xt71vh5cfn9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71vh5cfn9k/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2007-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 2007 text GLSO News, October 2007 2007 2007-10 2019 true xt71vh5cfn9k section xt71vh5cfn9k i Gaga“ The G LSO NEWS
1“ Les tan
Services October 2007
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization
Volume 22 Number 10
GLSO Garage Sale fiate Clinton
GLSO is havingagiantgarage sale Kate Clinton a wonderful lesbian
at the Pride Center on October 5 and 6. , , _ ' ,
We need your help to make it a success. (Diggers corzn7mgéqueemfigfineorpSI-afgsaé
Bring us your “trash” and we will turn .. , ‘ .. ,
them into “treasure$$$" to benefit the fgriitrggfficsilfigisgfipiggligaergecjfifiifé
Pride Center. We are accepting . . . ' .
donations of household items, furniture, :hzllv:gtegiliistlgtn78$unii$efsieeasiigstiio:
nic nacs, tools, books, appliances, ' .
electronics, toys, collectibles, holiday adults,k$3§ /fSoCr:thudentsfi avalalgglzsgt
items, etc.. So, clean outyour garages, 4i'9”2“9"'u y.e u or p one ' _
storage spaces, junk rooms, attics, .iustFUND Kentucky Inc the UK
baserréeinrts angu;fifesgjzoygtglogjsbride Gender & Women Studies Program, and
. Center 339}, Waller Avenue We are the UK Gay and Lesbian Law Caucus are
open li/Ion.-Fri. from 10t03 Saturdays bringing you .this evening Of laughter.
from 10 to 2. Call Jane if you need to Reserveyourttcketandjomthefun.
arrange a pickup 859 253-0061. ,
Donations are tax-deductible; receipts Imperial @1010ny EVéfltS
will be available upon request. Then, .
. . The Imperial Court of Kentucky
t th I db f d.
come 0 esaean rtnga rien continues its fundraising efforts in October
with its annual Diva of Darkness Pageant.
GLSO Board Report The pageant will be held Halloween night,
Last summer the eo Ie who October 315‘, at the Bar Complex. Doors
. . . ’ p .p will open at 8:30 pm and the pageant will
partrcrpated In the Community Forum contin ed on a 93
came up with many good ideas of how u p g
GLSO could grow and offer benefits to 131,"? .‘f‘ 3;". 1" l] 3,7 .‘ ‘
our community. AFinancial Committee . 3':
was formed at thattime and has helped
us improveourfinancial stability. a e on i.
The board is now doing strategic
planning to evaluate our work, to Saturday, OCtObel' 27 .'
consider our mission statement, to - :‘i,
determine how to further improve our Smgle 3 Center
infrastructure, and to prioritize our work is 257- 4929 I
for the next year or so. To learn more 'Q _ .L
about what we are doing and to find i JUStFUND KentUCkY f;
waysyoucan help,seepage6. j- , gm kw. , 4, _ _ y ,»

 Bill Petrie: Documentary and Art Show Thursday, Oct. 18
Bill Petrie painted screaming angels, continue to have. It is a look at where a
talking cows. drag queens. cowboy8. Elvis generation has been and how the
and Jonas Salk, landscapes lit by shooting collective memories of a group are
stars, mammoth hearts beating wildly in the held together by one common thread
Sky' athletes dancm? Cheek to Cheek' and creating a lasting legacy and tribute to
scenes ofsacred solitude. th . f' d b th I | d
"In DreamsAwake"istheheartfeltstory err rlen ' r0 er, unce, 9"” an
of Bill Petrie, a prolific painter, tobacco artlslt. More Informatlon at
farmer, political activist and passionate Gay htt ://Indreamsawake.com
man living in rural Kentucky. The .,...._.‘ mm m .1 m,“ beg/1%
documentary is making its Lexington " fii‘m""“"‘f‘§ e.’
premiere at a special "one night only" event 4 m» 3" '
at the Kentucky Theater, Thursday Oct. 18. $31 i
In addition to the documentary, the -3; 4/ :
Kentucky Theater Gallery will be filled with 3/4. 2;" f l
paintings by the popular Kentucky artist. ‘efigeeeeéiu J l
Guitarists Duane Corn, Murray Holland and “”«t'jgi‘zT‘ fie ; 1
Bob Elliott who are featured in the film's ”‘11),"
original score will perform. ' it” .I
"In Dreams Awake", created by “‘81: *
Kentucky filmmakers Ed Commons and .ee: - ,__ W
Thomas Lee Brown, premiered at the
Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film
Festival and was most recently featured at : WW/ ' G Y A
the Rhodelslandlnternational Film Festival. “Z:/ A ND
Described as a documentary about 3, I- E s B I A N
love, "In Dreams Awake" looks at the man, ,1 W, SERVICES
his work and the impact his life and art XS/ORGANIZATION
*: ‘ ,— \ .. \ Lexington, Kentucky
/ .. , . .
, L” y}: ‘ \. *l Publishes the GLSO News Monthl
Ag.“ .~‘> t» \ VOL 22 No.9
. " I: . \ .\ , P.O. Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588
/f '5" e f :\ ti www.GLSO.org
V . ”"13“.” ’ duel} l~ ”bi . —-
l . _ , . be ‘ Pride Center Office Manager
3 m ' Bill Chandler
\ _ , ; a .
._ m) A , l l; 859 253-3233
_ é, l News Editors
( V M 1. / 2 Mary Crone - Sarah Phillips
Garage Sale Oct 5 & 6 team a 263me
w l
Page 2

