xt71vh5cfs4v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71vh5cfs4v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-11-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 1979 1979 1979-11-21 2020 true xt71vh5cfs4v section xt71vh5cfs4v ' 'bl 'l't t' '
U.S. hll‘lts at pOSSI e IT“ I ary ac ran against Iran
By BARRY SCHWEID recognilethe gravity of the situationit I’nttl yesterday‘s statement. adrrrrn- "If there ts anything more unaeeep— hassan Sadegh. Iran‘s foreign press David for the ’l hanksgiving holiday.
Assot‘ldicd Press Writer has created." he said. istratiort officials took care to rule otrt table than the taking of hostages. it director saidina'l'ehraninterv iew that said Rex (iranum, deputy press
Under the {LN ('harter. an the slightest hint of military actiort itt would be a trial." said Hodding (‘ar- no decision had been made on whether secretary.
WASHINGTON The Carter aggrieved natiott is entitled to take del- connection with the Nov. 4 set/tire ol ter. the State Department spokesmen. to try the Americans. Khomeini‘s new threat of a trial for
administration hinted forthe firsttime ensive military action and seek Secur- the embassy and 62 American “It is an outright violation of diplo— But he suggested that such trials the remaining Americans camcashort
yesterday atthe possibility oflkS. mil~ ity (‘ouncil sanctions. inclrtdrng hostages. matte relations and diplomatic could be held before the same special llmt‘ afterthe release 0“th '0 hostages
itary’ action against Iran if American interruption of economic ties or air. ()lIfICiab‘ hitd “Nd the) feared it”) Prtllt-‘k‘llt‘n-II tribunals that have sentenced mo” yesterday. “‘5 Americans were flown
hostages at the US. Embassy are not sea or land communications. discussion of such action could I . b 'd .. l 2h . R' d' than 600 persons to death since last to West Germany where three other
freed. it was understood that the state- endanger the lives of the hostages. As n d: I”? a“: ”If”? “"11ng 'of winter‘s revolution in which Khomeini former hostages had been taken after
The “film ”W1" came from Will“ "‘6'" “I35 intended 1“ I“ “cm warning 0‘ 3‘0“”‘135‘ 49 persorts “U” “I“ I‘IIII‘IIIUIII IiIII .iI dII I- f dIIIhIIfd i late; took Power in Iran. being released Monday. '
House spokesman Jody Powell after to Iran's revolutionary leadersrhatthe being held under armed guard at the “E."Lmfiixn ”(iglok‘ifn. Ip'fhfillfif Sadegh said that if the Americans With efforts to free the remaining
President (‘arter rettrrnedto Washing- United States is no longer ruling otrt embassy. I .‘I I :1): IIszII-IIIIr- UIIIII bi: d {I 0 were convicted and sentenced to hostages apparently at a stalemate.
ton from his (‘amp David retreat to the right of self-defense. 'lhc White House statement fol- If”; I ‘ ”WE“ wr " pu on death. Khomeini is empowered under Andrew Young. former U.S.ambassa-
confer with top advisers. At the Pentagon. officials declined lowed a deelaratiort by Iran‘s religious m“ ' Islamic law to pardon them. dot to the United Nations, told offi- '
\ “ "The llnited States is seeking a comment on the White House state- ruler. Ayatollah Ruhollalt Khomeini. Khomeini and the students who Following the Khomeini speech. Club at the State Department he
peaceful solution to this problem ment. lIhey said. however. that no that the 49 Americans would beheld sci/ed the embassy have demanded President (‘arter interrupted his stay planned to gotolrantotryto wintheir
through the I'nited \attons and every orders had been issued to alert or to for trial as spies unless the l'nited that the shah be returned to standtrial at his Camp David Md. mountain rt’lt‘asc.
available channel." Powell said. "1 his move any military units. States returned the deposed sltah to as a war criminal before the hostages retreat to fly back to Washingtonfora . But one official. Who asked not be
is far preferable tothe other remedies Defense Secretary Harold Brown Iran. are released. Ilhe United States has White Houuse meeting with Secretary identified. said the White House is
available to the l'nited States. and (ten. David (‘. .lones. head of the Iiarlier the State Department rciter - refused the demand for the shah. who ofState Cyrus R. Vance and othertop opposed to any such mission unless
"Such remedies are explicitly recog- Joint Chiefs of Stall. took part iii the ated it's contentionthatany trialol the is undergoing cancer treatment in a advisers. there is a prior committment from ~
nized in the charter of the l'nited White House rrteetirtg with the I75. diplomats would make a New York hospital. Afterthe White House session. the Khomeini [hill the h05l38°3 Will be
Nations lIhe government of Iran must president. “mockery" of internationalprinciples Before Khotneint's speeelt. Abol- president was to return to Camp FCICHWd
KEN I'UCKY 222* .
