xt71vh5cfs7m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71vh5cfs7m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-10-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 1981 1981 1981-10-29 2020 true xt71vh5cfs7m section xt71vh5cfs7m .. ; ; m « »,..-. F 7 3 _ ; J 3 -.- u; ‘ 3 y a ; .. .-~..n’ _ ; _ 3‘ , a, L, ,N ; .; , . _ . ; :5 1;._ «A! r,. ; e ,1“ . ; 3. ‘ J; 3.: .. ;.,- 2 3-5;, *1; Emily ,efi‘jqr;;~,;,;, .;~,;os.r;,2§3l‘§{;vi cit-TEE»; ,43..1-, . (€FM” "'3; 33;, f . ’19:. f ,
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9. _ - ; 3‘} Vol. LXXXIV. No.53 An law auldent m since M University 0‘ Kentucky , , ’ I.
. 3 2' Thursday, October 29, 1%! helium. Kentucky ;
. _ 5; , ' . .
‘ V ; ; ' * r ,: .-_ yor-e‘v-*,¢d-:~(gai.urg as; statinurmxér , :3 . “”3 x 1; _- ~. ,- .... 4.3,...“ Hrs...“ . . ; .7 ~. 3 ... .3. ”15,; Imp; >3 .‘_. w ;.. Merv - , ‘r": m". 17,; ;..,e,,_=. ., ,7; f ‘
. * - : - _ - x " *‘ grfiwgélne he; feign. . , .
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: stowage "is, 2r. “i‘>i'§ti3n§-‘le 4 ~~ . . " 3.», ,3; he 3*: rown Iscusses 2': *
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= :3 Wk e_:§:“§'ta;rni1§n’i:?"75 git. «5‘. ,r{;3€a§:'vi.‘;t~re§3 .t .43 331*: 1§§§Lin * ”net-n “fig”? 3 7
. “3‘.” V. :4 r 9553“» g, s 1M _ . 3h, , ,‘g v.3»; ,, ,1! goitpggsfl g 3 3:711" 3;; iriw‘wi“ ”.5143“. .; ;M_‘.%;3;: , fi"v;;§v’»§.?ér,w€ . _. kW" {343*1» .43 I ,;
’ ‘ 3‘ ii" *u‘xi‘qwHaslettwith (so, To ‘: ttfi'thittwisretiim ‘ - {2’3}. iii-<3 a, fiéhfifmafih I,
- . .4 Issues a orum _
ll 1 wt Refit * I . *n “23% * .’-'
l l . l i 3' s l l ‘ l & ’tflwni 7“:ng {5"Wigg’égc , ‘ A ~”‘- C” ‘?\ I: {Uzi-*5"?st 7&1," " (.1,
3 l l l l l t . t '* ”WW“ m:r"’:~,**~t*v‘f2*"‘x*?3v ' a! . " 4‘ Misti? or» v
' ' t 3’ l a l ‘ *‘iiti’vite ,{f* r - ' extend .5131— a:
, . H 1‘ ‘ ll 3 i l . that Wig " ' .. .. -* ‘M‘t‘gfi’ :1:;,_.* ' ———_.__—_ and t sheriff to hold "y"
. ' ,. ,. . l i t. l l . unmade " I “.14: », ' -tj ' a , . By NANCY BROWN 3mm °°““ y 5 r .
" 1 t ; l I l; l l ‘ l , “Zn-«€333, 3t 3‘ ”171323;" _~. g »_%;; . Senior StaffWriter back-to-backta'ms. _
, , l ’ = l l 3 :3 l ‘1 ‘ ‘ l, «{ig’ -' - _ ,5; ' £553.15 5 L,’ " Brown said he is not an announced .