 C 'ty News

MR- KENTUCKY [EAT/7’5]? 2008 Imperial Court ...continued

The Mr. Kentucky Leather Contest begin promptly at 9:30 pm. Cover is a
is being held the weekend of October suggested $5 donation.
19—20,atStarbaseQ,921WestMain St., The Diva of Darkness pageant is
Louisville, KY‘ Thejudges Will be: Rev. Halloween-themed with fun categories:
Dan Newman, Mr. Tri-State Leather Spooktacular Presentation, Halloween
2001; Christopher Schiefer, Mr. Dixie Talent, and Creative Funeral Wear.
Bell Leather2007; MarkAustin, Mr. Cell Interested contestants can contact
Block 2007; Bi" Howard, Mr. Kentucky Empress Lawrenor for applications or
Leather 2007; and Master Deborah. info at lawrenlamoore@insightbb.com.
The two—day event is Sponsored by You can also getinformation on the web at
Kentucky Leather Productions, Inc. myspacecomlimperialcourtofkentucky.

An opening reception Wi” be on This is typically one of the Court’s
Friday, Oct. 19' followed byaMeet and most entertaining and well-attended
Greet at 10 pm that will include the events, so plan to come out early to
introduction of the contestants, judges celebrate Halloween with the Court. A
and special guests. The contest Wi" be Halloween costume contest, raffles, and
held on Sat, Oct. 20' at 11 pm Doors Wi” other exciting activities will be incorporated
open at9 pm andthe coverwill be $5' into the evening, so look for flyers around

The opening ceremony on Sat. will town.
include a color guard, the Leather The Court has also begun its
Anthem and a Parade 0f Colors. Great Entertainer of the Year fundraising series.
Lakes Bootblack 2007 Riley Johnson Each year members of the female line
will offer bootblacking. Several gift compete to raise the most amount of
basketswill be raffled. money, with the winner being crowned

The contest is open to Ky residents, Entertainer ofth e Year.
including the Greater Louisville and Adrianna Fuentes began the series at
Greater Cincinnati Metropolitan Areas. Club 141 in September with Latin Nights.
Contestants must be male and be at And in October, Eve St. Mychal will host
least 21 years Of age as Of October 19' her show, “Fairytales: the Good, the Bad,
and must be ableto represent Kentucky and the Beautiful,” on October we at
at the 30m International Mr. Leather Bluegrass Connection on Winchester
Contest in Chicago, IL over the Road.

Memorial Dayweekend 2008.Thereisa In September, members of the
$25 application fee and the application Kentucky Court attended our sister court of
deadline is October 12' The winner's Cincinnati’s Coronation. And later in the
expenses for the Chicago competition month, we had an opening show at Niche
Will be covered by Kentucky Leather for the US. Hunk’s Hunkamania Male
Productions, Inc. For additional info. Review Show, and a midnight show at
and/or contest applications contact Mia’s laterthatweek. As always the Court
Larry Stanley, Kentucky Leather would like to thank the community for its
Productions, Inc. at 859-312-3816 or continued support of our fundraising
LDStanley09@aol.com. efforts_