W“ I
Vol. [XXI], No. 69 ' University of Kentucky
Wednesday. November 2|. I979 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky I
u *
3 _. . is: . it: sc 9 u mg 00 2
" ’ - .2-.3‘f ' 1:? J """’“"" ““5. - 46M ” ’ ‘t i " “W's-“31.32. ‘22:. t. 5i. .. 1 "' 2 - “ 3 2:": *
«22,2 2‘ ' .'-3=..,..’.’ 2'. y 3,2. $3 I ' ' ii 2‘ i §§ '2 it”; iE -‘ 5- I! 3-
{LII WI"? ‘ ' / 2?- I i "s" $5? I.- W“ 3‘2)“ 32- = it .' 1! ”3' 3 i s ' 3
f t M "t ‘ .J' .235”. .13; «W 2'.- 3557-1512595?" rue-2352.51” ‘nIIiI’W III'I: use In re-re IS re '0“ ’ II’IEi 'iIII'EI‘IiI I Iii???” ' S I 3 II' "3 “III I I’ I‘ * '
-3 122/ 3* ‘ ‘22 ' f 2 , fit i ‘- its f ”t - § 2 It? i r
57”, fl% 4 “I: 43%;; By N.3\.\'('\ (.‘W INN adHWI‘. said there were several rea— ti '2; :1 igiit‘t g ‘ 2*”; 33:: :2 if; ’E“ 2"“ f: g t v; . :
. t: ‘ “'1', g; "IE/{.3 - " _. Start \vzrrt-r sorts why the Kernel Press Inc. did not -. 3. ‘ 3‘?ng 51:: siitfi 52;?“ E {3:9 "3 ° _. L g t: ‘3 t .-.
’“””’”’,’M ” 55f: _. 123% »   bid on the schedule books this year. . s93 EX if" $2‘ '. :. yif‘w “it? 3??“ ’i t}; s; : ; 22kt
Z; 7 .. . L: 3% X” last Wednesday. a misspelled mes» Iltc production arid advertising (if p' 2; .I ‘II- 3,32: t" ‘ {II $ «it _I :.' ‘5
”/9 I)” ~ :. sage tn the l'K‘s (‘ollegc of Arts and stalls were overworked and undcr— -3_ g g {.2 t I I . II...I_I”‘-2;"I.t§-_I 25%: J II 2‘? fig it ’ i ”5%:
, (2%; 3/ 2 2,, Sciences office read. "\o. we do not staffed last year. (irecn said. adding v: . .5: g ; ’ sf? -
“3--fI'I"j_I_";';jjf’I __ . .. ':'_ t 3.3-- if“ azz‘é‘fii _ ltavc shed ultrr g books.“ lhe mistake. that the time frames of the additional . : : ._ §2§§§L z . E5- . 'I: ‘13 i 'L Vt -
’ 2% ,.I £2? 'I and shortage, was a hint oi things to protect overlapped with production of I»: f .2 i ‘3’“ :5- :I .IIgI . .J; 2t i «Vii
2- . ,. . it” t that mm» . . t‘t ti? t t t '2
....;'5,.3;-'"I .: . . . 25 .355” By yesterday. the drought had (ireen noted. however. thatthe Ker- .31.:21 : Sm» i” ..'_s:jg.2'h:§:‘ i,*§g .ti’itgf i :_
1:31??? W 1‘ I ' / spread to five 2' illegcs. rrcl Press Inc.. which accepted the ”$5.23“ 3. y . ..;‘w,2 Mfg I :2‘ *% Wig f i ii "i .‘t‘é'
' I Q 55ij m " 3: ' J, Besides Adm. other l K colleges scheduleprograrttcontractlastyearon n‘i'i‘ gai I3 I-. ' I" ‘ § =1 3 f ‘1? at: a»
g .‘I‘ I_ - . .- II II which ran ottt of scheduling books last a trial basis. experienced no problems “$2? 9 ‘ , .‘§I\t It»; étii 1 f? 2r
. . '. . “Ct‘h included the (Ioilcges of l tigr~ in working with the I'ntversity on the Ifi" I} 'I “22.1. I I‘I‘IiI ; ii iI I I l I'iIfI'IILf-flf
W :41 . I 2%; neertng and llonre I‘Iconomrt‘s lhc protect. ”:5 :82ng .5; .. j, g 1: ‘2 3w
- ‘ ' ”“ ’ ' ' " II" ('ollegc of line Artsandthe-(Iollegcol Ruby Watts. of the Admissions and 3'7 ?;-_';322“;“°‘im . ' ‘3 MII. fIiI if: 3...? §I 3 " :2: I: 35ft cI
r lirszrtg s .ind l-gorrona; . ‘arr rut: 32. 'h; l{-.gr-.tt.t;'s . .rrcc. sarti rite cost of the 'ffikyii‘éw I I «I «I 3” “$32.“ ,f i; I I: «if;
UT StUdentS Shon 0n tICketS books earlier this week. Kernel Press‘ tabloid was much lower . \ 3 3: ) LI" y'f" tiff §§53 it ;' §:m
Warren Spencer. of the -\dmtsstoirs thatr this year‘s $7.000 because of i§$§f§§fi i .3}: $5 g 2} *2‘ 3::
By BRIAN RICKERD send them so that we could give more and: RCEISIIII“ gnu; ordered :MIIIII ad‘vertrscmcnts ”Id In last year‘s “th “saggita - iii 33“}; E“ :2: “‘53s:
-\sststant Sports I‘dttor tickets to our season ticket holders.“ mp”? ”2 [ht 1-3;pagc pamphlet [mm dlllmg programs. . . Ii 25’“ I g ’5‘ ft; .' 3% I; .35 I
Hagart said “We gave thenr 5:50” the Stitrtltgtrte l rtnttrtg (omptrny of But Spcncci satu he had no qualms gm“ LLLL“ . .3‘, {2‘ : .. it? 2 : 3 [I . IV: .