‘ g t l ‘ ‘ l l l 47133515333? j' .;,_3-3;1: 73525:, '*'-_;,.*-'"..~7:§ *’ ———-——~——— candidate, butiftheamendment does 3
l , 1 1 ‘ ‘ ”,tfirg ‘E:}’5 .5711??? .4: . _ :_ . , 3 pass and he should choose to run, the f7
. l . l t 3 ”fig-5% - to“; 33353321. :11 . ‘The numberone WWW for Ken- people would “at least have a track TV
4 3 l g } 3 i i ,, of”? ,. :; "; 53535;; - f3; .- ~ tucky ls education," said Gov. John record.” 3;
‘ l l shag,” ' " ,zéiagéiig, iii 63;; .525; . Y- W Yesterday t0 an audience 0‘ Several questions dun‘ru the fonlm _
- r l l l l ”3* * 22:22-33:52 , . 899”“me .50 3W“: “*va centered around the state's coal- ': ‘
r ' l 3 '2 .554 one” _ ;3 3:2 ' iEEEEEEEEEEE {. 131"“; ; staffandlocalcitizens. 3 severance tax and whether Brown ’
'l i i l l ». ; '. 11.15,, 15:": , 3*. 335355.; 3333233355: {3: signs: * 33mm and several members of his would support an increase in the tax :
r * l l l l ‘ ; . 325.2; 9 fie? ‘ “mm“ ““6““ by a PM °‘ to help twins or the more edwa- 1
.. ; ; . f :- ; 3“,, ; . ::: ; :;- ::'§;§§§EE§ ‘ l, . ;%§,’ students and educatu-s at the two- tionsystan. Asmmmoflis us_
‘ ; l _ ' 1 , , _ : "13:35:13 ' : - .:§;::§§: ',3 31 VJ; if WWW“ held In the Student Center ed to sumlement higher education at i-
. t , :- . ; - 532335; :1; . {"535 reggae: Ballroom and sponsored by members theUnivcrsityofTexas. -‘
. I .1 . ,) :2 g; 2 ;;~:;- :5: :v %% duleSociallyConcernedsmdents. AlthoughBrownsaidataxwmildbe ; l
j l , . . ~ ;-g . ; I i ggi " “We re ; 108‘ getting started," considered by the General Assembly l
. l ' l *1 '3 . .. 4. 3T 3 : 3‘ Brown said. “Kentucky is 0“ the in January, but he added that he ' ,3
. g l 3 l; a - move to 800d lobe and better "1- didn’twantto“justgoinandjumpon l
i l i , ’ dustrias. I truly want to serve the thecoal industry. 1‘
‘3 t l ; ' l g . state: Sometimes that means dOiDS “I want a fair tax on business and ‘ j
’ l ' ' g:- i . what 15 not always 9011:1081” POPULBT- on the public. We’re not afraid to tax .
f = » t: § 3 Four years 15 a 3h?" "m? to 89‘ anybody, but we want to be fair," ‘ ;.
. ~ 2 t‘. ttunss density?! saldreddms that Brown said. “We don’t want to tax ,7
_ By mm) CHILDERS/Kemel Staff his mm“ 8081 t5 ‘0 3°"? mes? {Out ourselves out of berm competitive. l 1i
l Need 8 “ft? years anti "m government like it don’t want to strangle an industry.
3 stmldtle- , We're going to to do what’s best to ‘
i' 'l‘hatisonereasonBrown thinksthe meettheneedsofthisstate."
Joe Mllam haa worked with the Physical Plant Division tor a years. He Is Research inatitute Building. WW0" fmendment {mm ,“com' One member of the panel questial-
- caulking the gap between concrete section on the Tobacco and Health mon sense. 'l‘hestatewlllcontlnueto ed Brownas towhether he thought it 3 _
experience total disruption in was “fair" for the coal companies to
l l l l l l management without it, Brown said. contribute only 6 percent of the state’s
Iscrlmmatlon es raba true mm................... ..................,...,....... »
. the amendment are against it to comprise the “bulk" of that in-
. . . . because they want the state govern-
—————-—_— The EEOC‘s decrswn states, ECUCSb mforrnalmethodsof - ~ . - r. - come.
1 By ALEX CROUCH “Evidence reveals that within a few grence chnciliation and perscljitll- documenttshtlhemt used and then try to merit back hk-elt was. Iwfllbevery (Kentucky has one of the Mt
Staff Writer months following (his complaint), his sion." It invites both harfies “to join reaso WI . I . firmmeffllf‘f: 3:1 endment doc: severance tax rates of the major coal
_ ‘ authority was diminished . . . It is un- with it in a collective effort toward a parsle said UK wrll eventually con- 1- mm: the “£30509,“ producingstates.)
disputed that (Brubaker) did not justresolutionofthematta'." “‘9‘.” ““m‘mv‘mw‘emm' pores cover can ’ Brow" "9° W“ “m '9 d" m the ”‘1
The U.S. Equal Employment Op~ adhere to the (Survey’s) procedure m‘m~ He expects the commission sail. ' . b‘slm wlnt we ad to the WW” i
. . . . . to ask the University “to take They want it back to where buSllless?” Brown ded Halfof -
portunity Commissxon handed down a concermng absences; however, The notice continues however that , , , ap— they've ot the er nd they'v ot , m ' .
decision yesterday in Memphis evidence indicates that he had been in the U s J ti De rtm t pr Oprlate action to rehlre Brubaker - g pow a e g the whiskey businesses have 3
. . . . , ‘ . . . . - - “5 ‘39 P3 en or orwhatever the friends and they can keep the relocated due to tin hea tax ;.
