xt71vh5cfn32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71vh5cfn32/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1913-10-23 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 6, October 23, 1913 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 6, October 23, 1913 1913 1913-10-23 2015 true xt71vh5cfn32 section xt71vh5cfn32  
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University of Kentucky
is - eett e   -. e ee e ee r -     e :1;-     x  
T Vol. VI t LEXINGTON, KY., OCTOBER 23, 1913 Ne_ 6
l ' "”__—‘—- "*’";—·—··
ur PRUFESSUII WHITE FRUM wlluclls *“°"" “"“ "““' Q AND [IANA SAT '° "*'*°"°* $'”°"“* °'•
3   |MPnESs|vE`8atur¤ay'• Game R••ult• ln a Scan ;—— r*r•••nt a Strong Play ln stall """'_
._ of 21-0 for the Ken- M", L°°·l spnchn °' N°“ wm Ampmthenar. cm"' 8°°°“Y L*“"°h*d *"d
|p••ch••, song and the Vlolln Jolnl *¤¤kl•¤•· B. Hurd °n T°°‘°° l 'Fhrcrt. llrummaxe and Dana present M“°" E"""“"“'“
In Peylrtg Tplypge Qg me —-— °' Mun"' that delightfully dashing mellowdram- M°""°“°°'
M•m,,y_ Saturday afternoon the Wildcats `; · mer, "Tbe Plgskln Pellet, or Shin- ';'
__. hammered out a 21 to 0 victory over THURMDAY AND FMDAY WITH guard Sam'»• ltevengef Saturday ar. H“"' Y°“ been °“* *° any °‘ ***6
J (mgm Ly; uy pggpg DEAN the team trom Ohlo Northern Univer- EVENWG MEET'N°°"Au‘ FREE ternoon on Stoll l·‘leld. The leadlng C“°’“* S"°“"Y m°*’““8“ Yen N°?
, Mn; °A~TzLlR‘ mug; sity. Captain Sc0tt‘s men hlt their —_— roles ln this annual open alr theatrl- W°u· wu certainly have been ml"'
co ..._ stride with the llrst whistle and lt was Mmm sewn yur. ·8°' 0n °°°°um cal wlll be taken by Herschel Scott mg ° mm "°°° °v°ry w°d“"“d“y
In chop,] not Thursday momlllg simply the old hght and the old pep °t bun. °° mm, d°l°8°t°° in um and Clem Fenker. and the principals °v°"m8_th° S°°|°°y m°°” in Cmpel
o the recall, and mldom, osoomblod that brought home the groceries. N°u°°°l m'°°"°°l "°°°°*°"°°‘ °h° are supported by an all·atar cast re- “° 7**5 'h‘“`p_j“'“ d"°p in “°"* “'“°
to do l.,,,l,,ct to tho me pmlollsol. The Blue and Whltet eleven lnhab- United s°°°°° w" dMd°d mm °°° crulted from the football squads or ““d "°· °" h°"· "“‘h°"· *°' Y‘“"°°"
wml, Bolllmllug tho oxo,.cl,,,,l,_ mo lted the 0hlo portion of the tleld all*"°"“ °f “°v°"| °°'°°"m°"" It MV the Univeristy or Kentucky, and the wh'“ y°“ h‘“'° b°°“ m’”“‘$· A D6"
cho", lss by Psstsssss Dun, ssns anomooui and the lssue Ol, the game pened that Kentucky was ln the Ohlo Unlvomlty Ol Clnolnnatll rospectlvelys mancnt organization has been elfected
"Rsss of Asssln Psssldsm Bssksslwu novorln doubt- ln the mlm quux valley and ls one of the States ln Tllls ls one of me strongest am_uc_ and a tull hour is devoted to re-
well spoke upon me boollly and lonp ter the kittens were sent ln, an`d they tm? uS°°°|°u°"' tions booked for the season by the h°°‘rS°‘l mr °h° mst public “pp°“““°"
ssss of ms dssd ssofssssss ms, ms mode good wllh one touchdown and al Pollowlng ls the program: s local monogomoml and has been se_ of the Society, which is planned lor
ennre career or wnlen ws. nnee wlth tucked sou- 2 T"“"°"‘ °°‘°"°' '°’ '"”"‘° ~¤r•=¤` ‘°‘3°· P‘*”°"· "E“"’ '·°"“'°“'° treme. ln me the tvnneate went eve.- "‘°"“°° “‘ "°°°“‘ ’°“” “’ °““’“""°"
Manly wml me very agony Ol the  lPetltio¤s," Professor James R, Rob- to Clscy sud fsusm sst s victory Over to have a more tar-reaching and cene-
dylng. We heard ln the music a l°m°°n' B°r°° C°"$s°’ B°r°°" Ky' the same team to the rerraln or 19 to mm whence upon me msmuuom