IIhe headline read "Big Blue Screw .. tickets. which is what they m” send m louisvtllc Ihrs is .Ipplttht‘dlilcly with the southgate L‘orttpany. which «:53... 3. §.:::4..::;;«e \‘Ltgfi -I : ‘3. ; :5?- § \ 2' ti?
in a recent edition of The Beacon. the next tear." l “)0 morlcfioptes than II” “III“ I‘IIIIIIII In“ printed IhLI schedules for the I "II \IW’SI {W . it III» ’I I“ 2 II .2 iiIt’ir
‘ inrverstty of Iennessee‘s student I l Assistant -\th|ctrcDrrectort'ius nt;nt:atw :' . : : . ”N” I” ”If p‘ILI' . . “fitmsggy :3"th’if.,£2'IIIiifIL‘fI'IyIi3-‘f‘ y: it- ;i Rafi
”CMPHPL‘T- Manning said the Volunteer ticket . anle said the booklets. toiirrrrrt- And students have ‘uild they ftndthe :§~§55§9€ 2.3? 2&2"le k“: ‘é‘f .. ‘23;3i.\7;‘I I,» : 4.2. f ’3: .tké‘fixri
But color the “Big Blue Screw .3 office indeed received lfllll levver irrgvrtrtr rntor'ttratron lo: .rdrrrrrtcd reg booklet lorrrr much easier to readthart 32"$\§y ‘M, {it‘s-“ti Isi. \ti:- (1’1“ng W93, pw‘“
orange. tickets this Hm than they ltave tstrzttton which began \o\. l3 and the newspaper format used last year. i$§§°fl {‘57: I’.-‘3‘. I_‘.";..-§§§;.§=-tt§f‘§éz .I “g? «gala»
In a brief editorial. The Beacon received in ”IL; past. ' endstoday.weredrstrrbuted according "I like the booklets much better af‘iygg" ’1‘? ;j gég f.iI"I*eky§k$§
claimed l'K did not send l'IlI enough However. Manning Stild the cutback III CIIII‘IIIIIIIIIIII‘ III III? I.IIIIIIII3\ FIIIILI‘LIDI IICCIIIIW I IIIIIII'“ IIM pages (II ”If other AKIMI I “III I!“ I sI|3.vII(iISTIRS'lIIIIfIiiriIIfT/Itemei SIM; '
student tickets for Saturday‘s annual is not the mum [-1 students did rtot l ast year. the kernel l'ress lrtc ones and this one is smaller. (rary' 2
football battle between the Vols and receive tickets. printed the scheduling data rrt a ncws- l’rttchett. a ittnior in mathematics and Who needs a hammOCk?
2 the Wildcats. "We assume m) responsibility paper form. However. the press did education. said.
The article statesthe (‘ats“are prob- towards the \ludcm: m regard In mud rtot submit a btd to print the schedule " lhe booklets are fine." :(‘harline It was a day for. well. sitting under the trees and reading as the Indian
ably still so“. about losing to the V30]: game tickets." Manning said. ““36 books this year. lhc Southgate com- l-asttn. business and economics lresh- summer continued yesterday. And Janet Duvallasophomore majoring in
three times in basketball last vear and allot the tick“: m contributors m pany was the only cotnpany whteltdrd. mart. said. “It‘s the scheduling that‘s a textiles. doesjust that asshe passestimein the botanical gardensofMem-
having their butts stuffed bv'IStreater l'Il \ancy (ireen. student publications hassle." site added. orial Hall.