Tenn, agalnstthe UniverSitys Ken- contact wrthhrs supervisor dunngthe Brubaker can sue if conciliation fails; - dollars for whatever interest burden hesaid vy
tllle)’ 0601081081 Survey, finding absence perlod - - - It is inferred that Bnlbaker indicated his willingnss “There is no specific timetable for perpetuates them. Idon’t want that to Even‘if Kentucky is able toincrease 4
reasonable cause that former the (Survey) was aware of the t n' ' t ‘ the 'liati o- lhi ” Darsi t' n , n:
3 3 0 pa iclpa e in mum on pr s, econ mued. happen. dollars M such means as a ,
Survey employee Keith reasons of (his) absences, and that cogs, Heemphasized that “UKhasto Nancy Ray, affirmative action If passed by voters in the Nov. 3 highertaxoneoaltlntdoesnot mean
Brubakcr '5”8"88;8t10'15 1'98”le the absences were a 1'5““ 0‘; treat- recognize. at least privately, the coordinator and assistant vice presi~ election, the amendment would allow all problems are solved “People .
herasenient and discharge aretme. mentfollomns his. - .mtest.’3 hardship it caused and my need to be dent for administration, refused tO the governor to seek a second term mink m Wm mm 31‘, the pm
; This ‘5 Whit} Ve been “"11th for. _ UK D9881 Counsel J0?!" 01.111318 609* compensated. I can always sue later comment on the decision. Bay was in- and permit other dected officials to blems .. Bra}! u said.
, I really ewlgn t see any ether posse tlnued tempest the Umvemty e pos1- ifl’m not satisfied.“ volved with earlier investigations of seek consecutive term, opponents of .me'govma, said the sum, is try-
ble deciSlon, Brubaker said. tion that “Brubaker was termmated thecase. the amendment object to allowing the 33 ..
3 ' Brubaker's case began in only because he decided not come to Darsie said that the University 599 For “m- INSH
November 1979 when Survey work, which is the same as being wouldtry toconvince theEEOC that l . l
employee Lou Ponsetto ran off copies fired." its finding is wrong. “We are unable A t h I, I f d
, of an “Official Runnin' NIGGER 'lhecommission sent both partiesa todeterminethespecific factual basis n I - reps c a enge p Op” 3, a
\ Target.” After other alleged incidents “notice of conciliation process," pro- of the decision. We will make a re-
; of racism,meaker began complain- Vidlng that it “shall enthavor to gust to the EEOC under the W “The prep fad merely became part because the business is now price
» -; IngtoUniversity officials. eliminate the alleged unlawful , ._ . Mom of Information Act for the Stiff Writer of the styles we‘ve always been sell- oriented,"shesaid.
.' . . _ ing. Fashionwise, the type of store Showalter added, “I’m sure that in
- » Community colleges may face increased amoral difficulties ———————— s... .. ours new new w... the e... demon stores the
f This may be the last year of fluores- fad." change in sales will be noticed,
' 3' - a a e . cent green sweaters and hot pink Kincheloe said the trend now seems because they follow trends in fashion,
~ if proposed selective admissions policy used official says pa... to be "new door... 5...... *n butwedon’tseeit- Wemuyhm't
' The bright clothing colors that have basic colors because of the anti-prep seen a decline in sales " I
. ————______ mrssrons would be beneficial “as long to the Board of mm for approval become the trademark of a new breed fad. Such colors as khaki, navy, gray, Bill Baldwin. an economics pro- ‘
By PEGGY BOECK as a broad range of opportunity was at its Jan ”meeting. of preps, known as the “pseudo- kelly green and now lavender are all fesor, said, “I wear the type of
3 ' Kernel Staff available." The committee has not decided on prep," may now be their downfall. selling, she said. clothes others consider lrep. From
_ Art Gallaher, vice president for what prm for admissions the This prqi phenomenon, often linked “Lexington has always been a very being around Lexington (Paris) and
. . academic affairs, said he also favors policy will involve, Gallaher said. with the Greek society, is now being traditional town that doesn't usually with the people I‘ve been arormd, I've
; Aselective admissions policy at UK a selective admissions policy. “The Wethington said a selective admig. challenged by an anti-prep fad. wear ‘faddy‘ things," Kincheloe said. always worn these types of clothes. ;
could increase financial difficulties idea is not a novel one," he said. “In signs policy would not be posible for What exactly is a pseudo-prep? us “They wear things that were worn When prep became a fad. I became
, for the University's community col- fact, such policiesarebeing medin 10 community colleges. Such a policy a prep who has taken the traditional years ago and things that they can considered tobefollowingafad." ;
. leges, currently coping with oftheUniversity‘s 13 collegesnow." would be “contrary to the colleges styles of clothing and added bright wear years from now," and tradi- Baldwin comiders himself to be .