wntne snnaev screen of angels. all Q “‘°°· "“”°‘°· “°‘““°““ ”**"'°°° ls. Next saturday nre decldlne game T"° "°"°"“°'“ “"°“ "‘° "'° ’“°
abnrst wm. een;. ant when the an       l“"“°'“‘“ ‘V“’“° °”" “"""°“°" '° °°° or me series will he played, and Clem "‘° “"'” my "° '°`” °'“°"" ““· *’“‘
note came, lt was wan and melan- {Campaigns or 1793 and ITM", Pr°fe°` Fenker ls the only survivor ofthe ag- we an have a voice and can join in
cboly, much like the swan‘s rlnlehlpg       ¤¤¤' Richard C. McGrane, Unlverslty of srsssusn mst Hsksd the Wudcsts on the chorus, and there is no season
breath. Wisconsln. Madison, Wlsconsltt, lhsrs in lou. Old Clsm is sshms to why we shouldnt make this Lhoral
M “‘° °‘°“° °‘ "‘° “°‘" "“’ “"°“' ems ¤h•¤¤•• thc Aspect of t¤• 11:00. [mmm. ·""’““‘ '"“ wu ““""· ““d "° W"' ”"‘"  viigeza   l;iiluI!l;r:u-E;
9 NWS "-lcsus LO"' M MY S°“l·“ with War-Tug and Repeats History Q Mtv-n°°n s•“|°n` `watching Them or course' there are pure unadulterated joy and be a
_ professor Dull guage; of ls"` yur. I Phoenix Hotel Assembly Room. ten others who wlll wear red and ssssss sf sslds [ss Ksmssky Stats
Professor Melcher and Miss A. J. ;_ Chairman. Pl‘0f6¤S0l' John L. Hlll, black that day and they are all hug- coms out ness Wednesday night ass
llarnllton planned and arranged the Lost woooooooy momooo lllo Georsetown Gollese. Georsetown. Ky. kles. ssssd ss hsss with Ms Dsss ss
exercises, decorating the plattorm Soollomoroo ooo lproollmoo olmloo lo 2:00. Paper. "The Burr Consplr- The Ohloaus have been eleeplng pplcsssls dsushsm mus 'csmsssmss
wlth nowers and provldlng extra o ooorolooo llo oo Stoll Folo_ Look ecy." Miss Leslie Henshaw. Unlver- thls season. They rely on their ble __Ths Earl Klssls Dsssmssn ssd yss
”°¤” ‘°" "*““°’“· of teamwork ln offensive play. and my °t Cl°°i°°°u' Om°‘ 'u"° t° d° the haw w°rk‘ using the wlll never regret the experience You
A thing which was especially com- good lndlvlduol dolooolvo work. 2130. Paper. "The Historic Value old trip-hammer system of lltte wm so back to your mom wm; subs
rnendable was the tact that Mrs. oooood hlolory lo looool llooll_ of Kentucky Folk-Souss." Professor plunging, with a deadly shift to vary mss mslsslss slsslss ln your soul
Dantaler, the pleaslng urst number Too Soolls wom lolo lllo some Hubert G- Shearln. Transylvanla unl- the style or slaughter, The \Vildcats and ms sssuns wm bssls ts show lm;
°¤ the Y°**"'“ l°°*“"° °°“"°· was °b‘ flushed with the victory ln the pre "°"m" L°xmgt°°‘ Ky' wm haw their hands mu Saturday rnedlately lu a fresh lneplratlon and
tained to render a solo wlth her usual ooodlog doy-o lug_ol_wol.’ and mls ovolo 3200- EX¢¤l‘¤i0¤ to Ashland. home lf they intend to take the Clnt-lnnatl sssl for wors-
s we edmlpeble eepeplllty_ The eptll-e conodcnce probably lost mem ms ds or Henry Clay, and other points otlhunch lnto camp. V _s_ s
hour wgg one of gxtrggrdingry prglgg clsloul The nrstsyessr msu fought llll6l‘68{,   lll slplle of U18 good Bl\0Wll1§ llllid€|NOTICEl JUNIORS AND SENIORS.
and h0l10l'[0 UIC distinguished teacher. hard during all Your quarters and \,h._ EV•nln¤ 8.“I°n.   [IIB Blue Bild Whitd t*l\*\ t*|l lll [hu`   Juulgrg and Sgulgpu arg ud.
ICIIOIUY and friend- tuauy won u victory in holding the Phoenlx Hotell OHIO NO".h€l'D KBIDB, the l9l*llll Wllllvlgcd lt; [go]; up [help credits ln Mui.
-·—··——······""" bguyler lg-, sc0l·ele,,_ sloo on ms Annual dlunor of me l¤c9d UW ¤¤l>D0¤‘!· ¤10¥‘¤l Mid V0<‘¤ll Ulltary Science at the Registrars oftlce.
