xt71vh5cft75 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71vh5cft75/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-01-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 1991 1991 1991-01-15 2020 true xt71vh5cft75 section xt71vh5cft75  

Kentucky Kernel


Talk of peace
war inevitable

Associated Press

Iraq’s rubber-stamp legislature
yesterday unanimously backed Sad-
dam Hussein’s no-concession stand
on Kuwait with the blood of the na-
tion, and UN Secretary-General Ja-
vier Perez de Cuellar said he had
lost hope for peace.

“Unfortunately, I don’t see any
more reasons to be optimistic. I
don’t see any reason to have real
hope,“ the secretary-general said
grimly after meeting with President
Francois Mittenand in Paris yester-
His 2 1/2 hour meeting with Sad-
dam in Baghdad on Sunday had
been considered the last best chance
to avoid an attack on Iraqi forces by
the U.S.-led multinational force.

President Bush on Sunday called
Iraq’s apparent intention to have
troops in Kuwait beyond tonight’s
midnight EST withdrawal deadline
“a tremendous mistake.“ ln Bagh-
dad, Saddam said any “last-minute
initiatives” for peace were up to the
United States.

Across the world, prayers and
anti—war protests grew more pas-
sionate. In the states that line the
Persian Gulf, residents stocked up
on provisions and sealed windows
and doors to protect against poison
gas attacks.

Some people sought gas masks,
others hunted for a flight out.

Fearing the attack Iraq has prom—
ised if it is struck, Israel called up
reserves and the United Nations or-
dered the dependents of its staff
members to leave that country.

“The hope that I had is already
gone," Perez de Cuellar said after
his 45—minute meeting with Mitter-
rand. “I‘m a diplomat but as you
can see I’m going to be honest and

He was also scheduled to meet
with Foreign Minister Jacques Poos
of Luxembourg, which holds the ro-
tating presidency of the European



Community, and return to New
York yesterday to report to the Sc-
curity Council.

Britain’s Douglas Hurd cut short
a visit to Turkey yesterday and
joined other European Community
foreign ministers in rushing to Brus-
sels, Belgium, for an emergency
session to discuss the war.

The envoys were also to discuss
the bloody Soviet crackdown in the
secessionist republic of Lithuania.
The United States and other West-
ern nations have condemned the re—
pression, which threatened to dam-
age Soviet—Westem relations when
Kremlin support is key to the Per-
sian Gulf effort.

Perez de Cuellar said he thought
it was now too late for any diplo-
matic initiatives.

For months, Saddam has suggest-
ed that a peaceful settlement in the
gulf could be linked to a Middle
East peace conference that address—
es the Palestinians‘ demands for an
independent state on Israeli-

See GULF, Back page






GREG umm Stall

Students waited in line to pay their registration, housing and
dining lees. Jan. 23 is the last day for payment of lees.









With the UN. deadline less than 24 hours away for Iraq to abandon an occupied Kuwait, rumors of military action become more ot a
reality to students, faculty and staff at UK.


STEVE McFAflLAND/Komst Still



UK drive toward college still in gear

Editor in Chief

MOREHEAD, Ky. — UK‘s drive
toward establishing a community
college in the London-Corbin area,
which stalled last week when Sue
Bennett College trustees rejected af-
filiation with UK, appears to be
back on track.

Members of the state's Council
on Higher Education gave no indi-
cation yesterday that they would
block a move in the area by UK to
create its 15th community college,
despite the fact that it could drain
enrollment for already-existing
schools in the area.

“It’s right where it ought to be,"
said UK President Charles Wething-
ton. “We’re at a stage now that the
council will look at the region to de-
termine a need for a community col-

UK had hoped to merge with Sue
Bennett in London, but it was
forced to look elsewhere when the
private junior college voted 203
last Friday to continue operation in-

A study is underway to determine
the feasibility of a community col-
lege in London, said Gary Cox, ex-
ecutive director for the CHE.

UK officials believe that study
will show enough resources, stu-
dents and land exist to warrant an—
other institution of higher education
for the seven-county area, even with
the presence of Cumberland Col-
lege and Sue Bennett.

“That does not diminish the need
for a community college program in


“We're at a stage now that the
(Council on Higher Education) will
look at the region to determine a
need for a community college.”