' budgetary problems caused by a 20 Gallaher is heading an advisory philosophy and purpose," be said. colors like pink andgreentohisorher tional clothing such as button-dowm, conservative in a number of ways. “I - 3
. percent increase in students over a committee to help draft an admis- ”We will always have an open admis- wardrobe, said Ann Kincheloe, sport- wool items and blazers give them this wear clothes that are conservative.
two-year period. sions policy for UK. The committee sions policy and I‘m firmly commit- swear buyer for Dawahare‘s at the option. Conservative clothes doesn't
‘ ' Cilarles Wethington, vice president was appointed by President Otis ted to it." Gardenside Shopping Center. Shesaid Lexingtoniamtendtowear necessarily mean conservative col- .
. for the University’s community col- Singletary and will present the policy 501‘ "Selectiver'TuM Books like The Official Preppy many of the styles that are being ors. The clothes that [wear are those ,
\\ -' lege system, said there is a possibility I Handbook have created an entire way worn elsewhere, but such things are types that have been worn comistait-
\ thatstudents would use the communi. ' of life for society's upper class, in- usually short~lived. ly for years."
'3 ty colleges as preparation for admis- D'abetes center ded'cated eluding their characteristic clothirg “People are wearing outfits that in— According to Baldwin, there are at
; siontoUK. also taught to eat a r di t d styles. clude wool shorts and knee socks. least three reasons for resentment of ;
! An additional increase of gmdomg JANE GIBSON the are ovided p ”€352.11?" And then there are the anti-preps Those are things that I wore in junior prepplsm: Some people are anti-fad
would only rurtheruiecollegee rinan- StaffWriter may“ 9", shew?” ‘5 who have appeared because of a high school,and thisisthelook that is and therefore antiprep; some are
cial problems .1de in existence, The second inci ple Bra d1 noted dislike for these bright colors. said selling. Plaids are not selling as well anti-prep because it is not a fad
Wethington said. However, “this type ’—————“’—‘—‘ was the l :::-have a settirgwl Kincheloe. as theyhave been, it‘s the solids that anymore; and some resent the upper
of increase would not be as major as The largest diabetes center in Ken- necessary ba ck up services were im- “Preppy is a word relating to atype are selling." sacral class and feel that preppism ls
, those currently taking place from tucky and surrounding states was Of- m ediat ely available to the diabetic of clothlng that we as tradiumal Sheadded that three-quarter length astatementofthatclass. _
" » ' other sources" ficially dedicated last night in such as dialysis treatment obstetric “‘9‘“? stores have always had," sweaters and kmckers are selling However, Baldwm s‘i'd‘ “I don ‘
, Wethingtonsaidthecommunitycol- ceremonies attheUK Medical Center facilities for p *nt ‘diabeties said Jim Showalta', owner of DJ. very well now. “The trend now lsgo- consider myself to be in the W
; , ' leges are suffering from budget cuts, auditorium. et mt er a. ”8"“ ‘ Showalter. ing away from Shetland sweaters. social echelon.
[l 83 are unlversltla am h'ute Dr Romrt R Bradley‘ dim“! 0‘ Bradley said “Xingu,“ and an -:'-:.:-:‘: '- ‘ ::: ~ . -:-.-:-:--:.:':--:~:~:-I::- ;.,_;.3.3:;.,.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.; ~:-:»' :-:-:»::.’~:-:“ 1444-1: :-:-.:;~:-:-‘-.-:;:;::::2;:;:-:-:*: '.-'~:-1,:{4:I;1:1;.‘:I:'.:2:i:f:i:f:i;2:i:2:::2:21-:-:-:-
‘ I l vi: more “mm?“ to laiudy at the “5“" Clinic f" diabetes in Medical Center provided an ideal set-
~ . 2* “m."wm v ¢° aces. Bostm. said two important Printiples ting for a facility such as the new 3353':5;iii233$;255%;é;y:55iiiiégiiéigliiiiiéjffEiQéEfiiiiiééiéii-‘ifsii =:*i2:: i333syrgarr :2:
. * . Wettnnctw send the ”book would he were expressed in the new Kentucky diabetic center. 5e.s;3.2553323;aéaasgaggrrésgngis?is;ring-:9j':*--: ‘ A ._ A
catft‘mted “mitmd‘l dflemnaof Diabetes Center. located at 2108 Bill Young, chairman of the Ken-
. - .. _ 3; producing moneytohire more faculty Nicholasville Road. tucky diabetes foundation, said,
‘ a wry ”W the need- portance of educatins the diabetic pa- not get the care they need or journey iiiiifiiif” \
3-, But despite ”'9 'problems, tientas part ofthetreatment. to somewhere like Baltimore. Now, $5.57“: .. ‘ -~-::::;:;;: 5335;?