NOTICE T0 eTUD£NTs. The Fpeeltlee etertetl off wltl, ll peel, Aoooololloo lo oo lollowoo by all ¤V¤¤‘Y ¤¢¤d€¤¤ in the U¤l\'t‘¤‘¤h>' lun- No one wlll he graduated who has not
,__ _rlom loollly on ll wol,o_ond lorood dssssss by Psstsssss Asshlbsld Hsu- certed yelling by every Ulllll aud had two years’ drill or who has not a
Professor Webb will besln a coach the Sophs back to then e.y,p·n llne do,,oo_ Mm Doom Broolllnrlom Woman in the University is thc nudlble proper egepee on the tp lllg etttee
class ln Sophomore Physics next where for the nr-st time the l6’s rea- Judge ·rh0me, gtlell,y_ and Otllere "°d8" *"°" '° °"°'y w"°"'“ "“ me BY °'d‘" °f “‘° C°"""'="“’**'“·
W6dllBBd8y for all those who wish to llzed (.h8y WSIB p&l`I.lCl[)8[lll§ lll R fuot·| The gugukurg at [hg banquet on Fri. neld that the student body is b""l"d; {Signed) HENRY MARSH*
s make up W0l‘k. The hours wlll be bull guula '[`hey held *9nl [ol- downs day nlsht wlll be ulllauy well known himr wln or lose- Everybody (MUN" Caplulll ljlld Adjlllglllp
from 4:30 to 5:30 on Tuesdays and and beeted out or dullllol-_ Tlloroollo, olllmns of Lsxlngmus On Ssmsdsy out Saturday and yell the Blue nndl __________s_ _s_s
Th“"d·Y'· NP °h“$*?‘· the S0l>l¤¤ DU\Y9d bin by MB mornlug an additional paper wlll belwmw to view"'   NOTICE!
————-·——·-·—···· ¤¤d Buns- ¤°V•~*" ¤°*‘l°¤¤lY °¤d¤¤86¤‘· read by Professor Colburn. of Chlca· lnterestlng to citizens ot the State and' -—·-·—
l>_ w, Qrlngtqgdl world traveler, in! the Black and Gold HUB- The bull go, on "The Wrltlng of American His- espgclglly to teachers and students, Professor Downing wishes to an-
• national speaker, erudlte scholar. bla °"°"°d md "°°';°“*’d the 5°‘V“'d um- tory." A cordial lnvltatlon ls extended by uounce thut the observatory will be
as Ollle Jlmel and qlllto II Ol0q\lO¤t. with Leak for tha youuguwrs havin} The l8¤6|‘I\l UNIDO wlll be K6¤~ the association to the faculty and stu- open to Vlslt0l‘s 0ll 'l`ut·sduy lllgllts
All this and more ln chapel Novem- UW Nm °Y UW vnnuns *"¥“”‘°“*· tucl¢y's history until about 1840. and dents or the Unlverslty or Kentnckylouly. All other nights are for classes
h•r 18 and absolutel; tr••l "—lE oo; ol this should make this prosram very to attend all sesslons. alone.

 ‘ •
` •
~  r_ '_   Fr; ;; -  `_"` """";‘* """ " " " ""` "' [ __
` —·--·- M  ...._.—"”` "` ';_` °`"i
’ 5 CENTS 1
FIRSTCLASS IN EVERY APPOINTMENT. J. H. BTAMPER, Jr., 0wn•r and Manager. OPEN 10 A. M. T0 11 P. M. l
5375 "‘ `“" ‘ ’ ‘ I ’ `   "*‘ ‘ 2 x:    W :·:: .··—·—1·;r: :··~-~ ·     """"?i‘;;. L;J2rjacs;@j;ji;T_;;is._-M—— YS; iw l • ·
STUDEN'l`S' V M h ° I E ° •
I •
State i l €C 3fllC3 l1glIl€€l‘l[lg { LUBY & ALEXANDER
  l ` {Editonln-Chief ........................................... W. C. Crou '14  _______
f BARBER bl-IOP1 mmm Emma
1 ` SEE OUR P ·
¤ . ..     ..m......... 1       1 ·=¤~*···¤*¤—·- . '°.“"'l °F “°°“"S
K K   10 CHAIRS IN USE. Jun". won ,16. H_ T_ Wn,. .M_ Rangmg lrom $.22.501¤$35.00
€nt\\C y { NO LONG wA1·rs_ W O arummmg _17 Roger Thornton ‘14.   "*—`—`—""`
‘ . » I
(;0(;SwE1,1, 3R()3_ Pm S_       _A__ g_ v_ n   .. ‘*“’“·"‘ w°“""""" ""’
Oilers free tuition in all dc art-l H _" A-~—hl   l md FIT Pl Ak N'II~ 1
P .s-.. -1 _ .,,e.,..   I THE COLLEGE OF MECHANICAL l¥‘l€¤l E¤¤l¤€*‘¤‘l¤¤ l¤ great TGF twv s. 4*--*..;-.* ` H) l
ments except Law (0 graduates [___ \ AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING "_mmm_ ‘ ·····-  
°' K°"‘“°"’ """` S°“°°`° "“°1 JV   ` ’ .-1... ‘ ....1.....         HOME 0F $2.00 nm • · ·
°’° *"°*’“'°d "’ °“'°' ‘l‘° F'°°l"l 1 ‘/V ‘— l   Wm qeeondn students. M.- mu 1.. m `l—`l`——"_———"··‘ l
. .l r ' .. . , ~ .