Charles Wethington,
UK president


that area, despite the fact those in-
stitutions are there," said Ben Carr,
acting chancellor for the UK Com—
munity College System.

“There's obviously some things
there we would probably not want
to duplicate . There are lots of
technicals programs that they are
not now providing" Carr said, list—
ing nursing and allied health pro-
grams, which are “desperately

The CHE will continue studying
the issue, but board member W.
Terry McBrayer urged that the
council try to get a clear, defined
focus and reiterate its policy on
building community colleges at the
next CHE meeting.

“I can foresee we're headed to-
ward controversy and overlapping
of services as the University be-
comes more aggressive" toward stu-
dent recruitment, said McBrayer, an

But Cox said the study would in-
stead deterrnine if the policy in
place now is working. “Is the Lon-
don-Corbin situation an isolated in-
cident or is it a suggestion that

Forum challenges

Contributing Writer

As the student population in the
United States continues to diversify,
American educators must begin to
consider what they can do to edu-
cate such a variety of students ade-

How can they effectively teach a
student population that has become
increasingly “pluralistic and di-

This question was posed lmt
night by Dr. Sheila Simmons. a pro—
gram development specialist for the
National Education Association, at
the fifth annual Conference on the
Recruitment and Retention of Mi-
norities in Education, which is be-
ing held at the Lexington Hyatt Re-

Simmons‘ speech. titled “Identi-
fying and Eliminating Barriers for
Minority and Female Students,"
gave a brief Overview of a study

conducted by the NEA.

“Minorities and women WI” con-
stitute more than 85 percent of the
work force in the let century."
Simmons said. “To teach students.
teachers will need to know how to
reach their students regardless of
race, culture, language or gender.
We gain a better view of ourselves
when we look at ourselves from the
perspectives of other cultures."

Simmons called for a change in
perspective in American school sys-
tems, saying that it is a “social sys-
tem where there are major variables
that are closely related. We cannot
deal with one element without deal-
ing with the others.“

She said that the NEA study idem
tified educational barriers in various
aspects of the educational process
including cognitive, social and sex-
ual development, educational cur—
riculum, methods of instruction and
evaluation and parental and peer in-

somewhere or another we do more
to coordinate off-campus activi-

Carr admitted “there's always a
potential for misunderstanding." He
said UK would "work with all the
institutions III that area

There had. been uncertainty for
months about whether financially~
strapped Sue Bennett would join
UK —— or compete against UK. Stu~
dents at the school showed over-
whelming support for a merger, but
the churchaitiliatt-d institution mat
owns Sue Bennett decided it did not
want to sell.

Wethingtoit said he hoped the per-
ception that liK may “fight" for the
same pool oi students doesn't cost.
and offered the l iiiveisity's‘ ollcr ol
merger as .in example.

“We'll work together met tune,"
he said. “I see absolutely no conflict
over Sue Bennett."

-By law, only UK and the UIIIVCI’
sity of LoUisVille are allowed to of—
fer doctoral programs. But Westcm
Kentucky University is continuing
to make a push.

At a CHE meeting Nov. 5, most


Suggesting solutions for bringing
down these barriers. Simmons
stressed a need for a “multi-cultural
approach“ that is “an integrated.
continuous, ongoing process." She
called for more diversity in styles of
teaching to reflect different styles of
learning and for more dixersil‘ica-
tion within school systems.

Simmons was optimistic about
school reform, but only if “schools
practice diversity as a way of life.”

Charles Karelis, a representative
for the Fund for the Improvement of
Post-Secondary Educauon, was less
optimistic about the outlook for mi,
norities when he spoke at the same
conference Monday. He said that
the school refomi movement has
done little toward increasing the
numbers of minorities in education
nationally and Shows few signs of

Nonetheless, that

Karelis said

See SIMMONS. Back page

counCil members supported the
opinion that Western did not have
the authority to offer a doctoral pro-
gram but acknowledged a need for a
program similar to one that Western

Broader access also was identi-
fied as a need. Both L‘K and L' of L
indicated a willingness to work With
Westem, but the insututions dif-
fered on their approaches.

