xt71vh5cfp1f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71vh5cfp1f/data/mets.xml  Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1907 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. minutes  English Newport, KY: The Newport Printing Co. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Minutes of the Eighteenth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Richmond, Kentucky, November 14th and 15th, 1907. text Minutes of the Eighteenth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Richmond, Kentucky, November 14th and 15th, 1907. 1907 1907 2019 true xt71vh5cfp1f section xt71vh5cfp1f - MINUTES
' ' OF THE ‘
' Eighteenth Annual Convention '
5 Kantucku Equal ngnts Assnslutmn
  - RICH‘AIONl), KY.
> November I4th and 15th, 1907
- “If Ye Abide in My \Vord. . . . . . Ye Shall Know the Truth,
and the Truth Shall Make You Free.”
’ 524.5 T1233; ‘
1 8t h THE NE\:::::::I:TING co.
2 l 8 O7

- -A. ,
5)ng ;
OF ,:
The Kentucky Equal nghts Assoc1at10n . I
. President 5
sts LAURA CLAY ......Lexington, Ky.
~ First Vice-President
MRS. MARY B. CLAY................ ..........Richmond, KY. .
Second Vice-President
MRS. MARY C. CRAMER. . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lexington, Ky.
Third Vice-President
‘ MR5. N. S. McLAUGHLIN, 1011 Scott St... . ....Covington, Ky. ‘
Corresponding Secretary
‘ MRS. MARY C. RoARx ............Richmond, Ky.
‘ Recording Secretary 1
MRS. EMMA M. ROEBUCK, 112 W. Front St.. . . . .Newport, Ky. ,
.0 Treasurer i
MRS. ISABELLA SHEPARDl 31 E. Izth St. . . . . . . .Covington, Ky. ‘
Press Work
MRS. L. C. OBENCHAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bowling Green, Ky. h
Historian 3
MRS. M. B. REYNOLDS.... ....... ......Covington, Ky. ’1
Member of Ex. Com. N. A. 14’. S. A. 1
MARY E. GILTNER............................Covington, Ky. ‘
,. “'Séélh .

 7 in
i I
'7": '
if “If ye abide in my word, 3* * ye shall know the truth, and the
" - truth shall make you free.”
or THE
Eighteenth Annual Convention
. \ 4 OF THE
' 7 \ l, 7 7 \ I T /\ \ I
1{ICI{BI(7,)NI ), K Y.
November 14th and 15th,1907
AT 9 o'cmcx.
‘ Moved that Mrs. Obenchain, the Press Superintendent, be
— paid $50 as salary up to November I, 1907.
‘ The Recording Secretary was instructed to write to Press ‘
* Superintendent.
'. The President, Miss Clay, read a letter from Miss Gordon,
‘ asking that our State Association protest against the appoint—
ment of Mr. Jenkins, 0f \Visconsin, as Chairman of the Judi—
_ ' ciary Committee of Congress.
-" The Plan of \Nork Committee recommends that the bill for
3 school suffrage for women, to be introduced in the next Legisla-
, ture, be left in the hands of the Kentucky Federation of \Vomen's
3 Adjourned. ‘ , _ , , 7 :;:

