xt71vh5cfq4r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71vh5cfq4r/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1988 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1988 Vol.57 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, May 1988 Vol.57 No.5 1988 1988 2019 true xt71vh5cfq4r section xt71vh5cfq4r . i
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._ ‘ Volume 57, Number 5 ' . May, 1988 ‘
ummer Convention 3.; _ g ,_; .. w . - , , I, _ . _ .
e’r for Paintsville ' ,- , 7 ’ ” if _f; » , F . L; ,1 ,
Everything appears to be in gm». L m w, ., M _ , i . /
lace for the 1988 Kentucky 7 ‘ Vs: ‘ W a .d ..
ress Association Summer Q ; ("WWN ‘5’ 6; ‘ \ ,yg " .
.6-18 at the Carriage House . f t . _f—vw "id Sid?“ .
. otor. Inn in Paintsville. 7“: ”mew/y" ‘ Hi??? 3" .
Equally encouraging is the t - stats; -- r“-
,. 9.4;... o... %.re$ _tafionSibY;.2;\E ”m “ " , :e gs“; ”i "h ' z: I; .
- ams and activities arranged . . M U . =»-.:::: i . ”
,9 ”y ‘-d t.\~-:‘§ ,. " H‘w‘dfl’.” ‘ ,- fi._-:v'jf‘:§. -- 7": ::'3§‘"=" ‘ ‘2‘, , 4 , 1K“ . éfiiwm
y the convention committee. 2‘ V ; ‘ ”L. '7. p . M , ,. g f \h‘fiafi
(A complete agenda appears ‘ a w d, 3: “fig Md. , it 7; ii i p. .- .
-lsewhere in this issue of The x - . 3;.“ ”“53“ “dd. Q" s’ ‘ {s 3 . . ‘ \
entucky Press). I . Qt ,x“; ,, s, \X ”dd... \ I N v‘
p A; its ‘ 2M.“ “dd-M." KKK.“ , ”I “___. , . ‘
The convention kicks offThurs- - fiamémm-MW- fid 5...“! 3w M... WW
ay, June 16, with a reception at . . ~ - - ni h ' arbecue
my Wiley State Park and the The Gateway Cloggers from Mt Sterling W111 entertain at Friday g ts b
tcrformtaphcee 0&5: :1: mfilgilriy Herald-Leader, and a discus- convention goers to learn sessionsinrecentyears.Eastern Registration information and
cry a p , p ' sion of second class mailing re— square dancing or clogging. Kentucky senators and repre- forms have been mailed to all
0.“ Friday, the program be— quirements and problems On Saturday, KP A FOI attor- sentatives have'been invited to KPA members and Associate
,‘ns with "Literacy: An All-Out newspapers are. havmg With neys Kim Greene and Jon Fleis- lookbackat the 88legislatureat members. .Included in the
.ffofl-u The program, in panel the US. Post Office: . chaker will conduct an hour- 10:30 am. Saturday. packet is information about
iscussion format, willbemod- TW‘? Ifostal Offfc‘als from long session on open meetings, The convention closes with hotlelreservations With the C?"
rated by Mary Schurz, PUb' West Virginia ",Mlke GOdPYI open records, libel, privacy and theannual KPABetterNewspa- inc uding 30" at IfalntSVllle
.5119? Of the Danville Advocate director 0‘ mailing require— other editorial and advertising per Contest and Awards Country Club, a tennis tourna-
essenger and chairman 0‘ the merits, and Joe Caruso, director concerns. If newspapers are Luncheon at 11:30 am. The mentandatourofa _SurfaceC0?1
AME)! Literacy Comrnittee. 0f marketing ". “”11 attend the having specific problems that convention is scheduled to ad- mine 1“ neighboring Mar h“
Following that, Associated 595910“ and dlSCllSS. concerns need to be addressed contact joum about 1:30 pm; County.
'ress bureau chief Ed Staats Wlth newspaper CITCUIaUO“ Lica McCain or David T. Th-
i oderates a panel of Eastern representatives. ompson at KPA. Those con-
entucky officials discussing ‘ cerns and uestions will be I ' I
I astem Kentucky; Her Past, Friday luncheon speaker Will passed on thKim and Jon. P U b I IS h er | n d IC-I-ed
dddddd ddddddcdddddddddddddd A. mom... for falsif in fi u res
n the panel are Dr, Grady Kentucky authorand historian. ° . .
tumbo, Paul Patton, Ann Friday afternoon will be de- KPANNAStateChamnanMax y g g
. “a, mayor of Prestonsburg, voted to a variety of activities Heath talks about the national . ' .
