xt71vh5cft50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71vh5cft50/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-09-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 21, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 21, 1988 1988 1988-09-21 2020 true xt71vh5cft50 section xt71vh5cft50  


“ ““3030 , Established 1894 University ot Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Wednesday. September 21, 1988 l



Campus and Lexington groups educate public on alcohol

SADDingorms ‘ Campus and local organizations.
campusa 0‘" DUI promote alcohol responsibility

(‘ontributing Writer m llltnusJ. st t l l\ \\
' "awtltgel‘ittl’oi’



ln wake of a recent alcohol-reinted . , .
accident in which one L'K student \\d.\ ' - i l. and “is. art ml,» min
killed and another seriously injured. the a _ ' 3 -. .m: gttit'l't’.\i li‘i gilt 1)th ('(th aw:
LZK chapter ol’ Students Against [)l‘lVllltl . , - ixz-ntss t)!‘t1'~,§l'.l.‘11:sl mt my: t ,
Drunk hopes to better educate the cam _ ‘ ; ‘ v- t‘t‘stll‘t' that it s '
pus about the dangers of drunken drii V " ‘ ,m {Auk “lipit‘ltiv‘tinlg
”ll-1.: 'I ’ it i ' .l1i> it‘slgilt‘ti 'I‘lt'd‘?

Nancy l’aulin. an architecture s‘Upho ' I' u. ' lt‘v i:
more, said because of the accident . , . Z - .' ' , , real I
SADI) needs to be more Visible on cam ' ' ‘ .. ' ‘t i . ' .: proiiiw
[)Us V V ’ ' . ‘ _‘ I .1 ' ",i‘W ui’v‘tlii 4‘ ..ii .i;*.:,

“I think it is important that people i e , p ' , ;. ' ' '1; _ V j _ _ :1. ' . . i ' ' .M titnasepropgup.
knou that SADI) hasn't just started be _, .. ‘ t _ g g- by tictw‘il. .
causeol‘ the accident l.” Pauhn said ‘ V 1 K :iudej‘i‘ ,4

SADDuastormedin1981b) a hm ke. liti'il'” ~
coach \\ ho lost two of his players as .. i '
result ot‘ a drunkendriving accident

Last year the [K chapter oi sum
dissolved because ot lack ot intert-s'
tint \lar)’ (‘heesman graduate assist..n'

“ho coordinates SAM) actixities will}
she hopes more people \HH i)t't"illli ti:
\Hi\L'ti\\lih theorgam/ationthis .tuir'

[\{ohod} takes it sermush mount:
until something happens so close t-- 5"“-
tlait it makes ~\‘tiu uant to do sorta-Win.
about it. ' said Bette Sloan it
psjtcholom treshman

t‘heesninn said man) people iris-i
te: fl} ~teri-otypc morphs-rs ot ‘s‘ilttt





Several reports about
N CAA’S investigation
are wrong, oselle says

in J \\ in \\'ro\

“Amos in t "not


CU” .y

1‘"" rt‘t‘ti Hosv‘ih- .irir‘n‘v‘

“' .‘t‘.L1t'Y“!‘Q \t'.\ \. New s";jl?l
nts'lwltlatl pt'ogmm r

'= ttt'e til-Hpi“ ',\'}(li luv u it
" "W H’Hiwn'tw wit-29M David Roselle


*tsn 1iii‘V;f:"“"V1¢ tug? a;

.‘ff‘ 7.2: )fiQVfilnLH-D



\I't't 'l ‘r' {*‘i’ilt‘ltltl to sin Aho he :‘n‘ o
Rust ttt . ,.: reporters alter }t‘:slt‘!‘ti;i'.
lto'i'v‘ o' "’ttstt‘es meetihL‘ 'ti.it tll‘ s on

uov‘t'dr-t” ‘iit certain people wanted

'hv impwt we“ be named in 'he .ctH-L‘n


ltost'iit‘ also «pressed sum-MW (‘\'i”