L'K indicated at the time it would
proceed with plans to siiiplement its
programs iii Paducah and Oweiisbo~
ro and would approach the regional
universities about thei.r participa»
tion. L' of L indicated a willingness
to enter into discussions with West-
em regarding a joint program.

Western is still seeking an attor-
ney generals opinion on the ruling.
arguing that ll is eligible to offer

-The cotiiic f E{use its tinal JP—
proval to 'L is s Business“ and Eco»
nomics Phase II project. The piw
posed piojcct cost is $3.5 million
and will be Iunded by private dorm—
uons oi SI 7 million and SSUIHMI
in restricted agency iuntls, a count .1
report said

Phase I iii in; proiett provided in
new classmoins the superstructure
of the iiiioiiimtioii library and
Sxtlt‘tltit‘ :or .t l,llti\.il1t‘vli oi the ex-
isting building

«Sheridan Martin. the student I'Cp'
resentgitite on the CHE. expressed
concern met the “excess burden"
students will face with required
health insurance. In tact. student

See CHE . Back page

Today is the last
day to add an
organized class this

with new

Page 2



 2 - Kontucky Kernel, Tuesday, January 15, 1991

‘—l)/\ lilx’b’lU/Vb‘





Black comedy ‘House’
changes notion of home

Staff reports

“Home” usually evokes images
of warmth and safety for many of
us —— a place where we can escape
from the troubles of everyday life.

But in Norman Lock‘s The House
of Correction, that popular notion
of home is destroyed as two charac-
ters are forced to confront unpleas-
ant issues by a “friend of the fami-

The UK Department of Theatre
presents the dark comedy as 3 Sec-
ond-Season Production at 8 tonight
in the Briggs Theatre. The play runs
thrcugh Saturday.

Todd Lacy, the play’s director,
said one reason he chose the play
was because “I like the idea of the
home being invaded.”

Lacy said that he was first ex-
posed to the 1987 play in a class he
took last semester from theatre in-
structor Patrick Kagan—Moore.

The first time Lacy read the play,

“I found myself laughing at the
same time I was getting chills."

Lacy said he wanted to produce a
play this semester that was current
and challenged audiences. He said
he thinks The House of Correction
does just that by combining sus-
pense with a comic element and
uses a common place as its setting.

“It's a very interesting combina-
tion," said Lacy, who also is a thea-
tre graduate student and co-
technical director of UK Theatre.

The play has four scenes, and
Lacy said that producing it in the
Briggs Theatre preserves the play's

“It's more personal in the Briggs.
A lot of things are happening at
once and a lot of that would be lost
in (UK's) Guignol Theatre,“ said
Alicia Jeanne Tighe, a theatre jun-
ior who plays Marion and is appear-
ing in her fourth UK production.

Greg Collier, a theatre junior who
is appearing in his seventh UK pro-




? Why:




is BACK!!!

@ What: Operation Weight Loss
(Teom Weight Loss Contest)

Who: All UK FOCUI’ry & Staff

When: Wed. Jon. lb, l2 Noon
Brief informational meeting

Er Where: Room HS 115. Nursing Bldg.

To fulfill our New Year's








Above left, Greg Collier, Alicia Jeanne Tighe and Greg Slagle re-
hearse lor ”T he House of Correction." Above, Slagel talks to Collier.
The show opens at 8 tonight in the Briggs Theatre.

duction. said the play is “so bi-

“It starts off looking like 3 nor-
mal play and it turns so bizarre
when this guy comes. Some of it
scares you to death,” said Collier,
who plays Marion‘s husband, Carl.
“(Carl) starts off as a man of the
house and then this guy Steve
comes in and takes control of his

Steve is played by Greg Slagle, a
theatre senior who is appearing in
his sixth UK production. Steve
forces Carl and Marion to face is-
sues and events that usually are

kept out of their home.

“His intentions are actually very
moral. It‘s just the way he goes
about it," Slagle said. “You should
go away from the play wondering
whether (Steve) is a hero or a psy-

“The House of Correction." di-
rected by Todd Lacy, opens at 8 to—
night at the Briggs Theatre in the
Fine Arts Building. The play runs
through Saturday night.