nd Eastern Kentucky banker iI1C111dirig golf at Paintsville scene— NNA_ and whats gomg By Richard Wilson The Six-count indictment
obert M. Duncan. COUNTY C1111), a tennis tourna- ogdm Washagton, :5 weIgPi: Courier-Journal and Times charges Paul Hensley with
The KPACirculation Division mentandatourofasurfacecoal a ress Pf” _ ques ons. . inflating the figures on
ill be holding its own break- mine in neighboring Martin has also "W“Ed NNA board The publisher :ffthe weeklby "statement of ownership,
ut session while the program‘ County. . member Adam Kelly, of. 815- IfIazardTimesmnkl ormerpur management and circulation
n Eastern Kentucky is going Friday night, KPA hosts its tersvdle, W.Va., to partiCipate lisher of a wee y in Les ie for the Hazard paper and for
n. Included on the Circulation annual barbecue dinner, fOI- m Eh? discussmn on NNA and County, was _mdlCth by a fed- the Thousandsticks News, a
ivision's agenda is a look at lowing a reception, then The activ1tiesm Washington. eral grand 1m? m Ma? _On Leslie County weekly he
d‘wspaperSin Education, con- Gateway CIOggers from Mt. The 1988 Kentucky General chargesof knowmgly faISifying
ucted by Sylvia Smith, NIE co- Sterling will entertain. There Assembly was one of the most Circulation figures on a US. Continued on Page 3
rdinator for the Lexington mayalsobethe opportunity fqr interesting, if not confusmg, postal form.
Ai'ii .LJ )..t- ,2
gears}; ti} W

 Pa e 2 '
j#__—_fl______ _ . The Kentucky Press (ISSN—0023-0324) is published
Smlih to retire monthly and second class postage paid at Frankfort, Ky. g
N N A U D d 01-6 on JUI ] 40601, and at additional mailing offices. Subscription
y price is $4 per year. Postmaster: Send change of address
to The Kentucky Press, 332 Capitol Avenue, Frankfort,
By Max Heath Al Smith, vice president and Ky., 40601'
NNA State Chairman general manager 0f Park News- Official publication of the Kentucky Press Association
papers of Kentucky, Will retire
Lottery bill alive in Congress July 1 to pursue other interests.
Late news could appear elsewhere in this issue.~ As this Park Newspapers, a Slleidi-
column was written May 20, work was proceeding to gain ary 0f Park Communications 0f
passage of HR 3146, The Lottery Advertising Clarification Act. limb“: N16 Will‘s fformed aftkpr
As Publisher's Auxilia inted outinits Ma 16issue, the bill t e C ain ug t our wee y . . . .
had a lot of votes (2593,3212 fell short of a twg-thirds majority neWSpapers in 1985 from 1988 Exemme C‘m‘m‘me Eijhllelinderkin
needed to gain passage on the suspension calendar. It was Smith. Steve Austin Mt. Vernon Signal
placed in this parliamentary mode in order to prohibit amend- As a part of the sale, Smith be- President
merits. Its sole opponent made a pitch that it could come to the came head of Parks' Kentucky Henderson Gleaner District 14
floor under regular procedures to allow perfecting amend— acquisitions. The deal also in- David Davenport
ments. A vote was hOped for on May 26, with Frank Wolf (R- cluded provisions for Smith Larry Craig The Times Journal
‘ Va) planning to exclude casino gambling advertising. While and his wife, Martha Helen, President Elect _ .
NNA has some First Amendment objections about barring any business manager of Smith's Green River Repllblican ‘ District 15
' legal activity from advertising (witness smoking), it won't newspapers, to become con- _ MarY'SChUYZ _
stand in the way of passage with suchan amendment, in all - . sultants with the chain it they 3:21:35:ng Danwue Advocate Messenger
hkethOd' . . C1105? to retire. . Courier Journal & Times State At-Large -
All Kentucky Congressmen except Larry Hopkins voted Smith, a past preSident of the
_ with us the first time around. We hope he'll come on board, Kentucky Press Association, . Celia McDonald - Earl Burchfield
since as a tobacco supporter, he really shouldn't be against said he decided to leave thefirm Treasurer Middlesboro Daily News
advertising any legal activity. Watch Pub Aux for results on after three years and go on con- LaRue County Herald News
this important bill which will allow newspapers to accept sultant status so he could do Jen-y Lyles
Charitable bingo and raffle ads. Small newspapers especially more writing and become more Max Heath Benton Tribune Courier l
, hate to turn these down when local civic clubs, schools and involved in civic interests. Past President }
churches ask for them and have to be denied. Under local Landmark Community NeWSpa- JoelRawson
policy, you can still refuse such ads if you wish. . Pars . Lexmgto“ Herald'Leader ‘
bifingvlea:ggg’téhzgtgfigzgii‘oglrlgs:$a;oxhig Stlligplglfiggrtaglss s D X to honor 1988 Board of Directors Faith Miller Cole I
‘ where a state lottery is starting up next year. (State lotteries are _ C a WOOd Ledf or d District 1 4:322: 3:132:51???“
already exempted from the postal lottery laws by act of Con- David Reeves '
gross.) Murray Ledger and Times Kentucky Press Association/
Veteran sportscaster Cawood g p , Kentucky Press Service Staff “
:4 , t 515‘ .. j . ,-- ' t, -, g . - . ; 5:5,. 1 I ”Ledford is the second recipient . District 2 ‘ ' "“5 "r' Tm". ' l
.-.‘»’aéisi¥§tsfiaRevenue forgone funding insured " ' of the Distinguished Kentucky Jed Dillingham Dal/id T- Thompson 1
_ In case you missed it, full funding of $436 million for revenue Journalist Award sponsored by Dawson Springs Progress ExeCUtive DireCtOY !