 i 'i‘fi—lq 3‘:
"x "4): TX 77 ;
‘. , MORNING sassron. . ‘
Convention called to order at 10 o’clock. I
j“ Scriptural reading and prayer by the President, Miss Laura
, Clay. ,
Voted that the program be made the order of business. . J
'i Minutes of the Executive Committee read and approved.
‘ President appointed the following committees:
1 Publications—Mrs. E. M. Roebuck, Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin.
Credentials—Mrs. Isabella Shepard, Mrs. Mary C. Roark. l
Auditing—Miss Laura \Vhite, Mrs. Sarah Charles. I
Courtesies—Mrs. Ellen Gibson, Mrs. M. McClellan.
r Resolutions—Mrs. Ida Bullington, Mrs. Hannah Spring.
Mrs. Mary B. Cl'ay. l
' ‘ . Mrs. Mary 13. Clay reported work done locally. i
Mrs. Mary C. Cramer told of work done in Lexington. l
T Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin related experience in securing signa- ;
ltures for school elections. l
' Mrs. E. M. Roebuck reported work done in her department. l
. Report of National Executive Committee Member, Mrs. :
Mary E. Giltner, read and accepted. E
" Ashland report read by Miss Laura White. ~
i Bowling Green sent no report.
Campbell County report read by Mrs. Hannah Spring. _
' . Kenton County, verbal report by Mrs. Isabella Shepard. ’
’ Fayette County report read by Mrs. M. C. Cramer. *
. Moved that the Secretary write Mrs. Mary G. Morton, of ,l
Lexington, a letter of condolence. ’
" Madison County report read by Mrs. Kate Rose Wiggins.
‘ Mrs. Mary B. Clay told of two prominent men of Richmond,
: Ky.——'Prof. Simmons and Mr. J. R. Sullivan—having publicly ,
declared themselves in favor of full suffrage for women; also of _ a
Superintendent Nolan, in favor of school suffrage. ,
l '-..'::5 ::5 5:52 ~~----2 j
l I ‘

 t .
Editorial from Lexington Herald of November 7 was read.
l Voted the Secretary write to Mr. Desha Breckenridge, editor
l of the Herald, and thank him for his editorial.
Voted that part of Mr. llreckenridge's editorial be incorpo-
_ , rated in the minutes of this convention,
' Miss Laura \Vhite reported a new paper started in Ashland,
Ky., which is in favor of woman's suffrage.
Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin gave a verbal report from the
. Twentieth Century Club.
l Treasurer reported dues sent from Hickman and a letter
1 from Mrs. S. M. Hubbard, in which she regretted being unable
J to attend the convention on account of the recent death of her
_ mother.
l Voted that the Secretary be instructed to write a letter of
l sympathy to Mrs. S. M. Hubbard, of l’lickman.
5 President reported dues sent from Louisville.
l Discussion of the position of the church in regard to wom-
1 ans suffrage.
l Voted that the suggestion of the National Association on
5 church work be referred to the Plan of \Vork Committee.
l Mrs. Desha Breckenridge spoke of the convention of the
i Kentucky State Development Association. to be held in Louis—
i, ville in January, and asked the interest of the convention.
. Convention resumed at 2 o'clock. '
l ‘ Scriptural reading and prayer by Miss Clay.
,l, Minutes of morning session read and approved.
l The convention was most cordially welcomed on behalf of
2 Madison County E. R. A. by Mrs. Mary 1"}. Miller, on behalf
l of the \Voman's Club by Mrs. T. J. Smith, and on behalf of the
g ' Madison County School Improvement League by Mrs. llen
{ Banks.
3 The President responded to the addresses of welcome and
i gave her annual report.

 w . g _
l , —
I Rev. Anna Iii. Shaw was introduced and addressed the con— I
l vention. Miss Shaw explained the resolution being asked from ,I
I the different churches in regard to the 16th amendment to the _
I Constitution of the United States. I.
i The Committee on School Suffrage, Mrs. Desha Brecken~ .
ridge, Chairman, reported.
Mrs.- Breckenridge reported having written a letter to Gov» !
ernor—elect \Vilson, asking his position on woman‘s suffrage, to I
which he replied that he was decidedly in favor of school suf‘ l
I frage for women. , 1
Voted to adopt the recommendation of the Plan of \Vor‘k
Committee to leave the bill for school suffrage in the hands of I
: the Legislative Committee of the Federation of \Vomen's Clubs I; I
I of Kentucky. ' '
I Rev. Anna Shaw recommended that a correct account be I
kept of work inaugurated by the Kentucky Equal Rights A54
I sociation, even if finally accomplished by other societies.
Delegates from Newport promised to interview their Senad . ,
I tor and Representatives on school suffrage.
Delegates from Covington will also do all in their power to
I _ influence their legislators. I
I Report of Committee on Credentials read and accepted.
I Voted that the plan of having “enrolled members" be
I adopted. The enrolled members not to pay annul dues, simply i
I to express belief in woman's suffrage and become members of ‘ ,3
I ' local club. l.
1. Voted that the enrollment cards- be prepared by the State I
I Association, and the local associations deciding to use them pur- l
I chase them from the State Secretary. ‘ I I
A dj on me d. . I}
I ‘ ‘ ‘I 1
Plan of \Vork Committee met at 9 o'clock. l
Voted that the Treasurer ascertain from Miss Shaw the 7
amount due hcr fOr lectures and traveling expenses. I
It was decided to recommend: ' ‘ .
......,-.4 _ ;
-. -. ~ . ' " ‘;_ I : . l

