xt71vh5cd908 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt71vh5cd908/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1939 journals kaes_circulars_003_342 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 342 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 342 1939 1939 2014 true xt71vh5cd908 section xt71vh5cd908  ;.·,‘ lfix   ‘·~‘ w    » ~ CK »;¤~‘¤ri» \— ‘ e       V  ~, .,, / - .L   , , . .`
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  Prtttted ltnoleum ..r.........,_..,,,__,_._,........» -- l·’
rs¥"ll t . ttt Shf
 !§ l·<·lt-liaise linoleum ........t.t.,t_,___,_,__tt....,.»- -- ·· [rc
» ;; Rubber ttle ........4,......t,.....,..t,____..4,...... - V ll
 " ip tor
i t W
434 }
1 l

l 4 ""'
s 3 l
;. , i
Circular N0. 342 l
J ’ 4
2 l - A
P g " ‘
., 5 l- · t Q tj
__ 6 Floor coverings play an important role in home decoration.    
7 Next to the walls, they form the largest area of background in a I l
0 room and help to create its atmosphere. The color, pattern and  
"   texture of the fabric influence the effect. The appropriateness of j
‘ ‘ `I the style of the floor covering for the room in which it is to be used; ·_ l
·· if the choice of color and pattern in relation to the style, size, shape ~ · l
, . fl and furnishin s of the room; the ex uected wearing ( ualities in rela- " .’’t  
gl I K lg i , .> .
_ 10 tion to cost and the ease with which it can bc cleancc are nn- _ y_;ig.·
ll portant factors to consider when purchasing a floor covering. The  
ll illrestment in a floor covering usually means a considerable outlay " 
I IO of money and as such should give satisfactory service for a long  
.. · . - ‘ z' " *
` P€Y10d of time; and should be adaptable to the changing decorative   It IE
if sch if   ill
· s emes of the room. ii F', <·<
, rt   j
. ll A   »—2
_ Color contributes much toward the effect that the floor Coverlllg l  
, l l _ _ _ lv,. »_ _1
M Pi€$€¤tS, be it cozy or otherwise, Changing fashions slowly affect rig/ligri
I I_ the choice of eO]Oi· Of [lO()]· eOverings, yet a conservative cholee IS  
Il . · ;4·L‘¢.:4
' _ mi Olltmoded as the years go by as notlceably HS the 0h€ that was >;t`,;,j,#.g
· In strikingly fashionable for a brief period. __] 
· if The floor area of a room should appear "W€ighiY" enough [0  
· if SUPPOYI the furnishings, This weight is achieved by depth of {One  
. if and i“i€hHess of coloring, The combined weight in color of wood- y    
_ lit Mrk and furniture influences the depth of tone lI`l the ii00T· This  ·,A.r_,;
it; Should ilStIally be the deepest tone in the room, There IS 3 f3$hi0h  
W [Wifi toward lighter rather than very dark Col0r5- O  
Shhfllled colors are nsnally more pleasing than those that HTC ,_ 
[OO blllghh :\S floor coverings soon mellow, it may be desirable [0  
gm them Slightly brighter than the intensity desired later. Ih[€il$C  
mlhfs Stand out too prominently to 1ll2ll Whllc  
Colors too (lull may appear drab and (lC])l`€$$ih§·    
,2*; Q

 ~) A
, e {621.10: i `x ension " · l to. ..
it l I tt lg I; I Czvculm \' N?
, . l
t .i
  { Brighter colors than those generally recommended are permis-
E t . .
  `[ sible 111 very large rooms, as tl1ey have a tendency to decrease the
i   apparent SIZC, and 1n rooms not occupied lor long P€I`10dS at a time. mq
i . . ·
t E YVar111 colors, sucl1 as eggplant, brown, live-beige a11d dull henna. Im
lit impart a cozy lCCl1llg to a roo111. Cooler colors, such as dull blue and W
  soft, grayed-green, lend a restlul air. IW
i {  1     on
L     .llli
· .·        In
 1 2  · t;/J  
. { `     * l
I--   J ¤   ~   lhc
      ·#‘°"’     the
lr .5; »~§‘€? ·¥‘%;.’Lfet. In seldom-used rooms like halls and dining rooms. the  
[mUCl`ll may be more dehnite than would Otherwise be Cl10sCl1.    
