xt71vh5cft6k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71vh5cft6k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-09-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1989 1989 1989-09-27 2020 true xt71vh5cft6k section xt71vh5cft6k  

Vol. XCIII, No. 35

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971




Wilkinson calls for equity
funding in U.S. education

Associated Press

FRANKFORT, Ky. — Gov. Wal-
lace Wilkinson said yesterday that
the best thing the federal govern-
ment can do for
education is to
ensure equity
for funding
among the

Beyond that,

Wilkinson said

the federal gov-

ernment should

leave most of

education to the

states, which WILKINSON
are already in the vanguard of re-

Wilkinson also said he had a few
points to raise when President Bush
gathers with the nation‘s governors
this week for an education summit.

In addition to enSuring equity.


“I’m not sure there’s anybody responsible or to

blame for it.”

Wilkinson said the federal role in
the schools should include:

-ending drugs as a problem in the

-bringing more technology

into the classroom

-creating a national strategy for
training and retraining workers

-increasing support for programs
that improve the health, social and
education needs of preschool chil-
dren such as Headstart

-coordinating child care and early
childhood education programs

-underwriting research into the
process of education.

Wallace Wilkinson,
Governor of Kentucky

On the topic of Kentucky’s edu-
cation reform process, Wilkinson
said he was disappointed at the pace
of progress, but he said no one was
to blame.

During a news conference, Wil-
kinson said that he considered call-
ing a special session of the General
Assembly on the day the state Su-
preme Court ruled that the current
education system was unconstitu-
tional. Wilkinson said he was in-
clined to set a firm date for such a
session in November to force ac-

“I think we've essentially al-

lowed the summer to slip by,”
Wilkinson said. “I’m not sure
there‘s anybody responsible or to
blame for it."

Wilkinson said it now appears
likely education will have to be
taken up in a special session next
year after the end of the regular ses-
sion in April.

It would be a grave mistake to
attempt to tackle education during
the regular session, he said.

“It’s going to be a rough ses
sion." Wilkinson said. “There are a
lot of issues out there."

The timing of such a session
will mean a change in the way the
budget proposal is put together.

Wilkinson said the options could
include writing a continuation bud-
get that would be changed after a
special session, write a budget for
everything but education or pass a
continuation budget for education
to be changed.

Wednesday, September 27. 1 989



Associated Press
and Staff reports

LOUISVILLE. Ky. - Univer-
sity of Louisville President
Donald Swain said a decision by
the University’s trustees to seek
a 40 percent increase in state
funds for the next two years is a
reasonable request of the General

“1 really feel very comforta—
ble in asking for what we really
need at the University of Louis-
ville,” Swain said.

U of L’s trustees approved a
request Monday for $158.8 mil-
lion in state money in 1990-91
and $169 million the next year.
The university’s cunent state
appropriation is $120.6 million.

The university did not follow
UK’s lead by asking for less
than the amount authorized by
the state Council on Higher Ed-


U of L asks state
for full funding

UK asked for Sill? million
less than it was entitled to SLUk.
UK asde the Kentucky Court-
cil on Higher Education to fund
the Universrty under the I932
formula. The formula was re
vised by the CHE earliest rim

Nonetheless. L'K is «.t-ckirig .i
52 percent increase in state
funds during the next bicnniuin.

While UK President David
Roselle said he supports the re‘
vised formula, he said the lym-
versity lowered its» budget be-
cause of the financial dilemma
Gov. Wallace Wilkinson and
lawmakers are faced with in Lit.“
upcoming General Assembly.

Roselle said last night that
he had hoped the state's other
universities would follow 1 rl'-‘
example, be was not discip-
pointcd by if of L's decision.
“That‘s their decision and iv‘\
up to them.“ he said





STICK A NECK OUT: Martin Mogambo. third~year architectur student,
pected to be in the lower- to mid-70$ with sunny skies.

pokes his head out of a window in Pence Hall yesterday afternoon, Temperatures today are ex-




ABC to crack down on under-age drinking


The state Alcohol Beverage Con-
trol board is planning to reactivate
its GRAB program next month to
crack down on under-age drinkers
with fake le, ABC officials in
Frankfort said.

The program, in which ABC
agents pose as bar servers and liq-
uor store clerks, will be completely
functional in 20 cities by the mid-
dle of next month, said Les Cole,
ABC director of enforcement.

Lexington is a top priority for
the program because the ABC has
received complaints about under-age
drinkers at bars around UK's cam-
pus, Cole said.

GRAB, which was implemented
in September 1988, issued 114 ci-
tations, Cole said. About one-third
of the citations were issued in Lex-
ington, he said.