l .
I That Miss Laura Clay be appointed special committee on
church work. ‘
That the report of the Chairman of the School Suffrage
I‘ Committee be accepted and the committee continued.
‘The appointment of a fraternal delegate to the convention
of the Society of Charities and Corrections.
g That we endeavor to obtain for mothers equal guardianship
I ' of minor children. I
% That we persist in our efforts to have women appointed on
y the boards of all state punitive and educational institutions.
That we try to effect the appointment of a Dean of \\"o:nen _
} at the State College. '
I I That our Legislative Committee ask for Presidential sul—
frage for women.
2 Committee rose.
Convention called to order at to o‘clock.
Scriptural reading and prayer by Mrs. Kate, Rose \Viggins.
. . Minutes of previous session read and approved.
\Votcd that the President prepare a statement of the plan
of enrolled members for the printed minutes of the convention.
. Report of the Treasurer read and the books placed in the
hands of the Auditors.
‘ Voted that the report of the Chairman of the School Suf—
i frage Committee be accepted and the committee continued.
j Voted that a fraternal delegate be appointed to the Con—
. vention of the Society of Charities and Corrections.
Voted that the appointment of such delegate be left with
z the Chair. .
i Voted that we endeavor to obtain for mothers equal guar—
, 1; dianship of minor children.
: \Votcd that we persist in our efforts to have women ap—
pointed on the boards of all state punitive and educational insti—
_ tutions.
i Voted that we strive to effect the appointment of a Dean
: of V'Vomen at the State College.
Voted that our Legislative Committee be instructed to ask
for Presidential suffrage for women. .

 5 ‘l
E Voted that Miss Laura Clay be made special c0mmittee on
E church work. E
E A letter was read from Miss Elizabeth Hauser, Chairman E
E of the National Press COmmittee, asking local clubs to do more ‘:
E press work. l
E Mayor Clarence \Voods was introduced and addressed the
Convention. Mr. Woods advised all associations to do more l

. press work, as the press is the most decided molder of public E _


E The convention proceEded with the election of officers. E
I I The Chair appointed as distributing tellers Mrs. Ellen Gib— l
1' son and Mrs. Kate R. \Viggins, and as receiving tellers, Mrs. E
I Hugh McCann and Mrs. Bennett. . ll
1 The following officers were elected: E
l Resident—Miss Laura Clay, Lexington. . E
7 First Vice President—Mrs. Mary 13. Clay, Richmond. !
: Second Vice President—Mrs. Mary C. Cramer, Lexington. ,
: Third Vice Presidenthrs. N. S. McLaughlin, Covington. . E
“ Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. Mary C. Roark, Richmond. E
: Recording Secretary—Mrs. Emma M. Roebuck, Newport. E
l Treasurer——l\/lrs. Isabella H. Shepard, Covington. E
'3 Mrs. Desha Breckenridge announced that at the conference E
' of the Society of Charities and Corrections, to be held in Louis- E
‘ ville in January, Mr. Amos Butler, Secretary of the Board of E
. Charities and Corrections of Indiana, and Dr. Charles Hender-
son, of the University of Chicago, would be present.
E Adjourned. E
E Executive Committee met at 1:30 and decided to recom- E;
‘ mend: E
E That Mrs. Lida Calvert Obenchain was nominated Press E
Superintendent. E
E That the Press Superintendent be paid a salary or $60 per E
E year, provided there are sufficient free will offerings. E
That Mrs. Mattie Bruce Reynolds be nominated State His— 3
torian. - E
‘ i ....s....




l That Mrs. Mary E. Giltner be nominated as member of the
j - National Executive Committee.

i Committee rose.

l Convention resumed at 2 o’clock.

i Scriptural reading by the President. Prayer by Rev. Anna
l H. Shaw.