man (j]a,,_ i /1),,;%/   _\ ` fl I I|1e(0lleKe of Meclnanlenl and lulec- Obey K BIGQEST UNE OF CAPS IN T*|E
I g ·. ‘ · ·— lx; » Itrll-ul Hnglneerlng of the llnlverslty '   Sl 00
Each county an nhe Same isi *4 — _ vi TV of Kentucky wns <>r¤¤¤1lz<»d by Pro- ’ —*_ _-`nn-l -.  -_-_._ __
· entitled to Sen,] FREE of {ui-} 1.1 . A .· '.·.-mw 1*. Paul Amn-mm m .1111y, 1am. °VN*'“'° EN°"`*EE”'"° $°°'E"'Y   &  
tion, maugvulaggonv laboratoryi ·   , A The original faculty was comprised `  
and other fees, one or mcrcr l"" "lgm l““"“"t°"‘ "“‘l lt l" lm"` FA}; {LI; r;:;;;h;g)0;; gcthgl PIT; 145 E- MAIN Opp. Union S|..|.¢•n
app°jntee,_   lestlm: to note that the course of ‘· u· Q ·l ·°c‘=‘$
[ P `smdy at the beginning was strikingly on The Romance of Science, lllue-
l • trutlng his meaning in 11 most strlkln     and   S
Necessary expenses moderate. slmllar to that now pursued, the only 1 K 4
l changes being the addition from time and unique manner by reading P°°`s   and  
For full information regard-i     to time of such subjects gg have bg. NTT? Tll0¤B8¥\d\h Bhd One Nlght," in  
- · , h Cl the author personltles the great
{ng gpp°|n[;eg_ cgurggg of gtudyn (‘0m€ ESBGIIUBJ to l"I10d0Nl €IlHlIl8€I‘l¥lg. W
H, S, BARKER, Ebug al,.) for appearance sakc_ Y0u`p0ll<·y since lts inception. The mqgi. P¥‘0l'€¤¤0l` Flfquhurs lecture was · é_
P[¢$id¢n[, {aye judged   [hc appearance Oflllrll bUlldlI'lKB and P(]ulpm9n{ \\V9fe one Ot those rare tr€BBlll"€(·l   the      
Lexington. Ky, iycur teeth. ;(_m,(_'-um, deshmpd to mem the WCW cultured mind of the scholar reveals. I  
  · ' \ I
T I hon   Dccaycd‘ uncgrcd     dc- lllar r0q\lir€m€I]tH of 8 t(»*('h[`\i(‘ul Qfjhool TIIEI peculiar'} apropos $ubj€('t Was         Q
° °° ° fum. while good, ·,.,..,,d, wc11.¤¤m1 une m 11.1.1 1.me..mm .m the pm-. m¤<=·· ¢¤1<>v¢d by the ¤¤¢*¤¤v- ;2—:;-:   
Th I P •t C ekcpt [cet], attract Come and let of Professor Anderson, are as ade- At th? nleeung °f Ocmber 21· Mn
B     0. 'U, put your teeth in good condi, qname today ue then. Much new LY““i“·D°""*‘t;“*‘°‘é"*‘°d {T2; C°;“‘ J. D  
?[i0n_ For any kind of dem;.] equipment has been added, however, Darn ve perm ve °“ ° Bc"` °· ° ' 1
1 l Gasoline and Horse Deliver Trucks " (me .1)
k _ _ and the college today offers a course Y · °"°"" .
      Colne to `ec   EO'.   ng ponrlprehensive as that   the game meeting   sfjciety      
Pipes Rcpaired. Dr. J T Slaton Im. any other school in me country adopted the following program ar-  
. l The present faculty includes thlrty "““gem°m: ° 0 •
LEX'NGT°N· · · KENT-UcKYlH°u" SI12.; (5;-1§Ap;1¤ih° 864- lprofessors and mm.um,m_ F_ pull Aprogrum each Tuesday. partlclpat- RALSTON HEALIH $H()| 5
- . . . . n
   lAm1ere¤n has been dean or the cellegeled ln by °“°· "'° °" three m°ml’°”· FOR MtN V g
UNIVERSITY LUNCH STAND§ _ §..mc.. lts organization ln1891,and 111el°°*°°*°d °” **'¤h°°°“°°' °’°°’· *h° $4.00 to $5_()()
Caten exclusively to students l   number ot speakers, time of speaking
. . ISP & " d enviable reputation of the school at  
and Faculty of State Umvermy {     gpmsam is chieuy due to his capable and time of discussion at the d“cm_ • th
A, B, BA  land consistent direcuug tion of the program committee. The or c
¤<>¤- 8- ¤·~·¤ST¤~¤ ¤~¤ ¤¤¤=~ 1¤¤1v1¤¤¤1¤ since ns e¤¤¤¤11¤¤- ‘" "*° ‘**"" A“°“m° °' *9*2- ”°°¤ , °°”‘
1 l Anderson always alive to every 0 - lb "°u·h Lim-
Where you wm {md everything a 1 C W C _ment, 1200 of whom were matriculated · P *  _
commu; DRUG stone { ’· • hapman lm the College or Mechanical and Elec- l’°"“““Y l°" b°“°"l“¥ MB d°i”*"*‘ JOE BENCK R , p ·
MA?;°¤x*N:¤*uAE;UC;=¤ sizlzén g559 S. Lime Opp. Agr’l Bldpltrlcal Engmeerlng. 0: me 1085 gmc- ‘“""'· "“"°d “’g°*h°" *l‘° *"'°“hm¤¤ A T' Prov r 1
_ _ __ ____ ` "   1 uutes of the University since its estab- °l“““ °f “"’“h““l°’·l °“Ul“°°"” ““d 9* .
