xt71vh5cd94m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71vh5cd94m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1963 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. Miami University, November 2, 1963 text University of Kentucky vs. Miami University, November 2, 1963 1963 1963 2014 true xt71vh5cd94m section xt71vh5cd94m V *\ _ - ,
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KENTUCKY vs, MIAMI Braclsliaw and neutral observers paid crc-dit to its improve-
_ »_ _ _ _     _ _ merit iu the face of some sensatiorial llingirig. The same
'Xlltlllll s lilorida lll.ll`l`l(.`LlllCS, il siiakehitl gmclirou aggre- Mmug right mm only A Week bgfom had mkcm this Wind Out
ljtlllllll lll \\`llll1'll l.l`Olll)lt‘ SCIJIIIS lt) illltlCll 1tSUlfi l)l()\\·` lI'1lZ() Ut the i.Ilu.I.iCum(;S’ Suik “~ith Ll ].c,COrd_l)uSting Val-dngc PjCk_
~ Stoll Field this altirruooii st~<.·lS \\'ill'*ll"¥ llll* 1* °"i“lb“t· ht lllb l"`l`$‘lb til i*"l"*‘l Nlltt ‘·’X‘ coiiricctiiig lar 25 coiiiplctious and 340 wards to up his col-
tramrtliiiary Ci.·0rt§t~ Xlira, Xliauii has the riatirsiirs second most h.,,i.1m C.1;(,H mh] to 3 T6;) \..Ud5_mOm'th.m No milcs His
- t·flt·i.·tix‘1~ passer who is i¢xpt·t.·t<·d t0 hll the air with foothalls next wlllpiptjon Wil] be XU 300
iu what could well be the str0ug<·st tcst yet lor the pass- Kcumckv COMMON with HQ Own rlcrirll AICC in Rick YM
K (llltlibl lll‘lll?l‘il flu l 4 A Um) 21 lyrilliimt and steadily iillpfO\lHg 50pll 5llOW1U§ 46
l\t*lIlllt‘l·1ll`(lll'lL‘lll that iietted lll?3 yards 011 lt) sllloirlst W;k)i`()“_n Mw hq two Y_iC,mrigS T V — L
(`(lll`l]7l(`ll¢)lT5Q l’vrry Loc Duuu ol. Ole Bliss t:ollet·ti.~tl lelf) arid " Li l `
thrwir Tl)`s tliruugli the air; Aiiliurnys _IllT`llTl}` Siclle pulled a
· switcli by utiliziiiq the pass as a dodge to gain l-46 yards 011
  lllL‘ !l`(lllll(l; Lll'l(l Cil‘0I`glEl.)S lI`L*lll€l'l(l()tlS LLll`1`§' liLll~(CStI`Ll\V C(lD—
3 llL}L'lt`(l lb tirr1i·s iu 29 tosses to pick up 180 yards aud a pair Edllbd by Keb Kuhn- Dlbbbibb bi Sbbbtb Publlblty
  (li SL_UH_5l Published by Uiiiversity of Kentucky Athletics Association
I   ll'lL* l{l.‘lllLl(.'l·(}' $t‘COll(lt`ll`}` ltlSt \\`C(}l·( §`lCldCCl iii   l
g §r[1`t‘ill(‘Sl gaiu to an L‘l'lUIll}` passer, l.>iJlll UK Coach Charlie ` ` "L ° " ` " l
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g ROAD RUNNER—Demonstrating his new-found prowess as a running quarterback, Kentuckys brilliant and steadily improving Rick Nor-
i ton sets off an a run that was to net him a sizeable gain in the second quarter at last week’s Georgia game. Helping in the play de-
l signed to keep the defense honest for the passing attack is tackle Sam Ball (73). Bulldog end Glenn Creech (89) is the potential tackler ‘
E stalking Norton from the rear.
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Closing out a four—year term as Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Bert Thomas
Combs is able to look back with a special degree of pride on a distinguished career of public service
that carried him up through the ranks to the chair of chief executive.
The 52—year-old public servant, who in his capacity of Governor also serves as chairman of the
Universit of Kentuck Board of Trustees be an his career as a law er immediatel u on radua-
tion from the UK Colle e of Law in l937 and later entered olitical life when he became cit at-
9 P
torney of Prestonsburg. He next held the post of Commonwealth Attorney for the 3lst judicial dis-
trict of the state and from l95l to l955 served as a judge on the state’s highest tribunal, the Court
of Appeals.
His distinguished background also includes service as a captain in the Judge Advocate General's
Department and he was the recipient of both the bronze star and the medal of merit during Army
service. i
Duran his administration as Governor an office to which he was elected in l959 the State of l
Kentucky has made outstanding progress in many fields—incIuding education, agriculture, industrial
development, highway construction and social welfare.
Governor Combs is a native of Manchester in the Eastern Kentucky mountain area and worked
his wa throu h Cumberland Colle e rior to enterin the Universit Law School. He is married to
Q 9 Y
the former Mabel Hall and the have two children Lois Ann and Thomas Geor e.
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