~ . .' - 3 Wethington and. he '3 m lava °f "The W is tohave the patient thecenter provides an excellent alter- 523' ‘ * ' ——-——— ._,. '
» " l selecth admrsalons. flyonhisor her own," Bradley “id. native for them." 3323... .53,” 4‘ ‘-
, 2 3, }' George Denernark. dean for the Peggy Collins, program coor- US. Health and Human Service 1‘ a‘ f; *‘r ,, . d 3??
t) College of Educatim, agreed, “if dinator for thecenter, said oneof the Secretary Richard Schweiker, 23 '*"**’i‘fiz’iiifizais'? E “iiiazzrfe \- -
- :3 *‘e'xm’e ‘dm'mm’ ‘3 “at“? in main aspects of the center was are scheduled to be the keynote speaker “ ', . -
‘ ' Y] ‘9";‘13 0‘ {morn-t3 criteria for the viding patients with self education. at thededication, had mamelhlgdp. :{*");j_,';fi”* .5;.,..-.-.-:-:‘::::::?:3=5=~ a \ ' . ‘ '.
3 3 -* . ,i, individual Ieollese. Patients are taught to deal with and pearance at the last minute. William ’fi‘ . . ‘ ' - V
- 3 lnterrnsofgeneral admi-lontothe treat the disease, read their N006 Foege. head of the federal Center for i 0 ; he}! 5.. ii: 53" , ‘_ , ,.
-- ' Nuclei 0mm“ "id telecttve ed: sugar and test their urine. They are Disease Control in Atlanta, replaced .. :;;i};- 3 5.} .3._.;:;3:;;,,f 0 , 1 . s
,1," ._ 9' . . theSecretary. * 53533;?“25:33:11 “ fl; 0 \. j ‘ _
33‘. Foege said the centu- was unique in $53 . "‘-‘r.,;:11**"1” M» A {f ” .,. ; , ,' ~; ,3;
'3 l S] 2 u... itumedthree-w—me-rei. ‘ "‘:2:;::;:a::;:;22=:_ * ..
; ; ‘ ; , , lralniru and application -—and that it 2-3-§?§i§'i:7533i53=:::... __ ~' ;: hf} «9:53.; i:
r .. -. . , a mm M... on perform or cam-n no" .. 0mm 3.. 322.1“ ”' °°‘“"“"“" ""h "'° 9* t -\ a
I ‘. ”mamas. , ' . l l V3
is“? .. . , m boa Amie. Dodgers defeated the New rm Yanks.“ lee: night to nglthmmsm rt? :2“ $313: J. t = g E wk; ~25; iffy-3,,
". ' - ' ‘ ' cl .Scutor on . sii=5*"==‘===':‘ . _ \o . 7» a“ ‘
_ 3 captunthiayear ' WW“ “m.“ ' y PM! (ha giiostlc laboratory teats in nation. §,;_;,,,;33_;_3,,;,__,_,.:gi,;;”g:'--.»...,, 1 . l '52 in} g‘kgs new“
in r e, t See “mam." NR 4 ‘E;EiE§EgEEE§E§:\E§EE' ié:E:E:E=E;§5:;:-.,. “the ,_ ~ _. . , A _ .. 3,, berg}. e. ., ,3, . _-~;g;.§; i3 :§?,?g
- ‘ fiat-i3:
(night; "‘”fl ‘ ,. ‘ “-W‘ M 3 3 A 4 "a W" ‘, h . ., . . - a .4 .r , .... o. «a . . i . .4 «n W. . _ ; ; ;e no» r, _‘ tie?“ ' . ':,".‘j'n.;ii: 31";3‘" ‘ “liggH'e' I.) ;;3‘3~,,§:j3,:;,;_3r~: -' * ,
“’ "' n” , * . . . * ~ .. '33:. 4.: girl” “was?" t?! " .enifi'WM‘inls
i; _ . hi . . _. , “7:; +91: ‘. v go; 2““ 35-; 333% fig; $343.1:132érm'fit 3“ . ;~ -; . d i.
.- ', ‘ . . I « . . ‘\ 1- a 4. V . .- ‘ 1,”, 3a”%;::‘*rz..f':h5§é’33{ Egre‘ 3"": «3%! “r"? ’ '
rot-:::, *fiuiis" ‘~ o; :1, - , ', .. ‘3 I, ‘* ,. :3 “4. , 1. *- _ '. * - - We. met (Sits-t 14;}. 7317‘ 1' "”“*~'?. ‘ ‘ ‘
yeti“. .~ is? 5;,”§?, ..~' 1.. .ir eerfia‘t “1 $4? ._ 3 .‘ ~ , ; 3 1,: 4 ,2 . fieri'h;w° 335’s; ,1 :::". 3 , *- . i3 .