Certain characteristics of good design should be applied to pat-  
WHS used in floor coverings, See figures 5, 6, and 7.  
-‘\- ·‘\l)S[l`ZiCL and conventional designs are more Zll)])l`0])l`l2llC f0l`  
it floor covering than realistic ones.  
I B- The main lines of the pattern should follow the structural   t_i  
_ llllCS of the rug or room_  
C- COIUPHCE distribution of pattern makes a better b€tCl01`lf.t?¤ ffl  
nds widihfz the rug, It should not be dominant lll color, piififlll 02  
{hc m·0· l\1rocc»~
2 41 8 1 to t
Qtri used in the construction of the carpet influence its texture. Varying
f·`F‘,  effects in texture are produced by two or three pile heights, by nu
LY}.  Qi ié Bi `A·~yl,   F I V show
t ` l »   ` ,;._“  V ’ ‘ F ` ,
if    rw iit   yi?  F l r   w F ·   ***1*
F _   "` T   egg 5}%     '  ` A   y t  P *t,»t   [rot
y»;··§  \,.~ f·.r Y‘.f*»¤#   Q     Y  Q ttyr F   _ _ x V t
es;      A   . ft·‘   yttt       l ·   _   ~ ¤  »5»  V , V I V · ‘¤  `* ( . .
  egg; V1 _ _.. _ F V M . · . mk
  _ F  `V fm   i` V 4 ' _ ‘ ‘ , on
 ly Fmmu: 2. A room scheme built around the figured drapery fabric combines inmeimli ·I-[
 lf textured materials in harmonlzing colors for wallpaper, carpeting and uph0l5t9l$· M l(
gl?  striped material repeating the colors in the drapery would be suitable for SUP €0"°““g ty ·
 {· upholsterlng one or two pieces of furniture. " ·
 31 . . · f
 cz Bhd uncut pile, by hard-twisted yarng, by nttbby, [Weed and pebblf l‘·lil
  Cflects, herringbone pattern and by two-tone design; These €ll€f"* T' l
f 1. . . . . . . t. - ~{ I
  WhCl1 well selected, give individuality and interest to the Ulllll lll
it  5 . . . . . _ I i ’
» 5 without disturbing its harmony and restlulness. A gluli dcnl U
·~ _  > . . . . . tr
{t g emphasis is given to texture in present-day carpeting. ll l
_‘Q . . . . _ _. ~   (`](r
  High-qllfillly matermls and a permanent twist are necC>>¤l‘ IL ’
t  l
.l { g

l .
Floor Coverings in the Livable Home 7 K  
quirements for hard-twisted pile carpeting. The possibility that    
. . . s 1
l0l1l> to consider when purchasmg this type of carpet. l V
rvinv ; 2
y rut v I
Price is no indication of quality; therefore, the homemaker V E  
should be able to judge and recognize materials and processes from i A Z l
which satislactory wear may be expected. lt 1S always wise to buy l  
. . . . I r
from a merchant of unquesuonable integrity. Most manufacturers i Q
advise the purchase of better grades of less expensive weaves rather i ¤§
than poor grades of more costly ones. For instance, a high—quality i _ {
Axminster would be a better buy than a low quality \Vilton. I  
    » -       L1·3=·-;-.:¢-.··.~.*Z=&·s·.=?2~i-?»;~;¤1·:<<:;A;»s¤;—y2:=>;¢;es:·t·2:·;¢¤;· .·.. +..:-:2 r s
      lr ‘  
Ji , ..»< { , q ·-Tx, -·-v.  