Minutes of morning session read and approved.

l Voted that Mrs. Lida Calvert Obenchain be elected Press
l - Superintendent.

f Voted that a salary of five dollars a month be paid the Press
l Superintendent, provided there are sufficient free will offerings.

: Nomination of delegates to the National Convention re-
j’ sulted as follows: i
l Mrs. Mary B. Clay, Richmond.

l Mrs. Sarah Charles. Newport.

‘ l Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin, Covington.

l Miss Laura \Vhite, :’*\shland. '
3 Alternates selected were: i

l Mrs. Ellen Gibson, Richmond. .

; Mrs. A. C. Buchanan, Richmond.

l Mrs. Mary C. Cramer, Lexington. '

l Miss Lucia Burnham, Richmond.

l Mrs. Kate R. \Viggins, Richmond.

: Mrs. McCann, Richmond.

l Voted that the first alternate fill the first vacancy, the sec—
: ond alternate the second vacancy, etc.

l Rev. Anna H. Shaw announced that in all probability the
f National convention for 1908 will be held at Buffalo, 'in Octo—
ber, from the 15th to the ztst.

l Voted the Executive Committee be empowered to act in
ll regard to the appointment of an Advisory Committee.

l Rev. C. A. Tague was introduced to the convention.

l The Chair asked for an expression of opinion as to the
j three worst laws in regard to civil rights of women. It was
l unanimously conceded that the present co—guardianship law of
l minor children is the very worst.

.1 Mrs. A. R. llurnam, for the Kentucky Equal Rights Asso—



 . _ a?
1 ciation, presented to the library of the State Normal School the I
1 best known books on equal suffrage.
1 Response to the presentation was made by Prof. \Vrenn
1 Grinstead, on behalf of the Normal School. 1
1 A most interesting paper on the inadvisability Of taking up
1 the matter of a sixteenth amendment at present was read by
l g .
Mrs. S. C. Bennett. ,
A motion that we shall not take up the matter of a sixteenth
4 amendment was lost.
1 Voted that we comply with the request of the National As— 1
1 soeiation in regard to the sixteenth amendment.
1 1 The convention enjoyed the address on the “School Improve- 3
1 _ ‘ ment League,” by Mrs. Mary C. Roark. Mrs. Roark recom—
.1 mended that the Kentucky Equal Rights Association furnish a 1‘
1 ’ speaker to assist the Legislative. Committee of the Federation
1 of \Vomen's Clubs at the Legislature for the passage of the '
1 school suffrage bill. To raise money for this work it is pro— 1
1 posed to issue a memorial or a woman’s edition of some promi— 1
:1 nent newspaper in the state. _
1‘ A most interesting and instructive paper on “Peace and Arbi—
: tration” was read by Miss Laura W’hite. '
1 ‘ Voted that we comply with the request of the National As—
1 sociation and, appoint a Committee on Peace and Arbitration,
1 and that Miss Laura \Vhite be made Chairman of such com-
. mittee. 1 ‘1
1 A request for free. will offerings resulted in the following
1 pledges: _
,1 Madison County Equal Rights Association. . . .3310 00
1 Campbell County Equal Rights Association. . . .. IO 00 =
' Ashland Equal Rights Association . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 ‘
1 MissLaura\Vhite..........................1000 1
1 Miss Belle Bennett......................... 500 '3‘
1 Mrs.S.C.Bennett..........................3000 ' j
1 Mrs.H.L.Spring.......................... IOO }
Mrs. N.'S.MCLaughlin I 00 1
1 Mrs.SarahCharles......................... 100 1
MissRolling I 00
Total.................................$74oo ' 1
....8.... ‘ "