l lSllm€D{, 308 have received the de- plalugd *0 them the “d"°”“*$°“ and C   r   ’
greg of mm eouege, 11 total or 27 per b*’“"'“*‘ “‘“‘ "’““" "°"‘ °· °'“““ °" 107 South L|m••l¤n• se., opp. 1>1m...1¤ Ilgfgl
sem. §“;‘l:“:°:‘·mH° had “;’i ’“°"° |"‘““ FlR8T·cLA8s wom: cunmnggu P
The College uf Aleclgggxiggl gmdiuutb le T 1:% “ Ienil B engl`? asuc W`- MM   `M """ `“’ ‘
. e _ d R ' F
Electrical Engineering of the l'nlver· S mem W 9 meetng an Orme  
my or Kentucky mm produced ..Jm.·,;...l"‘°"‘“""'°“ ‘“‘° “ “°°‘°*y whlch my aurant ° •
canned me ··Mec11¤¤1e¤1¤ of ·11s.·· A11 "°*L“"°"°""“ *'°“'•· °'¤•*•*T•¤•¢¤•
percentage of able and scholarly engl- U h th { bi W _
neers who have contributed to the H-Ong! Ida ygaih `lgonfhly mseuulis ' w•   R
were 18 , an e es spea ers n ·
engineering evolution in the Unlted COI'l`\€I‘ U|)|)€I‘ Bhd B0|lV8I'
the University were secured for the '
States, than any other technical schooll —— e-__ .-- -.-._._. _..___ ·
ln America. The department ls fur `
    l better known throughout the engineer- {img yearsmeh membem T the so-   & CO• Q
lng and manufacturing centers of Cay' now Op Omm-es' ta 8 a new S“°°“'°" W SARRIB C CO. ‘
P S Y   S many SIBIBS Illiill lt ls lll K€DY.\1('ky, Isrtde intnsbslifcess Tad there is every   W•   St. l
und uxnong 1ue<·l1anical und electrical tsasonmo e eve that ui? organiza. BEST SPDA FOUNTAIN IN THE
_ · · . I · _ Y i on w measure up to ne expecta· TY. FINE CAN¤|E$_
We 31‘€ Lfle 0IL;g`lll3.Y.0l'S lll l..€Xlflg`t0ll of l'llg'll-Cl2l;§S t8.llU!`€(l ;:]gi:;;83S€;:;;s;i;;::§ ggiisdlgiz   tions of Professor Anderson. and vslll,  
garments ma e to your measure for ` . ·· '
.1... .. .1..,)...1.,. ...1 .1 tmmmg ...-11001 for ‘“1"‘“ °‘”" “°"’“· P‘"°"’ °’ ‘“°'° Schanga S candy Kllclwll ' ·
No No leaders in me promssiou vu ne to the engineering student than ng 8OUT·H UPPER at
LBSS More Students are trained and dlsclpllned any Single Musa-(i?m subject vm.- Fresh Candles Made Dally•
_ · through tl1e exacting requirements of Enid in the com-He` Pop Corn Futt€r8•
Posltnvely \\'lII`lll $’§3ll to $35. We lnuy our Woolens direct daily emgcs and dune., to bgcgmg in 8 mw l"`°“t’"' °m°°"‘ °' °l‘° M°“l“*“‘ LEx'N°T°N• · · KENTUCKY
from the mills 9llI'l`llll2i[l pg the mllltll€'llli1ll`S proht. All IWW shun time valuable elements in lC**l“ °' `1*’·" °"°*  
arments1·lh.· P . ° .J. .‘
g` lldl e ere resied Free one year Img handling of men in our large mlm xr W Uh Garrxett. Plresldent. Dr. .    
l l ' lureeturing and engineering concerns. G' Ali:] agzcrasiy rumen DEN'[`[sT
The polivy of the deyartme t l ' ' ` *· — • .