(Tennessee‘s quarterbackland Co. last Manning. however. did express I
year. One goodthingto come ofthisis annoyance about the cutback irt 0d
the assurance from ['1 athletic direc- tickets. a 5 -
tor Bob Woodruff that UK students “Not only did we receive lesstiekets. trig for a prelegrslatrve conference at Kentucky Dam week on a volunteer basis. I
won‘t get any tickets to next ears but they are not very good seats \‘tllage State Park. that there is enough money rnthe Schmertz was not availableiorcommentyestcrday'. '
game in Knoxville. Who wants those either." he said. "I just want Kentucky (icneral l-und during the next two fiscal years to con- but he was quoted as saying he did not feel his role in ‘- ~ 2
creeps around here anyway?" people to know ““5 they don‘t E'CII local ttntre all programs and perhaps add or expand some. the Kennedy campaign would be a conflict ofinterest.
But what the paper failed to see was good seats when they come here. If we : _ . : . : . _ : He will not beinvo'tved inthe formation ofenergy'pol-
that the fault for lack ofstudent tickets received 5(l-y'ard—linIc seats from [‘K. STAHON VI H 0'62 l“ LOSING one ”I m stall BILL WIMSATT. owner ofa small country groc- Icy for the campargn.iust the assembly ofan adv‘ertis- :
could be found within the confines of then we would reciprocate and give IIIIIIIIIIILIIIEHJII.IIId.II'\ l. r n.“ (“PM 0, “um,” "3‘ '” II‘I‘M‘Cld “8-“ ”‘6 dep‘m‘j Shah ”I Iran "we" rng “Iampmgn‘ Kennedy aid“ said .
L’T‘s athletic office. Kentucky people 50-yard line seats w‘ISIS"?Iigi‘zinjgshlar A:,.,,(,/ in: "my“ ”1 h]. I“”‘,S”“500' . .
A call to [K Athletic Director Cliff also. rccigmnm—n . “mi“."f Who WWII“: In ,ICIfIIan Mungmlnn If” worId -
Hagan indicated that although the “We don‘t have this problem with Sweenevis accepting the “comments editor ptisi- (icnIIIIIIS'IiEICmS‘OJn ,rfm'in ”m‘ia': e 6! I‘m
.. . - early this year with only a footlocker stuffed with
lennessee people do have some room Notre Dame. Auburn. Alabama or iron at station WlKS in Jacksonville. l-la. clothes." ' ' MORE THAN too ARMED MEN seiled the
to gripe. blame for the ticket situation any of the other schools we play." he Sweeney has been employed for the past 5 years by lhe Washington County. Ks. naitve said he was mosque in Mecca that shelters Islam‘s holiest shrine .
ShOUId not ”I“ solely on the “hOUIde” added. “I I ‘0 mm m” ”a" m 1h“ prodrrctron d‘Ip‘m‘ due 35.600 in back pav w'hen he left Jan. lit and three yesterday sources at the Arab summit conference said. -
of UK. Manning said next season the mcm' MN“mm““”hcmmd‘Ip‘mmmt“hm” h" months additional salary because General Systems. A Kuwait newspaper said the raiders took 90 3 -
. “A couple 0f )C'dfh ago. “C (IIKIS VIOIUthCF ticket Office would also cut became ‘1 street “INN” Ivcntually. h“ “M me which computertlcsthe stockingofmilitaryand other hostages. I
athletic office) made the decision to back L'K’s ticket allotment when the ”Mid m IIILI ‘mmum ”.0“ iIIImUI pWIIIIn MINI WWII“- delIaUI‘Cd h'S mnlraCl- ”‘6 ”um“ “ml ‘he ”“adm 0m” Great Mosque ‘ s
cut back on the number of tickets we l'K-l’l battle returns to Knoxville. MCIIumCI Ii Ihc WWI] i new dImIIIII "I ffel that It the money iSthCShahIVt'SPONSI- '" ”‘9 5311‘“ ht‘li‘s‘lt) weremembersoftheShtttc Mof‘ '~
A |974 gradtiate of l K. he received his bachelor of btlrty since it was his country and we wereworktngfor lem sect a minority m Saudi Arabia . .WhICh Iran 5
During Dre-registratiOn 2”“: degree mm" ”W ‘ChU‘lI “I "‘“m‘m‘m _ hint through the country. I think he should honor the Ayatooah Ruhollah Khomeini is a spiritual leader.
Sweeney will begin his new iob at the -\H( affiliate contract and pay off his Just debts." Wimsatt said. the Great Mosque houses the Kaaba shrine which ~
“4|“th 1W“ MCI houses the Black Stone the most sacred ObJCCI rn .'