“I think we just tipped the ice-
berg when we moved in with

Debate shows the emotion of

Stall Writer

The two sides of the abonion is-
sue went head-to—head last night in
a lively and often heated debate.

The debate, sponsored by Stu-
dents for Life, featured Jan Harman.
the executive director of Planned
Parenthood, and Marian Cothran,
an anti-abortions advocate of Dan-
ville. Ky., who is involved with


“I think we just tipped the iceberg when we moved
in with GRAB the last time. Our statistics indicate
that a lot of minor consumption is still going on."

Les Cole,

ABC director of enforcement


GRAB the last time," Cole said.
“Our statistics indicate that a lot of
minor consumption is still going



Cole said that GRAB and the
publicity it generates are “outstand-
ing tools" to send the message that
under-age drinking and fake IDs
won't be tolerated by state offi-

Those caught with a fake state
driver's license can be charged with
criminal possession of a forged in-
strument, which is a class D felony
punishable by l to 5 years in pris-
on, Assistant Commonwealth’s
Attorney Mike Malone said.

Right To Life Of Central Ken-
lucky. lnc.

Cothran said the Supreme
Court's 1973 Roe vs. Wade deci-
sion that legalized abortion “has re-
sulted in a greater number of deaths
than all the wars in which this
country has ever fought multiplied
by a factor of 15."

Harman said that the center of the
abonion issue is a woman’s right
to privacy not the rights of the fe-

But minors who try to buy alco-
hol with a fake driver‘s license usu-
ally are not convicted of a felony.
Malone said.

“Most of those we recommend
amending to possessing a false
driver‘s license, which is a misde-
meanor offense" and carries a fine,
Malone said.

Cole said that the ABC worked
out a program last year with local
prosecutors stressing community
service as punishment rather than
imposing fines.

“If a youngster‘s fined $100 or
$200 in court. generally mom and
pop come up with the fine," Cole

tus or when life begins.

“No woman gets pregnant in or-
der to have an abortion,“ she said.
”Abortion is not premeditated.
Abortions occur because something
or someone has failed. in our socie-
ty we don't accept failure very

Cothran said that if abortion were
made illegal. the punishment for
doctors who performed abortions

Cubs win!

said. “The question is whether a
message has been sent to (the mi-

In addition to cutting down on
under—age drinking last year, Cole
said GRAB also helped local bars
to spot fake le.

“The (bars) are very susceptible
to fake IDs. and we feel they need
our assistance also." said Cole.
“It's common knowledge that fake
le have been manufactured in
Fayette County."

Laura Young, manager at the
University Club at 318 S. Lime—
stone St., said the bar confiscates
about three fake le a week. She
said fake IDs are “definitely a prob

“The other night, I asked a girl
to take her ID out of the plastic
(sleeve). and she bolted," Young
said. ”She wasn't about to take it
out of the sleeve."

The Bearded Scale. comer of Eu‘
clid and Woodland avenues. cards
everyone who “looks under 25" and


should be revocation of medical li-
censes. Women who have abor-
tions should not be punished. he

Following the debate, members
of the audience asde questions.

Issues concerning right to priva.
cy. rights of the fetus, rights of the
woman and when the fetus be
comes a human being all were dis-
cussed, but few concrete answers
were offered by either side.

confiscates all fake le. said than
ager Steve “Boomer“ Putteet.

He added, however, that “it‘s aw —
fully hard when you’re working the
door to catch all of them. Our fake
ID problem is a serious problem."

Becky Sturdivant, a bartender at
Cheapside Bar, 131 Cheapside, said
it’s difficult to tell if an ID is fake,
but she said, ”Sometimes the back-
ing is peeled or the words are side-

“lf it doesn’t look like them, we
keep (the lD). If they swear it‘s
their ID. we call a cop and let the
police decide. Usually they don't
wait around,“ Sturdivant said.

Dave Stewart, an inspector for
the Fayette County ABC, said that
fake IDs are the biggest problem
his office faces, but he said they are
difficult to eliminate.

“Until there’s some method of
making a better ID that‘s more dif-
ficult to copy. fake IDs are going
to be too numerous and easy to ob»
tain," Stewart said.


Associated Press

WASlllNG'lt t\' ..
voted ovem ht‘illllllt'l} y‘."~lt‘l'i.l.l\ t.
back a federal commivion \ dc»
SlOn to shut down. \I) damn» ‘i.:\~
es and scale down fiu: ”it": :9
makers weighed d 52M .i in tziiirv
military spending bill

By Ll 85-1-1 Virit'. liit‘ \: {Lily «.2,
proved an antendiiicnt Ila! one.
’.I\'Ci_\ kills a plttht‘li unit it
have withheld ’.\ W: carom
close the bases until Lil. audit l.i;ir:‘
that the .\.i\‘lllfl\ iii”:
down the ll"\itiiltlilt‘i‘.\ s: l t.