{_ _ _ I U mb Mr. Glunton Smith, Treasurer. any nl Bmk md " {
,1Ll\\li)b bvltll to Ptfqllllé U18 YOUR; lllllll A ul d
I . lu) UVB up to the highest ideal at Worx 1 gl LIYIALEU l:6(£!.Ul‘B wlll be §lV9n   ;
· lu:.d l'&'li\l.lUllBlll]) to orgunlzed uutl1o1·· T Evisgl ur t ' D me new chemisv HAND ”Ant
»           1.... lead- 11 ··   ·····*·"   ¤¤¤· M 0* KENIULKY PEN ‘
W ‘ g . . · 4 the "Mechanlculs or ’16" The sub-
_ 237 . Shllfl . K. .·. Opp. ( 0Uft House • ers of men or executives of rare ubll- ` d P
N t l ll ` `{ I; k l `¤\ if the lesson of respecting or-gunna jeu °f this l°°mr° wm b° “C"b°""°' an I|‘L0ws
ex (our to lllVt*l‘%l y no Store, ; ` ‘ ` ·» .
lllllll has not been well le·u.r11ed. _ dum` and an expert of the ('urb°rum` Mi-. M·tuO s¥iVQf· O {
'l`l · ll rm ·n 1-1 1 -- ·—···—-;————i——-— Phone 1* .
I IL no ege 0 e1. uu eu and ble; (continued on page 6). 261

 ' .
sul mth
H      I   Money Loaned on all goodsof Value.- I can save you from 30 to 50 per cent on  
Dnamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Em.
LICENSED PAWNBROKER. ll0 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. phoenix Block
·     _M`:S ’—_    umou LITERARY •¤c•s‘rv. I "KENTUCKY'8 •ss·r·· DOLLAR SAFETY RAZORS
UI ———-—— ‘
Wlll is 1 lll lllS WI will D8 lIll¢I'€Slt‘d to kIIOW II vm U" I" S °`°° I" `”°'°I" ”°°”I°° CREAM FLOUR Enden Keen Cutter'
I p y g y Saturday night, October l8, and ren- HMADE IN k'x'N°T°N" and Ever R€adY
Q           d€|’€d I VETY d9HKh(ll1l pI'0§l'lm. The       C0., JUST WHAT YOU NEED.
$\5·00 Suns fur ’|0•O0 I $20.00 Suit '0r$l3.50 devotional exercises were conducted lncomnnted C
" ° ` ` the society had expected to hear Mre °  
We mak every Sui: and ,uarantee Fit and Service J- H- *’°Y"** *°“ ¤°¤¤*I ¤¤¤ <>* *1** lm- Akmkgad Coal go' www smear mu ¤•;¤A¤wAy
I _ ’ pomm trips an days or yon-, snmned, nthT8€|t€ and Blhlmmous .—;. ..w--»._.____
I nc Price""_>p0t C8sh"_ plain Agures "Down on the Rlvsr Gre·en." lle gave    
' » an excellent descrlptlon of n stream. Lexi;] Um - K t k I
I I g • enucym At.L·r•-ost.
g|’QQ|'| KB Qmféfaldi [h[‘()\|gh the Penny- ”*"""—"r*’· ·· ~ —~—~——-·—r--~;-»-- M-.-      
rlle, and related many lncldents of W    
Inmrpontrd . S.      
. hls flrst trlp upon lts placld water. -70-
_ Mr. H. D. Graham then followed The Sgnnayy Qrocer TS.
I {       ST. Opp- Phoenlx Hotel \ wllh 5 poem as 3. select reading. If PHONF 720 ’ ,
 ———-   piT;:*>· ¤·w<»··¤ ¤<·¤¤»¤— ·¤·¤ ····» ¤~·¤ rm of C S [_ ‘ _ _ _ Hlllllphléy S Slud|0
constructlng the Panama Canal will   ‘ Ame    
J. T. LML L. M. I-ML Egg"? Qrsucfgssérthiy Should hug 341 W. MAIN- sr. Phoii was.,
. S rI‘& Y GXDOUD ‘ •
THE (]()LLE(;E MENS STQRE many mm and lncldems concgrnlng     I·cX"·§t0n (-IHF c0lll|l3Ily
the greatest englneerlng fest of any   I“°°"P°"8¥€d
‘ . - E CI
Phoenix Habcrdashcr ··° HAND WB °'“'°' °'
__________l_w____e___l___A_______l____ l_   A debate followed the lndlvldual FOI' All OCCASIONS    
• ""“”`"`" "S—S"` ``_I`   '—t"w“`S— parts or the program and discussed lg; WEST MA|Nlg§,Q;ELY'
¤¤¤¤¤r·=¤ L¤¤¢ ¤f M¤¤k·¤¤w¤ =¤¤ $w¤¤·¤r¤ me sum; ~~¤m»m». ml the lynch ._..._—._-
Call and let un make yo r Fall eult. law ls n ver j .tlfl bl   Th d b t '
I u was wel? lnanllllied aan; shovsedetltai     CO.    
I Pl-losmx Horn sun.¤|Nc Lsxmcvon, Ksurucxv um we pr U l d b d
IS 69811 Ol'! IB GED mi 8
{ upon the subject. Mr. Scharber and K_S_U_Re,,e,Pn,,,i\,e_ I ICE cant: PARLOR
`   Mr. Spencer defended the aiflrmstltve   LUNCH STANDS
slde of the question and were opposed The following are the otflcers of the 000 South Blmaway.
      by Messrs. Young and Elmer. After club; l' `D D i’‘‘ ““`;**f;‘;jj ·;fj;
` • UW Judges had Félldewd their decls- Presldent, Stonewall Jackson, Ar-    
lon in favor of the utllrmatlve, Pro- lmgmn.   /   
            I fessor Butt made u very lnterestlng Vice President, Jeannette Bell.      