forgone has been passed by the House Treasury, Postal Service the Louisville Chapter of the So- _ . i
and General Government Subcommittee. This will insure in— . ciety of Professional Joumal- 1315”“ 4 _ Lica Mccai“ _ . 1
county rates stay at their new, slightly higher levels, through ists, Sigma Delta Chi. Mary Jane smlth Members servlces coordmator 1
September, 1989. Thank NNA for this. ‘ Ledford, the "Voice of the Logan Leader/ News Democrat . i
Kentuck W'ld t .. h _ . . Bonnie Howard l
. . . , y 1 Fa Sf was .C 0 District 5 Bookkeeper
Membership drive nearing end sen for his contributions to )our- Celia McDonald i
. A nationwide effort to further strengthen NNA membership nalism over the years. LaRue County Herald News Tony Spugnardi I
is ending this month. I made one mailing to non-members, Although he is perhaps best KPS Advertising Director i
. hoping to attract a few converts or return members. Since we're known for his basketball exper— District 6
almost halfway through the year, anyone wishing to join now tise — as the official announcer DOTOthY Abernathy 39d D115 f
can pay just six months dues. You can also receive a free copy for the University of Kentucky Oldham Era Advertismg ASSiStant i
of From Quill to Computer, the history of the National News- games -- the former WHAS-TV . . . . . _
paper Association, which gives a lot of interesting history of sports director also is respected Dlsmd 7 . Dwmm‘ Office”
our business in general. You will also receive a book plate for for his knowledge and coverage éellley wémmk . . . . .
the newspaper's name should you wish to make a special pres- of thoroughbred racing. a1 an“ oumy News givergsmg Dmswn
entation of the book to alocal library. ThroughMay 1, 157 neWS Ledford will be toasted and - - ri-y rooks .
members had been added nationwide ' ' ' Dlsmd 8 Lexmgton Herald-Leader
- presented With the Distin- Bob Hendrickson
gurshed Kentucky Journalist Maysville Ledger Independent Circulation Division
Award, Tuesday, June 21, dur- Coleman Love
Reminder on sampling privilege ing the annual Metro Joumal- District 9 Elizabethtown News Enterprise
With in-county rates remaining relatively low, it is timely to ism Awards ceremony. Ken Metz
remind you to take advantage of your 10 percent sampling The banquet, which will be Bath County News Outlook News Editorial Division
privilege. Remember that under revisions in the law to hold held at the Galt House in Louis— _ . Ed Staats
down revenue forgone appropriations, there has been a ville, is open to the public. Tick- 1315"“ 10 ~ Assmiated Press: L°ui5Ville
change. Sampling is now limited to 10 percent of the in- etS are $25 for Society of Profes— 131:; D2 garaml d d
county Pieces mailed in a calendar year. It is NOT based Sional Journalists members and 5 an m y n epen em The KenkaY Pl‘eSS
any longer on 10 percent of the total pounds mailed in a the" guests and $40 for non— . District 11 332 Capitol Avenue
year. Most papers will find they can still sample two to melrznbers. , Homer Marcum Frankfort, Kentucky
four times, depending on frequency and in-county pene— thro esiwatloqss 1“” be ““de Martin Countian 40501
tration. It is still a good bargain to promote your circula- 11g June y contacting . .
ti d , dd (:1 th t d t' ,1] b Rose Blevms, Jack Guthrie and District 12
on an glve a 8 coverage a a ver lsers WI uy Associates, 717 West Main St., Louise Hatmaker (502) 223-8821
readily- Louisville, Ky. 40202. Jackson Times
Try it. There will be no tickets sold at
W...— thedoor. v .- I. -- .