I Page 3

 I nvitation from SisterSound Karaoke nghts
SisterSound, invites interested Tuesday Nights are Karaoke Tunes-
women to join the chorus. We do not days in the Gilded Cage Showroom of the
require auditions. Come to a rehearsal, Bar Complex. Hosted by Bill "Melater" ,
meet somefriendlywomen,try singing with Chandler, this event is a weekly fund-
us and see how much fun we have raiserfortheGLSO Pride Center. You can
together. help make it a success simply by coming
Rehearsals are at 6pm every Sunday outand singing a song or supportingthose
at Landsdowne Cumberland Presbyterian who do.
Church, 333 Redding Rd. For more info. Audience members are invited to
see www.geocities.com/sistersound or singtheirfavorite songs; bring your own or
contact Pattie at paowens@excite.com or use one of the songs on the CDs we will
have there. Friends and other audience
Trms/(e/Ifi/cky members will be encouraged to tip. T h e
_ _ tips will go to help support the GLSO
TransKentucky IS a support, socral, Pride Center.
and resource group serving Lexington and f
Kentucky. Our mission is to provide a safe Latin American FILM FESTIVAL
place for transgender individuals and
others who do not fit the standard gender Wed Oct 3 MY FAMILY Francis Ford
norms. At meetings we will support each Coppola produced this sprawling
other, offering advice, resources and immigrant saga that tells the stories of
insights from our own unique experiences. three generations of the Sanchez family as
Family, friends and supportive they migrate to California during the
community members are invited to attend 19203, weather the Depression and a
to gain understanding of issues concerning world war and lookto the future
gender presentation,identity, and variance. Thu Oct 18 THE OFFICIAL STORY A
The tglroutp $1583 on theLfirst Stat Of eachl moving story that details the collapse ofan
$0” Ka t ' k pm m.| exmg on. eTa' affluentArgentinian family asadetermined
rans en uc y@gmai .com or mee ing mother seekstofind outthe truth abouther
place and otherinfo. adopted daughter
Meetings are free and you may dress Shows start at 6pm at the Downtown
howefiertyiu feel comforterbleh The Lexington PublicLibrary. Thetheateris on
rans en uc .y peer group '3 no a erapy the first floor. Free parking is available in
group oradating servrce. the library garage, tickets validted at the
OUTsource circulation desk.
OUTsource is for GLBTQQA students ' '
at U. K. Their mission is to provide an lCXIIlQl'Oh [VON leather/[em Club
affirming, safe, and confidential space The Lexington Lyons meet the second
where students can learn more about Monday of each month. Join us Oct 8, at
gender _ identity, human sexuality, and the Pride Center, at 7 pm. The Lyons are a
Ljfiqtegs'séfiziggenlé hgtjlteulg $281335;th group of friends who celebrate strength,
morep inclusive of GLBTQQA students. unity, and diVS'SiFY for those th.’ enjoy l“?
Forinformation contact Susan at: Leather /Levr Lifestyle. For info vrsrt
Page 4

 ,l v, mm _,, ,fii,_ WW 7,, 77,77‘7s7#+#*w_#—~___#— 1
g n . 0F COMEDY ‘ n
: 1 — 1
A 1 Saturday October 27,2007 : 1
n ‘ Silent auction at 5:30 1
3 show mm 1
In Singletary Center on UK’s campus 1
on Lexington, Kentucky 1
)2 Tickets: $35 adults, $30 students - E
. available at www.uky.edu/SCFA __
. 5 or phone: 859—257-4929 45-2 . i
nd ‘ brought to you by: V i \
ft lustFUND Kentucky,|no. ‘ 1
{ha \ UK Gender & Women Studies Program :
hé UK Gay and Lesbian law Caucus K
isit ‘ u
' r1#—;m‘m#—“——W_#—V-_fiA—flr—w #ufl—W—‘WH Page 5

 GISO Pride (renter
389 Waller Ave. 859 253=3233 @pen ill to 3 M0 " IFlr‘ Ml '“ 2 Salt.
Garage Sale Oct 5 & 6 Prlde Center 89 am to 3 pm
6:30 Board Report Continued Stonewall: The Mom

The Board is also looking for new Pride Center: The Place
members. You will need to attend two _ _ .
consecutive board meetings and do some To celebrate ourihlstiory 'n Lexrngtoin
volunteer work with us before applying. and ourGLBThlstorylnthls countrywewrll
Our board meetings are open to interested be showrng Stonewall on Saturday: OCt
members of the community. The next 27 at noon. This film IS a fictionalized--
meeting will be onThursday Oct18. although accurate—- account of the events