I and instructive talk to the society. Fulton. I ·   I
        I After a short business session the so- Secretary, Mary Howard, Benton.     4,   ,____    
V             clety adjourned to meet again next Treasurer, "Speedy" Wahl. I    _  -‘ `?£a°I"‘f·&  
_ Saturday night, Oct. 25. The society --.-..;-—— ?'¤ - I  
Both Phones 154 Phoemx Block extends B C0., I F % I
dlal lnvltatlon to me A¢;•=ucut.·runAt. SOCIETY. I    ·
j, ‘ x. - .
young men of State to attend any and —-— \\   _ I
····-——·-———·—·——;—··-———— ——····——········ ·I an meeungl In splte ot the inclement weather, I ¢  I  
___`_"_“""_;`"' “""—"`_”“""""""W""""`S`_"SM _ the Agricultural Society had s large / 3    =I
E l M   B E   THE PENNYROYAL CLUB Icrowd out Monday evening, Oct. 20. I /   \~ s _ I 
' The Society enjoyed quite a treat   ,  
, '··—· •` ’ 1
The flrst meeting of the Penny-IZ}! havrlg an Tjdriulsrong gmtessor I ‘{  
‘ royol Club was held lu chapel last Fri- arqua mr on gr cu um erm no I I I "· · I I
HE  d t [ 0gles." ln his talk Professor Fuqua.- I ’ l' ‘ `I
Fon {Latch noimwor ilhelzugpcse of mgm" har emphasized agricultural liters- { N 5 (@4 I;
· m - I th as ec leb   ¤‘¢¤¤;¤ EB W,-8, and me gram an behind agricul-   cnacfm gl
` _ _ ocerso enewcu oseotet ·- I
LH E   old Jackson P\.1l‘Ch8S€ Club. ujsn interesting debate on __R8s01v€d’      
Af n d b 1 . s
I CHEMICAL APPARATUS, MlllERALs, ETC, gm‘;'b';“;anc°€2fm;t;j; ::;°°‘;a*;* mt mgm Tu on Land I. Dem. ig lI
. wt (lily lh! IITQCJ Sltltk tl Llb0I’ll0Iy Sllpplltl lll lh!   S. the date to be Selected later y . ableln was given         Ilowrry        
. . . _ ' and W. Rhodes, ufflrnmtlves and Mr. I , I
  Fmt lluslnty Suppln s Only Prompt Scrvaca. We now have in our new club. per- K more and A Camm Mamas   I
_ hav . l b hl 1 ` ` ' ` » I
I Analyncal Balances and WeightS_ lem: 1: tizgegclxgiu air: V5 han tally After some consideration, the judges]Ii   I
- Ono or Ou: Lending spsclsmes, I B wan O gave the decision ln fuvor of the at- W
make it the most interesting and most mmauves I I ·
1 t z03Egr;BT't:lggI AVE xtra awake Orgamuuon In Old State After u, short business rneetitng, the   H; I ` Nw ` ;   wi
• - · S YBBI'. I ¤
· _ ‘ _ society adjourned. Ij    
Q YORKCI I we publish helm" 8* ust of all me Every person enrolled ln the Ag-  
countles ln the Pennyrolal district of rlcultum] College is U,-ged tl, be.III    
  . II
    K°“‘“°*‘Y wld Mk every ¤¤¤d*>¤¤ Wh<> come tl member or the Agrluulturul II I
· c. c. masons. mmgu com camo Forma 0•uv•r•u II is "°"’ "““ ‘“S‘"°‘ ‘° g"'° *“ "“’*' Society. Whivh meets at the ¤sric¤1· II   ;_;_  A  
l I   name to me Secretary mr “m`°um€m· tural bulldlng, every Monday at 7:00*III  
  Electric Dry Cleaning C0 I           °‘     II A * `       '
• counties: Hancock, Daviess, Hender- _ , I' I  
·— ··*·· ··~~ *·· I I
232 East Main Street I sou, Union, Webster, McLean, Ohio, We desire to call all Seniors to thelII The Best 0{   lI
( l Hopkins, Muhlenburg, Butler, Ed- enforcement or the resolutions whlc·h|I'     H   I;
, • • • m0nds0n.Crlttenden, Llvlngston,Ca1d· we publish in other columns. Be   ol lng als irls I
n n I I _ s • , ~
      ’ well. Lyon. 'l`0dd. Christian, Logan, vlgllant in your observations and a.l·II¤ ·