 . Page 3
gt = > ‘_ ' - - » 3: p l 0 ill ln owe n-l-O n
( '_ , . V _ . g . . .p . _‘ . 43% Ashcraft Web Press Corpora- now own, as well as planned
: ’ - I f ‘ g. 3' “Might tion,adivisionofAshcraft Pub— additional PUthf‘tlons we 1n-
esi _ . .. ,_ . \ .. " i fishing Company in owemon, tend to Produce m the fume-
.‘ g is” " 5% struction of a new printing “"3110“th we Slave 1n (tDWrelln-
‘ ‘ ' \ " ° Nike? ‘ houses complete production 5'53""? our own pu ‘Ca onse 1'
t Ww ‘ facilities includin a Kin ress c1ently, but those we produce
3% 7.? M We 1 gigw line Installed by Lee Snuth In— 0 A h. f P bl' h
$15 :{N3 w law “a dustries of Louisville. . Currently, 5 cra tk1 u 15 -
.23. We .. g ‘. - p .. p n§%~%§§.m 1.3% Ed Ashcraft’ president of the mg publishes the we;I y 1njews-
. . ‘ .. MENW’ ,. company's expansion into the Owentonand the. rantAfiilnti);
I: ' «$307k printing field was"primarily in. Express in. Dry Ridge. t eas‘
p ‘ _ » 7V\ p tended to give us flexibility in one additional publicatlon ‘5
" ,» x i - . , ' ‘ jaw?» ‘i_ "1 producing the publications we planned for later ““3 year.
,. - . » .. » : ~ - ., ._ . i” 'f , ' r « Cumberland TrI-Cn‘y Times sold
" I I i “I: I. I i I ' .8” '2 H I W. Bruce Ayers and Robert E. Jeff’s interest in the area and his
New home for Ashcraft Web Press Company - Frazier announced May 4 that willingness to use it for the
- ' they have sold the Tri-City benefit of the Tri-Cities."
' I I - - - News to k“ Wilder, a Cumber— Frazier said that given recent
P U bl lSher lnd lCled 4 p r In t I our n aIles land native. economic setbacks in the area, a
' In making the announcement, strong local paper was needed
Continued from Page 1 ment bearing the false circula- Wln SChOOI Bells Ayers said that while several to help restore confidence and
sold. - tion figures to subscribers and _ . . ,1 individuals had expressed in- get the area moving in a posi-
The acts occurred between others. Seven )ournaltsts, Including terest in purchasing the paper tive direction once again.
Oct. 1, 1983, and Jan. 31, 1987, Additionally, the indictment four newspaper reporters, re- since it W35 returned to his and Wilder has been a part-time
the seven-page indictment charges that Hensley mailed caved S°h°°1 Be“ Awards Frazier's ownership,follow1ng staff reporter for the Harlan
says. ‘ ~ copies of the falsified postal "0‘“ $1“? 1‘3““ka Educam“ aprolongedcourtproceedinsa Daily Enterprise. The paper's
,-"1 ”4;...h2.!.13.:.ss3-98933*h“ sergloejorntsmxflngenMCky Assocmgtlon e - ~ decision to sell the paper to officewillremainatZOlAMain
“" - "i ‘i owtflf; ydens‘eaWaWAswéfion‘ifinamW~1 1 ,. "W- i'warés "9 Presented . Wilderwaswsdstbeeensegfof Street, Cumberland. .. .
scheme to SE“ ‘oca1 govem_ for use in the IG’A'S annual di- annually to prlnt and broadcast
mental offices space for legal rectory 0f Kentucky neWSpa- Egigrtegrsjfmmtago: the State
notices they are required to pers. C0 ”9°“ 5 “ Ing cover- .
publish by using "false and David Thompson, the KPA's age of Kentucky public schools.
fraudulent pretense 5 concern. executive director, said that he . Newspaper reporters TBCElV- I n St a I n 0
ing the total paid circulation fig- was unaware of any prevnous mg SChOOl Bell Awards WEN: , , .