. aft‘tl the WM

Hick C'hcnex wit] rm: li.fl.“.t"

Ill lilc‘ dk'lCn\C i‘tttitit'l 3‘“ UN, 22': -
.rsitit-cortiiuiicti tfu‘icrqv
force him it‘ cluxt iiiorc i‘ti\.'\

The audit would hmc been coit-
tluctcd by the {Ecncral Accounting
Ulllt‘t‘. tfic investigative .ir'n;

‘Wc‘rc luxi dsKil’lEI
comptroller general anal) A
wise these bases its»; llw .ig‘pcui.
Sen. lhinicl lnouyc, ll-lia\x.iii.
on the amendment. “There i~~ l:
Supreme Court. l‘his l\ 12;: 5..
preme t'i‘urt.“

.ft' \ l"‘

it‘lixc‘ .\ t

that '

4. ‘Itfier

But Sen. John Warner of \ iitziii
izt, ranking Republican (‘ll the Sci.
ate Armed Services t‘oiiiniitits.
argued against undermining the
commisxion‘s lt‘L'OllllllL‘lltidlti‘ii\
which were approved by f. rim:
Secretary of Defense Frank ( . t ‘.i:
lucci and upheld in the Houw

”If we set a precedent now that
)ou tan reopen the package. 3
tearful future (tllllllthltiih «on.
be as effective." Warner \.ll.i.


Staff reports

Tickets for the football game
against Auburn University will
begin to be distributed tomor-
row at 8 am. at Memorial Coli-

Students may obtain a ticket
by presenting their ID at Memo~
rial Coliseum.

Friday, tickets will be distrib-


Tickets available

utcd at 9 am.

For students wanting group
seating, tickets will be distribut~
ed in a lottery drawing between
8 and 9 am. Monday.

Guest tickets will also go on
sale Monday at 9 am. and will
be available through the entire

Stadium seating is SIS while
endzone seating costs $10.



Folk art exhibit

comes to campus.
Story, page 3.

Cubs win!
Column, page 2.


 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, September 27. 1989


Holy cow! Cubs fans elated with NL East title

“Cubs win.’ Cubs win! Cubs
wrn.’ Cubs wm."

Harry Caray,

WGN announcer

There is hope for the meek of
this world, that they may rise to
great heigth and prosper.

The C abs won the pennant.

It’s the 20th anniversary of
man‘s first steps on the moon. But
the summit that was reached with
that accomplishment. and equalled
by the reusable spacecraft, is looked
up to as American space flight at-
tempts to regain the country's

It’s the 20th anniversary of Ted
Kennedy at Chappaquidick. The
Senator from Massachusetts was at
the lowest valley in his political
career, but today he is one of the
most respected officials on the

It's the 20th anniversary of
Woodstock. But the hippies of the


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peace, love and music morals have
come full circle in the ‘80s.

It seems that everything in the
America of 1969 is exactly oppo-
site of 1989. And it's a good thing
for Cub fans.

It‘s also the 20th anniversary of
the ’69 Cubs fall from the driver’s
seat, allowing the New York Mets
to win in the last month of the sea-
son. But in 1989, the Cubs held on
to the NL East crown for the sec-
ond time this decade.

Last night’s Cubs 3-2 win over
Montreal coupled with the Cardi—
nals 4-1 loss to the Pirates gave the
NL East title to the Cubs.

Again, the Cubs have the oppor-

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tunity if they get to postseason
play to equal the 1908 World Ser—
ies. The despair that resulted from a
seventh-game loss to the Detroit
Tigers in their last fall classic can
be avenged.

In 1984 pennant fever ensued at
Wrigley Field as the North Siders
captured the crown and faced the
San Diego Padres in the divisional

The San Diego Padres.

The Cubs opened the series in
the friendly confines. riding the
pitching and home-run hitting per~
fonnance of Cy Y0ung Award win-
ner Rick Sutcliffe. The Cubs took
the second game and needed just
one victory on the West Coast to
force a rematch of the 1945 Series
with the Tigers.

But, as their fans have become
accustomed, the Cubs lost the ser-
ies leaving the faithful to annually
shout, “Next Year!"