MCI!. We Press Your Suits While You wail. I W“"€“· M“·*`“h*u· M<¤Cl'¤¢k9¤. URUO- Wuys discreet ln the manner of yourlw OES ctc. or aps  
I I Sh { Ch
NEW PHONE 1843 Y OLD PHONE 527 2   way, Graves, Hickman, Fulton, Car- admonltlons. D0 not reprlmund tlwld   { k  
· M“_H F Y   A____"___"d MVWMVW W nh A H* _A   ~· I "“l°· B¤U¤¥`d. TNS!. Breckinrldge, reculcltrunt sinner but merely cull his " a now  
  Gruysolh attention to the disorder he {Huy I   |  
_ I sl sv
-.....—— —.._-—·—._...—;;;-....—·—.:;—..»—.. ·--· ——-._.·..—;_—v —-~»—— - -.—....—-~r—··..-.·;;j.—._—-—·~. ;;;· We urge RU IWW ||l€lllbt§l`B to enroll arouse by wilful disregard, lu cases       I
’ ut once und to rome to our next meet- of vlolence the Senlor Council wlll 110*; I
The Niall S Store ms. l....w¤.,...., lultl.-t. II L k I
-——1...“....—_...___-_._.___--______,_e __III 00 €I'S BIC 8 W3yS I
I Fall Styles in Hats, Shoes and   Welcome I
*`¤*¤*S*·*¤¤ =·····*¤   Mw *·· I H E A D A M E A D E II I
ul ’
‘ tsxmcmws NEW vnuosvltts TNEAIRE I'  
I Graddy & Bradley I I
, J. & M. and Miner and 3 Shvws Daily Prices 2* l
. _ I
I Florshnem Shoes Stetson Hats I \ 2=·*0 - 1:30 - mm no. - zo, - so, - nov II I
I ; ~a' ¤
 §;;g_ijf;;;—;§#-r—;—--;*~;-Q:-;,~·~ 27 ·· ·E—— 5 A t d K' I IIII     1
, · c s an memacu or · 5   II
_ lophomoro girls qld grace to nc- lf we beat Clnclnnatl. who knows sa Rad"' Noun.   ·lNCORPORA1's0  
any mgmbgg wbgg will become uf thls town'?   V V V   — _ II

 • , •
I H E I D E A ' ·
Publtnhed •v•ry Thursday throuslwut the Collen yur by th• •tud•¤t body   l
of the 8t¤t• Unlv•r•lty of Kmtucky, tor the benem of the un-
der-graduates, alumni and faculty of the institution. t t N
 ·——-————·—--—;·—--__,_————-_, ,___..—·-,.~·_——·_.,__—*—.._....._—V· 1:.,..; • ’ ! · •
Tum mm ln the omclnl newspaper or me t*n1ver•ny. it is issued g_ 15 T° Se"' YW ‘*’nl' K°PP¢¤l‘¤m¤’ Fm! (l0llll¤l·
with the view of turnlshlng to lts subscribers all the college news of Ken- ,· NE & w ,,  
tacky, together with a digest of Items of interest concernlnz the universities · · lfll. Rrgll   · t .
f ther St.tes and Canada. " ,, ·· ,, ·
.3-l-—-;;jEr-——~;__—;·_______; g;; 5; ¢,;;;;;;,., ;.1'..;;...2.;;.ZLLJi. .`.1'. . . .T:1   · K n   | Mallory IIIJ S'Q'|°|\ H|hH l
Entered at Lexington Post U cc as secont cass ma matter. é   : · W ,
—;—.:;—.~ - . ébtrbith hi"' 1m_1t_ 0 And all •th¢r FlNE_ FUINISIINS for Men
S'I`ONE\\'AI.L .lA(‘KS(>N, l·1dlt0r·1n-(`hlel`. ('LYIDIC 'I'AYLUR, Asst Etlltor ·
Anociate Editors. Ofc A t l _
RUTH l\lc(`HESNl~1\', Society Editor lt. A. Ntllmls, Mgr, mtllwr CI¤•n.P••|••·••yACo-. nc. M•|¤•n t I     t I [
Student-. ;°,.um_ DOCTOR MACKENZIE t
vv. F. wmunrr, t~:dnm· A. s. n1·:Hn.nAx, Assnnlm. ”'*"E° E'·°°uE"T *°°°E°° Cor. Main and Limestone  
Bunlnen Sufi. — t
v, A_ ltA}mAG|·;, lznshn-ss Manager. t' ll S<‘ll\\'.\l<'I`Z, Sub. Mgr. M-rn" p"°°° Drum aww e M"'   ' T ’
0. S. Ro1.LlNGS. Assistant Q .• ‘r tnnmzn. Assistant ‘°"“' ""° "“"'°°‘“" e; ;.—.—_;;_. -,
~—- -·~—~— . . .4.--;e_;L.- ae. _-_... .   -. T"“""‘e'“· QT- [
  ” T rw S T U D E N T T l
EDITORIAL ‘““°" "“'“‘n"*‘ """’ “‘ "“"‘*"”‘"’ '° ... ....,.,,.4 lm ·¤·ua..a..y mornlna the l S I l
·--———--—·· attend to the duties incident to •·n<·h _ _ _
rp-45 Tunxgy TROT Ulgqntzuttmt YU" me quwttou NL students had the llltlmlllr ¢l+*lllilll ot Y0\It‘ Wants supplied here. We carryanew and ut