I. ' Islam. 2
Alternate re uests tried Statfi i State Department officials in Washington said they = 3:
"at on bad uncomfirmed reports the gunmen were Iranian .I
By JIM (‘AGEY most Upperclassmen were exposed to JOSEPH BI.AIR.whosurrenderedtopolteeafiera : : : : . Shiites.
emf Wm“ the new procedure. Which was initiated six-hour standoff Monday .11 a northern Kenttrcky A REPORTER “"0 5PENTlhl’CC ”Willi“ “‘2'”: E EF WORKER : RACED T0 PREPARE a ’ .
. this summer when incoming freshmen CIOIhIngNIEhNM' mmmmd ”mlimd" “5mm" In I-IIgIIIIIIcIIepaI-ImenIIII ”CIIIIIII IIdIIcaIIOII ind ed 3 R II t s t d , b t leaders of the ‘ I
Students who pre-registered for the scheduled their classes Boone ( mini) Jail under 525.000 bond pending the fare s Kansas ( tty regronal office says she o ten rca vast new re ugee camp yesler ay u . . - fl.
. . “ 2' bond review hearing. books or newspapers because employees had nothng estimated 400,000 Cambodians camped inside Cam .
_ spring semester have been treated to a “If students ask and consult their man. 23‘ Clarksvrlle. ()hm. carried a shotgun mm in do. bodia at the Thailand border said most would refuse s" . ‘
.I new IOOk during the past week-and-a- academic advisers Wht‘n iht‘)‘ register. the I.evr Strauss (‘0 regional distribution center l-ster Bauer tn aeopyright series in the Kansas (‘ity to be resettled. L I
. half. I'm sure that they are gettingthc tnfor- Monday morning. demanded to see a former girl- ltmes reports she and other secretaries spent hours Planners estimated about 200.000 ofthe organized :1.
I: (ieorge Dexter. of the Registrar‘s matron (about the new Process); how- friend and took four hm‘latlt‘\- POINT \a'd ”“de ”0““ and "'=“'~“l2"‘i""‘I"r 1“" “fan-“mum musceswm‘l "“5”” campmnlngmda-‘I' bum“
i Office. said an “alternate request sys~ ever. there it no mechanism “gm now lwo women were released a short time later. brtt do At other times they were swamped not only with last minute visit to the site Cambodian refugee leaders “i. -
. .I. tem." designed to allow a student 10 to tell how many are benefttting bv the two men were held hostage until mid-afternoon when the sea of bureaucratic paper work. but also personal said no more than $0.000 of the srck and aged would 5:;- :
. 3' Pre~register for an alternate course. System this semester." Dexter said. 8'3: PM do“: hrs 1gun :nd strrrenderep: d and bustness correspondence for their superiors. come. ‘3
. «r wa. " '- ~ . . , , arr wase arget wit two counts o 'l napping. t.-
. 9; ple:elt::t:i:::u:i:ve more studentsacom melzezttjdlc‘rn?:Iri‘tcudsiiih;IihTILSIItCIrIIItlIdIi: but police said additional charges could be tiled I St: FEDWARD IiiIIINNFIDdYI one iIitIItIiethtI‘iIIriiIi: weather 3;? .
I ; ' . . ry s ars est critics. as ta e one o t I I 2. 1,;
'th I ndcrIuhiim“ system. an alternate request “WWII becattse they “TC more ()l'TGOING GOV. .llIl.lA.\ (‘ARROII had outspoken defenders to puIiIItogcther the advertrstng . . , . _ :2?”
I gl COMIC “I i Scheduled II a Student 5 ”mm“ “llh |l3 ”0 also vatd because mostly good financial news vesterdav for the i980 for the Massachusetts Democrat's campaign MOSTL‘ MINN‘ AND‘HNDV TODAY wrtha ”’5‘ . '
3 j I first class selection ts ftlled.canceled or of the initial use of the new system. (icneral Assembly In hrs farewell speech made at Herbert Schmertl will take a six week leave of chance of rain. The high today will bein the mid 70s 3. .
5‘ COHIIICtS Wlih another class. some students are making mistakes (iilbertsvtlle. absence from his job as vice president and director of with the lows in the mid SOs tonight. Happy £2 3
t; Dexter said this advance- when filling out their schedule cards. The Democratic governort.vld the lawmakers meet- Mobil Oil Corp. tojotn the Kennedy campaign next Thanksgiving. L
I! registration period was the first time (‘onfinucd on p“. 3 .13.:- :
4 I III; i
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T t ‘ i
Mark Green ’3
KENT-VUCKY Stove Money ‘
Debbie McDaniel Associate witori Jay Foam Thou Clark John Clo! GI!) London _3
Editor in Um} Paul M”... Entertainment Editor Sports Editor Director of Photography
“I. om, Rich-rd McDonald " '
Cory Willi Editorial 54,10, Cindy McGee C ynthlu DcMuci- Irhn Rickard David Maynard I 3
Managing Editor Kiby Stephen Airman! Auulanl Sports Editor Photo Manager '3. I‘
Toma Young (‘opt Edna” Entertainment Editor 3'79, '
't ’ I“ 8’ comments 5 '
e I “la b pflld ”IO?” "0’ ‘33 .