31- It: *1- 5* “tit.“‘e . “fies ““3165; 5 If". . .~ ii}? A???” r ‘L at "r' . TX : ‘ , . ‘ e . ' Z *3" “in.“ "a?” "4.15:: mi” :‘w‘: i t i" I .. - ~ . . f” ‘ .7 -
in *Weitt.ae »r:.i.... . is a“ ~ . ~ * * - _ , * _ - z: , * »- . . » .* » -~ 3. 4 » » . ». »

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“it“. i if“. .-
niiisteiden mum Jelnerlenllerrle AnneChflee UsaWallace M.(1lend|erllelln . n
is”; “ ’i a. A . muscular new editor Dale G. Min-tee Sports Editor biennium mm more editor 3
t mmmm l
‘47" ? persuaSIOl’ mill-Ii uanadabe summation“ usueuicheison WW '
' ‘I I ' ,I I madman 0mm” . WMMW Alelstantlhitenainmallwtof “HW'W l s

' . ‘ V I ' Knitwear my”... I‘ I

i . . ‘ Kfll Am anluce Edna I

II cruel Wm i i.
, I ~ ‘- . Con
WWW ‘ I‘ test
”9 I I I 4 the
' ble needed while nni construction ~
« ~ creelg ..
s: Tue
3 _ . . . in a
‘ i, Whoever said “the best laid plans of mice reductions Tuesday night and received com- ‘ . 1 dis:
and men often go astray” knew what they pliments on his and Gov. Brown’s good qudg- DON T (00 SEE? W ITH MY HAN, IT WILL I RI“
' 3'? were WM about. ment in foreseeing the current financial sttua- W m ‘T CA . ‘l . . from
‘; When the 1965 Board of Trustees made their tion. Instead IofIcommitting vast amounts of NO LONGER BE A MERE UNIVERS Y .1; 0:2,
_ plans for the future of the University they money to building and other projects, they m W . and
made no contingency plam, no alternative if prudently cut back when they saw that federal ... BUT A UN ‘VERS‘TY I,_ meI
the originals went astray. This is one of tlle fIiItcpenoitms would no longer be so freely for- I . ”I
reasons we have those miracles of modern om1n8-g'ie.‘i . J , ‘ NRiI
construction Patterson Office Tower and When the 1965 BM 9f Trustees accepted lg“: ' .ir .. . .:. I . tat]
Blanding and Ki'rwan towers. the plansforflieUmYers'W“ 9mm, they 9‘ f H'HUH'NOW ABOIIT at:
These uncooperative structures have never should have used a little foremght to the day I /, ""3”" ' "'"'=======' U I . , bo‘
worked to benefit the general population of the water wouldn’t flow so readily. Even in ’ / r ; " THlS PLAN FOR A , I fneu
this university, and they never will. It’s the their most ebiIilllent daydreaming. does / II 5,
nature of the beast; the more floors you have everyone think, IWhat If “111188 dODIEIISO the * J DORM PATTERNED I. halh
. stacked one upon the other, the more the right way? What if the funds run dry. Well, j 7 e, . _ i1 fob:
elevator breaks down. . the funds have run dry, and we are stuck With __ i1 )‘ / f (1% \\\ AFTER THE GREAT I. my
The folly of making one set of plans with no the most phySically impressive monuments of . .7/ .r 2 I; / \ a . ll? test
thought to contingency plans was clearly il- a plan gone awry. . . . / 9- / . ‘3‘ WRAM'D W CHE. . I Mar

lustrated in President Carter’s abortive at- The faceless, inhuman architectural design {.0 \L i
tempt to rescue the hostages from Iran, and of the PattersonIOffice Tower Is a 800d exam- / // i§a . \_ . .:s= N

has been illustrated less dramatically through ple of poor prOJection of future needs. WhIo ’ '(f III-5‘ 1’" ,/ is, i \ ~. .
the failure to complete projected construction would have thought that six elevators wouldn t k. : ”/0 'i m! f ,’ 32%,“ ,5,“ \ c;
at this University. To go into a situation with be enough. Who would have thought the \_ . / / - :/.f / ht lung
only one set of plans is not only unfeasible but Titanic would sink. Another example of Jump- ,, I » / , ff- ”. , I. "231]
generally stupid. ing into plans Without thinking about all angles , ~I. . .5555 ,. In; , I; w .s—:='/ t; c Th
State Secretary of Finance George Atkins first. ,I ' ’. / 2:1 ‘9‘ ’1“? , men
spoke to Lexington citizens about budget 17/; é/ ' '3 / ’5‘ ll ' mu
,/ .5' 5% '(5/5 o . 7 poor
:52.5 f" /// I i j/ E?“ .g’n »? . Th
- .253; // / 1’ ‘ . _, gé’yé g- eaten
' ' ' 797/?" 2})" ”/Z/ / ' / /,? 0.0 = % ¢ l'
Idea of ‘pofessufl' milists a m ponmls camp! - / / 2'14 /6 {3‘ 4 4/ //,/ s 5;;
. /°,///é/////// ///////4’ I? :1 A / “5/ \ L WV” I losti‘
Western elite circle my a" We“ “3 ‘m dumb Wat '3 // ,.’.. ‘¢ ,, a «fv r~ ( misc
undeflm “fine“ W W’s "0‘” we "'8‘ we have.“ W‘ ‘° ,/’/// %/////.1// «aommcgmz/xx/Mmmmm . “I
hereticalunim,Solithrity.’l‘heylove . I I 0 I II II payfa-masthoughitwerenotIour ' ' mucl
to twit the canth bosses in own. We learn tlle standardized I On
Moscow about the workers in the school to learn to do. it berg in the language of the cenuI'alized state in wow
‘ workeis' state organizing agaimt the nature of our nattering species to the centralized states WM ' m m somfI
worker's government. That part is cheepeheep tidings about each schools. 8 com ”I made
“me “w'mmmmwm "Words." then says. “are m‘” “I; - . . , » , "To?