The team of five years ago is al-

most totally gone, and the ‘89
team is younger and hopefully bet-

In the front office, Dallas Green
is gone as general manager and Jim
Frey, who orchestrated of the '84
victory, is making trades for good
young ball players, not major
league retreads.

On the field Don Zimmer has de-
fied baseball law to which manag-
ers like the Cardinals’ Whitey Her-
zog and the Giants’ Roger Craig
subscribe. He made a habit of beat-
ing the odds.

Much of the improvement can be
attributed to last winter's trade of
Rafael Palmeiro to the Texas
Rangers for Mitch Williams.

Zimmer made the southpaw Wil-
liams his bullpen ace where the
“Wild Thing” has saved his 36th
game last night for Greg Maddux,
who recorded his 19th victory.

The Cubs also have received the
leadership that only an experienced




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veteran can provide. While Andre
Dawson hasn’t produced prolific
numbers at the plate, his all-star
fielding and behind-the-scenes work
with other players again have prov-
en his value.

Second baseman Ryne Sandberg
has quietly put out big offensive
numbers, combined with another
gold glove season in the field.

In the outfield, bleacher bums
welcomed rookies Dwight Smith
and Jerome Walton.

Earlier in the season, when the
entire outfield went down, even the
bleacher bums were amazed by the
production from Lloyd McClen—
don’s bat. His bat was so powerful
that Zimmer utilized the former
Red as a substitute for the injured
first baseman Mark Grace.

The Cubs were plagued by inju-
ries to pitchers Rick Sutcliffe and
Scott Sanderson, catcher Damon
Berryhill and three-fourths of the

Barry Reeves
Sports Editor

The Cubs led the division early
in the season and then yielded the
advantage to the Cardinals and the
Expos. The Canadians faltered after
the All-Star break giving Chicago a
secoond chance.

The normal test of a champion
is no longer how well they played.
A championship season is the re-
sult of avoiding injuries. The Cubs
defied that rule with quality re-
serves, like McClendon, who filled
in more than amply.

It looks like the Cubs will be
facing the Giants, who lost last
year's NLCS to the Cardinals. Even
though the Giants have a more ex-
perienced and more imposing roster
with better numbers, the Cubs are
destined to win. They‘ve made it
this far against equally large odds.

Cub fans, pop the champagne.
Onto the fall classic.

Staff Writer Greg Hall is a jour-
nalism freshman and a Kernel co-


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Finster’s work comes to UK

Senior Staff Writer

The Talking Heads put it on
an album cover. So did REM.
UK’s got it in a museum.

lt's folk art by Howard Fin-
ster, the self-proclaimed “World's
Minister of Folk Art Church,

A 57-piece show of his work
that opened recently in UK's Cen-
ter for Contemporary Art in the
Fine Arts Building demonstrates
“breadth, wide range of subjects
and variety of different media" in
Finster’s work, said Art Jones, a
UK art professor.

The show, “Howard Finster:

Painter of Sermons," features Fin-
ster’s distinctive biblical, pop cul-
ture and fantasy figures juxtaposed
with his rambling and loosely
spelled preaching in many differ-
ent media.

The figures dance through a
multi-media morality play in mir-
ror paintings, “dried-paint sculp-
ture,” pop-can monoprints, wood
cutouts and large paintings.

“Finster's work is really wild.
The work has energy. It buzzes. I
can’t see how someone wouldn’t
react to Howard Finster," Jones

The show was put together by
curator and UK graduate Larry
Hackley for the Folk Art Society

an essay on Finster by UK an

pieces since 1976. The UK

pre-l976 period and more recent

of Kentucky and the Berea Col-
lege Appalachian Museum. Ad-
ditional funding was provided
from the Kentucky Arts Coun-
cil and the National Endowment
for the Ans.

The show’s catalogue was de—
signed by Ellsworth Taylor,
also a UK graduate, and includes

professor emeritus James S.

Finster, who is in his seven-
ties, is very prolific, producing
more than 10,000 numbered

show includes works from the



Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, September 27, 1989 - 3

Kip BOW“!
Arts Editor

‘Voices’ traces apartheid

Arts Editor

“Voices of Sarafinal." a film that
provides an inside look at the lives
of children of South Africa, will be
shown by the Martin Luther King
Jr. Cultural Center tomorrow and
Friday .

The movie, which offers a be-
hind-the-scenes look at a musical
of the same name, documents the
lives children living under the sys-
tem of apartheid in South Africa.