to .linllll ‘he pnt'r- Ht ”he \t' \>\ it‘ es'uta
‘-.\r* .Hnlhi like ’o hear 'he .liit’fiit'ltltis
21s" .ts stint} its pttsslt‘h' Hiist'lh' \Htt
l'ho' :n‘t-sittent said ‘M‘sit‘l‘ti.l\ he lm‘stt
Emu- l spet'itve 'Jll‘L‘t’l date lot when the .»
’eL’ations will be recei\‘ed ill” he wspei'
to’ hear flit-tilteuations betore toolona
ttecentb tit least one 'rnstee niem'u-x- _
l..irr\ Fore“. has expressed linger mitt; '.\ ' -' \tormt-it
\t';\‘\ tor the “me it this lilkett to wt'rnt - "' W s 'vs't: .tt'tti .tt' i
‘lienlditioiiiilallegations , N -' is‘m-th-t! alt-h
Form said thiit b) minim: so mint . ~ - s s 4-1 s! no“ ‘-» '-‘t"‘l!l
notil} t'K about tnrther illeuations. "‘t r- ' irv wit‘t t «ck--
basketb,ill team has; Ill ettect been glimw v? '
on :. sears probation
\lthongh the list ot t‘hnrattev‘s A, m'
\(‘\,\ t|l\t'.\'ilL’ltllllll t\ lonu. most spet-i;
Litton about the .l(ilillltlll.l| allegations ms , - ' 1 a 'w 't’t‘tpt‘tti
centered on the M"? exam taken bx sopho ' “ ': ' 2-.3. ’ vws \ln'uvtm "ti‘<’t"‘t“ufs «tens-mi river 1,,” t 1/ r 7 3 .__. Mam” ‘v.


1"!" Kid irr‘tessior’nl t “1' » ‘s ivy-s Vary. '; a 17 t

,, .,.i
3' \i \

more toruard Eric \lanuel, .nid the -. ’ ' i ' ‘7'

'\ 'l
crintinu tut \llt'illLliin guard \‘enn HtL’lllils ‘ V ’ .. .
V H . . , c . . it .,, ‘i V s " '.
and Winn illL’il school buskettuu: tm "-"‘ “ ' "m "”“d ‘1‘” Des B Is (in ( £1
laurencehundertinrke t ~ " ‘ " "iv iterations L .. ,. o
Itoselle told the Kernel on st-pt Amt: 't- ' ,- > H- V w .. Piers Y ~tnnk

. O i ,
e\pected one ot the .||1(‘L‘(lltt)ll.\ to tn- “(tss' ~.- V m min. writs "Mt . \c ‘t ‘ : ‘ ‘
ole cheating on Manuel‘s \t"l' test and 2‘ -: -. ".i‘w "“iti Vii-x nt H.- ea 5 ‘ 0' I en‘ e In ‘1 i e m () r] ‘l
at l.c\in2ton lantznette tliuhN-houl - ' . ,,- . in.“ llt'fldillttis \-‘> \' e -

.s'ean Sutton, a sophomore guard she w now - ‘» " 1-?itint-'ttltw‘htttdits l.\ to“ sl' \l I>I\t. . «w . ‘ttltilliL’ : :“r: w
\n-t' t" mitioiint'cvl '

Kernel advertising receives

: wr't ‘uzisn' .' its ¢. t s . ti't _ m1 'ii'iiilu’t :ttwt‘

dials? in" i‘I'l‘I‘Htt , ~ i‘t» "‘lt'tl or! -nrtt

o _
four awards at convention t -‘ ' ' k ~~ ..
'onnd Jinn Inons decision inure x' i mm t‘e‘. s'ai'tett «int: rt.
:mure! Lin .1th ti \letnorinit t 'I‘svwim tilt‘lt“\
SMITH‘l"’|"\ ‘7 3 ‘3’“ l‘""“"' \l.lrketpl.lce \'m ltoit‘ wemett s'ltL’L’tsh t‘tos’t ..v ‘ ' l". Uoi‘t‘ tho ‘n':‘ ‘v