' where for falsification of news- 5““; C3“ Horst, Campbell ‘ PHROLE - . 9%
The indictment said that, as paper circulation figures. County Recorder; Darrell w ‘
co—owner of the two newspa- Assistant US. Attorney Mi- Clem, Henderson Cleaner; and Che; nrks R :' lin ' ffg‘g‘Ckz’hlfirrgguaeiune
pers, Hensley was required by chael Murphy said that no ar- Donna Newcomb, Murray . ' oui' ille y 4020a Louisalle K: 482'07 a
federal lawto filetheformcerti- raignment date has been set for Ledger and Tlmes- . - ‘ G H d dl- t .
fying their circulation by Octo- Hensley. (53;); 89295510“
ber of each year. If convicted, Hensley could . — -
' ' _
It alleges that'he also use the face maxmium penssaittggof 30 BOLITHO-STERUNG Ashland Oil, Inc. ‘ Information on I ' A“
U'S'ma‘“°de“tv‘-"F°P§§S‘l.e £533.? ”5°“ a '- ,2/1‘ NEWSPAPER SERVICE Po. Box 391 pharmacy”... 11...... c. 1.
tw°papersc°n amng es ’ ' ' \ M‘Vcid Ashland, KY 41114 6“ . ’
. ‘ ' , ‘. A - ,/. Newspaper / Kentucky Pharmact. Assn.
“ i 1'" A raisersoBrokers-Consultants Contact: I . -
SERVING KE l l' KY NEWSROOM ’ .P" a... Lacy b ‘2 ' -5 5°"“'
NEWSPAP ' '» '- I KERS FURNITURE ROBERT N‘ BOLITHO Director Public Relations ' ' 715
AND AP t AISERS SpeCIally-deSIgned newsroom 4210 Johnson Dr.~—suite 100A (606) 3213-3148 F”"‘ '“r KY~ 40502
' ‘ VDTfurniture&ergonomiccha1rs FJiFWBY: K5 663-05 913) 236—5400 (502) 227-2303
JAM S 1 MARTIN MP5 it?.';;:¥li£'§2§é§€“””"°°' JAMES c STERLING "WM" PM F” DMS’ Executive Dim”
f" 30". 798 Toll-Free1 800 621-1507 PO. Box 492 Bolivar, MO 65613
. , ‘. In Ohio 43017 In 111111015, callcollect1312867-4646 l4l7l 326—8700 _
' 614) 889-9747 . . _____.__————— _.
v . vi » "t
. . \ midst 89mm: Associat'm git
- 4h: 1.2 o‘ ‘ TV L'ST'NGS FOR LESS! 1 Hull ‘ 1 l
NEWSPAPER SERVIC i As the only Kentucky-based television listing service, we ‘ N 01) 53% I
i are close enough to better serve you and efficient enough I I, la . / s . ,,
«e. ‘ ‘ . to give you what you want at lower prices in tour listing I II TM
a £{ngtgt leveIS: Central e t y Blood Center
is 33 ' , 41 [reel 1. Full into network primetime grid for $17.50 For information on eye care 330 Wall r enue
_ 2; New r-I‘Y ”001 2. Titles only rolling log for as little as $17.50 contact: _ . _ lexmstom Y- 40504 .
'.' g 1-80' -223-1600 3. Full description listing for as little as $37.50 Kenlud‘Y OPlOm'flrlc ASSOCIallon (606) 2554787 .
" 4 Li tin desi ned as eciall for our situation 30" 572/ 51“ CalPi‘O' Ave- sunnne w'lson’ Pubhc »
Metro Creative Graphics Inc I S g 9 P y y Frankfort, KY‘ 40601 Relations Coordinator
33 West 34th Street. New York, NY 16001 CENTRAL SERVICE §§’%?2§§§’(§ll§7l':#.45$ . (502) 375-3515
Adv8n¢|n9lhe aflolsfaphicssm WE EVEN WORK NIGHTS TO SAVE YOU MONEY! ' ' ' ..

 r' Page 4 .
. FOI Hotline From here and There
. - - In its US. Industrial Quar- circulation ains last ear,
By Klm Greene Biggififa‘gileiipgdfii‘eeshgiflg terly 1988, the department said, an estimate% one perZent .
Wyatt, Tarrant and Combs Law Firm . of 1987 advertising expendi- "Recently, by targeting specific and two percent Sunday.
. . . tures in US. daily newspapers. markets through spec1al edi- Over the next five year
QUESTION: A newspaper publishes information from the Alate January report had esti- tlons and prov1ding more com- department does not e
. county property tax records, includinganentry WhiCh shows taxes mated retail advertising in- prehensive market coverage total circulation to grow
due on a piece of property from its current owner and its prior creased nine percent, but the re- thtough supplemental adver- than one percent yeafly’.
owner. The prior owner called the newspaper irate that his name vised figure is 6 4 per c ent. tising mailings, newspapers Except for newsprint, in
had been published as a delinquent taxpayer. He claimed at the And the estimate for cl a s si- have strengthened their com- trycosts are not expected t.