  ` ;;;»~.;;‘i.~.;—i?zt,;>>~’=2·$:; ·¥ .’·.»  A   .‘·‘ s .—I·£»2·3*>2;¢i;2—3@~;·;t»;¢s3;s;q•;ezis-;·a>:~s~;Z·x·i=2I$;<·1·x%—;» 5,
  Wi:. L2*z·*.;$¥ ‘`‘` 2*2:. »¤#?;i:§$=’:é>j ·· fir}L9?:`€>i%i€»I»§=ie§é§¤>iA;;3ii;2·§e§#x—;2’§·§é§·;i{§;:§:?*$5.  · »
      V i ;
 ·.2$<:¥:?;<§=>·*‘:f*: ·*?,»*il*i.·   .   *
     C? ji;   ¤ -»~· E l
rHé$!éz¥Z;?i#’;,¢*<§#,·{%%*#?*2    l‘Z ’ l
£·;wz*,s;,;;s;r,1{;T?··.·¤~ ·{·  .!j‘?S;r,a:,s»,, »..-_·¤•·—·   ;;.··~.  .....- ta   ,l..   .;.:,,.   .t,.·..·.·.e.,.l.·.,·· .·   »_· ·;   t-,. l . . l
o!.;£·i·v/»r:s'2·»Y$!%,:;.¢,g’4·_ er? ,·-··   ¢‘5*~‘·‘i;’.··»:?$··,·t |:;lt;¤,{‘ ·‘*iwi-·‘e¢··s{y~’§n··`¥i·.·§*rkI[aff:{*..&¢:¤;£*;·.£¥.i*:*3.f.‘.’ ' · 4
      l l
    ?55}$     if I ~ -*
    -         i “ ’ l ;
  l " ~
Ficum: 3. When plain rugs are impractical, select mixtures or two-tone patterns which l s.  
h°V€ H plain effect, Patterns similar to B may appear "raised" or "busy," ¤. quality un- l -‘·' ‘ Q
g;€;Q¤bl€ IH floor coverings. These patterns seem unfinished unless used as all-0V€l‘ GBT-   jg ‘
1;.   ’  ;
e ,   I
- I i
.2 iii L
when buying carpeting, it is advisable to examine the l&b1`lC v~<*, .;
UU`€lUlly lirst noticing the closeness of the upstanding tufts of )’&1`1L " Q  
ml thc right side, These constitute the pile of the Carpet. Tl1€i1" -4 A _- Q
wm FIOSCNCSS Zlllects wearing qualities more than the depth of tll€ pile.   {Fi
ihzoi lhcu turn the carpet over to examine the back. See figures 8 and t, .  
it Bad} lilly square represents a tuft, Close tults mean 21 Cl€DSC   lj
l"l"· lhe material should be again examined on the right side and   gl
, _ , . . V ·,ae·.s
‘l)blL i"l(lUl l)EtCk sharply sr) that the density and depth ol tll€ pll€ mil}  
l€€l*· IW ll0UCClc material from which carpeting may be made. CZ1l`€fl1llY  
Y Y0 (mlm `\\`(>0l hbers possess a wiry_ hard surface with 21 resilient, €1l)l`?l·    
Y/ .  

Fi V _ _ _ Y
;__ 8 lxeiitur/.·y lzxtensmrz Czrrru/ar i\ir). 342
  sion-resisting iougliness not found in solt w00ls. eoiimi, hemp or wh
L, .
i ; _]ute. sor
  \/Vorsted yarns are niade 0[ long wool fibers laid parallel and sui
1 `\ . . , . · . . .
Q;.} lightly twisted. These have a slighi luster and superior wearing sizi
  qualities. \\’00len yarns are spun l`r0in shorter, iineonibed libers. lou
} ‘
5  ~ I F»;· ,1,
iv i   V _ ’ é»?@sir;.;,_. _   _,
.         W, 7/Y    
      l’`'.   v·.¢   O .
  V { V *¤,·,;»;_;;%lCll }’21l`llS gives satislaeiorv wear when other [actors ale lm"' mn
if  l ' n
l    able.
  lute and lienip are strong. durable un-ns which are used lll *i“`
QV  ` . . . ' J - lll]
  PGI l)2`lCl§lUg to gl\'C Stfellgtll and stillness. l%(?(`{1[l$Q they (lClCllmmi ‘
l .
· P

tl s.