how .t‘Li'iTt’lll and .Itl\l't"'slllL‘ it

slit r): “u (ntl\ t’id . littlHt' 'ti'~ s M wt 7:: :isttrz' ti nL'ti! s H in is
The Kt‘llllll‘k) Kt'l'ttvl tt‘t‘t‘tu'ti 'Httt 3“" A,“ Niel 91 ihp t-yml rounds to Ft". t'u iv ,‘ .n‘et Weh'tlt‘n: L‘tt'v rs Ht'
mrnrds tor outstanding .lth‘l‘lts’ltlfl 'n .4 ' "him ""H‘t“ “1‘“ ‘t‘t‘t‘ml \W‘ltttn "W title. no Air i‘illltll'itlilt \ii-wmr inst:
competitionuithHotherunnersities 'it"”“4"""K‘vt‘t‘t"""3'""""’” the .‘llt‘it L‘lli l Itltilli Cw‘l't isc :vr. -..: \t_|\ _,;lt)d|'(-']l it t c
The Kernel submitted its .tdx'ertisinu in ' ”HM l'ltnr "test ‘darketnm l'at'kiiut' wlt 't .ltl How and l dulnt itl\t‘ t :1‘»Wt ‘
several categories rind came .i\\a\ EH'i‘» "tt' ”’1“ h' ”it-"M ht Wt" \‘1 Department pdp i ‘ t -ir'\I'l i went iii-ml r , e :
thetollouingnuards ”WM“ ”" "“' “”‘l“"””"‘ “""T ”W“ 5 ins mix "11‘ tl'h lllltt‘ \.tn i‘ttttt tits I i , less iii.“ s \thai t' - Is
0 First Place: Best l's'e ot t'olot‘ Ht -1 'h“ \ttnntn Journal ““1 ("t'lS‘ltm'tm- :«mmtintit'sitlioiitaknockout in:
llonse \d created h) the Kernel \dw'rtis \‘t‘tt't‘ “”4"” "=" “""t‘t" “"“Hl'W‘ Vi“ ! :mwi :--:ilt\ expect to hlt'Kh .i'rth Hi: 'i t: Hoin slid the tw'atm- : »
inulietiartment “' it "t ""‘H‘W" ‘ ”W‘N" \““‘l)“l“"\ ‘|llI :nt I l-‘lt «rent: \an Horns mt w. ‘.l\ \ insed ‘\ x s .m: '.
- Second Place: ltest \(l\t‘t‘lt.\ltlL’ t'un‘. Ht“ 4"“"lr‘ ‘4“ "“““""1 1‘ ”7“ i" " ""” the ! uht dreu .‘t eoott response from t l\' -t-rc

l‘it'k‘n- (10”? h} Frau: Sl'hmt” “’1' “W“ i"""" “"’”“‘”“"““"'5“”"""“” ttnd tne l.t‘xtllL‘.ltlll ttllllllllllllU Lin ‘Eorn i‘tittlll? lmo rmtnm .i- .i ;t.:;- ». V \ \\ huts





UK takes two from Marshall in ‘ ' Local Steatin Horses hopes to make it
Today. Sunny fall opener. See Page 2. big with new song. See Page 3.

Tomonow. Sunny 8. pleasant










2 -— Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. September 21, 1988


Tom Spaldlng
Sports Editor


Wildcats take two
in season opener

ll) ('llllls ll.\R\ l~2\
and SI E\ E H \thh
t‘rintl'ltiiiliiig \‘l'llt‘l\

ht-itli t'liiil‘;itl~ lll‘\7 1i»! .t\ .1
“him! ills .i in); one Ilis \Illglt‘
llr’lltighl Ill .liiii lliii ti‘liiii \t‘t'llllll
llmt' lll break .1 ~t-t'lllillir1lnliu ill

.llill uiw the \ tits ti H
\lvll\ll.'tli I nitt-rxila 1:2
commit ti tllllllllt' lll‘.illl'l