- ~ ‘ - ‘ . the two largest categories : I

“monomer“ x in. me «so am °‘ so sound fa iliar despite sharpen! disnml .
. that Mr. Lech Walesa, Solidarity’s 651;; of gm malice fit [me mar nag/am "Bridge gout? m cm“
chairman and his ”team may do celebrity, traces the practice of com- m what shall‘he said .who shall . . mom
something to Jeopardize Payment 0‘ mercializing and controlliig ac- 't hen and what kind of people Maj. Gen. Robert L. Schweitzer has peace. The president never mention rep0|

‘ the billions 0‘ dollars 0‘ loans tivities like 8095395003931“) Antonio 52:1; ,bew eted fu- me messages been drummed out of the White m it. Peace is sissy stuff at the White , of re

American capitalists ""1“" ”is" de Nebrija. Nebrija approached s h, “'13,, to; each “new; noise, bam'shed from the National ll 2 0 I House. The aim of foreign policy is was:
mm‘s'““‘s°d‘°i°°b°“‘f°°“ QuemlsabellaofSpainwithapro “3,35,“?me SecurityCouncii,bootedbacktothe notpeaoe,butwhatAllencalls“tme ’ said.
dda'ulting 0“ the payment to achieve 'tion asstartii and as im nt w ’ Pen on for ’ving his “personal disadvantageom strategic position,” security.” ~—
- - - P051 ‘3 9““ demanded. the 81 ,
“mmm°m‘muhm' as Columbis' promise to make the views" in an inflammatory, Allen toldtheAirFa'ceAsaodatim. As far asIthey will goin indicating
fimwmy‘mofiu‘ep‘m‘ddflah ladytheempressandrulerofworlds “Inschoolspeopleleamtospeakas unclearedspeech. Schweitzer,whoonceworkedcloee— thatpeacelsnotactuallywrongisto
3'!“ mewmm' "1mm beyondtheooeansea. theyslmid.Morieyisspenttomalre Dindieprmishmentfittheerime? ly withSecretaryofStateAlexanda- say thatwhenwe have her-hunted.
‘ "“5““ howthebankswiilchoose. . thepoorspeakmore liketheweelthy, The immediate, bureaucratic Haig, from whom he may have ac- ourselves to match the Mans in .
- - - - - mm "9‘“ that 1.5- 9”” an" Cd' the sick more like the healthy; and reason is that he failed to submit his quiredahabitofoverstatement, put it nuclear arms we will have detsred
“mg ”"1“ "‘ Wm as m “m” “.11“ New” 3 We: the minority more like the majority cotterdsmmerung remarks to his a little more strongly. “The soviet themfromlaunchmgI ‘ afirststrlke.
Moscow fear the mm?” 0! {up the W mg“ m . . _ .wef‘irst allow standard language boss, Richardv. Allen. Union knows that for the first time Arms control is another unpopular
governmental, non-hierarchical pnnhng m “nth a dedicatu'y m- to degratb ethnic black or hillbilly What he said was scary, all right, they have superia-ity in every leg of subject. They don’t like the word con-
, " power in an advanced indintrialized troduction which said, ““1301” ’ uch 0 than thetriad ,, trol- that’ s not good m for them.