closing he had‘given the current owner the money to pay his share fied advertisin . d f petitive position via-a-vis di- more than five percent in
, . g )umpe mm
of the property taxes. He demanded that the new5paper printadis- the earlier estimate of 13 per- rect mailers for preprinted in— Also the report suggests
claimer specifying that he had met his legal obligation. Is there any cent to a revised figure of 149 serts." technological change will
legal problem with publishing such a disclaimer? rcent The report shows that large tinue to bring down equip
. There is a legal problem here. Unless the newspaper could pe ' newspapers saw the strongest costs.
confirm that the prior owner made that payment to the present , _ , p
3 owner, any publication to that effect implies that the present owner Information kits urging them V . -, a.
. misappropriated funds given to him for a specific purpose and, to use newspapers for advertis- tee . - .
. - Suggestion is defamatory- - regional and state political can- Y I ’ h
. The newspaper is under no legal obligation to print the requested didates byaspecialtask force of ' ' > .. ' . “t
. disclaimer. The information published was an accurate summary Newspaper Association Man— : . ., ' ” , :_ " .
of the county property tax records.Afair and accurate summary of agers. ”.4” ~ . ‘
public records is constitutionally protected. Therefore, even if the That group, which is com- “W \ .
' tax records were incorrect, the newspaper would not be legally prised of executive managers of 33$ é "--“ z
I responsible for its accurate publication of the information from state, regional and national $3: he“? k1. ; 5.:
those records. Therefore, fromalegal pointof view,itseems bestto newspaper associations, cited ” .‘9'2 A
leave well enough 310m?- ‘ . studies Whtctttound that "Otets I ' y i. ..
prefer newspaper advertising _; t '
‘ . . . over ads carried by other me- . y . . 3 L m" '
N NA Convention highlights dia. . ... .. '
' ' ' ' ' ' The kit included a four-page 1 j .- ‘
t “Tera CY, mlnonhes' selhng advertisement for newspapers . 3’“ x
as effective vehicles for political We . §&%.e ‘ « E '
Literacy, Minorities and Selling Against Broadcast are among :3: 2:;itfi32r;§;g:::;tigre:f$ , '- Maggi/7;?“ me
r*'Jitt’r’téaufifrsesstomt’tanneq for the National NewsPaPer Association's 103”] the National News a ‘er Asso- MW“ itchhvgihm’s
.- Dee‘wannuaI-Convention and Trade Show, October 26-29 at the San . . . . p p , 3- - . We: 3
. Antonia, Tex., Marriott Riverwalk. Clatlon explaining the'benefits h ‘ a, 3“"
Three journalists discuss the link between literacy and newspa— Of newspaper advertismg. _M~ gaitvetg‘fr '
pers, and their state's efforts to combat illiteracy. Panelists are -‘i 31%?" f; s»
Adrien F. Taylor, Tess Greenup and David Owen. Clas if' d d t b . flew. _. I ,1 , .
Frank Santos of Pioneer Press, Wilmette, Ill., covers "Minority favo .: 1e .fhs apgear o e a Tony Spugnardi, Kentucky Press Service advertisi
Hiring - Do It Now!" Santos is NNA's representatives on the Task ci all n f: mglle s arceciirfiri: :11: director I talks With Barbara Justice, Appalachian Ne
Force'onlviinorities in the Newspaper Bausiness. ‘ searZh done bl John Maglin of Express, secretary of the Kentucky Weekly Newspa .
CapitaliZing on weaknessesin broadcast media buys is explained Pulse Research. g Association, and Gloria Metz, Bath County News-O
_ . ”at?“ Gorpy 0t Douglass t3r1tlt 30- l _ Women comprised two- look, KWNA president, during the association's sprii
* _ _ ern?W“PaPerse5§1°hs_mC “ eperSOhhe management, Wht‘ thirds of those who said want conference at Morehead State University. Spugnar
mg, claSSified advertismg, libel, newspapers and community pri- d th f' d . talked t th b t d t' . ll' .
orities, and computer uses beyond typesetting. a 5 wer: e irst a 2611138- 0 e ' group a ou a ver ising se mg. Kei
Texas Governor William P. Clements II", and San Antonio Mayor merits t ey recalled. of that Steer, Berea Citizen, was elected preSident at the concl
Henry G. Cisneros will address NNA attendees. , group, the majority were be- 510“ 0f the conference. : I
/ ’ The 1988 Trade Show, with exhibits of newspaper products and tb‘llegtgefiijgth: (I); :3 5:322?