 i .
Report of the Auditing Committee read and accepted. ’
Voted that all unfinished business be placed in the hands of
the Executive Committee.
I Voted that any member of the Kentucky Equal Rights As-
: sociation present at the National Convention may be chosen by
the delegates there to fill any existing vacancy.
. Voted that the Executive Committee be empowered to de-
vise some means of bringing a speaker to assist in school suf—
1 frage work.
11 Resolutions of respect were passed upon the death of Judge
1 james Tarvin.
Report of Resolutions Committee read and accepted.
1 Voted that the resolution of thanks be read at the end of the
j evening meeting.
1 Convention adjourned.
1 Recording Secretary.
Executive Committee met and appropriated: _

_ Rev. Anna Shaw‘s traveling expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5525 03
Officers traveling expenses .......................... 2t (35
Printingprograms 2 00
Printing minutes 20 OZ)
Postage, Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0:)

. Postage, Recording Secretary .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 00
Press work 25 oo
Printingenrollment cards 5 00

Voted that any money remaining after the regular appro—

1 priations have been made shall go toward the expenses of the

. Frankfort committee.

1 Voted that we ask the Legislature for a constitutional

'1‘ amendment, as provided at the convention of 1906.

1 Enrollment cards to be printed as agreed upon:

1 I believe in the Right! of Suffrage for women, and I hereby

1 enroll myself asa memberof the


 l . Voted that a committee be appointed, ’with Mrs. E. M. Roe—
3 buck as Chairman; Mrs. Isabella Shepard and Mrs. N. S. MC—
3 Laughlin, to employ a Field Secretary. '
3 As an Advisory Board it was decided to ask the following
3 gentlemen to serve: .
3 Mr. John D. White, of Clay County.
3 Mr. Desha Breckenridge, of Fayette County.
Mr. Frederick \Volcott, of Kenton County.
Mr. John \V. Langley, of McGoffin, County, ‘ 3
3 . Mr. Clarence “foods, of Madison County.
Committee rose. 3 \
Recording Secretary. 3]
. i
3 l The evening sessions were held at the Court House, in the
3 Circuit Court room. Large audiences attended both evenings.
3 Thursday evening Mr. C. A. Tague opened the meeting with
' prayer, and the Cecilian Club rendered several delightful musical
numbers. Mayor Clarence Wood gave a most cordial address
of welcome to the Kentucky Equal Rights Association, and pre-
‘ sented Miss Laura Clay, President, with the keys of the city.
Mrs. E. M. Roebuck responded and thanked Mr. Woods and
3. all the people of Richmond for their warm welcome.
3 Miss Clay then introduced the Rev. Anna Shaw, President _
of the National American Woman's Suffrage ASSociation, who
3 delivered a splendid lecture on “The Fate of Republics” to a
3 delighted and enthusiastic audience. .
Friday evening’s session was opened with an invocation
by Prof. E. C. McDougle, and an address by Rev. Hugh MC- » '
‘ Lellan. Miss Shaw again lectured on woman's suffrage in gen— \
eral. She also conducted a “question box,” and answered any '
and all questions propounded by the audience most logically and l
3 \vittily. . 3 3 3 ’.
3 ....1o.... ' ‘

January I, l907—lanuaty I, l908
To Bal.Jan.I,1907..............................$111 18
Pledges—1907 '
Miss L. VVhite............,......... [0 col
NewportE.R.Ass’n...... . 1000}
FayetteCo. E. RAssn 10 out '
Mrs.Cantrill............................ 500] 4000
Pledges -— 1908
Mra.Jas.Bennett........................ 30 00]
MissB.Bennett.......................... 500' _
X Richmond E. R. Ass’n‘...”.............. lo 00?-
v MissL.White................ .1000} 5500

V Annual dues from Local Ass’ns

j Aslzland............................$875-(25)
\- KentonCo.ASS'n.................... 210—(0)
' Frankfort....................... 5o—( 1)