‘lat'tllt‘t ll\l‘l

llir‘ t't\'

ll\ lltt‘li \\t‘l:l lit lll .\ll‘ 4.1m.
tun '._’ :lll")lllpl("l‘illt'\‘.\t‘t‘jl

'i’tii \llllll') l-u‘r tlit- I‘liu'iltl'i't ‘4
llt‘lll L15: night .il \llr‘wlx I‘vl-ii

tinxtlietall \l'L1.\t|l‘illpl‘IIt‘l tllr l h
\ llIIl'Jll ti llitiml t‘iliieur ll.1§l‘ll’


mun: \l1.ll‘.l.ll.tllt' l‘nr:.itiiih.tt I -ll
ttL'." Horatio .tll‘liL with with:
.!I\ li1. \Vliiit .illif \ul'. l-‘gtill'
'.l.'"l‘t'.lll"f ltlr' M‘I'Hsltl' \rimk lvie
i i\
“’"t .1 tllil’lf -’ ll'\'.lj‘ r
' ' :‘K .r ‘lmiw l.
:li.’ v lll’ l I .“ "i lllt" l"
I llii ; t ',
‘{ r«“'.tl l’n‘,‘ ..
H ’ “" ‘ ‘fi' "1




You in
Every Day


r} h) pitching three strong innings.
giting up unit one earned run and
one hit l‘ilt'her Rod Bolton. anoth-
or junior college transfer. came on
”I relief of \'tuilandinghani in the
fourth llt‘ pitched the last four in—
nings allowing uni} three hits and
mitt-lied lllh llI\ sate

'I‘ln- pinpei‘s, though thought the
\k‘lll'l‘ akin llt'H‘H mg

\h- titli .ili right but we
mull? \t in? hotter. \Ltlll senior in
:ll’llit" \d'lt'lWlI’Nltlllll'

l ix I‘ll.“ l1 Kl‘llll MJlllMllL howev-
l'l ‘.\.i\ pill’lit'lllill‘l) pleased with
tin tintttr ~ in-l‘tvlt‘ltiliril'e-

\M [litttt'lt well and the pitch
1n; »'\.I‘~ ltl' \tiiti ‘lliir main
tum .» il' pit} .1 lot of people put


in l....: 2'. :iii .'ll“»‘i. rri'z‘llils
tin «thinl- game l'K was
ill :' i ll? -.1!l14' hack 1,. pull
till“.‘ ill tint"
‘-I it I... .tl-r' i;- .‘l in the Hill
Mel-la M . .31th whammy.



UK shortstop Billy White throws to first for the double play in the
first game of a double-header against Marshall las’ “is”?

Continued from Page I

Van Horn was just glad to get the
win, but he said he was disap-

“Yeah. I guess you can say
that," he said. “I feel like I won. I
don‘t think he won a round.“

But Torrence tried with a slow,
deliberate pace which appeared to

“It wasn't really exhaustion
(that got himl." Van Horn said. ”I
just got tired. I kept pushing out
my punches. I could‘ve done what I
did all night but I looked sluggish
all the way through. "

And Torrence had him confused
so much that it ruined Van llorn's
game plan.

“I was trying to be on offense but
it wasn‘t there," he said. "What I
was trying to throw . . . should‘ve
been able to land on him and I
don't think more than half did.

“Like I said. I've never had ring
rust before. but I guess that‘s what

From the opening bell. Van Horn
had problems.

“Just from the first bell, the ring
was real houn'cy and I never had a
stable balance." he said “Whenev-
er I stop and plant I can punch, but

when I stopped . . . l bounced and
my legs weren‘t sturdy."

Van Horn graded his perfor-
mance only at about 50 percent.

“It's hard to say. I wasn't men-
tally ready but I felt I was. I prob—
ably wasn‘t even over half" per-
centage-wise, he said. “There were
a lot of things I should've done but

G.L. Van Horn, Darrin's father.
was just glad to see his son get in
the ring. Even if it wasn't a first»
round. ten~second knockout.