services,offers e- anded hours andno char ff ‘ ' - A . K 1' k
Trade Show on]?3 8e to Sta attending the Old group. . . . . . cross 6 n U C V
For more information on NNA's 1988 Convention, contact NNA Also, classified advertismg 1“
at 1627 K Street, N.W., Suite 400, Washington, DC, 20006 or call 1987 eITPet'tenCeft a .13.percent Tim A. Smith, who previ- tucky," a statewide leader
(202) 466-7200. - gowttegatgolpewggeihis yeari: ously worked as photo and development program no
t D t k f I l h d I d stelzzcy increases (in ecllaiiesziifrigd sports editor Of The Clermont its fourth year. The Leader
es Op SC 9 U 9 linea e Sun in Batavia, Ohio, has joined Kentucky class partiCip
_ . _ _ g ' the Boone County Recorder as meet in seven locations are
The second national elec- sions address graphics, pagina- staff reporter and photogra- the state for seven monthly
tromc publishing conference tion and networking. . ‘ _ pher. He is a 1937 graduate of sions. The class will beexp.
for newspaper publishers, A150 scheduled W111 be a 865- A gain 0t almost 10 percent ‘5 Western Kentuck Universi to critical issues facin
"Desktop 11," is scheduled for sion on trouble-shooting and expected this year in newspa- where he received); bachelors; “ER in health and in
July 21.23 at the Nashville, another on the latest technol- per industry revenues. That's arts in h t - 1' d semi); 5 th 1 V
Tenn. H tt R n . o includin A 1 ha h accordin to the US. Com- . p o ojouma 15m an .. - e ' e economy, aw
' Y3: ege cy gy, . g pp es re,t e g busmess administration. nustlce education gov
The National News r A - Laserwriter II the Ma int h H merce De artment's latest ro- ’ . . ’
pape s r C 05 ' _ P P ment, media and history 0'
sedation-sponsored confer- computer 311d the IBM- leChOhS' state. Leadershi Kent
ence is designed for newspaper Registration fees are $120 for After two years Of relatively 5‘30“ P erry, editor 0f the was created in 1921334 as a
professionalswho areconsider- NNA members and $300 for 510‘” growth, the industry im— Paintsville Herald and former rofit stateWide educati
ing or are already using elec- non-NNA members. For more proved its performance last member 0f the KPA Board Of pro am in artnershi
. tronic publishing to produce information, call NN A at (202) year with revenues rising 8.6 Directors, hasbeen selected asa Fhengentuch Chamger
their newspapers. Special ses- 4667200. percent. participant in "Leadership Ken- Commerce. y

 7% d t J / Page 5
as . ' x ‘ . .
99$” “g " 9.3.9999 99
, ,. . .‘ . § 9 9M9 3‘ W “9 Gro leg 8 N-
. f W 3139'
9 WWMW 9 ""W' ‘9 .. . 55 We” - - - -
was: .. . , ._ 91 5.29; - . .t Bonnie Gray, left, advertlsmg manger of the Shelbyvrlle Sen-
.“ g . = . - tinel News, has been named advertising director for Land-
9“ ' ' ' 22“? W3“ 3' 5": mark Community Newspapers Inc., in Shelby "119' parent
9 pa... ' .., ' ’- 9 Dav" in Shelbyville and the staff and 1°99 °ffi°ials shared in
gal, M .» 5 x? w roasting and toasting Bonnie. Above, Bonnie and Sentinel
‘99.} WW8§< .1 p g R , .. “3% ”‘3‘? News news editor Duanne Puckett share a laugh as Bonnie iS
s t g. .. . 9‘ ' " ' presented her spec1al edition of The Sentinel News.
if. t» ’ ”92' 0‘); ~ . ‘ >
a ' 9g W93 ' . t
. 9999‘: 9 9 -
- “‘9‘ a Na 4. 999999 «99999999999999aa999999
* i 9 9R9 ~ V r a.
9 9&9- firm“ . t. @3999” 991 ““9.
f Wee “a. . 99. t ' ' \ . ~ *
$9999 - . .9 23mg ’ 2;)“ ”5;; 9” 3;”
" 9 \ 9. a»... fiwflfl 3999‘?” 9
1'; , - " 9* «29“9 a 392%» ‘ 5 5 ”as ' 4999 '
' 9 "9 ”999399 - - 9 . -» ' W
i K "99 9;: «WW9: ~ 9
, 99 92M ‘9an ‘ if ~
' 999W: 9
Marilyn Johnson gefs married, 99‘ @fi W g .I‘
- ‘9' 9' g ' «”939 ’ 9 ‘“
WlnS seven KPA ad awards "xttw 9 «999999999 «.9
.. Mfi/ _ "’fifgmfigég’éfifi‘gil is». . ‘5‘" «9:59;? - N
lyn Johnson was unable to attend the KPA Spring Advertis- ‘ ’
ing Seminar April 29-30 because she was getting married. ’
She missed as well the presentation of the 1987 KPA Tony Spugnardi, standing, KPS advertising director, con- ‘
Advertising awards. But that didn't stop her from sharing ducted a mini-seminar at the Shelbyville Sentinel News on
the seven awards -- including three first places. ' how to use the KPA/KPS Statewide Retail Shopping Habits I.