G L S O h a s r e c en t l y ta k e n surrounding the 1969 riots at the Stonewall
res onsibilit for a arden plot at the Inn that is credited as the beginning of the

Arboretum. We are i modern day GLBT rights movement. We
looking for more ways i, e? ,. will providethe pop corn
to be part of the larger r35 933$! ‘ V . .
community. «a: .9 IEXII‘Q'I’OII Ins-9h}
.. - 1% 8 Beginning in October, Lexington
Insight will meet for Potluck on the first
_ '~ “an. Friday at 7 pm at the Pride Center. That
. a be, will be Oct.5. We will meet on the third
‘ Nita Friday at 6:30 for our Insight Out Activity.
0 ,; This month we will be going bowling at
. . Southland Bowlling Lanes on Southland
Discussnon Group Dr. Join us there on Friday, Oct. 20th. .
Every Wednesday Night Dana is the coordinator of Insight and
7 to 9 can be reached at 859-230-2428. New
All Are Welcome people are always welcometojoin us.
G150 can use Your Help Low Cost Printing at the Pride Center
call Mary if interested 266-5904 B l .
ask a :1 ill e .06
1. Subscribe to this newsletter - $20. Fill " w t S
out the form on page 19 i i s
2. Work on the newsletter - we could use co'or Pr "I. "g o 50
. someone to take pictures around town to call 253-3233
print in the newsletter, several people to
write columns, and help with advertising 3 89 wallet Ave.
5. Volunteer to keep the Pride Center
open one Saturday a month 10 am - 2 pm.
6. Start a group for parents of GLBT youth. Could be afliliatcd with PFLAG or just
a discussion group. We have parents willing to help.
Page 6

at Scott Ackermom Real Estate Service With
3 ’1' “Esun's “YE—[QILE‘JIW
ton if N'I'EGIII'I'Y Wm
'“ , i” i ‘i z 'I \
3;, Illsnlcn'noi
‘nts ENTHuSInsm
vall Mobile: 859 338-8483 Q
We Fax: 859 269-0065 Sewing Lexington &
8 E-mail: Ackermanteam@aol.com All of Central Kentucky Q
Call me with all your Real Estate Needs
tat ~
w 4w. OFFICE: 8592252348
nd *‘ CELL: 502-220-5555
Member, Kentucky Bar Association; Fayette County Bar Association;
Louisville Bar Association; American Bar Association.
Section on Family Law & Committee on Alternative Families. &
National Lesbian & Gay Law Association.
- Page 7

 US AND THEM cragkeg ah beder bgttle ovetr1 thed blag:
su en s ea an was c arge WI
THE JENA SIX "simple battery." I have not seen a picture
by mary crone of the black student after he was assaulted.
. . . I have seen pictures of the white victim.
Oppressmns are l'hked' Those m The next day, black students at a
power “3? the same techniques and words convenience store were threatened by a
:0 descrifie motif they op pgess. b By young white man with a shotgun. They
6.3mm ow 0 'er groups ave een wrestled the gun from him and ran away.
discriminated against and oppressed, we While no charges were filed against the
can see some common patterns and '9?” white man, the black students were later
how to confront homophobia. By becoming arrested for the theft of the gun
allies to other people working to end That Monday at school a white
op pression(s), We can strengthen the fight student a vocal supporter of the students
foriuitice end gain a”??? t . J who hung the nooses, taunted the black
. . series 0 rac'?’ evens m ena, studentwho was beaten up and allegedly
LOUlSlana has been in the news lately, used the "N word .. After lunch he was
although the media has been slow to cover knocked down punched and kicked b
these events. The recent coverage, they black students He was taken to the,
have left out significant details. ldefinitely hospital but was released and was well
if e conneztions :etgnieen thls stery an: enoughto gotoasocialeventthatevening.
e way °Tn°p 0 .IC mime” S an For this offence, six black Jena High
behaVIors are ignored in publicschools. students were expelled from school
Last fall at Jena High School, two arrested and charged with attempted
black students sat under a tree that was second-degree murder. That charge was
usually a gathering place for Wh'te later reduced to aggravated battery. This
students. They had asked the summer, Mychal Bell, who has been in
administration and gotten permissmn to Sit prison since December 2006 was
under the tree. The next day, three nooses convicted of aggravated battery and
were hung from the tree. The prinCIpal conspiracy to commit aggravated battery
recommended expul3ion for the three (both felonies) by an all-whitejury inatrial
Wh'te students responSIble bUt the where his public defender called no
superintendent dismissed the nooses asa witnesses. During his trial Mychal's
"prank," and gave the students a three-day parents were ordered not to speak to the
suspen3ion. More Black students sat under media
thetree in protest. In.Se . - -
, , ptember Mychal BellsconVIction
The D'Sthet Attorney then came to the was overturned on the grounds that he
school accompanied by the towns police should not have been tried as an adult.
and demanded that the students end their The other five students have not been
frotejst, telling them, I can bel your best broughtto trial. Forinfo orto signaletterof
”eh or Y9” W°Fst enemy... can take protest, goto: www.colorofchange.org/
away your lives With a stroke of my pen. 'ena/7id—202h8 365668
This statement is often left out of accounts. We have not seen much coverage of
30 Sic: tren3iorljescaliteddand ofnJNov. the ongoing racial conflict in Jena in the
.' 8' aca emic u' ing 0- ena Herald Leader or elsewhere. Why is that?
High School was burned down in an . .
unsolved fire Later the same weekend a We ShOUId be havmg a national
black student was beaten u b whit conversation about this and other aspects
.p y . e of racism, homophobia, classism, and all
students at a party. The white assailant continued on page 10
Page 8