Flour Coverzngs in the Livable Home 9 .' ‘  
>or when wet, care should be taken to keep them dry. Paper yarns, l "  
sometimes used as a substitute for jute, hemp or cotton, mainly as    
and stulfers, are fairly strong when dry but disintegrate when wet. ()ver- l' * ,  
ring sizing of backing materials gives temporary stillness and is often   il
rers. lound in cheaper rugs. An examination of the backing material will .    
disclose strength of body or mere stiffness which will disappear   -.  
with use. _ A   °  
Rubber and pyroxylin are sometimes used as a backing material    
which locks the pile so that the edges of the carpeting will not fray   it  
when cut. Because it is possible to cut the rug without fraying the l` rl
edges, they do not require binding and may be cut to Ht irregulari— j  
ties in the shape ol` the lloor and for patches. E. O? rl
Carpet cushions used under floor coverings increase the wear  
of the coverings in proportion to the thickness and resilience of · -l 4·r·  
the lining fabric. Shorter-pile rugs show the greatest increase in  
tlurability. The best type of cushion is made of felted animal hair   f
tteélted with a chemical solution that renders it permanently moth-  
proof. Cushions are available for all sizes of rugs, carpeting, 1`tlIl·  
¤€l‘S and stair pads. The cost ol the cushion should be considered    
35 part of the outlay [or the new lloor covering.  
l"-",.[ l
Pile Weaves    
ORIENTALS. Few genuine ()riental rugs are now being made.  
Th€)' Zire works of art valued [ or age, rarity, beauty ol color, pattern,  
*ll€€1L quality of work, and hneness and quantity of knots. As  
°H€h knot is made by hand, it takes years to complete these 1‘llg$·  
()1`lCntal rugs over hlty years old are consitleretl Zlnti<]U€· _  
Modern Oriental rugs are machine made copies of g€nt1in€  
,,· tl]-t °llC$· The old, faded quality is l)l`()(lll(fC(l by means of W21Sl1iUg with    
billiii CllCmlC21iS, which unless skilfully done, may injure the f21bI`iC. $01710  
l‘lll€$ the (lye lails tc) penetrate [0 the l)0lt0m ol the ttlit Zilltl {llc  
lynx jllllerence ll] Sl]2l(l(`j ]]]2ly be ClCt€C[Cd by looking into 3 luih ']`h()  
rom] .“$l€i` ol modern Orientalg usually has an artihcial 21ppC31`HnC€- lt  
jml-. li fl mlSt3.ke to buy so-called Orientals from peddlers because [ht`  
mgg ?tI`€ misrepresentatigns for which too high a pl`iC€ is paid.  
tm" CHENILLE is the most luxurious and the most eoStl}' C211`])Cll!l¥,  
Wulf "'“'“'l¤€tt¤recl in this country. It is made of the best qtléllity of  

I · _ _ . .
L I lll /\(fl1[l(L`/{ ¤ lzxtertszozz Czrcular No. 342
V . D
T l . . .
5 I yarns and has a pile sometimes one and one-half inches deep. The \
I l tufts are joined into lurry ropes which are fastened to a woven wool mc]
g` I, . . . .
j   backing. The material maya be woven in seamless widths up to ;u-H
  ¤ thirty feet wide and may be made in any shape to ht irregular floor mn
  spaces. The range of colors and designs is almost unlimited. The the
Z   t ualit t ol` Chenille car ietin >· de nends u >on the ( ualitv ol the wool, {mu
I I _ ’ U
I   the number of the lur strips to the inch and the depth ol the pile. {OIG;
2 ·¤  ,, ,, Y _., _ ,, ,, , ,   ,,, "1>1a
. , _ ,‘{' ,»  j, ·   ye .·  —- V ·;v’y   · .   ·sFiT`   TYV `.·{~¥·"
l  l "°°"*' »·-V   *li~df/t`»`»g`*’#$¤;t*2"’**;`  Yi”r··’l"';“·é.;?£lf·zv°¤¥‘.i"%‘Yi'
      »!s· ff -!     
p,  ;      (*V·t ,;" (;q  V         VQ;      V @-Z.§v·;
I . H Mui , ~ g·~. ~.>. ~»’%·=1'¢p.~j»~ __.~,, yl ii'. A ~{·· .y_ l ·-Hg