“We got the most precious thing
we could get — 10 rounds.“ (II.

Darrin said he did not know what
effect the four-month layoff from
ring had on him.

“I've never had this long of a
layoff. I don‘t know how long it'll
take me to get back.“ he said.

But he said to fight for the world

title this year, he‘ll have to get
back whatever is missing soon.

“The people I'll be fighting, that
performance right here couldn't
hold water. I‘m just glad I got this
behind me." he said, “(I know my
next fight I’ll look a thousand times


biggest event of the year

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.nuu- \ 'i‘lhf‘ limoul‘h .lpI‘i‘ 1mm um
' hr .iisltitml \Ilzc glint in» .itnxntimih
anon tl «nit-incl mm' ml- llj‘l" l\.tl"K' ulr- x
I (Suguuni













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Crowd Stealin


t‘ifl Heartwood performed at Breeding's during the summer before
I‘l’kan on a national tour in support of their Arista debut LP

Stealin Horses return home after tour and album still on

By (‘IIARLII‘T .\I('('I'IC
Staff Writer

Stealin Horses, currently IUUHIIL‘,
the l'nited States with their self ti
tied, debut album. is doing \i-ri
well on the college charts and iii-cu
pics at position on Billboard's 'l‘iiii

The hand was formed in llltti’,
under the name Radio (ale. I)UI
changed its name to Stealth
Horses "We wanted a more inclu
sii'e name tor the hand." said Knit
llearlii'riiid, the band‘s lead singer

The band's song "l’i‘allliiiir:
fate" is dedicated to the first iilzir-l-

"It “as a real thrashin' l_‘i.I)“ .il
(‘IIIII because the high school K‘l
muld get in." llearliiiiiid » i-l
"l'he neighbors harassed the uni.
ers :i liit llfltI the police l'tllIIt'fi !' ll!
the Itllli‘ I think some iil the '.
tile no because «it the ll‘.‘\llll“
black and \ihite kids there '

.\lti~i' the l’i'lillttmn (kite i‘w ..
the band played liir .i Mill» :
l..\l\()l’ Alter IAINUI’ tlriw l "
hand will tiiur demos li~ rl‘
intrinr record labels

Stillllll‘i lliirsex 'lil ii
\ashi. ille 'l‘enn
'l'rIms ‘ii I‘l'I‘lll‘fi .iri tlIIUII‘.
\(is’hyille ,Iliers- I' not

\. ‘rit‘fl‘f".l.'"v .iI ’hiI ii|‘-r,; ‘
I’Ill‘illlff‘), ilkIIiI Mir Hit)" d-"(l .> ,.
In in t‘VI‘I‘VII‘III at \V‘I\I"i 3: .,
and iii' Milo-red. ;\ I.

He; 2“ II ml s l‘”.

\l ;-‘in lIriIle Iiiit iii-ii





Stealin Horses will per-
form tonight at 8:00 in the
Student Center Ballroom
General admission tickets
are $5. City Slickers will
open the show.



IIIII‘Il’llL‘ .i~’ gmr lIUIJ‘i.‘

“Unix .i? t, _ i'llii .dir'l I“

\ll li.ii1ilri.i-i‘l:tiii‘ .,
i " ~ll'7;‘s ill-z"

Kentucky Kernel Wednesday. September 21 1988-

Rob Song
Arts. Edll’fl





Write for the Kernel

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NTv—P“ A i ll ,HA‘

'HIS .in ix.
{‘1 F RM t. H

aarrr— k; no aim ii~rci~

Tiles ltitirs o ,iC) p re. '1T3il)r»r"

86‘ t-"lI'I HI

’;A‘\’Vl 1‘

Billboard LP chart

by Berke Bee ”when!

a”..- r-



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“The perfect .

spoce would
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oll yourjurik in.”
Andy Warhol

1,. i'iiii, i... ,; my .ir Amt» War/nil

Study Aio


3700.6. I

i :5: ~-'.