V Lexington........................ 28 00—(80)
Louisville........ 490—(14)
Hickman............................ Io5-( 3)
Newport............................. I7 50— 50)
Richmond............................ 26 55—(75)

“ Enrolled.. zoo—(20)
TwentiethCent....................... 27 30—(78)
352 Members................................ 118 65
Total.......................$324 83
PressWork.....................................$25 oo
“ “ Salary 5000
PrintingMinutes................................. 2000
Two Lectures—Rev. Anna Shaw................... 25 co
Traveling Expenses—as allowed....... . 21 65
Printing Enrollment Cards........................ 350
“ Programs............................... 200
Annual Dues to N‘lSuffrage Ass’n.......... 3510
V’ Total.... $182 25
\ Bal. Jan.1,1908...... 142 58
1 $324 83
' ....11....

I, Ky. E, R, A. For the year ending Nov. 1907 .
1: During the past year I have not tried to enlarge my list of
3 papers; my principal aim has been to find out what papers on
j my list are publishing the articles I send out. My method is to
i send a marked copy of some suffrage paper, and at the same
J time a postal card calling attention to the marked article and ‘
i . requesting the editor to publish it in his paper and send a t:
i marked copy of the paper to me. About one editor in six will
I do this. When I receive the paper I write a card of thanks,
i, and ever after feel confident that I am not wasting postage when
i I send suffrage matter to that editor, ‘3
The National Bureau has wise'y concluded to send Progress
‘ to the State Superintendents every month, in place of the usual
1 weekly article. This gives variety to the literature, and at the ,
I: same time keeps an editor informed as to the progress and wide
i scope of the suffrage movement. I am now sending out postal
i cards asking the editors to express their views on school suf—
3 _ frage for women. ‘
r During the local option campaign in this place last summer
1 I distributed suffrage literature, and I hoped the part taken in
' the campaign by women would convert many to the belief in full
1 suffrage:
l ‘ The financial statement is as follows:
i From Mrs. Shepard, December 7, 1906. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9510 00
ll From Mrs. Shepard, July 6, 1907...... ......... ....... 15 00
II From Mrs. Shepard, August 28. 1907... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IO 00
I From Miss Clay. December, 1906. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IO 00
4 — 9
i' Total.........................................$45oo ‘
' Respectfully submitted, ‘
‘ - Supt. Press \Vork, Ky. E. R. A. I
' ....12 -


’ OF THE N. A. w. s. A,

The preliminary meetings of the general officers were held
at the Palmer House, with most of the officers present, Miss
Shaw presiding. Many motions which assumed the form of
recommendations to the Executive Committee were acted upon,
and referred to the convention for final action.

At 2:15 p.m. the convention was opened at Music Hall by

g Miss Shaw. Addresses of welcome were made by Mrs. Ella

I T. Stewart, Rt. Rev. Samuel E. Fellows and Mrs. Susan M. D.
Fry. Responses were made by Mrs, Fernauld, of Maine, and
Mrs. Sperry, of California. Then followed the appointment: of

‘3 committees. A symposium on municipal suffrage followed, Mrs.
Florence Kelly presiding.

Miss Nicholes, of Neighborhood House, spoke on “Chicago

\ \Vorkers “"110 Do Not Vote.”

The convention decided to raise a fund of $103,000, to be
used in the campaigns of various states, and known as the Susan c
B. Anthony Memorial Fund.

- It was decided to ask Congress to add a sixteenth amend—
ment to the National Constitution, placing women on complete
equality with men.

Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton paid a noble tribute to Miss
Susan B. Anthony.

Mary \Vright Sewall, of Indianapolis, on behalf of the
\Vomen‘s Council, proposed the erection of a statue of Miss

Mrs. Mary L. Garnett, of New York. one of the Memorial
Committee, spoke of their plans for the erection of a building

9 at the University of Rochester, to be used as dormitory and

‘ study rooms for girls attending this institution.