Living Out is the Third Stage
h OCT " COMING OUT DAY When you begin to tell random people in
e . . . . . .
l. Coming Out is a process. We daily conversations Without prior
encourage everyone to consider what planning, you have reached this stage.
a your next step might be. Stage One is That doesn't mean you have to bring it up
a coming out to yourself. Talking about in every conversation, it means that you
your internal questioning can be helpful. share it comfortably when it seems
3/ Atrusted friend or a a therapist may be a appropriate.
3' good place to start. For example, last night a doorto door
"r The Second Stage is to gradually sales person asked me what work I did. I
tell other people. There are many told her that I worked with LBGT teens
: benefits ofComing Out.As the numberof ans wellasteens at church. lthen invited
: people you tell increases, you will be less her in for a glass of water and introduced
: concerned about hiding important herto my partner.
I aspects of your life. Your stress will I did not need her to know, but I do
‘ decrease. You will be more genuine and need to stop censoring myself. By making
; spontaneous with people. And you will itjust part of my everyday conversations,l
. gain confidence that you are known and believe that | send the message that it is
i loved forwho you really are. not something that should be hidden.
People you come out to may need We have many pamphlets from the
I some time to process and understand Human Rights Campaign at the Pride
you in this new way. It can help if you Center. There are pamphlets on coming
i have information to give them. We have out as transgender, coming out in
_ Human Rights Campaign pamphlets for religious communities, and resources for
straight people atthe Pride Center. straight people,
Ann Olliges
Massage Therapist
/ ' KY LIC. No. 0926
Lexmgion, Ky. 40508
Ph '859421 lQlo
one. - -
- Annolliges@aol.com
Page 9