Night and Day

iVJIOH (Mk) [‘i'ie I'(j(7‘+)



 4 — Kentucky Kernel, Wedneedey. September 21. 1980






Stricter penalties,
more enforcement

of fake IDs needed

Whether it is the boring night lite available to minors in
to iexiiigton area or the relative ease to obtain one. take
it is are abundant on the l'K campus

\ni‘. until a fatal accident two weeks ago in which a [K
filll‘iil was killed and another was seriously lllJlll't‘tl. most
stiitlenfs saf. that having .i take lE‘t was lost as good as
tzax ing a real one

toi-a} bar and liquoi «ore owners are reported to be
«yo/line customers more regularly since the accident. but
(it'<"‘v."tll'll_' to Howard Kinney ot the s'ate .\lcohol Beverage
i‘teitrol board many take llis are so authentic that many
proprietors cannot tell the «litterence between a counterfeit
mil the real thing

\‘t’hile many students may not consider having a take II)
to h.- a maior crime the penal". for having one is a
class \ misdemeanor which can carry a one-year tail sen-
tenei according to i‘ominonwealth \ttorney Ray Larson
\laking take ll)s is a class-l) felony, punishable by a one to
li\ e-vear tail sentence

Hot in reality the punishment for haying or making a
take lll is little more than a slap on the w rist l‘K students
living in llaggin Hall last vear made take [Us in their dor-
mitor}. orooms Their punishmen? however was only a
5373 So tine , probably what they made in a week. and two
years ot probation. Kinney said

iihviously the laws need to he strengthened and harsher
penalties need to be imposed on those caught possessing or
making take llis so people know that there is a penalty for
breaking the law

Instead ot slapping someone or the wrist tor having a
take Ill and accepting it as pat" .a the college experience.
courts should revoke a person s driver s license and line
pose a hefty fine

While a $373 3o line and two years tit probation may not
deter someone trom making take His time behind bars
and a revoking a person s driver s license tor at least a
year may prevent some ll)s lrom being made

Fake IDs also should be harder to come by (‘urrentlyt
a person can walk in oil the street with two torms oi identi~
tit-ation and get a drivers license

Rather than immediately issuma a driver s license. offi-
cials should have a system to check a persons identifica-
tioi: similar to the way .i credi' card company runs a
check on its applicants

The t‘niyers‘ity community should otter alternatives to
the local bar scene

The t’niversitj. o: Louisvilics Red Barn, which has
hooked several popular pertormers is open to all college
students Beer is served to those .‘l years and older

The idea oi a campus pub oi nightclub has been dis-
cussed tor the last tew years and now would be the time
tor stilllt'tlllllL‘ to be done by the Student taivernment Asso
ciation and (K administration in establishing a place
w here minors can go on the ‘w eekcntt

Admittedly there are going to he unscrupuloUs mer—
chants and adults who will continue to sell to or buy alco-
hol tor minors But it take lli laws are strengthened and
entotceit perhaps people will think twice betore selling or
buy lllL‘ alcohol tor those under age and hopetully it will not
take the death oi another I K student to alert the commu
llll\ ot the problen;

Students should check

; rules governing tests

ltiilr- aiiil pioii-tluies toi




l't‘- weik walk T'ii til-Lu-
mil. cvniis ii. : not \ttlll\t
lt- 'liirt of wit i-tiiollei: ii
4a.” m it“ “up” ri‘l“..\ 1,. tll>l’ alt t"""i1'li liI ii makcvup
M. -, .imt mm “mm”... 1..) ("Milli iatiici tliar have this
i:i.ssci1 exam tliiown oilt on
the pi llil ipli' ot drop the lowest