Miss Jane Adams, of Hull House, entertained the delegates
.at luncheon, after which they visited the various departments

“.9 of the house. ‘

The Chicago \Voman's Club entertained the convention with
a reception at the Fine Arts Building.


 l i .
._ It was decided that the next convention be held at Buffalo,
1. N. Y. -
4‘ Miss Laura Clay told of the work accomplished during the
1 Oregon campaign.
l Miss Elizabeth J. Hauser gave a report of the work done
i at \Varren, O.
:l It was decided to change the time of year in which to hold
l the National Convention from early spring to fall.
Miss Lucretia Blankenberg reported the following achieve- ‘
l ments: In New Hampshire, school suffrage for women; in Ken— > i"
l ‘ tucky, age of consent has been raised from 12 to 16 years; Dela-
j ware has secured a child labor law; Iowa has enacted child labor,
l juvenile court and pure food laws; Illinois has raised the age a
l; of consent from 14 to 16 years; Kansas passed the Juvenile '
ll Court law; Louisiana has a new child labor law and a constitu-
l tional amendment making women eligible to serve as factory
ll inspectors. . ‘
Miss Laura Clay reported an increase in_membership, and
1' advocated making the present year one of growth.
H Mary E. McDowell, of the University of Chicago, spoke
H of the working woman as a national asset.
‘ It was said by the officers and delegates that more work
ll was accomplished at this convention than at any held heretofore.
} Many other things could be said of this convention, but
l time and space forbid. Respectfully submitted,
ll MARY 1:. GILTNER. ,
l The Fayette Equal Rights Association held three program 3‘
l neetings and one business meeting in 1907.
l The program meetings were all enjoyed, and were full of
‘3 interest. Our President, Miss Clay, spent some time in Okla: '
¥ homa working for the cause of suffrage, "
The woman's column in the Herald has awakened much .
1 interest in the work that women are doing everywhere, and _
l ....14....
l ~
i .

 has caused a mOre decided movement in our favor. Promi-
nent men are endorsing us all over the country.

\Ve have lost through death two of our most earnest work-
ers, Mrs. Sarah Gibson Humphrey. To us her passing away is
a great calamity. Also, we lost by death our youngest member,
Miss Judith Morton, who possessed one of the sweetest and
loveliest of characters.

With deep compassion we tender our heartfelt sympathy to

{i her mother, our able Vice President, Mrs. Mary G. Morton.

We are going forward, and all over the country women and
their work are coming to the front, bringing us glad tidings for
the future, and more. energy to continue to help our cause.


Our association has not held many meetings during the past
year, but we have not been inactive, but have been on the alert
for opportunities to further our cause.

In March, during the local option campaign, the women took
an active part, and at each of the voting booths served coffee
and sandwiches to all. The Mayor and officials complimented
them on their work, and many were converted to woman's stif-

\Ve have held two meetings this month to arrange for this

i convention, and new members have been added at each meeting.

Our association extends to you a most hearty welcome.

‘ K. G. \VIGGINS, Secretary.

The Annual Report of the Ashland E. R. A.
., The Ashland Association has held nine meetings, with an
‘ average attendance of seven members.

We have used the National programs at some of the meet—

' ings, and they were very instructive and highly appreciated.


 W" ,, . ,

l “The History of \Voman Suffrage" was freely used in .

L preparing for the program on “Colleges” and “State Laws Con-

l cerning Women.”

l W’e were disappointed at having no delegate at the Na- .

l tional Convention. \Ve had an echo meeting, however, reading ‘

:4 selections from the addresses reported in Program and The i

l lVO/na/L’s Journal, and a letter from our State President, Miss

l Clay.

l \Ve sent a delegate to the National Peace and, Arbitration t

j . Congress, and, besides having her report at a regular meeting,

i we held a public echo meeting in one of our churches, at which

ll the national speakers were ably represented by those who re— ‘

l, cited or read the extracts from their addresses. (8

ll Eleven of our members are subscribers for Progress and

ll three for the I'Vonzmz's Journal.