“A film like ‘Voices of Sarafina’
lets people see the real human cost
of apartheid through the lives of
children," said Chester Grundy, di-
rector of Minority Student Affairs.
“People can see the damage done to

“One thing this film can do is
erase the idea that people think that
the problems in South Africa have
gotten better," said Frank Walker,
director of the MLK (‘ultural Cen-

The director of the stage version,
Mbongeni Ngema, recruned several
children from the shtintytowns of
Soweto and other areas in South

The stage version was performed
at New York’s Lincoln Center.

Walker said the hint otters a
touching, yet disturbing view of
conditions some blacks hate to en-
dure under apartheid,"

”Voices of Sum/trio” vitt't' I'h'
shown at the Student Center Hira-
ter tomorrow and l‘rltitl‘v or " i’lt
pm Tickets are it




Residents of apartments
on Gazette, Transcript.
Leader and Press
Avenues. The Commuter
Student Office & Cravens
properties will host on
open house on Sept. 28
at 7:30 p.m. at 127
Gazette Ave. Football
coach Joe Phillips will be
our special guest.
Refreshments will be
provided. Sponsored by
Commuter Students








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more info call 233-6071.





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go all out. it‘s the ultimate dance
exercise conditioning program.
272—4455, Cindy McGeorge.






'——"'"—F————AIM HIGH

(AFOQT) Schedule for period
Oct. 1989 through April 1990

Oct. 14, 1989 12:00 EKU (one test date only ;
Oct. 28, 1989 12:00 Barker Hall,U.K.
Nov. 18, 1989 12:00 Barker Hall,U.K.
Jan. 27, 1990 12:00 Barker Hall,U.K.
Feb. 17, 1990 12:00 Barker Hal],U.K.
Mar.17, 1990 12:00 Barker Hall,U.K.
Apr. 21, 1990 12:00 Barker Hall,U.K.

° Photo ID. Required
'To register call ’I‘Sgt. Kata 257-1986
2 53": ‘—


Pick up applications
in room 120



4 p.m.. i


Sept. 27

October 4 & 5







l I I I I l I IYIYI I I'IVI I I I'J'I I I T IVIYI I l Ivl I I Ivl I'I IfI l' I'I'I I I I‘I'lvl IVI I'I'IVI I I L r11

Let me teach you a few tricks!

Enroll now in on-campus bridge les-
son. Want to have fun? We'll give
you a hand! Bridge is both challeng~
ing and entertaining at every level.
Have a good time while you improve
judgment, concentration and memo-


Materials for the American Contract
Bridge League's eight lessons are
specially prepared to have you play-
ing the game after the first class.

WHEN: Every Thursday


At the end of the lesson series. the
three highest-scoring students in the
Campus Lesson Series Tournament
will win scholarships totaling $375
And everyone who plays in the tour-
nament will become a charter mem~
bet at our campus bridge club.

Now‘s the time to learn to play
bridge. It's an education that lasts a

For more information call


WHERE: Student Center Game Room FEE: FREE

Lessons are for students. Faculty, staff and spouses will be included if space permits.
Sponsored by the American Contract Bridge League and the SAB










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106 Student Center Annex 0 257-6304

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r 30 Acres to Maneuver r- Multiple Playing Fields

r Private Field and Lessons for all Newcomers and Beginners

Special Rates for Fraternities and Large Groups
Teams and Individuals Welcome

Play Saturday and Sunday
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or 1-5 p.m.




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Grocery ,. - —



tales Cit-ck

tApprox 8 miles;






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4 — Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. September 27, 1989



UK should end
separation of
races on campus

In the past month, the University has set forth a plan for the
future that includes many far-reaching goals. Among these,
Chancellor for the Lexington Campus Robert Hemenway
stressed that UK should articulate our values and diversify the
campus community.

It is that concept of “community” that Hemenway hopes will
inspire all members of the University to address UK’s
weaknesses and improve upon them. But the University will
be a true community only when it addresses the needs of
everyone in the University system — with their different
backgrounds and ideas.

But as it stands now there seems to be at least two distinct
communities on campus — the white community and the black
community. According to two stories in the Kernel last week,
many black students feel isolated from the rest of the campus
community and are concerned that their needs are not being

Many students complained about a lack of social life or
University-sponsored activities for blacks. The Martin Luther
King Jr. Cultural Center has provided a place for social
gathering and cultural events, but if there is only one room on
the entire campus where black students feel comfortable and
where the University is doing something for them, then UK
may have problem.

One of the main ways to address this problem is to recruit
more black students and faculty. Both Hemenway and UK
President David Roselle have made that a top priority in their
plans for UK’s future. As Frank Walker, director of the MLK
Cultural Center, said, “This is a university, and a university is
supposed to have different cultures.”

But black students won’t come to UK unless they know they
will be w