'l~ ‘ili‘ii and the pittii o! ‘lo
ioiiiiiioti l‘.\atY

\tillltlJu li lllt lii Llit‘lt

twat. hm. .\ slllllt‘lt' tin ° ltyaiii tillii'i than lllix‘ll
anon xiii iHHiiiiiii‘ition lid-H t‘\.illi' .iiit‘ -tilllllltill exams are
beer silicduleil toi lllt‘ satin "“ili'o‘l‘t‘l ~t’ 'ltt [R'Klllnlng ”l
'iiiii- shall be entitled to haw "" ‘t'll’“"“' "‘ “it"ll ”l-‘lrm'mr
llll c\aiinnatioi :oi the i‘Iils- l": illlttl'm'lht“ ‘llt'llld haye
will the higlici iatalov lltlllllit‘l ""t' "’llillillllltillt‘d l“ you ”l
rescheduled ll‘i iasi liotl - '. oi lhc lirst or second
iiasscs liayc thi satin lttlllIlN‘i otv ltt'llttll
it... .,”.. “hog. appdpnlrni‘, - l‘.\.lllis other than tinal
pretis is alphalx-tivally tirst \\tl' ”it'll‘ ”1U” “9 K'Vt'" during a
be rescheduled 'l‘his ieseta-itin w your» st tieduled class meet
ink: must be i‘eqttested ot the tip ”‘2 "”1" unless approved h) the
llltipl'liltl' instructoi Ill thltllL‘ department chairman 0" it “ml
at least two weeks prior to the ”W“ “‘8'" has 599“ N'ht‘dUlPd
scheduled Hamlmnpm toi all sections of thecourse

. Students who miss a win w than (; Mooilv is the UK
iiioii exam and hate .i \ill‘tl t‘ . ail. Hill ombudsman




CA. Dunne Bonltei
Editorial Editor

Jey Blenton
Editor in Chief

Mlcheel Btennen
Editorid Cartoonist

Jim White
Assocmte Editor

Thomee J. Sulllven
Executive Editor

JulIe Eeeelmen
Special Projects Writer









Prohibitive policy ignores the problem

lmaL’lnc the headline 'l'K a."
nounces conservative new s‘liltik'tlL‘
policy on campus \‘o one may
smoke on campus or come onto
campus under the influence ot
nicotine Imagine the outrage
Imagine the enforcement prof:-
lems Imagine the administration
outlawing voting by students

Sound silly" Yes but this is
exactly what Barbara Harrisons
guest opinion ll‘. the Friday Sept
lit edition of the Kernel advocates

ll the administration adopts a
more conservative alcohol policy
then what they are doing. in etiect
is to strip students older than '1‘: ol
their right to drink \‘o one would
attempt to adopt a ptillt‘} that llt'
students may drive even it they are
at age. why would we slt‘lt‘ our
selves of our right to drink

ln Ms Harrisons opinion she
tries to link increased crime rates
rape and murder and the need toi
an escort service to alcohol \e.
ther is it proven that crimes are
committed by students drinking
nor is it proven that eliminating
drinking will eliminate or even re
duce crime

Admittedly. the disparity In the

current alcohol policy cannot be at:
lowed to continue however in
stead of limiting drinking turttier



the policy should be revised so that
students til the legal drinking age
are not restricted from doing so. as
l .in. sure they would drink at
home it the\ were so inclined

I don! mean to advocate drink
ing it.» six but by the same token
i don't see how the l'niyersity can
iiistity taking away a right giyen to
us lt‘. law

t'ei‘tainly I do not support ttl' con
itone drinking and driving but the
way tit decrease the amount ot
alcohol related accidents is to
make the penalities for driving
drunk more stringent. not to re
move or regulate our legal right to
drink alcohol

-\lthough it you must drink toi
lllll oi rela\atioii you may or may
not have a dependency problem. a
prevalent root ot the problem is
out society in general. and shaking
'i tingei at alcohol llkt‘ scolding a
child will not attcct the greater

Local telcyision news interview
:ng students alter the recent tragic
accident reported the incident
should have no effect on tuture parr

ldon't mean to advocate drinking. but . . . I
don't see how the University can justify taking
away a right given to us by law.

ties alcohol and driving And w h\
should it "

The cause of the accident was
not the alcohol. it was the fact that
a student drove after drinking
Furthermore. he was not even
drinking at a dormitory fraternity
or sorority so the new alcohol poli
cy however adoptedl would not
have at‘tected the mctdent in qucs