”W _l .
— ”'33! i
E b f h k ' ' h I'd
ven e ore I an sgivmg OI ays, ~
. l I ©l9’9The \cwslndflbsener I ii;
Christmas commerCIalism IUtS stores l l ‘
g UH OHl we 5
It happens every year. just before |hanksgiving about what they‘re goingtobuyand what they hopeto PlQOlNG TCO » i
.lolly of Saint Vick is seen popping up every where. get instead of what it‘s all about. A real Charlie Brown FIDON 3‘
especially malls and toy stores. Lamp posts are lined Christmas syndrome. 3
with the traditional holly garlands and multi-colored lhis is understandable. Even before people are able )3 N .1 3 3 .
bulbs Store windows display top line products in an to sit down and enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner with the ' «x I; t ’9. ‘13"
array of Christmas decorations such as Rudolph the family. they are barraged with asinine commercials 736M , 3 l 7 "' a .
red-nosed reindeer and nativity scenes. promoting products designed for every possible $7?! 333 3 3 - 3 h .33
_ , consumer. . “M45 " "’: 73?:3.» 4??? g 3).: 9” -
It s enough to make one sick. . . 3 . . .. .3 Q; ;: - 2"" s ' l6 L ' ' 4'-'
. . . . . Iheres Roncos glass cutter. designed for the 2. T {.33 . I 1.; ‘\ . 5/ .9 . "‘
\ev er mind that L hristmas is more than a month . . 3 .. . . . . --.- E f - 3. . 5 ,/«3 if ..
, _ .3 . 33 whole family. lheres that special cologne which T \- Q ‘ . ‘ -. it *
awav. .\ev er mind that the dollar is buying less and .. . . g 'i .2 “m t . .e:..;:a:%- %‘ . ,.
- . , ' . leads women to sav all my man wear it (sic) or they 0. . ' a"). -' )N , ‘ - “is? '
less each year. BUsinesses have hit ona good thing and . . ; . - ”waif-ti ‘ s3. -3 l {g I! 3
th 3 33333333 33 wear nothing atall. lheresevenacommercialwhere a fi .‘ ..3 ’ -I" ”90 i. -. ' / I" .
e ' t . . . . . . . '-::. w a. . . . ' t .3:
- 7 . 3. Santa (laus sits on a shaver as it winds its way 31 i” ‘2‘ .' .I,. '§/, \ 55 . 21;."
The formula is simple: the Christmas season hasfar through the snow on triple heads. yeast...“ 6 i‘ ‘39 ' '1 " kiwi .
3 3 3 3 3 3 33333 337333 _ —BL B‘ t 3 .3.333.
and away been an extravaganza for marketeers. By No wonder the American public is confused about 3 ‘gfégflfs ,. gnfnfifggg %q:% fl ~
3 3 I . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 . 3 7 . a).
play mg it up as early as possible. money-loving retail- the meaning of ( hristmas. A month of television com- ' - >32)” 4:" DEFEcrs roTED \¢’¥T43‘°3
ers are able to play upon the American consumers‘ mercials. window displays and Santa Clauses all ./ ’ . 6766i?" 7 " ' ,__. '
empathy toward the Christmas spirit. promoting some kind of product for that special time . . . _._ 3 77777_____,_____,.. 5‘
And where has it all led'.’ Quite simply. depression. of year is sure to make us more conscious of what .-. i .-._ '
Hoards of confused consumers tend to worry more we buy instead of why we buy. ' \
[SOC Ob IOIO I .8 creating a debate that may last hundreds Of years
One of the nettlingcharacterisucs of theoriesinSociobiologyandthatWil~ noisy argument. But scrence is far same savants accepted other explana- especially when we notice how long trialstate‘.’ Was itthecollectiveaccum- .
science in its ability constantly to pose son s deep understanding of biological more than a listing of “great names" tions not as well buttressed by data. some of these concepts were taken for ulation of linguistic unity provided by ‘
questions \‘htlctht‘ general public con- process emerges from an occasionally from Aristotleto Einstein. Sucha vicw Scientists. like the rest ofus.are pulled granted by even the most perceptive the I.innaean system and its offshoots? ‘ "
tinually expects finite and conclusne brilliant synopsis of the life of ants. of science and scientists is no more and tugged by social “forces"falso not and intelligent. One can cite the hum- Or could science finally express itself i f.