 otherforms of oppression. Racism Homophobia
What captured my attention in this Any Connection?
series of events was the hanging of the
nooses and the inappropriate response from Black students get called the "n word"
the superintendent. The nooseisa symbolof and white administrators may or may not
lynching. Thousands of sadistic tortures and respond appropriately. But, most teachers
murders 0f black men (and some women and school administrators consider it an
and children) occurred during the end of 19‘“ offence that requires their intervention.
and thefirst halfoftheZO‘h Century. GLBTQ teens are called all kinds of
The term lynching came from "Judge" names in public schools: dyke, fag, queer,
Lynch who established a citizen's court to etc. Very few teachers or administrators
provide a way for people to deal with horse intervene. "That's so gay" is spoken so
thieves, prostitutes and gamblers. They ottenthat kidstell me that when they object
were often tarred and feathered and run out many students who use the expression will
of town. During our westward expansion, say it does not really mean "gay." it is an
"lynching"cameto mean vigilante hangings. expression that means something weird,
The term changed meaning again as uglyorgenerally bad. Right.
southern white men sought ways to remain GLBTQ people do not have a history
in control of former slaves during the of oppression that is passed down in their
Reconstruction Period. Lynchings became family. They are, therefore, less likely to
public spectacles where a victim was slowly suffer from generational oppression in the
tortured to death. Typically. pieces of a same way that black people in this country
victim's body-- fingers, genitals, ears and do. We do have a history of oppression
gorged- out eyes--were cut off and thrown to that has been buried, but it is not inherited
the crowd . The victim was often set on fire, . in the same way. The flip side of this, is
Pictures were taken and passed around, that we have to come out to family
with some being madeinto postcards. members who may not understand or
This history has been buried, leaving US accept us. We do not share our oppression
ignorant and allowing a superintendent to with those who love us and home may not
say that hanging a noose is a “prank” rather be a safe place.
than a threat. Lynching was terrorism, used Is there any terroristic violence that is
to intimidate and enforce white power and directed at queer people? When a gay
privilege. The "crimes" for WhiCh men were man is murdered and buried with his penis
lynched included alleged murder and rape, sticking out of the ground, that is an
but were more often actions that intentionalthreatening act. When a man is
transgressed social norms. For example, not beaten and left tied to a fence to die, when
getting out of the road to let a white person our bodies are mutilated, and when our
pass, looking at a white woman the "wrong graves our desecrated, we are all meant to
way". making moonshine (a white man's get the message. This violence does not
prerogative), hunting on white's men's land. come close to the years of lynching, but it
Some say this is all in the past. The is aform of terrorism meant to keep us "in
nooses on the tree in Jena say othenivise. line", inthe closet, and fearful.
The tree was actually called the "white tree" My goal is not to say that we have it
and the students thought thatthe black teens "as bad". My point is that we can learn
were transgressing a social norm by sitting from other forms of oppression and other
there. The tree has now been cut down, movementsforcivilrights.We can become
which is indicative of how the school system allies to others, even those who may not be
thinks the problem will be resolved. comfortable with us. The more we work
Proclaim that racism is over, and go back to with and for them, the more comfortable
business as usual. they will become.
Page 10

Dire etc
i" m
at GLSO Boarb:
's GLSO Pride Cenlel iBllll-----------------------253-3233 Lex. Lyons Lea’rher/Levi Club (Pouiii........39o-o9so
n GLSO BPOFGISOHGFGJJ www_|exlyons,org
D'SCUSS'On Group “3”” ------------------------253'3233 Lex. Human Righls Commission.............252—4931
)f GLSO News (Mqu)-----;-----------------'---"-266'5904 Lex. lnsighi Group(Dana)................859—230-2428
r SUbSCllPllonS (Billlm-------------------253-3233 Louisville You’rh Group......................502 894-9787
, , Speakers BUFeO'U {MOFYl- ---------------------266*5904 MACT Men of All Colors rogeiner (Jon)...351-4453
8 Youth, Gay'STraighi Alliance (Mary). . . . 266-5904 ......maciky@aol.com
o GLSO emGll-------------leXlngionngO@thOO-Com Moonshine Bears ofy (Jim).,,.,,,,,,.,_859 299-2047
:t GLSOWGb page ----------------------WWW-QISOpC-Org ,,,,_,,,_,._..,www,moonshinebears_com
ill People for Uniiy & Falrness......................803—l 130
n Smbcnt Groups: ...................CUFCKT@aol.com
l EKU Pride Alliance...........alliance@yahoo.com Pride Alliance of Ceni. KY. (Gary) ....859 236-4547
’ UK Lavender Socieiy...uklavender@yahoo.com .....................[Shane) 859 854-05
Moorehead Siaie Univ. (Ned).......606 783-2294 ............pridealliance@yahoo.com
y Berea CollegeACE League (Ryan). 859 985-3633 PFLAG (Ed)(859) 200-9512
ir Cenire College [BGLAD-Mykol]............238-5332 Pegasus Travel........................................253-l644
0 Rainbow Families of Lex. (Cheryl)...........533-6309
e Anomqmous HIV Testing: Sienna [Gender ldeniily Lou'ville).....502 346-5298
y JessomineCouniv..............................885-4i49 SislerSound(Pollli.m...-m..----.-.-..------------806-0243
n Lexington, FayelTe Couniy..................288-2437 Sislhos in ihe Life (Joan).-.m----.-.-..---.-----252-2657
:1 Madison Couniy,_,,,.,,,,,_,,._,....,...,859 723—7312 TronsKeniucky..............Tronslel79:‘.'*':22;:"t»: -r-52131:.thitzve‘iwwmlza't: avatar-2r“: rze‘awweséaxszzu 7~1£9‘r;._-;.’v:_r»1 =”".“.'.":‘,5'-.:Lz; centenaevzhzrhea-.5325 ‘xfiiaz'o‘LFrtgunavfiiar.’17'.“Ltori;r..;,7.@.—5,