Tickets are $4 and go on sale at
the door one hour before each per-

Tuesday, January 15th
/ Information Open House
Z'I‘A House. 327 Columbia Terrace

7:30 pm.
attire: casual

Simon expands creativity
on ‘Rhyt'am of the Saints




Senior Staff Critic

“The music suffers/The music
business thrives."

That oxymoronic truth helps ex-
plain why Paul Simon devoted
years to his most recent release, The
Rhythm of the Saints.

In an industry that considers fluff
entertainer Whitney Houston an
“artist of renowned stature,” as one
music show recently called her, the
depth of a musician like Simon is a
reason to go to the record store.

Rhythm of the Saints is a power-
ful album, both in its music and in
its lyrics.

Simon's Graceland used South
African musicians to blend skillful
drumwork and emotions that only
Simon can pen.

For Rhythm, Simon went to Bra-
zil and came back with hypnotic
percussion and backing vocals.

The opening track, “The Obvious
Child," starts off with drums rolling
like a breaking storm surge. It is an
example of Simon’s fascination
with nonsense —— the lyrics sound
good, but we're not quite sure what
he means.

The songs on this album are di-
verse and obviously represent sever-
al periods in both Simon's profes-
sional and personal lives, yet the
album as a whole has a sound dis-
tinct from previous works.

“Can’t Run But" is an attack on
complacency — “I can’t run but I
can walk much faster than this.“
“The Coast” and “Proof" sound
strongly like tracks that came to-
gether too late to make it on “Grace-

On these tracks Simon uses some
of the same brass and African in-
struments, and their lyrics, like
those on Graceland, depend more
on sound than words.

But despite Simon's recent musi-
cal globe-trotting, it always has
been his lyrics that have given his
music its characteristic depth since
the beginnings of Simon and Gar-

While many of his songs address
love and relationships, no one could
really call Simon a romantic. Just as
on Simon and Garfunkel albums,
Rhythm doesn’t let us forget the
pain associated with love.

The melodic sorrow of “Further
to Fly" and “She Moves On" is like
cold water after the lightness of
“The Coast“ and “Proof.“ These
songs are probably a result of the
breakup of his relationship with his
ex-wife, Can’ie Fisher. If nothing
else, Simon’s personal problems
have given despair its own sound.





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Paul Simon
Warner Bros. Records


“Further to Fly" traces the rela-
tionship from its beginnings. After
presenting loneliness, “There may
come a time/When you‘ll be tired/
As tired as a dream that wants to
die," he presents hope, “Maybe you
will find a lovefl‘ hat you discover
accidentally," but he moves to the
realimtion that, “There may come a
time/W hen I will lose you/Lose you
as I lose my sight/Days falling
backward into velvet night.“

These lines become more painful
at the end of the song when Simon
is, once again, alone.

“She Moves On" has no happier
an ending. Anyone familiar with Si—
mon and Garfunkel lyrics will rec-
ognize the theme of never having
the words to express intense emo-
tions: “‘Maybe these emotions are/
As near to love as love will ever

I yn


All Simon can say is, “So I

Unfortunately, Simon’s penchant
for recording track on track makes
this album sound too slick in places.
The notes after each track show that
each was recorded in New York and
Brazil, and some in Paris also.

The “live" feeling of the one-
studio recording is lost with the
multiple tracks and extensive digi-
talizing of this album.

Tme, it would have been difficult
to have coordinated the vocals, ex-
tensive percussion and occasional
brass of this album, but Simon
could regain an “in-concert" sound
by using QSound on his next effort.

His layered sounds would benefit
greatly from the new QSound tech-
nology, which electronically creates
ambience for the music and “plac-
es" the sound in different areas of
that ambience to create the auditory
illusion that all the instruments are
playing simultaneously.

(QSound can only be heard now
on Madonna's Immaculate Collec-

In this time of musical unoriginal-
ity, with even the biggest hit of the
summer —— M.C. Hammcr’s “You
Can’t Touch This“ — stealing the
music of a previous hit —— ”Super-
Freak," Rhythm is unusual in that it
has both musical and lyrical quality.

With its Brazilian drums and of-
ten-painful lyrics, The Rhythm of
the Saints is not destined for the top
of the charts in this time of careful
prepackaging and bubble gum pop
aimed at the adolescent market.

But then, the gap between quality
music and what's on the charts has
been wide for years.

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