The Kappa Alpha fraternity men
tioned in the article did not encour
age drinking but on the other
hand. alcohol was there~ and peo
ple left drunk

Driving drunk students home in
the fraternity van is a
commendable idea. and like ideas
should be encouraged The party
was a success because of its re
sponsible attitude toward drinking.
rather than hiding in the sand and
outlawing drinking totally. which
can only lead to covert drinking

Ms Harrison's opinion states
'l’erhaps the coming generation oi

the woos will question the general
acceptance ot alcohol and other
drugs and will document how the
hypo ot‘ the television. newspaper
and inaga7ine advertisements
hired an educated society into blind
acceptance "

tin the other hand. perhpas the
coming generation of the 19908 will
accept that alcohol. and drugs both
legal and illegal. are very
prevalent in our society and the
only responsible way to deal with
them is not to make them more il-
legal. and try to torce people not to
use drugs. but to further legalize
theme thereby reducmg the amount
of use for rebellion. and promote
responsible ways ot dealing with
and reducing the use of them. as
Kappa Alpha has done and l hope
other groups will do in the future

Admit Goldberg Is it computer
st rem-c (ltlil politii rii' scieni e slit
dent rind o tiiemher ot' Strt‘lflllv

Contented Students



Tougher DUI
laws needed
for society

In my opinion. the problem ot
take [Us is minor compared to the
problem (it driving while under thi-
influence Why has the media
chosen to make fake [Us the main
issue tollowing a severely tragii
auto accident on our campus"

I admit that take Ills are a proti
lcm. but what about those who are
Lil or older“ There is still thi
possibility that some will clioosi to
drive w hile drunk

ll lll‘l penalities were still
enough. perhaps Mr Shipinan and
many other partiers would think
twice about entering an
automobile. turning the key and
going tor a deadly ride

I agree that lA‘singtons night
hlc, well suited for those over the
legal drinking age. is somewhat
iiill tor those under age and this ac
counts tor the possession ot the ma
Jority of take Ills I also agree that
take ll)s are a problem and should
be eliminated contrary to the be
liets ol many

But. let us also concentrate on
stopping drunken (ll‘l'.t'l‘s I am all
tor much stiller peiialities tor lit l
violators We need to make people
afraid of the legal consequences ll
they drive while under the iiitlu
ciice As I perceive it now people
know that if they are caught drink
mg and driving. nothing more will
result than a substantial litie and
the revoking of their license to
drive That is not etiough It didiit
stop a couple of people recently
from heeding the law

I have no suggestions tor refining
the current laws that govern such
actions That is for the lawmakers
to decide I do suggest that some

thing be doiie soon There are too
many people being injured or killed
by drunken drivers It a person is
too blitzcd to decide for him or her-
sell wliethei to drive or not‘ then
someone else should take responsi
bility tor that person whether they
know them or not We ve got to
watch out for each other'

As we have all heard many times
over. "Please . llon't drink and
drnc “

God bless Lisa Whalen atid Mike
swerc/ek’ and Todd l’rew itt

fittestni “it' is u tcfi‘ioi'iotiitt'i ii

ti‘itls ltilllti’

Why was ID

\ewstlash' l’akc ll) found on
(ilt’llli l-‘olii alter loss to Auburn

Nitind stupid. doesn't it" tincc
again the Kernel has managed to
oveilook the issues in lavor of
preaching at the students Perhaps
the Sept 9 story should have gone

.~\ takc ll) was tound yesterday
on the body ot a dead ['K student
tili by the way. her name was
Leslie or something like that. atid
she was a member of some sorori
ty. and she'll probably be missed
by friends

llut that's not important A crack
Kernel investigative squad has
tound that it was the weight of the
take ll) which caused what'srher
named to be killed Had she not
that extra H 3 ounces of weight on
her at the time. she would have
sur\l\ed the crash and we would
have had to print a senstble head

Rlifu'rt \‘evtvees is on accounting