Newspaper friends dashed to Lexington after the seminar survey information. Attending the seminar were representa- "
and announced at her reception that the new bride had tives of the Sentinel News, Oldham Era and Shepherdsville
received the seven awards. Pioneer News. Shown with Spugnardi are Shelly Watson, left,
Says Marilyn, "My new in-laws were there when the an- Sentinel News representative, and Bonnie Gray, advertising
nouncement was made and they were very impressed." director for Landmark Community Newspapers, Inc., ‘.
- Marilyn, now Marilyn Johnson Jaskolski, will be leaving ‘ Shelbyville.
The Sun soon. Her husband, William Joseph Jaskolski, has
been transferred to California and Marilyn will be leaving
The Sun after four years as advertising account representa- ,
tive. .
,,. _. ___,—_'—Mr 4..-... .-————. ,.-_ . a.m. . . .... ”VS. _ - .- ' l'1v—4'“;

 Page 6
' - P rk News o ers
Commonweolth Journol sold to o p p
"The Commonwealth Journal serving South Central Kentucky. "1 am gratified that the Joplin common belief in good commu— ing edition with George Jopli
is published under new owner- Park assumes control of its three family has entrusted their out— nity journalism." IV as editor. He also will remai
ship today." weekly PUthfithhS " the ADVl' standing newspaper to our The Commonwealth and its on a consulting basis with tl
So read a story in the May 3 sor, the Shopper Stopper and the company," Park said of the ac— sister publication, the Somerset paper as well Jane jopjin Evan
issue of the C ommonwealth McCreary County Record, as quisition. . Journal, were founded in 1895. vice president-business, wh
Journal in Somerset. well as the commercial printing In 1966 the tWO merged to start has been in charge of adverti
The newspaper and its related operation. ' "Our emphasis, like that of the publishing the afternoon daily ing, circulation and production
publications and operations The four newspaper publica- Joplin family newspapers, is on Monday through Friday. Park Communications no»
were acquired May 2 by Park tions serve more than 70,000 local stories, local pictures and In 1982, the Commonwealth owns and operates 14 Kentuck'
. Newspapers of the Cumber— homes in seven South Central local. editorials. We share our Journal added a Sunday mom- newspaper publications.
lands, Inc., a division of Park counties. . .
Communications Inc. of Ithaca, I # I
N.Y. '
The announcement was made ' ‘
by George Joplin III, president ' I u n e
. of the Commonwealth Journal . W
and Roy H. Park, chairman of ' -- . '
Park Communications. _
In addition to the sale of the
newspaper, the largest daily I'l ' I . l'l
. .
Mu students arm 11an Tues Wed Thur Fri oat
od contest
Western Kentucky Univer-
sity students captured first
place April 28 in regional ad- '
vertising competition spon-
sored by Nestle Corp. and the ’ ’
American Advertising Federa— 1 2 Ii
tion and advance to national ‘
finals June 18 in Los Angeles.
. . The Student‘s?” {mm “ni' . . . . . 7 . . . - _ . a. - . up. , 44 4 -. , s -. ‘ ..
- a. f mmwwv “’3- ? “ " . a . ' ' W 23’ r15 .
1 Wmnmckydesignegggzo ' ‘ ' "
million advertising campaigns
for Nestle candy products and .
presented their plans in Cincin-
nati before a panel of nation-
ally-prominent advertising ex— El I? E g 1 [I 1 1
ecutives. The Western students
are advertising majors in the U w w
department of journalism. ' ’t‘ 7"“ 7""
Bowlin Green of Ohio was
second, ghio State finished S m e r
third and Kent State Universi ' '
students were fourth in the 1;): C H nven Ion
"iiniversity field. With 500 .
points possible, the Western I:| ' . Board
team finished 70 points ahead Meeting 1 E:
of Bowling Green of Ohio. ,
Members of the Western
teams are seniors Mark Bren-
nan, Kansas City, Kan; Beth
Kachellek, Charlotte, NC; . '
Stephanie Schilling, Scheller, . . - V
Ill; Emily Cecil, Louisville; and '
Pam Carey, Leban