“am" “he Pm” PW“ m the p” w“ W’ I pander W the teach uzrfiihhtgfeits as 33% rhmsflfin‘flmfifiés com- Was it'hecause he said the Soviets They want arms reduction, which
i ““st "fichwa‘WW‘nd ““3 °‘ the Pa.“ 3"“ hm M subjects." manda' in chief, 'have been putting werereadytogotowar?AnotherNa- maybeaselusiveagoalas Richard
-' Moscowwul taunt eachotherwith but preserved m mm’ 1.5m forced to out lately. tional Security staff member, Nixon’s “generatiui of peace,” the
39‘4““ m" ”mam the “"7 “me mm” ”m“ We shall not see Wee famed His real offense may have been to Richard Pipes,gaveaninterviewiast start of which was delayed for four
‘5; InthatveinTheWallStreetJoumal has 31“;wa “mo? “it; tobeingafreetoolofmirownmahng talkoutofschool.'l‘hegeneralislikea Marchinwhichhesuggestedthatwe years while he fought the Viehiam .
recently published a penalizing arti- Pin. 9!, 5;: er [lantolmbeil' soon. However, a. 334’ “1 this dim" kid who goes out on the street and might be ready to go to war with the War.
cle about Sdidarityandfreedomof "“‘e' °‘° mm; £5; 60". We“ Who‘ll“ ”1‘ d9“!- screams about things his parents Soviets if they didnt shape up. Onlyaiebranchofthegovernment
77 the The per-was puttiig Wm they 8’0)” ., ower, mination, is the hunting and perhaps have been talking about in low tones “Soviet leaders,” Pipes told Ballets, talks to the Soviets. The Amalia"?
on sluperia- airs been” the Polish together-theydecllne. even elimination of the corps 0‘ PW behindcloseddoore. I wouldeventuallybeconfrontedwitha Department managed to negotiator:I .‘
union’s idea of press freedom was Neihriia's grammar. the first of a fewmls Wm have be”! We" the The general didn't get in horihle. choice hetweenIpeaeeiui reform or wheat deaiwidi them. chlanto .
that instead of the government's modern Intense. openedtheway for ”dud"? patent t° administer and surely, for saying that “the Sowets their communist system along themastheyplotourdeetmction.
. anployee-jownalists covering the What midi calls “8 system 0‘ Sdm- regulate We form and pro- are going to strike.” isn't that Westernllnesorgoingtowar. The president and the watery of ..
union’s meetings. it would have its tific controlofdiversity withintheen- fit “idem? my be 0" the "3'“ Reagan docuim? Isn’t than .why PipesisstillworkimatflieNSC. define know “It 8 fact if“: - .
7* own peopledo the reporting on itself. tire kimdom." (See his Shadow track when ‘t demands t° ”9°" on we’re gain to spend over a trillion The general detects “a drift discoveredtheydonoteay— and
V Inotherwont,noindependentpro Work, Marion Boyers Publishing, ltselitreeotthqoeordamedministers dollaisondefaiseintheneltt five towarth war."RmaldReeganwas RussiIans believetheycanfight
fessimal immlists. 85-9“ The mother Mane is on its 0‘ wmmmwm'r the ”WW years? flagged down for comment. The tone ‘win amicleerwar.Wedonot. I
waytobecominethexins'sEnslish. maul Wm call WV“ 10“” WasitbecausehesaidtheRllennIs oiinsvoicemggestedanalrogretat Aridtiienrosidmtwastryingtoom I
Theprosandconsofthatithasare Apersonwholookstoacentraliaed MIN-t have achieved “stnteglc superiori- thedowningolsuchasplaldldhawk. reaswramumthatlca'etlziotha'
, infinitely arguable both ways and all bureaucracy fa- his lamuage. the ty"? Allen lnmself - Who clears his The general had been right until only day when he spoke to some I til-s. ,
ways, but whence the notion d the very tools of his thought, is a person ©1981 Klngl-‘eatnree Syndicate stuff, do you suppose? — said pretty recently, when the drift began to be lie said, and much of Want: .s I
trained, independent journalist bent and trained to uncfinquerable much the same thing just six weeks corrected by wise Reagan defense into the air on hearuu Hm, deal .
anyhow? After all. what is news but departiermy. Apes have opposed Nicholas von Halfman describe- ago. “Became of inadeqmte Manse policies. did not think the use of too
8088“, and tale bear-ins? Hardly thumbs, only human b61188 have iwm 0! Mum! importance in his spending over the past decade. we Onething theme] nova-saw at nuclear weapons on the battlefield .
something 8 man being has to 8° ‘0 lansunse and yet this, the Mt! Ihlt ”WHOM ”lumn. find otirselvu today in an extremely the White Home was any drift toward 310:“ motbly 11:“ $0.“??? L
M h- mmmmwmumxomlmmmeumtmmwh WWI ' ' ' I
1‘ “mmflllIm-wu‘am m W. mWy'
I m-mwum.m.mmmuwm,mumm didnotderivemuchlumfortfrflntfll
i b'Ilek doux m“' as... k “isn't“ '- mum", statanait. As they me being in-
l Tilewrfigmfenh"Pefl"eelI-n,eilehhqeltealyeee-saqee¢htteeeI-fly.ebedledect ammfiigywmnot