC.’H".‘.C 1211 111601113 proviloirc (16
303. 111/165 .‘1 1.1116 (1.11. .: 111.116 L16 (1011256 enfans, (10111 ORZC
.1" 1"‘r‘l1CC (11; 1.116;:111. .1

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1L5 211111115.

1 265 (‘1: 12.3 1111;1‘5





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1‘6—1‘6v111u210n 5'0 616 21 Mark“ 1,16

5 arifi'ucratc‘s U 101116nt111111un6111611t




. (11.1 11111111121 crirninc‘. extranrdinaire,
n‘: 1;.1L1‘1‘011t 6.16 (1111115 parmi 165 par-.115 L1L’S augutcs , luf-
(111 dggré (16 mufin— 156111121111 mcluhvcnt: C'ciL lllunot







111.11 21 .111: f611£1f3 6.1 «16:16:.

L21 conventmn (16'1" to 0111mm. 11.1.1 6611:: (‘6 {cs 1116111“r
1‘1‘111t 2111161115 p211 6011 65,1.11111E t6.1.1:. .16 16V61111‘ 11.0211
211.11: 11316.: (10161161/311- L\ julqu’fil



1‘1 1111cL111 mumbrc 1169:6113 52121611161 quc par (1.1;.
111130366 (11111 ‘Iicnt (16 rcccvnil‘ 1.1111: 1:131:15:
51119.11); : J1SC'1L‘VC 6.11.1 :11 .‘cu' '11011 1111‘ 1:1 (16111311616111. ‘
11»1 12215115 1:121 111:. 01.1 rcnvoy‘é.‘ [2111s lLL’i‘ur: au 0.11111;
CI: 13111: 1,311




. 9.1111: (111.1‘ . ’~.m 5’06611116 p1‘m11pt6111-3n n: .
1116-11131: 5 (16;:11115' ,11 (1111111: quc (11103311111626:
63:11n1u116 , qu.‘ 16 (‘6 61:61. q111 .‘z‘donn: 1:.
wusiadon au comitc 111. 121111 11111116, L'r'.
-. quc, 1111111 1. 1.110L‘u.L‘.‘ .16 t611-.5 1.11.
13 ‘-1L‘11.‘1‘ (122.115 115 1113.111 ,pz:‘.i:1‘5 “
“inf-.11: umpnfc (1.11}31-1.11. 2111 ‘
:1. 11111 , IL- 1‘. put L‘.
1:12.- (111.1 165 111-. uvwnz‘as qui .111: cu
1‘..,.1,1111111U611t un 111161116 (1.11
(1.3111; 16‘ £11t111111511‘11t‘ 21111115
(16‘) " ‘:;1t 116.L‘.1C1.1:1ux
1:15.16; q i:1con(1u:t6 (1: .33:‘b:.r:1u:( .‘x 1.5 2116':
13.51.1115 11.12 6.1 111611131".- 1:11: 1:1 11:1:111‘6 1111 t1‘111u112-11
11:11.6 61.111111 11.1.11- , 111‘:2111.:r.t 1: 5 1111117611115 (1.5131111.
1‘u1‘ 1 6::1116nc. dun C!)111')1{)C (11161)
' 1.32.1 qua pour.- 1:. s 111 Cl-‘JLS .16 16:31, 111
:11'L6 11116
6361111: 566.1: "us


121116 (:65
611 p1 ‘














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16.. '61 :1111’
, L111‘L1m116 no. 61.11.1111-1 1:1

, 11:1115 CHCOYC 121 L1- 11:11:11: 13‘1”-






1111113116 dc
11166 1. ‘11t6u1‘.
(2:111: qui 116111. ‘11

116 16 1.1.111t1‘6nt 165 011110.161“; ‘
121. 111.116 (‘6 qudqucs 21111113 (166115, ." 3.1.1135
1:1 com/61111311 C‘i’dUHflC 121 1661‘u1‘6 (1.- 1.. 161:1:



{311611.11 16
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3111:1111: c1:m.-.11 216 1.111 pr1,11.1t1 “:11;
{10:1 (165 t1‘6111:6 111627111115. 41 C6
11101, .‘11:— 11 , ‘1‘“ j.- 121 (115113.311, c211 iz‘a C(11‘i‘cicm:
11111.: :‘1 1:1‘ 611110161 (11.5 ‘1611‘6611'. 1:11.15 qu1 n6 peuvcnt 1
11).“.1nf’11g1‘ 5: 11611711 111-. 5 611:161‘ ; 1113.15 CL‘l‘t pour 111116...
(11.1 1.1 1‘6.1u“.111qL16,L< :‘mux‘ 1111111211311 (16 la C311VCnt1)” (11111.1
(1111p1311115, 6:21‘ 11 y 2.11011 (16 1‘3 part 10.1 1111. H: , 1’1,

13: 1.1 111111.;1166, 611- 116 V312 10.t pas 1a 1.110513.-
r1.6,11 6116 1101.15 6: 01‘ en arrL‘lL‘ation, {3115111311-
un rap 'rmrt fur 16s 1110:1155 qui nous ‘V (mt 1‘2111
m6tt1‘6 >>. \‘61‘1‘g121 21115 211mm quil 0111613 :61: en expiati .011 11
L11u11161‘ 6: 1.3112311?” 7. p-1ri6nr1611t .‘11‘11uv1‘1‘ 16u1‘5 2.16121-
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