answers. loo often we read in news- wasps. termites. and bees. Several than a telephone directory quite well understood)thatwillbe sometime oral theory of pathology which took clearly nowthat it hadtwo"dead"lan- ‘ :
papers of discoveries in medicrne. chapters in Insect Societies show barren ofthe crucial why ofscience more important than the “facts." as some of the ideas embedded in pre- guages (Greek and Latin) from which 3 "
zoology. physics. and the numerous and why science always. sooner or demonstrated by Thomas S. Kuhn‘s Socratic philosophy and appliedthem to purloin a technical vocabulary? i
0th “WWW whereas the SCICHIISIS :- . I later. becomes uneasy with previous The Structure of Scientific Revolu- to how human beings work. Greek Thus the history of science and medi~ "
and physiCians Usually are porposing In manta agItaro synoptic theories. New data. New tions. 2nd edition (I970) and The Hippocratic doctors refinedthesethe- cine is. indeed. quite practical: history 3
theories fordiscussion. notanswers to questions. New perspectives on old Essential Tension (l977). Desmond. ories. and assumed four "humors" gives context. providesa foundation. 1-;
questions. A clear example of this by [Ohn scafborough data and old questions. Now we read Kuhn. and Wilson demonstrate that (blood. phlegm. black bile.and yellow suggests the quirkiness of human . i
unfortunate warping is the co33ntrov3'- that ourold friendsthe dinosaurs may science does not “evolve" as much asit bile) to be essential in diagnosis. and beings even if they happen to wear .-
e3rsy3 raging aroundfiFdward Wilson s 3 have been warm-blooded and fairly changes. and that the public wishing therapy came in terms of “balancing“ white coats. and warns us that we are '
Sociobiology fl9.'5). Too many exactly how and why “IISOH argues as intelligent. if Adrian [)esmond‘s Hot that Final Answer will suffer constant the four humors. Too much of one all subject to a reliable restlessness. ; .
pseudo-experts have charged intothis he does. and bewildered readers of Blooded Dinosaurs (I976) represents disappointment. Even ‘I)arwinism' meant disease. and a correct propor- The great scientists even in antiq- -
“3“ held; ”me 35‘6” that “”530“ SOC'Ob'OIOE.‘ would be wise to read current thinking among paleontolo- has shifted to and fro. Stephen Jay tion of all four meant health. (ialen of uity aie rarely satisfied: they con-
postulates dangerous theories which (and re-read) “The (renetic Theory of gists. Desmond‘s book is unusual in (iould‘s Ever Since Darwintl977)and Pergamon (AI). [29 to circa 200) tinue to seek. explore. propose. ".1;
deny thccreative impulses33of man- Social3Behavior. '(ompromise and another aspect‘ it is packed with the Arthur Koestler‘s The Case of the further refined these notions. and experiment. remaining excited bythat '
kind.3and others retortthatWilson has Optimization in Socral Evolution." history of paleontology and geology. Midwife Toad (I971) are but two humoral pathology dominated medi- Sense of Wonder. Wilson‘s sociobiol- ~ 3 .3
PW‘ idedaclear 5,)nfh85153w'hich shows and "The Prospect fora I‘nIIICd Soci- so that the reader immediately per- books that examine this continual re- cal thinking until well into the l9th ogy may be around in 50 years. but i
how man is ruled by'the biologicalfor- obiology' (chapters l7. IX. and 22 in cieves why the l9th century‘s “bone assessment of what supposedly is an century. So what caused the radical most likely new questions directed at i
Les that have fashioned the biological Insect S0cteties). hunters" led to compact theories of accepted premise. And one of the few change‘.’ Why is the medicine we expe- Wilson‘s fundamental data will have ;
world as a whole. 3O3ne isalso caught by an odd sense dinosaur evolution. Still unanswered paths to understanding our adventure riencc so different from the medicine formed different hypotheses. l'hose t};
The load proponents and oppo- of historical vacuum inreading about is why the giant reptilesdied out. much in constant discovery is the study of ofthe West from the 4th century BC constant questions encompass the real ‘ f
nents of W ilson seento have missed his the swirling debate. It is as if Wilson as Wilson presents his careful readers the history of science and medicine. until circa IXSO'.‘ And why didthe germ value in the sociobiologv debate. g
V x ) . O . _' ' ' , . , ' ' ‘ ~ . . - ' V
careful expOsition o.3po.v.vtbt/ttie.t as and his theories have few antecedents. with the marvellous pu/llcs of caste- ()ur forebears were anything but theory take so long to "catch on"evcn . is:
suggested by a meticuious assemblage Yet we need only to return to ( harles systems among ants. stupid. but they certainly had different in the late l9th century"? Perhaps. as John Scarborough teaches history ' II
of data. moreover. almost all co3m- Darwms Origin QfSpecresf|859land ()r we can turn to the underlying notions about diseases. cosmology. Kuhn asks. why were views of scient~ and the classics. His column dealing s
mentators have forgotten that 3Wil- the context of 3\ictor3ian England to mystery of why some good theories and the reasons for human biology ists incompatible with the “new" With books. academics. the bureau- . i‘
M33333 excellent The Insect Societies gaina notion of how fresh summaries were rejected at particular times by and sociology. Past ideasabout nature notions until the l9th century"? Was it cracy. questions of teaching and the :5
t ) gl\LS the basic context for hrs of evidence can engender bitter and groups of scientists. and. why those and the universe were not "errors." the context of the burgeoning indus- like appears every Wednesday.