Besides giving away many of these papers, we have bought ‘ .

l‘; and distributed at the Chautauqua meetings and W. C. T. U. ' ‘

l" Convention five dollars worth of leaflets of Mrs. Upton’s selec—

l‘ tion. Respectfully submitted,

5‘ MRS. W. H. BAGLEY, President. ‘ ‘

if MRS. A. M. GLENN, Secretary,


l .


l The Campbell County Equal Rights Association can not re-

ll port so satisfactory a year's work as in the past, owing to the .

ll irregularity in holding our monthly meetings. . l

I We have held six meetings, both business and social in char—

ll acter. We held an echo meeting to which many visitors were 5

‘1 invited, but our work has been chiefly confined to the distribu— ‘

l tion of suffrage literature and increasing our local membership.

l We had one public lecture, given in December last, on the

subject of ”Child Labor.” Mr. Hugh Cavanaugh, the lecturer, A,

; is prominent as a leader in union labor circles in Cincinnati, and

l , was also a special correspondent sent by the Cincinnati Post to

investigate the subject of child labor in the East and South.

l ....1e....

l: _


l .

ll . .

l .
. Our seciety netted a neat sum by the sale of tickets for this
lecture. . ’
i We have lost two faithful and earnest workers for woman's
suffrage by death during this year, Mrs. Louisa Gayle and Mrs.
Mary \Varing. By the death of Mrs. (jayle the Campbell Coun—
.' ty Association lost one of its oldest members, she having been
a charter member and having been one of its faithfulworkers.
Mrs. \Varing also, although a later member, was an energetic
E and helpful worker. '
\Ve close the present year with a paid membership of fifty,
and send six delegates to the State Convention to be held at
Richmond, November 14 and 15. Respectfully submitted,
11 MRS. A. J. s'riiusox,
. Secretary C. C. E. R. A.
The Twentieth Century Club of Covington, the Kenton
County E. R. A., llickman E. R. .~\._, Bowling Green E. R. ;\.,
Frankfort E. R. A. and Louisville E. R. A. all sent dues, but no
‘ report of work done. '
The Auditing Committee of the Kentucky Equal Rights As-
‘ sociation respectfully reports as follows:
Balance January 1, 1906 ...................$136 63
j Receipts since 405 50
Total receipts $542 13
A Disbursements 387 95
, Balance November 15, 1907. . . . . . . . . . $154 18
, LAURA R. WHITE, Chairman».
. :...17..-..

The Committee on Resolutions offered the following:
. Resolved, That the Kentucky Equal Rights Association .
, express its thanks to the Hon. Augustus E. \Villson, our future
Governor, for his unequivocal endorsement of school suffrage
3‘ for Kentucky women, and for the fairness of his attitude
3' toward the question of full suffrage for women.
.3 Resolved}, That the Kentucky Equal Rights Associa- ,.
tion thank Mr. J. G. Crabbe. our future State Superintendent "
‘ of Public Instruction, for his advocacy of the just and wise
3? measure of granting school suffrage to the women of Ken—
3 tucky. 3.,
3 Resolved, That this Convention extends its sincere thanks
to the Hon. Tom L, Johnson for his presence at the Ohio Suf—
frage Convention and his hearty endorsement of full suffrage for
33 women.
3 Resolved, That the Kentucky Equal Rights Assocaitiou .
3 thank the Elks for the use of their beautiful rooms to hold
33 our Convention; to the Mayor, Clarence \Voods, for the en—
3 Ilorsement of our views, and warm reception to the city
33 of Richmond; to the Cecilian Club, of Richmond, for their 3
3 beautiful music; to the County Judge. for the use of Court ,
3 House for our evening meetings; to our hostesses, for their
entertainment of the delegates and guests. We also thank
. all the newspapers for their advertisement and fine notices
Of our Convention. To the Rev. C. A. Tague, the Rev. Hugh
3 McClelland and the Rev. E. C. McDougl‘e for their assistance
3 at our evening meetings.
3 Respectfully submitted, 3
i 3-»
33 .. 18.... '