A r ‘ I ? L tters to the Editor ‘
I - .
g I y Get mad Upstream trip .
I'd like to address this to my fellow A salmon has an interesting plight _ -
' Americans on campus. We have been and its goals may seem strange to us. '
DU 6 pr,‘ ’6 0 am ur er a a ate accused of conspiracy. For supplying but not to the salmon. When the a '
I I medical aid to a man who is quite salmon is ofage. it instinctivelyknows '. .
. . probably dying. we have been accused what must be done make that long 33, ;
the Iranian t 7 of plunging the world into a “climate trip upstream. Starting from the 'i E
ver 0 e I , Jar/can 6’ I ’ assy. of war.“ If the situation were just a ocean. he beginstraveling the river. In 3
little less dramatic. I would beinclined the beginning the currents are calm.
. .. . .. . to laiivh' .s ‘ ‘v‘t' ) _ but as h‘ swims u stream. the' '. 7‘
3) ANTHON‘ HA((A‘ ENTO )ou mad.’ ()ur answer was more bombers. more b at theab urdity (1 hi“ ( ne . ‘ ~ p y ..j
The L'nited States likew' b h it 3 "d 3 d h' d‘h'k 3 d But 62 Americans are being held becomestronger. Iherainsmaycome. ‘> ~,
Arevou- .I l “P t - y 'd I ‘ ‘_ . m roug I ml.‘ dry ‘1' an . an} d c” an captive by a fanatic mob under the the river swellsand becomes swift.the '; i
. MEDPeOPC u tingds1 e . . .- t- ..r- Iol Pot to power in Cambodia. He smiles for the ruling dicatator. Yet - - ' -, , . - - , . ~ . - ‘h ~ -» 3 ‘
the bummer exams the unreasonable I 37_ s E ,7—3:. -s. 7 b‘ 3 3 . . 3 3 3 3 , 3 _ 3 direction of a lunatic regime in Iran. salmonjust tries arder and continues 3
.. _ gi _. _.__ L __ su sequently annihilated hum/remit] somehow. very few Americans were T , .3 > . . ., . . . Th - d '
"date."the hi h rice of round beef is . 11*: 13-27 57. 3 , 3 3 -_ 3 .3 3 3 here is nothing funny here. As a upstream. e rains stop an a . .3.
8 P g ~ » . ”‘2, , _ _ thousands of human beings and left angrv about this fact. . .. . . ~ - ,
anvbodv out there gm] m'd b t ‘ i. W’ ‘ r -.-- . . ' . . . . matter of fact. I find myself qurte drought may begin. the river drops ~
. , a 8 cu I. as. _ .— the survivors With adev‘astated coun- The pmntisthis:thereisavervmad- . » . .. . . - - ’
somethln “Damn r ht “ 'Th *5... a: - 0 '5. i . ' . angrv. The Shah mav be a ruthless and the salmon may find himself
g. ‘2 care. ere . Isa, i_= try. Hundreds of thousands... Does dening. urgent problem to deal With . f . ' . .. . , . .
are sixty American cm,“ b 'n h 1d —~- v , ., . . _ criminal. but this does not justify caught in a pool separate from the ~. I,-
. . 5 Cl 8 e ' r that make you mad. concerning the lives of the accosted . . . ' - . . , .‘ . '
hosta e by a you of gel“: ht .- _ . ~ s . ' . . . . ruthless criminal behavior. river. He sees only walls with no place . ~
Ll . g P - lg COUS. . . _ ,.i V1.7”- - tit... , w— ‘ So what am I saving. that the kid- American embassy workers. Their . - - .
fanatical Iranians annd I bet that :3: W; . . _ -. . , . .3 . .7 To you. my fellow students. I say: to go. but he keeps trying. Jumping . ,
- - % napping of those sixty Americans is freedom is the primary issue now. . ' . . . ', - '. . -
maket you mad It sure makeg m .. .. - . . . ' . . . vmce vour opinions. (iet mad. We until he is over the bank and into the
3. 3 - 3 « f’ ..3 Mix] ' justified. that we are only